Tetris Blitz Cheats & Hack for Coins & Bonus Spins - AppGameCheats.com

Tetris Blitz Cheats & Hack for Coins & Bonus Spins

If you’re unfamiliar with Tetris, then I’m afraid the old cliche “have you been living under a rock?” just can’t apply. If you haven’t at least heard of Tetris, then you must *be* a rock which recently gained sentience. Good job on figuring out the internet! For the rest of us, we know Tetris to be one of the most successful and popular games of all time- available on just about any platform- even my watch has a version of Tetris on it! Now, Tetris Blitz is the newest twist on Tetris published by Electronic Arts on the Android and iOS. It has over 1 million downloads so far, with a 4.4 out of 5 star rating from over 150,000 reviews. The new gameplay mechanics of Tetris Blitz are varied, and are best suited for those who want to play quick games of tetris (limited by time, not your skill!) or for those who are competitive and want to compete against their friends on leaderboards.

Tetris Blitz brings an interesting twist to the normal game of Tetris. In a normal game, random blocks fall from the sky and you defly twist them to fit in and clear lines. You started with a blank canvas, and were left to succeed or fail based upon a mixture of chance and your skill. You could if you were lucky and good enough continue a game of Tetris forever- there are players who have received a perfect score on many different platforms. Tetris Blitz, as its name might imply, switches this up by making the game fast-paced. You have a time limit of 2 minutes per game- plus you spawn in with random blocks already on the screen. The gameplay for Tetris Blitz is also a little bit strange- the game automatically attempts to calculate the best move for each tetromino that comes out onto the field, and shows you where it recommends you place it with a silhouette. You can place it in that location by tapping the silhouette, or if you prefer, you can manually place the block by swiping on the screen like normal tetris controls. It’s a pretty intuitive system after you get used to it, and it certainly works to speed things up!

There are other new things with Tetris Blitz, which serve to significantly change up the gameplay. I’ll go through each of these fairly thoroughly, as the changes to the standard tetris formula will determine whether or not you’re excited to try out Tetris Blitz, versus any of the other more standard Tetris games on the market.

Timed games mean you compete for score. Leaderboards among your friends or bots will give you incentive to keep beating your previous score-not only for additional rewards in XP and Coins, but also due to your competitive nature! This is the primary game change from normal Tetris games, as you’re limited to a super short game. This means that if you have multiple game sessions, you can play a bunch of shorter games, but it also means that this game is perfect to play on the go! The 2 minute sessions make it perfect to play a game while waiting in line or riding the bus. Even if you do end up having to leave mid-session, the game saves your place for you and you can restart where you left off- definitely a good lunch break game for playing in small bursts.

Powerups. There are various powerups that you unlock by leveling up (which you do naturally by playing the game) including a magnet that pulls all blocks to the left (line blocks are awesome!) or a laser that destroys a couple lines for you for free. The powerups must be purchased for use at each level, and cost around 3500 coins. Once purchased, they drop randomly during a level, and once you clear the line they’re in, they activate. They are pretty interesting, but not integral to playing the game. They feel necessary to get the really high scores, though, which is a shame, because most games you play will only reward you 500 coins- not nearly enough to keep the powerups on every time. This led to me having to play 5+ sessions normally in order to get enough money for the powerups so I could play a *real* match where I tried for the high score.

Facebook integration – This one’s a big pull! If you login with your facebook account, all of your friends who also play Tetris Blitz will show up in your game, and you can compete against their high scores. I highly recommend this, as it makes the game so much better! The game really seems designed for you to have this feature on, as if you don’t, you have to play against set high scores made by bots. You still get rewards for overtaking them, but it’s just not nearly as satisfying.

If you clear enough lines in succession, you enter a hyper mode, where a large succession of nearly-cleared blocks rises from the bottom of the screen, making it incredibly easy to score tons of points- and you can even get a great combo (my highest currently is 9 lines in a single tetronimo drop!)

Achievements. If competing in leaderboards isn’t enough for you, you can also complete 36 achievements for a reward in coins. These can be quite challenging. They can be safely ignored if you’re not into achievements, as you can complete most of them just playing the game regularly. It’s only the more obscure ones you’ll have to work hard to get.

Battle mode pits you against a human challenger as you both compete for the highest score in a game. This mode is limited by energy, of which you get 10 of- it recharges for free on its own over time. You gain medals and go up the ranks if you win, but lose medals if you lose. You also gain coins for winning, of course! This is a great way to test your facebook friends

Tetris Blitz Hack for Coins & Bonus Spins

If you are currently playing Tetris Blitz, you will soon find out that you need a lot of coins and bonus spins to help you get through the levels. It does costs real money if you want to get these items from the app store, and a lot of people don’t have the extra money to buy these items that often.

If you want to get coins and bonus spins for free, you need to check out our hack tool, which we have made that gives you unlimited amounts of these items.

Check out the picture below, which shows you how easily the hack tool is to use, with a simple options menu that guides you on where you need to input the values of each item you want to add.


Simply download the free Tetris Blitz hack tool on our website, which should take about 30 seconds, and then you will notice it automatically installs. You then will need to select either iOS or Android depending on which device you are using to play the game. At that point, simply enter the amounts of coins and bonus spins that you want to add to your account.

Press “Start” to begin the hack tool, which takes about 40 seconds to finish, and then just load up the game as you normally would. You will notice that the coins and bonus spins are added on to your gaming account ready for you to use. This hack tool lets you avoid having to ever pay for coins and bonus spins in the game again.

Tips & Cheats

At the end of the 2 minutes, there’s a ‘last chance’ feature that goes through your structure and removes all of the holes, making you score more points. This means it’s very advantageous in the last 3-4 seconds to just randomly place blocks everywhere, because you’ve got a good chance of those random blocks becoming lines, scoring even more points!


Use the facebook integration. When you first sign up with it, you get an added bonus of 70,000. So, not only is your game improved by having your friends play it with you, but you also get a significant boost by doing so! It’s definitely worth it. You don’t even have to spam your friends with invites or anything to get the coins.

Rate the app. This only gets you 1000 coins, but for a few seconds of your time, it’s definitely worth it.

Don’t be silly with your powerups. You don’t get many free ones, and so you should save your powerups until you decide you’re going for a high score run, then use them all! Utilizing multiple powerups is much more effective in a level than using them just one at a time

Play quickly. This might go without saying, as it’s pretty common sense in timed games, but practicing and training yourself to be quicker at placing tetrominoes will naturally lead to much higher scores- which leads to higher coin payouts and higher placement on the leaderboards. I find that it’s sometimes better to make a suboptimal move in interest of speed than it is to take my time and plan everything out!


Clearing 4 lines at a time gets you a score multiplier for the remainder of this game. If you manage to get 8 lines cleared, you’ll get even greater rewards.

You can save a block by clicking to the left, allowing you to save up those powerful line blocks for later use (tip- save them for when you can get 4 lines at a time!)

If you clear a certain number of lines within a short time frame, you get to enter a hyper mode- keep clearing lines in this mode and you get extra points. If you fail to clear lines, you’ll get kicked out and have to try all over again, so try to stay in this mode as much as you can!


While it’s not cheap, the closest thing to a ‘cheat’ in this game is to buy the two upgrades from the store ‘Second Hold’ and ‘Future Sight’, $5 and $3 respectively. These allow you to hold a second block for future use, and to see the next 3 blocks coming up. This will give you a significant edge over any opponent you might face, but are a tad on the pricy side.

And Finally, though it’s less of a tip and more of a common sense thing, make sure you sign in with your google account. Doing so backs up your account to google’s servers, meaning you can play the game across different devices and that you can restore your account if -heaven forbid- anything should happen to your phone.


This game doesn’t get too many points here. Tetris Blitz wants you to spend money- and it shows. There’s a weekly powerup that you can use once, and then the game wants you to spend either $3 to unlock it, or to pester 3 of your friends on facebook to use the app and let you have the powerup. The very system of upgrades costing significantly more than you earn per level, alongside the fact that there are upgrades that give players significant advantages (check the cheats section) for real $, with no way for these to be bought in game that certainly is unfortunate. There is an option to remove ads, but these are mostly unobtrusive. You can acquire some coins for free by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the main screen- you can watch videos and install apps for free coins.Overall, for the lack of ability to acquire the premium items in game, and for the fact that these premium items provide a significant advantage over those without them, I give the game a:

Our Own Ratings

Artwork: Tetris has never been graphically intensive or interesting, so this category doesn’t apply too well. The animations are solid, with little particle effects that appear when you clear blocks. It’s not on the same level as a console game, but when compared to comparable puzzle genre games like Bejeweled, it holds its own just fine. I had a small quibble with the UI design, as some of the buttons are quite small on my phone screen. 8/10

Music & SFX: The music is a remix of the classic Tetris song! It’s far more upbeat and frantic, and fits the theme of the fast-paced game very well. The issue is, with most Tetris games, there’s only the one song, and it quickly gets annoying. The sound effects are good, from the sounds the blocks make when they move to the lady counting down to the start of the match. As with the music, however, they do quickly become irritating. They’re both able to be controlled independently through the options menu, so you can turn off the SFX and still listen to the music, for instance.

Story & Originality: There isn’t a story to this version of Tetris (some other versions do add a story, but this one does not). That’s not necessarily to the game’s detriment, though, as Tetris didn’t become one of the most recognizable games in the world due to its story. It’s a simple block matching game, and the few changes Blitz makes differentiates it quite a bit from its earlier iterations. 6/10

General Gameplay: It’s the same Tetris everyone knows and loves. I have to take a few points off for not including the original style of Tetris as an additional mode, as that would make the app in my mind quite complete. The new changes fit in well with the traditional Tetris theme, and they make the game more accessible on mobile. 9/10

Addictiveness: There’s a lot of different things to do, and at its heart it’s still the same Tetris everyone knows and loves. I have to take a point off due to the existence of the lackluster freemium features- if it were easier to play the game without constantly feeling like you need to spend money, it would easily be a 10/10. A special shoutout goes to the Facebook integration, which means you can play the game against your friends in Battle mode, and compete against them in the normal leaderboards. Playing competitively against strangers on the internet doesn’t have the same feeling as seeing Dave in the lunchroom and gloating about beating his high score in Tetris. 9/10

Overall: 8/10. This is a must-try for anyone who has ever been a fan of Tetris. And if the sentient rock made it to the end of this review- definitely download this. The changes Tetris Blitz made make for a different experience than a usual game of Tetris, and make it quite ideal for the lunch break bus stop mobile game genre. The only real detriments are the fact that you’ll feel penalized if you don’t spend real money.