Flower House Cheats & Hack for Coins & Gems - AppGameCheats.com

Flower House Cheats & Hack for Coins & Gems

Would you like to test out your green thumb and see how well you can do through planting and crossbreeding flowers? We have found the game for you. Brought to you by the developer, Game Insight LLC, and it is available for iOS and Android. Flower House is only available to players who know English or Russian. Flower House is in its version 1.5.2, so the game is pretty new and hasn’t been updated very much since the beta came out.. Flower House isn’t particularly large either, so it shouldn’t be a problem on your phone space, as it is only going to take up 95.7 MB of space on your phone. Anybody who wants this game, should be able to download it even if you need it in a different language. In order to download the game on each device, it will require you to simply go to the app store in order to download the game.

For the most recent update of Flower House, several new aspects have come to the game as well as several revamped aspects. First of all, the game is over a year old so it has gone through a couple of updates, but is still rather new in comparison to a ton of apps currently in the app store. First of all, with the newest update of 1.5.2, Game Insight LLC has added an accelerated Nectar replenishment, which you will know what I am talking about later and additional discounts in the game shop where you can spend in game money in order to get that one up when managing your flowers. Additionally, there is now a higher chance of getting more mood points, which will also be talked about later, and more experience points to level up whenever players decide to plant flowers as well as when they bloom. There are no more chest and amulets that will further help to increase your flower collection and help you with crossbreeding and other aspects of the game. Additionally, there are a couple of new characters available that players can play as in order to grow their plants. There is now Mark, Miranda, Jessica, and Doctor Plant. There should be more updates and more features that are added to the game in the future, so even if you don’t like what’s on the game right now, you can still start now and then wait until later for some bonus features that should be coming in the future!

Players will be given a windowsill where they can start growing their first flowers through a single flower pot and eventually grow into building more flower pots to grow one plant at a time until you have a vast plantation of flowers. After the flowers are grown, they will be added to the inventory where breeding through a machine is possible. Then, you will be given an entirely new flower for your inventory. The collection of these flowers will be able to be regrown through cutting the flower for the seeds from the flower and then being able to grow additional flowers from those seeds.

First of all, Flower House is an online flower generating game where you have the ability to breed together flowers in order to make a hybrid of whatever you want in the game. This means that if you have a Tulip and a Rose, you can basically mix them together into a different flower that is part Tulip and part Rose. So there are a ton of possibilities that you have when you want to find out how many possible flower combinations that there are. Players will be able to play as both a florist as well as a designer. You can grow as well as decorate your flower to your delight until you have created a world of flowers that you, yourself enjoy. This isn’t just a game about flowers and just growing them. That’d be kind of boring wouldn’t it be? There is a story line in Flower House that guides you through different characters that you will interact with through your flower story. This also means that you will be able to grow stories through a storyline.

Although I did say that you might want to test your green thumb in the introduction, you don’t actually need a green thumb in order to get good at this game. First of all, the game currently offers approximately 116 unique flowers that you can obtain in this game. These flowers are not actually real, but rather made up flowers probably because the producers lacked names for any flower hybrid that combined two known name flowers into some random named flower. After you begin to create a bunch of flowers, you will also be able to sell your flowers from the flower stand or you can also show your creation to players through social media by tweeting it or posting on your facebook. After you have made enough money, you will be able to transfer your floral shop to another part of the world, until you have conquered the world with your flowers!

With the recent updates, you will now be able to go through some new quests if you have already finished the whole storyline up until this update. There are also a ton of new items as well as flower and bouquet weekends.

For Flower House, there is a system set in place so that you can’t make a ton of progress in one day, but rather have to spread it out to multiple days. This system is just a basic energy system that you will see in most mobile games. This system makes it so that you will be able to only complete a limited number of actions per day. Each action costs a certain amount of energy, usually just one, that will refresh in a certain number of minutes. Every time you earn a level, you gain one more max capacity of energy as well as refresh your entire energy bar. This energy bar usually coincides with how long it takes for the plants to grow, so whenever you run out of energy, you will usually have enough plants set into the ground to wait for them to sprout until you have recovered your whole energy bar. You can also buy energy using real money, but it is all up to whether you want your flowers to be done right now or if you want to wait for them like you would in real life.

Some additional aspects to this game include the social aspect of the game where players can actually buy some decoration for the window to show off the flowers in the windowsill or actually invite players from online to play with them so that every can share and smell the flowers. The overall game controls are really obvious and really smooth so it doesn’t really lag whenever you click on something. Lastly, the game is also pretty cool just because it has all of these made up flowers and it must have taken a while for the producer to create all of these flowers, so I commend him for that.

Flower House Hack for Coins & Gems

If you are sitting at home playing Flower House, then you know that gems and coins are needed to get the items you need in the game. You can get the gems and coins through the app store, but it will cost you real money, and this gets expensive really quick. Due to how popular the game is, we have decided to add a Eternity Warriors 2 hack to our database, which gives you the coins and gems in unlimited amounts.

Look at the image below to see how the Flower Househack tool works. Input the amounts of coins and gems that you want to add to your account using the options menu.


Download the Flower House hack tool, and it should take about 20 seconds to download. You will notice it automatically installs afterward, which should take about 30 seconds or less. Then, select either Android or iOS, and you can then enter the amounts of coins and gems that you want to add into your game.

Lastly, tap “Start” to begin the Flower House hack tool, and this takes less than 40 seconds to complete. After that has finished, you can simply open up the app on your device, and you will find out that the coins and gems have been added to your account.

Flower House Cheats and Tips

At first, you will be given a choice about which seed that you want to use whenever you start up the game so essentially, you get to choose which flower that you want to grow first. It really doesn’t matter in the beginning, so feel free to choose any seed that you want and you will get to grow whatever flower looks nicest to you. After that, just as in real life, you will have to water those plants so that they can grow. Yes, even watering a plant does cost some energy, so you will only be able to water so many times in one day, so make sure that you are at least keeping your plants alive so that you don’t have to purchase some more energy through using real money in order to keep your plants alive.


After the plant begins to grow, which usually takes a couple of minutes based on the plant that you are growing, you will be able to bloom the flower or wait for it to grow bigger. Making it grow bigger requires further watering or you can simply bloom it. Another option that you have is to cut the flower so that it goes to your inventory where you can start to cross breed the flowers in order to make a new flower. After you successfully grow a flower, you will gain experience so that you can start gaining levels where you will be able to start getting spots for other flowers.

My next tip is about crossbreeding in Flower House. Crossbreeding requires a decent number of flowers to start cross breeding. First, if you think that you have enough flowers to cross breed, click on the open container which will show you which flowers will be able to crossbreed with each other. Simply select on the flowers that you want to crossbreed and it will be added to your collection as one flower. After you do this process, you can collect the remainders of the cross breeding which gives you a little bit of coins and gems if you are lucky.

Flower House Review

Overall, the gameplay of Flower House is really interesting and good. The artwork is also extremely nice and pretty detailed on every single flower. Of course because the artwork is really nice, the content takes a while in order to get it loaded onto your phone. So even though it does take a toll when it comes to the amount of time that it takes in order to load up the game. Also, although the game makes it seem like it is really easy to grow plants like this, it takes days of watering plants if not weeks or months. So it isn’t realistic at all, but all in all, what game is realistic when it comes to whether you can do it in real life or not.


Also, it would be a lot cooler if the flowers were actual real life flowers that could be bred together. I am not sure about the feasibility of this idea happening, but it would make the game feel a bit cooler if this cross breeding could actually happen with real flowers and the real flowers were in the game so you could combine them and see what you get if you were to do it in real life.


In-Depth Ratings

I would give Flower House a 8/10 for the artwork. The flowers are really pretty individually which must have took a while for the artists to create. I commend them on the flowers as well as the characters in the game. The people in the game are kinda creepy the way they are drawn, but they are still drawn really well in comparison to other games. I think that the artwork is what this game was promoting considering the fact that this game relies on players being able look at these flowers and be able to collect them and look at them. So overall, the artwork is what makes the game pretty decent, but the rest is alright but doesn’t add as much to the game.


Music and SFX
I would give Flower House a 5/10. Sure I guess the music and sound effects are more soothing than anything, but for most people, this game isn’t really going to be about sitting by the fire and planting a couple of seeds, people want to collect all of the plants as fast as possible. I don’t really think that any kind of specific music would really make this game to be a lot better for the music and sound effects, so I think that the game did their best in terms of what they thought would make the most sense of this kind of game.

Story and Originality
I would give Flower House a 8/10. At least they tried on the story, even though it wasn’t very developed. I think that if someone were to just look at this storyline without looking at the gameplay or even playing the game, I think that it’d probably be pretty bad in terms of why you are even trying to collect all of these flowers, but I do think that they did try to put in a story into this game so I give them a good effort on the storyline of the game. The game is decently original, at least according to me, because I haven’t exactly seen this kind of game before where you are essentially just growing plants and making a kind of plant shop and going around the world. So because I haven’t seen it, I think it is decently original.

General Gameplay
I would give Flower House a 7/10 for gameplay because the gameplay is pretty unique when it comes to this kind of game. The idea of crossbreeding as well as selling the plants after they have fully grown is a pretty fun aspect in my opinion and the options that you have when you start growing a plant are also diverse instead of just growing plants and then selling them and then moving to a different location like Diner Dash.

I would give Flower House a 6/10. I’m not sure how many people would be into this game because you are just growing some flowers, but anyone who is a collecting kind of person might be interested in this game because there are just so many different flowers to collect. Someone who likes flowers would also be interested in this game, but anyone who doesn’t fit both of those criteria or either of them would probably not get hooked on the game, so I would say that a good majority of people wouldn’t be very intrigued to continually play day by day.

Overall Rating
Overall, I would give Flower House a 7/10 because the gameplay is pretty good and the artwork is also a pretty good bonus to it as well.