Clumsy Ninja: Top 10 Tips & Cheats You Need to Know

Clumsy Ninja is one of the surprise mobile gaming hits to release in recent memory. Players have to make sure their less than stellar ninja trains and becomes way better than the rest of those other assassin’s out there.

There’s a ton of activities to do and items to collect that will go towards the overall growth of your mobile ninja. With all this content comes a bunch of instances where you’ll need some tips on how to bypass them. Our list of tips/tricks/cheats will make your digital ninja top notch.

By the end of all this, you’ll find Kira and become the most supreme ninja in the land.

1. Take Advantage of Your Training Items as Much as Possible

Training your ninja with all the workout items is one of the best methods to gain more XP and obtain all those unlockable elements. Those workout items include trampolines, kick dummies and punching bags. Use all the available workout equipment that you have on hand so you can gain a healthy amount of XP and currency. You’ll unlock new training items along the way, so keep your ninja set with the finest equipment.

2. Remember to Save Kira

You may get caught up on trying to make you Clumsy Ninja into a Master Ninja, but always remember your main goal- locate and save good ol’ Kira. Complete those quests as soon as they become available so you’ll get to save Kira much quicker. We know you really want more time to train your ninja, so make sure you speed up the “save the damsel in distress” process so you can get back to your ninja training ASAP.

3. The Best Way to Take Advantage of That Punching Bag

While your ninja is smashing that punching bag, you should make your ninja gets the most XP out of it as possible. Just make sure there’s a slight distance between the bag and the ninja so he has enough room to lay another kick into it. Don’t let it get too close to the ninja, since he’ll get knocked down and waste precious time during your training activities. Pace yourself and your ninja’s kicks will land almost every time. Remember- once it gets close enough, kick away! Just don’t think you can land a kick at the very last minute.

4. Tap on the Big Map to Get Some Info on Your Progress in the left corner of the screen

You’ll spot that gigantic map on the bottom left corner of your screen. All the valuable information you need to know about your ninja’s overall progress will be on display through this map. You’ll need to go here from time to time to get a good look at your ninja’s march towards gaining a new level and what he has to do to get there. You’ll also see some info on what you need to do to locate some new training equipment and how to gain a new belt level for your ninja.

5. Your Plants and Animal Friends Get You Some Money, Too

Here’s another way to get yourself some extra coinage – cop some plants and animal companions. As you complete quests and train, you’ll notice that your newly acquired chicken and apple blossom will gain you some coins in the long run. Look at your purchases as a kind of investment plan. Let your animals and plants work for you~

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