Meet the piggies. Once the evil villains of the
Angry Birds franchise, these green porkers now have their own game - and
they're the heroes.
In each level, it's your job to transport the piggies across bumpy terrain by building vehicles and planes out of the toybox junk in your possession.
In Chapter 1, entitled Ground Hog Day, the piggies remain on terra firma. You'll build cars, bikes, trikes, and wobbling great jalopies in an attempt to ferry the bacon-flavoured heroes towards torn-up remnants of a map.
Page 1 (Levels 1-1 to 1-12, and 1-I to 1-III)
Page 2 (Levels 1-13 to 1-24, and 1-IV to 1-VI)
Page 3 (Levels 1-25 to 1-36, and 1-VII to 1-IX)1-25
This large carriage will help you deliver the king to the finish line safely. Pump the bellows to move off the cliff, and use the umbrellas to float safely towards the ground. Then, use the bellows to reach the end.

With the king pig goal met, we can focus on speed. Close the umbrella, push off the edge with the bellows, and start to fall. Use the umbrella to make a clean landing on the slope and then puff your way to victory.
Build this jalopy to get the star crate. Fire off the cola bottle as you start to go off the edge to push your pig into the tunnel. You'll get the crate and roll to the finish line.

Shut these umbrellas, and roll off the edge. Use the umbrellas to assure safe landings off both drops until you reach the sand. Then, shut the brollies and use the cola bottle to push you past the finish, grabbing the timed goal in the process.
This vehicle will let you hit the finish line without any breakages. As soon as you hit go, shut the umbrellas and fire the cola. Open the umbrellas to touch down on the ramp, and then trundle along to the finish.
As for the speed goal, use the exact same vehicle but wait longer to open the umbrellas so you dive straight into the dip. You might break off a few bottles, but you'll be much faster.
Shut the umbrellas and use the lemonade to push off. Let loose with cola to leap over the jump, and then open the umbrellas to make a safe landing on the ramp. Trundle along to the finish to secure the speed goal.

Use the same vehicle, but without the lemonade, to get the "no lemonade bottle" goal. Use the same technique as above, but let gravity get you started.
This rocket-powered car will help you secure the speed goal. Set the engine running, roll over the bumpy ground, and then let loose with the rockets just before the gap with the TNT to fly through the air and into the goal.

Now for the "no generator" goal. Same vehicle, but with no generator. Use the cola bottle to lift you up the second slope, and the green bottle to jump over the TNT pit and into the finish line.
You can hit all three goals in one go with this drag racer. Turn on the engines to drive over the terrain, then turn them off at the jump to fall in the tunnel, collecting the star crate along the way.
When you land, drive away to hit the finish line and get the timed goal.
You can get all three goals with this car. Use the motorised wheels to drive over the lumpy terrain, and then use the cola bottles to lift you over the gap and into the star crate.
Finally, use the lemonade bottle as a way to slow down your final drop, and land safely on the ground without breaking anything. Then, simply drive into the goal.
Let's get the speed goal first. Turn on this vehicle's engine and ride all the way up to the top of the mountain. Turn off the engine on the down slope to go inside the tunnel, then turn it on again to make it up the ramp. Finally, shut it off and ride the roller coaster all the way to the goal - with seconds to spare.
Star crate now! Same vehicle, but this time actually make the jump at the top of the mountain. Then, shut off your engines on the next down slope so you go down the tunnel, and fire on the engines so you bounce up and nab the star crate. Finally, turn off your engines and trundle back down to the exit. Yay.
Meet the turbo engine! This vehicle will help you secure all three goals - including star crate and "no breakages" - as long as you regulate your speed. Do this by momentarily shutting off the engine to slow down a little, then turn it back on. Find the right timing to succeed.
This vehicle can get all three goals, as long as you regulate your speed. Rocket up the loop-the-loop to secure the star crate, then let off the turbo engine to roll back down.
Then, turn it on to drive over the rest of the landscape, judiciously turning off the power if you're about to topple over backwards. It's all about learning the rhythm of the engine, really.
Use small spurts of power from the engine to start rolling down the hill and to fly over the jump and get the bottom star crate. Don't worry about crashing: piggy will simply roll down the tunnel to the finish line.

For the second star crate, we need much more power. Turn on the engine for a second to start rolling, then ride down the hill with gravity. Towards the bottom, turn on all your engines for a massive leap that will get you to the second, higher star crate. Piggy will then roll down to the exit.
This is the perfect vehicle for the timed goal. Let the engine rip, and this piggy should speed to the finish in record time. You may need to ease off the 'throttle' at the very top of the tunnel to get around the loop unscathed.

Okay, let's go for the "no small wheel" challenge. This motor isn't very fast, and 'scrapes' to the finish rather than 'races'. But, it works. Just be smart with the engine, and shut it off if the front end starts rearing up.
1-VIIComing soon...1-VIIIComing soon...1-IXComing soon...