Found yourself stuck in iOS adventure game Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas? In this complete Pocket Gamer guide, we will tell you everything you need to know to save the land of Pirta from disaster.At the end of the previous guide, we had just found our way to the Great Forest and the resting place of the first emblem in our collection. We've got bombs and a magic spell, and we're ready to loot the Forest Shrine.
In this guide, we'll mostly focus on the main adventure, so you won't find out about heart pieces, bloodstones, or other side-quests here. We hope to cover that stuff in future guides.

Once you make landfall at the Great Forest, go left on the beach and follow the path up to the sign that says 'Restless Grove'. Head on in.

Go over the bridge and walk up the wooden ramp on your right. There's a chest in this area - break it open and nab the key from within.

Head back down the wooden ramp and go forward until you reach this big locked door. Use your key to open it and head inside.

To get over this spike pit, push the lower block forward so it goes into the pit. Then, push the higher block off the ledge so it drops, and then push it over the top of the first block and into the pit. Now, you can cross with ease.

When you get to this broken bridge, walk up and around so you can push the block onto the floor. This will give you a path over the bridge which leads to a giant switch. Hit it to open the gate to the caves. Wander back the way you came and enter the newly opened grotto.

Walk through the cave until you get to a pool of water you can't cross. Take the path to your right until you find a switch. Hit it with your sword to make a bridge over the water.

Cross the bridge and you'll come to this section. Drop a bomb to get rid of the wooden crates, and then push the metal box into the spike pit to make a bridge. Cross it and leave the caves.

You're now in the Restless Grove. Bash in this skeleton jerk to steal his key and then use it to unlock the gate. Before you go in, make sure your health is at maximum (a mini-boss fight is about to kick off).

Okay, now it's time to take down this owl jerk. The trick is to raise your shield just before she performs an attack so she bounces off and is momentarily stunned. At that point, you can get a few sword stabs in.
If you get low on health, slash the bushes to bits to find extra hearts. You can also use bombs to attack this mini-boss, but don't let yourself fall in the blast radius or you'll lose health.

Once she flees, head left and to the temple entrance. Go up and around the pathway that's made of wooden bridges and hit the switch on the temple roof. Go back down and enter the Forest Shrine. Dungeon one: here we go.

Go forward and over the bridge until you come to the locked entrance to the path to the hall of the emblem. Turn right and wander down the hall until you get to this room.
When you go to push the block, a skeleton will appear. Beat him up. Now, push the block forward so it covers the coloured square on the floor. Go through the new passage and take the regular key from the chest.

Go back to the first room and use your key to open this locked door beneath the bridge. Go through the door and into the crypt.

Walk over the spikes when they retract into the ground. Then, hit this switch at the end of the pathway. It will raise the water level.

Swim over to the wooden ramp on the left side of this room. Climb up and hit the switch. It will open the gate in front of the treasure chest at the far end of this room. Swim over to it and open it to get another regular key.

Swim back towards the entrance of this room and then climb up and enter this funny little door. Unlock the gate inside with your key.

Another mini-boss now. This one's called Turmos's Arm. It's not too hard - just slash away with your sword, and then stand well clear when it curls up into a spring or you'll get hit. You can also use the pots lying about as projectiles to attack from a safe distance.

Take the key and open the door on the left. Take the winding corridor around and climb this ladder. When you're above ground, climb down the next ladder to get into the tunnels.

Stand on this pressure plate. It will open a gate with a skeleton standing guard. Walk over there and beat up the skeleton.

Hit the switch with your sword to lower the water level in this room. Don't push the block onto the coloured square unless you want to fight a pair of skeletons.

Go back to the entrance to this room and then take the bridge over to this block. Push it down and then drop down onto it. Push it into the spike pit so you get back over safely later.
Head down the steps and into the next room. Take the master key from this chest and climb the ladder.

Open the chest to get the bow and arrow. This handy item enables you to attack enemies from afar and trigger far-off switches.
To use it, hold the 'bow' button and then hold the analogue stick in the direction you wish to shoot. Then, let go of the 'bow' button to fire.

Use it to hit the target in this area. As a result, some blocks will rise. Use them to cross over and climb the ladder to the right of the screen. You'll emerge back in the first room of the Forest Shrine. Head over the bridge and get back to the room below.

Use your new bow to hit the target in this room. It will open the gate, letting you climb down the ladder.

In this room, slash apart the purple plants in this corner to reveal a pressure plate. Stand on it to open the gate and then go through - minding the spikes and arrow traps - and up the ladder.

Go up the steps and drop a bomb on this wooden platform to reveal a hole. Drop down. Hopefully, you've got good health, because its boss fight time!
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Time to kick Turmos's viney butt.
First, you need to destroy his four tentacle arms. They are very easy versions of the mini-boss we fought earlier and can be eliminated with a few sword slashes (or a couple of pots to the noggin).
When all four are gone, Turmos will try to suck you in like a jungle vacuum cleaner. Use your arrows to hurt his glowing core, but make sure you run back towards the edge of the room after every arrow so you don't get sucked in.
Repeat this a few times to kill the boss. Here are some extra tips:
- Watch out for the tiny flying enemies. They don't hurt much, but they slow you down and restrict your arrows. Kill them.
- Don't waste arrows on the arms. You need them to hurt Turmos himself. If you don't have any left, slash the grass and smash the pots in this room to find more. You'll also get extra arrows from downed enemies.
- You can also throw bombs at Turmos when he's trying to suck you in, but there's a good chance you'll get hit, too. If you get too close, slash your sword with all your might to do some damage before being eaten.
When you're done, set sail for Hermit's Island. We'll cover that in our next chapter. Till then, adventurer.
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