Forever Lost: Episode 3 is another spooky escape-the-room game about solving puzzles, looting objects, and uncovering mysteries. In this complete walkthrough, we'll tell you how to solve every conundrum.
Chapter 7
Use the car key on the jeep. Then tap on it to jump in and get going. When you come to the sign, go towards the Elysium Forest. You'll end up at the cabin, here.

Inside, look at the left side of the screen and take the battery from the drawers. Look at the right side and take the magnifying glass from the table. Make a note of the symbols on the windows on both sides.

Go up the ladder and look at the panel on the back wall. Replicate the symbols from the windows downstairs, or just copy the image above. A panel will open, containing a blue square. Take it. Then head down the ladder and pick it up. You'll need it later.
The magnifying glassYou now need to use the magnifying glass to examine four objects up close, as shown in the photographs on the desk. This will give you the combination to unlock the small chest in the cabin bedroom. These are…

The handprints. (3 hearts)

The "You are here" logo, on the map of Elysium Forest. (6 diamonds)

The caution symbol on this box of drugs, by the river. (9 clubs)

And this rock, by the yellow gate. (6 spades)

Input these four numbers into the small box in the bedroom, to get a key. Also, get the projector slides from under the bed and make a note of the time (3:24).

Use the key to open the door. Inside, grab the gasoline can. You can now use the can of fuel on the jeep and drive to Hawthorne Manor. Let's do that!