Adventure Time: These Lumps Cheats, Tips & Tricks

It’s time to bust a lump jamming out with LSP in the Cartoon Network’s latest iOS game, Adventure Time: These Lumps. If you want to dance your way to the top,  you’ll want these cheats, tips, and tricks to help you live your fantasy as the hottest space princess in like, ever.

In Adventure Time: These Lumps, the goal is to steal the spotlight from the crowds of hipsters and posers. You start out with a small ring of limelight and bump into rivals with a smaller spotlight. Do it right and it’s unsettlingly fun to blast opponents off the floor as your spotlight grows. Do it wrong and it can be frustrating watching your energy bar fall as the time ticks away. So check these Adventure Time: These Lumps cheats, tips, and tricks and become the life of the party, and the princess of the leader boards.

1. Tap, not touch

This is perhaps a matter of preference, but it’s a lot easier to see targets with a small spotlight if your finger’s not in the way all the time. If you tap a location on the screen, Lumpy Space Prince will boogie on over while you search for your next victim. It also seems a lot more accurate, and sometimes you just want to hold still and wait for a dancer to bump in to you. If you’re always touching the screen, LSP will always be moving, and the game gets a lot more frantic.

2. Move up and down the dance floor

This isn’t quite as important in the lower levels since you’re a lot faster, but as you progress through the game you’ll find it increasingly difficult to catch dancers. Moving vertically rather than chasing down your prey horizontally is a lot more efficient, and you’ll have fewer missed opportunities.

3. Start in the middle, then move to an edge

When you start off, your spotlight is pretty puny. If you’re stuck on an edge, there isn’t much maneuvering room to get around bigger enemies to take out the little guys. Staying in the center when you’re small means you’ll have a much easier time keeping away from the big baddies without missing easy marks. Once you’ve grown you can move to an edge and just work your way up and down hitting everything that comes along.

4. Don’t miss power-ups

Power-ups, particularly the speed and heart boosters, are a big help and you need to keep an eye out for them. It might be tempting to score a few easy knock-outs, but if you go for the speed boost first, you’ll be able to catch up no problem. The heart boost will slow everything down and gives you a big score multiplier, so always get the heart as soon as you see it.Time and energy boosts are less essential, but will help your bonus score at the end of the game and the extra energy could mean the difference between defeat and victory when a boss hits the floor.

5. Beware the disco ball wisely

For every rule there is an exception, and for power-ups it’s the disco ball. At first it seems like a no-brainer; the disco ball shrinks enemy spotlights leaving everything on the dance-floor vulnerable, so why not grab it? The problem is that everything on the dance floor gives only ten points, and there isn’t much spotlight to steal. This means the disco ball is great at the beginning of a level, but once you’re big enough to take on bigger opponents you’ll want to avoid it like the plague.

6. Boss fights

The hardest part of the game is dealing with bosses. Sometimes it’s so easy you don’t even notice them. At other times they’re nearly impossible. The trick is to make sure you’ve got most of your energy left over when the boss pops up. Watch the boss a bit to see if you can predict when their spotlight shrinks and how long it stays small. When you’re certain the spotlight is about to shrink, charge in and don’t back down. You’ll probably lose a bit of energy, but it’s better to lose some energy than to lose the game.