100 Missions Walkthrough: Level 3 Solution

A new mission has been launched in the popular 100 Missions game for Android and this time we’re on an epic mission! The 100 Missions Level 3 or Mission 3 is here and I am also here to share with you a complete walkthrough to this brand new quest which is actually just the first half of our mission to save an undercover agent.

But enough talking, let’s just start the 100 Missions Level 3 walkthrough and check out the solution for the Mission 3 in my favorite adventure game on Android (and probably yours too!)

1. Tap the target when it’s near the soldier’s head and take him down.
2. Zoom in on the soldier and get the dart from his neck. Also, tap his pocket and get the code (3555, for a puzzle we’ll need later)
3. Tap the open door near the soldier and clean up the house: get from the table a big glass and a clipboard (with details for another code), the large cutter near the chair and from the fridge take piece of meat and energy drinks. Also, in the same room, barely visible to the left is a piece of paper. It has the electricity code on it and also some duct tape – take it too!
4. Check out the computer to see that the power on the cameras is on. We need to turn that off, so tap the keyboard of the computer and enter the code from the clipboard (8694)
5. Now move to the panel inside the room and change the switches to face as instructed by the image on the piece of paper. Top row is right, down, right; Bottom row is down, down, left. Do the same with the panel outside to cut off electrical power.
6. Go back to the fence and use the boltcutter with it. Give the meat to the dog and enter the new area.
7. Tap the right side of the orange box and get a piece of wood. Go right and take another piece near the wooden box.
8. Now go all the way to the left and tap on the boxes – get the rope. Tap the ladder and go up. Use the code from the soldier on the switches (first one is set to 128, the others all the way down). You can do the maths to find out the erased numbers or continue as I have the code.
9. Go back down and tap the door. Use the dart in your inventory on the lock to open it and from the room take a new plank, an anchor and the axe.
10. In your inventory, combine the three planks together, then combine the anchor with the rope.
11. Move all the way to the right and use the anchor on the boat. Get the key from the boat.
12. Move to the elevator area and tap the power thing to the left of the elevator. Tap the Danger sign and use the duct tape on the wires.
13. Tap the upper side of the electrical thing and enter the code 1015 (you get it after finding the numbers from the tower and add them together).
14. Select your key in the inventory and enter the elevator. Tap the middle key hole and complete the puzzle (photo of final stage is below, together with instructions):

First, drag the vertical piece to the right all the way down. Drag the 3 circles piece up. Drag the two horizontal pieces on the bottom to the left and drag the piece that blocks the exit all the way down. Now drag up the two vertical pieces to the left and drag the bottom 2 horizontal pieces all the way to the left. Drag down the other vertical piece that blocks the exit. Now drag the bottom piece to the right and the vertical piece with 3 circles down. Drag the piece with 2 circles to the right and the final piece that blocks the exit all the way down. Now you can move the orange piece to the exit.

15. Go right and you will notice that a ladder appeared. Climb it, use the planks on the missing piece and climb it again. You completed the Mission 3 in 100 Missions and the next half will probably be released next week.

Thanks for reading the 100 Missions walkthrough for Level 3, I hope that the solution was clear enough and you managed to complete the mission without any problems. Cheer to our friends from Unigamesity for sharing with us part of the 100 Missions Level 3 walkthrough.