Does Not Commute Tips and Tricks

Does Not Commute is a new game by Smash Hit developer: Mediocre. Its charm and engaging gameplay is undeniable from the minute you launch the game until you inevitably have to put it down to move on with your life. The moment when you see all the vehicles in a stage move at once is the highlight of the game for me personally. To top it all off, the game is free to play, but beware that you are unable to continue from a previous checkpoint unless you pay a one time in-app purchase. That’s rather dodgy in my opinion.

Anyway, as with most strategy games, or any game for that matter, the difficulty curve rises exponentially the more you play. I hope this guide will turn on a light bulb over your head and help you achieve the kind of satisfaction only obtainable from the joy of victory. Some of these tips and tricks will be generic, but sometimes, when you’re lost in the moment, you forget them and just drive aimlessly into an incoming vehicle.

Plan your journey

It goes without saying that before you begin directing the vehicles to their destinations, plan which route is the best and most efficient. If you know that another car will be using that route, try to avoid that route or change the timing to avoid hitting it. If you see a time extension bonus that is obtainable en-route to the destination, get it!

In fact, the game helps you out by giving you all the time in the world to plan before the vehicles move, so use it to your advantage.

Stay in your lane

Whether you are in the US or the rest of the world, you normally drive on one side of the road. The same can be done in the game. As the difficulty increases, it becomes more and more obvious that the levels are set up so that most of the vehicles cross paths at one point or another. So if you are going in one direction, stay on the right or left of the road so that you won’t crash head on to an incoming vehicle.

Timing is important!

Remember that you only crash into another car when both cars are at the same place at the same time. If you know another car will be riding down the road, and you have no alternative routes, then try to slow down your vehicle until the other car passes, or speed your vehicle up using turbo to pass first. Once you learn to master the timing, the game will be a piece of cake.

Don’t be ashamed to rewind

Rewinding doesn’t mean you lost. In fact, rewinding is the key to a long and successful journey. As you bring forward your time to the next level, this means that doing each level correctly and getting the most out of each level is very very important.

If you crash your car on one level and lose 10 seconds, that 10 seconds is lost forever as you continue playing the game. So do yourself a favor by sacrificing 1 second to rewind and do it correctly because trust me, every second counts.

Pay the price

As much as I hate that you have to pay to use checkpoints, it really does help a huge deal, that’s why it is so despicable! Without purchasing the premium, you have to start over from the very beginning every single time. Imagine playing 30 minutes to an hour until the third city and you run out of time. That’s an hour of your life wasted because the next time you play, you have to start all over again. Consider it a donation to the developers for creating a wonderful game.

The game is free-to-play so you have no reason not to give it a try. Click here to download it from the Google Play Store. If you like it, support the developers by buying the premium.