Zombie Frontier Cheats: Tips & Tricks

Zombie Frontier is a great zombie killing game for Android (as you saw in our Zombie Frontier review) and I am here to share with you a set of tips & tricks to help you get better at the game and kill as many zombies as possible without losing your own life. There are no actual cheats for Zombie Frontier, but for many beginner players these tips & tricks are valuable enough to keep them going and getting more from the game.

So let’s carry on reading this Zombie Frontier Cheats: Tips & Tricks article and hopefully improve our gaming strategy!

Don’t invest too much (read: don’t do it!) in upgrading your first pistol. When you reach the third level, you will get a pistol that is already much better and you should focus on upgrading it instead since it will be your companion for quite a while (level 3 and level 4 at least)

Don’t use the 3 grenades too fast. Buying grenades costs you premium currency, so you want to keep the free ones until they are really needed.

Don’t use the medkits unless really needed. They also cost real money and should be kept for those difficult boss battles.

Speaking of bosses – don’t try to attack them until you have enough play experience and are very confident that you can handle many waves and an added challenge. These are really difficult fights and you’d only end up wasting ammo and dying unless you are 100% prepared.

It is more difficult, but make it a habit to aim for the zombies’ heads, otherwise you will soon find yourself surrounded. A good idea is to aim for the head of the first zombie and keep shooting until all those behind him are dead, even though this usually means that others will get closer.

Especially early on, don’t ignore your pistol: use it as much as possible and only switch to the machine gun after the Alarm message appears, announcing a big wave of zombies. You will save some money this way because the ammo for the pistol is cheaper than that for the machine gun.

Try to use pistols and combine the weapons for easier missions to speed up the cool down process of the guns – the higher the value, the more inaccurate the gun is.

Learn your enemies – try to remember how many shots are required for each type of zombie and try not to waste bullets, because you need the money!

Reload during “dead” times, when there are no enemies on screen – this way you avoid a reload when a big wave is coming.

Finally, don’t forget about the achievements page: claim your rewards from there as soon as you unlock them for some extra coins and bonuses!

What other tips and tricks do you have to share with you fellow Zombie Frontier players? Let us know in the comment section below!