Doors & Rooms Level 1

I just told you earlier about Doors & Rooms, a great new escape the room game from Gameday, and I promised that I will be back with some walkthrough articles for the levels of this amazing title. So I am here to start this and share with you the Doors & Rooms Level 1-1 to 1-10 Walkthrough, or the Chapter 1: Rusty Key solution for all the stages.

These are fairly easy levels, but they still get tricky, especially towards the end, so if you ever need help with Doors & Rooms, this walkthrough should help you solve everything!

Doors & Rooms Level 1-1 walkthrough

Tap the door and you’re out!

Doors & Rooms Level 1-2 walkthrough

Tap in the lower right side of the door and unlock the lock, then exit.

Doors & Rooms Level 1-3 walkthrough

Take the hammer. Get into your inventory and select use. Tap the glass to break it, then drag the screen upwards, take the key and use it on the door to exit!

Doors & Rooms Level 1-4 walkthrough

Tap the top drawer and get a capsule from inside. Open your inventory and select the capsule, then select Dismantle in your inventory. Select the key and use it to open the door.

Doors & Rooms Level 1-5 walkthrough

Get Remote control and batteries from the floor. Combine them in your inventory and use the remote on the hole near the door. Get the key and exit!

Doors & Rooms Level 1-6 walkthrough

Get the note on the wall, then look at it in your inventory for the code (2531). Use the code on the panel to the right, get the key and use it to exit!

Doors & Rooms Level 1-7 walkthrough

In order to complete this level, you must be really fast! First, get the box from the ground and in your inventory Disassemble it. Use the dynamite and put it in the iron container in the room. Then wait for it to explode and after it does, open the door and proceed to the next level.

Doors & Rooms Level 1-8 walkthrough

Notice the big E on the floor. Tap the panel to the right of the door and tap the buttons so you have an E letter there. Open the door and move forward!

Doors & Rooms Level 1-9 walkthrough

You need to go by trial and error to find the correct order in which to tap the glass panels on the ground. For me, the order was 4 – 2 – 3 – 1, but it changes so find it by yourself!

Doors & Rooms Level 1-10 walkthrough

7239 is the code.

And this is it! You have completed the Doors & Rooms walkthrough for Chapter 1 (Level 1.1 to Level 1.10) and you are now ready for Chapter 2, where we’ll get some more difficult challenges, but the real headaches only begin in Chapter 3. But I’ll come with the walkthroughs soon, so don’t hesitate to subscribe or like us to always be up to date with the solutions!