100 Escapers Level 4 Walkthrough / Solution

100 Escapers Level 4 Walkthrough / Solution here! It’s time to move to a new level and learn how to beat it and I am here to share with you the complete solution on how to do it. 100 Escapers Level 4 is fortunately a brand new level in the game – and a really challenging one, so let’s see how the walkthrough goes. But please only use these 100 Escapers cheats if you got stuck at some point and you really need help, otherwise you will ruin the fun of the game.

Now let’s check out together the 100 Escapers level 4 walkthrough below!

- tap above the door’s knob to get some sunglasses. Also, tap the image above the door and note the coordinates.
- tap the left arrow and get a tripod from the right side of the room. Also, get a piece of the telescope from the trash can to the left and then tap the top of the desk. Get the screwdriver from the top of the papers and a protractor from the top right corner.
- tap the left arrow twice and then the pillow. Get another piece of the telescope from under the pillow.
- Tap the right arrow. In your inventory, combine the two telescope pieces. Then use the screwdriver with the sun glasses and use the lens with the telescope. Add it to the tripod and finally add the protractor to the telescope, then place it in front of the window.
- tap the base of the telescope to set the coordinates (by tapping in the middle and setting them left for SW and right for SE) and once a coordinate is set, go back and tap the window to see different items.
- Count them and you get 3 birds (165 SW), 6 pyramids (133 SW), 4 cows (67 SE), 8 Planes (24 SE)
- tap the right arrow now and use the screwdriver on the door to the right. Tap inside to reveal a safe and use the code to open the room and leave: 3648.

And this is it! You have completed the 100 Escapers Level 4 walkthrough and are ready for a new challenge. So stay tuned for the next walkthrough, or simply check out the level 3 solution if you need help there.