Defender II Tips & Tricks for a Better Strategy
Defender II is a fun game, as I already told you in the Defender II review I wrote earlier, but once you get to the later levels, it can prove to be quite a challenge. Here are some tips and tricks for this tower defense game, to both keep you from failing, and help out against the various enemy types and hopefully help you with an overall strategy that will prove to be the winning one – because, let’s admit it, winning is not that easy!
So, without further ado, let’s check out some valuable Defender II tips & tricks for a better strategy!

- Get as far as you can without upgrades in the beginning. This will both build and bolster your in-game currency, and make you a better player. Along with this, only upgrade when you need to.
- Avoid the lightning strike. This mana power slows down enemies, but wouldn’t it be smarter just to freeze them? I’d recommend purchasing level 1 of this power-up, but nothing else. It should be a last resort.
- Take out any/all floating and/or flying enemies first. The general rule of thumb with this game is if it’s in the air, it’s more deadly. Focus your fire, and if need be, your mana attacks.
- Don’t disregard isolated enemies. They may not seem like much, but when they reach the castle wall, you panic and focus on them, and soon enough, all enemies are at the wall. I lost a lot of rounds because of this. Just take them out as they come.
- Go for the Phantom Crossbow. It combines the powers of the other two and is generally the better investment to make, especially at the start of the game. There’s not much of a point in wasting money on the others.
- If played right, you won’t need castle upgrades until level 20+. If you can manage to keep the enemies at bay and invest in mana powers, you’ll do well without ever having to upgrade your walls until after level 20.
- The most important things to research are strength and mana research/mana powers. Without these, everything else is destined to fail. Powerful shots from your bow and the fireball mana power are easily the best.
- The end level bosses aren’t very vulnerable to arrows. Instead, use your mana powers, then spam arrows at them. Rinse and repeat, and you should be good.
Follow these tips, and it should help your Defender II game. If you have any other tips, let us know below!