Following the latest Icomania update, we also have level 9 here waiting to be completed and I am ready to share with you all the correct answers for it. In this article, we’re going to check out the Iconmania Level 9 answers for puzzles 257 to 276, which means half of the level 9 puzzles in the game.
Have in mind that your levels will appear in a randomized order (but the answers are the same), so if you don’t find here what you’re looking for, check out our archive of Iconmania answers. Now let’s check out below the Icomania Level 9 answers for puzzles 257 to 276!
Answer: Bridgestone
Image: A girl with a red star on her forehead (Country)
Answer: Russia
Image: An older guy with gray hair and a mole on his cheek
Answer: Robert De Niro
Image: A teddy bear (TV & Movies)
Answer: TED
Answer: Iron Man
Answer: Turkey
Answer: Wolverine
Image: A black V and an A (Brand)
Answer: Vans
Image: A red face smiling (TV & Movies)
Answer: Cars
Image: A guy with beard and a hat (Famous People)
Answer: Timberlake
Answer: Bruce Willis
Image: A teddy bear surrounded by bees (Character)
Answer: Winnie the pooh
Image: A Brand, blue lines on a white background
Answer: Deutsche Bank
Image: A lot of balloons (TV & Movies)
Answer: UP
Answer: Ernie
Image: A blue M with an eye on it (TV & Movies)
Answer: Monsters INC
Image: A princess-looking girl with really red lips (Character)
Answer: Snow White
Image: A black guy wearing a black cap (Famous People)
Answer: Tiger Woods
Image: An X-ray showing a heart (TV & Moives)
Answer: Scrubs
Answer: Inception
And this is it! We have completed the first part of Iconmania, level 9 and I am sure that these answers were helpful because we had some really difficult and hard to guess puzzles here, especially the brands. Stay tuned with us for the next half of answers and until then check out the related articles for more Icomania answers!