Doors & Rooms Level 2

We’re continuing today our trip through the complex Doors & Rooms escape the room game on Android devices with a walkthrough for Doors & Rooms Level 2-6, Level 2-7, Level 2-8, Level 2-9 and Level 2-10, which are the last five levels of the second chapter, Secret Door.

The things are pretty complicated, but what it is to come is even more difficult – but until we get there, we should focus on completing this second chapter of the game and check out the Doors & Rooms walkthrough for Level 2-6 to 2-10 below!

Doors & Rooms Level 2-6 walkthrough

It’s all about the angle to look at the numbers, with the lines cutting them. The answer is 5293.

Doors & Rooms Level 2-7 walkthrough

You need to “play” the notes on the door on the bells. So tap all of them, from left to right, starting with the second bell, except for the final one! Now tap the first, then the final bell and it’s done!

Doors & Rooms Level 2-8 walkthrough

Tap on the coins until you get them all. One of them holds the correct code, and that is 1953.

Doors & Rooms Level 2-9 walkthrough

This is pretty tricky as you have to time your tapping perfectly: you need to tap the Start button, wait exactly 3 seconds, then tap the Stop button again. The timer will show you how close you were and when you get exactly 3 seconds, you can move on.

Doors & Rooms Level 2-10 walkthrough

Tap the top squares on the balance to show 3 and 5, and the bottom ones 1, 2 and 4.

And this is it! You have completed the Doors & Rooms Chapter two with levels from 2-6 to 2-10. You can check out the walkthrough for the first five levels here and make sure to check back soon for more walkthroughs!

UPDATE: The walkthrough for Chapter 3, Level 3-1 to 3-4 has been posted! Click here to check it out!