100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 46

We are back here with the 100 Doors Parallel Worlds walkthrough, this time with level 46 to level 52, some really interesting stages in the game, stages that I am sure you can’t wait to hear how to complete (because, yes, they are really challenging and you can easily get stuck). Fortunately the 100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 46 – Level 52 Walkthrough is here and it will surely help you get your problems solved!

So let’s not waste any time and let’s see the solution for the new stages in the 100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 46 – Level 52 Walkthrough!

100 Doors Parallel Worlds

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 46 walkthrough

Tap the white switch above the electricity panel and turn it clockwise until the light to the right is turned on.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 47 walkthrough

Here you need to set the platforms in such a way that the ball keeps bouncing between then. First, you will have to set them as in the image below, and immediately after shooting the ball, you will have to tap the platform above the cannon to switch its position!

100 doors parallel worlds level 47

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 48 walkthrough

First, tap the symbols below in the order shown on the image to the left of the door (1, 3, 2 2, because the 3rd symbol is a 2). Now swipe your finger downwards on the white light that remains on the left clipboard, then place it on the right one. Now tap the buttons in the order shown by that chart (2, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2)

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 49 walkthrough

You need to set the symbols below so that the result of the math equation gives you 8 as a result. Here is the order: -, +, -, +

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 50 walkthrough

This is an even more difficult equation to solve, but after a looooong time trying out different numbers, we get the solution: c = 3, d = 2, z = 1, n = 5. Tap the buttons below to show these numbers.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 51 walkthrough

It’s again a puzzle in which tapping a magnet influences more. Your goal is to have all magnets up, so tap: 1, 2, 4.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Level 52 walkthrough

This is again a tricky one, since you have to tap a box to light it up, then go and tap the box in the indicated direction (N is North, which is UP, S is South – Down and so on) until you light them all up. You have to start with the lower left N and work your way from up there to light up all the lights.

And this is it! You have completed a new walkthrough guide for 100 Doors Parallel Worlds and you’re ready for a new challenge! Stay tuned, as we will have the walkthrough ready soon, and until then you can check out the previous guide.

UPDATE: A new walkthrough has been published, make sure to check it out!