One game that is becoming insanely popular over on Android is 4 Pics 1 Word, a game in which, as the title suggests, you have to guess the activity or the word, by looking at 4 pictures. They all have something in common and it’s not always that easy to guess what it’s all about, so I have decided to create and share with you a walkthrough for 4 Pics 1 Word and share it with you for the correct answers.
Below we have the 4 Pics 1 Word walkthrough: Level 1 – Level 20 answers, with the correct words for the first 20 levels of the game, so let’s check it out below and let’s bring up the fun!

NOTE: Every person has the levels in different order, so it’s best to look at the images or their descriptions to make sure that you get the right word (the images are the same eventually, just the order differs)
Enter the length (number of characters) of the hidden word and the 12 characters shown on screen and press Get Suggestions!

The pictures for level 1 are:
- A football in the net
- Old drawing of dancing parties
- Basketball
- Detail of a golfer
And the solution is:

In level 2, the pics are:
- Flying bat
- Cartoon of an old church next to a cementery with bats flying, emergen in moonlight
- Baseball ball and bat lying on grass
- Cricket ball and bat lying on grass
And the solution is:

In level 3, the pics are:
- Cup of espresso and fresh coffee beans
- Green beans
- Soy beans and soy field
- White beans in tomato sauce
And the solution is:

In level 4, the pics are:
- Detail on black bicycle seat
- Detail on a bicycle secured by a chain and lock
- Detail on a red bicycle bell
- Detail on lubricating a bicycle chain
And the solution is:

In level 5, the pics are:
- Aluminium can
- Milk can
- Blue plastic canister
- Trash can
And the solution is:

In level 6, the pics are:
- Jumping kids
- Kids writing
- Kids at school
- Young children
And the solution is:

In level 7, the pics are:
- Detail view on a calendar with blue and red pins
- A smiling men dreaming of a loved woman
- Dried dates cluster
- A smiling woman drinking wine with a man in a restaurant
And the solution is:

In level 8, the pics are:
- Couple jumping and playing in on grass being sprinkled
- A women loading a washer with dirty clothes
- Two dirty pigs
- Detail of a dirty mountain bike
And the solution is:

In level 9, the pics are:
- A women enjoying a coffe in the morning
- A cat licking water
- A women drinking water from a clear plastic botle
- A baby drinking from a baby bottle
And the solution is:

In level 10, the pics are:
- A trout fish
- Sunset over a lake overlooking an old wooden pier with old boats
- Fishing hook
- Grilled fish steak served on fresh vegetable salad
And the solution is:

In level 11, the pics are:
- A young smiling woman holding a green apple
- A cute little boy eating a banana
- Several glasses filled with fresh fruit juice and some fruits
- Row of fresh pineapples
And the solution is:

In level 12, the pics are:
- Boy and girl with a big gift box
- Red gift box
- Boy with a gift box
- Happy girl with a small white gift box
And the solution is:

In level 13, the pics are:
- A boy in a hero costume
- Green cartoon hero figure
- Knight astride a horse
- Cartoon hero atop a hill
And the solution is:

In level 14, the pics are:
- A sick man curing over steam
- A woman using inhalator
- Human lungs coloured red
- A woman exercising yoga
And the solution is:

In level 15, the pics are:
- Aerial view of a heart shaped island surrounded by turquoise water
- Palm tree on white beach looking at a sail boat
- Coastal line of a small island surrounded by blue sea
- Fisherman
And the solution is:

In level 16, the pics are:
- Male athlete performing a high jump
- Girl performing a dance jump
- A skier performing a freestyle ski jump
- A boy on a stylish dance jump
And the solution is:

In level 17, the pics are:
- Smiling mother holding a baby
- Sleeping pregnant women in white shirt
- White goose with followed by yellow goslings
- Lioness guarding their cubs
And the solution is:

In level 18, the pics are:
- Net made of joined hands
- Coach talking to young soccer players
- Fitness trainer helping a woman train abs
- Mother helping her daughter with homework
And the solution is:

In level 19, the pics are:
- Two submarines
- A woman posing in dark blue blouse
- Soldier accessories
- A mariner saluting
And the solution is:

In level 20, the pics are:
- Two hamburgers
- A pair of leather shoes
- Two ladybugs on a leaf
- A pair of red and white stripes socks
And the solution is:
And this is it! These are the answers for the first 20 levels of 4 Pics 1 Word. Please note that your levels will be different, but using these images and hints, you will find the words you are looking for (because the images are the same in all games, just the order differs). Stay tuned for even more answers for the 4 Pics 1 Word game to help you solve all the puzzles without any pain!
UPDATE: We got you covered. We have answers to ALL LEVELS of the game! Go check out our complete 4 Pics 1 Word Answers Library here or proceed to the next 20 level guide here!