Reckless Moto Cheats: Tips & Tricks for a Longer Run

Reckless Moto is a pretty interesting take on the Endless Runner genre (should I call it Endless Driver, maybe?) and I am sure you agree that it is one of the best games in the genre, at least if we are to judge the games that were released recently. I am here to share with you a bunch of Reckless Moto cheats, a guide if you please to help you achieve a longer run. I might not be the ultimate expert, but these Reckless Moto tips & tricks should help you understand the game better and get the most out of it.

So let’s check out below the Reckless Moto tips & tricks and let’s have fun playing the game!

reckless moto cheats

1. Don’t accelerate for coins!
If your main goal is to collect coins then you should not accelerate to maximum speed. The motorcycle becomes less responsive (or, better said, moves slower from one lane to another) and you can miss the coins. Going slower is not as fun, nor gives you as many points, but helps you collect those really valuable coins a lot easier!

2. Accelerate for high scores
If, on the contrary, your main goal is to get a score as high as possible, you should try to lift your finger off the screen as rarely as possible. The faster you go, the more points you score, but it’s also the most dangerous and it can be game over in no time. For those who can run for a long time, probably going somewhere in the middle is the best approach as it gives you more time to react to the traffic changes.

3. What upgrades to buy
There are just three of them right now, each upgradable two more times after purchase and extremely expensive. I would start with Wings, then Magnet and leave the Bonus as the last upgrade to purchase first. Then, they become a lot more expensive and it’s up for you to decide what to invest in next. But do have in mind that purchasing the upgrade means nothing if you don’t get it on the road…

4. Unlock extra drivers
There are more drivers available for purchase (and they are pretty expensive), but you should consider investing in them too. The third one you can unlock, the guy that can break, is a really good one!

5. Focus on the road!
Try to watch the upper side of your device’s screen, so you always know what is happening and where to steer. Also, keep an eye on the cars and be ready to react if they are about to change lanes. A good strategy is to always be positioned close to the middle of the road, this way you can easily go through the middle or switch left or right, depending on the needs.

6. Practice, practice, practice!
If things don’t go your way as soon as you start to play, don’t quit! It’s only natural that you will get more skilled as you practice more, and this is exactly what you should do. Pretty soon, you will see that you’ll be able to run a looong distance easily!

And this would be it for new regarding the Reckless Moto Cheats and tips. If you have extra advice for us, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment section below!