NFL Runner: Football Dash Tips and Tricks

Getting tackled on the grid iron cannot be fun at all. But runner through the field and beating your friends score and rubbing it in their face to fun. And here at the Android Entity we have some tips that can send your score into the sky. So please read on fellow gamers

  1. Focus- little distractions will make you lose focus. So when you are playing this game make sure that you are free from distractions.
  2. Go for the (Gold) coins- grabbing coins is not a bad thing, and as I mentioned in the review of this game, power-ups are expensive in this game, so as you are running try to grab as many coins as you can.
  3. Upgrade – once you get enough coins, buy a power up and upgrade them, Okay they are expensive but one you fully upgrade them, it will benefit you and get you a high score. Touchdown!!!
  4. Contribute – it allows you to add to your team’s ‘ranking’ within the game, competing against every NFL team to see whose fans can get them the most points. Expect events to be added into the game at some point.
  5. Keep trying- the tips above will help you give you an edge, and getting a high score in the game is not easy, if you fail, keep your cool, start over and try again.

Hopefully these tips will be able to help you achieve that high score. Good luck, have fun, and Happy Gaming Gamers.