Elphis: Adventure Tips & Tricks
I already talked about Elphis: Adventure in my review that I just posted and you saw how much I liked the game. Actually, I liked it so much that I decided to share with you some tips & tricks for Elphis, a basic strategy guide that will teach you some goodies when it comes to playing the game and will hopefully improve your experience and monster slaying skills.
So here are some tips and strategies for Elphis: Adventure that hopefully come in handy for those whose just starting out the game:

- Basic rules for any RPG related games is get your characters’ level at the very least similar with your current foes. In the case of Elphis, you might need to get a bit extreme in grinding up since you’re going solo against at tons of monsters, so if possible get your character 2-3 level above to make things easier.
- Unlike other android RPGs, Elphis’ doesn’t provide your character with big area as the game only offers simple straightforward arcade view. This is why the jump button becomes an important tool as you can always use them to temporarily run off a battle even against bosses.
- Most of the bosses in the game are really difficult to beat, that’s why it’s essential to analyze their attacking patterns. Using hit and jump (run) strategies is something very effective against most of the bosses in the game. Just hit them with you’re best shot and when you’re stamina bar decrease runs off and jump into the most comfortable platform, while you heal yourself.
- Gears/Equipments that you put on Red Ridding Hood are also essential in your battle. Always try to choose equipments with adds on such as, vitality revival, elemental resistance, defense plus, etc instead of plain offensive/defensive gears.
- In each level, you will discover enemies with different element, such as lighting, poison, dark, etc. To avoid bigger damage, it’s important to keep upgrading your gears based on the monster’s characteristic as having the right equipments could help you’re character’s resistance against certain elemental attacks.
- In the stage where you’re being asked to destroy four towers, you actually only need to destroy one of them four times. So, don’t waste you’re health potion in trying to destroy all four at once as they’ll re-appear after certain amount of time.
- Be wise in distributing you’re skill points as upgrading the right ones would make your game lot easier. Some of the skills I would recommend for upgrade are swipe, storm, penetration (active battle skills); block break, fist punch, firm shield, resistance increase, attack return, absorption (passive skills).
- Best attacking tips would be to combine normal hit attack (using attack buttons) with skills such as swipe as it won’t drained much of your mana but still powerful enough in destroying the enemies.