GYRO Tips and Tricks

Okay so the game may be simple to play and you may be struggling a little bit and moving the spinner can get tricky. Well thankfully here are the Android Entity we are here to help you gamers out. Now here are a few tips to help you get a high score in the game GYRO. So just keep your cool and please do not throw your Android device on the floor or wall, and please don’t smash your device with a hammer. And please read the following tips below.

  • Try to do all your touches close to the centre of the disc.  This will increase your spin speed.
  • Start by touching your desired colour and then moving in a straight line to the relevant place you want.  Do this even if you move your finger touch in a line across the centre of the disc.
  • Try and practise using both hands so that you can keep your hands generally clear of the screen.  This will reduce the chance of your finger covering up a sneaky incoming circle.
  • Practise makes perfect… Some patterns just screw with your head, and you need to get good at handling some set pieces as well as improving your ability to recover from any mistakes.
  • If you do find yourself frustrated, remove yourself from the game, take a breather, then go back and play.
  • I can’t say this enough but practise , Practise , PRACTISE!!!!!

Well there you have it gamers, I hope those helpful tips will help you out. Follow these steps and I’m sure that it will send your score sky high. Good luck , have fun , and Happy Gaming Gamers, and remember PRACTISE!!