This is a guide for Red Dead Redemption, made by a very well know company - Rockstar Games (Grand Theft Auto). This compendium contain everything that is really important in this digital version of wild wild west. You will find here very detailed descriptions of all missions and some hints about the game rules.
Moreover, you will find here some maps that will help you in finding animals, plants, NPC's, gangs hideouts, bounty hunters and some important areas. In addition, you can learn something about additional tasks that can be done during your trip.
For the most tough players, I made a chapter that will present some most difficult challenges. It will require amazing precision, patience, nerves of steel and really huge cojones.
Orange color represent some important NPC's, items are marked with green and areas with blue. Screen shot references are colored with brown: #1 - left photo, #2 - right photo.
Artur "Arxel" Justynski
To save the game in a room, you have to go to bed. Your dream will last for 6 hours of the game time. In addition, you will find a chest near your bed. Open it to take some ammunition. You can change your clothes too.
If you are in the desert then you have to make a fire camp. Basic version will allow you to change your clothes, save the game and travel in a much faster way (you will be able to go to any place marked on the map). This for of resting will last for six hours. More advanced fire camp version (you can buy it in the shop) will also recharge your ammunition (only if you are out of ammo). Remember that you cannot place fire camps near water, gang hideouts, towns, mountains, while doing missions and so on.
Dead Eye is an ability that will decelerate time allowing you to shoot very fast. To activate it draw your weapon, target with LT and press the right analogue stick RS. There are three levels of this ability:
First level will only decelerate time and allow you to shoot one time
Second level will automatically target your enemies and you will be able to shoot until you will be out of ammo.
Third level will allow you to target your enemies manually (RB) and you will be able to shoot until you will be out of ammo.
This is the bar that will show you if this ability is accessible at the moment. You can charge this bar by doing some spectacular shots (for example: head shots) or by drinking some drinks in a saloon. Later, you will be able to make this kind of potion on your own.
Duels are quite difficult but I am sure that you will learn then very quickly:
1. First of all, camera will get close to the enemy and that will be the concentration phase. You can draw your weapon now, but the better option is wait with this.
2. After you will see a command to draw you weapon, the time will slow. To draw your weapon, use the right analogue stick - first move it down (to catch the gun) and then up (to start targeting).
3. The next thing is targeting. This is the most important moment: use right button (RB) and choose targets on your opponent. Try to make your choices when the viewfinder will be small and white.
4. Now shoot - bars on the right will inform you who has the better chance to hit (the player whose bar is more full will win). Remember that the smaller your viewfinder is during the targeting process, the bar is filling faster.
Note that when you are fighting with stranger, the best option is to unarmed them (you will gain more honor points).
Horses are the main way of transport. In the game, you have many species of these animals. They differ from each other with vitality and speed. Each horse has its own endurance bar, that will raise when you will be using your horse for a longer time.
When you will press button A faster, your horse will change from tarsus to trot or gallop. In addition, remember that riding on off roads will fatigue your horse faster. If you are riding with someone press button A to change your speed and adapt it to your companion.
You can summon your horde wherever you want. Just press up (D-pad). If your horse is dead you will have to wait for some time for a new "friend".
You can always steel somebody's horse (after completing one quest you won't be given a penalty for doing that), tame it or buy in the shop (first you have to tame a horse from each race to make it available in the store).
Coach/Carts/Stagecoaches will allow you to travel faster. Unfortunately you have to pay for it (until you will complete a proper quest). Coach is very fast and they have a possibility to skip the journey.
Train is a free form of transport. Bad thing is that you cannot skip the journey here. Then next disadvantage is that there is only one train in whole country and you have to wait for it quite long.
Fast journey is available only when you will establish a fire camp. Remember that you cannot place fire camps near water, gang hideouts, towns, mountains, while doing missions and so on. Fast journey is completely free.
There is 28 kind of weapons available in the game and you can change it wherever you want. Press and hold left button (LB) and choose your weapon with right analogue stick (RS). Then pick your pistol with D-pad. You can always choose your weapon from the menu.
Each weapon can be described using five factors: Power, Range, Rate of Fire, Reload Speed and Ammo Capacity. Sometimes you will have to use weapons that are weaker but faster (i.e. while killing some small animals).
Available after your will complete the hideout in Twin Rocks
Rare weapon
Rare weapon
You will find it in the chest after completing hideout in Fort Mercer
You will find it in the chest after completing hideout Nosalida
Rare weapon
You will get in mission "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit"
You will find it in the chest after completing hideout Gaptooth Breach
You will get it during the quest "We Shall be Together In Paradise"
You can find it during the mission"The Gates of El Presidio"
Rare weapon
You get it after achieving level 5 of Master Hunter
Rare weapon
Eye-witnesses reports all crimes below murder; lawmen will react to all crimes
Road Agent
You have higher buy prices (+50%) and lower sell prices (-50%) in all stores in Thieves' Landing
Black horses are responding to your whistle (you have to have rank below Drifter)
The cost to bribe eyewitnesses is reduced 50%
No benefits
Honest Joe
You will get more money for your work (+100%)
You have lower buy prices (-50%) and higher sell prices (+50%) in all stores in Thieves' Landing
Eyewitnesses and lawmen will report only these crimes that was made with cold blood
No benefits
People will ask for your help (additional activities)
The cost to bribe lawmen is reduced by 25%
The time between pursuits from 24 hours to 48 hours
You won't be chased for stealing a horse
Every penalty is reduced by 50%
Every choice made in the game will result in your karma among the citizens. You can gain Fame by killing bandits, doing some minor jobs, completing quests, helping other people and winning various games. Look at the table below to learn about rewards that you will get for each fame level.
Sometimes your actions will result in something called Honor. This statistic will raise when you will catch bandits alive. Level called Drifter is neutral (you will get it at the beginning).
Bandana - you can buy it in every store. It will hide your identity so when you are wearing it your action will not result in your Fame and Honor level.
When you do something against law and there will be some eyewitnesses your actions will be reported and you will be chased by some representative of law. Of course, you can always kill the eyewitness but then your character will be chased by both: police and bounty hunters. Generally, the more damages you will do, the more people will follow you. You can solve this situation in many ways: surrender, run away, try to bribe the officer or just pay the fine.
Bandana - you can buy it in every store. It will hide your identity so when you are wearing it your action will not result in your Fame and Honor level. In addition when you will commit a crime while wearing it, take it off and your "chase level" will lower immediately.
Murder of horse
Vandalism (vehicle)
Murder of property
Destroying private property
Murder of animal
Destroying private property (vehicle)
Stealing a horse
Stealing a property
Physical attack
Attack on policeman
Kidnapping of policemen
Attack on horse
Safe opening
Attack on property
Attack on animal
Murder of policemen
Policemen threatening
Every town has it's own number of lawmen. If you will kill them all, then any of new guards won't attack you until you will do another crime.
Number of guards
Number of guards
20 guards
Las Hermanas
8 guards
Ridgewood Farm
5 guards
Agave Viejo
5 guards
Coots Chapel
6 guards
20 guards
Benedict Point
6 guards
El Matadero
9 guards (+5 soldiers)
Rathskeller Fork
5 guards
El Presidio
0 guards (+20 soldiers)
MacFarlane Ranch
6 guards
50 guards
7 guards
Pacific Union Railroad Camp
7 guards
30 guards (+10 soldiers)
Manzanite Post
7 guards
Every town has three types of chases (two of them depend on the total amount of fines):
Number of lawmen
Number of bounty hunters
2 (+1 dog)
6 (+1 dog)
3 (+1 dog)
8 (+2 dogs)
4 (+2 dogs)
10 (+3 dogs)
5 (+3 dogs)
12 (+4 dogs)
6 (+4 dogs)
To achieve 100% in the game you have to complete all the following quests:
Main missions (57)
Rare weapons (5)
Jobs (5)
Apartments (13)
Outfits (9)
Gang hideouts (7)
Bounty hunter (20)
Games (6)
Challenges (8)
Strangers (18)
Locations (94)
Exodus in America
New Friends, Old Problems
Obstacles in Out Path
This is Armadillo, USA
Women and Cattle
Wild Horses, Tamed Passions
A Tempest Looms
The Burning
Political Realities in Armadillo
Justice in Pike's Basin
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit
Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane
The Assault on Fort Mercer
Old Swindler Blues
You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit
Liars, Cheats, and Other Proud Americans
Can a Swindler Change His Spots?
The Sport of Kings, and Liars
Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies
A Gentle Drive with Friends
Let the Dead Bury Their Dead
A French Man, a Welshman, and an Irishman
Man Is Born Unto Trouble
On Shaky's Ground
We Shall Be Together in Paradise
The Gunslinger's Tragedy
Landon Ricketts Rides Again
Lucky in Love
The Mexican Wagon Train
Civilization, at Any Price
The Demon Drink
Empty Promises
Mexican Caesar
Cowards Die Many Times
My Sister's Keeper
Must a Savior Die?
Father Abraham
Captain De Santa's Downfall
The Great Mexican Train Robbery
The Gates of El Presidio
An Appointed Time
Bear One Another's Burdens
Great Men Are Not Always Wise
And You Will Know the Truth
And the Truth Will Set You Free
At Home with Dutch
For Purely Scientific Purpose
The Prodigal Son Returns (to Yale)
The Outlaw's Return
Old Friends, New Problems
John Marston and Son
Wolves, Dogs, and Sons
Spare the Love, Spoil the Child
By Sweat and Toil
A Continual Feast
The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed
All locations can be discovered in two ways. You can buy all necessary territorial maps in stores or visit all areas by yourself.
1. Thieves' Landing
2. Mason's Bridge
3. Stillwater Creek
4. Manteca Falls
5. Brittlebrush Trawl
6. MacFarlane's Ranch
7. Warthington Ranch
8. Pike's Basin
9. Mescalero
10. Greenhollow
11. The Hanging Rock
12. Coot's Chapel
13. Venter's Place
14. Lake Don Julio
15. Rio del Lobo
16. Riley's Charge
17. Two Crows
18. Armadillo
19. Twin Rocks
20. Rattlesnake Hollow
21. Pleasance House
22. Jorge's Gap
23. Mercer Station
24. Critchley's Ranch
25. Odd Fellow's Rest
26. Ridgewood Farm
27. Hamlin's Passing
28. Del Lobo Rock
29. Fort Mercer
30. Plainview
31. Repentance Rock
32. Benedict Pass
33. Benedict Point
34. Solomon's Folly
35. The Scratching Post
36. Gaptooth Breach
37. Tumbleweed
38. Cueva Seca
39. Silent Stead
40. Rathskeller Fork
Henningan's Stead - store in Henningan
Cholla Springs - store in Armadillo
Rio Bravo - store in Thieves' Landing
Gaptooth Ridge - store in Armadillo
1. Nosalida
2. Escalera
3. Crooked Toes
4. Puerto Cuchillo
5. Sidewinder Gulch
6. Frontera Bridge
7. Plata Grande
8. Tesoro Azul
9. Rio del Toro
10. Ojo del Diablo
11. Chuparosa
12. Ramita de la Baya
13. Barranca
14. Campo Miranda
15. Hendidura Grande
16. Las Hermanas
17. Laguna Borrego
18. Primera Quebrada
19. Rancho Polvo
20. Sepulcro
21. Agave Viejo
22. Roca de Madera
23. Casa Madrugada
24. Alta Cabeza
25. Mesa de la Luna
26. El Presidio
27. Mesa del Sol
28. El Matadero
29. Torquemada
30. Butter Bridge
31. The Old Bacchus Place
Perdido - store in Chuparosa
Diez Coronas - store in Chuparosa
Punta Orgullo - store in Escalera
1. Blackwater
2. Wreck of the Serendipity
3. Broken Tree
4. Dixon Crossing
5. Beecher's Hope
6. Marston Homestead
7. Pacific Union R.R. Camp
8. Montana Ford
9. Tanner's Span
10. Bearclaw Camp
11. Manzanita Post
12. Tanner's Reach
13. Nekoti Rock
14. Cochinay
Great Plains - store in Blackwater
Tall Trees - store in Manzanita Post
All animals needed to achieve Hunter challenge are marked on the map. Rest of them are listed below. Note that in-game map is also marking locations of some animals automatically.
Animal list:
Rare animals:
1. Pike's Basin
2. Twin Rocks
3. Fort Mercer
4. Tumbleweed
5. Gaptooth Breach
1. Nosalida
2. Tesoro Azul
1. Brittlebrush Trawl
2. Mescalero
3. The Hanging Rock
4. Rattlesnake Hollow
5. Mercer Station
6. Rio del Lobo
7. Repentance Rock
8. Silent Stead
A. MacFarlane's Ranch
B. Armadillo
C. Rathskeller Fork
1. Tesoro Azul
2. Ojo del Diablo
3. Barranca
4. Hendidura Grande
5. Laguna Borrego
6. Rancho Polvo
7. Primera Quebrada
8. Sepulcro
A. Escalera
B. Chuparosa
C. El Presidio
1. Nakoti Rock
2. Aurora Basin
3. Tanner's Reach
4. Bearclaw Camp
A. Manzanita Post
B. Blackwater
Apartments allow you to save the game, restore your ammunition (chest located near the bed). Every sleep will last for six game hours. During the game you will come across single rooms that are possible to rent for one night and for the whole game. In addition you will be able to buy some houses too.
In every room you can find grips to bind your horse there. In addition, you can always change your clothes (press B)
Apartments that are available for rent are not counted to conditions needed to complete game for 100% percent.
Apartment prices:
1. MacFarlane's Ranch - available from the beginning
2. Armadillo - $50
3. Plainview - $5/night
4. Ridgewood Farm - $5/night
5. Rathskeller Fork - $100
6. Thieves' Landing - $150
Apartment prices:
1. El Matadero - $150
2. Casa Madrugada - $200
3. Chuparosa - $150
4. Irish's Shack - you will get it during the game
5. Escalera - $150
Apartment prices:
1. Blackwater - you will get it during the game
2. Beecher's Hope x2 - you will get it during the game
3. Manzanita Post - $400
Complete quest: "This is Armadillo, USA"
MacFarlane's Ranch, Armadillo, Thieves' Landing, Casa Madrugada, Chuparosa, Blackwater, Blackwater Hotel
You can localize the game by searching the map (poker is available in cities with special marked with special icon). In every town you will have to pay different buy-in. In Red Dead Redemption you will be playing no limit Texas Hold'em.
Armadillo: $25 (250 chips)
MacFarlane's Ranch: $10 (100 chips)
Thieves Landing: $25 (250 chips)
Casa Madrugada: $50 (500 chips)
Chuparosa: $50 (500 chips)
Blackwater: $100 (1000 chips)
Blackwater Hotel: $250 (2500 chips)
To play with really high bets you have to wear Gentleman's Attire. You can get this suit by merging your Gametarg with Rockstar Social Club account.
Texas Hold'em is consisted of few phases described below:
When cards are shown to other players, you will win if you have better cards. Below, you can look at full classification:
Cards combinations
Royal Flush
10, Jack, Queen, Kind and Ace in one color.
Straight Flush
Straight in one color.
Four of a kind
Four Aces, four Kings and so on...
Full House
Three of a Kind and one Pair. If there is more than one Full House in the game then player with higher cards that are creating Three of Kind will win.
Five cards in one color. If there is more than one Flush in the game then player with higher card will win.
Five cards one "after another". Ace can be the highest and the lowest card.
Three of a kind
Three Aces, three Kings and so on...
Two pairs
If two players have two pairs than player with higher pair will win. If they have the same pair, then player with higher second pair will win. If there is a draw again then player with higher fifth card will win (so called kicker).
One Pair
If two players have the same pair then player with higher other cards will win.
High Card
Every other card combination.
If you want to cheat then you have to wear Elegant Suit (you can read how to get it in the chapter [Additional activities] Suits. When there be your turn to deal, press Y and try to keep cursor in the middle #1. You are balancing with the left analogue stick (LS). As a matter of fact, you will take one card for yourself.
To change cards during the game, press Y and put left analogue stick to the right and to the left. Remember to keep the cursor in the middle #2.
Try not to cheat when there is only one player in the game. Dealing process is too short and you will be caught. If you won't be able to keep the cursor in the middle then you will be caught too. As a matter of fact you will have to fight with other player. Detailed description of duels can be found in the chapter [Basics] Duels.
Complete quest: "This is Armadillo, USA"
Blackwater, Thieves' Landing, Chuparosa, Rathskeller
You can localize the game by searching the map (poker is available in cities with special marked with special icon). In every town you will have to pay different buy-in.
Thieves Landing - $40 (400 chips)
Rathskeller Fork - $20 (200 chips)
Chuparosa - $30 (300 chips
Blackwater - $50 (500 chips)
Complete quest: "This is Armadillo, USA"
Manzanita Post, Armadillo, Escalera, Thieves' Landing, Torquemada
This task is about pressing correct buttons (as a matter of fact knife will land between correct fingers). To win you have to defeat all other players that are coming to the table. To defeat one men, you have to do your job in given time (in the first try). In the second try the combination is the same but you have to do it more times. Remember that every time you have to end combination on A! You can always limit the stake but as a matter of fact you will have to do the combination much faster. Very important thing is that you have five attempts with every opponent. If there is more than three opponents level one is played two times, only the stake is different.
Level 1
Combination: A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B
Stakes: $1-$5 (four opponents and more) / $3-$10 (three or less opponents)
Level 2
Combination: A, B, A, Y, A, B, A, Y, A, B
Stakes: $10-$25
Level 3
Combination: A, B, A, Y, A, X, A, B, A, Y
Stakes: $25-$100
Complete the quest: "Women and Cattle"
Las Hermanas, MacFarlane's Ranch, Rathskeller Fork
1-$10, with more money your opponent is better.
Remember to target the stick properly. It must be between the horseshoe and your finger.
Throw is most important. The bar on the left represent the angle of how your arm. Try to hit in the middle. The speed is also very important, but remember not too exaggerate with this.
- for every horseshoe that is closer than opponents one +1 point;
- for two horseshoes closer than opponent horseshoes +2 points;
- when your horseshoe is in the middle (ringer) +3 points;
- you task is to get 11 points, minimal advantage is 2.
Complete the quest: "Old Swindler Blues"
Thieves' Landing, Casa Madrugada, Escalera
This game is about bidding on the number and total value of all dices on the table. Every player has three dices at start and he can see only his. Whole game is consisted of few crucial phases:
Complete the quest: "We Shall Be Together in Paradise"
Pacific Union Railroad Camp, Plainview, El Matadero, Agave Viejo
To win the game you have to pin other player arm onto the surface. At the beginning press and hold A and a matter of fact you will be able to defend. Then you have to release and push A once again and again to lower your enemy hand. Look at the strength bar located on the left. It can be recharged by pressing and holding A. When your opponent hand will be close to the table and the strength bar will be full, you will be able to slam enemy hand (press (X)).
Complete the quest: "New Friends, Old Problems"
MacFarlane's Ranch, Chuparosa, Blackwater
You can complete this quest only at night. You will see the moon shaped icon when the mission will be available. At start follow the dog #1, soon he will find something. You job could be to handle with: cattle thief, horse thief or two bandits #2. All tasks can be complete in two ways: you can kill you enemies or catch the using your lasso. After the job go to sheriff and get your reward:
Reward: ~ $60
Fame: 5
Honor: 50
Reward: ~ $30
Fame: 5
Complete the quest: "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions"
Ridgewood Farm, Chuparosa
In this job you will have to catch some wild horses. Go to the pen to find a horse, choose lasso in your inventory and target the horse #1. If you will be successful then you will have to jump on the horse very quickly. In the next step you have to free your companion #2 (use left analogue stick). At the end transport your horse to the barn.
Price: ~ $10
Available from the beginning
Buy them from the tailor in Thieves' Landing
You will be able to cheat in Poker
Defeat Bollard Twin gang member
1. Search Thieves' Landing
2. Complete nightwatch in MacFarlane's Ranch
3. Win Horseshoes in MacFarlane's Ranch
4. Catch Bollard Twins gang member (alive)
5. Defend Hennigan's Stead citizens from Bollard Twins gang attack
6. Buy other parts from the tailor in Thieves' Landing
Bollard Twins gang members are now friendly for you
Some parts of this outfit can be found in Thieves' Landing, in magazine.
Defeat Treasure Hunter gang member
1. Search Silent Stead
2. Complete mission for the stranger: "California"
3. Win some money in Blackjack in Rathskeller Fork
4. Catch Treasure Hunter gang member (alive)
5. Complete Gaptooth Breach gang hideout
6. Buy other parts from the tailor in Thieves' Landing
Treasure Hunter gang members are now friendly for you
Some parts of this outfit can be found in Silent Stead, in abandoned house, in the chest.
Defeat Bandito gang member
1. Search Sidewinder Gulch
2. Complete nightwatch in Chuparosa
3. Win Liar's Dice in Casa Madrugada
4. Catch Bandito gang member (alive)
5. Defend Mexico citizens from Bandito gang attack
6. Buy other parts in the store in Chuparosa
Bandito gang members are now friendly for you
Some parts of this outfit can be found in Sidewinder Gulch, in the tent on the left.
Complete mission: "An Appointed Time"
1. Search Sepulcro
2. Complete a mission for the stranger: "Poppycock"
3. Complete horsebreaker job in Chuparosa
4. Complete mission for the stranger: "Love is the Opiate"
5. Win Five Finger Fillet in Torquemada
6. Buy other parts in the store in Escalera
You won't be chased by Mexican lawmen
Some parts of this outfit can be found in Sepulcro, on the graveyard, near the wall.
Find any part of US Army Outfit
1. Search Aurora Basin
2. Win Arm Wrestling in Pacific Union Railroad Camp
3. Eliminate all players in Pokerze in Blackwater
4. Complete a mission for the stranger: "Lights, Camera, Action"
5. Complete nightwatch in Blackwater
6. Buy other parts from the tailor in Blackwater (you have to complete the game first)
Some parts of this outfit can be found in Aurora Basin, in an empty shack.
Complete the mission "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed"
Complete all gang hideouts in New Austin in 24 hours (game time)
Won't be chased by American lawmen
Achieve level 5 in one challenge
Achieve 10 level in all challenges
Longer Dead Eye
Achieve 75% progress in the game
Achieve 100% progress in the game
You won't be chased by anyone for any crimes.
Achieve "Peacemaker" level of fame
Buy any house in Mexico
Complete the mission: "The Outlaw's Return"
Complete the mission "Justice in Pike's Basin"
Weapon: Sawed-off Shotgun
One farmer wants to get back his animals stolen by the Bollard gang. After a first conversation #1 you can decide to help him. First thing is to clear the way. Enemies are walking in groups of three so try to shoot them from above #2. Soon, you will get to the bridge - leave it and go straight ahead.
Stay upstairs and eliminate other gang members #1. Remember not to shoot the cattle. If you can, it is good to use a sniper rifle. At the end, farmer will join you. Search this area and open all chests located here. The last important thing is to run away from here. Now, again you will have to clear your way (the only possible strategy is to kill all opponents). If you want you can also use your horse #2.
Fame: 50
Honor: 200
Complete the mission: "New Friends, Old Problems"
Weapon: Volcanic Pistol
Farmer #1 will ask you for your help. He wants you to find his daughter. Your first targets are staying near some huge rocks (on the left and on the right) #2. If you can, use sniper rifle to kill them.
Clear the whole hideout. When you will get closer, three bandits will run away from the nearby building #1. Enter the house as fast as you can and slow the time to eliminate one bandit #2. Remember to open all chests located here.
Fame: 50
Honor: 200
Complete the mission: "We Shall Be Together in Paradise"
Reward: Semi-automatic Pistol
One stranger #1 wants to find a treasure located inside the fortress. Unfortunately, this area is guarded by some gang members. He will ask you to get inside and open the gate. Before you will start the quest eliminate two bandits shooting from the wall #2.
Inside, you will find that you have a major advantage (you are standing on the wall). Kill every enemy located downstairs #1. After this job, you will have to take care of the gang leaders. Try to kill them from distance (sniper rifle will be the best here). Then go to the treasure #2. Remember to open all chests located here.
Fame: 50
Honor: 200
Complete the mission: "New Friends, Old Problems"
Weapon: Winchester Repeater
Your main objective is to find and rescue the sheriff. His location is symbolized by a blue dot on your mini-map. Once you're close to the prison a lot of bandits will appear #1. Use the wall for much needed cover and keep eliminating your enemies, focusing on the ones standing close. Once your path is clear untie the sheriff #2.
Clear the town with his help and go to the manor. Use your sniper rifle to kill guards that are standing outside. You can use front door to enter the building (you will have to kill three other enemies) #1. You can also use the basement that is guarded by two opponents #2. Do not forget to open all chests located here. After the job, go to sheriff to get your reward.
Fame: 50
Honor: 200
Complete the mission: "Man is Born Unto Trouble"
Weapon: Springfield Rifle
Wounded man will ask you for your help. Agree and you will have to save his friend #1. After this conversation he will die. Get close to the hideout (blue dot marked on your mini map). Before you will enter the mansion, kill all guards #2. After you will free the man, he will tell you about the treasure located in the mine.
Go to the mine then #1. Do not worry about your companion. If he will die, you can always end this quest alone. When you will be close, three bandits will attack you. Inside, you will have to cope with another enemies - try to shoot barrels full of explosives #2.
At the end, you will find the treasure - one chest - and you can take everything #1. Now you have to find a way out (and kill every enemy that you will find) #2. Do not forget to open all chests located here.
Fame: 50
Honor: 200
Complete the mission: "We Shall Be Together in Paradise"
Weapon: Henry Repeater
Speak with the general and decide to help him #1. Your task will be to burn three buildings and two boats. You will some bottles with fuel near the rock. First house is located on your left, so go there #2. Beware not to shoot any Mexican army members. Your enemies are marked as a red dots on your mini map. Your targets are marked with yellow color. If you have sniper rifle you can eliminate your opponents from the distance.
Attack from the left side #1. As a result you will evade the main battle, but still you will be close to the action. Remember that Mexican army will help you during the fight so you can count on them. When the whole area will be clear, set the fire. Do not forget about the boats #2. Of course, open all chests. After the job, go to general and take your reward.
Fame: 50
Honor: 200
Complete the mission: "The Demon Drink"
Weapon: Double Action Revolver
After a short conversation, the main gate will open and some bandits will attack you #1. You can continue your journey through the main gate or you can jump onto the wall. Use buildings to hide yourself and surprise your enemies from behind #2.
At one moment a skull icon will appear on the mini map. This is the first gang leader - try to eliminate him from the distance #1 because he is wearing a very powerful shotgun. After this fight you will have to defeat another gang leader. After you will enter the room, activate your Dead Eye and try to shoot him in his head #2. You cannot take away his weapon, killing is the only way. If you will do it too slowly, messenger will be dead and you will get less Honor points for this mission. Do not forget about the chests.
Fame: 50
Honor: 200
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
Sometimes you will see a skull icon in the city. Go there and you will find a poster #1 with the drawing with the description of one dangerous bandit #2. All places where you can find these posters are described in the chapter [Maps] Bounty Hunter. Wanted posters are appearing only in the evenings.
You can take a look at the poster and you will see: 1. the name of the bandit, 2. his description, 3. informations about his gang, 4. last localization (when you will accept this mission it will be marked on the map) and 5. informations about the reward. For bringing the bandit alive you will get 200 honor points. In the game world there are 20 locations, where your enemies can hide. All of them are described in the chapter [Maps] Bounty Hunter. The total number of bandits is 45.
After killing all his guards, try to catch your opponent. To do this use you lasso #1. Then put him on your horse #2 and go to the nearest police station to get your reward.
If you will decide to kill wanted bandit, you will get a smaller reward. In addition, you won't get any honor points. Remember to take a proof that the bandit is dead.
Remember than during your journey, some bandits will try to free his companion. Note that when you are getting close to a town, chasing groups are disappearing. A very important thing is to have a good horse - you will be at the police station much faster. The next important thing is to keep one bandit alive (and hurt his horse). As a result he won't be able to follow you and no new group will appear in the future. If the bandit is alive and his horse is dead, after some time he will stop chasing you but some new groups will appear.
Sometimes you will meet some random people asking for your help. You can leave them (it won't result in your honor/fame points) or try to help them. Some quests can be completed in two ways: you can kill your enemies or catch them. If you will bring the bandit alive you will get some honor points. If the bandit will be dead, you won't get any honor points. For every completed task you will be awarded with some Fame points and some money.
In the case of random encounter a blue icon will appear on your mini map.
Save the women from kidnapping. Mainly near saloons all over the world.
Do not allow a thief/prostitute to steal your horse.
Defeat an opponent in a duel.
Transport something very fragile from one place to another.
Escort NPC and kill bandits that are attacking you.
Save the men from the execution (you will have to kill more than one enemy).
Bandit Seeking
Help officers to catch the bandit. Try not to shoot any lawmen.
Help a stranger to save his friend (shoot the line using your Dead Eye).
Herbalism task
Collect herbs faster than your opponent.
Kill some bandits and secure their loot.
Horse stealing
Stop the thief and bring the horse to his owner.
Shooting competition
Kill some animals in given time.
Skinning competition
Kill and skin animals faster than your opponent.
Cart stealing
Stop the thief and bring the cart to his owner.
Wild animal attack
Defend a stranger and kill animals that are chasing him.
Sometimes you will see (?) on your mini map. You can (but you do not have to) take these jobs. For these quests, you will get some Fame and Honor points. Note, that some of them can be done in many ways.
All localization of strangers are given in the chapter [Maps] Strangers.
Requirements: Complete the mission: "New Friends, Old Problems"
Speak with an old men (A1) that is collecting some flowers #1 for his wife. Offer him you help and you will have to collect three: Wil Feverfew, Red Sage and Desert Sage. Their exact localization can be found in the chapter [Maps] Flora. After the job, return to the shack (A2) and meet his wife #2.
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Obstacles is Out Path"
Speak with the women sitting in the ruins (B1) #1. Hers boyfriend has disappeared (Peter) and their wedding is coming soon. Go to saloon in Armadillo (B2) where you will find a musician sitting at the table #2.
He know where the Peter is and he will tell you if:
1. You will give him $5.
2. You will convince his wife (she is standing near the saloon) to give him one more chance. After a short conversation, woman will give you two choices: go back to the saloon (return to point 1) or you are threatening her with your gun #1 and take her to the saloon with the help of your lasso.
Honor: -100
You will learn that Peter is in the Odd Fellow's Rest (B3). You will find yourself on the graveyard, so get close to the grave #2 and find that he is dead.
Requirements: Complete the mission: "This is Armadillo, USA"
Woman that is lying on the stones (C) #1 is not looking very well. You cannot take her to town so give her a medicine #2 and she will thank you for the cure.
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Women and Cattle"
South of Gaptooth Breach (D1) you will a man playing on the harmony #1. Warn him that this area is very dangerous and he will tell you that he wants to go to the California. He will thank you for your advice and he will go away. Couple of days later, you will meet him north of Cueva Seca (D2). He still wants to go to the Pacific Ocean #2.
After another few days he will meet him again near Gaptooth Ridge (D3) #1. Last meeting will be (after another few days) south of Tumbleweed (D4). Search him body and you will find a letter. Go to the point marked on the map (B2) and find the post office in Armadillo. Then send the letter #2.
Fame: 50
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Political Realities In Armadillo"
McAllister (E1) #1 is planning to do some diggings to find a water. Unfortunately this area is owned by one old man and he don't want to cooperate. Your task is to take control over this ground. Get close to the house (E2) #2 located north of Armadillo. After a short conversation man will agree to sell you his cottage. This quest can be completed in three ways:
1. Give him $200 and return to McAllister (E1) to give him proper documents.
Reward: $220
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
2. Kill the old man and take documents. McAllister will see papers covered with blood.
Reward: $15
Fame: 50
Honor: -100
3. Give him $200 and then kill the old man taking back your money. Papers will be covered with blood.
Reward: $205 + $15
Fame: 50
Honor: -50
Part 1
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Political Realities In Armadillo"
You will see a crying woman standing near the sheriff office (F1). She will ask you to find her son #1. His last known localization is Hanging Rocks. Go there (F2) and search the area. When you will be close enough a question mark will appear. Come closer and you will see blood on the ground. Examine this area #2.
Part 2
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Justice in Pike's Basin", "American Appetites part 1"
You will find a crying man outside of the sheriff office (F1) #1. He will ask you to find his woman - she is somewhere near Hanging Rocks. Go there once again (F2) and search this area. Once again you will a lot of blood there. Examine this area #2.
Part 3
Requirements: Complete the mission "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions", "American Appetites part 2"
You will find a crying woman in the sheriffs office (F1) #1. She will tell you that her husband has disappeared somewhere near Hanging Rocks. Go there (F2) and you will find a man with broken leg #2.
He will tell you that seconds ago one townsfolk has hurt him and now he is running away. Catch the running man using your lasso and return to the wounded stranger #1. Now, you will see that a man with broken leg is a cannibal #2. Now you will have two choices:
1. Go away and let the man be eaten.
Fame: 50
Honor: -100
2. Kill the cannibal and free the man.
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
Part 1
Requirements: Complete mission: "Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies"
You will find a man inside the telegraph office (G1) #1. Speak with him and you will learn that he is traveling around the world #2.
Part 2
Requirements: Complete mission: "Man Is Born Unto Trouble"
You meet again this journalist in the gang hideout, north of the Gaptooth Breech (G2). Enter the mine #1 and ill all your enemies here. Free the imprisoned man #2 and go outside (you do not have to worry about your companion.
Part 3
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Man Is Born Unto Trouble"
You will have to rescue Jimmy once again. Now, you will have to look for him in the gang hideout in Pike's Basin (G3) #1 (you do not have to clear the hole hideout). Free him once again #2.
Part 4
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Empty Promises"
Your last meeting will be quite similar. Go to the gang hideout (G4) #1 (you do not have to clear the hole hideout). Climb on the wall near the building where Jimmy is imprisoned. Climb on the roof and free him once again #2.
Fame: 50
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Liars, Cheats, and Other Proud Americans"
Man named Jeb (H1) #1 will ask you to free his love of his life that was taken by some bandits. Go to the Tumbleweed (H2) and find the woman #2. After a short conversation you will see that you have to free... a horse. Take this animal and return to Rathskeller Fork (H1). If you will ride too fast, "woman" will stay behind you and you will meet her once again near town.
Part 1
Requirements: Complete the mission: "The Sport of Kings, and Liars"
At the back yard of a cinema, you will find a film director (I1) #1. He wants to build a huge film studio, but he needs a ground to do it. He will ask you to win appropriate documents in Liar's Dice #2 in Thieves' Landing (I2). If there won't be any players, save the game and come back later. Starting bet is $200 and all rules are described in a chapter [Additional Activities] Poker.
When you will have the property act go to Benedict Point (G3) where you will find an actor #1. Your task will be to win with him in a duel by shooting him in his gun #2. Now, return to MacKenn (I1) and tell him the good news.
Fame: 50
Part 2
Requirements: Complete the mission: "An Appointed Time", "Lights, Camera, Action part 1"
Go to Pacific Union Railroad Camp (I3), where you will find MacKenn #1. After a short conversation you will be able to end this mission #2.
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
Part 1
Requirements: Complete the mission: "A Tempest Looms"
This mission can be completed only before you will end the game!
Speak with the man that is standing at the cliff (J1) #1. He knows you, but don't know anything about him. In addition he will ask you to check his friend in Thieves' Landing (I2) (this guy probably wants to cheat his wife) #2. You can complete this quest in two ways:
1. Give him $15 for the sex with a prostitute.
Honor: -20
2. Try to convince him to be faithful.
Honor: 30
Part 2
Requirements: Complete the mission: "We Shall Be Together In Paradise", "I Know You part 1"
You will meet this mysterious quest giver in El Matadero (J2) #1 once again. Now you have to help a nun to collect some money. Go the marked location (J3) and give her $10 #2. If in the second part of the mission you had convinced the man to be faithful, you will get a magical amulet as a reward.
Honor: 50
Part 3
Requirements: Complete the mission: "An Appointed Time", "I Know You part 2"
The last meeting with this stranger will be at a small hill near Beecher's Hope (J4) #1. The man won't tell you his name once again and your character will do something really bad... #2.
Requirements: Complete the mission: "We Shall Be Together In Paradise"
East of Agave Viejo (K1) a man name Charles Kinnear is trying to build a glider #1. He is almost done but still he needs some materials. Collect 20 feathers, 10 Red Sages and 5 beaver skins for him. Birds are flying everywhere, Red Sage is near Rio Bravo (look in the chapter [Maps] Flora) but the beavers are the hardest part of this quest. You will find them north of Great Plains, near the river and near the Henningans Stead (K2). After collecting all necessary items return to the quest giver (K1). Return to him after few days (K1) to see his completed work #2.
Fame: 50
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Lucky In Love"
Stop Mario (L1) from beating his woman #1 and buy her freedom for $200.
Fame: 5
Honor: 100
Couple of later go to the church in Las Hermanas (L2) and ask about your friend. A nun #2 will tell you that the woman has left this place few days earlier with a man and they were going to El Sepulcro.
Go there (L3) where you will find a graveyard. Mario #1 will be burying her. Tell him to give you your money back, but it won't be simple - you have to defeat him in a duel #2. Do not forget to search his body.
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Civilization, AT Any Price"
Uriah Tollets (M1) #1 will ask you for your help. You will have to get a package and transport it to one farmer. Go to Nosalida (M2) (you do not have to clear it, just stay alive). Package is at the docks #2.
Now go to El Matadero (M3) #1. You will get $1000 for this job and you will have to bring money to Uriah. Return to the quest giver (M1) #2 and you will learn what was inside the package. Now, you have couple of possibilities to end this quest:
1. Keep the money for yourself and the mission will be active.
Reward: $1000
2. Give $1000 to the quest giver.
Fame: 50
Honor: 500
3. Give $1000 to the quest giver, kill him and take all money. Then you will have to pay the fine ($40). You can also decide not pay any money and spend some days in the prison.
Reward: $1000 - $40
Fame: 50
Honor: 500
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Empty Promises", "Poppycock".
To buy freedom for Zhou (M3) #1 you have to give a beautiful, white horse to his owner. This is a very difficult ask. Go to Escalera (N1) horsebreak the animal #2 and return to slaughterhouse. (M3).
Couple of weeks later, you will find Zhou #1 at the station in Chuparosa (N2) #2. He is planning to go home.
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
Requirements: Complete the mission: "Must a Savior Die?"
Your task is to collect map fragments for Basilio (O1) #1 - it will lead you to some Aztec treasure. Go to Sidewinder Gulch (O2) and you will find the first fragment under the rocks #2.
Next fragment will be in a ruined house in southern Las Hermanas (O3) #1. The last one is located west of El Matadero (O4) #2.
Now get back to the man, who is waiting for you in El Matadero (O5). Give him a map #1 and run with him to the cave. Find him there and wait until he will dig up the treasure #2.
Fame: 50
Requirements: Complete the mission: "An Appointed Time"
Speak with the governor colleague in Blackwater (R1) #1. He wants to end gossips about his boss. He will give you some photos of governor main opponent. Your task is to give them to him #2. Photos will be very effective, the man will promise that he won't tell any gossips in the future.
Reward: $25
Requirements: Complete the mission: "An Appointed Time"
You will meet a women praying in the church (Q1) #1. She will tell you that she is pregnant with a guy that has left her without any money. Go to the nearest saloon(P1) and find Harold #2.
You will be forced to fight with him. Go outside and accept the challenge #1. Search his body, take the money and give them to a woman waiting in the church. Couple of days later, you will see a crying woman (Q1) at the graveyard #2.
Requirements: Complete the mission: "An Appointed Time", "The Wronged Woman"
Near the saloon in Blackwater you will find a man that is promoting a prohibition (P1) #1. You be asked to go to the other side of Blackwater (P2). You will meet Phillips there #2. He will ask you to kill Abner. You can now:
Warn Abner:
If you will decide to let him leave, alcohol prices and apartment prices will raise +50%.
Reward: $25
Fame: 5
Honor: 100
Kill Abner:
If you will decide to kill him, alcohol prices and apartment prices will fall -50%..
Fame: 50
Honor: -100
At the end get back to Phillips and tell him bout your decision.
Requirements: Complete the mission: "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed"
A man I elegant suite #1 in Blackwater (S1) will inform you where you can find retired agent Ross. Go to Lake Don Julio (S2). Unfortunately you will find only his wife #2.
Now you will have to get to San Luis River (S3) where Ross is hunting with his brother Philips. At the river there will be only Philips #1 and he will tell you where his brother is hunting at the moment. This place is nearby (S4). After a short conversation you will have to duel with Edgar Ross #2.
Shoot a bird
Level 5: Master Sharpshooter (More ammunition in chests located in apartments)
Level 10: Legendary Sharpshooter (Faster Dead Eye regeneration)
Animal map can be found in the chapter [Maps] Fauna.
Target: Shoot 5 birds.
Birds are everywhere, you just have look to the sky. If they are sitting on the trees, simply shoot once to scary them.
Use your Dead Eye to slow the time. It will be good to have a second level of this ability (automatic targeting).
Fame: 20
Target: Kill 5 rabbits.
Rabbits are very popular, especially at night. Good areas to find them are Cholla Springs and Hennigan's Stead.
Hunt them from your horse - you will see much more things and you will be faster. Use your Dead Eye and the quest will be easier.
Fame: 20
Target: Kill 5 coyotes without taking any damage.
Coyotes are residing north of Armadillo. They are active especially at night.
During this quest you cannot be attacked by any coyotes. It will be simple because in most cases they are running away from you. Remember that they are gray.
Fame: 20
Target: Kill 5 birds from the train.
First important thing is to find a train. Climb on the roof and look for some birds.
Use your Dead Eye to slow the time. As a matter of fact targeting will be much more simple now. It will be good to have a second level of this ability (automatic targeting).
Fame: 20
Target: Kill two different animals during one Dead Eye.
You can do it wherever you want to. Kill one ground animal and the shoot a bird.
After activating your Dead Eye target two animals at once. Then shoot both of them.
Fame: 50
Target: Shoot hat from the heads of two people.
To not break the law go to one of the gang hideouts and find some enemies with hats.
Activate your Dead Eye and target the hat. If you have second level of this ability it can tougher (you can automatically target a head).
Fame: 20
Target: Kill tree bear with a head shot.
Bears can be found in Tall Trees. Take some powerful rifle for this quest.
When you will see an animal, wait until it will be close to you. Then activate your Dead Eye and shoot him in the head.
Fame: 20
Target: Shoot a hat from a head and disarm two enemies.
Go to the gang hideout - you will find many opponents here.
Activate your Dead Eye and target hat or a gun. Remember that you don't have to complete this task in one Dead Eye session. Note that Walon gang members have big hats - the quest will be simple here.
Fame: 20
Target: Kill 6 wild animals without reloading or changing your weapon.
Go to the gang hideout and kill everybody. Wait few minutes until vultures will come. Then target these birds and complete the task.
Fame: 20
Target: Disarm 6 enemies without reloading or changing your weapon.
You don't have to do it during one Dead Eye. Take a weapon with many bullets - you will be able to waste some shots then.
The best option is to have 3rd level of the Dead Eye ability. Go to the gang hideout in Gaptooth, to the mine. Sometimes you weapon will reload automatically, but don't worry - it won't be counted as your reload.
Fame: 50
Find a plant: Wild Feverfew
Level 5: Master Survivalist (Herb map will be active for 40 minutes)
Level 10: Legendary Survivalist (You will be able to make Tonic to renew your Dead Eye ability)
This challenge is about collecting some herbs scattered all over the world. Plats are appearing on the mini map as a small leaf shaped icon. Each level of this challenge will require you to find different plant species.
You can buy Survivalist Map at every store. It will help you in finding plants for 20 minutes. Detailed localization of all plants can be found in the chapter [Maps] Flora.
Target: Collect 6x Wild Feverfew, search for them near Hennigan's Stead and Cholla Springs.
Fame: 20
Target: Collect 6x Desert Sage, search for them near Gaptooth Ridge.
Fame: 20
Target: Collect 4x Red Sage, search for them near Rio Bravo.
Fame: 20
Target: Collect 8x Prickly Pear, search for them near Punta Orgullo.
Fame: 20
Target: Collect 7x Woolly Blue Curl, search for them near Perdido.
Fame: 50
Target: Collect 8x Butterfly Weed, search for them near Diez Coronas.
Fame: 20
Target: Collect 10x Hummingbird Sage, search for them near Tall Trees.
Fame: 20
Target: Collect 12x Prairie Poppy, search for them near Great Plains.
Fame: 20
Target: Collect 15x Golden Currant, search for them near Great Plains.
Fame: 20
Target: Collect 10x Violet Snowdrop, search for them near Talls Trees. Collect 2x all plant from the previous levels.
Fame: 50
Kill and skin one coyote
Level 5: Master Hunter (Buffalo Rifle will be available)
Level 10: Legendary Hunter (You will be able to create regenerating )
This challenge is about hunting and skinning animals. On the higher levels, you will have to find and catch more rare and powerful animals. First of all buy a bait in the shop. When you will be outside of the town put it on the ground. Animals will come to you and your task will be simple. Detailed localization of all animals can be found in the chapter [Maps] Fauna.
Target: Kill and skin 5 coyotes.
Coyotes are residing north of Armadillo. They are active especially at night.
During this quest you cannot be attacked by any coyotes. It will be simple because in most cases they are running away from you. Remember that they are gray.
Target: Kill and skin 5 deers.
Deers are very common in New Austin and West Elizabeth. Mainly near the roads (they are appearing in large groups).
Target: Kill and skin 5 wolves (use only knife).
Wolves are very popular in Mexico, but you can find them in New Austin too.
This quest will require you to use only a knife and thats why it is quite difficult. First of all, do not attack with knife when wolves are large groups - shoot them with your gun and then, when there will be only two or three of them, attack with your knife.
Target: Kill and skin 5 boars and 5 armadillos.
Boars are very rare. You will find them in northern part of Hennigan's Stead and Tall Trees.
Armadillos are residing in Mexico and New Austin. The only problem is that they are very difficult to find, so watch the ground very carefully.
Target: Kill and skin two pumas.
Pumas are very powerful so try to shoot them with your gun first. When there will be only one of them, attack with your knife and skin your victim. They can be found in New Austin and West Elizabeth.
To make this quest much easier, slow the time with Dead Eye and shoot them in their body (not the head). If puma will try to escape, use your lasso to stop it.
Target: Kill and skin 5 raccoons, 5 skunks and 5 foxes.
All animals are often hiding in high grass so you will have to seek for them. You can also shoot into the air to scary them and force them to move.
All animals can be found in New Austin, mainly during the night.
Target: Kill and skin 5 elks and 5 bighorns.
Elks can be found in West Elizabeth, near Tall Trees. Bighorns are much easier to find - they are almost everywhere near cliffs.
Note that elks are very powerful and durable. They can take few shots and stay alive. Try to use Dead Eye and shoot them into the head.
Target: Kill and skin bear (use only knife).
Bears can be found north of Tall Trees.
Shoot the bear with your gun and then attack with your knife. When he will get hurt, he will start to flee. Use your lasso to stop him.
Target: Find, kill and skill a rare animal - jaguar Khan.
Khan is leaving in Mexico, near Ojo Del Diablo. He will appear on your map as a very risky area. You can try to lure him.
Jaguar is very fast, so stay on your horse. In fact, when you will turn on your Dead Eye, the fight will become very easy.
Target: Kill and skin: Lobo the Wolf, Gordo the bear and Brumas the bear.
All of these animals with appear on the map when you will come close enough to their lairs. Of course, you can always lure them.
Do not start fighting without your horse. Horse and Dead Eye will help you in this task.
Brumas is the most difficult enemy. He is residing in a small cave so be careful while fighting with him.
Save or kill treasure hunter that will appear in the game.
Level 5: Free cart journeys
Level 10: Legendary Treasure Hunter, Treasure Hunter Bag (you can carry 200% of normal capacity)
Save or kill treasure hunter that will appear in the game.
Fame: 40
Map number 1
When you will be at your destination, seek for the treasure near the huge rock.
Reward: Rhodes Gold
Fame: 20
Map number 2
When you will be at your destination, get close to the cliff (keep to the left side). You will find the treasure two levels below.
Reward: Jackson's Gold
Fame: 20
Map number 3
You will find the treasure in the abandoned manor, in the basement, under the skull.
Reward: Calhoun's Gold
Fame: 20
Map number 4
Find a tree with skulls and then get close to the river. Treasure is hidden under the wall (second from the right).
Reward: Tubman's Gold
Fame: 20
Map number 5
Treasure is hidden at the of one rock.
Reward: Brown's Gold
Fame: 20
Map number 6
Go under the hanging rock. Treasure on the left side of this passage.
Reward: Douglass' Gold
Fame: 20
Map number 7
When you will see this characteristic rock, stand on its left side. You will see a cliff and go there. The treasure is at the end.
Reward: Garrison's' Gold
Fame: 20
Map number 8
Treasure is hidden near the tree, just between two walls.
Reward: Pickett's Gold
Fame: 20
Map number 9
At the to of the mountain you will find a cave. The treasure is located inside.
Reward: Stonewall's Gold
Fame: 50
When you will be able to control your character, go to the saloon (yellow dot on the mini map) where your informer will be waiting for you #1. After a short conversation with Jake, follow him and take one horse #2. By pressing (A) button, you will be able to move with the same speed as your friend.
Jake will lead you to Fort Mercer #1. Get close to the gate and meet with Bill Williamson #2. You will be shoot, fortunately some townsfolk will help you.
Complete mission: "Exodus in America"
Repeater Carbine
Dead Eyelevel 1/3
Work: Nightwatch
Stranger: "Flowers for a Lady"
Gang hideouts: Tumbleweed, Twin Rocks
Go to Bonnie's house (blue dot on a mini map) and you will find get outside. You will go for a ride #1 and you will see some interesting place: store, cattle pen, station and a barn. Tide your horse and enter the house. In the evening you will be asked to defend this building and you will get a gun. Go outside, take your horse and kill some... rabbits #2.
If you will have problems in finding your opponents, look at the mini map, they are marked with red. Soon you will meet some coyotes #1. Most important thing is to stay on the horse. Use your Dead Eye ability, target you enemies [LT] and press (RS). After this job, return to your base #2.
Fame: 150
Honor: 50
Complete the quest: "New Friends, Old Problems"
Stranger: "Let No Man Put Asunder"
Take your horse (you can get close to it or just whistle) and go to the start #1. You will be racing against Bonnie and the result is not important here. The only thing that matters is that you cannot stay behind. To achieve this look at your horse endurance level. If it will come to zero you will fall on the ground #2. Road is marked by some yellow dots on the mini map.
Fame: 20
Complete the mission: "Obstacles in Our Path"
Items available in the store: Double Barreled Shotgun, Winchester Repeater, Volcanic Pistol
You can now buy/rent apartments
Mini games: Poker, Five Finger Fillet
Stranger: "Jenny's Faith"
Get close to the cart #1. Your task will be to transport miss MacFarlane to Armadillo #2. This will be a very easy quest - no enemies and no problems.
When you will be in town go to doctor and take medicine ordered by Bonnie #1. When she will come back #2 you will be able to go to town. Moreover new quest giver will appear nearby - Marshal Johnson.
Honor: 50
Complete the mission "This is Armadillo, USA"
Mini game: Horseshoes
Stranger: "California"
Take your horse and join Bonnie in her trip to her cattle #1. Get close to these cows (yellow dot on the mini map) to force them to exit the pen. When you will come from the right, they will turn left and when you will come from the left, they will go right. Force the to go straight ahead by using your D-pad. Your next target is a pasture #2. You shouldn't have any problems with this cattle. When one cow will go away somehow, it will be marked with a blue dot. At the end transport these cows near the old oak.
Reward: $5
Honor: 100
Complete the quest: "Women and Cattle"
Work: Horsebraking
At the beginning of this mission you will get a lasso. Take your horse and follow MacFarlane. You will see a horse shaped icon near the ranch - wild horses. Your task will be to catch two of them. Take your lasso (target with [LT] and throw with [RT]). When you will be successful #1 mister and miss MacFarlane will help you. Now, sit on this wild horse. To horsebreak him you have to balance with left analogue stick #2.
After the job, return to ranch. You will learn about another horses running near Armadillo. Go there and some new helpers will join you. Your task will be to lure animals to a trap located in the canyon #1. This will be much more tougher than previous quest with cows. Horses are don't want to obey and they are running away very often. Unfortunately one horse will run away. Follow him very quickly. After you will come to a huge glade, beast will start to run in circles. Catch him with your lasso and horsebreak him very quickly #2. Now go to Bonnie and she will let you to take this horse. This is the best horse in the game - Kentucky Sadder.
Honor: 150
Complete the mission: "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions"
Stranger: "I Know You"
The weather is bad and you have to save the cattle. Follow Bonnie and when you will be at the pasture, force them to go lose to the old oak. Now cows will be less polite and they will be running away #1 (they will be marked with blue dot). Try not to loose any cow (the total number of all animals is 11). When you will be at the place, a thunder will hit the tree #2. Cattle will be scared and all cows will run to the cliff.
Follow them as fast as possible #1 and try to catch them before they will fall down. Shoot into the air to force them to go in another direction. Total number of all cows is 21, try to save them all. If some of them will die, you still will be able to complete this quest #2.
Honor: 100
Complete the mission: "A Tempest Looms"
Complete the mission: "Spoil the Rod, Spare the Bandit"
Help Bonnie to search for her father. You will see many dead bodies on the pasture #1. Now you will have to go to the ranch and bring the cart to take all bodies. When you will come back home, you will see that barn is on fire #2.
Main gate is closed. Go from the other way: climb on the mill and go to the barn #1. Jump down and unblock the door. Now you can save some horses. When two of them will run away, exit will be blocked. Take the last horse and jump over the beams #2.
Fame: 75
Honor: 150
Complete the mission "Obstacles in Our Path"
Additional activities: Bounty hunter
Stranger: "Water and Honesty", "American Appetites"
Follow Marshal. Soon you will enter the town and you will be near the saloon. Walton will come out from the bar - whistle, take your horse and follow the bandit #1. Before you will be able to fight with the boss, you will have to kill some of his guards first. Run to the cart and hide #2. Kill your first opponent who is hiding behind the chest. You will have to kill 5 bandits (two of them are near the shack - on the right and left. You can end this quest in two ways:
Kill Walton: This is a very quick solution - you can just shoot Walton #1 when he will come out.
Reward: $20
Fame: 75
Honor: -100
Let him live: You can try to catch him. You can shoot him in his leg (use Dead Eye) or just use your lasso #2. Second solution is available only when the quest "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions" is completed.
Reward: $20
Fame: 75
Honor: 200
Complete the mission "Political Realities in Armadillo"
Gangs hideouts: Pike's Basin
Stranger: "American Appetites part 2"
Take your horse and go to Pike's Basin along with Marshal and his people. Before the gorge get off your horse. On the crossroad #1, after killing some enemies, you will be able to choose: stay with Marshal (you will have to care about him) or go with others. Soon you will get to a small camp #2. Kill all opponents and search their bodies.
Few meters further you will be attacked by snipers that are waiting for you on the other side #1. Go to the other side and get close your enemies before the attack. You will meet three bandits on your way. Eliminate them and go to the camp for more #2. Try not to shoot the prisoner. If you want to, you can shoot everybody from the nearby hill.
Reward: $25
Fame: 150
Honor: 100
Complete the mission: "Women and Cattle"
Complete the mission: "Old Swindler Blues"
Weapon: Winchester Repeater
Stranger: "American Appetites part 3"
Seek other bandits along with Marshal. You will see vultures twice, go to these areas and examine them #1. You will find Winchester Repeater in the first one. Thugs are very close, probably on a farm called Ridgewood. When you will be at your destination examine the shack and the privy #2.
Return to Marshal, he is near the barn, #1 to open the min gate. Inside, you will see some terrible things. You will learn that some hostages are kept in the shed. Hide behind the straw #2, you will be able to exterminate your enemies very quickly.
When Marshal will give you a sign - enter the building. In the second room, you will have to fight with two opponents. Stay close to the door to have a better look #1. Upstairs, behind the door, one thug is threatening a woman. Open the door, activate your Dead Eye and eliminate your enemy #2.
Meet others outside. Sheriff will decide to follow other bandits. You will find Williamson and his gang #1. After the cut scene, you will be hiding behind the wall #2 - this is a very good position to shoot other enemies.
Reward: $50
Fame: 250
Honor: 200
Complete the mission: "The Burning"
Bandits will want to change their friend for Bonnie. Take your horse and go to Tubleweed where you will have to change these two NPC's. Take Norman and go to the city entrance #1. Three bandits will meet with you, but they will be without Bonnie. A shooting will start. Now you have to act very quickly - run to the town, hide behind some objects and eliminate every opponent. In one moment, you will see a cut scene and you will see that Bonnie was hanged. Do not stop and go straight ahead #2.
Do not carry about your enemies and run to the gallows. Activate your Dead Eye and cut the rope with one bullet #1. After saving your friend, clear this location #2. At the end free Bonnie.
Fame: 150
Complete the mission: "Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane"
Complete the mission: "The Sport of Kings, and Liars"
Complete the mission: "Let the Dead Bury Their Dead"
Complete the mission: "On Shaky's Ground"
Not it is time to deal with Bill Williamson. Dickens will transport you to the fort and he will present his elixir. When he will give you a sign, you can attack #1. Your rifle has unlimited ammo so you can shoot without any hesitation. Kill all Williamson man and go upstairs. Here, again, kill all opponents #2.
Do not let anyone of your friends to die. When you will meet with others, Dickens will tell you about bandit reinforcements #1. You will have to take the gun once again #2. After the battle speak with wounded gang member, he will tell you where the Bill is.
Reward: $50
Fame: 150
Complete the mission: "Justice in Pike's Basin"
Mini game: Liar's Dice
Help the old to stand up and take control over the cart #1. You have to get to Armadillo before Dickens will die. The way is quite long. In addition you have to watch out on rocks - if you will drive too fast your friend will get much worse. After a while you will be attacked #2. You will have to drive and shoot at the same moment and that not the easiest task. It is a good moment to use your Dead Eye, it will help you during the fight. To able to get the quest from Dickens for the next time, come back later - on the next day, between 5 and 10 am.
Fame: 75
Honor: 100
Complete the mission "Women and Cattle"
Complete the mission "Old Swindler Blues"
Stores: Snake Oil
Dead Eye level 2/3
First of all use the cart to travel to Ridgewood. The journey will be quite long. Fortunately, you won't be attacked. Leave the vehicle near the farm #1 and go there normally (you cannot enter this town with an old man, citizens will be very suspicious then). When he will be presenting his elixir, you will have to drink it and demonstrate that it is effective. At the beginning shoot the skull located near the building #2 (glowing point).
For some guys in the crowd that won't be enough, you will have to shoot a hat thrown into the air #1. This will be quite simple, slow the time with your Dead Eye, target the hat and shoot. After a while Aquila will attack you - defeat him without a gun #2. Join him as fast as you can.
It is not the end. He will stand up and draw his weapon. Use Dead Eye and target his gun #1 to disarm him #2.
Fame: 25
Complete the mission: "Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies"
Stranger: "Who Are You to Judge"
Now you will be the passenger. At any time, you will be able to skip the journey and get to the place immediately. Jump to the last cart #1. You will have to defeat 8 opponents. The quest will be over, only when you will win so be careful. Road is marked by a fire (yellow dots on your mini map). Try not to fatigue your horse - your opponents are very easy. After the race enter the cart for a second time #2.
Reward: $3
Fame: 200
Complete the mission: "Liars, Cheats, and Other Proud Americans"
Attack or defend the cart
Once again you will be asked to help the old man with the elixir. Stay among the people #1 and listen the presentation. After a while two men will show up and they will call you a liar. Et back to cart and hurry to Dickens. Prepare your weapon, because you will have to fight with many enemies #2. Remember to use Dead Eye to target your enemies.
After some time, you will see that the road is blocked. Slow the time and shoot the barrel full of explosives #1. Do not forget about killing one sniper that is standing on the rock. The rest of your journey will be the same - you will have to deal with your enemies #2. At the end you will reach the cave.
Reward: $25
Fame: 75
Complete the misionL "Can a Swindler Change His Spots?"
Stranger: "Lights, Camera, Action"
Now you will have to win another race, but this time you will have to use your horse. Follow the Dickens until you will be in Rathskeller Fork. Start on the start line #1 and wait for the signal. Here, again, you will have to defeat 8 opponents, but they are better this time. Remember that the fatigue bar of your horse cannot reach zero - if it will, you will loose for sure. The road is marked by yellow dots visible on your mini map. Once again, the quest will be over only when you will win the race #2.
Reward: $5
Fame: 200
Complete the mission: "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions"
Complete the mission: "You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit"
Stranger: "Funny Man"
Take your horse and go to Benedict Point along with Seth #1. You have to distract the guards - simply steal a horse that is standing nearby #2. Run away and after a while return to Seth.
His old friend, who has a map, will start running. Take your horse and catch Moses #1. Use your lasso to take him alive, bound him and take to your friend. As a reward you will get a special document that will cancel all your crimes. To use it to go telegraph office #2.
Fame: 25
Complete the mission: "Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies"
Seth needs a taxi, so take the cart. You have to stay away from Armadillo because you will be transporting some dead bodies. When you will be passing by, some bounty hunters will show up #1. You will have to drive and fight with them at the same time. Use Dead Eye to eliminate your enemies. After a while bandits with Molotov cocktails will show up - kill them from a distance. At the end Seth will find a map and you will get to your destination #2.
Reward: $10
Fame: 75
Complete the mission: "A Gentle Drive with Friends"
Along with Seth go to the mansion marked on the map. After a while, you will be attacked #1. Kill all bounty hunters and try to get close to the building as fast as you can. Note, that there is one bandits hiding in the window #2.
Main entrance is blocked, so enter from the basement #1. Clear the room and go to the stairs. At the end of the corridor, you will meet one enemy. Kill every man in the big room and go upstairs. You will get to the room with the treasure. It is guarded by one opponent #2.
Reward: $10
Fame: 150
Honor: 100
Complete the mission: "Liars, Cheats, and Other Proud Americans"
Weapon: Double Barreled Shotgun
Be prepared, because after the cut scene you will be attacked. Be faster and use Dead Eye ability to kill your enemies #1. Take your horse and follow the Irish. An item is located in the building #2. Stay on your horse and eliminate your opponents.
Inside, you will have to kill one more bandit #1 he will attack you when you will get close to the door. Take the weapon (Double Barreled Shotgun). Unfortunately, inside there will be no machine gun #2.
Fame: 50
Honor: 100
Complete the mission: "A French Man, a Welshman, and an Irishman"
Weapon: Springfield Rifle
Gang hideouts: Gaptooth Breach
Stranger: "Funny Man part 2"
Take your horse and start seeking the machine gun. When you will be at a proper place, some guys will attack you #1 - kill them with your Dead Eye. Clear the area near the mine and get inside. From time to time you will have to fight with one or two bandits. You can shoot the chests with TNT to make your task easier #2. On the crossroad, turn left.
When you will be in the center, get close to the mine cart #1 and you will see the machine gun. Pull the cart and, when it will have a proper speed, jump inside. At the end you will be transported outside #2.
Once again start to pull the cart. Some bandits will attack you. After a cut scene (that will show you a barrel with TNT) shoot the explosive before you will reach the lower level #1. At the end Irish will be waiting for you #2.
Fame: 250
Complete the mission: "Man Is Born Unto Trouble"
Machine gun is broken and you have to repair it. Follow the Irish, but the main gate will be closed (the same with the back door). Climb on the roof #1. Enter through the open window and kill all guards that are patrolling this area (use Dead Eye). As a matter of fact, you will save Shaky #2.
Before you will come out, new enemies will approach #1. Target the TNT chests that are located near your enemies. Open the gate and hide behind the chests #2. Shoot other explosives and get to the ammunition magazine.
After taking all items, get back to the cart and go to a safe place. Of course, you will be attacked during your journey #1. You do not have any problems with your enemies, because Irish is driving. After a while you will find yourself on the ranch #2.
Fame: 150
Complete the mission: "The Assault on Fort Mercer"
Area: Mexico
Weapon: Springfield Rifle
Mini game: Arm Wrestling
Items in stores: Semi Automatic Pistol, Bolt Action Rifle, Semi Automatic Shotgun
Gang hideouts: Nosalida and Fort Mercer
Stranger: "Deadalus and Son", "I Know You part 3"
You will find yourself with Irish on the way to Mexico. Take the gun and ammunition. Unfortunately you will attacked by some bandits that are standing on the beach. The only possible solution is to cut the rope and shoot them one by one #1 using chest as a shield. You will be going down with the river. During your way, you will have to fight couple of times #2. Remember to stay behind the chests.
At last, you opponents will start to throw dynamite at your direction #1. Try to kill them as fast as possible. When you will be close to the bank where horses are waiting #2, kill two bandits sitting in bushes. One horse will be taken by Irish. The second is your.
Fame: 150
Complete the mission: "We Shall Be Together in Paradise"
Weapon: Schofield Revolver (gift)
Dead Eye level 3/3
When you will enter the town, you will see a cut scene with a Landon Ricketts. He will try to learn you how to shoot faster and more effectively. You will get a gun called Schofield Revolver. Your first task will be to shoot bottles #1. Activate Dead Eye ability and press (RB) to mark every bottle #2. The second task is much more difficult. You will have to shoot at least two vultures. When Landon will shoot, birds will try to fly away. Slow the time and target them #2.
When you will come back to the town, banker will tell you that a cart full of money was stolen. Take your horse and follow you mentor. Now, it will be the time to use your new ability on real bandits. Kill first two opponents normally, activate Dead Eye and rescue a driver imprisoned here #1. Escort the cart and destroy enemy vehicle #2. Try to target the lights to kill them all.
Fame: 75
Complete the mission: "The Gunslinger's Tragedy"
To get to El Matadero you can use your horse or go with Landon to the train #1. In the second option, you will be able to skip the journey. The train will stop on the station in Casa Madrugada, nearby you will find a horse #2. Follow your friend.
In the slaughterhouse you will meet a man that will help you in disturbing the guards near the cave entrance #1. Hide behind the rock and, when it will be possible, follow Landon to get inside #2 and clear the way leading to Luisa.
While your friend will try to open the door, defend him. Escort everybody during the way back and after the job take your horse to get to the meeting place. Of course, you will have to cope with another group of enemies #1. Wait a while and the butcher will appear #2.
Fame: 75
Complete the mission: "Landon Ricketts Rides Again"
Stranger: "Eva in Peril"
Join to the poker table #1 (-$50). Rules description can be found in the chapter [Additional activities] Poker. After some time, you will be accused of cheating and you will have to duel #2.
Few seconds later, another bandit will sow up - he will be with a woman. You will be forced to duel again - try to shoot him in his head #1. Then the rest of Muller men will show up. Hide behind the wall and kill them all #2.
Reward: $50
Fame: 100
Complete the mission: "Lucky in Love"
Take your horse and follow Landon until you will get to prisoners guarded by Mexican army #1. Your task will be to take the first cart. First of all you will have to kill soldiers that are guarding the second vehicle - in other way the possibility of dying will be very high. Use Dead Eye to kill as many enemies as you can in the first try. Take control over the second cart#2 and follow the marker.
You have to transport prisoners to America. The task is quite difficult, because you will meet some opponents on the bridge #1. Do not slow for a while and try to shoot chests full of explosives located on the both sides. Take care of a soldier with a machine gun #2.
Fame: 150
Complete the mission: "We Shall Be Together in Paradise"
Stranger: "Poppycock"
Take your horse, get to the cart and sit near Vincent it will allow you to skip the journey. When you will be at your destination take your horse, follow the train #1 and defend it. Stay close to train and try to keep before it, because you will have to fight on both sides #2.
When you will get close to the tunnel #1 ride before the train and eliminate bandits waiting for you on the other side #2 (they are on the left and on the right side). Escort the train to Casa Modrugada.
Few hours later, guard will inform you that the train was taken. Run out from the saloon, take your horse and follow the train. Get close to the vehicle and eliminate all enemies #1. Jump off the horse to the train and stop it before it will reach the cliff #2.
Fame: 250
Complete the mission: "Civilization, at Any Price"
Item in a store: Fire Bottles
Gang hideout: Tesoro Azul
Stranger: "Funny Man part 3"
Follow De Sant and race with him to Tesoro Azul #1. It doesn't matter if you win or loose - just try not to left behind. When you will be there, the gate will be open and you will have to search for opponents. This silent place will soon change into a slaughterhouse. After first shots, hide behind the cart located on the left. You will be able to shoot many enemies from this location #2.
Speak with Vincent that is standing in the center. You will instruct you how to burn this place. Take all fire bottles #1 and look at the mini map (three buildings will be marked here). Throw one bottle per one building #2.
Reward: $50
Fame: 250
Complete the mission: "The Demon Drink"
Weapon: Rolling Block Sniper Rifle (gift)
Stranger: "Love Is the Opiate"
Join De Santa in the convoy as a passenger #1. You can skip the journey to the trap. First cart will explode and enemies will attack you from the hill #2. Get to the soldiers camp quickly.
Take the Rolling Block Sniper Rifle #1 and shoot bandits located on the top #2. Run straight ahead (follow the captain) and try not to stay behind.
During your journey, you will find many chests and you will be able to hide behind them. Go straight ahead and clear the area. Use your sniper rifle until you will be out of ammo. Get across ruins #1 and get to the Torquemada. Try not to be the first in your group and eliminate all enemies #2.
Reward: $100
Fame: 300
Complete the mission: "Empty Promises"
Item in stores: Dynamite
Join the captain as a passenger. You can skip the journey until the fight will start #1. After killing all enemies, you will be attacked again. Now your enemies will be coming from hills #2.
When you will be in Chuparosa, jump off the cart and go to the train. Take control over the machine gun #1. When the train will move, you will see health bar in the upper side of the screen. Moreover, some new bandits will come. They will attack you from both sides, fortunately you can turn the gun. If you won't be able to kill them they will start getting on the platform #2. Shoot for the whole time, you have unlimited ammunition. At the end of this task, speak with the commander.
Reward: $75
Fame: 200
Complete the mission: "Must a Savior Die?"
Go to Chuparosa along with De Santa - sit as a passenger so you will be able to skip the journey. Go to the church #1, where you will be supposed to meet Williamson and Escuel. The place will be empty and you will be imprisoned. Soon Reyes will rescue you before the execution. Do not wait and run to him (blue dot on a mini map) #2.
You will get a useless knife. The main thing now is to get back your equipment. The chest is in the square, near the wall #1. Reyes people will defend you, so kill all Mexican soldiers and enter the building. Now it is time to deal with Espinoza. When you will get close to the door, the first soldiers will come out. Use stairs to meet second guard and the captain. Activate Dead Eye to kill him #2.
Fame: 250
Complete the mission: "Civilization, at Any Price"
This is the first time limited mission. Follow Miranda and get to the cart #1. Sit as driver and hurry, but remember to look at your horses fatigue bars. You must reach your destination before the sun will go down. Moreover, you will have to keep away from all control points (they are full of soldiers). The girl will inform you about the way. When you will se the first point, activate Dead Eye and eliminate all opponents #2. If you won't do it you will have to stop for a while and you will loose many precious seconds.
Do the same with other watch points - remember to drive fast. From time to time, you will have to change direction, because the girl will order you to do so #1. If you manage to enter the docks before at the day light, you will complete this quest #2.
Fame: 75
Complete the mission: "My Sister's Keeper"
Stranger: "Aztec Gold"
Enter the cart and sit near Luisa as a passenger (you will be able to skip the journey). When you will be in El Presidio, she will tell you her plan. Stand on the ground and get close to the wall #1 and the broken part#2. Climb on it.
Kill enemies that are trying to kill Reyes #1. Then shoot all chests with TNT to eliminate other opponents. When the area will be clear, go down and free the prisoner #2.
Your next step will be to steal a horse that is standing near the main gate #1. Get close to a fatigue man and leave this location. Outside, you will find man that will lead you to Luisa. Watch out, because soon you will have to kill two soldiers #2. At the end you will meet girl, that is standing near the river.
Fame: 200
Complete the mission: "Cowards Die Many Times"
Sit as a passenger and ride with Luisa. You task here will be to blow the convoy. First you have to set explosives (5). Go under the bridge and turn round. Make few steps and stop near the rock #1. Set the first explosive (button (Y)). Then set another after 15 steps and so on. Then go to Luisa, that is waiting on a hill. She has a detonator #2.
Wait for the convoy. Active explosives are marked on the mini map (you can change them with the left analogue stick (LS)). Detonate them with (RT). When the first cart will be near the first explosive, detonate it #1. Second one will stop, wait few seconds and when he will be near the second bomb, blew it too. Kill all survivors and detonate other explosives.
Fame: 200
Complete the mission: "Father Abraham"
Take your horse and go to Sepulcro. At the graveyard you will see a white skull on your mini map. This is De Santa. The most important thing is to catch him alive. Eliminate his guards, hide behind statues and kill your opponents #1. Now follow Vincent and catch him with your lasso #2.
Take him to the graveyard. After conversation you can kill him or leave for the bandits (it doesn't matter). You will learn when Escuella is located. Go to Casa Madrugada where you have to deal with some Mexican soldiers #2. After the fight you will see a cut scene.
Fame: 300
Complete the mission: "Cowards Die Many Times"
Weapon: Throwing Knives
Take your horse and follow Reyes. You have to take control over the train with many valuable things. Wait until your friend will disturb your enemies - they will chase him. Now press the left analogue stick (LS) to sneak #1. Get close to the first soldier #2. Use throwing knives to eliminate him. One hot into his head will be enough.
The next soldier is located on the left, near the wagon. Then kill the one that is sitting and the one that is standing near the wall #1. Enter the train and eliminate other two opponents. One of the is sitting near the building #2 and the next one is located on chests.
Free all wagons and go to the machine gun. Kill the guard, take control over the weapon and eliminate all enemies #1. After a while, next soldiers will come. This is time to take control over the train. When you will be at your destination, open the reinforced wagon with a dynamite. Use the ladder to get on the roof and place explosives there #2. Do not forget to run away before the explosion.
Inside you will find a safe. To open it use your left analogue stick (LS) and move to the right. Move very slowly. When you will feel some vibrations, you will see that the first padlock is moving. Now you have to stop and the lock will be open. Now move LS to the left and wait for vibrations once again. Third padlock can be opened by moving the stick again to the right. Now return to Reyes.
Reward: $200
Fame: 150
Complete the mission: "The Great Mexican Train Robbery"
Complete the mission: "Captain De Santa's Downfall"
Weapon: Bolt Action Rifle
Sit as a passenger and skip the journey if you want to. After changing positions you will be alone. Go straight ahead at maximum speed. When you will be at the gates, jump of the cart before it will blow up #1. Enter the town and you will see three question marks on your mini map. In one of these location, you will find Escuella. Go to the barracks #2. Don't worry about soldiers, they are now friendly for you.
Go upstairs and you will find your old friend here #1. After a short conversation, Javier will escape through window. Follow him (he will be marked as a red skull on your mini map). You can catch him alive (it will take you some time for sure) or just shoot him. If you will catch him, you will have to transport him to El Presidio #2.
You will learn about new bandits coming to town. Run to the cannon as fast as possible #1. You will have to handle with four waves - cavalry, one cart, cavalry and a cart once again #2. At the end go to the prison and take Javier with you.
Fame: 300
Honor: 50
Complete the mission: "The Great Mexican Train Robbery"
Complete the mission: "Captain De Santa's Downfall"
Area: The North
Weapon: Bolt Action Rifle
Stranger: "The Prohibitionist", "The Wronged Woman", "American Lobbyist", "Lights, Camera, Action part 5", "I Know You part 3"
You will start this mission from a duel #1. Detail description of how to win in a duel is in the chapter [Basics] Duels. Free Reyes and go to the prison. When you will enter the inner square, three soldiers will attack you #2.
To free all prisoners, you have to shoot the locks #1 while trying not to shoot your allies. Now return to Reyes and go with him. He will hide behind the chests #2. You can wait until other people will kill all soldiers or help them a bit. Continue your mission.
Hide behind the bag and clear the area #1 - beware of machine gun operator. When you will be near the gate, take control over this deadly weapon and get close to the gate. Wait until others will set explosive charges and then shoot them #2. Do not stop shooting now. Many soldiers will run out from the base.
Clear your way and meet with Reyes under the entrance door. You will learn that more soldiers are coming your way. Return to machine gun to take care of them #1. Now, again, go to the main gate. Unfortunately Williamson and Allende will escape, so try to catch them. On the square, you will find some horses and few guards #2. Kill them and take one animal.
The most important thing is to kill machine gun operator #1. When you will kill everybody (including the driver), cart will stop and two bandits will appear. Kill Williamson, Reyes will eliminate Allende #2.
Fame: 300
Complete the mission: "The Great Mexican Train Robbery"
Complete the mission: "An Appointed Time"
Weapon: High-Powered Pistol (gift)
Go to Serendipity along with Ross and Fordham, where on the ship wreck Dutch Van Der Linde is probably residing. You can skip the journey now. When you will be there go to the wreck with Fordham #1. When you will hear some voices, look at a yellow dot on a mini map and go there. Go on the first floor and then on the second one. You will find a man with a bag on his head #2.
You will learn that this is a trap. Few seconds later Dutch's people will show up. Take wounded informer and try to escape #1. In the upper side of the screen, you will see Nastas health bar. Use your new pistol and clear the way. Stay on the lower level and observe your enemies from here #2. Shoot the crates that are full of explosives. Get to agent Ross and enter the car along with your informer.
After a short time your vehicle will broke. Change your weapon to sniper rifle and kill as many gang members as you can #1. Kill the rest with normal weapon #2. The car will be repaired and the rest of the journey will be easy.
Fame: 150
Complete the mission: "Bear One Another's Burdens"
Use the ladder to get upstairs. You will find ammunition near the chimney. Take your position near the wall. You task will be to kill all Dutch's gang members - they will try to escape from the bank on the opposite side #1. Do not shoot before they will you a permission. Target the front door and wait #2.
One of the bandits is located in the window upstairs. Remember to kill everybody, this is the only way to complete this mission. After killing all opponents run to the bank. Shoot the lock to open the entrance door #1. Inside, you will be attacked by four bandits. Watch out on a guy on the left, behind the glass. After shooting three of them, turn left and free all hostages #2.
Go upstairs and handle with other three enemies. Go to the next room and you will find the Dutch #1. He will escape so run out from the bank, take your horse and follow him #2.
You will pass burned car - this the sign that he must be close. When you will enter the forest, get off your horse and hide behind some obstacle #1. Kill bandits that are attacking you and keep going straight ahead. Your friends will help you for sure, so the task will be much easier. Meet with agents #2, unfortunately Dutch will be able to run away.
Fame: 150
Complete the mission: "Great Men Are Not Always Wise"
Complete the mission: "The Prodigal Son Returns (to Yale)"
You will have to use the machine gun in the armed vehicle. You can skip the journey if you don't want to wait. When you will be at your destination, wait a second and the Dutch's gang will start the attack #1. Shoot all the time (ammunition is unlimited). You opponents will attack from both sides. After the first wave, enemies with dynamites will appear #2. Take care of them very quickly - it can be quite difficult.
The hardest moment in this quest will be when the car will move. You will be passing near enemies with dynamites #1. Few meters later a second vehicle will show up - destroy it fast #2. The mission will over when your car will blow up. Automatically a new quest will start - "And the Truth Will Set You Free".
Complete the mission: "And You Will Know the Truth"
Weapon: Pump Action Shotgun
Go to Cochinay along with others. This trip will be very long and you cannot skip it. When you will be at your destination, main gate will be detonated - run inside along with other soldiers. Choose your covers very wisely, most of rock are to small to defend you #1. You can count on your friends so keep close to them. Before you will get to the village, stay on a small hill #2 - you will be able to exterminate your enemies with a sniper rifle. Target explosive materials too.
Inside the village, on the left side, you will see a machine gun #1. Take control over this weapon and exterminate other Indians. Join the captain that is standing near the gate. Defend soldiers that are setting explosives - enemies will shoot from two towers #2.
Now, this is the time to meet with Dutch. First of all, kill two guards #1 - do not leave your cover - your old friend will try to shoot you from a machine gun immediately. Target one of the two light behind the Dutch #2. You can do it with a normal or sniper rifle.
Follow Dutch, on the stairs turn left - right side is blocked by a fire. Use the ladder to get upstairs, watch the cut scene and follow your enemy. Enter the mine #1. You will have to climb on many ladders now #2. At the end, you will catch him near the cliff.
Fame: 500
Complete the mission: "Bear One Another's Burdens"
Take your horse brought by Nastas and go to Cochinay along with professor. After a long journey, you will be there and MacDougal will decide to go home. Follow him and climb on the first rock shelf #1. Unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to use wooden barricade - you have to find another way. Climb on the left side and then walk on the edge #2.
Continue you climbing until you will get to the mine #1. Inside, there will be nothing interesting. After a while a wagon full of explosive will show up #2. Go to the exit and handle with three enemies waiting here. Nastas will be wounded, so you will have to go alone.
Climb on few rock shelves and you will meet the bear #1. Now not wait until he will get close to you - shoot him fast. Continue your trip and soon, you will attacked by a puma. Shot it fast and do not try to fight with it without the Dead Eye #2.
When you will be at the top, eliminate the scout #1. Use your throwing knives. If you will use your gun, everybody will now where you are. Take binoculars and find Dutch #2.
Complete the mission: "At Home with Dutch"
Along with professor and Nastas go to Bearclaw Camp. You will find a grizzly bear on your way #1. Shoot him fast. If you have a powerful rifle - one shot will be enough. Then go to the meeting with Dutch's gang #2. The fight will start and Nastas will be dead.
Hide in the shack and eliminate all enemies #1. Take your horse and return to Blackwater with MacDougal. In the return journey you will be attacked #2.
Complete the mission: "For Purely Scientific Purposes"
Follow the professor and enter the roof. Soon your friend will be captured. Slow the time and kill the attacker with one shot #1. Take the ammunition and hide behind the wall. You will have to eliminate few snipers located on nearby buildings #2.
When the area will be clear follow MacDougal #1 until you get to horses hidden in the alley. Escort your friend to the station in Manzanita Post #2. Of course, you will have to deal with some gang thugs.
Reward: $100
Complete the mission: "And the Truth Shall Set You Free"
Take your horse and go to MacFarlane's ranch along with Jack. Speak with Bonnie in the pen #1. Jack will be leading the cattle and you will have to stay behind #2.
Soon you will have to cross the river #1 and you will be attacked by some robbers #2. Defend the cattle and MacFarlane's son. Transport them to your ranch
Complete the mission: " The Outlaw's Return"
Your task is to scary birds that are eating corn #1. Shoot into the air, but you will see that this is not an effective idea. Start to shoot them all #2, after a while they will fly away.
Complete the mission: "The Outlaw's Return"
Sit in the cart and soon Abigail will join you. You task will be to get to the MacFarlane's ranch in given time #1. They are waiting for corn. The road is marked with yellow dots. Stop near the store #2 when the corn will be unloaded. After the job return to your home along with your wife.
Complete the mission: "The Outlaw's Return"
Take the horse and go with your son and a dog named Rufus, that will smell some deers. After you will localize your targets (red dot on a mini map) use your sniper rifle to kill it #1. Run to it and skin. Return to your horse and teach Jack, how to skin animals. Rufus will smell new animals once again so try to kill at least one of them. Your kid will do the job #2.
Go to the store in Manzanina Post where you will sell your trophy #1. Then return to your farm #2.
Complete the mission: "John Marston and Son"
Once again take your son on the hunting. It will take a while, but Rufus will localize some wolves #1. Kill them all (remember to defend your son and your dog) and look for another group. After killing all wolves #2 return to your farm.
Complete the mission: "Wolves, Dogs, and Sons"
One old man will tell you that Jack went on the hunting for a grizzly. Take your horse and go with Rufus who will smell the way. You will enter the Nekoti Rock #1 mountains. The boy is hiding behind the rock and you have to kill the bear. If you have powerful gun, one shot will be enough #2. Take your son and return to your ranch.
Complete the mission: "The Outlaw's Return"
Take your horse and follow your cattle. Lead it out of the pen to the place marked on the mini map. Few moment later you will hear the explosion and your cows will start to run to the train #1. Follow them and when you will be before them, shoot into the air. Shoot all bandits located nearby. Get close to the driver #2 to know if he is OK. Return to your uncle and lead the cattle to the pasture.
Complete the mission: "By Sweat and Toil"
Your task is to horsebreak three wild horses. They will be marked on the mini map with a special icon. Use your lasso to catch one animal and then jump on him #1. You will have to balance with (LS) and not to fall down. After the job, return to farm #2.
Complete the mission: "Old Friends, New Problems"
Complete the mission: "Spare the Love, Spoil the Child"
Complete the mission: "A Continual Feast"
Stranger: "Remember My Family"
Old man will tell you about the cavalry. Use the cart #1 as a cover and eliminate the first wave. After clearing the area go to home to check you wife and son. Stay outside #2 and kill the second wave from the distance with your sniper rifle and Dead Eye.
Old man will be wounded and next enemies will come from another direction. After the fight lead your wife and son outside. Their task will be to get to the barn. After killing the first wave attacking from the hill #1 you will be able to defend your family from the silos (yellow dots on the mini map). If you are good in shooting you can choose any place. While standing on the silos #2 it is less probable that enemies will hit you.
Join to your family in the barn. Order them to run away and fight with your opponents #1. After a short cut scene you will take control over Jack. Turn back and go to the barn #2. After another cut scene, you will take control over grown up Jack. You can explore the world.