Randal's Monday game walkthrough contains lot of tips useful during this funny, full of black humor adventure. It is thorough, illustrated walkthrough, which will guide you through all the actions that are needed to end gameplay. To make using this game walkthrough easier to navigate, each chapter has been divided into subchapters with describing all tasks which you need to deal with. During the gameplay you can unlock 21 Steam achievements, which are mentioned in the last chapter of this guide. Part of the achievements is optional, so the explanations how to get them appear in the guide content. In the game you can control eponymous hero - Randal Hicks, who, because of the curse of mystical ring, is waking up every day in... Monday. This title has got multitude references to pop culture, so is worth to explore the surroundings thoroughly and talk with all of encountered characters.
Randal's Monday game guide contains:
Katarzyna "Kayleigh" Michalowska ()
Talk about everything, raise every subject, sometimes totally ridiculous matter can be important. If you have a feeling that you've missed something, talk with the character again.
It doesn't matter that some of the dialogue's options are alternative - if you can't come back to the line, it's not important for the plot. You don't miss the important ones.
Quicker and more convenient is to use mouse scroll wheel for choosing an inventory than just move the cursor down.
Not every object you will take is useful but is worth to examine every item in the inventory (RMB), several times you will find another one.
Randal can't run, but two clicks on LMB will make him moving faster from location to location. Use the same solution to shorten subway trip.
Game guide color marks
All objects you need to take are marked in red, achievements - green, the puzzle solutions and important information are bolded.
During the conversation in the pub choose whatever option you want to - it doesn't matter. Then follow Matt (exit door) and talk to him. For ending the prologue you unlock an achievement 'Day 1'.
If you want to unlock another two achievements, open your inventory (by move mouse scroll wheel or move down the cursor) and activate the hint system (bookmark with magnifying glass). You'll unlock the achievement 'Chicken'. If you click the button 'kill kitty' twenty times, you'll unlock the achievement 'Cat murderer'. You need to know that there is also an achievement for not using hint system so is worth to activate the hint system in final part of the game (and save it first). Then if you make through the final part twice, you can get all 3 achievements connected with hint system.
In Randal's apartment go to the living room and open the door to hallway. After not very friendly chat with the landlord try to talk with Mortimer - Randal's flatmate (just click on the door of Mortimer's room).
Take a broom from the living room (near the bookcase). In the bathroom (the middle door) you will find a duck-hanger.
Go to Randal's bedroom and leave the flat by using fire escape. Go down. In the inventory use broom with the duck-hanger, you will receive an extendible duck-hanger and a wire. Use the hanger with the hook and go downstairs.
Talk with the bum - you will get a rusty razor blade. Take a tube of glue from the trash can. Leave the alley and go to the subway station (to the right).
In the inventory look at Matt's wallet (RMB). You will find some money and a ring. The ticket vending machine is out of service, so you need to buy the ticket from Betty, but unfortunately she's ignoring Randal.
Use the rusty razor blade with the tube of glue. Throw the phone's earpiece down. When the woman will be picking the earpiece up, you need to use the glue with the phone.
Then go to the ticket vending machine and use the intercom (on the right side of the vending machine). Go through the subway gates.
After interrogation try to leave Murray's office. Take a Murray's figure from the globe. Try to take also a loose pin. Use the oily pages from your inventory with the pin. Now you can take the pin.
Buy the subway pass from Betty.
Use the map (on the left from the ticket office) and choose Emerson Express.
Go inside Emerson Express and after a fight with Randal's boss leave the building. Pick up the broken radio.
Go to the pawn shop and talk with Mel. He wants to buy something from Randal. Leave the shop and go to Randal's apartment (by using subway).
Go inside the house - Marconi is still waiting for a rent. Come back on the street and talk with salesman. Choose the second option (a call to Marconi) and say you will try to call the landlord (last option). Ask Marconi if he still waits in the hallway (last option).
Go to the flat. Take a box full of junk from the bedroom (next to the door). Leave the building by using the door and go to the salesman. You will get a hammer.
Go to pawn shop and show the box to Mel. Click on each of the items. Finally, Randal sells the ring for a lot of money.
For selling the ring you unlock the achievement 'Cursed'.
After Sally's call go by subway to Matt's apartment.
Talk with hot dog vendor about everything. He gives you an empty gas cylinder and a receipt. Go to pawn shop and try to talk with Mel, but he's busy with the thief 'customer'.
Look at the broken radio in your inventory (RMB). You will receive a nut and a spring. Use the nut with the pin, you will get a modified pin. Use it with the hole in the clock and turn the clock. Now you can talk with Mel and take a gas cylinder.
Go to the Matt's place and give the hot dog vendor a new gas cylinder. He gives you a hot dog. Then talk with Murray, show him Matt's wallet. Go to the Matt's apartment.
After the conversation with Sally go to the kitchen. Randal will be questioned by Sergeant Kramer. Read the suicide note. Talk with Kramer again. Murray will drive Randal home. Go to Randal's room.
For ending the first chapter you unlock the achievement 'Day 2' (on the beginning of next chapter).
Go to living room, look at the newspaper (there is an information about Matt) and open the door to hallway. Talk to Marconi and pay him.
Leave the building, Sergeant Kramer calls Randal. Talk with the bum in the alley about everything. A new location will be unlocked (Clayton's Cave).
Go to Matt's place. Talk with Sally and then go to the kitchen. After conversation with Kramer read the suicide note. Talk with Ned or Ted and again with the Kramer. If you try to take something or look inside the fridge, Kramer won't allow you to do that.
Leave the kitchen and Matt's place and go to subway. Choose pawn shop, where you can chat with Mel. The ring was sold, but you need to know who bought it.
Go to Clayton's Cave. Try to pick up a white cue ball, but you can't do this until father Roy is here. Talk with Ryan, you will know his favourite cocktail drink.
Go to the bar and order this cocktail (Daiquirized Royal Mai Tai Iced Tea). Say that is for father Ryan. Give the drink to Ryan. It's too weak. Take a bowl with some corn left in it.
Go to Matt's apartment. Open the cupboard on the left side of the window and take a rat poison. Near the fridge you will find a matchbox.
Now go to the pawn shop. Before you enter the shop look at the pipe, you will get a rotten lemon. Go inside, take an empty bottle (on the gas cylinder). Put the bowl with some corn left in it on the base and use the matches with the gas cylinder. Take a bowl with popcorn.
Go to Randal's apartment. Use the stairs to get on the roof. There is a beer bong, which you can't take because of hungry pigeons. Feed them with popcorn combined with rat poison. Take the beer bong (you will get a funnel and a tube).
Here you can unlock the achievement 'Three meals a day' but only if you feed the pigeons with corn, then with popcorn and finally with poisoned popcorn.
Go to Randal's flat. In the bathroom fill empty bottle with water by using a faucet (you can do this also in Matt's kitchen). Take a TV remote from the couch in the living room.
Come back to the pub and put inside the drink the following ingredients: one of the two batteries taking from the TV remote, the rotten lemon, the rat poison and the rusty razorblade. Now take the white cue ball.
Go to pawn shop. Put the bottle filled with water on the gas cylinder base. Use the tube with the bottle of water and put the second end of the tube into the hole of the clock. Use the white cue ball with cannon.
Open the notebook and find who bought Matt's ring (RMB). It was Charlie, who is familiar to Randal. Go to Charlie Comics by using subway.
Go to the right to the Charlie's shop. Talk to Charlie, you will know that he's allergic to fishes.
Go to the right and look at the case with Super Hot Chick lingerie catalog (LMB and RMB). Randal find it a great gift for his boss.
When Charlie bends, use the tuna sandwich leftovers from your inventory with his drink. Look at the case's lock.
Leave the shop and go on the Threepwood St. Take a marker from the ticket office.
Go to Matt's apartment. Use the marker with the mug with alcohol, which you can find in the kitchen. Put the wire into the blender, you will get a twisted wire.
Come back to the comics shop. Look at the poster on the left side of the counter. Use marker with the poster. For changing the date of convention (without the hint from the bum) you'll unlock the achievement 'I don't want any spoilers'.
Combine the spring with the hammer and then with the twisted wire. Use a homemade lock pick with the case's lock.
Computer Hal won't open case. You need Charlie's fingerprint and his DNA (click on the both scanners).
Leave the shop. Look at the note, take it and a piece of scotch tape. Go to Clayton's Cave and ask Elaine about free alcohol drinks. Order every drink of the menu.
Go to the restroom, then back to Elaine and tell her that the toilet is a mess and there is a huge mirror.
Take a trash bag and exit the pub by back door. Throw the trash bag to the dumpster.
After conversation with bum go to pub and again to the restroom. Take a make-up kit.
Come back to the comics shop. Take Charlie's soft drink. Use the make-up kit with the glass and take the fingertip by using the scotch tape (taken from the bum's note).
Use the tape with fingerprint with the upper scanner and the straw with the lower one. Take a catalog. Put it back on its place. Use the hammer with Hal. Now Randal can take the catalog.
Go to the Randal's apartment and then to his room.
For ending the second chapter you'll unlock the achievement 'Day 3' (on the beginning of next chapter).
Go to living room and pick up a newspaper. Open the door and talk with Marconi. Pay him.
Go to Matt's apartment. Kramer will be waiting for you outside.
Go to the kitchen, read suicide note. Take two beers. Open them by using frozen Matt's teeth.
Go to living room and give beers to Ned and Ted. Take a spray air freshener from the bottom shelf near the window.
Back to the kitchen and combine the spray air freshener with matchbox. Pick up a broken spray air freshener from the floor. Try to open the second drawer. Use the air freshener with the drawer. Use the matchbox with the air freshener. You'll receive a fork.
Hit a cracked stalactite with the extendible duck-hanger. Take a stalactite tip.
Look at the kitchen's window. Use stalactite tip with the window. Escape.
Leave Matt's flat and go to Emerson Express.
Give your boss the lingerie catalog. You'll get a package and delivery note.
Go to Matt's place. On the right side of the building is an entrance for SF convention. Talk with Murray, you need to show him a delivery note.
Go inside and on the left. Talk with Charlie. Randal doesn't have enough money to buy the ring.
Go back to the main hall and talk with Mel.
You can find there Randal's flatmate - Mortimer. That means you can search his room.
Go to Charlie's Comics. On the left side of the shop is psychiatrist's office. Go inside.
Talk with receptionist and with patient Robert.
Push the dial on the right wall. Talk with Robert's alter ego - Alan.
Use fork with the broken dial. To switch between Robert and Alan push the fork. Talk with both of them several times. Alan will tell Randal that he has a photo with Robert's dead canary on his phone. Then talk with Robert. Ask him if Randal could borrow his phone, say you want to show him something and suggest that the phone is so old, that Robert is ashamed of it. Finally say you just want to see phone's functions.
When Robert will be having a breakdown, Randal takes his turn.
During the visit Randal will be tested (Rorschach test). Choose the most stupid options (like 'I'm blind', 'dogs playing poker', 'Empire State Building', 'map of Australia', 'how many times a month do you get sued by the animal rights people' - always the last option, except the second picture - first one). After every stupid answer the psychiatrist will be writing a note. Then he shows the same picture again, so you need to choose another answer.
When the doctor will be writing, steal his business card. When you do this, you can choose whatever answer you want to.
Leave the office and go to Randal's flat. Use the business card to open Mortimer's door. You want to take Millennium Enterprise's model.
Close to the fireplace. Move the log. You will hear ticking - as long as it lasts you can open the top drawer in the desk with model. You can see number 1 and three buttons: red, green and blue. Push one of them (e.g. red).
Look at the bookcase and push the red book (if you pushed the red button earlier) as the first one. The further sequence doesn't matter.
Now open the medium drawer with number two. Push the button (other color that the one you pushed before, e.g. green). Then push any book as the first one and as the second one push the book green (if you choose the green button).
Open the bottom drawer with number 3. Push the button (other color that the one you pushed before, e.g. blue). Then push any book as the first and the second one, then push the book blue (if you choose the blue button).
Look at the half-open panel on the bottom shelf. Take a key and use it with the lock to open the showcase. Take a miniature.
For solving this puzzle with first try you will unlock the achievement 'Survival horror lover'.
Go to convention and talk with Mel. He's sick and wants some coffee.
Talk with the vendor - he has cup of coffee, but doesn't want to give it to Randal. Go outside and tell Murray that Mel is sick because of bad hot dog.
Go inside and go to the occupied latrine (on the back). Talk with Mel, go to the main hall and have a conversation with Murray. Give him the rotten hot dog .
Again talk with Mel, go to the main hall and take coffee. Give it to Mel.
Randal sells the miniature. Go to Charlie, he will sell you the ring if Randal give him Captain Red figure.
Before you leave open the package from the boss. Give shirt to the guy dressed up like Darth Vader, he'll give you eucalyptus candy. The second shirt give to nerd who is dressed like a Superman. You'll receive a fishing rod.
Go to exit, when someone dressed like Doc from Back to the Future gives you a plutonium rod.
You have the Murray's figure, so Randal just needs to paint it in blue and red.
Go to pub and look at the chalk (on the pool table). Randal can't take it because of father Roy.
Try to take one of the pool cues. Go to Elaine and tell her that there is no white cue. She gives you cue ball, so put it on the table and take the pool cue. Aim the lamp (above the table). Take the chalk from the floor and use it with Murray's figure.
Go near the pawn shop. Talk with the worker named Bob. Use the figure with the paint and then with the fixative.
To get back the figure, use the fishing rod with the eucalyptus candy and then use this set with the hole in the manhole cover. Use the hammer with koala bear.
Take koala, Randal will take also a customized figure and the hammer.
Go to convention ad give the figure to Charlie. Randal gets the ring. Leave the place (by evacuation exit). Use the koala with the thief.
For ending the third chapter you'll unlock the achievement 'Day 4' (on the beginning of next chapter).
Look at the newspaper. There is no news about Matt, so he's still alive. Take a duct tape from the small box and leave the alley.
Go to Matt's building. The door is locked. Talk with Matt, then look at a magnet (on the table). Try to use extendible duck-hanger with the magnet, but the hanger is too short to reach the magnet.
Take a fire extinguisher (outside the flat, it's hanging on the wall) and leave. Go to Charlie's Comics. After short conversation look at the lightsaber. Charlie won't allow you to take it.
Push the red button and talk with HAL. When Randal decides to end the dialogue, the computer will suggest to play a game. Questions in this game are in random turn, to choose the right answer you need to always pick this character, whose name appears in the beginning of the question (after the word 'if'). After three right answers HAL will start to have problems with pronunciation, then he will be singing a song.
For winning the game with HAL without any wrong answer you'll unlock the achievement 'Lover of The Trilogy' (Star Wars).
When Charlie is trying to repair HAL, you can chat with him and then steal the lightsaber.
Take also a piece of sheet metal, try to pick up a laser. It's too hot, so use fire extinguisher with it and then you can take it.
Combine the lightsaber with extendible duck-hanger and piece of sheet metal. You need to have the duck tape (you can take it from the back alley close to SF convention).
Go to Matt's apartment and use improved extendible lightsaber to take the magnet from the table.
Go to Charlie Comics. Talk with nerd dressed up like Darth Vader (space nerd). Show him the broken radio, he can repair it, if you give him a soldering iron, some tin and a flat blade screwdriver.
You know that Charlie has got one, and he needs star screwdriver, so go near Randal's apartment and talk with Bob. Look at his tool belt. Bob says he has a toolbox in the van.
Close to the car and try to open the door - it's locked. Use laser with the lock and then magnet with the hole. Move the door.
Take a soldering iron and some tin from the toolbox. Take also a sponge. Don't forget about magnet.
Now talk with nerd dressed up like Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction (classy nerd). He has got a gun and needs silencer, so combine duck tape with the funnel. You'll get homemade silencer, give it to that guy.
Unfortunately, the shot scares Bob so much that he drops star screwdriver. Take it.
Go to Charlie Comics and give him star screwdriver, you'll receive flat blade screwdriver. Give to Vader the soldering iron and some tin and the screwdriver. The space nerd says he needs a couple of battery.
Back to the shop and talk with Charlie. Take the star screwdriver.
Use it with lightsaber, take batteries and give it to Vader. He won't give you the radio until you get him the lightsaber. Give him the one you have, but he doesn't like the color.
Pick up a lightsaber handle, combine it with laser and plutonium rod (in this sequence). Give the sword to nerd. Randal will get back the radio.
Go to Claytons' Cave. Outside is a guy who is tossing a coin. Use playing radio with pipe (on the right side of the pub's entrance). That will distract the guy a little.
Hide in the box. The guy starts to toss the coin again. When the coin will be close to the lamp use magnet with it. Don't forget about taking the radio.
Go to pawn shop and use the coin with the gum machine (outside the shop). Click on the machine again, and take a toy capsule. Open it in inventory (RMB), you'll find a chewing gum roll.
Talk with the thief. You need to pretend you're the cop.
Go to Threepwood Station and talk with the kid, who has got cop's badge and a water gun. He wants a better gun.
Go to Randal's apartment. When Bob puts away his tape measure for a while, replace it with the gum. Take a nail gun.
Go to station and try to give nail gun to the kid. He doesn't want it, so to change his mind shot the balloon. Unfortunately Randal will receive the water gun, not the badge.
Go to the Clayton's Cave, go inside the alley and use the sponge (from Bob's van) with the puddle. Then use the sponge with the water gun.
Come back to the station and attack the kid with the gun. Talk to him, when he uses all ammo on targets pointed by Randal, you can use your gun again. He gives you a toy badge.
Show the badge to the thief. No impression at all.
Go to the entrance to convention and talk to Murray. Ask him to show his badge and give him the toy one.
Show the police badge to thief. Unfortunately, someone stole the ring.
Go to pub, go to the alley (through the back door) and talk with the bum. Use the water gun with the bum. Take the ring from bum's finger. Sally calls, so go inside the pub (by main door), close to the table, where she's sitting and talk to her.
For ending the fourth chapter you'll unlock the achievement 'Day 5' (on the beginning of next chapter).
After conversation with Sally go to living room and look at the newspaper. Matt is still alive. Open the door, talk with Mrs. Marconi and go to Matt's apartment.
Try to open the flat's door - it's locked. Use business card with the door - the card will break.
Go to the Clayton's Cave and talk with Elaine. Go to the restroom and look at the warm puke.
Go near Randal's apartment and take a glove from the wall (by using extendible duck-hanger).
Come back to the pub and to the restroom and use the glove with the toilet with warm puke. Randal will find a laminated card.
Go to the psychiatrist's office. There is a poster with Randal's face as a persona non grata (on the wall), so you need to change his look.
Talk with Jay and Bob. Use radio with Jay (if you don't have it, it means you didn't take it back from the pub) and talk with the guy again. During the rap fight choose whatever option you want to, but as the last choose 'your mother'. Jay will be pissed off and gives you a mask.
Click LMB on it to use it with Randal and go inside. Talk with receptionist and try to get into the office. She won't allow you, so tell her that today is doctor's birthday and you want to organize a surprise party for him.
Go to pub and use extendible duck-hanger with the garlands.
In the restroom use screwdriver with the vending machine and take some condoms.
Then go to Randal's apartment. Exit his room by window, go on to stairs and one floor down. Steal a pie.
Back inside, leave the building and go to Emerson Express. Take one of the cones from the street.
Go to Matt's place and talk with vendor. Convince him to swallow some helium. Then talk with the kid.
Chat again with the vendor (about the kid), and when he puts the pipe into his mouth, turn on the valve. The vendor will faint.
Try to take the balloons, but the kid won't allow you to do this, so use condoms with bottle of helium.
Now go to the alley (next to the vendor stall) and from the box (on the right side of the door) take a party blower.
Go near the psychiatrist's office and pick up a cigarette. Use it with the pie. Go inside and use the cone and party blower with Robert. Show the garlands, extra sensitive balloons and a birthday cake to receptionist.
Go to the office and talk with psychiatrist.
Go to pawn shop and talk with Mel. He drinks too much cola. Go to Matt's apartment and use laminated card with the door.
Take Matt's picture from the table. Leave the place. There is Kramer outside, so go to the kitchen and exit by the window.
Talk with Ned and Ted. Take a baseball from the thief's box. Use it with Ned. Take another ball and again use it with Ned. After then you can talk with Ned about the taser. You will get it. One more time take a ball and give it to Ned.
When Ned and Ted will be busy (high fives), use taser with Ned (pick a moment where their hands are connected). If you do wrong, you need to take a ball and do the trick again. When they fall down, leave the alley.
Go to pawn shop, show Mel Matt's photo. You will find out that Matt already bought a gun (Magnu-Matic 9000).
Go to Randal's apartment. Read the note, go on the roof and talk with friend. No matter what you choose, the ending could be only one.
For ending the fifth chapter you'll unlock the achievement 'Day 6' (on the beginning of next chapter).
After conversation with Charlie look at the newspaper. You can look at the poster close to the bed. Charlie appears again and say that he really needs some explosive.
Go to the left and come to hallway A. Try to get into the library, but the prisoners won't allow you to go there. Talk with Bogs and back near your cell. Go to hallway B. Pas by Murray and go on the yard.
Talk with Sleazy, then chat with thief.
Go to the right to the back yard, where Randal will take part in the spitting competition (with a not very good score), then talk with the salesman. He gives you a password that you need to know to get into library.
Go to the hallway A and say the password to Bogs. It turns out it was a bluff.
For saying the password to Bogs you will unlock the achievement 'Gort salutes you'.
Go to the kitchen (on the right side from the entrance to library). Bruno (the cook) will throw Randal out. Go to Murray and talk to him, he will make Randal a temporary sous-chef.
Go again to the kitchen. On your way to the kitchen go to the last cell and take prison uniform (you will get also a detergent tablet).
Talk with Bruno and put the detergent tablet to the pot. Click on the hot plate.
Look at the instruction. It's not for this model. It describes four types of buttons (blue, purple, brown and green), on the plate are only two (blue and green). So you need to push: left green (look at the arrow on the instruction), right blue, right green, left green and then the red start button.
For solving this puzzle with first try you unlock the achievement 'Brainiac'.
When the kitchen will be full of steam, steal pan and wok, then go to the yard. On your way take also cat's bowl (close to the exit of the building).
Go on the back of the yard. Put wok on the first slab, pan on the third and bowl on the fifth. Talk with the prisoner on the left and take a part with the spitting competition. Randal will receive a magazine.
Come back to the building and show the magazine to Murray. Thief will creep to the corridor A. Follow him and after a fight take a crowbar.
Go to the library and talk with Brooks. Choose any line at first, then say you need something specific; Brooks should ask about promotion; ask what time it is; say you are looking for a book about Brahms and in the end that you really need that book. You don't have a library card, Brooks will throw you out. Go back to the corridor and use the crowbar to free Carl (second cell on the left side). He gives you a pack of nicotine gum and promise to give it to Randal every day.
Go to the free cell and take a glass with a hole. Use gum with the glass and pour the liquor from Carl's sink into the glass. Go to the yard and talk with the prisoner, who is eating his lunch..
Provoke him to moves his head a little and then pour the alcohol into his lunch. Take his meal. Look at the pink bottle with the antacid.
Look at the adulterated food (RMB), Randal finds a worm. Go to the library and give the worm to the raven. Talk with Brooks about the raven, the old librarian will give you a book (if you didn't say earlier what kind of book do you need, do this now).
Click RMB on the book. You need pink bismuth (an ingredient of the cure for heartburn), fertilizer, soap, phosphorous (used for matches production) and kitchen oil. If you need to remember the ingredients, just click RMB on the book.
Go to the corridor with cells and take an empty bottle near the Carl's bed. Go forward and talk with Murray about the soap. Use the bottle with Murray.
You come to the solitary confinement cell called 'The Hole'. There is no soap. Take a sponge and use it on the filthy wall. Read the inscription and click on the door. Talk with Murray about the inscription, he gives you a baseball ball. Hit the right wall with the ball and do this until you see part of the pipe (three times).
Use the crowbar with the nut pipe. The rat will comes and die immediately.
Throw the rat into the bucket. 48 hours later Randal will get a soap (pick it up from the floor). Wet the sponge with the dirty water from the filthy bucket and use the sponge with the door slot. Murray will come. Randal will leave the cell.
You will receive a box of seeds. You need to grow the plant during the 24 hours. Talk with the fat guy with magical box (he's close to the prison's entrance). Give him the baseball ball, you'll receive a medallion.
Talk with Sleazy. Go back to your cell and take another pack of nicotine gum, give it to Sleazy. He pays back by a cigarette and a match.
Go to the left side of the yard. Start with making a scarecrow, cause if you do this as a last thing, you can risk that the raven eats your plant. If that happened you need to do all mentioned below actions and also go to the cell, take a nicotine gum and give him to Sleazy once more (to get a match).
Take a sack (on the left) and some of the dry leaves (under the tree on the right). Put the leaves into the sack and use it with the old remains. Dress the scarecrow with the uniform. Take a dry pumpkin, (hidden in the corner of the wall, near the garden box) and use it as a head of the scarecrow. Wet the uniform with the sponge. Cat will like your scarecrow.
For making a complete scarecrow (the corpse, uniform, head) you'll get an achievement 'Perfectionist'.
Now take a rake , use it on the neglected field and sow the seeds.
Take again some of the dry leaves (throw them into the through under the faucet and fire by using the match. Pick up a yellow hose and put into the faucet. Use medallion as a valve. Turn it, take the hose and water the seeds (you need to have a complete scarecrow in this moment).
Next Monday go on the back yard and look at the clover. Talk with Murray, when he sees a plant, he'll give you a gardening chest key. Open the box by using the key and take some fertilizer.
Take off pillowcases from both pillows in Randal's cell. You need one more, so use the rake with the pillow from the Mortimer's cell (bottom bunk).
Go to the yard and talk with the guy, who's eating his lunch. Ask him about his cure. He wants to eat something healthy.
Go to the left. Look at the apple on the tree. Take a weeder. Combine three pillowcases with the weeder. Use this rope with hook with tree's branch. The apple will fall down and a cat will start to play with it. Turn the valve and use the hose with the cat. Pick up the apple.
Give this apple to the prisoner, you'll receive a bottle of pink bismuth.
Go to the back of the yard and talk with Bruno about everything (strength, wisdom and luck). He needs a training (so train him) and a luck potion. The last problem is a new prisoner - Alan, who is better in spitting.
Go to the Randal's plot and look for the four leaf clover (named the one clover, it's growing in only one place - marked on the screenshot). Check the nest, you'll find a penny.
Back near the prison and talk with the guy with magic box. Convince him to give this box to Randal. Then go inside and talk with Murray. Use the magic box with Murray to do the trick.
Go to take rabbit's foot, but unfortunately Mortimer will steal it. Pour the liquor from the sink in Carl's cell to the glass. Pour it into the Mortimer's sink. Take some of the pile of matches (phosphorus) lying in the container next to the Randal's red chair. Use them with the liquor in the Mortimer's sink. When scared Mortimer throw rabbit's foot outside his cell, pick it up from the floor.
Go to the library and use crowbar with a horseshoe. Take it.
Go to the kitchen and put inside the pot the following ingredients: the clover, the penny, the rabbit's foot and the horseshoe. Then take some of the lucky soup into the fixed glass.
Go to Alan's cell (the first one on the left) and talk with him about the competition. Use the fertilizer with Alan.
Now you can go to Bruno, give him he the lucky soup and tell him that Alan is no longer a threat for him. Bruno will give you the key to kitchen's party.
Go there, open the closet with the key and take a bottle of cooking oil.
Take a pressure cooker and put into it (in the inventory) the successive ingredients: the soap (from 'The Hole'), the fertilizer (from the garden box), the pink bismuth (from the guy on the yard), pile of matches (from the container in Randal's cell) and cooking oil (from the kitchen's pantry).
With your homemade bomb go to your cell and use this bomb with the poster.
Go to your flat and to the bedroom.
For ending the sixth chapter you'll unlock the achievement 'Day 7' (on the beginning of next chapter).
After waking up in apocalyptic morning go to living room, and open the door. Talk with Death and Matt, pick up the newspaper, then leave the flat and go on the roof. Talk with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (between them there is Death, with whom Randal has already spoken). Leave the roof and go to the Mortimer's room.
Click on the right wing of the statue (with face of Tim Schafer) situated on the right side of the fireplace. In the fireplace appears a hiding place with rotatory base, but when you try to take something from it, you let go of the wing, so the hiding place will close.
Use the nicotine gum with rotatory base (when the hiding place is open) and take a ceremonial dagger. Leave the building and go to subway station. Talk with zombie Murray. Randal needs to feed the Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Murray has got a grill in his office. The problem is that Murray doesn't know he's dead and refuse going to subway station. Use the dagger with Murray and after a short conversation you will get a barbecue.
You and Murray will come on the roof. Talk with the Horsemen and pick up a bottle of castor oil, which was dropped by Famine. Go back to the flat. You need to convince Matt to go on the roof, so tell him there is a party and open the window in the living room. Matt thinks he should to take some booze with him.
Take a mug from the sofa and go outside.
Now is the moment when is worth to save the game, if you want to unlock all of the achievements connected with hint system. Activate this system (the magnifying glass on the right side of the inventory) and click on the button 'kill kitty' twenty times. When you get both of the achievements for using the hint system, load the game and not use this system to get the third achievement.
Go to the alley and talk with bum. He's sick. Pour the castor oil to Matt's mug and give it to the bum.
When he drops the mug, pick it up. The bum starts to vomit, use the mug with him. Give Matt mug with zombie puke.
For feeding the Horsemen of the Apocalypse you will get an achievement 'Bad friend'.
Go inside the Clayton's Cave by the back door. There is a second Randal with whom you can't interact. As a Randal with a fake mustache go to the restroom and talk with Charlie, who's devastated because of the Captain Red.
Back downstairs and talk with Elaine. Suggest her that Randal is talking something stupid about her (any option about relationship Elaine and Randal).
When Elaine will be talking with the second Randal, steal him a wallet.
Now chat with Elaine again, say that it was a misunderstanding and you want to buy a beer for Randal. When he drunk, he goes to the restroom. Buy him another one beer and when he goes to the restroom again, follow him. There talk with Charlie and say him that the person who is responsible for the whole situation with Captain Red is the second Randal.
Then go to the alley on the back of the pub (fire exit door). Pull the clothes from Randal's corpse. Come back to the pub and talk with Sally and Matt. Try to not allow Matt to get drunk. If you choose a wrong line, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse will appear and turn back time. To make that not happen do not choose the lines about go-carts and the carnival.
If you choose only the right answers, (the Horsemen won't appear) you will get an achievement 'Good friend'.
Unfortunately, Matt goes to the alley, follow him and choose whatever option you want to.
For not using a hint system you will get an achievement 'Old school' and for ending the game the achievement 'It's over'.
During the gameplay you can unlock 21 Steam achievements. The achievements numbered 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 19 and 20 are the ones you don't get automatically by just playing, to unlock them you need do something more than end the game.
1. Day 1 - for ending the prologue.
2. Chicken - for unlocking hint system (bookmark with the magnifying glass in the inventory).
3. Cat murderer - for clicking twenty times on the button 'kill kitty' in the hint system.
4. Cursed - for selling the ring.
5. Day 2 - for ending the first chapter.
6. Three meals a day - for feeding the pigeons three times: by corn, by popcorn and by popcorn with rat poison.
7. I want no spoilers - for changing a day on the SF convention poster in Charlie Comics without bum's hint. You need to do this before talking with bum on the back of the Clayton's Cave.
8. Day 3 - for ending the second chapter.
9. Survival horror lover - for solving the drawers puzzle (in Mortimer's room) with the first try.
10. Day 4 - for ending the third chapter.
11. Lover of The Trilogy (Star Wars) - by choosing only right answers during the game with HAL.
12. Day 5 - for ending the fourth chapter.
13. Day 6 - for ending the fifth chapter.
14. Gort salutes you - for saying a password to Bogs.
15. Brainiac - for solving the hot plate puzzle with the first try.
16. Perfectionist - for making a complete scarecrow (corpse, prison uniform, pumpkin head).
17. Day 7 - for ending the sixth chapter.
18. Bad friend - for feeding The Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
19. Good friend - for choosing only right answers in the final conversation (don't choose the lines about go-carts and carnival).
20. Old school - for not using the hint system.
21. It's over - for ending the game.