The Professional Farmer 2014 is a simulator of farming activities. In this guide, you will find thorough information concerning the key elements of the game. In this text, types of farming activity, hints concerning the development of your farm or a description of farming career, have been provided. You will also find here the information concerning the vehicles, buildings and crops available in the game, as well as calculations concerning the profitability of crops.
This guide to the Professional Farmer 2014 includes:
Maciej "Psycho Mantis" Stepnikowski ()
This guide has been color coded in the following way, to emphasize some of the game's elements:
This guide has been created for ver. 1.012.
Looking around
On foot: movement;
In a vehicle: accelerate, brake, turn left, turn right
On foot: jump
On foot: run (hold down)
Enter/ exit a vehicle
Change driving direction (switches between forward and reverse gears)
With manual transmission: gear up, (hold down) change drive to higher
On harvester: extend/ hide the grains unloader spout
With manual transmission: gear down, (hold down) change drive to lower
In harvester: start/stop unloading crops
Cruise control on (four speeds) with automatic transmission
Attach / detach machinery from the vehicle
Lower/ elevate the blades (e.g. cultivator, harvesting assembly, trailer etc.
Switch on/ off the mechanism (of e.g. harvesting assembly in harvester, broadcast spreader, baler, rotate plow).
Unfold/ fold a machine (e.g. cultivator)
Lights on/off
Quick menu on/off
Camera switch
Quick menu- map view
Quick menu - information about field
Side menu - game general info
In the bottom-left corner, there is a minimap, where, apart from the nearest area, you can see how much money you have, whet season of the year it is, what time of the day it is and what the weather is ([F1]).
In the second tab ([F2]), when you are in a field you can review details concerning that individual field: percentage plowed, loosened, fertilized, sown with crops and also what kind of crops have been sown here. During harvest time, it also displays information concerning how much you still need to harvest. It is a very useful menu that allows you to find out about progression of works in a given field. Thanks to the information, expressed in percents, you know how conscientious you have been at field works.
In the third tab, ([F3]) you get the information concerning the money that you have and the value of the loan to pay up, the number of fields owned by you and their combined area, in hectares. Also, you receive here the information concerning animals: cows, ducks and hens. When you buy a weather station at the farming store, this is where the weather forecast, for the next three days, displays.
In the first tab, next to the map, you can review the objectives. If you have chosen the career mode, you will see there a list of tasks to perform, with the current one on top and the previously completed below.
In the second tab, you can read detailed information about each one of the fields. You only need to roll the mouse over any of them, to find out if it has been plowed, loosened, sown, fertilized and what kind of crops have been sown there.
The third tab presents all of the vehicles in the game. It is a very useful tool. Whenever you select a vehicle on the map, and click on it, you will switch to that vehicle. This way, you can quickly switch between vehicles, and the individual points on the map, as a result.
In the fourth tab, you hire people. to be able to do that, however, you need to be on your farm. Here, you select whet a given worker is supposed to do and in which field. The work is done immediately and the account balance is diminished by the amount of the pay. How to use this tool in a smart way, has been described in a different chapter, towards the end of this guide.
In the last tab - "Mechanics", you can control the key processes in the game: changing the season (switching to the next round) and switching to the next day. In the game, there are six seasons of the year: early Spring, late Spring, early Summer, late Summer, early Fall and late Fall. If you have changed working in a given round (level, .i.e. season of the year), you need to click the next round button and, in the blink of eye e.g. early Summer turns into late Summer.
During each of the seasons, you usually perform certain works:
If, on a given day, you are caught by night in the field, click "Wait". The time will speed up and stop on the next morning.
In "Mechanics" there are two more functionalities. If you happen to block your vehicle on an obstacle, you can use help - "call For Help". Unfortunately, this is costly - the cost of 500 Euros. The vehicle that you have blocked, will be moved to the road next to you. Another situation is when you run out of fuel in the tank. You can also call for help then ("ask for petrol") but this is just as costly. That is why you should watch the fuel level in all vehicles.
In this building, located on the Western side of the farm, you can store seeds and fertilizers. When you buy seeds or the fertilizer in the farming store, they will be, automatically, stored in the warehouse. To replenish the seed drill, or the broadcast spreader, you simply need to drive up, press [Enter] and select the item of your interest.
Each type of crops requires a separate silo. At first, you only have one - for wheat. There are six types of plants that you can store in silos: wheat, corn, barley, rapeseed, pea and soybeans. Therefore, there are six types of silos also. On one of the sides of the silos, there is an unloading place for crops, after which the crops are stored in the appropriate silo. At the other side, there is a pipe that loads crops onto a trailer underneath.
100 tons
5000 Euros
250 tons
10000 Euros
500 tons
20000 Euros
1500 tons
50000 Euros
Each silo has four levels of upgrade. To erect a silo (level 1), in the first place, you need to spend 500 Euros. Each successive upgrade entails an additional cost but, also capacity increases. You are going to need silos level 3 and 4 when you expand your farm by buying many arable fields and much better farming equipment.
On your farm, there is a fuel dispenser. Try refuel all of your vehicles here - it is twice as cheap as refueling in either of the two petrol stations in town.
You simply need to drive up to a dispenser, press [Enter] and select "refill". If the tank in the dispensers runs empty, you need to go to town to buy the fuel from a wholesaler, which will then be stored in the dispenser on the farm.
Right next to the house, there is a garage or, more precisely, a garage shed. Although,, at the beginning of the game, this is where all the farming equipment is, each time after you are done working in the field, you do not need to take it back here. Leave it wherever it is convenient for you and where you will have it at hand.
In the Eastern side of the farm, there are two hen coops, where you can find hens and ducks that you have bought at the farming store. You do not need to feed them, they are self-sufficient and they provide you with eggs, or meat, on a regular basis (which is automatically being sold).
Close to the hen coop there is a spot where you can put the weather station. At the beginning of the game, you do not have it, but you can purchase it from the farming store, after which it will, automatically, appear right next to your farm. Thanks to it, in the menu, in the bottom left corner ([F3]) you will be able to review weather forecast for the next three days. Given how rarely the weather conditions in the game are bad, this is not too useful a piece of equipment.
Past the warehouse, to the West, there is a pen, with cows that you have purchased at the farming store. You can hold a maximum of 20 cows.
The Machine store is in the South-eastern part of the map. Here, you can buy tractors, harvesters with plows, and various farming machinery: plows, cultivators, seed drills, broadcast spreaders, trailers etc. If you have something to sell, you can also do that here - you just need to bring the machine/vehicle to the store. To enter the store's menu, stand in its area and press [Enter].
It is in the Northern part of the map, across the river. You can buy all sorts of seeds and fertilizers here - everything will be transferred to the warehouse at the farm. you can also buy animals and the weather station.
On the map, there are two petrol stations. One of them is to the North-West, between fields (marked on the map with an icon of the fuel dispenser).
The second petrol station is to the South-East, right next to the town. You can refill your vehicles there, just like from the dispenser at the farm.
A retail purchase of fuel (i.e. directly to the vehicle's tank) costs 2 Euros per liter. Buying in bulk costs 1 Euros per liter. Therefore, refueling a tractor at the petrol station is unprofitable. Buy fuel in bulk for your dispenser and refuel your vehicles there. Of course, if you are in the field working, far away from your farm, you should not waste your time (and fuel) to get back to the farm - refuel at the petrol station.
The building of the bank is located in the Western part of the map. In the career mode, one of your tasks is to take out a loan, amounting to 250000 Euros. In the free play mode, you can decide what amount you want to borrow. To pay up the loan earlier than scheduled, you need to come to the bank.
The crops that you buy (regardless of whether you want to store it in the silos, or to sell it straight away) needs to be sold at the collection point, to earn money which you could then invest in new machinery, vehicles, seeds, fertilizers or fuel. At the site of the complex, located in the Eastern part of the map, there is crops unload spot - the same one, as the one at your farm, next to the silos. After you unload crops here, the money for the transaction is being automatically transferred to your bank account.
The complex to the North-East accepts bales of straw. You need to bring it over here on the trailer.
There are several kinds of cultivated plants, available in the game. These are, predominantly, crops. You need to buy seeds in the farming store to the North. After the purchase, the seeds are automatically transferred to your warehouse.
Cost per 100 kg of seeds
50 Euros
40 Euros
45 Euros
61 Euros
85 Euros
68 Euros
65 Euros
Massive 155
Price: 45000 Euros
Power: 155 BHP
Transmission: manual
Max. speed: 41 km/h
The basic tractor of very low power, accelerates slowly and has a manual transmission - not recommended.
Massive 266
Price: 65000 Euros
Power: 180 BHP
Transmission: manual
Max. speed: 41 km/h
A bit better (more powerful) than the previous model, but more expensive, at the same time. The downside is also the transmission, and low power.
V2-Q Monticola
Price: 55000 Euros
Power: 130 BHP
Transmission: CVT
Max. speed: 35 km/h
The basic carrier for straw bales, has good acceleration and is maneuverability - very good for loading bales onto the trailer.
Price: 85000 Euros
Power: 200 BHP
Transmission: CVTx2
Max. speed: 46 km/h
A very god, medium-class tractor with quite high power (which allows you to use freely a bit bigger equipment), high acceleration, good maneuverability and maximum speed -RECOMMENDED as the basic tractor, throughout the first phase of gameplay.
Friend Lifter PRO
Price: 50000 Euros
Power: 120 BHP
Transmission: CVT
Max. speed: 32 km/h
The cheapest forklift with speed and power a bit lower than that of the V2-Q Monticola.
Friend 4990
Price: 125000 Euros
Power: 280 BHP
Transmission: CVTx2
Max. speed: 46 km/h
A perfect high-end tractor. Large power (uses the biggest cultivators and trailers without any problems), good acceleration and good top speed. When its power is taken into consideration, the price is not that steep. I recommend it for the further stages of the game.
Charles C600s
Price: 40000 Euros
Power: 140 BHP
Transmission: CVT
Max. speed: 37 km/h
The cheapest automatic transmission tractor. With its price, high power, acceleration and speed taken into consideration. At the beginning of the game, it is a good idea to consider selling the Lindner Geotrac 114 and buying this one.
Lindner Geotrac 114
Price: 40000 Euros
Power: 180 BHP
Transmission: manual
Max. speed: 41 km/h
This tractor is in your possession since the beginning of the game. It has decent power and high top speed but, its downside is its manual transmission.
Lindner Geotrac 134ep
Price: 125000 Euros
Power: 360 BHP
Transmission: manual
Max. speed: 41 km/h
The only thing that makes it different from the previous model is its power and... the price... For 125000 Euros, you can buy a way better equipment. Recommended only for the proponents of manual transmission
John Deere Model B
Price: 45000 Euros
Power: 120 BHP
Transmission: manual
Max. speed: 20 km/h
An antique 1934 model, which made it into the game only as a curiosity. I do not recommend this one for field work but, it needs to be admitted that it gains the top speed of 20km/h pretty quickly. It can be of use if parked next to the farming store - thanks to this, you will make it very quickly to the store, to make necessary purchases.
Massive A25
Price: 170000 Euros
Power: 150 BHP
Grain tank capacity: 5600
Transmission: CVT
Harvesting speed: 12 km/h (Cruise control 2)
Max. speed: 35 km/h
The available harvesting assemblies are 5,5 m (for 14000 Euros) up to 12,2 m (for 50000 Euros) long. The available corn heads have the speed of 6 rows (for 30000 Euros) up to 12 rows (for 45000).
A pretty expensive harvester, given its power. Has pretty low acceleration. Has a small grain tank. Still, the upside of harvester from this producer is that you can buy corn heads.
Massive A75
Price: 190000 Euros
Power: 150 BHP
Grain tank capacity: 7000
Transmission: CVT
Harvesting speed: 12 km/h (Cruise control 2)
Max. speed: 35 km/h (with the harvesting assembly up)
The harvesting assemblies are identical with the ones described for the Massive A25.
This harvester is almost twin-identical with the above model. For a grain tank bigger by a half, you need to pay 20 000 Euros more. It is the best one for harvesting corn (due to the tank capacity and the width of the available attachments).
Defier 180
Price: 130000 Euros
Power: 150 BHP
Grain tank capacity: 5000
Transmission: CVT
Harvesting speed: 12 km/h (cruise control 2)
Max. speed: 35 km/h (with the harvesting assembly up)
The available harvesting assemblies are from 4.2 m (for 10000 Euros) up to 10.6 m (for 40000 Euros) wide so, they are smaller by 1.5 m than in competition. There are no corn heads. though.
The cheapest harvester, good to make a start, especially with a wider harvesting assembly. Unfortunately, if you want to start growing corn, this model does not offer any corn heads. Apart from that, the widest harvesting assembly is narrower by 1.5 m than in the Massive harvesters. Cheap, but not that useful in the long run.
Defier 281
Price: 150000 Euros
Power: 150 BHP
Grain tank capacity: 7000
Transmission: CVT
Harvesting speed: 12 km/h (cruise control 2)
Max. speed: 35 km/h (with the harvesting assembly up)
The harvesting assemblies are identical with the ones described for the Defier 180.
Its grain tank is a bit larger than in the case of the lower model. The rest of the parameters are nearly identical. It is, however, worth noting that the grain unloader spout is very long, which makes it easy to drive up to it on a tractor with trailer.
Charles Appaloosa 240
Price: 250000 Euros
Power: 220 BHP
Grain tank capacity: 12333
Transmission: CVT
Harvesting speed: 12 km/h (cruise control 2)
Max. speed: 35 km/h (with the harvesting assembly up)
The available harvesting assemblies range from 4,6 m (for 11000 Euros) to 12,2 m (for 50000 Euros). the available corn heads harvest from 4 rows (for 25000 Euros) to 6 rows (for 30000).
Easy to use, high-powered with good acceleration, plus a gigantic grain tank. Unfortunately, it also has its price but, it is worthwhile to buy it once you have developed your business. Still, I do not recommend this one for corn - its corn head is too narrow. For that, it is better if you buy Massive A75. Still, this model works well with all other types of produce, including wheat and soybeans.
Krampe BigBody 460
Price: 15000 Euros
Capacity: 14 000
The basic trailer from this producer, which you own at the beginning of the game. It will suffice for quite a portion of the game. Rear-unloaded.
Krampe BigBody 500
Price: 17000 Euros
Capacity: 16 000
A bit bigger than the initial model. After some time, you can consider buying either this one, or the bigger Fliegl DDK240-6.20. Rear-unloaded.
Krampe BigBody 650
Price: 22000 Euros
Capacity: 21 000
The biggest trailer available in the game. To pull this one, it is better to use a bigger tractor. Rear-unloaded.
Fliegl DK80
Price: 9000 Euros
Capacity: 6 150
If you compare the capacity to its price, and to the other trailers, or the one that you receive at the beginning, a completely unprofitable choice. Moreover, its capacity is just a bit bigger than of the grain tank in the most basic harvester. Side-unloaded.
Fliegl DK180
Price: 14000 Euros
Capacity: 14 150
A bit better choice. You should take it into consideration as one of the basic purchases. You can load almost three grain tanks, of the smallest harvester, onto this trailer. Side-unloaded.
Fliegl DDK240-6.20
Price: 18000 Euros
Capacity: 18 200
A big trailer of considerable capacity. Quite a good choice. Side-unloaded.
Lemken Juvel 8 V N90
Price: 12000 Euros
The basic plow that you own at the beginning of the game. Unfortunately, its working width is not satisfactory, which is why you need to spend some time at plowing.
Lemken Eurospal 8 N90
Price: 20000 Euros
Its working width is, at least, by a third greater than that of the above, thanks to which you spend less time plowing. It is a good idea to obtain one quickly but, keep in mind that you need a stronger tractor for this on also.
Horsch Terrano 3 FX
Price: 20000 Euros
The basic cultivator, which you own from the beginning of the game. Its working width is small so, you need a lot of time to cultivate the entire field.
Horsch Terrano 4 FX
Price: 30000 Euros
Although it is more expensive than Horsch Terrano 3 FX by a half, its working width is a bit higher. Not worth buying.
Horsch Terrano 5 FX
Price: 60000 Euros
Discernibly wider but also more expensive. It is the most expensive of the available ones, but not the widest. You can consider buying it, but it is not recommended.
Horsch Jocker 3 CT
Price: 20000 Euros
The working width is comparable to that of Horsch Terrano 3 FX so, if you want to upgrade your equipment, do not buy it.
Horsch Jocker 6 CT
Price: 30000 Euros
An ideal cultivator, if you take its working width and its price. A bit wider than Horsch Terrano 5 FX, and half as expensive. What is more, you can operate it with a medium-sized tractor, e.g. V2-Q without any problems. I recommend this one.
Horsch Jocker 10 RT
Price: 50000 Euros
The cultivator of the widest working surface. It is huge and it is better to use some of the high-end tractors to operate it e.g. Friend 4990. I recommend that you buy it after you have considerably expanded your farm.
Fliegl ZPW 100
Price: 8000 Euros
The basic straw bale trailer. Not worth buying. It is very small.
Fliegl DPW 180
Price: 12000 Euros
If you are going to collect and sell bales, this is your basic choice. It can hold, around, 6 straw bales.
Fliegl DPW 240
Price: 16000 Euros
This trailer allows loading two rows of bales yet, this is more difficult to pull off. Bringing the fully-loaded trailer to the collection point takes a miracle worker.
Amazone D9 4000 special
Price: 15000 Euros
The basic seed drill of small working width.
Amazone D9 60 special
Price: 40000 Euros
A seed drill, which is wider than the basic one by a half. It pays off to buy this one quite early into the game, to make field works faster.
Rauch AXIS-H 30.1
Price: 30000 Euros
Capacity: 480
The basic sprayer for feltilizers. You own it from the beginning of the game. It has wide range of spraying so, you can use it for quite long, until you replace the remaining machinery with better models.
Rauch TWS 7000
Price: 60000 Euros
Capacity: 1200
Very expensive with negligible usefulness, in comparison with the basic sprayer. Its working width is just a bit bigger than the initial one. Obtaining this one is sensible in the case of larger fields (3 ha and bigger). It is no use spending that much money earlier.
Friend 1219
Price: 20000 Euros
The only straw press that makes cylindrical bales. You own it from the beginning of the game.
Plowing is very time consuming, because you cannot do it too fast. you need to make sure that the tractor goes in straight line, because its line of rolling is influenced by the rough nature of the ground, where it makes turns on its own. As you approach the end of the field, bring the plow up and, take a wide turn. Dividing the turn into two, or three, using the reverse gear is more time-consuming. Then, bring the plow down and keep plowing.
The plow's shape makes it impossible to plow the field into even rows To a larger, or smaller extent, there are V-shaped unplowed strips of land. What is important, is that you bring the plow down still before you roll onto the field - that is when you plow it for 100%. The bottom end is that you plow some of the area outside of the field's boundaries. The season to plow is the early Spring, so that harvest can take place in late Summer. In the case of sowing Winter grains, you need to plow in late Summer (you can harvest then in early Summer). You can drive freely all around the plowed field, as long as your plow is up.
There are only two plows available in the game, where the working width of the better one is bigger by a third. With your farm developed, and the rest of your tools of the increased working width, plowing is always one of the most time-consuming tasks.
Although time-consuming, plowing should never be skipped (which, of course, you can do, but I do not recommend that). Skipping plowing the field, before it is loosened and before all of the other works take place, makes your crop lower by 50%. So, it is worthwhile.
Before it is sown, and after it is plowed, the field needs to e loosened. For that, you need to use the cultivator. Just like in the case of plowing, try to keep the tractor going in straight lines. After you reach the edge of the field, lift the cultivator to make a wide turn, if there is enough space, lower the cultivator and keep on loosening.
You need to make sure that you have loosened the entire field. In the future, try to replace your starting cultivator with a wider one. There are many such machines available in the game. Then, loosening will take much less time. Always strive to loosen the field in 100%. Skipping this step, after the field has been plowed, before sowing, brings your crops down by 33% so, it is not a good idea to do that (especially if you have a wider cultivator).
Loosening takes place right after plowing, in the same season of the year. So, if you have plowed the field in early Spring, you need to loosen right afterwards. This holds true also for plowing for Winter, in late Fall - loosening should be performed in the same season.
To sow, you need to take your seed drill and take it to the warehouse on your farm (to have seeds in the warehouse you first need to buy them in the farming store to the far North - after you have bought the seeds, they will be, immediately, transferred to your warehouse). If there are some other seeds in the seed drill you first need to empty it. Then, click on "fill the seed drill" next to the selected, and owned, seeds. If there are seeds in the seed drill, any other than the ones you intend to sow, you first need to empty it of the seeds and fill it with the ones of your choice.
Sowing is performed in the same way as plowing or loosening. You need to sow the field in 100% to have it entirely covered in seeds. In the game, there are two seed drills available. To speed up the process of sowing, it is a good idea to buy a wider model as quickly as possible.
Crops are, usually, to be sown in early Spring (after plowing and loosening has been finished) - to make harvests due for the late Summer. You can also sow in late Fall, where harvesting is to be performed in early Summer.
After you have sown the field, you need to wait for one round, i.e. after all works have been done, you need to switch to the next season of the year. That is when plants will start to come up and you need to fertilize them. First, you need to go to the warehouse to fill the sprayer with fertilizer. To replenish the fertilizer that you own, you need to buy it at the farming store to the North.
The basic sprayer that you have has a very big working width, in comparison with the rest of the machinery so, this activity is faster. Skipping this step will result in 15% less crops than if you had performed it. This is, of course, a very fast process so, there is no point in skipping it.
As already mentioned, fertilization is to be done, usually, one round after you have sown. So, if you have sown in the early Spring you should fertilize your crops in late Spring, if you have sown in the late Fall you need to fertilize in the early Spring.
As soon as your crops are ripe, and with almost all crops, this takes place three rounds (four in the case of corn), you need to harvest your crops. to do that, you need to go to the field with the harvester, lower the harvesting assembly and turn it on. Harvest using the cruise control [2]. If you are going too fast, you will spoil some of the crops quickly. Do not enter the field with the harvester before the crops are ripe. If you start harvests too early, (when it is still "green") you will only spoil them and will gain nothing.
As soon as the grain tank is nearly filled to brim, stop the vehicle and extend the grain unloader spout [F]. A trailer will approach. At all times, a tractor and a trailer
While you are harvesting, tractor and trailer should be right next to the field, which you are harvesting, at all times. Unload the grain [V] onto the trailer and keep harvesting. Remember that, if you keep harvesting with your harvester overflowing, the grain will start to spill and you will spoil it. That is why you should always stop and unload the crops onto the trailer.
The crops that you have harvested, can be sold immediately at the collection point. You can also store it in silos and sell somewhere in the future.
Later in the game, you could replace your harvester. with big field, due to small grain tanks, you would have to stop and unload crops often. However, in the case of the harvester, the most important thing is the width of the harvesting assembly - the larger it is, the better. Always buy the widest harvesting assembly available.
After the harvest is over, you can bale the leftover straw. The only thing you need to do is attach a special trailer-press to the tractor, turn it on and drive over the swath (the straw left by the harvester). In the bottom-right corner, you can see the completion level (in percents) displayed, which shows the completion of the current bale.
When the gauge exceeds 90% stop and unload the bale. Then, move the tractor to collect more straw in the press and form more bales. If you are not going to collect the bales, to sell them, leave them as they are, in the field. In the next season, it will disappear automatically.
Still, you can collect the bales, load them onto the trailer and take it to the collection point, in the upper-right corner of the map. This has been described in the chapter concerned with the development of the farm.
The in-game map is really big! Unfortunately, this also means that you need to travel far to get to some of the places. Fortunately, the Machine Store is pretty close, a bit to the South. To the East, a bit farther than the store, there is the collection point where you take your produce for sale. So, the two landmarks that you will be visiting often are, fortunately, quite close.
The bank located to the West, is a place that you visit several times, at most, throughout the game (if you decide to take out a loan, in the first place). The major problem is the farming store, located far to the North, across the river. Reaching that point, and returning, requires a lot of time. That is why, it is a good idea to go there, at first, with the museum quality tractor John Deere Model B. Leave it there and, whenever you need it, you can fast-travel to that vehicle and purchase whatever you need, quickly. To the east of the store, a bit closer to your farm, there is a straw bales collection point. The road between your farm and that point is not in too good a condition so, while under way with the straw bales on the trailer, you need to drive slowly and carefully, to prevent losing the bales.
In the game, you can select either of the two modes - career and free play. The career mode is not too complex, but it is worth using it to learn about the game itself. At some point, you can realize that it does not make any sense to complete still tasks. You can then ignore them and play to reach your own goals.
In the career mode, the game leads you by the hand and shows you the in individual elements of gameplay, so that you learn them.
Task: Follow instructions
Reach the successive elements marked in blue and you will learn where the hen coop and the garage are.
Task: Get into the tractor
Go towards the tractor and get inside. The tractor has manual transmission. The gears from 1 to 6 are switched with the keys that change gears up and down ([F] and [V]). However, to change the gearbox's range, (A, B, C, D), you need to hold down the keys that change gears up and down ([F] and [V]). To reach top speed, switch the gear to 6D.
Task: Go to the petrol station
In front of you, there is your petrol station. Drive up to it,, open the menu and select "Fill up".
Task: Go to the silo
As you cruise ahead, you will find the silo. This is where all your crops are stored.
Task: Go to the warehouse
Turn around and drive towards the warehouse, which is located next to the garage.
It is time to start working in the field, i.e. to plow, loosen, fertilize, etc. this has been described in detail, in another chapter of this guide.
Task: Attach the plow
It is early Summer. You need to prepare the field for sowing. To do that, drive to the garage, reverse up to the plow, and attach it to the tractor.
Task: Get to the field
Follow the instructions to reach your field. It is located across the road close to the hen coop.
Task: Plow the field
Stop at the edge of the field, so that the plow is next to its edge. Lower the plow and set the gear to 4B. Start moving.
Try to go in straight lines without leaving a strip unplowed. At the same time, try not to plow again the spaces that you have already plowed. The aim of this is the effective work - there is no point in wasting fuel and time. Once the field has been plowed in 95%, you will be able to stop. However, you can plow the whole of it, if you want to.
Task: You can drive back home now
Lift the plow and drive towards home. You can drive over the field, without worries, as long as the plow is up.
Task: Detach the plow
Take the plow to where you have taken it from. To detach it, you first need to lower it, and detach afterwards.
Task: Attach the cultivator
In the garage there is the cultivator. Reverse up to it and attach it.
Task: Go to the field
Take the cultivator back to the same field.
Task: Loosen the soil
Again, stop t the edge of the field. Start loosening soil from the very edge of the field. Do not worry about the notifications, telling you that you are loosening the unplowed strips of the field. Loosening is much faster. Switch the gear to 4C. Again, as soon as you have loosened 95% of the field, you will receive a notification that you may You can drive back home now but, do not do that - complete the entire field.
Task: You can drive back home now
After you have loosened the field, you may You can drive back home now.
Task: Detach the cultivator
Leave the cultivator where you have taken it from. Reverse up and remember that you need to lower the piece of machinery before you detach it.
Task: Buy seeds at the store
You already have the seed drill , but in the warehouse there are no seeds. You need to go and get them from the farming store. Unfortunately, the road is long, the store is to the far North. Follow hints. Remember to switch into the highest gear (6D). you do not need to stick to the road - take shortcuts if it is only worthwhile to cut turns short.
Once you get there, open the store's menu ([Enter]) and buy wheat. Buy more than the recommended 1200 kg, e.g. 1500 kg, or even 2000 kg, as a reserve.
Task: You can drive back home now
Again, follow checkpoints to You can drive back home now.
Task: Plow the neighbor's field
Although you could sow your field now, it is a good idea to take the opportunity and earn some cash. Attach the plow and get to the neighbor's field marked on the map.
Task: Plow the field
Lower the plow and plow the field. Because it is an assignment, it is not that important to be accurate. It is only necessary that you plow 95% of the field. Once you do that, do not continue working, lift the plow and get off the field.
Task: You can drive back home now
After you can drive back home now, and complete the assignment, you will receive your remuneration - 2000 Euros. This really paid off.
Task: Loosen the neighbor's field
After you have plowed the field, you now need to sow it. . Leave the plow and attach the cultivator. Note! You are, probably, running out of fuel in your tractor. As you are leaving, drive up to your petrol station and fill up the tractor. Follow the instructions, now and get to the neighbor's field. This field is different from the one that you have just plowed.
Task: Loosen soil.
Loosen the field in a direction perpendicular to the direction of plowing. This way, you will have your work done faster (you will not need to make as many turns after you reach the edge of the field).
Task: You can drive back home now
Once you have loosened 95% of soil, get off the field - drive now to your farm. For your work, you will receive the remuneration of 2400 Euros.
When the night comes, you do not need to work. Access the map ([M]), select the "Mechanics" tab and select "Wait". This way, you will sleep through the night, in a manner of speaking and wake up the next morning at 6 a.m., where you have finished.
Task: Attach the seed drill
Next to the garage there is the seed drill - attach it to the tractor.
Task: Fill the seed drill in your warehouse
Get towards the warehouse, which is right next to the garage. Access the warehouse's menu ([Enter]) and click "Fill up the seed drill" next to wheat.
Task: Get to the field
Get to your field, which you have plowed and loosened beforehand.
Task: Seed the field
Take your position at the edge of the field, just like in the case of the plow or the cultivator. Lower the seed drill and drive ahead. Just like in the case of the previous works, be accurate. Just like previously, after you have finished your work in 95%, you will be able to go off the field. Still, do not do that.
Task: You can drive back home now
Get towards the farm. However, as soon as you get there, you will receive a notification of another assignment.
Task: Sow a neighbor's field
Your neighbor's seed drill broke down. Before you go anywhere, however, fill the seed drill in the warehouse and fill it up again. Follow the hints and get to the neighbor's field. Just like in the case of all the assignment, sow the field in 95% to complete this assignment.
Task: You can drive back home now.
After you return to your farm, you will receive your remuneration- 2600 Euros. By completing the three assignments, you have earned a total of 7000 Euros.
Task: Detach the seed drill
Leave the seed drill where you have taken it from, in the garage. The season of the year will automatically change to late Spring.
Task: Attach the broadcast spreader
In the garage, there is the broadcast spreader. Reverse up and attach it. It already comes filled with fertilizer.
Task: Go to the field
Go to your field, which you have recently seeded.
Task: Fertilize the field
The range of the spreader is big. Position yourself, more or less, in the 1/4 of your field. Do not lower the spreader, but turn it on. Switch to the top gear (6D). After you get off the field, turn the spreader off and position yourself at, more or less, 3 of the width of the field. Turn the spreader again and drive through on the highest gear. By going this way, you will cross the field twice, after which you will have it entirely covered with the fertilizer.
Task: You can drive back home now
After you have performed fertilization in 100% return to your farm.
Task: Detach the spreader
Park the spreader in its place. Remember that you first need to lower it, before you are able to detach it.
Task: Go to the bank
It is time to set out for the bank, which is located at the far West. Remember that you can fuel your tractor before leaving. Follow the checkpoints until you reach your destination. Also, remember that you can take shortcuts whenever possible, by shortening turns.
Once you reach the bank open the menu ([Enter]) and take out a loan - there is only a loan for 250000 Euros available.
Task: Go to the store
Follow the hints and reach the machine store. Remember to take shortcuts across fields, whenever possible. In the first year of your career, the store's offer is limited.
Task: Buy a harvester and a fitting harvesting assembly
Enter the store's menu and buy the harvester for 130000 Euros. Then, buy an assembly - select the biggest currently available - a 6,6 meter wide assembly for 13000 Euros. The harvester and the assembly are in front of the store. The season of the year will automatically turn to early Summer.
Task: Enter the harvester
Get out of the tractor, run up to the harvester and get inside.
Task: Attach the harvesting assembly
Drive forward a bit and attach the assembly in the same way as you attach the other machinery to the tractor.
Task: You can drive back home now
Fortunately, the way from the store to the farm is not long. Follow the leads and take shortcuts across fields. The harvester has an automatic transmission. Once you reach the farm, the season of the year will turn to the late Summer. It is harvesting time!
Task: Enter the tractor
You are on the farm in the harvester, and you need to get to the tractor. Of course, you can run there but, I recommend against wasting that much time. Access the map, and select the "Vehicles" tab. Click on the icon of your tractor, which is next to the machine store, to be taken there.
Task: Attach the trailer
Drive your tractor to the farm. Reverse up into the garage and attach the trailer to the tractor. Before you move ahead, check the petrol level.
Task: Follow the leads
Note the unloading point next to the silos.
Task: Take the trailer to the field
Drive to the field and leave the tractor with trailer next to it.
Task: Enter the harvester
Access the map and, by clicking on the harvester icon, in the "Vehicles" tab, travel to the harvester.
Task: Drive to the field
Take the harvester, with the harvesting assembly mounted, to your field.
Task: Collect the crops; fill the trailer with crops
Position yourself at the edge of the field. Lower the harvesting assembly and turn it on. Start driving the harvester and regulate your speed using cruise control (press the [2] key).
The crops from the entire field will not fit into the harvester. When the grain tank is nearly full, stop and switch to the tractor. Drive the tractor and trailer up to the left side of the harvester. Switch to the harvester, extend the grain unloader spout and start unloading grains. You need to make sure that the trailer is properly positioned (to prevent spilling grains onto the field). Complete reaping the field and unload the rest of the wheat onto the trailer.
Task: Take the harvester back to the garage
Get off the field and drive towards the farm.
Task: Park the vehicle and leave it
Once at the farm, park the harvester in the marked spot.
Task: Enter the tractor
Use the map and switch to the tractor, which remained in the field.
Task: Unload the grain
Drive to the farm, to the grain unload spot, at the silos. Drive up the ramp and unload the grains from the trailer.
Task: Detach the trailer
Park the trailer in its place, in the garage.
Task: Leave the vehicle
Get out of the tractor.
Task: Upgrade your silo
Run up to the silos and open the menu. Access the "Upgrades" tab and click "Upgrade" next to wheat - this will cost you 10000 Euros.
Task: Enter the tractor
Return to the garage and get into the tractor.
Task: Attach the press
The Press is between the garage and the warehouse. Reverse up to it and attach it.
Task: Get to the field with the press
Drive towards one of your fields.
Task: Bale straw in the field
Turn the press on and drive at top speed. In the bottom-right corner, you notice the baler's progress (in %). Once t exceeds 90%, stop and unload the bale. Then, continue baling until the new task appears.
Task: You can drive back home now
Stop baling, leave the bales and return to the farm.
Task: Detach the press
Put the press in its place and detach it.
Task: Park the vehicle and leave it
You do not need to park the tractor - simply, get off.
Task: Go to the field
Enter the harvester and get to the field of one of the neighbors.
Task: Harvest crops. Fill the trailer with grains
Harvest crops in the neighbor's field. It is a good idea to harvest this field perpendicularly to the direction in which it was seeded - reaping will take less time (you will have to make fewer turns).
Unload some of the harvested grains onto the trailer (around 2000 - 3000 kg). Then, return to reaping. Once you have completed 90% of the field, this assignment will conclude. For harvesting your neighbor's field, you will receive your remuneration of 2400 Euros.
Task: You can drive back home now
You do not need to unload the rest of the harvested crops onto the neighbor's trailer. You can finish up harvesting the field and drive the full harvester to your trailer and unload onto it.
Task: Park the vehicle and leave it
Park the harvester in its place and leave it.
Task: Attach the trailer
Switch to the tractor. Attach the trailer to it (it should already be loaded with some of the neighbor's grain).
Task: Load the trailer with grains from the silo
Drive the trailer up to the silo - be accurate, you do not want your grain spoiled. Access the silos menu and click "Start loading" next to wheat. After a while, the trailer will be filled with wheat.
Task: Transport the grain to the crops collection point
Follow the successive checkpoints to reach the collection point. It is located to the east of the map. You cannot take shortcuts and you need to follow these checkpoints. Drive into the complex area.
Task: Unload grain
Drive up the ramp with the tractor and unload grain. You will receive your pay right afterwards. The price of a ton of wheat may reach from, around, 260 to around 330 Euros (i.e. for 10 tons, you will receive from, around, 2600 to 3300 Euros, which is not much, given the amount of work you had to perform).
Task: You can drive back home now
You can drive back home now. While keeping an eye on the successive checkpoints, take shortcuts across the fields. Leave the trailer somewhere nearby (not necessarily in the garage).
Task: Plow your field
In the Fall, you can sow winter crops. Attach the plow to the tractor and drive onto the smaller of your fields. Plow it.
Task: You can drive back home now
Return to the farm.
Task: Detach the plow
Leave the plow in its place.
Task: Loosen soil
Attach the cultivator to the tractor and get to the field. Loosen it.
Task: Detach the cultivator
Leave the cultivator in its place.
Task: Seed the field
Attach the seed drill. Keep an eye on the fuel gauge and refill the tractor, if necessary. Get to the field and seed it with wheat.
Task: You can drive back home now
Return to the farm.
Task: Detach the seed drill
Leave the seed drill in its place.
Task: Fertilize the field
Attach the broadcast spreader. Take it up to the warehouse, to replenish fertilizer. Get to the field, then, and spread the fertilizer.
Task: You can drive back home now
Return to the farm.
Task: Detach the spreader
Leave the spreader in its place.
At this point, you have completed the first season, by performing all the activities.
Task: Loosen, at least, 3 fields
It should be early Spring now. If you are still at the stage of the late Fall access the menu ([M]), and access the "Mechanics" tab - select the "Next round". You now have two fields. Plow both of them and loosen them afterwards. Then, attach the plow to the tractor again, and go to the west of your farm. There are two fields there, of identical size.
Drive onto either of the fields and press [Enter]. Then, confirm your choice by clicking "Buy this field". After that, plow the field and loosen the soil. You will, this way, complete this assignment and earn 2000 Euros.
Task: Gather, at least, 3 fields
To complete this task, you need some time.
Before you seed the fields, you will probably have to replenish your supplies at the warehouse. The way to the farming store is very long and time consuming but, it is a good idea to perform a trick here. At the garage, on the farm, there is another tractor (John Deere Model B) - a museum exhibit you could say. Take this one to the store to the North.
After you get to the store and buy what you need, leave the tractor here. Open the menu ([M]), access the "Vehicles" tab and select the modern tractor close to the farm, and you will immediately switch to that vehicle. This way, from now on, whenever you want to buy something at the store, you will only have to switch to the tractor right next to the store, buy whatever you need and switch back to the vehicle next to the farm.
Fill the seed drill in the warehouse and seed the three fields that you own. Access the menu ([M]), the "Mechanics" tab and lick "the next round" for the late Spring to come. Drive to all three fields with the broadcast spreader attached (remember that you can replenish it at the warehouse, and the fertilizer can be bought at the store where you can get by switching to the old tractor next to it- simple, ain't it!).
Change the season into the early Summer. Roll out your harvester and get it somewhere around the field. Bring there the tractor and trailer there. Wheat has been sown in the early Spring, and it needs three season changes to be ripe. Therefore, change the season into the late Summer.
Harvest the three fields that you own. Also, always have the tractor and trailer, prepared and waiting, next to the harvester. As soon as the grain tank in the harvester is full, unload onto the trailer. With the trailer you can go to the collection point straight away, or unload the grain to your silos. Once you are done with harvesting all three of your fields, you will have completed the assignment and you will earn an additional 2000 Euros.
Task: Continue until the next season
Change the season into the early Fall. Take all the grain that you have to the collection point and sell it. Remember that each season change requires you to pay the loan interest. Change the season into the late Fall, and into the early Spring, and you will complete your second year as a farmer.
Task: Plow, at least, 4 fields
This task, at the beginning, is the same as for the previous year. The difference is that you now need to do the same in four fields.
Before you get to work, attach the plow to the tractor and go to the machine store- you have more and more work to do so, a little upgrade is a good thing. You should, by now, have at least 110 000 Euros on your account. It is a good idea, then, to replace your equipment.
While right next to the store access its menu ([Enter]). Select the "Sale" tab, click "Sell" next to the LemkenJuvel 8 V N90 plow - you will get 9 000 Euros for it.
Access the "Store" tab, then. On the list, find a bigger plow - LemkenEurospal 8 N90 - buy it for 20 000 Euros. This means that this exchange is going to cost you 11000 Euros.
This is not the end to the shopping, yet. You need to buy a tractor with automatic transmission (which, if combined with cruise control, will make work considerably easier). A good choice is e.g. the V2-Q tractor for 85000 Euros. You should be able to afford it but, if not, earn some more money. You can consider selling the old tractor.
The new tractor and plow are in front of the store. Attach the plow to the new tractor and drive it towards your farm.
Using the new equipment plow all three fields that you own. The Tractor has cruise control, you can therefore press the [2] key and, without accelerating, the tractor will keep its speed and plow.
Next to your third field, there is a field for sale. If you have plowed your fields beforehand, you may be lucky and you will buy a field that has already been plowed, loosened and seeded. Its area is 0,29 ha, and it costs 2916 Euros. If it has not been plowed yet, you will have to plow it yourself. That is when you will complete the assignment of plowing four fields, and receive a reward of 3000 Euros.
Task: Gather, at least 4 fields
Your task now is, of course, to loosen, seed and harvest from all four fields. It is worthwhile to attach to the new tractor, the cultivator that you already have and take it to the machine store.
After you get there, open the store's menu ([Enter]) - you will sell your cultivator for 3/4 of its purchase price, i.e. for 15000 Euros.
Then, access the "Store" tab and buy a new cultivator. It is enough it is a step higher model - HorschTerrano 4 FX for 30000 Euros (or, even better, Horsch Jocker 6 CT). It will be waiting for you in front of the store. Attach it to the tractor, fold it [G] (to be able to drive along the road without damaging any other vehicle) and return to your fields. Loosen all four fields, seed them with any seeds, e.g. wheat, soybeans, but not corn, which requires a different attachment to be harvested (remember that you need to buy the seeds at the farming store). Change the season then, to the late Summer and harvest. For completing the task of harvesting from all 4 fields, you will be rewarded with 3000 Euros.
The next year brings another challenge, which guessed it, plowing 5 fields, after which you should harvest from 5 fields. The game gets schematic at this point so, instead of focusing on the individual annual actions, which you should know perfectly by now, in the next chapter, I will present you with the strategy of developing your farm.
The following tasks that the player needs to face, are: Plow 5 fields, gather, at least, 5 fields, create 20 bales, plow 5 fields, loosen 6 fields, gather, at least, 6 fields, create 40 bales, plow 7 fields, gather, at least, 7 fields, loosen 8 fields, gather, at least, 8 fields, plow 9 fields etc.
Regardless of whether you started the game in the career mode or in the free play mode, in this chapter, you will learn how you can develop your farm in the smart way. As it has been earlier pointed out, it is a good idea to start the game by selecting the career mode, to learn the ways of the game. The career mode is also profitable because of the tasks and the monetary rewards for completing them.
As you progress in this business, you can take advantage of several ways of making money. The first and the basic one is cultivation of soils. The arduous task of making money and turning it into new investments (better machinery) may prove to be too difficult for many players. The equipment that you have at the beginning of the game is not too effective. After you expand your business, it is worthwhile to take advantage of help provided by the hired workers. You can also make additional money by keeping animals, which do not require your attention. There also is another way - you can take out a loan. Is it worth it? Is it better to strive for money or to take out a loan?
The answer is simple: take out a loan. You can take out a loan only if you go to the bank, located to the far west of the map. There are three loan amounts that you can choose from: 50000 Euros, 100000 Euros and 250000 Euros (in the career mode, you take the last one automatically). You can take out two 50000 Euro loans, , and when it comes to the other two amounts, you can only take them once, each (this means that, if you take out a 100000 Euro loan, you cannot take out the 250000 Euro one).
Regardless of the amount that you have borrowed, each round (season shift), the amount of 1000 Euros is deduced from your account, as a means of paying up the capital, and 5% interest of that amount (i.e. 50 Euros). This means that, regardless of the borrowed amount, one installment is always 1050 Euros. At any moment, throughout the game, you can go to the bank to pay up the entire loan (you cannot pay up in installments). A loan is a very profitable tool to finance your investments. And what happens if you do not have the money to pay up an installment? Nothing. In such an event, the amount is not deduced from your account (there is no negative balance). Also, you will receive no penalty if you pay the installment in the next round - and the amount of the interest remains the same - it is heaven on earth.
To expand your business, you need more land. Eventually, during a dozen-or-so years of playing, you should be able to buy fields all around. Remember, that the price for 1 ha of field is, around, 10 000 Euros. So, regardless of which field you buy (a smaller or a bigger one) the price per are is always the same. You should also take into consideration the fact that it is best to buy fields in the late Summer, when something is sown on it and ready to harvest. This means additional profit.
Initially, from the 4-5 fields that you already have, try to save up for the big field located to the South of the farm. It is a field of the area of, around, 2,5 ha which costs 25000 Euros. It is very profitable to on it, due to its proximity. Try to buy the bigger fields. There is really no point in bringing the equipment to the smaller ones - it is time consuming. An exception are the small fields located close to each other, which you treat as if they were a whole.
Buying more fields is connected with the fact that the equipment that you have is incapable of doing all the work within comparable time. The growth of acreage must be followed by replacing all of the machines and tools, but it is entirely up to you if you replace them step by step, or whether it is better to save up for the best available equipment. You should have replaced the plow a long time ago, which has been mentioned in the guide. You also should own a cultivator that is wider than the initial one. In your garage, there should be one tractor with automatic transmission- the V2-Q for 85000 Euros seems to be the best choice.
A bit further into the game, it is also worthwhile to turn your attention to the Friend 4990 tractor for 125000 Euros. It is a bit bigger and more powerful - ideal for big machines or trailers.
There are two seed drill models available in the game. The Amazone D9 4000 special that you already have, can be sold for 11250 Euros. A new one, Amazone D9 60 special, can be bought for 40000 Euros. This means that, in fact, replacing the seed drill with a better model with the working width greater by a half), is going to cost you less than 30000 Euros. Before you sell the seed drill empty it of any seeds, at the warehouse - it would be too bad if it went to waste. Replacing this piece of equipment will make the seeding process considerably faster.
Another tool that you need to replace is the cultivator. It is no surprise that to have a machine with a greater working width, you need to invest, at least, 40000 Euros. Do not get too particular here and try to earn 50000 Euros, for which you will by the cultivator of the greatest working width -HorschJocker 10 RT. You need to keep in mind that, although the V2-Q tractor will be able to handle it, it is going to be rather difficult to use it.
Another tool that you can replace is the broadcast spreader. The sprayer that you have now, can be sold for 22500 Euros. A new one is, as much as, 60000 Euros. Therefore, the replacement of the sprayer is going to cost you almost 40000 Euros.
If you currently are tied up with some other investments, you should, probably, skip this one. The working width of a bigger sprayer is a bit greater and the process of fertilizing the field is a short-lasting one, in comparison with the other processes (you can drive across the field very fast, the width of the sprayer that you already own, is considerable, if compared with the other pieces of equipment). This is why you should leave replacing the sprayer for the very end.
The thing with harvesters is a more complex and more costly one. If you are not going to sow corn (which is equally profitable as wheat or soybeans), you can keep with the Defier 180 harvester that you get in the career mode. It is only a good idea to buy the widest harvesting assembly for it, which is 12,2 meters wide. You can also buy a better model of the same brand (its grain tank is bigger). In the future, for harvesting all types of crops - apart from corn - when you can already afford it- it is a good idea to buy the Charles Appaloosa 240. It is the most powerful, has the largest grain tank, a wide harvesting assembly (12,2 m), good maneuverability and acceleration. It costs 250000 Euros.
If you are going to grow corn, you need to buy the Massive harvester, the highest Massive A75 model would be best. Corn after it is sown, requires a special harvesting assembly, and only this make of the harvesters has the widest attachment for harvesting this plant.
remember: regardless of your harvester model always buy the widest harvesting assembly available. This will save up a whole lot of time.
You should also remember to replace trailers - the basic one has the carrying capacity of, only,14000 kg. The KrampeBigBody 650 for 22000 Euros is the optimal choice - its capacity is 21000 kg.
As an additional source of income, you can perceive baling of the reaped straw and selling it. After you harvest the crops, what remains is swaths of straw. Bale it, using the baling press that you have had from the very beginning.
To sell bales, you first need to load them up on the trailer and carry it to the collection point. For that, you need a tractor forklift and a trailer for bales. Buy the tractor Friend Lifter PRO for 50000 Euros. Additionally, buy the Fliegl DPW 180 trailer for bales, for 12000 Euros or the Fliegl DPW 240 trailer for bales, for 16000 Euros. There is no point in buying the smallest trailer.
Drive up to the bale and impale it with the forklift tractor- aim below the bale's center. Lift the bale afterwards (you control the fork by holding down the [right mouse button] and [moving the mouse]). Drive up to the trailer for bales that you have prepared earlier.
Position the bale above the trailer and lower the fork a bit (in a way that makes the bale touch to the bottom of the trailer). Try to reverse with the tractor so that the bale remains on the trailer. Unfortunately, this task is not easy because the game's physics is far from perfect. In this way, load the bales onto the trailer. Try to load them tightly side by side, until the trailer is full - the point is that you need to prevent the bales from rolling back and forth, during the ride.
Go North now, into the straw bales collection point. Unfortunately, you need to do that slowly, which decreases the risk of one of the bales' falling off the trailer over bumps. You should be especially careful while taking turns on elevations and slopes.
You should also watch out for the other vehicles. Unfortunately, the way there leads over dirt road at some point. This is where you should be especially careful. It is enough that you drive up to the gates of the straw collection point.
By pressing [Enter] you access a simple sale screen. For each straw bale that you deliver, you receive 200 Euros. Is it worth it? If you take necessary investments into consideration, e.g. 62000 Euros, it is not that profitable. To make the investment into the trailer and the forklift pay off, you would have to deliver more than 200 bales so, you would have to take the journey several tens of times.
Remember always to perform all of the actions, i.e. plowing, loosening, sowing and fertilizing. If you skip plowing (i.e. start your works with loosening) this will result in a 50% loss of crops (if you still perform the rest of the steps). If you do not loosen (if, after plowing you start sowing), this results in a loss of, around 33% of crops. If, however, after you sow, you skip fertilization, this will result in a drop in crops by, around, 15%. Therefore, it is worthwhile to perform all the steps.
The long and arduous playing will finally bring profits but, it is worthwhile to analyze the situation and cultivate only the most profitable crops. Although you sow the same amount of seeds, the amount of crops that you harvest varies. The most profitable are: wheat, corn and soybeans.
The average harvested amount (in kg) obtained from fields larger than . 1 ha.:
Plant name
Average harvest (in kg) collected from fields larger than 1 ha
With the assumption that the soil is plowed, loosened, seeded and finally fertilized, from a field of the acreage of 1 ha, under the same conditions, he most crops can be received from wheat and corn. The least can be received from lupine which functions in the game as a rotation crop, and not a way to make money. The key matter, however, is how much money you will receive at the collection point.
Average income (in Euros) received from the sale of crops from fields larger than 1 ha.:
Average harvest from acreage above 1 ha
Average price per kg at the collection point
Average income from sale
8500 kg
0,29 Euros
2500 Euros
8750 kg
0,30 Euros
2600 Euros
5000 kg
0,25 Euros
1 250 Euros
4000 kg
0,42 Euros
1 700 Euros
5000 kg
0,38 Euros
1 900 Euros
4500 kg
0,55 Euros
2 500 Euros
3500 kg
0,50 Euros
1 750 Euros
As you can see, which has been stated above, what is most profitable, is the cultivation of wheat, soybeans and corn. In the case of corn although the income from the sale may be a little higher, you need to take into consideration the fact that the widest harvesting assembly for corn is narrower than the harvesting assemblies for the other crops. That is why, you earn the most from selling corn but harvesting it takes a bit longer .You should also remember that the presented price for the crops is an average and that, in general, the prices on crops fluctuate: give or take 3-4 Eurocents per kg! Unfortunately, the current price for crops, at the collection point, is not displayed anywhere.
Finally, costs also are worth mentioning. In the case of all plants, the costs include fuel and fertilizers - these costs are the same for all kinds of the cultivated plants. With corn, you should also include the cost of buying a special harvesting assembly What sets these plants apart is the cost of sowing - the cost of 100 kg of seeds for each is different. To seed 1 ha of field, you need (in the case of each plant) 450 kg of seeds.
The cost (in Euros) of seeds required to seed a field of the acreage larger than 1 ha.:
Seed type
Price for 100 kg of seeds
Cost of sowing1 ha
50 Euros
ab. 225 Euros
40 Euros
ab. 180 Euros
45 Euros
ab. 203 Euros
61 Euros
ab. 275 Euros
85 Euros
ab. 373 Euros
68 Euros
ab. 306 Euros
65 Euros
ab. 293 Euros
Pea, which moderately profitable (if you compare the average income from selling harvest from the field of 1ha) is, additionally, the most expensive to sow. At the same time, corn, is the cheapest to sow, which makes it even more profitable.
To sum up, you can cultivate wheat and soybeans. Along with the development of your farm, you should consider buying an appropriate harvesting assembly for the harvester and grow corn, which is a bit more profitable than wheat. But, if you stick with soybeans and wheat and use the widest available harvesting assembly (of the width of 12,2 meters) it is also going to be very effective.
Keeping of animals is rather symbolic in character, in the game but, it can be very profitable. You can choose from among hens, cows and ducks. Keeping them is restricted to buying them at the farming store. Animals function for themselves, do not require attention and provide regular income - each time the round (season of the year) changes, their products (eggs, meat or milk) are automatically sold. To buy the animals, go to the store to the North of the map.
Cows are bought in single units, and hens and ducks by fives. After they are bought, the animals are immediately transported to your farm. Note! Every now and then (more or less often) some animal may die. In the case of a hen or a duck, the loss is minimal but, in the case of the cows much higher. Not necessarily is it something to boast about, but it is an effective way to ensure yourself with income to the account every round.
Cage for ducks is in the east of the farm. You buy ducks in fives. The cost of five ducks is, merely, 100 Euros. Each round, five ducks yield the income of 125 Euros (you earn here for the sale of meat but, you do not lose ducks). This means that the investment pays off immediately, right after the change of rounds (seasons). You may keep 54 ducks at most. Given the fact that this investment pays off immediately, it is worth investing 1000 Euros immediately, because you will receive, in the next round, 1250 Euros of income. Remember, you need to keep in mind that the animals die from time to time. Then, you need to replenish your losses and buy additional ducks.
Another type of poultry is hens. Their hen coop is located to the east of the farm, right next to the cage for ducks. The cost of purchasing five hens is 75 Euros. After a round ends, the hens yield the income (from selling eggs) of 75 Euros. This means that the investment pays off immediately - just like in the case of ducks. You can keep a maximum of 54 hens. To buy 50 hens you need to spend 750 Euros, which returns to you right in the next round. Each successive round provides you with income of 750 Euros. You only need to keep I mind that, sometimes, a hens dies but, apart from that, keeping hens is a real gold mine.
A cow pen is behind the warehouse. One cow brings the income of 80 Euros each round (for the sold milk). This means that a cow pays back after, as many as 19 rounds (a bit more than 3 years on the farm). You can have a maximum of 20 cows. You will spend 30000 Euros for that. This means that, every round, they will yield the income of 1600 Euros. This pays back after 19 rounds. Additionally, you need to remember that one or two may die during that time. And you will have to replenish the herd. When compared to hens or ducks this is not too profitable.
Animal type
Number of animals
Cost of purchase
Income per round
Time until the investment pays for itself
1 000 Euros
1250 Euros
1 round
750 Euros
750 Euros
1 round
30000 Euros
1600 Euros
19 rounds(3 years)
As you can see, quick spending of 1750 Euros to buy hens and ducks is very profitable. The money returns to you after a season of the year ends, after which, the animals generate the income of 2000 Euros per round (i.e. 12000 Euros a year). For the investment into cows to return, you need to wait very long. But, if your farm is already well-developed, it is a good idea to buy the maximum number of each animal. Each time the round changes, you will receive around 3600 Euros - it is really worth it. The only thing that you need to do is make sure that none of the animals died and replenish the herd, if necessary at the farming store.
After the first year of the game has passed, you will be able to hire workers. To hire one, you need to be on your farm. In the quick menu, select the "Workers" tab. Then, select what type of work you are interested in: plowing, loosening, seeding (of a given plant) and harvest.
Select the field then - of course, this must be your field. Roll your mouse over that field to see what has already been done (plowing, loosening or seeding). You will also see what pay the workers will receive for doing the work. Note! Do not perform a work on a field twice. Even if you click on the same field by accident, you will pay for the work which will not be done.
After you confirm your choice, the work will be done in that field in no time at all. You will not even see the worker - the only thing you get is the notification that the work has been done. From your account, his pay will be deduced. The amount depends on the kind of the work and the size of the field:
Cost (in the case of a field of the acreage of 1 ha)
200 Euros
200 Euros
ab. 220 - 240 Euros (depends on the type of crop)
200 Euros
The pay includes all the costs incurred by the worker so, you do not pay additionally for, e.g. seeds, fuel, etc. In the case in which you task the worker with harvesting, right after the crops are reaped, they will be sold at the collection point, and you will receive money to your account (which you will be notified of).
It is not cheap to hire a worker (he takes up about 1/4 - 1/3 of the income). It is a very fast way to make money, though. With several fields, you can, basically, give up the farming work, in favor of worker employment management. Then, you do not even need to leave your farm (unless you want to fertilize the seeded fields). You only need to task workers with work and change seasons, so that you can switch to harvest quickly.
The farming simulator turns then into a farm management game. For example, you own around 9 ha of land and you only employ yourself with hiring workers, i.e. you stay on your farm and hire workers for plowing, loosening, seeding and harvesting in all of your fields (the example 9 ha). Within a year, i.e. 6 seasons (since late Fall until the late Fall) you can cut a profit of 16000 Euro, from wheat. When you need to pay up a loan (and need to pay 6 installments - 3600Euros in total) the income drops to 10000 Euros which is a high amount anyways.