Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is the last part of the new UbiSoft's trilogy, dealing with the Persian prince's adventures. As in the previous installments, the player will find here lots of jumping, hanging on horizontal bars and acrobatic evolutions. There are some fights here and logical elements too. This whole peculiar mixture gives the image of the dynamic, quick game, with the fast-paced action, but at the same time quite easy and pleasant in operating. However it doesn't mean that we won't reach situations in which it is possible to stuck. At more difficult moments that compendium of knowledge of Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones should help. The guide was written on the basis of the English-language version of the game for PC computers.
Prince of Persia, after turbulent adventures on the Island of the Time and defeating evil Dahaka, decided to return to Babylon. Sailing by Euphrates channel with Kaileena at his side he wasn't expecting to find the country in the state of war. In the meantime, near the border of the family town, their ship was attacked and flooded by enemies. Reaching the shoreward with the help of wooden piece the prince noticed that waves threw his unconscious companion in precincts of burning town. After a while Kaileena was hijacked to the town by armored warriors. Does the girl live? Who are attackers? Who invaded the Babylon? The answer to these questions lies behind walls of the town...
PRINCE. Main hero controlled by the player. After dramatic experiences on the Island of the Time it is hard to tell that once he was cheerful, carefree youth. Traumatic experiences tied with Sands of Time and hundreds of fought struggles were embossed with cracks in his dangerous, severe face, now without the shadow of the smile. After the return to country overtaken by the ravages of war once again he has to take advantage of strength and acrobatic talents in order to overcome invaders and to rescue Babylon.
DARK PRINCE. Dark alter ego of main hero, which possessed his body and the mind after freeing Sands of Time by the Vizier. He matches the Persian prince with his abilities and what's more he exceeds prince with help of perfect arms - blade on the chain called daggertail. Its only disadvantage is necessity of continuous regenerating it with sands of the vigor, which continuously drips.
KAILEENA. Empress of Time, rescued by the hero during the previous conflict with Dahaka. She left the Island of Time along with the prince in order to find serenity in Babylon. Unfortunately, by the end of travel, their boat is being flooded, and she is captured and slain by the Vizier. Thanks to her supernatural power she doesn't disappear from the prince's life despite her fleshly death. She stay with him as a voice in his head.
FARAH. Archer, perfectly known by the prince from former times when she was fighting at his side. As a result of the manipulation with Sands of Time she remembers neither the prince nor those events. It doesn't hamper her in merging with the prince in common struggle for saving Babylon. Her arch repeatedly rescues him from troubles, her sharp tongue - drives him mad.
VIZIER. Perpetrator of all Babylon's disasters. Having deadened Kaileena, and then himself, he undergoes the metamorphosis. He seizes power on Sands of Time and becomes the powerful monster. The prince's main goal is to find and to slay him.
THE OLD MAN. Sage in the red, who has looked after the prince since his childhood, treating him like his own son. He recognizes the Persian prince after his return to Babylon. He leads the rebellion raised by scared off urban dwellers thanks to his prophecies and instigation. They even manage to rescue the prince and Farah from troubles.
1. By switching tutorial option in the menu, you will have the description and key mapping of every more important action during the game presented up-to-date on the screen.
2. If you don't possess temporarily the extra weapon, it's best to end the struggle on tight terraces throwing the enemy away the rail.
3. The fall from big heights ends with death and therefore before beginning air stunts, plan exactly what you are supposed to do.
4. If there is a weapon on the floor left after killed enemies, that means that it is possible to pick up it and to use as the extra weapon.
5. Save the game near every fountain since the game doesn't have the possibility of saving at any moment.
6. During the fight try to have enemies in front of you, if they surround you, blocking won't work. The good method of fighting is being near the wall, at least you are covered on the one side.
7. If you used up the extra weapon partly (or entirely), replace it at the first opportunity for full-efficient one.
8. After winning the Dagger of Time (from level 6. The Throne Room) break every objects which will come into sight. You will find the sand of time in many of them, and you can unlock bonuses in the form of artworks and movies in the main menu thanks to that.
9. You are able to kill enemies in various ways (speed kill, free-form fighting) and with any techniques, you don't have to follow strictly the following walkthrough.
The hero is using during game the basic weapon - the dagger (the dagger of time later on), as well as few kinds of extra weapon (secondary weapon).The advantage of the extra weapon is its big striking power, disadvantage - quick wear, represented by the blue bar in the top part of the hero's graphical interface. Dissimilarities between striking power of weapons are not too big so most important is to possess any extra weapon.
DAGGER. Basic weapon. You get it on the first level of the game. It is possible with the dagger to inflict a lot of quick strikes but it is weak and not very effective. The main purpose of it is speed kill.
DAGGER OF TIME. Basic weapon, available from the stage 6. The Throne Room. Efficiency of the dagger of time is as weak as his predecessor, but it is possible to use it for breaking objects with purpose of acquiring sands of the time from them. Necessary to execute the speed kill attack.
SWORD. Extra weapon. All its features (the speed and the power of inflicted wounds and durability), determining the combative value are suitably balanced. It is suitable for everything. It is possible to take the sabre away from the Guard.
ROYAL SWORD. Extra weapon. Available from the stage 35. The Well of Ancestors. Only weapon which isn't wearing out at all. It isn't possible to throw away it also but it is no minus, since it is extremely quick and effective.
MACE. Extra weapon. Perfect to inflict strong combos, but on the other hand not very quick. Quite quick wearing out is also its disadvantage. It is possible to get the mace from the Thrall.
AXE. Extra weapon. It is inflicting heaviest wounds, but it is slowest at the same time. It is possible to take it away from Reptus.
KNIFE. Extra weapon. It is inflicting small wounds and generally it is not very useful but you may use it to strike your enemies from the distance. Knives are left after killed Illusions.
DAGGERTAIL. Basic weapon. Only weapon used by the Dark Prince. It is extremely effective and useful. It serves both as weapon to kill enemies (free-form fighting and speed kill), as well as whip.
GUARD. Most numerously and most often appearing enemy, armed with the long, curved saber. Individually or in the small company, is standing on guard guarding everything literally: passages, alleys, squares, corridors, roofs and palace chambers. It is the typical muscleman attacking with no subtle method, with simple cuts with saber and kicking sometimes. It is fairly difficult to defeat but you may take him by surprise (speed kill attack).
SAND GUARD. He is appearing only in the neighborhood of the Sand Gate, with skills and weapons not to differ from ordinary Guards. The only thing that is distinguishing him from is the red smock under the amour. Alarmed, immediately runs to the magic pile and sticks the saber into it, calling for reinforcements. For this reason he should be the prince's first goal during the fight for every Sand Gate. Luckily it is possible to eliminate him to death with lightening speed, using the speed kill attack.
THRALL. He is taking the place of Guard in later levels of the game. This mighty muscleman is attired with the amour (although there are specimen with naked torso), and carries the iron headgear on the head. Equipped with the saber, the mace or the hatchet, is able to inflict considerable wounds. He is significantly stronger than the Guard and more resistant to blows. The fight against him is lasting the longer, and speed kill attack usually requires the bigger amount of cuts comparing to his weaker comrade.
ARCHER. Other the most popular enemy in the game, wearing the birdlike mask on the face, equipped with the arch and the infinite amount of arrows. Although weaker than the Guard, he may constitute the real threat, especially when he is shooting from hard accessible place. In direct clash he has no chances at all so you may eliminate him using the speed kill attack.
HUNTER HOUND. He appears most often in groups consisting 3-4 pieces. This creature is reminding of no traditional hound, but rather bloodthirsty hound. This large beast is attacking with claws and he is biting, however it isn't especially dangerous. The most dangerous feature of him is the skill "of sucking up" sands of time from ducal slots. The speed kill attack is no use.
REPTUS. The man mutated with the reptilian element, appearing mostly in cellars, channels, dark corridors etc. Equipped with the large hatchet is able to inflict severe wounds although he is moderate resistant to blows. He isn't applying sophisticated tactics of the fight however he is very determined. There are places where prince has to fight a dozen or so Reptus. The speed kill attack is no use.
ILLUSIONS. The fight from the distance is this enemy's advantage undoubtedly. He possesses the endless stock of knives whom, is throwing extremely relevantly. Moreover he is moving with lightening speed after throws to the other region of the location in order to repeat the attack from the distance. The problem is to catch the illusion however when you manage to hit it, it turns out to be a little demanding enemy. The speed kill attack is no use.
ENCHANTRESS. Speed and the dancer's finesse - you may characterize the enchantress with these words. Using the combination of kicks and cuts with two long blades, she is able to inflict many wounds. The speed kill attack is no use. She isn't too resistant and therefore a few accurate blows are downing her to the ground. Her revolving kicks are dangerous, it may throw away the hero over the rail of the balcony. The attack in the group is also her advantage. Thanks to big speed of inflicting strikes, a few enchantresses may surround the prince and kill him before he will do anything.
CHAMELEON. In the demoniacal helmet on the face, naked torso and sharp as razor blade he seems to be the difficult enemy but these are only appearances. The invisibility is his only advantage in principle and he looses it after first hit. He prefers both open spaces, and dark, tight chambers of palaces and temples. He is not serious threat. Speed kill attack is no use.
During the game you will fight a few bosses. They have one thing in common (apart from Golem) the red energy bar displayed during the fight on the bottom of the screen. These figures are significantly more powerful than standard hostile warriors and every attempt of the standard, frontal attack usually ends with death. To defeat the boss is possible only with method, and the discovery of his weak point is the player's first task.
KLOMPA. He appears on the level 15. The arena. Gigantic warrior with long tongue and yet longer sword. He is tough like the rock, and therefore it is senseless to approach him in the initial stage of the fight.
Fight with Klompa consists of two stages.
First stage: the prince is climbing the high platform taking advantage of sticking out elements of the arena and he is jumping to the giant's head twice gouging giants eyes out with the dagger.
The second stage: the prince is finishing the dazzled and helpless boss from the ground level banging over shins.
MAHASTI. She appears on the level 24. The Brothel. The warrior in the white-purple uniform is extremely quick, nimble and dangerous. She may use blades wielded in hands well, moreover her revolving kicks are extremely hard.
The fight against Mahasti consists of two stages.
First stage: taking advantage of the whole range of blows from air and the extra weapon the prince takes out about of enemy's life.
Second stage: after transformation into the Dark Prince the hero is chasing Mahasti over platforms of the backyard, at key moments slowing down the time with the Eye of Storm.
GOLEM. He appears on the level 27. The City Gardens. The large, green monster is made from the stone probably, and therefore piercing through the skin is no use. As other bosses he has his weak point - calves.
The fight against Golem consists of two stages.
First stage: the prince is circulating the boss all around and is attacking his calves forcing to kneel. He is jumping on his head then and he is sticking the dagger into the neck.
Second stage: the hero is driving dazed with pain, speeding Golem so he didn't fall into the wall. The boss is falling finally dead after a dozen or so severe switchbacks and a few broken gates.
TWINS. They appear on the level 31. The King's Road. One of brothers is equipped with powerful hatchet, the other one - large saber. They usually surround their victim during the fight attacking at the same time from both sides.
The fight against Twins consists of two stages.
First stage: the prince is rounding the enemy with the saber provoking his brother's attack. The enemy is sticking the hatchet into the ground and is not able to take it out for a longer moment. It is possible in this time to inflict a number of deep wounds on him.
Second stage: after taking about half of energy bar out of axeman the hero may execute the speed kill attack seriously wounding twins (particularly the warrior with the saber). Second speed kill, deadening twins finally, is executed after taking about 3/4 of energy bar out of axeman.
VIZIER. He appears on the level 43. The Terrace. Most important and at the same time most difficult boss. His strength lies in magic skills rather than in fitness and in the ability to levitate. It is hard to get him.
The fight against the vizier consists of three stages..
First stage: the boss is attacking with single although heavy blows. After executing the sidestep (jump or roll over) Prince is counterpunching the Vizier with combo, after which is withdrawing back to wait until the next attack. After a few successful actions and taking about the 1/3 energy bar out of daemon, the hero is forcing him to retreat.
Second stage: the Vizier force columns and walls pieces to move and fly a few meters above the arena. Prince, avoiding boss' magical missiles and the contact with monstrous rubble is running vertically on columns behind the enemy's back initiating attacks from them. Every triple speed kill is inflicting serious wounds to the Vizier. Three such actions and the boss withdraws from the battlefield again.
Third stage: the Vizier hanging high above the arena is raising all circling pieces off wall upwards. In order to get him the hero has to clamber up levitating crumbs and jumping one by one to reach the boss. The prince is executing final speed kill after reaching the peak and the Vizier is dying.
The complex system letting the prince defeat enemies by applying defensive-offensive technologies with usage of available weapon and the usage of elements of the environment (walls, poles, rails etc.). Linking single blows freely and combos made from few dozen of blows, the player is creating his own, unique style of fight. The control of the prince's movements is performed with both mouse buttons and action keys ("E", "C" and the space by default).
SPEED KILL. Instant attack from surprise, letting put the enemy to death, before the he is manages to react. It is possible execute when the screen is beginning to glitter in the peculiar way. The correct speed kill execution while playing the prince is to push the attack button in suitable moment i.e. when the blade will shine. If you play the Dark Prince it will be enough to press the attack button quick after speed kill activation and the hero will kill the enemy automatically.
Sand Gates are magic piles (3), being the source of sands of the time. The player will find nine of such places in the game. It is easy to localize them, because the trail gushing from them is visible from the distance. After sticking the dagger of the time into the Gate the prince is receiving various gratuities (Sands of Time Powers, sand credits, extra slots for the sand), extremely useful in the far-away travel.
In order to capture the Sand Gate it is necessary to kill its guards first. There are usually two to four enemies. There is the Sand Guard always among them (1). He is the key guard warrior and it is possible to recognize him with the red smock under the amour. If the Sand Guard notices the Prince, he runs with lightening speed to the pile and is sticking the knife into it, calling for reinforcements. From this moment a new enemy shows up in the Gate instead of killed one. There are around 10 additional warriors and it is quite substantial strength. In order to avoid reinforcements it is necessary to kill the Sand Guard first before he will call for help. Every location with the Gate of Sand is constructed in this way so it is possible by using, catwalks, platforms and other elements of the environment to thieve to the enemy unnoticeably. The next step is to execute the speed kill attack on the Sand Guard. If this action is a success, eliminating the rest of protection (2) of magic pile it is the mere formality.
The following list presents all Sand Gates in the game, along with names of stages where they are located and bonuses the prince is receiving for getting them. Details referring to the capturing the concrete pile may be found in chapter Walkthrough.
Sand Gate 1. Level: 12. The Fortress. Protection: one Sand Guard, one Guard. Bonus: unlocked fourth sand slot.
Sand Gate 2. Level: 13. The Lower City. Protection: one Sand Guard, two Guards. Bonus: 100 sand credits.
Sand Gate 3. Level: 17. The Balconies. Protection: one Sand Guard, two Guards. Bonus: Sands of Time Power - Eye of the Storm.
Sand Gate 4. Level: 19. The Temple Rooftops. Protection: one Sand Guard, two Guards. Bonus: unlocked fifth sand slot.
Sand Gate 5. Level: 22. The Market District. Protection: one Sand Guard, three Thralls. Bonus: 150 sand credits.
Sand Gate 6. Level: 26. The Upper City. Protection: one Sand Guard, two Guards. Bonus: Sands of Time Power - Wind of Sand.
Sand Gate 7. Level: 27. The City Gardens. Protection: one Sand Guard, two Thralls. Bonus: unlocked sixth sand slot.
Sand Gate 8. Level: 29. The Promenade. Protection: two Sand Guards, two Thralls. Bonus: 200 sand credits.
Sand Gate 9. Level: 33. The Hanging Gardens. Protection: two Sand Guards, one Thrall. Bonus: Sands of Time Power -Sand Storm.
Fountains of Light are places where it is possible to increase your health bar. After finding the Fountain (it emanates with clear glitter as opposed to normal fountains) and tasting the water from source the prince is being teleported to the corridor full of obstacles. The player receives bonus health at the end (increasing the life bar a little). Visiting Fountains of Light is not obligatory, however in the context heavy final struggles against difficult bosses it is rather necessary.
The player will find six Fountains of Light in the game:
1. Level: 10. The Sewers
Detailed information referring to pitfalls in bonus corridors and methods of avoiding them are located in the chapter Walkthrough.
The prince is getting special skills, called Sands of Time Powers during the game. Usage of the specific ability absorbs the reliable quantity of sands of time located in slots of the hero's graphical interface (sand slots). It is possible to replenish the spare supply of the sand breaking objects encountered during the travel (jugs, mixing bowls, sacks, cushions etc.) there are six sandy slots but not all of them are available from the beginning.
The prince is able to get four Sands of Time Powers. All powers are presented in the following list along with short characteristics.
Available from the level: 6. The Throne Room
Amount of Sand of Time used: 1 slot
Description: it permits to undo the time back for about max. 8 seconds (red bar in the hero's graphical interface). This ability is necessary being near sudden death, with unsuccessful actions, missed jumps and the like.
Available from the level: 17. The Balconies
Amount of Sand of Time used: 1 slot
Description: it slows down the time for a while that everything around moves in slow motion, except the hero of course. This ability is useful in the struggle against the quick moving or numerous enemies (it slows their movements down), as well as during the run to shutting up door.
Available from the level: 26. The Upper City
Amount of Sand of Time used: 2 slots
Description: it strikes down every attacking enemy and inflict damages to them. Useful in the struggle against numerous, strong enemies.
Available from the level: 33. The Hanging Gardens
Amount of Sand of Time used: 4 slots
Description: kills all attacking enemies. This is more powerful, deathly version of Wind of Sand. It uses the big amount of sand so it should be applied in extreme, heaviest cases.
It is worth in places which require the broader view than in basic TPP and FPP modes to switch on the panoramic view (landscape camera). It is possible to activate this mode (the "Q" button by default) when in left lower corner of the screen the icon of the eye will appear. With activated panoramic view it is possible to lead the hero normally. However it isn't advisable because of the very remote perspective - it makes the precise control of the prince impossible. It is better to use it exclusively for picking details out of the area and risks and pitfalls.
Secret weapon. After finishing the game with any difficulty level you may get the access to special weapon after pressing certain key combination.
Level: easy. Weapon: Baby Rattle. Keys: 2x left, 2x right, up, 2x down, 2x up, down.
Level: normal. Weapon: Telephone of Sorrow. Keys: right, left, right, left, 2x down, 3x up, down, 2x up, 2x down.
Level: hard. Weapon: Swordfish. Keys: up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, up, down, up, down.
Extra features. Extra features option is located on the main game menu, making it possible to look through gallery of bonus pictures and films from the game.
Artwork Gallery. Unlocking all pictures condition: collecting of 1500 sand credits
Video Gallery. Unlocking condition: finishing the game.
Authors of sounds within game. On the level 12: The Fortress, being on the courtyard with the main gate of the fortress, head for right from the gate. Close to the corner of the square, close by the entering into tower where hostile warriors respawn you may see the column. Jump onto it, clamber up to the top and take off to the wall. You will hear nice feminine voice, introducing authors game sounds (Voice Credits).
You start in front of the partly broken entrance gate. Speed up and roll through the gap in the lower part of the gate. You are on the small courtyard. There are dead bodies all around and warriors fight desperate on walls. Wooden structures and catapults' bullets are burning nearby (don't touch them because you will lose energy). Run left, but the vertical wall will block your way a bit further. Is there no the exit from here? Naaah, there is one!
Look around. Along the defensive embankment, on the left side, the wooden structure is located. Jump onto it and run along the wall, jumping from the platform to the platform. After jumping above the gate head for left. Notice that there is too large distance between the next platforms which you won't beat with the jump. Use your acrobatic talents and beat the distance running along the wall horizontally.
You will come across a burning wall few steps further on. Turn round with the face to the wall on right and run vertically for its top. Take up of brink, and overhanging move over to the left. Avoid fighting above your head, release yourself of brink after the bend and jump down for the safe break in the wall. The ladder is located below. Slide off it, run right. You will find yourself on next ruined courtyard after a while. Apparent there is no exit from it, but take note on two slender columns on it.
Jump onto the central column and clamber upwards. You will come across the obstacle above the head soon. Turn round so the other column (the one closer the wall) is behind your back and jump on it. You will have to return in the similar way to the predecessor. With this method you will reach for the peak of the column. There is platform located along the wall, jump on it.
After a few steps jump onto railed platform located higher. Jump the rail and hang on railing. Move over on hands to have already known central column behind the back. One pounce and you embrace her already. Notice the kind of window sill sticking out in the wall, jump against it and catch it with hands.
Go to the right, when at the bend, fall onto the platform under you. Speed up now and running along the wall horizontally, reach the opposite end of the yard. Jump out upwards, catch the ledge and move on hands to the left. When you can see the break above yourself, pull up on hands and jump on the other side of the wall. Approach the fountain. Quench your thirst and regenerate strength.
Run down with stairs for the balcony exiting to the next courtyard. Switch on the panoramic view (icon of the eye in left lower corner) to acquaint the position of the next platforms and projections in the wall. When you took a look already, clamber upwards with the ladder standing near by.
You are on embankments. Head for right, sneak past warriors sleeping with the eternal sleep and enter the watch-tower. Your eye will be attracted by the dagger stuck into the table. Take it, you are armed at last! You will estimate the combative value of arms a few meters further away. In front of you there is your first, expecting nothing Guard. Steal up on him from behind and when the dagger begins to glance, perform two lethal cuts.
Pass by killed one, leave for the balcony. Jump over rails and overhanging of the railing, stand with your back to the column standing near. Jump on it, slip down and take care of the next guard with previously used method . You are able to take the saber away from him! Running along the wall horizontally, get at the platform in the corner of the courtyard. Jump up now, take up of projection in the wall and move over to the right. Reaching the next projections, reach the opposite shelf.
Jump on the platform behind you, go down with the ladder. Be careful of the Guard strolling under you. If you surprise him from the back (speed kill), the clash will be short, otherwise you will toil up with him. Run down the stairs after the fight and head towards right gate. Kill the next enemy.
Pass the body. Behind the bend, on the right side, you will notice the ducked corridor and water cascades sluicing out from walls. Speed up and run horizontally the left wall above water. When the way ends, deflect and jump on the opposite wall. Take up of wooden projection, clamber up it, and then jump for next, being located higher. Circulate the rubble, the ladder stands a bit further on. Climb it for tight attic. There is the redemptive window quite high above you, run vertically over the wall and catch up casing.
After getting outside the building by the window you will see guards, dragging Kaileena through the yard to one of the gates. Turn left. Unfortunately, the platform which you are standing on comes off suddenly. Take note of the strip of the red baize, overhanging from the wall near by. Take the impetus and run horizontally over the wall to the baize, grab it and go down.
These doors, where your companion was pulled in, are shut. You have to try the other way. From the far end of the yard three of Guards will come running up. Take the struggle up but be careful, it is your first skirmish with more than one enemy. Don't let be surrounded and remember about the block. If you exit the row winningly, run into the watch-tower, which adversaries have fallen out earlier from. Climb the ladder and clamber up its top.
Push yourself hard off rungs and catch up the other ladder, located on the opposite wall. Leave to the mezzanine. It isn't easy, there are some more acrobatics waiting for you. Stand facing ladder straight, run over the wall, take off from it and reach the opposite ledge. You have to jump from this place to the opposite wall again. There is the ladder located. Get up on it to the garret of the watch-tower.
Go towards the open platform, where doves hang out. You can see the panorama of burning town, overtaken with battle. Jump down from the platform to the gallery along walls and run left. The small building with closed door will bar your way. Clamber up the roof and go to other side.
Before you will slide to the ground, be careful - the enemy archer lies in wait there. You have to reach him right after jumping down the roof otherwise he will pack you with arrows. As it turns out, you can get in the small building without any problem now. Squeeze through the alcove and get down off the ladder.
You'll face the fight with muscular Guard, armed with the saber. Don't delay about the fight and try hard to kill him as soon as possible, because the Archer is lurking in the depth of the corridor, who continuously shots at you. After taking care of the mentioned two turn to the passage (left from the archer's body) into the next hall.
The ladder is located at the end of the hall, clamber up the platform above and jump down on the other side. You are now in the chamber with the fountain, use the healing power of water.
Leave the room outside the building. You are so height above the street that you can't just jump down. Go straight right ahead. When the way ends, run horizontally along the left wall and when you reach bend, bounce hard off the wall. You will land on the platform located on the right side.
Don't pay attention to Dantesque scenes, taking place down (soldiers are massacring residents). Hang on the bar which begins at the end of the platform, travel further away on hands. Go behind the bend, clamber up the next platform and pass to the other side of the street by the catwalk. Go along the wall, then go behind the bend. You have reached the place where the catwalk ends. Strain muscles and take the abyss with the pounce to the other side of the street.
Go left and roll to room by the gap in the smashed door. Going at a slant to the left you will reach the broken catwalk again. Jump from it straight ahead, to the cross-bar hung above the yard. Lower from it on the bar below and from here to the ground. Kill the Guard and the assisting Archer. Leave the square with only free exit, run up the stairs to the tiny backyard.
The only door are shut and seemingly there is no exit from here, but look upwards. The next horizontal bars stick out above your head. Run for the wall straight opposite stairs, stand out and catch the lowest horizontal bar. You will reach the other, higher bar at the next jump. Clamber up it and go through the alcove in the wall. On the other side of alcove, a bit further away, jump on the catwalk hanging in front of you. Clamber up it and jump straight ahead, between two parallel, near walls.
With help of your widely set hands and legs, slide down to the ground. Kill pair of Guards attacking you, then run to the end of the street. When the way ends, locate and take space between you and the bar lying straight opposite you with the jump. Clamber up it, go right to the wall. Turn around with the face to the side of the short piece of the catwalk, which sticks out of the wall near by and jump on it.
Turn around to the left, move to the end of catwalk and jump on the alcove between two parallel, near walls. Lounging with hands and legs clamber upwards, and then climb the platform to right. Run a little bit and jump the distance between the platform and bar stretched close to burning windows. Go left from here, and then jump between the two another parallel walls.
Slide down carefully. Before jump down turn round to keep an eye on the strolling Guard. When he turns back to you, jump on his back and use speed kill. Pass the dead body, run up the stairs to the next backyard.
You'll have a hard time here with two enemies, so better switch on the panoramic view to localize them first. Then jump down from the mezzanine to the left below platform and further on to the pavement. Liquidate the Archer and the Guard, after which go left from the burning well. Jump onto the ladder and clamber up the platform high above it.
Go to the right, walk on the bar and jump from it straight ahead to the terrace being located vis-a-vis. Kill the Archer lurking there, after which turn left behind the bend. Slide over through the hole in the ruined door, then turn left twice, in accordance with the corridor layout. You will reach the fountain with invigorating water soon.
Come up the rail enclosing the terrace. In front of you there is another terrace, however it is far away to reach it with the one jump. Turn around to the right, run over the wall and catch the brink, and then clamber up the roof of the annex. Run along the wall horizontally from there on straight and when bend will be just close by, take off hard on your legs. You will fly above the street and you will catch cross-bars exactly above the terrace which you wanted to reach.
Lower to the terrace, kill the Guard and the Archer. In order to continue the travel, localize the chunk of the board, sticking out of the wall near by. Take the run-up and flash by horizontally over the wall to that board, after which clamber up it. Turn around to the right, jump for the platform across the street.
Run with stairs to the left until you will reach the wall blocking the passage. Switch on the panoramic view to locate redemptive catwalks and ledges above. Run to the wall on left, bounce from it and when you reach the wall on right, also bounce immediate from it. Repeating that several times you will reach the eventually redemptive bar. Climb it, jump up upwards and catch up the stone window-sill. Go to the right, jump onto the annex.
Enter the board sticking out of the annex on the right side and turn to its left branch. Jump right ahead catching the cross-bar hanging between walls. Climb it and jump on the next cross-bar. Also clamber it, go right to the wall and again give the pounce on straight, to the half of the catwalk sticking out of the wall. You have to jump on the catwalk, which diverge from the left wall of building and the last flight to stone terrace, ending this street.
Jump down from the other side of the terrace to the backyard located below. Kill two Guards and run to the alley on the left. The way suddenly ends as you can see, and there is the channel flooded with water under you. Climb the catwalk sticking out of the floor. Take off straight and reach the wooden bar, stretching on along the wall. Move over on hands to the left, to the piece of the board sticking out of the wall. Clamber up it and jump on the same catwalk, sticking out a few meters further on. Now only one pounce and you are on the terrace, lying on the opposite side of the street.
Moment of stay in the building and go outside. Stand up near wall to the right. Take the run-up and run horizontally over the wall as far as you can. When you are almost falling, bounce hard off the wall, and you will land on the catwalk being located in the middle the street. Turn round with the face against wall to the right and jump on it. When you touch it with feet, bounce hard back with your feet. You will reach the bar higher.
Jump straight right ahead, and you will be found in the room with the fountain. Use healing power of water, quench your thirst.
Leave the room with spring with exit on the left. Go through the rail and jump down to the slanting canopy under the balcony. Approach the opposite canopy brink, edge towards the wall left. Take advantage of lack of rights of physics in the surroundings and rush horizontally over the wall. When you are found at the height of the balcony on the right, bounce hard off the wall, glide above the street and take up rail of the balcony. Jump above the rail, go to the chamber.
Kill quick the Guard being on duty near the door. There is the Archer in the depth of the corridor shooting at you during your struggle with the Guard. You have to kill him quick also, because there is another Archer lurking right behind the bend, who makes the good use of his quite considerable stock of arrows. When you killed him, pass by the body and go to the end of the hall.
Approach the stone platform on the left. Clamber up it and look upwards. Find two decorative relieves in the wall above the head. Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the lower bas-relief. Take off from this position, you will fly back to the balcony. Go through the rail and turn to the right.
Edge towards the wall at the end of the balcony on the left and run on it horizontally. When you stamp on the stuck out springboard rectangle, take off from it with whole strength. You will fly through the corridor and you will land on the high situated terrace. Localize decorative tile, located in the floor. When you stamp on it the door on the right will, in the depth of the corridor. Go through it as soon as possible because it will shut after a while again.
Enter the standing close by stone platform, adjoined to the wall. Run horizontally over the wall until the decorative relief with gaps. When you are found in suitable closeness, stick the dagger into it. Fall onto the bar under you, and then jump down to the ground. Kill the expecting nothing Guard standing with his back to you (recommended speed kill).
Clamber up the column to the right and turn to the bar sticking out of the wall with your back. Take off from the column and reach the cross-bar. Climb it, then jump on railed corridor situated higher. Jump the rail and go to the right. Be careful, the Archer is lurking behind the bend, so jump out suddenly from behind the corner and surprise him.
Go round the dead body and go further on a bit to the rail surrounding the floor. Loll from the outside side of the rail, look down. The guard strolls under you. Jump down on his head and kill him. Run deep into the corridor, destroy chairs blocking the entrance into the chamber to the right. Slip carefully into the room (the guard is standing on the mezzanine). Approach him, run vertically over the wall and catch rails. Pass on hands to the right behind the guard, jump onto the mezzanine behind his back. Wipe him out with speed kill.
Take a look to the wall on the left. Two decorative relieves stick in it at the considerable height. Stand straight ahead to bas-relieves, run over the wall and stick the dagger into lower relief. Jump up upwards sinking the blade to its neighbor situated higher. Take off from this position to the left, run across horizontally over the wall and stick the dagger into the bas-relief lying parallel to the one whom you were hanging before the moment on. Yet single pounce left and you will be found on the balcony.
Localize standing nearby stone platform, climb it. Run horizontally over the wall, take off from the decorative springboard and fly straight to the balcony. Kill the Archer, then stand up on the left side of the decorative door. Run over the wall close by doorway and take off to reach the bar above your head.
Jump on the catwalk to the left, reach its end and jump up upwards to catch up the stone window-sill. Pull up, stand on it. Jump on the other side of the window-sill, and then get out through the rail to the floor above your head. There is the Guard and the Archer lurking for you - you know what you are supposed to do.
Go round dead bodies and run left, deep into the corridor. Go to the last chamber at its end on the left. Jump onto the stone table, then stand under relief, lying above your head. Run over the wall and stick the dagger into the bas-relief. Take off from this position to the right, catching up the ledge. Clamber up it, move over right along the wall to the place, where the break is in the rail. Reach the brink above yourself and leave through the gap to the floor.
Circulate gallery and jump onto the stone table. Run over the wall to push in decorative tile which opens the door located higher. Bounce off the tile and catch the bar sticking out of the wall. Clamber up it, then enter just opened door.
You found yourself in chamber with the fountain. Regenerate impaired strength and quench your thirst.
Head for the corridor right from the fountain. Be vigilant since you will come across quite new pitfalls. Run through the corridor without stopping because there are openings which large spikes located in the floor which pull out every second.
Pass two bends to the left, and you will see the half of the turning around disc, looking like huge lumber frame saw. It hides and comes out in the floor alternately. Sense the moment when it vanishes from the field of view and run above it.
There is next deathly "novelty" a bit further on. The passage is blocked by horizontally lying revolving chunk with one smooth half and other spiky. Wait until the roller will turn around with safe side and run above it. Run on the close by wall behind it, catching the rail. Take it with the pounce.
There is a short section of the safe way in front of you, after which the abyss will stop you. Move over right under wall and prepare for the sprint. You have to pay attention to the obstacle which is saw coming out from the wall. Run horizontally over the wall when the saw is hidden. A few meters behind it take off hard, fly through the corridor and reach the ledge on the opposite side.
You encounter the next cavity and the trap similar to previous. This time there is scaring, vertically moving chunk stuffed with spikes instead of saw. Do as prior - run horizontally over the wall sensing the moment when the chunk turns around with the smooth surface outside. After avoiding the pitfall take off from the springboard and reach the ledge to the left.
The next configuration of pitfalls is the lane of the floor with coming out splinters and revolving, arranged horizontally chunk with spikes. Stand before the riddled piece of the floor, begin to watch the chunk. Spot the moment when it will begin to turn around from spiky to smooth side and with lightening speed run to it. Flash by above it, run vertically over the wall underpinning it and catch up its of brink. Pull up.
You can see lighted up with clear glitter end of the corridor in front of you in the distance. Before you will reach it first you have to avoid two saws, composed one after the other. They aren't difficult since they have the shifted moment of revolution. Approach some of walls and steal by through the dangerous zone in the moment when the headroom appears in lethal discs.
Run to the end of the corridor. The revolving mechanism is standing on the center. Grasp the lever and move it, and the cover will open in the ceiling. The rectangular board with the groove is located on the right wall, behind you. Run to it and stick the dagger in at its top. During the fall notice that the rocky block is pulling out from the wall behind your back. Jump on it and with lightening speed run vertically over the wall which it is sticking out of. Catch up the brink of the opening in the ceiling, pull yourself up. You have to execute the whole action with lightening speed, since rocky block is moving back slowly although deadlily to the wall.
Enter the hall through the recess in the ceiling. Localize the fountain on one of walls. Drink for health!
Look around. There are four monumental statues in the throne room. Localize the monolith, with carved relief above it (right to the fountain) and jump onto its rear, flat part. Run vertically over the wall at the height of relief, stick the dagger into it. Take off from this position to the right, run across horizontally over the wall and land on the platform fitting tight over the wall.
Continue the travel from the platform to the right running along the wall horizontally. When you step onto the carved, stuck out from the wall springboard, take off hard from it, and you will land on the corner mezzanine. In order to reach the next platform to the right, run horizontally over the wall. Run vertically over the wall which adjacent to the raising platform.
Continue rounding the hall. Turn to the right. Run horizontally over the wall and after stamping on the carved springboard take off from it reaching up the stone window-sill of opposite column. Climb it and jump up, sticking the dagger into carved relief above. Take off from this position back. You will fly some section in the air reaching the wooden bar, running near the wall. Move over on hands to the right, clamber up the catwalk and climb the bit sticking out of it perpendicularly.
Jump from the catwalk to the gap between two nearby walls. Bracing with your legs and hands slide down, jump down to the terrace and kill the Archer. Run over the wall to the right, catch up the stone ledge, climb it. Go behind the bend, stand under decorative relief. Jump up and stick the dagger into it. Take off from this position to the right, run across horizontally over the wall. You will fly high above the floor and you will land upstairs in the throne room. Run up the stairs, in the direction of the throne. Wipe the lurking Archer out.
The neighborhood of the throne is no attractive feature, so run away back down and go to the left. Two Guards will attack you, chop them up to slices. Go in the direction of the exit lighted up with lamps. Events will assume the terrific pace then.
You will be tracked down by guards and chained. Soon you will become the witness of Kaileena's death. Vizier - her executioner will stick the dagger into his own heart after a while, turning into the dark daemon, drawing the power from Sands of Time. This fact is causing the earthquake, the floor is shaking, and walls of the palace are falling apart. Unshackled accidentally, you are slumping into the abyss. You manage unawares to seize the dagger of time. You also escapes with your life landing on the ruined terrace. You feel oddly, as if power of sands of the time infected your organism.
From this moment you are receiving three slots for the sand and you are able to use the power of Sands of Time - Recall, making it possible in accordance to the name to move back the time (by default press and hold the "R" button). In the meantime leave the terrace out and run into the inside of the palace. Go right, weaving among burning, ruined walls. Run fast and turn in accordance to the arrangement of the corridor no stopping because the floor is collapsing after stepping on it
After reaching the closed door localize decorative tile in the wall. Run over the wall at this place and stamp on tile. The closed door will open, but only for the moment, and therefore as soon as possible reach them. Now with sprint reach the outright section (best with the horizontally run on the right wall), because fall is collapsing under you with lightening speed. Only at very end of the floor you will find the safe, durable piece of the ground.
Look upwards and localize relief carved above. Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the bas-relief. Take off from this position to the left, run across horizontally over the wall and sink the blade of the knife in similar relief. The next jump on the left and you will land on near-wall platform. Run horizontally over the wall and catch up strips of the red baize. Slide down with it, you will be found in the room with the fountain. Regenerate strength.
Go right, deep into the corridor. Behind the bend, there are two spiky chunks turning around in the floor. They are divided by so substantial distance that you are able to pass them one by one. Wait until they will turn with smooth side on the top. After avoiding pitfalls turn left. There are two moving, stuffed with blades columns in front of you. Pass them close to some of walls, this way is most easily.
There is another obstacle a bit further, triple this time triple: two horizontal chunks and the column circling between them. It isn't difficult interference, if you attack it gliding near the wall. After avoiding them run up the stairs and brake in front of the next, triple trap. You have the one horizontal chunk and two vertical, moving columns in front of you this time. Pass them traditionally near the wall, but the moment of passing have to be determined by position of the horizontal chunk (it has to be reversed with the smooth surface on the top).
There are no more pitfalls for the moment. Go down the stairs, on the right-hand side there is decorative tile set in the wall. Run at this place over the wall and stamp on tile, then follow fast to the door opening up behind. You found yourself in the large hall with two rows of columns. Walls are trembling, rubble is pouring in and everything is giving the impression as if it was supposed to break down on your head at any moment.
Head for the left and run on opposite side of the hall with left aisle. After reaching the gate decorated beautifully don't try to open them, only jump onto the column lying right from them. Clamber so high as the head of the column lets you and give the pounce to the closer pillar of the center of the hall. Again climb upwards, and jump on the next column, first one from the side of the door which you entered here.
Localize the narrow stone window-sill on the side, stretching on along the wall above the nearest window. Bounce off the column and reach this ledge. Move with lightening speed to the right since the window-sill is fragile and it is coming off the wall after a while. Behind the bend you will see the same ledge above the head, jump on it. Go right until the end and jump for the nearest column.
You have to act quick because columns can't support your weight too long and like ledges, they are turning themselves to rubble after a while. After reaching the pillar localize relief over the wall on the left. Jump on its side sticking dagger into it. Take off from this position to the right, run horizontally over the wall and running through above adjacent relief sink the blade in it. Do similarly with the third bas-relief, located similarly on the right from previous.
Seized on the last relief bounce off back and catch the nearest column. Without the redundant fuss (because everything is crumbling all around) quickly jump on the next column, located behind you. Turn around with the back to the wall and jump on the wall on the left, you will slide with it to the bar sticking out horizontally. Jump from this place to the opening in the wall being located straight ahead. Gosh, it was a success! You have just left the treacherous hall. There is precipice in front of you instead of the floor and the chunk of the red baize overhanging near by.
Jump on the material and go down with it. After releasing the baize from hands you will hang on the stone window-sill. Take off from this position back and fall into the tight gap between two walls. Bracing hands and legs against walls slide down carefully, jump down to the ground. Localize the fountain and drink, water will revive your tired body.
Leave the room with the fountain heading the left corridor. In front of you there is a pitfall with two vertical chunks near walls and pillar stuffed with killing blades running between them. Move over to one of walls and sense when the nearest chunk will turn around with the smooth surface on the top. Steal by it, of course if the dangerous pillar is located on the opposite side at that time.
Behind the left bend the next obstacle is blocking the way - three spiky chunks arranged horizontally. You will pass them easily because they are turning around to the flat side serially, in the repeatable way. The next pitfall is made of three fast moving columns. Move over to the wall and in the opportune moment (pillars are also moving in the repeatable way) run across the dangerous zone with lightening speed. Don't bother if any columns snags you with blade this time, the loss of energy should not the big.
After avoiding the pitfall continue the run and don't stop, because floor is instable breaking down under your weight. You are safe only near the portal, at the end of the corridor. Turn left and enter the large hall. There are heaps of rubble all around and it is full of gaps in the floor, so look below legs. Approach the door straight ahead the exit and turning around to the right, jump the gap in the floor. Run in the opposite end of the hall. Turn left and jump over the next gap in the floor. Kill the Guard attacking you.
Jump onto the stone platform, located near by columns in one of corners of the hall. Jump the straight gap in the floor and land on the narrow strip of the floor near the wall. Sticking to the wall, move over to the left for the broad, safe piece of the floor. Kill both Guards attacking you. In the wall on right find the gap with the carved casket. You will find ten sand credits inside.
Leave the gap and go to the building on the center of the hall. Localize two ledges in the wall, climb them, and then jump and catch up the brink of the floor on the mezzanine. Clamber to the top, liquidate the Guard. There are two relieves over the wall where the casket was located in. Stand straight before them, take the run-up and jump for lower, sticking the blade of the dagger in it. Jump up and snag on higher relief with the blade. Take off from this position again upwards, reaching the stone window-sill. Move to the left onto bigger piece of the floor.
The platform is located near by, on the adjacent wall. You will reach it running along the wall horizontally. From this place, keeping the same direction, run horizontally over the wall again. When stamping on carved springboard take off from it. Jump the space obliquely and you will land on the stone window-sill.
Sticking to the wall move to the left, climb to the recess in the wall. It leads to the side room with the fountain. Time for the swallow of water for refreshment.
Stamp on decorative tile, lying in the floor near by fountain. Enter to the opening door and turn left. Run down the corridor with the stairs. Finally you will come across the chamber on the ground floor, with the great gap in the floor.
You will feel suddenly that something strange is happening with you. The left hand will begin to emanate with severe glitter, you will feel the huge pain, you will lose the feeling and the balance in the end. You will reel straight to the gap in the floor. You are falling...
You didn't kill yourself hitting the floor? It is the miracle probably, either the effect of strange internal force which is beginning to surround your body and which presence you can feel from Kaileena's death. This is no time for dilemmas, use the fountain lying near by.
All around is gray, wetly and dirtily, but no time for making fuss. Go right from the fountain. Localize the cross-bar hung between walls, jump on it. Swing yourself and jump right ahead to the next, and then again to the next one. Take off from third, last in the row of the cross-bar landing straight on the wooden bridge.
Continue with the corridor, turn the bit further on to the right. Wading knee-deep in the washing-up water reach to the deep gap in the ground. Move over under right wall and jump straight, catching the long, bent pole. Overhanging on hands, move above the precipice, jump down to the ground on the other side of the gap.
Run with stairs to the place where you will see the bottom of the channel far below with the large, carved lid. Take off from the brink of the platform and reach horizontal bar sticking out of the wall. Climb it, take off hard right ahead, and you will reach the stone ledge. Sticking to it with hands and performing short jumps move to the left, behind the bend squeeze into the narrow gap between two parallel walls. Bracing with hands and legs slip down and jump down for the lid on the floor.
The four enemies of new kind will attack you - green skinned Reptus. They aren't too demanding enemies although they are flourishing knives and heavy adzes. Liquidate the whole quartet (you can arm yourself with trophy hatchet) and run with platforms deep into the corridor of the channel.
When the corridor ends, localize the rectangular mechanism with the oblong groove on the front wall. Run over the wall with the mechanism and stick the dagger into the groove. Sliding slowly down you will expose the passage in the floor, hidden so far through the chunk of the wall. Lower to the opening, bracing with legs and hands slide down. When you reach lowest possible point, bounce off right ahead and catch the cross-bars hanging straight.
There are three cross-bars in the row, one under other. Lower to lowest one and jump down to water. Get to the recess, where two relieves are located in the wall (you may switch on the panoramic view). Leave for ashore, stand under bas-relieves. Run vertically over the wall straight of lower relief and stick the dagger into it. Then jump upwards sinking the blade in relief laid higher. Take off from this position back and catch up the stone window-sill on the opposite wall.
Move with the ledge to the right. Behind the Too bend stand straight to vertical pillar, lying nearby. Jump on it, but under your weight it slide down freeing the mechanism opening the door under you. Slide to water and direct to newly open passage. The next abyss is opening behind them. Climb the catwalk and jump on the right, to the tight gap between two walls. Bracing with hands and legs slide down, then lower to the bottom of the channel.
Go right ahead with the corridor, jump down to the lower level. You will have to do some acrobatics, so switch on the panoramic view to locate useful ledges. Approach the left brink of the shelf and jump on the catwalk near the wall. Climb it, move over a little bit to the right and jump on next one. Move again to the right, then jump upwards catching the stone ledge.
Seized tightly to the ledge take off backwards and catch the pole sticking out of the vertical ceiling. Move to its other side to jump for the horizontal bar sticking out of the platform on the left. It is your task now to execute the jump on moving relief in front of you. Sense the moment, when the wall with the bas-relief will edge closest towards you, then swing and jump, sticking the dagger into relief. When you advance again together with the moving wall, take off from this position to the left. Run horizontally over the wall a little, and you will land on the wooden platform.
Go to the opposite brink of the platform, stand near the wall. Run horizontally over the wall to vertical gap visible nearby and jam between two rocky blocks upholstered with wood. Holding on to with hands and legs slide down, jump down to the ground. You will feel as if other spirit possess your body after a while. In convulsions you will change into the Dark Prince.
Be vigilant, because after the transformation you will be attacked by the dozen of Reptus. This is quite difficult skirmish, because enemies are stealing up on you from all directions. Luckily they aren't attacking at the same time, but only four of them at the time (the new one is showing up in lieu of killed one), you have the bit of space then. Best stick close to walls, don't let be surrounded and wave Daggertail with all strength. In short brief respites utilize Sands of Time (from killed bodies and from broken objects) to regenerate the strength.
After the fight approach the precipice, crack the sculpture lying on the other side in the head with Daggertail, and pull the chain. Sculpture together with the rocky block will slip out of the wall and the passage will be opened behind your back. Run to it and go to the next location. Be careful because there is an abyss behind the door. Climb the catwalk, jump on the bar straight. Clamber up it and jump on the vertical pole in front of you. Slide down the pillar, jump down to the ground.
Kill four of Reptus attacking you. Go to the brink of the rocky shelf to the right, jump down from it to the bottom of the location. Break the casket with ten sand credits, then run back to the shelf. Take the run-up and jump in the direction of the horizontal pole, sticking out of the left wall. You won't reach him with hands, but use Daggertail as the whip extending the flight. You will land on the next shelf safely. Climb the catwalk and take off from it to the direction of two following poles and use Daggertail to extending jumps twice.
You are finishing the flight dropping into narrow vertical gap, stretching between two walls. Bracing with limbs, slide down and jump down to the ground. Kill four Reptus, enter the chamber on the left. Crack carved head in the wall with Daggertail and pull it. The passage behind your back will open up, run quickly to it. Don't stop because the gate is shutting fast.
In the new room go to the direction of the wooden wall, run on it. Move over to the left, behind the bend jump upwards to the rocky shelf. Take the run-up and jump on the ladder visible on the opposite wall. Clamber upwards, get out to the rocky shelf. Localize the gap with moving over, rectangular mechanism with the oblong groove. Jump onto it and stick the dagger in at its top.
The crosswise bar will slip out of the rock behind your back. Hanging on the dagger wait until the block will move together with you to its maximum, closest to the cross-bar position and jump backwards catching it. Swing yourself, then jump on its neighbor on the left. While hanging watch the vertical, revolving chunk with spikes straight of you. Sense the moment when it begins to turn around to its smooth, safe side and jump on it, then bounce off with lightening speed to the opposite wall, again on the roller, again over the wall and... you reached the rocky shelf above.
Run through the narrow corridor and turn to the left. Approach to the precipice, climb the catwalk, jump ahead to narrow gap surrounded with wood, running between two walls. Slide down and jump down to the ground. The return to the prince's normal form awaits you. Now go to the opposite end of the location, jump on the catwalk on the right wall. Take off from it backwards and catch the board on the opposite wall. Clamber up it, jump upwards reaching the catwalk at top.
Look around. On the other side localize moving, shifting perpendicularly block with relief. Take off in its direction when it is below, closest to you. Stick the dagger into it at the height of relief. Take a lift on the block upwards and jump on the shelf on the left. Move carefully through the corridor, you will be attacked by two of Reptus soon, and on dozen or so meters further on the next two. Kill enemies and go on.
You will see the rectangular mechanism with longitudinal groove on the left wall at the end of corridor. Run on it over the wall and stick dagger into it. Falling slowly you will open the door at the end of the corridor. Follow there fast. You have two ways to choose in the next room. Choose the passage on the left, hidden by curtains. There is the bonus stage. Go on ahead, a little bit later you will reach the precipice, pass it running horizontally over the right wall.
Turn right behind the bend and jump over missing part of the floor. Now go to the left, climb the catwalk. Execute three jumps to the next three catwalks, and go down the floor from the last one. Behind the bend to the right you will encounter the next chunk of the board, jumping from which will enable you to reach the one more catwalk straight. Turn to its left branch and jump right ahead on the floor. Approach the Fountain of Light visible in the wall. Drink water.
You will be teleported to the secret corridor. Move near the wall through turning around saws, stuffed with teeth (actually their halves). Climb the bar. You have to be careful because there are openings located on either side in walls where killing arrows are flying out every second from. Luckily after releasing the series there is a moment of the standstill before gaps will spit the next line of arrows, steal by forward then.
With this method you will reach next two saws. The catwalk is limiting your movements and you have to clear it with its center, what's more, with jumping. It is possible, because like in the previous case, only halves of disc are turning around, not complete ones. After jumping to the next bar you still have little bit of "spiky" floor and single saw to overcome. Not stopping, avoid the murderous disc with run near the wall and fall into the lucid gleam. You got the first bonus health. You will be teleported back to the Fountain of Light which, you were drinking recently from.
Go back to the room with curtains and this time hit on straight to rooms which, you weren't yet in. Avoid two saws going in the middle and run across through spikes in the floor. Do the same with the next duet of discs. The fountain is just behind them, on the right side. Time for the rest.
Enter to the gate and go a bit further to the right, and then to the left. When you reach the chasm, stand near the left wall. Run over it horizontally and when you are almost falling, bounce off hard to the right. You will land on the rocky shelf. Localize the ladder affixed to the rock and jump on it. Clamber upwards, at its top take off backwards, landing on the rocky ledge.
Arduous climbing upwards awaits you now. It isn't easy - not only it is necessary to jump from the ledge to the ledge (at big height), lethal arrows are still flying out from openings in walls. Luckily as in the channels there are breaks between each series, which you can use to go upwards. From the rocky ledge which you reached from the ladder jump upwards to the higher window-sill. Jump on the opposite window-sill from here and last one jump after which you will catch the brink of the surface of the ground. One more effort you are found on the open air.
Run carefully with the rocky tunnel, watching two Archers, being on guard in the distance. Skip the first precipice and the other, close to the small cascade, oozing from the rock on the left. Kill Archers before they will stuff you with arrows. There is watchtower located high, which you must reach. You can see the narrow rocky ledge in front of your, run to it. Jump upwards and clamber up the shelf above your head. One more jump and you are sticking to the brink of the long slot.
Moving with short jumps, go right to the end of the crack. Lower to the ledge under you. The ground is instable and it will collapse immediately so take off fast backward, to narrow rocky shelf located on the opposite wall. Jump upwards catching brink of the next, oblong rocky crack. Move over with jumps to the right side, lower to the ledge below. The ground is also impermanent, therefore go with lightening speed to the right and jump backward to the platform behind your back.
Go through the platform to the right, jump on the higher shelf. You will reach two wooden window-sills at the foot of the tower from it. Be careful, openings which killing arrows are flying out from are under shelves. Jump on the lower window-sill, clamber to it, then to higher and as soon as possible move on hands for its right end where are no openings with flying arrows.
Clamber up the catwalk, look upwards. You have next two catwalks above the head, at the same time pulling out and hiding to the wall. Sense the moment, when both will begin to pull out and jump with lightening speed on lower one. Jump from it at once on the higher neighbor. Execute the last jump without any moment of the standstill and this is the top level of the defensive tower.
Go to the other side of the tower and peek at the courtyard. You will see the strange scene, during which one of the Guards will stick the sword into the magic pile - Sand Gate. The clear trail will spout upwards from the pile and you will distinguish outline of the lucid form among glitter. This is metamorphed Vizier - remember him well because you will meet him again. The fountain is on the tower, use its kindness power before continuation of the travel.
Locate the section of the tower with no rail (from the direction of the Sand Gate). Bracing with hands and legs slide at this place down. The arrangement of walls is creating the oblong gutter enabling you the safe downhill drive to the courtyard. Before you will jump down to the ground, look at the terrace under you. The pile emanating with light yellow glitter is guarded by two Guards, from whom one is the Sand Guard (in the red smock under the armor).
Jump on the back of this enemy who is strolling all the time (use speed kill), and after stabbing him take care of other one. Try to liquidate the Sand Guard before he will stick the knife into the Sand Gate. If you won't manage to do this a longer struggle awaits you, since in lieu of the killed enemy the new one appears in the pile (but also not ad infinitum). Approach the Sand Gate after the struggle and stick the dagger into it. You will receive the bonus - fourth slot of the sand. If you don't possess the extra weapon currently, break the rack near the wall and take the mace.
Stand near the wall on the right side of the tower. Observe turning around vertical chunk with spikes nearby. Sense the moment when its spiky part begins to hide in the wall and run horizontally over the wall to its direction. If you calculated the way well, you will run across it in the moment when it is rotated to the top with the smooth side.
After avoiding the chunk take off hard to the right side and plane to the horizontal bar, sticking out of the building standing close by. Swing yourself, jump on the similar horizontal bar right before you. Yet one more jump straight and you will be found on the roof of the short building. Kill the Archer, then find with sight a thick chain hanging nearby. Take off from the roof and catch it hard.
Slide down with the chain. Two guards are being found under you - one is hanging around the courtyard, other is standing reversed backwards. Surprise with speed kill circling enemy, then kill his colleague in the similar way. If you take action well you will remove the mentioned two quietly, if not - the skirmish awaits you with possibility of nearby guarding Archer joining it. After the fight go left and behind the bend kill the Archer (if you haven't done it earlier). Break the chest near gratings where you will find the weapon.
Continue exploration of the backyard. Behind the next bend on the left you will encounter a big depression. Jump down there, find the decorative casket and empty it of 10 sand credits. Leave the channel running over the wall near the chest. Go to this part of the courtyard, where three relieves are located high in the wall. Jump onto the wooden shed, which stands under bas-relieves.
Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the lowest relief. Jump upwards and sink the blade in the bas-relief above. Take off from this position to the left, run horizontally over the wall hooking with the knife third relief. Return to the left, continue the horizontal run over the wall and when you step on the wooden springboard, bounce off to the opposite building. You will fall on the next springboard. Again strain legs' muscles and running over the backyard land on the corner shelf.
Run over the wall under lowest catwalk, catch its borders and clamber up it. Jump backwards on the ledge on the right, and then standing on it take off upwards and catch rails of the balcony above you. There is an Archer in the depth of the gallery standing with his back to you and the strolling Guard being closer to you. Jump onto the balcony at the moment when the enemy shows the back to you and try to take care of him with speed kill. If you manage to do this you will be doing easily with Archer alone.
Go to the revolving mechanism with the horizontal bar and switch the lever. You will start up the revolving roller stuck in the wall nearby. Go to the right to the end of the balcony and stand opposite from the spiky chunk. When it begins to turn round with the smooth surface on the top, run horizontally over the wall, stealing by safely over it. You reached the corner balcony. You will change into the Dark Prince after a while.
Fall onto the platform below, explore it and return upwards. Run horizontally over the left wall using Daggertail on torch stuck high to extending the run. With this method, making the way easier, you will land on the next platform. Continue moving along the left wall, take off from the platform and crack Daggertail straight, to the direction of the bar stuck out of the wall. You will come across the corner shelf thanks to extension of the jump. Jump down to the terrace under you, kill the Archer, then return upwards to the shelf.
Localize the chain hanging in the distance (you may switch on the panoramic view). Run horizontally over the wall, catch the torch stuck high above the head with Daggertail and bounce off the wall at the height of the chain to its direction. Go down the chain, observe guards hanging around. Kill the Guard strolling under you with speed kill. Jump down to the ground and run to the direction of the center of the courtyard. Eliminate attacking you enemy duet (the Guard and the Archer), after which you have to choose: to exploit the area rich in varieties or to evacuate as soon as possible from here.
The temptation to get many particles of Sand of Time is strong but it isn't safe here. There are Guards popping from opposite towers, who attack you instantly. When you kill four of them the next quartet will appear. Luckily your daggertail is able to strike a few enemies at the same time, but hasten with the exploration of the courtyard.
When you end exploring of the square, run to its center. The high pole is standing there, clamber up it. Notice that there is horizontal bar with flag, sticking out of the pillar standing nearby. Perform the jump to that direction and catch the spar. Swing yourself, then jump right ahead getting up the other horizontal bar, and then another one, last in the row. Overhanging freely jump on the wall with the rectangular mechanism, sticking the blade of the dagger into it. Falling slowly you will open the entrance gate on the left side. Run to it.
After crossing the gate of the fortress the grating will fall down with the slam railing you from enemies. You will return to your normal, princely form after the moment. Go by the street to the chariot located near the right shoulder. Cram into the cart and whip up the horses. Speeding with the narrow alley you will run the small convoy of guards down. This fact will madden them so that they will set off pursuit of you, and one of them will bestride same chariot as yours.
When the enemy chariot will catch up with you, steer (keys left/right) with your cart in order to push enemy aside on the wall and not to be pushed aside yourself. Moreover watch out various obstacles: stalls, columns, walls etc. Unfortunately, every contact with obstacle is ending in the terrible incident. Hostile guards will be jumping on the chariot in some sections, pierce them fast with the dagger. The structure of the cart won't hold in one moment and the vehicle will fall to pieces. It won't stop you - you continue the travel riding on horseback.
You are finishing the crazy driving in front of Lower City gates. After jumping over the gate you will be found inside the building. Go left and soon turn once more to the left. You are surrounded with the quadrilateral of walls. Switch on the panoramic view to locate ledges in the wall above the head. Run vertically over the wall lighted up with the torch near the door and catch up catwalk. Climb it, jump upwards getting up next, laid higher. Go left behind the bend, then jump to the ledge on the opposite wall. Now only the last jump upwards and you are on the lowest roof.
Notice that the ladder is standing near the wall on the left side. Clamber it as high as you can and take off backwards. You will reach the ledge in the wall on the opposite building. Jump upwards, catch the brink of boarded up gap. Jump from this position backwards catching rungs of the higher ladder, on the other side of mini-courtyard. Go to the roof and then go to the right.
You will reach the small terrace. Down below something solidly burns but luckily you are going somewhere else. Look at the opposite wall, then go over the rail in the place being located on directly of ladder overhanging from the building. Jump to it and climb very top. Take off backwards from there, reaching the ledge on the opposite wall. Go left behind the bend, and then jump on the next ladder, this time on the left side. Clamber upwards and jump to the terrace on the right.
Enter the building and exit to the street with the corridor. The fountain is located left. Hot today, taste the water.
Move with the road right from the fountain. Come up the break in the rail, climb the sticking out catwalk. Take off right ahead on the other catwalk and turn to its right branch. Jump on the wooden ledge near the wall of the house. Move over right behind the bend of the building. Stand in the place where the bit of canopy is missing and let go of the ledge. Coming down you will catch the brink of the small window. Slide lower and fall onto the bar adjacent to the wall. Go right passing windows with the Guard, turn to the right onto the bar.
Take off from the bar straight, fly above the backyard and land on the catwalk on the other side. Go to the floor, go left. Reach the wall and turn to the direction where you came from. Run horizontally over the wall, and after stamping on the springboard take off from it to the left. You will land on the small terrace. Kill the Guard and his comrade, who will run out from room close by. Enter the chamber, exploit it, and the return to the terrace. Turn left, jump over rail and overhanging on hands, localize relief under yourself (switch on the panoramic view).
Fall onto relief and stick the blade of the dagger into it, and then jump down to the gallery below. Deaden two Guards (recommended speed kill) - one strolling under relief, other standing in the depth of the gallery.
After the struggle turn to the right behind the bend of building and go left to the break in the rail. Climb the catwalk, jump right ahead and catch the horizontal bar. Swing yourself on it and jump straight to the gap created by two neighboring walls. Bracing with limbs slide down. Jump down to the yard and surprise three Guards, (including Sand Guard) guarding Sand Gate. If you show the reflex you are able to kill them with triple speed kill, if not, the brawl with the whole platoon awaits you. Come up to the magic pile after the struggle and stick the dagger into it - you will receive 100 sand credits.
Run into the building using the entrance under the gap you have slid down earlier. Go left and deaden two Guards. Climb the platform covered with the table mat, locate relief above the head. Run over the wall sticking the dagger into the bas-relief. Take off from this position to the right, run horizontally over the wall and catch the brink of the gap in the wall. Pull up, enter the opening, slide down the wall to the backyard on the other side.
You will be attacked by new kind of enemies - Hunting Hounds. They aren't too strong but they possess the unpleasant talent "of stealing away" sands of the time from your slots. Kill them fast, then go to the gate with burning curtains. En route enter the gap in the wall on the right and break the decorative casket with 10 sand credits. Continue the travel until the way will break off with the precipice. Cross the abyss running along the right wall horizontally.
Near the burning gate turn to the left behind the bend of wall. Jump over next gap on your way landing on the wooden platform. You see closed wooden gate straight ahead, run over them vertically on the wall and catch rail above. Jump over it, turn to the right, jump over next abyss. You will land in the chamber with the burning floor.
You will undergo metamorphose into the Dark Prince now. Just in time, because second later you will be caught by three Hounds. Your blade on the chain will rescue once again out of this trouble. After the struggle run outside the chamber and jump to the great gap in the wall of opposite house, extending the flight with Daggertail.
Nothing to hide - the building you have just come in, is the complete ruin. Only fires, falling apart rubble and the cracked, instable basis. Not stopping for the moment (the floor is collapsing under your weight) run ahead and when the floor ends, jump straight on the horizontal bar.
Climb the bar, jump upwards catching the brink of the platform above your head. Clamber up it and kill the Archer. Go to the end of the platform, and then run horizontally over the left wall. When you lose the speed, crack with Daggertail to the direction of the torch burning under the ceiling and extend the way for yourself. You will land on undeveloped, collapsing platforms.
Run out of breath right ahead, behind the bend head for left. Take off at the end of the platform right ahead, catch horizontal bar in front of you with Daggertail, extend the jump and land on the ladder on the wall. Clamber upwards, then exit to the roof of the building. You will return to the normal form then. Run down the stairs, there is the fountain on the left shooting streams of water.
Turn right from the fountain. Take the run-up and jump to the roof of the adjacent building, where the Archer is walking on. Kill him, then head left. Jump the rail and jump down to the lower level of the roof. Put the next Archer to death, come up the brink of the roof, then stand near the right wall. Run along the wall horizontally, take off from the springboard to the opposite building. Bounce off the other springboard and land on the balustrade of the third building.
Before you will manage to jump the rail, the tall Guard will come out and he will want to cut you with the saber into halves. He won't manage. There will be a whistle in the air and after that your enemy will fall down to the grounds with bunch of arrows in his chest. After jumping over the rail you are looking around, but you can see nobody whom, you would be able to say thank you 'for'. Saver-Archer vanished.
There is no time for meditations, run left. Jump onto the next roof a little bit further. The Archer is strolling above you. Run vertically over the wall near the door, pull up, jump onto the roof and kill the enemy. Switch on the panoramic view to determine the more far-away way. On the right side, behind the wall covered with vines, there is the brink which, you are able to take off to the next roof from. Jump from it for the adjacent building and clash with two Guards.
After the struggle jump to the higher level of the roof, then jump to the roof of the adjacent building laid lower. Stand near the right wall, run over it horizontally and bounce off the springboard, and you will land on the chain. Slide down, surprise the Guard standing with his back to you with speed kill, and then take care of his colleague close by.
Run to the gate on the right and jump from the brink of the abyss to catwalk on the opposite wall. Lower to the other catwalk under it, and from that one to the lowest, located near the ground. Jump down to the ground and run deep into the corridor. Turn left behind the bend of the corridor. The backyard is continuing further away, and at the end of it the relief is being found on the left wall. Stand under it, run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into it.
Take off from relief backwards reaching the catwalk near the wall. Climb it and jump to the catwalk above, and from that one jump upwards to the roof. Head for left. Reach the brink of the ending floor, and then run horizontally over the right wall. When you are found nearby relief, stick the dagger into it. Let go of the bas-relieves and falling sink the blade in its duplicate below. Fall onto the ground, go to the left. Enter onto the platform, locate two relieves arranged vertically. Run vertically over the wall and stick the blade into lower one, then jump up and stick the blade into higher relief.
Take off to the right and running horizontally over the wall, at the height of the rectangular mechanism stick the dagger into it. Falling down you will open two gates. If you want to use the Fountain of Light and to get the bonus health, run to the more far-away exit, behind the back. After passing the gate come up the brink, lower to the catwalks under you, and from lowest one jump to the platform backwards.
Run down using platforms. To the right, behind the corridor's bend you will find the decorative casket with 10 sand credits. Behind the next bend run vertically onto three high platforms. Reach the Fountain of Light. Drink water and teleport to the corridor with pitfalls. There are two horizontal, revolving chunks sticking in the floor in front of you. Run across them at the moment when they turn around with the smooth surface on the top and run onto the catwalk.
Prepare yourself for the jump to the next catwalk, but be careful. There are openings in the wall with killing arrows flying out of them. Wait until the next series will be fired up and jump over the dangerous stretch then. You aren't safe on the next catwalk also (watch out for arrows), so jump with lightening speed to the next catwalk straight ahead.
Jump onto the floor in front of you, come up to the wall. There are three moving ledges which are hiding and pulling out. Luckily ledges are pulling out in the repeatable way, one after another. Sense the moment when the lowest one starts to pull out of the wall, jump up and clamber up it. Take off with lightening speed upwards onto higher one, do the same with third. Now only one jump and you are sticking to the brink of the floor. Enter to the lucid gleam. You got the second bonus health.
You will teleport back to the broken Fountain of Light. Return to the gate, which you opened sticking the dagger into the rectangular mechanism. It is shut now and in order to open it, take a look of the wall on the left. The analogous machinery opening the door is located there. Run vertically onto the rectangular mechanism and stick the knife into the groove. Falling down you will open the gate. Steal by through it.
Return under the wall with two relieves. Repeat the same method as done previously (jumps onto both relieves and the rectangular mechanism). After sticking the dagger into the groove of the machinery you will open again both doors, this time run into the one closer to you. There is the fountain located straight ahead, near the wall. Have a drink from the spring.
Run through the corridor right from the fountain. You will leave after a while for the open arena and you will see the gigantic warrior. It is Klompa - giant whom you have to defeat in order to be able to continue the course. Don't try to attack calves of the boss (you won't get higher anyway), because bar of his life (at the bottom of the screen) neither will stir. Instead of an open struggle localize bums on arena's walls: bars, relieves, platforms etc. You have to be in the persistent movement so that the huge Klomps'a sword won't reach you.
Speed to the stairs, located in one part of the arena. You got relief above you, run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into it. Take off to the right and snag on adjacent relief with the blade, then jump again from it to the platform on the right. Climb up the stirs and run vertically over the wall, sticking the dagger into the bas-relief above. Jump to the left from this position, you reached the platform at top level of the arena. Climb the catwalk straight ahead of boss and press the speed kill mode.
You will perform the jump onto the Klompa's head. He will begin to hurl, but there is only one moment you should be interested in - when the dagger shines at your hands. Squeeze the attack at this moment and end the action with speed kill, plucking up the boss's eye. Remember that if you are late with the attack the giant will dump you to the ground and you will have to clamber up the top of the arena again to jump onto his head.
You got rid of one eye, now it is time for the other. You have to get to the top of the arena with the other way. Run up the stairs onto only reachable platform. Take off to the right, catch hanging bar, climb it and jump again to the platform to the right. Go up with steps, stand under relief. Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the bas-relief. Bounce off to the left getting up the top platform, get onto it and run again to the catwalk. Standing on it press the speed kill mode.
You will jump onto Klompa's head again. Proceed the way similar to previous - push the attack at the moment when the blade of your dagger shines. After successful speed kill you will jump down to the ground. You are passing to the other phase of struggle. The dazzled boss is banging the sword blindfold, but keep away from his weapon and don't let him hit you. Circulate him round and attack his legs from the back. It turns out that he is susceptible to blows from the ground at this stage. A few combinations of blows will be enough to complete the execution of the helpless enemy.
After killing Klompa the massive gate will open and terrified, but grateful to you residents of Babylon will begin to spill out onto the arena. It won't be given to you to hear their thanks however. You will feel that the shady princely nature is beginning to master your body and you will jump into the opening in the middle of the arena not wanting to expose people to the risk of the contact with the Dark Prince. You will change into the Dark Prince after a while.
Come up the abyss and steal by above it running along the left or right wall horizontally. Run vertically over the wall straight ahead, catch the ledge and climb it. Go left behind bend. There is the stone window-sill is above you, alternately hiding and pulling out from the wall. Sense the moment when it is pulled out, jump up and clamber up it.
Before the ledge will hide in the wall, take off with lightening speed backwards, to the direction of the crosswise bar. You have no chances to reach it, but what is whip for? During the flight use Daggertail on the bar extending the flight, and you will land on the stone ledge on the opposite wall. Jump up, catch the brink of the floor, climb it and run left.
Behind the bend turn left and immediately right. There is an abyss in front of you. Be careful of stone blocks on both sides of the wall - they are pulling out violently from the wall doing the pulp with everything what will be found between them. Run fast between blocks and take off above the abyss. During the flight crack with Daggertail to the direction of the small horizontal bar, illuminated with torches. Extending the flight you will land on the stone ledge on the other side precipice.
Jump up and catch the stone ledge above you. Before you will clamber up it, take note of the position of moving stone block, sticking out of the right wall. Enter onto the ledge in the moment when the block hides in the wall and at once take off upwards higher. You have the catwalk above the head, jump onto it.
There is redemptive recess in the wall located to the left from the catwalk - you have to jump there. Two moving rocky blocks block your way. Take off and catch the brink of the floor when blocks slip into the wall almost entirely. Clamber up the floor with lightening speed and run across between them. There are jugs with the redemptive sand standing close by in the corner. Break them to restore running out energy. Rush up to the left to the brink of the abyss.
Go down with the ladder. Stop before its end, look after sight bas-relief of the head on the opposite wall. Use the Daggertail on it, and then pull it. You will put forward chunk of the rocky block from the wall. Jump onto the block then jump up to the floor and run as fast as possible to the direction of open door straight ahead. Roll through entrance. You can't turn aside from the main road, since gate is shutting really fast. If you won't manage to do this, return to the ladder, pull the block with the bas-relief out of the wall again and repeat the sprint run.
After successful fight way through the gate turn to the right. Come up the precipice brink, stand up near the right wall and run over it horizontally. Extend the run catching high sticking out torch with Daggertail, thanks to that you will land on stone ledge on the other side of the abyss. Go on it to the left, jump out to the ledge above.
Go over the ledge to the wall on the left, then take off backwards to the direction of the horizontal bar with the red streamer. Catch it with Daggertail extending the jump and reach the stone window-sill on the opposite wall. Jump up, catch the ledge above, clamber up it. Jump backwards to the bar sticking out from the wall. Climb it, jump right ahead for next one and then jump to the floor directly.
Run down over the narrow gallery and further on to the left. You will return to your normal form in water. Head right to the burning door, leave the building. The unexpected Guard will attack you outside. The mysterious archer's shots will save your life. After striking the enemy down the preserver will leave the shadow eventually. You recognize Farah, the girl you knew in the past. After a few sentences the girl wishes you the success and she is vanishing. You sense that this wasn't last meeting of you two.
Look around. You will find the carved casket on the right-hand side with 10 sand credits. There is the fountain nearby the left wall of the building. Drink water.
Come up near brink of the abyss right from the fountain. Stand under the right wall, run horizontally over the wall and bounce off the springboard to the left. You will land on the terrace with the Archer and the Guard. Eliminate enemies to death, enter onto platform on the left, stand near the wall and run over it horizontally. After running over the shutter bounce off it to the terrace on right where the Archer is standing. Kill him.
Come up to the rail left from the shut door. Sling from the exterior and take off to the balcony vis-a-vis. Deaden the guard standing with his back to you after landing, you are able to use the speed kill attack. Jump down left to the lower level and come up to the wall with relieves. Stand under first one on the right-hand side. Run vertically over the wall sticking the dagger into relief. Bounce off it to the left, run horizontally over the wall and stick the blade into the neighbor one. Then repeat the maneuver for the third time hooking with the knife the last bas-relief on the left.
Hanging on the relief take off to the left, run horizontally over the wall and at the height of the chain bounce off to its direction. Slide down, jump down to the ground. Eliminate the guard, climb the catwalk close by and jump right ahead on the next chain (right from the trail of the Sand Gate). Go down with it, watch out guards under you. Switch on the speed kill mode when one of guards will walk under you, then take care of his comrade.
After the struggle lower from the rail and jump down to the backyard, kill the Sand Guard (speed kill). Stick the dagger into the Sand Gate, and you will receive the power of Sands of Time - Eye of the Storm. Return to the balcony which you jumped down moment ago and run with the corridor to the left.
Behind the corridor bend turn left, run up the stairs. Head for their top and then again to the left. Three enemies will attack you here: the Archer and two Guards. Eliminate the Archer to death first (so he can't shoot you with arrows), then take care of the remaining two. After the skirmish look for opening in the wall to the left, where you are able to see backyard well. There is decorative tile in the wall opposite to the opening. Run vertically over the wall and push in the tile, the gate will open on the other side of the square.
Jump down from the mezzanine to the courtyard and run as quick as possible to the direction of the door. The gate is shutting fast so take advantage of the Power of Sands of Time obtained a while ago for slowing down the time. You will reach the entrance thanks to it without any problem. Behind the door go a little bit further, then roll under boards enclosing the passage. Turn to the left, at the end of the corridor near the left wall the fountain is located. Taste water.
Head for right from the fountain, enter the gap with the grating. Switch on the panoramic view to find out which way to go. You will localize relief high above you. Turn around with the face to the right wall and run vertically over it, then take off at once to the left side, then to the right, then to the left and so on.
You will reach relief lying high in the wall to the left after a few alternate jumps, stick the dagger into it. Hanging relief jump to the right and land on the rocky shelf. Enter the adjacent chamber, run vertically over the wall straight ahead and catch ladder rungs. Clamber upwards, exit to the top of the building.
Go over the wooden bridge straight ahead. Jump down at his end to the roof of the building, jump over the rail landing on the lower story of the roof. Kill the Archer (speed kill), then take off from the place where the enclosing dyke is missing and jump to the building close by. Kill the next Archer. Run vertically over the wall in front of you, catch the roof brink and climb it.
Standing on the roof you will notice Farah. She will recognize the Persian prince in you during the short conversation but she will slip out after a while again. Go left, jump over the dyke and jump down to the story below. Deaden the Guard standing with the back to you with speed kill, then look after the relief on the left wall. Run vertically over the wall under the bas-relief sticking the dagger into it. Bounce off this position to the left, run horizontally over the wall and sink the blade into adjacent relief. Continue the horizontal run to the left, and you will land on the terrace close by.
Eliminate the alarmed Guard and the Archer. Run right ahead, from the wooden bridge jump to the terrace of the adjacent roof. Kill Guards attacking you. Farah will show up after the struggle. The girl will agree this time to join forces with you in order to save Babylon and to find the main culprit - the Vizier. The archer's shots will open the door behind your back, enter it.
Just after entering the building go left to the catwalk spreading over the precipice. Jump straight ahead to the recess created by two parallel, running close to oneself walls. Slip down with widely set limbs, turn round and jump to relief right ahead, sticking the dagger into it. Take off from this position to the right reaching strips of the red baize, slide on it to the ground. Leave the chamber with nearby exit to the courtyard, then head to the left.
At the end of the courtyard run vertically over the wall of low building on the right. Catch the roof brink and climb it. Stand near the wall on the right, run over it horizontally catching strip of the red baize overhanging a little bit further. Go down with the baize and at its end, take off backwards to the floor of the lower story of the opposite building.
Run straight and behind the building bend turn left. Enter the gap in the wall lighted with the torch. Switch on the panoramic view to plan the more far-away road. Stand with face to the left wall. Run vertically over it, bounce off backwards to the right wall, then again to the left, then again to the right, and so on until you will catch the stone ledge on the left wall. Climb it and go left until you will reach the catwalk. Go to its end, take off straight ahead reaching the terrace vis-a-vis.
Head right. There will be an abyss in front of you. Stand near the left wall and run over it horizontally, catching ladder rugs overhanging from the wall. Clamber up the shelf with the stellar sign on the floor. There is the ladder in left part of the shelf, leading higher. Use it. Being on top floor run right ahead a little bit and turn to the right. The fountain is located on the left, near the wall. On sip of water will be enough to be as fresh as daisy.
Go to the direction of the temple courtyard, right from the fountain. You will meet Farah after the leaving for fresh air. You will see the Vizier's lucid form after a while, flowing in the distance above the ground. He is beyond your reach and he will vanish soon. Time for acting. Lower to the ground from the platform you are standing on. You will be attacked by new kind of enemies you - Chameleons. After quite small problems (enemies are invisible until to the first hit) kill six of adversaries and head for left.
You will reach the temple. You will find the carved casket near the wall with 10 sand credits opposite to the impressive stairs leading to the (closed) entrance. After shaking out its content, return under platform you lowered to the courtyard from and this time go to the other direction. Behind the bend turn right and then right again. If you don't have the extra weapon yet, there is the rack with weapons nearby the column, between two iron gratings.
There is a relief in the wall of the huge pillar opposite. Run vertically over the pillar and stick the dagger into the bas-relief. Jump from this position upwards, catch the decorative stone frieze. Holding on to with hands, head right to the opposite side of the pillar. Stand with your back to the nearest column and jump to it. Climb its top, localize the relief on the wall of the adjacent building. Take off to relief sinking the blade of the dagger in it. Bounce off this position to the right, run horizontally over the wall and take off from the springboard to the balcony close by.
Farah who is watching your actions will help you downing with the arrow the bell hanging near by. Jump to the terrace where the bell fell down to. Be vigilant because the Chameleon is lurking there. After deadening him move the bell under gap in the wall, above your head. Climb the bell, run vertically over the wall, catch the gap brink and climb through it to the inside of the building.
The rectangular mechanism is sticking in the wall in front of you. Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the groove of the mechanism, while falling down you will open two doors. Farah will run towards one of them and you have to get to other, located to the left. Let go the mechanism, jump down from the gap on the bell, and then run horizontally over the wall to the direction of the balcony with the open passage. Catch the balcony brink, clamber up it and go through the door.
Turn left inside the building. Run horizontally over the left wall to the opposite wall. Go over the stone ledge to the right. Ahead of bend localize the relief on the other side of the abyss. Jump to it sticking your dagger into it. Take off from this position to the left and running along the wall horizontally catch the stone window-sill. It is fragile and is creaking underfoot so before it collapses, move over fast to the left end. When you reach the wall, jump to relief on the left and sink the blade of the knife in it.
Hanging seized on the bas-relieves bounce off right. Running along the wall horizontally catch the stone ledge. Move over it right to the end, jump up and stick the dagger into relief above you. Jump backwards to the opposite wall where the rectangular mechanism is installed. Stick the blade into the groove of the mechanism, and falling down you will pull out the stone window-sill under you. Fall onto it, move over to its left end.
Jump to the ledge in the opposite wall. It is instable so jump up at once in order to catch the stone window-sill above. Clamber up it and before it collapses, go left with lightening speed. Jump at his end upwards catching the crack in the wall stretching above your head. Move on hands to the right, lower down behind the bend to the stone ledge. Go over it to the right and before the end take off backwards to the opposite wall. You will fall into relief, stick the dagger into it.
Bounce off the relief to the left and running along the wall horizontally take off from it hard in front of bend. You will fly left over the precipice and then you will land on the corridor floor. Go on directly, run vertically over the wall and catch the ledge. Climb it, jump backwards reaching the higher floor brink. Clamber up the floor and move to the gate leading to the building courtyard. You will be attacked by the group of Hounds, so if you don't have any extra weapon, run between two round, smashed towers. The rack with weapons is being found near the wall.
After chopping all Hounds move back and head to the right from the courtyard entrance gate. Switch on the panoramic view in order to mark out the more far-away road and to locate useful roughness in the wall. Climb the big boulder near the wall, run straight ahead over the wall horizontally above the abyss and when you will reel substantial arch, bounce off much from the wall reaching the horizontal bar above you. Swing yourself and take off straight ahead to the rectangular mechanism located in the smashed tower. Stick the dagger into the oblong groove of the mechanism, and falling down you will make the stone block in the depth of the yard pulled out.
Jump down to the ground and run to the pulled out block. Run vertically over it, then make horizontal run over the wall to the right. You will land on the wooden floor of the ruined tower. Run horizontally over the inner wall of the building and being on the arch take off backwards to the horizontal bar. Jump from the horizontal bar on the piece of the tower wall sticking out high, stand on it. Localize the wall with relief near by. Jump to the platform under the bas-relief, run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into relief.
Bounce off to the left from the hanging position, run horizontally over the wall and in front of the bend jump to the horizontal bar, sticking out of the adjacent wall. Swing yourself, then jump to the bar straight ahead, stand on it. Take off again to the left and reach the high room above the courtyard, where the Sand Gate is located. Lower down to the courtyard and kill (recommended speed kill attack) three Guards, including the Sand Guard. This one stands closest to the Gate and it is better for you if he won't manage to stick his knife into the magic pile (reinforcements!)
After clearing the backyard of enemies come up the Gate of Time. Stick the dagger into the pile - you will receive the fifth slot of the sand. Push the bell lying close by to the corner on the other side of the courtyard. Two relieves arranged vertically are located there. Push the bell close to the wall with relieves, climb it. Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the lower bas-relief. Take off from this position upwards sinking the blade into relief above. Jump up, catch the top of the wall and leave to the top.
You are now on the quite big square with three revolving mechanisms. Farah will show up on the one of towers. She will suggest, to manipulate mechanisms suitably so she can leave this location. Go to the mechanism (1), i.e. jump over the rail straight ahead and jump down on the smashed tower floor. Run vertically over the wall vis-a-vis, jump over the rail. Catch the lever and rotate the mentioned mechanism.
Return now to ruined tower. Climb the stone table, stand under relief. Run vertically over the wall sticking the dagger into the bas-relief. Bounce off to the right, run horizontally over the wall and stick the blade into adjacent relief. Hanging on the shaft of the knife, repeat the previous action again catching the last bas-relief to the right this time. Jump upwards, jump over the gap in the wall and lower to the grass on the other side of tower. Rotate the mechanism (2), and then (3). Now the way for Farah is open.
Come up again to the mechanism (2) and switch the lever over. The archer will travel the next pitch. Catch the lever third time and rotate the mechanism (2), and Farah will reach the next tower. Now you will be attacked by four hounds, kill them. Return after the struggle back to ruined tower, get through to the mechanism (1) and rotate it.
You have opened way for Farah, so she will help you now shooting down with the arrow the bell hanging near the vault of broken tower. Run to the bell, and then push it to the wall with the rectangular mechanism with the groove in it. Climb the bell, run vertically over the mechanism and stick the dagger into it. Falling down you will open the door to the left, head it. Climb to the inside of the building and turn right.
There is an abyss in front of you. Head for the narrow ledge near the left wall and move over it carefully forward. When the way ends, localize relief on the opposite wall. Jump on the bas-relief, sticking the dagger into it. Take off from it to the left and running along the wall horizontally reach the corridor floor. Come up to the wall opposite the abyss. Run vertically over it and stick the dagger into relief above you. Jump upwards catching the ledge, clamber up it. Head right, jump to the higher ledge. Go to the end left, jump up and stand on tiny stone window-sill above you.
Take off from the window-sill backwards to the opposite wall, where relief is located in. Stick the dagger into the bas-relief, and then take off from it to the left. Running along the wall horizontally reach the floor brink. Clamber up the floor. Head right over the corridor, and then turn left. There is a fountain near the wall a little bit further. It was the difficult level so drink as much as you can.
Run onto the wall opposite to the fountain and stick the knife into the groove of the rectangular mechanism. Falling down you will open the door close by, go through it. Run down the stairs, at the end of winding corridor you will encounter the Babylonian palace guard's dead bodies. Climb the balcony to the left. You will see down below the Vizier murdering your father's another guardsmen. It isn't not sure whether this view froze blood in your veins whether the other force but you changed into the Dark Prince.
Hang from the other side of the balcony rail and take off to the stone ledge in the wall vis-a-vis. Lower to the bar under you, then jump to the catwalk stretching above the balcony on the right. Lower to the balcony, attack the Guard with speed kill. After killing him the next Hound will show up, so kill him too. Stand near the wall, on the right side of the balcony. Run horizontally over the wall and catch the brink of the corner platform, climb it. Switch on the panoramic view to see the topography of the hall.
Turn to the right and run horizontally over the wall. Take off hard at the height of the window in the direction of the hall center. There is nothing to catch, but you have the whip. Crack with Daggertail in the direction of the nearest bar with red paper lanterns on sides, extend the flight with dozen or so meters and again use the whip on the next bar. Falling down use Daggertail for the third time on latest bar in the row, and you will land safely on the platform on the other side of the hall.
Turn left and run horizontally over the wall. Right before the bend bounce off the wall, and you will land on the catwalk on the left. Jump straight ahead to the other board, lower to the balcony and kill the Guard (possible speed kill attack). After a while two Hounds will show up on the gallery, which you are supposed to eliminate. Move to the left side of the balcony and look after stone block with the sculpture of the head on it. Crack the sculpture with Daggertail, and when you pull the chain to you will pull out it from the wall together with the block.
Jump onto the block, turn right with the face to the wall. Run vertically over the wall and take off backwards catching the balcony brink behind your back, climb it. Go through the entrance right to the other hall. Come down from the platform brink, move on hands to the left and stand straight ahead head sculpture. Use Daggertail to pull out it along with the stone block from the wall, then jump onto the block.
Stand right near the wall. Run horizontally over the wall using Daggertail on two torches laid high to extend the run. After stepping on the springboard bounce off it to the similar one on the adjacent wall, and then take off in the direction of the balcony visible near by. Liquidate two Guards and the hound. Go through the entrance to the next chamber of the temple with large statues. Switch on the panoramic view to determine the route, then turn to the right.
Run horizontally over the wall extending your run with Daggertail on the burning torch. Ahead of bend take off to the left, catch the cross-bar with whip extending the flight and land on the corner shelf on the other side of the hall. Turn round to the left, run horizontally over the wall to the gap created by the wall and the back of the statue. Jammed with limbs in the narrow pass jump straight ahead, catch the cross-bar above with Daggertail and extending the flight with this method land in the gap between the wall and the other statue. Slide a little bit down, then jump straight ahead, and you will land on the corner platform.
Turn to the left, come up the wall and run over it horizontally to the shelf in the opposite corner of the chamber. Stand with face to the wall left from the door. Run vertically over the wall and take off backwards reaching the balcony behind your back. Kill two Guards, go through the exit to the other hall. Switch on the panoramic view in order to find out where the way down is.
Stand near the wall on the right, run horizontally over the wall until you will catch baize. Take off backwards at once, catch the horizontal bar with the red streamer with Daggertail and extend the flight to the other baize on the opposite side of the chamber. Slide down to the zero level of the hall. A skirmish with 16 Reptuses awaits you. It sounds uninteresting you are attacked by the four enemies at the same time luckily. You'll manage them. After the fight push in the decorative tile in the floor (by two boulders), and you will open the gate on the left, run to it.
There is another tile in the wall behind the door. After pushing it run as fast as you can up the stairs. There is the door at top of the stairs opened with tile from below. Unfortunately, it is shutting quite fast, and therefore you can't stop your run for a while otherwise you will have to go down again. Avoid pitfalls en route - revolving machines with blades and crushing, moving blocks. Best run over the right side of stairs, just near very rail.
You will change into the "normal" form of the prince after reaching the door on the top. Go over flooded floor to the left, to the platform with the revolving mechanism. Switch over the lever of the mechanism, you will close the sluice. Two illusions will materialize, liquidate them before they will stuff you with knives. After the struggle look around. Localize the pole sticking out not high above your head. Run vertically over the wall close by and take off backwards catching it with both hands.
Clamber over the pole upwards, then jump onto other, located higher. Jump from it to the balcony underpinned by the previous pole. Run vertically over the wall right from the door, take off backwards and catch cross-bar. Stand on it, move right to the blue flag. If you jump to the gap behind the flag you will reach the Fountain of Light. If you choose the way upwards you will continue course without bonus of stage. Choose the jump through the blue flag to the recess in the wall.
After entering to the recess and passing the corridor you will stop over the precipice. Stand near the left wall where the rail is missing. Run horizontally over the wall, catch the red baize and slide down with it. Before the end of the strip take off onto the opposite wall and the identical baize, and slide down with it then jump down to the floor. Run with the corridor right ahead, behind the bend to the left drink water the Fountain of Light.
You will be teleported to the bonus corridor. Stand over the abyss brink near the right wall where the bit of the rail is missing. Run horizontally with the right wall now, bounce off the diving board to the other in the opposite wall, then again to the springboard in the right wall etc. You have sequence of 9 springboards to manage (without stopping) until you will finally land on the column.
There is a row of four saws in front of you, with columns similar to one you are stuck to. Jump from one column to the other above saws when their severe halves begin to hide to the ground. Watch out for columns - they aren't holding your weight long and they are falling apart pulling you into the abyss. You have to act fast (the power of Eye of Storm slowing down the time may help). After beating the last saw you will land on the corridor floor. There is a lucid entrance in front of you, enter it - you gained the third bonus health.
You will be teleported back to the broken Fountain of Light. Return over the corridor to the place where you were sliding with the red baize recently. Run vertically over the wall on the left and climb the shelf. Push in the tile in the floor, then go through the opening up gate. You are again in the room where you were shutting the sluice. Leave with poles with the same method as previously. When you are found on the cross-bar opposite the blue flag, don't jump to the gap behind the flag, but jump upwards and clamber up the horizontal bar above you.
Turn around, jump straight ahead to the next cross-bar above you and then to the other. One more jump and you are sticking to the floor brink, climb it. Run through the open gate, come up to the revolving mechanism to the left. Switch over the machinery lever about a half turn, and the door to the right will open. Enter it and reach the abyss. Switch on the panoramic view to locate strips of the red baize making it possible to get to very bottom of the chamber.
Stand up at the precipie's brink where the rail is missing. Run horizontally over the wall to the baize overhanging straight ahead. Catch the material after passing the arch, go down with it and take off at its end to the opposite wall. You will fall into the other strip of the baize, slide with it to the ground. Go to the next room, run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the rectangular mechanism. Falling down you will open the door to the right. Run across it, by the time it will shut. Turn to the left behind the door.
You are on the precipice's edge. Stand near the right wall, run over it horizontally and catch the rail on the other side. Jump over it, come up to the ladder on the wall to the right. Clamber up the top of the ladder, exit to the floor. There is a fountain a little bit further, on the left wall. Awallow of water will be useful for refreshment.
Go over the corridor to the courtyard exit. Turn to its right branch, a few meters further on you will encounter Farah jailed behind iron bars. She was rescuing you from troubles so far, now it is time to pay off a debt. If you don't have the extra weapon, there is the weapon's rack to the left from cell. Turn round and go first to the right, and then to the left. Go down the stairs over the precipice.
Run horizontally over the left wall and in front of bend jump to the right, catching the brink of wooden, furnished balcony. Move along it on hands, then clamber up it. Take off to the right, you will fall into the narrow gap between the wall and the wooden lattice. Bracing with hands and legs, slide down. Switch on the panoramic view to watch the behavior of Two thralls below. Jump down to the ground and deaden the mentioned two - you may use speed kill.
Go to the end of the backyard, next to rubble heap you will find the wicker basket. Move the basket back and push it on tile in the ground. With this method you will open the door close by, run to it. Head left, behind the bend turn the to the left again. There is closed gate in front of you. Run over it vertically, catch the top brink and go upwards. Go through the recess in the wall to the backyard, climb the catwalk. Switch on the panoramic view which, you will locate enemies.
Jump down to the courtyard and kill three Thralls (one at least - you may kill with speed kill). After fight go deeper into the backyard, on its left side you will find the wicker basket. Push it to the opposite side of the square between two barred, closed gates. Climb the basket and jump upwards on gates' crowning, catch the brink. Clamber up the gate, climb the catwalk sticking out of it.
Jump to relief right ahead in the wall sticking the dagger into it. Take off from this position to the right, run horizontally over the wall and bounce off the springboard to the opposite wall. You will land on the other springboard, bounce off again. You will fly through the backyard again landing on relief, stick blade of the knife into it. Two Thralls are strolling below. Wait until the closer one will turn with back to you then jump down to the ground and kill him with speed kill. Also wipe his comrade out.
You will find the rectangular mechanism with the oblong groove in the wall in the furthest part of the courtyard . Run vertically over it and stick the dagger into it, falling down you will open the cell with Farah. She return the favor shooting down the wicker basket hung high above the square. Find two decorative tiles in the ground, away from each other by a dozen or so meters. Push the basket onto one of the tiles, and stand on another. You will open the gate close by, enter the building over it.
Turn behind the door to the right. Find the ladder at the end of the corridor, clamber after it to the top and exit to the mezzanine. Run vertically over the wall straight ahead sticking the dagger into relief. Jump upwards and catch the ledge above you. Move on hands to the left behind the bend, then stand on the wooden catwalk. One more jump and are sticking to the brink of the floor above. Clamber up it, come up to the exit to the yard.
Stand up on the left side of precipice where the rail is missing. Run horizontally over the wall, bounce off the springboard and jump to the relief on the adjacent wall, stick the dagger into it. Take off from this position to the right, you will collide frontally with the wall, but falling down you will reach the ledge laid lower. Move over it to the right, turn behind the bend. Jump to the opposite wall with relief hooking it with the knife blade. Bounce off the relief to the left and run horizontally over the wall. In front of the bend take off to the left, and you will reach the catwalk sticking out of the adjacent building.
Clamber up the catwalk, then jump straight ahead to the next, located a little bit lower lowly than the one you took off from. Climb the catwalk, localize the relief on the wall in front of you. Jump to it sticking dagger into. Bounce off this position to the left and run horizontally over the wall. When you run over the springboard, take off to the similar springboard in the opposite wall, then which return for the previous wall again. You will fall into the wall where the relief lies, stick the blade of the knife into it.
Take off from the bas-relief to the left and catch the catwalk, stretching across the corridor. Clamber up it, move for the center. Jump to relief straight ahead sticking the dagger into it. Bounce off this position to the left and run horizontally over the wall until you will catch the floor brink. Climb it, go over the corridor right ahead, turn to the right twice. You will reach the fountain, use the spring.
Go to left from the fountain, jump down to the platform laid lower on the right side. Stand at the brink of the abyss and run horizontally over the right wall. Under the vertical ledge take off to the left on the tower's stone window-sill. Clamber up it, head right behind then bend. Lower to relief under you sticking the dagger into. Take off to the right and run bit horizontally over the wall, then stick the blade in adjacent relief. Jump up and catch the rocky ledge above the bas-relief, climb it.
Farah will show up down below, in the distant part of the backyard. Unfortunately, the heap of baskets is piling up in front of her and she isn't able to pass so you are deciding to help her somehow. Go right behind the bend of tower, pass the corner and stand on the catwalk carefully. Jump straight ahead to the gap between two parallel walls. Bracing hard with limbs slide down. Jump on the Thrall's head below and kill him with speed kill. Deaden the remaining two also.
After the struggle look around. Localize the rectangular mechanism with the groove on one of walls. Run vertically over the wall under mechanism and stick the dagger into it. Falling down you will open the door to the left, so run fast to their direction (they are shutting quite fast, so you may help yourself using the Eye of Storm). Run across the door and head for left. Turn behind the bend to the left. There is closed door in front of you. Run vertically on it and catch the top brink. Clamber to the top, go through the recess of the courtyard with the Sand Gate.
Climb the catwalk and look around. Four enemies are strolling on the backyard - the one Sand Guard and three Thralls. Jump to the catwalk straight ahead, you may execute the speed kill attack on the enemy below you from here. You may choose the other victim also, use the relief to the right from you, jumping on it. Remember that the Sand Guard is most important, if you won't stop him before he sticks the blade into the magic pile, a small battle against considerable amount of strong Thralls awaits you (use the Eye of Storm in that case).
Come up to the Sand Gate despite the method of enemies' extermination after the struggle and stick the dagger into it - you will receive 150 sand credits. Now it is the moment of calm, so think about Farah. There is wicker basket in one of courtyard corners, nearby the stairs. Pulling it out from the wall you will cause next baskets to arrange so you may walk over them for the girl.
Tow the basket to the wall with the rectangular mechanism, opposite the place where you took it from. Clamber up it, run vertically over the wall with the mechanism and stick the dagger into it. Falling down you will open the passage to the right. Enter it and go right with the corridor. There is the ladder at the end of the corridor, on the right wall, clamber upwards. Exit to the floor and run straight. There is an abyss at the end of the corridor to the left. Stand above the precipice's brink, near the right wall.
Run horizontally over the right wall, after reaching the springboard take off to the opposite wall for the other springboard, and then jump from it on the floor behind the precipice. Farah will join you after a while. The dispute about the further direction will ensue between you and her. The huge tower being visible on the horizon where the Vizier resides attracts you. Farah wants to free people from captivity first. She will leave you with anger and will go to bowery direction.
After a while of reflecting you decide to go after Farah. Jump down to the platform below, a little bit further run up the stairs to the room with the fountain. Fill in liquids in the organism.
Follow with the corridor right ahead until you will reach the border of the abyss. Run horizontally over the left wall and before the end of the wall bounce off the wall right. Catch the ledge in the wall, climb it. The Archer is strolling above your head, to the left. Jump upwards, catch the slot above you. Move over on hands to the left and enter to the balcony brink behind the bend. Jump onto the balcony, and then kill the Archer.
Go over the rail on the left side of the balcony, hung over the other side and jump to the catwalk straight ahead. Take off from the catwalk to the left reaching the ledge in the wall. The structure doesn't let you stand on it so move on hands till its end to the right and lower to the mezzanine. Go a little bit further and after a while you will see stealing by Farah down below. The girl will run to some door and she will vanish.
You feel that your dark nature is getting the upper hand and you are turning into the Dark Prince. Go over the rail, hang off on the other side. Jump straight ahead using Daggertail on the horizontal bar with the pennant to extend the flight. You will fall into the wall on the other side of the backyard and then you will slide on it to the ledge being located below. Lower the ground. You will be attacked by three Illusions immediately. Their knives are not too dangerous, besides, you have the chain with the blade. After killing the first triple, next one will show up. You will warm yourself.
After the fight look around. You will find the carved casket in one of gates of the courtyard with 10 sand credits. By this gate, there is the ledge stretching above your head. Run vertically on barred window, catch the ledge and climb it. Jump upwards to the next ledge, clamber up it. Jump backwards, in the direction of the center of the backyard. During the flight extend it with Daggertail cracking the cross-bar and land bit further on the bar. Jump to the terrace to the left.
Jump over the rail of the terrace and enter to the door to the right. There is decorative tile straight ahead to the entrance. Run vertically over the wall and step over the tile, you will open the gate to the right, run to it. Go to the left behind the gate. You will reach the rail separating you from the large hall. Switch on the panoramic view, to think the way down. Go over the rail, stand in position so the strip of the red baize was below you and lower to it. Go down the baize to the bottom of the hall, jump down on the floor. You will be attacked by three Enchantress, and then by three Illusions. Use your whip.
Clamber up the column standing opposite the large pillar on the center of the hall after the won struggle. Go to the top of the column and jump on the pillar, catching sticking out ledge. Move on hands to the left, go over the ledge behind the bend. Bounce off backwards to the balcony, where Archer is guarding. Jump over the rail and kill him by surprise, using speed kill. Go to the brink of the balcony so you have the wall on the right side. Run horizontally over the wall to the floor with the sleeping-room, stretching along the whole wall.
After landing upstairs deaden two enchantresses and go to the opposite end. Turn left and jump to the balcony vis-a-vis. Watch out, because there is an Archer who may shoot you during the jump. Jump over the rail of the balcony and eliminate him. Enter the room to the right. Go till the end and enter to the recess left from the bed. Stand with face to the one of opposite walls. Run vertically over it, then take off backwards to other wall, then again to first and so on until you will catch the rail of the floor above.
Jump over the rail, leave through the door to the adjacent, huge hall. Turn right, come up to the revolving mechanism. Switch the lever of the mechanism over and move it - chandeliers with cross-bars on the center of the hall will be lowered. Run to the other corner of the chamber where the rail is missing. Minding the archer's nagging shots from across, run horizontally over the left wall and being on half way take off to the center of the hall. There is nothing to catch, but you have the chain with the blade.
Crack the horizontal bar linking two large chandeliers with Daggertail, extending the flight with this method and land on the terrace on the other side of the hall. Move to the left and then left again. There is an archer seen earlier in front of you, kill him. After the struggle go to the gate right. The gate will shut with a bang. Come up to open window on the left and slip into the chamber partly flooded.
Standing knee-deep in water you will return to your normal form. Move to the open window, being located opposite the one you got here with. Go through the window over the corridor full of pitfalls. Turn around to the left. In front of you there are three small discs stuffed with blades, gliding fast from the wall to wall. Since they are stopping near walls for the fraction of the second you may make through them over the center.
The other pitfall this is six discs, careering over parallel paths down the corridor. Notice that discs aren't being moved with inert heap, only in two alternately passing threes. There is your chance in this irregularity. When you are ready, first to discs which are moving away from you. When you will pass over the other three, gliding from ahead, run to its path and go till the end of the corridor as fast as you can.
The corridor is ending in the screen but you luckily have relief above the head. Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the bas-relief. Jump upwards, catch the ledge. Move over it and jump again to the next ledge upwards. Now only one jump yet upwards and the you can catch the wooden hurdle. There are two Archers behind it. Jump out from behind the fence and surprise the closest one with speed kill, then kill his comrade.
Go to the corridor's end. Farah will show up on the right. Go upstairs right to her. Your conversation will be interrupted by woman in white-violet uniform, called Mahasti. She will throw a knife in your direction, then she will escape. Follow her. Run vertically on the wall straight ahead, go to the terrace. There is a fountain in front of you. Drink water before you will go kick Mahasti's ass.
Go right from the fountain, jump down for the terrace below and down again to the other. The struggle with the boss - Mahasti, awaits you. You must have an extra weapon in this skirmish, otherwise you don't have any chances to defeat Mahasti. If you are not equipped with extra weapon, return back to fountain's surroundings. Jump over the rail and land on the bottom of the courtyard. You will find the rack with the weapon there. After equipping yourself return back to the fight arena with Mahasti.
Mahasti is the strong and nimble rival. She is attacking with series of blows, and you are not able to block them all. The Mahasti kick is able to dump you from the platform and the fall from this height always ends with death. So try to initiate your attacks standing at the side of the wall, so the not blocked kick will squeeze you in the wall at worst but not throw overboard the arena. After executing the series bumps Mahasti will rest for a moment so this is time for the counter-attack, use it. The rival can't block all the air attack so try this method.
You will clash with Mahasti's blade during the fight you will begin wrestle with knives. You have to press then the left mouse button fast, to "overpower" Mahasti. After inflicting wounds which takes off about 1 bar of the opponent's energy, you are entering the second round of the fight. You are changing into the Dark Prince and Mahasti is escaping after every single attack to the opposite end of the yard. You have to run after her, circulating backyard on the left or on the right side.
During running after Mahasti you are hooking platforms where illusions are placed. Eliminate them, because balls of the sand from their bodies are regenerating your energy. After getting Mahasti you have only one moment to use Daggertail. After few blows the Boss is escaping to the most far-away corner again. How to stop her? Before jumping on the roof with her, use the Eye of Storm power so you will slow down the time. Mahasti will be still escaping from you but before she will manage to do in slow motion you will wound her quite a lot. A few such actions and you have her on the fork.
You will cross the knives' blades in the last phase of the skirmish again (press the left mouse button fast), after which Mahasti will fall down the roof and she will die. Farah will show up in the arena after the fight. She is no fancy with the Dark Prince form. Your explanations will increase her fury only. He will shoot the arch at you but she will fail luckily. She will escape after a while.
There is an open entrance to the building in front of you, go through it. Move to the abyss brink, jump to the strip of the red baize in front of you and go down with it. At the end of the baize take off backwards to the catwalk near the wall. Climb it, move over to the right behind the wall bend. Jump backwards and land on the corridor floor vis-a-vis. Make to the left and run the next chasm. Jump straight ahead to the catwalk near the wall, climb it. Jump upwards and clamber up the catwalk above. Move over to the right behind the bend.
Switch on the panoramic view to estimate the distance to the nearest bar. Take off deep into the corridor and extend the flight with Daggertail catching the bar between two paper lanterns. You will land on the catwalk, then jump directly to the corridor floor. Head to the left and stand near the right wall. Run over it horizontally, take off from the springboard to the other springboard on the opposite side, then to the catwalk along the front wall. Pass catwalk to the right end, lower down below and move right to the floor.
Follow to the right, reach the abyss, then stand near the left wall. Run horizontally over the wall using Daggertail on torch located high to extend the run. With this method you will land on the floor on the other side of the corridor. Four thralls dressed scantly will attack you. Blows of their maces are able to strike down to the earth but they aren't able to settle fate of the struggle. Kill them and go right. Leave to the courtyard where six Reptus await you. Use your chain again.
Switch on the panoramic view to look out a little bit over the square. Go to its left part, come up to the wall behind the cross-bar sticking high out of the wall. Run vertically over the wall, take off backwards and catch the cross-bar with Daggertail extending the flight. You will land on the bar, clamber it. Move over after the bar to the floor and follow the left side of the floor. Stand near the right wall.
Run over the wall horizontally using Daggertail on the torch above to extending the run. Take off the springboard after the reaching it, land on the other springboard and jump onto the big column close to the center of the courtyard. Move over the column on hands to the right, behind the bend jump backwards to the terrace. Climb out of the open window to the inside of the building.
Turn right inside the building, then turn left behind the bend. When you reach the border of the abyss, switch on the panoramic view to plan the way to the bottom of the chamber. Stand near the wall on the right side, run over it horizontally and ahead of the bend take off to the left. Being in the air crack the cross-bar with the paper lantern with Daggertail extending the flight. You will reach the ledge on the opposite wall. Go over it to the right behind the bend of the wall. Take off backwards now, grab the next cross-bar with the whip and extend the jump landing on the chain overhanging from the ceiling.
Slide down over the chain. Stop at the low height and skulk for the guard circling below. As occasion serve, throttle him with the chain using the speed kill attack. Jump down to the floor, then take care of the other guard. After the struggle find decorative tile nearby in the wall. Run vertically over the wall and stamp on tile. The passage will be open to the right but at the same time you lure two Reptus out. Kill them, then repeat the maneuver with tile. Run to the opening up gate now.
Go over the corridor straight ahead, you will encounter the Guard a little bit further. When you kill him, turn behind the bend to the left and reach the wooden wall in front of you. Locate the hole in it, and then roll over to the other side of the wall. Go straight now and then left behind the bend. Farah will flicker for the moment but the girl doesn't look for the contact with you and again she will disappear.
Go straight ahead, at the end turn to the left. You will notice the recess in the wall on the left, and an open window in it. Climb over it to the inside of the building. You will be morphed now in "normal" prince. Wading in water come up to the fountain, lying near the wall on the right. Use the spring.
Head for left from the fountain, to the corner of the chamber. The sliding wooden scaffold is located there, jump onto it. Turn around with the face to the wall with the fountain and run horizontally over the left wall. In front of the bend take off to the right catching the rail of the balcony. Jump over it, kill the Guard and switch the lever of the revolving machinery over. You will eliminate the blockade, which was making impossible to shift the scaffold.
Jump down to the floor near the fountain. Come up to the scaffold again and push it (in accordance with tracks in the floor) to the opposite end of the channel. Jump onto the structure, clamber up the catwalk on its top. Jump from the catwalk to the recess between two walls upholstered with wood. Bracing with hands and legs, climb upwards. Turn round at the top of the recess with the face to the center of the chamber. Jump to the bar right ahead, get into its crosswise branch and take off to similar recess between two walls. Go upwards again, then jump to the bar sticking out on directly.
Lower from the bar, watch two guards below you. Jump in the opportune moment for the back of one of them and use the speed kill attack. Don't forget about the other. After the struggle move the lever near the mechanism and rotate the machinery, and the gate will open directly in front of you, a little below the level of the platform where you are standing on. Jump to the direction of the open gate catching the ledge above it. Lower to the doorstep of the door and go through it.
Clash with the Guard just behind the entrance then over the corridor to the left. After reaching the brink of the abyss stand near the right wall. Run over it horizontally, bounce off the springboard to the other wall and then to the first one and jump diagonally to the rail of the balcony. Jump over the balustrade, run to the gate. You reached the adjacent yard.
You will see Farah down below. Archer, with your dark image in the memory, doesn't want to listen to your explanations, so she says goodbye and she leaves you. You have to postpone the problem of the girl's conviction on later. Switch on the panoramic view to locate suitable catwalks and recesses of the yard which will enable you to leave down. Come up under the wall in the left part of the terrace.
Run horizontally over the wall and in front of the bend take off to the catwalk on the right. Clamber up it, jump on the chain being visible close by. Slip down, jump down to the backyard. Kill four charging Reptus, then ferret a little around neighborhood. In one of nooks you will find the casket with 10 sand credits. Come up to the wall with decorative tile. Run vertically over the wall and press the tile, and the door will open to the left. Head it.
Follow through the door carefully right ahead with the corridor. You will encounter the Guard, surprise him (speed kill), then go further on turning twice behind buildings' bends. You will come across the next two Guards soon, deaden them and continue the travel over the street. Pass the fire to the left, a little bit further you will reach the place where the ladder is leaned against the right wall. Climb it, and then switch on the panoramic view in order to see where the exit is.
Standing at top level of the ladder take off to the wall back, bounce off it to the wall with the ladder, then jump again back, and forward again and so on until you will reach the rail of the balcony above. Jump over the balustrade, run vertically over the wall left from the door and take off backwards catching catwalk above. Climb it, move over to the wall and jump onto the terrace at the top. Move to the adjacent courtyard, there is w square down below with the Sand Gate. Stand near the left wall of the terrace where the rail is missing.
Run horizontally over the wall and catch the catwalk, clamber up it. Jump to the corner platform nearby. Turn to the right, go to the other end of the platform and climb the small ledge along the wall. Lower from it to two ledges below, go to the next platform to the left. Run horizontally over the right wall, bounce off the springboard to the other springboard, located in the crosswise wall and then jump to the window-sill stretching along the wall. Hang on hands, skulk for the Guard strolling under you. When he will turn with the back to you, jump down from the ledge attacking him with speed kill.
Peek at the courtyard with the magic pile. There are three Guards with one Sand Guard among them. You may jump down from the mezzanine to the backyard and to attack enemies, but almost certainly Sand Guard (standing closest to the Sand Gate) will manage to stick the knife into the pile calling on backup. You may also run along the left wall horizontally and bounce off the springboard to reach the porch on the other side of the courtyard. Now the Sand Guard is close by so you may try to kill him with speed kill. The choice is yours.
Come up the pile regardless of the method you have chosen to control the courtyard and after the struggle stick the dagger into it - you will receive the Power of Sands of Time - Wind of Sand. Look around now, localize decorative tile in the wall nearby. Run vertically over the wall and push the tile in, and the door will open on the right side. Run over it, go up the stairs and turn left behind the bend.
Go over the rail. There is the wicker basket in the recess, behind jugs straight ahead. Break jugs and pull out the basket, then push it to the left to the adjacent corridor. Move the basket under barred gate. Climb it, run vertically over the gate and catch the top brink. Pull up, jump over the gate to the other side.
Move over the corridor right, localize the relief in the wall above you. Jump onto the annals under the bas-relief, and then run vertically over the wall sticking the dagger into relief. Take off from this position to the left, run horizontally over the wall and in front of the bend jump to the opposite wall. You will fall into the other relief, sink the blade of the knife in it with lightening speed. Jump upwards, catch the ledge above the head and go over it right to the floor's brink.
Clamber on the floor, you have the fountain on the right side. Drink water.
Go over the gate to the balcony. Jump on directly to the bar sticking out of the left wall. Swing yourself, then jump to the front onto the relief, sticking the dagger into it. Bounce off this position to the right, run horizontally over the wall and sink the blade of the knife into the adjacent bas-relief. Lower to the catwalk below, go behind the bend. Jump upwards, catch the wooden ledge near the wall and move on hands to the right. Go round the round turret to its half, let go the ledge on its center falling to the wooden catwalk sticking out of it.
Jump above the channel to the catwalk on its other side. Jump up and clamber up the ledge near the wall above. Move over it to the right just behind the turret's bend. Take off to the catwalk on the right, move over it. Jump upwards sticking the dagger into relief above your head. Bounce off this position to the right. Running along the wall horizontally snag the next relief with the knife.
Hanging on the bas-relief continue the horizontal run right, landing on the platform this time. Jump upwards, catching the brink of the gallery above you. The thrall is circling on it, jump on his back when he turns around and kill with speed kill. Go left. Go over the rail and hang on the other side, then take off to the bar sticking out of the wall near by. Swing yourself on it then jump straight ahead to the balcony.
Go to the other end of the balcony, hang from its brink and go to the ledge in the wall to the right. Lower to the window-sill below. Jump backwards to the ledge in the big pillar. Move on hands to the right and clamber up it. Take off backwards to the stone pole, and then go down with it. You may now jump down to the ground and go into a struggle against Thralls or jumping for adjacent poles, try to slay them with speed kill attacks.
Regardless of chosen method, after the struggle ferret around greenery. There is a lot of hidden boxes and jugs. When you make a fortune look at the lonely column with the statue, standing near by poles. There is the rectangular mechanism with the groove in it, run vertically over it and stick the dagger into it. Falling down you will cause catwalks on large pillars to shift making the further travel possible.
Clamber up the pole back and return to the big pillar. Go around it to the left. Thanks to the run mechanism you may lower now to the catwalk and jump straight ahead to the identical catwalk, sticking out of the twin pillar on the other side. Then jump upwards, catch the stone ledge. Move on hands to the left going around the pillar. Clamber and stay on the ledge, then jump backwards to the window-sill in the wall on the left. Lower to the relief below sticking the dagger into him.
Fall onto the ground, climb the nearby catwalk pulled out above the channel. Take off from it to the other catwalk and immediately afterwards to the right to the next one located near the wall. Go right behind the bend, jump backwards and catch cross-bars. Climb it, jump upwards catching the next horizontal bar. Clamber up it, then take off right reaching the brink of the wall. Go over the brink to the direction of visible nearby Sand Gate. Jump to the pole on directly and slip a little bit down.
There is a square below with one Sand Guard and two Thralls. If you don't want to have an extra platoon of Thralls, get the enemy with red epaulettes standing near the Gate first. So take off from the pole to the ruined a little bit arch in front of you, and then jump to the nearest relief in the wall. Run across from the relief to the right to adjacent relief then jump to the catwalk on the right. Hang on it and wait for the Sand Guard. Execute the speed kill attack in the opportune moment. You will easily kill the rest of enemies.
If something goes wrong and the Sand Guard will call backup you will have to fight with a few supernumerary Thralls. They are attacking with fours and they are very strong but you have few Sands of Time Powers won recently so you should not have bigger troubles. Come up to the Sand Gate after the struggle and stick the dagger into it - you will receive the sixth slot for the sand.
Go to the column with the statue standing at the channel, look for the rectangular mechanism. Run over the column and stick the dagger into the mechanism, falling down you will change the arrangement of catwalks and platforms on surrounding walls. Return back to the pole and the catwalk whom, you got to the courtyard with the magic pile with. Go over the catwalk straight ahead jump to the platform opened with mechanism then jump from it to the ledge in the wall in front of you. Move left until the end of the ledge, and then take off to the catwalk of the big pillar on the left.
Clamber up the catwalk, jump upwards and catch the ledge above the head. Climb it, then go round the pillar right until the end. Jump to the wooden catwalk near the wall of the adjacent building. Lower to the board below and skulk for the Thrall strolling under you. Jump on his back in the opportune moment and take care of him with speed kill. Kill his comrade also.
Come up to the brink of the terrace and stand so you have the wall over your left side. Run over it horizontally catching oneself of horizontal bar vis-a-vis. Swing yourself on the horizontal bar and jump straight ahead to the ledge nearby the wall. Go to the right behind the bend of wall. Jump down to the ground, kill two Thralls (speed kill is possible on first one). Head right over the road under cascades. You will find the casket under the last cascade (not very visible) with 10 sand credits. Jump down to the square below.
Breaking the wall to dust the boss will enter the arena - large Golem. Notice that there is no bar of his energy at the bottom of the screen. The conclusion which follows is that you have to defeat him with a method, not with arms. Every frontal attack doesn't impress Golem and ends painfully for you. Circulate the boss and attack from the back. Bang as hard as you can his vast calves.
After a few blows, Golem will kneel down so go onto his head. When the blade of the knife kept by you flashes (in the style of speed kill), stick it into Golem's neck. You have to show the reflex because if you are late with pushing, the boss will dump you from the neck and you will have to begin the action again. After successful speed kill you are passing to the second phase of the skirmish. Mad with the pain, blindfold Golem will bolt. Sitting on his neck you have to direct him (left/right keys) so he won't crash against the wall. When he bash the wall, he will knock you over and he will crush you for the pie.
Despite his huge stature the boss is escaping quite fleetly, and therefore you may use the Power of Sands of Time slowing down the time to make things easier (Eye of Storm). There are actions and directions which you have to head Golem up to: crashing the gate, right, left, crashing the gate, left, right, right, left, right, left, right, right, right, left, left, right, right, left, crashing the gate. After crashing the last gate the boss will fall to dead.
Pick up from the ground, look around. You will see the ladder leading to the floor in the wall on the right side. Clamber over it to the top. Near the wall, straight ahead from the entrance the fountain is located. After crazy rodeo drink water.
Begin the stage with bonus round. Head right from the fountain, come up to the wall in the place where the opening is visible near the floor. Roll under it to the corridor behind the wall. Head to the left, come up to the brink of the abyss and climb the wooden catwalk stretching along the right wall. Reach its end, then lower to the catwalk below. Move over left and jump down to the floor.
A few meters further, there is next precipice stretching on the left side. Enter the catwalk near the wall, stretching along the right wall. Move over it till the end, and then jump to the ladder on the opposite wall. Go over rungs down, then jump right on the floor. Reach the Fountain of Light and drink water. You will be teleported to the corridor with pitfalls.
Go straight ahead and turn left behind the corridor bend. There is a pitfall in front of you: two moving columns with blades and the section of the spiky floor. The first column is moving in the horizontal plane, other - vertical. Run across by columns near the right wall at the moment when they leave left and upwards. Don't stop on the riddled ground because spikes will stick into you feet. Turn behind the pitfall to the right.
There is an abyss in front of you which you will cross without any problem running along the left wall horizontally. The only problem may be two vertical saws sticking out of the wall in the place where you will be stealing by. You have to feel the moment, when blade of the first saw will begin to hide in the wall, move then. Both discs are synchronized so that when you manage to go past first, you will pass without any problem the second one.
Two moving, stuffed with blades columns, separated with the bit of the spiky floor are waiting for you behind the abyss. Columns are moving alternately in the horizontal plane, from the wall to the wall. Run with no stopping across them near some of walls at the moment, when closer column will begin to go away from you. Behind columns there is a single saw which won't cause any trouble for you. The standing out gleam is waiting further away. Enter into it - you got the fourth bonus health. You will be teleported back to the Fountain of Light. Return to the start of the level, to the fountain with save-point.
Go left from the fountain, jump onto the shelf near the wall. Switch on the panoramic view to find out chances to go out to the top. Turn with the face to the wall on the left, run over it vertically and bounce off to the right wall, then to the left wall, again to the right and so on until you will reach the brink of the floor on the right. Exit on the floor, go left to the wall.
Stand as you have the wall on your right side. Run across over it horizontally above the edge of a precipice to the catwalk in the opposite wall. Move over to the left to the place opposite ladder. Jump to the ladder and go down by it. Jump from the ladder right the catwalk nearby the wall. Move over it to the right, and then take off to the cross-bar being visible near by.
Swing yourself on the cross-bar and jump on the floor in front of you. Come up to the fountain near the left wall, taste the water.
Go straight ahead, turn left behind the bend. Thieve oneself to the Thrall standing with his back to you and kill him using speed kill. Come up to the wicker basket on the right side, pull it under dyke at cascades. Climb the basket and run horizontally over the right wall. At its very end take off to the other wall on the left, then jump to the wall on the right, and again to the left and so on until you will reach the brink of the floor above. Climb it, and then kill the guarding Thrall.
Localize decorative tile in the wall, run vertically to it and push it. You will temporarily lower the bolt on the right side opening the way. Run horizontally over the right wall, bounce off the springboard and fly slant to the catwalk. Move over it behind the bend, and then jump up and clamber up the wooden window-sill above. Jump to the side elevation of the wooden balcony, bounce off it back to the wall, then to the elevation again, to the wall again and so on until you will reach the roof of the balcony.
Switch on the panoramic view to determine the method of running the street to the other side. Stand near the wall on the right. Run over it horizontally, bounce off the springboard to the other springboard in the opposite wall then jump at a slant to the balcony. Jump over the rail and go through the gate. Mishandled, coerced Babylon residents' shouts will come to your ears.
You will change into the Dark Prince after a while. Follow to the right, jump to the chain overhanging from the top of the tower. Slide down, wait for the Thrall. When he will stand below you and he will turn round with his back to you, attack him with speed kill. After leaving the tower kill two hounds. The rectangular mechanism is being found left from the exit, in the wall. Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the groove of the mechanism, falling down you will shut large shutters in the wall right.
Come up under the elevation with closed shutters. Run horizontally over the wall, extend the run cracking the torch located high with Daggertail landing on the strip of the red baize. Go down with it. Bounce off before the end of the baize backwards, catch the cross-bar with the red pennon using the whip and extend the flight finally landing on the brink of the corner terrace. Clamber up the terrace, put to death three Enchantresses and single hound.
The rectangular mechanism is being found in the right corner of the terrace, run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into it. Falling down you will shut drips in the adjacent building, come up to the wall where they are located. Switch on the panoramic view to evaluate the distance to the nearest springboards. Run horizontally over the elevation of the building extending the way by cracking the torch laid high with Daggertail. After running on the springboard bounce off it to the other, and jump to the third springboard and land on the small terrace.
Kill the charging Thrall, and then turn to the left. The small marathon over elevations of buildings awaits you. Run horizontally over the right wall, bounce off the springboard to the other springboard at adjacent house, then jump to the third one located in the wall, a dozen or so meters further away. Take off from the last springboard at once to the left extending the flight by the horizontal bar with the pennant with the whip. Finally you will land on the large terrace, guarded by two Thralls and two hounds. Deaden the hostile four, then head to the left, to the break in the rail.
Run horizontally over the wall on the right reaching the corner terrace in front of you. Look after rectangular mechanism with the groove, run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into the mechanism. Falling down you will open drips in buildings, enabling you the more far-away travel. Come up to the wall which you got here recently with. Jump upwards, catch the bar above you and clamber up it. Jump from the bar right ahead to just opened drip.
Jump down to the terrace below you, turn left to the corner of the terrace. Run vertically over the wall and take off backwards, catching the brink of second open drip. Climb it, go to the other side. Switch on the panoramic view to localize the exit from the location. Run right ahead horizontally over the wall and in front of bend jump to the right. Snag with Daggertail first cross-bar with the pennant and then the other one and finally land on the brink leading deep into the corridor.
Climb the shelf, then lower on hands from the other side. Move over from the shelf brink to the small ledge in the right wall. Move till very end of the ledge and then localize the sculpture of the head in the opposite wall. Crack the sculpture with Daggertail and pull it out of the wall along with the rocky block. Jump onto the block, turn around to the right. Run across horizontally over the wall to the ladder sticking out near by, go down by it. Look after the next sculpture of the head in the wall vis-a-vis, using Daggertail pull it out along with the rocky block.
Jump to the block, standing on it turn to the left. Run horizontally over the wall and take off left reaching the shelf flooded with water. You will return to your normal form after a while. Jump to the ledge in the wall, where water is coming from and climb it. Jump upwards, catch rail above your head. Jump over it, come up under opposite rail and hang on hands from its other side. Close to the wall, take off backwards to the horizontal bar sticking out of the wall. Swing yourself, then jump to the identical horizontal bar straight ahead and the jump to the third bar.
Standing on the bar turn to the right and jump to the chain overhanging from above. There is the square with Sand Gate guarded by four enemies, down below. It is characteristic that there are two guards who protect of the pile. But it isn't great difficulty, since one of them is located on the high stone shelf in the corner of the square and he isn't reacting with alarm for events near the Gate. So only one Sand Guard hanging around the magic is your goal.
Slide down with the chain. You may kill the Thrall standing below you with speed kill, but attack only when the nearby hanging around Sand Guard will turn with his back to you. After killing the thrall hide with lightening speed behind the wall bend close by. wait until the guard hanging around will show you his back again and the run towards him. When you are nearby, use the Eye of Storm slowing down the time, after which you may kill enemy safely. The one thrall is still waiting nearby for killing, but this is a piece of cake.
Come up to the Sand Gate after the struggle and stick the dagger into it - you will receive 200 sand credits. Recall yourself the other guard straying on the shelf above your head somewhere, it is time for him now. Run vertically over the shelf and clamber to the top. Kill the enemy to death, come up under the wall and break the casket with 10 sand credits.
Return to the neighborhood of the chain which you jumped down for the square form. Enter the gate close by, jump over rocky blocks and turn right. Walk ahead with the corridor, turn in accordance to directions until you will reach the place where the pitfall is lurking: ten moving, pulling from the wall rocky blocks and moving discs in walls. The best method of passing through the pitfall is stealing by with center. Four first blocks will open up for you perfectly, and you may jump onto the rest of them and take off from them forward.
After avoiding blocks turn the corridor to the left, you will enter the room with the fountain a little bit further. Drink water.
Look round the chamber. The rectangular mechanism is sticking from the wall to the right from the fountain. Run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into it. Falling down you will open the gate close by, go through it. You are in the huge hall decorated with gigantic statue. You can hear and you can see your subjects, jailed in galleries behind the wall. How to rescue them? How to smash the wall keeping them in prison? After a while you know the answer.
Go to the large statue at the end of the hall. Jump onto its cane, clamber up its top, and then jump to the platform on the left side of the statue. Run vertically over the wall and take off backwards catching the horizontal bar. Move over on hands to the right, go to the platform's brink, then go onto platform. Come up to the wall from the other side of the platform and jump upwards catching the recess in the big pillar. With short jumps run to the left behind two bends of pillar. Take off backwards and catch the oblong recess on the opposite wall. Move on hands to the left, and after reaching the brink of the wooden platform jump onto it.
Go over the platform straight ahead and stop behind the bend. Look at the revolving mechanism in front of you. The change of direction of the large statue rotation accompanies the every movement of the lever (to the left or to the right). You are rotating statue using the rectangular mechanism in the wall. The arrow above the mechanism is showing the current direction of rotation. There is an analogous machinery, working on similar principles, located on the other side of the hall. But it is responsible for moving the statue forwards/backwards.
If you want to pass to the platform with the other mechanism, climb the ladder standing close by. Go up a ladder to the high platform linking both sides of the chamber. Go to the opposite side of the hall, go down the ladder to the platform below and you are near the other steering set. Well, now it is time to get to know your task. So you have to manipulate levers and to switch mechanisms in walls to make the statue go through the hall from one end to other.
Here is the order of directions you have to put on mechanisms and to deliver to the statue so that it can move painlessly through the chamber: left, front, left, front, front, right, back, right, front, right, front, left, front. The figure will break the front wall after the last action freeing jailed Babylon residents. You managed to do it! During helping wounded you will be recognized by the old man in the red as the prince of Persia.
The murmur of the admiration and thanks from people surrounding you will be broken by the chariot with the powerful warrior, ramming everything on it's way. Catch horse and cart standing nearby and set off in pursuit of warrior.
You are driving the chariot second time, with identical principles (only left/right) as in mission 12. The Fortress. At first you are going along municipal streets avoiding the contact with walls of buildings and with thicker elements of the environment (columns, stalls, cars etc.). Pedestrian guards are stopping on your way from time to time. Ram them or stab with the dagger (if they jump on your chariot), because they will throw away you from the chariot otherwise. Use the Power of Sands of Time Recall and rewind the time to the moment back when you are still safe and healthy in case of the death.
You pull off the municipal track to dark caves. There are natural obstacles such as rocky bulges and precipices limiting the way. The hostile chariot, pushing you down for walls is also the threat. It isn't easy - either you or he, and therefore push him down also. Be attentive to chariot's inertia of one's chariot, after bouncing on the enemy try to counterpunch fast to the other side because you will fall into the wall. Luckily you meet only this one enemy in this underground section.
From Caves you are returning to the town again. Streets are tighter than recently, and fill of gaps and abysses in addition. You have to execute the long jumps with your chariots, after which you hardly fit in narrow gates. You are being attacked by the hostile chariot however you are not able to scrap it, since you are turning to two various streets. Anyway the town ends soon.
Leaving the town again leads you to the king's road. The route is leading among rocks and trees. There are pitfalls on the way in the form of large catapults' balls and ruffled spears. Pedestrian guards are also the threat. You have to get rid of them.
You are entering the town for the third time. Streets are so narrow that if arches aren't too sharp, you wouldn't take bends certainly. Narrow gates, columns on the center of the road and hanging around pedestrian Guards are also nightmares. When you manage to break through the hostile chariot with the powerful warrior whom you are pursuing will attack you. You are wrestling for a moment side by side. And then, put together in the strong hold you are falling off chariots. You break through the wall and you land on stone square.
You are facing each other. Your rival is armed with huge hatchet and you have got merely the Dagger of Time. The lineup changes to your disadvantage, because your enemy's brother, wielding the long saber in hands, is showing up in the fight arena. Before you will begin the fight with bosses - Twins will fire the arena's surroundings what lets you to understand that the option of the escape from the struggle field is out of question. Every contact with fire ends with substantial loss of energy with so try not to come closer to it. Focus yourself.
Brothers always attack you from two sides and therefore mobility should be your main arms. Forget about the traditional exchange of blows because enemy energy bars won't lessen even for the millimeter and it will be yours death end. Why? Because Twins are very difficult enemies whom you aren't able to defeat traditionally but only with the trick. The following recipe will be enough for you.
The Twin with the saber usually attacks with series of blows then he has the moment of the standstill. Take advantage of it and inflict some heavy blows with dagger on him, after which will be shaky. At this moment his brother will hasten to his rescue and he will do the powerful attack with the hatchet to cut you into halves. Dodge effectively (roll over), the attacker will fail and will bash the ground with his hatchet. He will try to pull the blade out of the ground and this is the chance for you. Stab him with the dagger, and you will siphon quite a lot of his energy.
While working on axeman's sides you must watch out his brother because he will pull himself together and attack you fiercely inflicting severe wounds. Try to separate with him by an axeman, so he won't be able to attack you directly. When the enemy will pull arms out of the grounds, escape immediately to the safe part of the arena and wait until Twins will surround you again. Repeat the maneuver with attacking the enemy with the saber first and after avoiding his brother's hatchet blow, attack the axeman.
When you take away about half of axeman's energy, you will be able to execute the speed kill attack on both brothers. If it succeeds (you will manage to push the attack button with lightening speed after the flash of the dagger), you will reduce the half of the sabreman's life bar at once. Continue the struggle with above-mentioned method. After taking away about 75% of axeman's energy you will get a chance to execute second, final speed kill on twins. When it succeeds the struggle will end.
Farah will find you for the fight. Your courage and enemies' dead bodies convinced her that your dark nature didn't change you and you are still at her side. You decide to continue the travel together. You enter the palace courtyard, all around silence. However after a while the worrying sound will reach your ears after which you will dart away. Unfortunately, it is too late. The square will be filled with hundreds of hostile warriors of every kind - you don't have any chances.
Your lives will be saved by he old man dressed in red whom you rescued in royal workshops and who recognized the Prince of Persia in you. The old man will get help from Babylon residents saved by you and who will pay their debt now. The violent battle begins, in which you are participate only for a moment. The old man tells you to leave out the battlefield, to find and to destroy the Vizier. You evacuate to the large palace gate where you are safe.
You will be divided from Farah accidentally. It may be good because you change into the Dark Prince after a while. Ten Thralls with four Enchantresses awaits you so your chain Daggertail certainly won't rust. After the fight go the adjacent courtyard through the open gate. The gate will lock in behind you with a bang.
Enter the bushes straight ahead the entrance, destroy chests sticking out the wall with the net. Run vertically over the wall to the left side of the net, catch the balustrade. Move on hands to the right where the gap is in the net, jump over the balustrade and jump onto the terrace with bed. Go through the vaporous curtain to the next chamber.
You will return after a while to your normal form. Jump up and the enclosing rail above the painting with two griffins. Jump over the rail, you are now on the mezzanine with the fountain. Drink water.
Go with the corridor right from the fountain, go up the stairs and cross the doorstep of room with the balcony. Approach the balustrade, look outside. There is Farah down below standing near the lift who admires majesty of the place. You don't have the time for admiration so leave the archer and look over the chamber. Break the carved casket with 10 sand credits standing near the wall, left from the entrance. Equip yourself with the extra weapon - the rack is standing close by.
Approach the wall the rail is missing. Run horizontally over the wall, bounce off the shutter and fly to the ledge on the left side. Take off backwards to the narrow gap between two vertical walls. Bracing with hands and legs climb upwards. Switch on the panoramic view in order to find out where you are supposed to jump. Turn around, and then jump to straight ahead to the terrace with the revolving mechanism. Jump over the rail and approach the device.
Switch the lever rotating the mechanism, and you will open the gate close by. Enter it and head left with the corridor. After a few steps stone wall on left will turn into the net. Find the gap in the net, stand near it and switch on the panoramic view to determine the more far-away way. Jump on directly over the precipice's edge and you will reach the strip of the red baize in the wall vis-a-vis. Slide over it down and just at the end take off backwards reaching the narrow ledge in the wall. Move to the left, holding it with hands. Reach the bend and then go further away to the shelf's brink. Pull up, stand on the floor.
The horizontal ledged is stretching above your head on the left side. Run vertically over the wall to the right and take off to the ledge to the left, clamber up it. Somebody over you is shouting so switch on the panoramic view to localize shouters. In order to get to them, jump to the right wall, then take off to the left again to the right and to the left for the last time. You will catch the balcony rail. Jump over it and silence two Guards.
Switching on the panoramic view will help to determine the region where you may go now. Stand near the wall left to the door, where there is a break in the rail. Run horizontally over the wall and behind the broken, vertical arch take of in the hall center direction. You will reach the broad cross-bar. Climb it then jump to the front catching the next cross-bar, located a little above you. Clamber up it, and then take off straight ahead to the relief in the wall, sticking the dagger into it.
Hanging on the relief bounce off to the right and run across horizontally over the wall to the balcony lighted up near by. Head to its right side, hang on the other side of rail. Jump backwards to the wall with relief, don't forget to stick the blade of the knife in it. Take off to the right and run horizontally to the next balcony. Repeat actions you were performed on the lower floor i.e. go to the right side of the balcony, hang on the outside of the rail and jump to relief in the wall, sticking the dagger into it. Switch on the panoramic view to watch behavior of the moving platform on your right side.
The platform is pulling out of the wall for about 6 seconds, after which it is hiding back. Bounce off the relief to the right and run horizontally to the platform at when it begins to pull out of the wall. You will have a few seconds to take next action. Standing on the platform turn to the right with the face to the wooden structure. Run vertically over it and take off to the opposite elevation, then to the wooden structure, and again the wall over left and stick the dagger into relief.
Bounce off the relief to the right, run horizontally over the wall and in front of the bend take off again to the right. You will catch the horizontal bar sticking out of the wall. Climb it, and then jump upwards catching its higher neighbor. Clamber up it and jump right ahead to the next horizontal bar. Hanging on hands swing yourself then jump to the balcony with the revolving mechanism being visible straight ahead. Kill enchantresses attacking you and then look around with the area. You have to choose: to continue the standard travel or to pass the bonus stage.
Choose the bonus stage. Localize three relieves arranged vertically in the wall in front of the balcony. Hang over from the exterior of the balcony rail, jump to the lowest relief sticking the dagger into it. Take off to its neighbor above, then to the relief at the very top. It isn't very comfortable to hang on the shaft of the dagger so jump to the wall above the balcony, bounce off back for the wall above bas-relieves, again to the wall and again for the wall above bas-relieves.
You will reach decorative tile then you will begin to fall down. Stick the dagger into central relief with lightening speed, and then jump back to the balcony. Run left to the door opened with tile. Walk ahead with the corridor, pass a few bends until you will reach the Fountain of Light. Taste water. You will be teleported to the corridor with pitfalls.
First the moving disc is blocking your way, moving over quite fast from the wall to the wall. Run across it by its side and hang at once from the cavity's brink in the floor. Jump to the opposite brink. Clamber up the floor and wait until the revolving, spiky chunk will turn around in front of you with the smooth side on the top. Steal by the chunk and again hang on the brink of the floor. Move over on hands under one of walls, observe other moving disc in the depth of the corridor. When the disc begins to go away from the wall on this side where you are overhanging take off to its direction.
Reach the next brink, climb the floor and run across by the disc (luckily it is shifting not so fast), come up to the wall straight ahead. Three movable ledges are located above you. It is easy to feel their movement since they are hiding and they are pulling out of the wall serially, one after another. Run vertically over the wall catching the lowest ledge, clamber up it fast and jump onto higher, and then onto highest ledge. Take off to the opposite wall from here reaching catwalk nearby the wall. Now execute next jumps until you will catch brink of the corridor above you.
Clamber up the floor, come up to the pitfall. There are two disc in the floor straight ahead, moving at a slant. And there are horizontal, revolving rollers sticking in the wall on both sides of the corridor. Stand close to one of walls but watch the spikes. When discs go away, run across the dangerous area and brake in front of the spiky chunk in the floor. Run across over the smooth surface after it turns and enter to the lucid gleam - you got the fifth bonus health.
You will be teleported back to the broken Fountain of Light. Return to the door you entered here with. Press the tile in the floor, and then go through the opening up balcony gate. Come up to the revolving mechanism, switch the lever over and cross the doorstep of the next door. You are in the small chamber. There is nothing interesting in this room apart from the rack with weapon so raise your head upwards and look after the relief on the left. Stand below it and then run vertically over the wall sticking the dagger into it.
Jump upwards, catch the dyke enclosing the terrace. Jump over it, go through the vaporous fabric to the opposite side of the terrace and hang on hands on the other side of the rail. Jump backwards to relief in the wall sticking the dagger into it. There is platform to the right pulling from the wall from time to time. Feel the opportune moment and run across horizontally to it over the wall, then take off at once straight ahead to the horizontal catwalk nearby the wall.
Move over the catwalk to the right till its end. Switch on the panoramic view to work out how to get to the top, to the balcony with Guards. The series of jumps awaits you. Take off to the wooden wall on the right-hand side, then bounce off to the wall on the left, again to the right and so on till the moment, when you reach the railing of balcony high above your head. Guards are looking to the left, so move hands to the right, over their backs. Jump over the rail now and kill guarding two with speed kill.
Replenish possible shortages in weapon in arms from the rack close by, then move by the wall where the rail is missing. Run horizontally over the right wall and behind the too wooden pillar take off to the center of the hall direction, reaching the cross-bar. Clamber up it, and then jump to its neighbor, located straight ahead, a little bit above. Climb the cross-bar and switch on the panoramic view. Notice that there is relief visible in front of you in the wall, but it is too high, so you have to get it in stages.
Jump to the elevation below relief, bounce off it backwards to the opposite wall then again to the wall with relief. You will reach it with the dagger this time. Take off from this position to the right and run across horizontally over the wall reaching the ledge on the crosswise wall. Move over it right behind the bend, and then jump to the balcony with Guard and two Enchantresses. Killing them shouldn't be a problem.
After the fight turn in the direction of Farah being in the lift near by. Hang yourself from the outside side of the balcony rail and jump to the lift with the girl. You are together again. You are going to the very top and you are stopping in the square by royal gardens.
The common travel ends traditionally with the earthquake. Farah will be separated from you with barred gate, but don't bother for now. First kill two charging Enchantresses, and then come up to the revolving mechanism standing nearby. Switch the lever over and rotate it - you will initiate stone blocks in walls thanks to it.
Enter to the recess behind the mechanism. Switch on the panoramic view to learn the arrangement of walls, blocks and shelves. The great, stone block above you is pulling out and hiding in the wall every moment. It hides in the wall for about six seconds and you have so much time to go to the top. Run vertically over the left wall, take off to the right wall, again to the left and so on until you will reach the brink of the shelf on the left-hand side, clamber up it with lightening speed.
Come up to the moving block with relief, run vertically over it and stick the dagger into the bas-relief. While hooked on the block, you will pull out from the wall along with it so it is equally with the adjacent wall, jump to left. You will reach relief close by, stick the blade of the knife into it. Take off upwards and hook the bas-relief above you with the knife. One more taking off and you are holding the brink of the shelf above, climb it. Switch on the panoramic view to analyze the arrangement of the next elements of the elevation, after which move to the wall overgrown with vine to the right.
Watch the moving block with relief nearby. Wait until it will entirely slip out of the recess, then run across horizontally over the wall hooking the dagger into bas-relief. When the block with you pull out of the recess again with, bounce off to the right and run horizontally over the wall to the shelf in the corner of the courtyard. Turn to the right, look for strip of the red baize overhanging from the elevation of the building. Run horizontally over the wall, reach the baize and slide down with it. Take off backwards at the end of the material to the catwalk sticking out of the wall.
Go over the catwalk and further over the ledge to the left. Behind the bend of wall climb the next catwalk. Jump right ahead to the recess between two parallel walls. Switch on the panoramic view to determine the method of reaching the large gate in the depth of the courtyard. Move over to the top part of the recess, turn around and jump to the relief in the opposite wall, stick the dagger into it. Bounce off this position to the left, run horizontally over the wall and just before its end jump to the wall on the opposite side. You will land in the neighborhood of the next relief, pile the blade of the knife to it fast.
Run from the bas-relief horizontally to the ledge in the wall to the right. Move over on hands to the gate direction, behind the bend let go of the ledge and fall onto the gate doorstep. Go through it to the corridor full with greenery. Switch on the panoramic view to localize all relieves and cross-bars in walls. Stand near the right wall, run over it horizontally. Take off being at the height of relief being visible on the other side to its direction and stick the dagger into it. Bounce off this position to the right sticking the blade in the bas-relief near by. Jump backwards to the cross-bar, climb it and jump to relief right ahead hooking it with the knife.
The last straight line awaits you. Watch the moving block on the left. When it shifts into the recess flattening to the wall, run horizontally over the wall and the block reaching the level with the fountain. Chill yourself with clear, crystal water.
Go left from the fountain, reach the precipice's brink. Switch on the panoramic view to localize useful roughness in walls. Slide from the brink to the ledge below you, move over it right and behind the bend until its end. Jump up then, catch the brink above you and go to the terrace. Farah will show up. She will help you at once shooting the large drip with the bow. Thanks to it the drip will shut itself make the further travel possible.
Stand up near the wall to the left, and then run over it and closed drip horizontally. When you will almost fall down bounce off the wall. You will fly a dozen or so meters in the air landing on the small horizontal bar between two columns. Let go the horizontal bar and fall to the recess between mentioned columns. Bracing with limbs slide down. Surprise the Thrall below with speed kill then take care of his comrade. After the fight stand near the wall the fence is missing.
Run horizontally over the right wall and reach relief, sticking the dagger into it. There is moving, oblong block in the adjacent wall behind your back. Switch on the panoramic view in order to observe the how much time you have to travel across in when it slips out of the wall. When you are prepared for the action, bounce off the relief to the left, run a little bit horizontally over the wall and in front of the bend take off to the left onto moving stone block. Now sprint to its opposite end, then jump straight ahead to the horizontal bar sticking out of wall.
Clamber up the horizontal bar. Jump upwards and catch its neighbor, and then reach the third, highest horizontal bar. Climb it, take off upwards and catch catwalk above your head. There is square with the Sand Gate down below. Pass over catwalk to its end then jump straight ahead to the tree bough and further on to the shelf near the wall. Reliable Farah will show up and she will close the drip on your right side with an arrow. Run horizontally over the wall with drip reaching the ledge, and then lower to the narrow recess under you, created by two parallel walls.
Bracing with hands and legs slip to the bottom of the recess and turn round. Switch on the panoramic view to survey surrounding of the Sand Gate and number of its protection. Three warriors protect the magic pile - one Thrall and two Guards of Sand. Attack the first Sand Guard directly from the recess, using speed kill. Then run as quick as possible to the other Guard and try to deaden him before he will call for backup sticking the knife into the Sand Gate. You need to use Power of Sands of Time slowing down the time - Eye of Storm. If you will manage to do it only killing the Thrall awaits you.
Come up to the Sand Gate after the fight and stick the dagger into it - you will receive the fourth Power of Sands of Time - Storm Sand. Come up to the dyke enclosing the terrace and localize two relieves vis-a-vis in the wall. Pass over the rail opposite bas-relieves, then jump to the lower relief, sticking the knife into it. Take off then upwards and hook with the blade the higher relief. Watch the moving block on your right. When it begins to slip out of the wall, jump to the wall on the left and then bounce off to the block, and jump back in the direction of the left wall. You should reach the ledge brink now.
Take off backwards to the pulled out block and repeat jumping from left to right and inversely until you reach the ledge similar to preceding, put only a few meters higher. Move on hands left behind the bend, climb the ledge. Jump upwards, catch one more ledge put highest and move over it to the left. Move over on hands along the wall, pass next bends until you will reach the oblong recess in the wall. Lower to the recess and slide down. Switch on the panoramic view, slip down. Attack the thrall with speed kill then take care of his comrade.
Go to the backyard's end after the fight, enter the semicircular balcony. Stand near the wall where a bit of rail is missing. Run horizontally over the wall to the corner column, catch its ledge. Climb the ledge, go round the column to the left, and then jump to the cross-bar hung above the wooden door with the ornament. Clamber up the cross-bar, then jump straight ahead to the stone window-sill. Holding it with hands, move over to the right. Pass next wall bends and when the window-sill ends, jump backwards to the floor with the gate.
Go through the gate to the corridor among greenery, there is a fountain straight ahead the entrance. Drink yours health.
Leave the fountain behind, come up to the abyss brink and climb the catwalk. Take off straight ahead from it to the recess between two parallel walls. Slide carefully down watching severe saws' halves, cutting the recess in two spots. Pass them one by one severe surfaces begin to hide in walls. After avoiding pitfalls slip down to the end and jump down to the ground. Go ahead over the corridor.
The horizontal, revolving pole with blades moving up/down is next, very easy obstacle. Roll over under it when it is going upwards, then run quickly right ahead because lethal arrows are flying out from openings in the right wall. Reach the vertical pole with blades, moving over from the wall to the wall. Avoid it going by its side and run further away, behind the bend turn the corridor to the left.
There are three large saws in the floor in front of you. They look dangerous but they are easy to pass through. Substantial distances between them let pass them one by one, rather than with one sequence. Pass them over one of walls feeling the moment when their blades hide in the floor. After passing saws go on directly to the exit.
Exit through the gate (a) to the courtyard, filled with platforms and three revolving mechanisms. There is a medium-difficult puzzle. You have to handle levers of each mechanisms in order to hike them all upwards, to the second level above the square. If you manage to do it, the floor in the hall (b) right to the courtyard will rise making it possible to go to the gate straight ahead. Farah is waiting for you there, so get to work!
Before you begin to tamper with mechanisms remember that in almost every spot of this board you may switch on the panoramic view. Use it when you want. Begin solving the mystery of the board from visiting the revolving mechanism (2). Move the lever of the mechanism then jump down to the ground on the right side of the platform, close by you have the casket with 10 sand credits. Go and run the mechanism (3) now. After switching the lever hang yourself from the platform brink and jump down to the ground. Now it's time for the mechanism (1). After switching it you may be glad - you hiked all platforms to the first level above the square. You have done half of work.
Lower to the ground from the platform and run to the pillar in the corner of the courtyard, between mechanisms (2) and (3). Run vertically over the pillar catching the ledge. Go onto it, jump upwards to the second ledge then jump to the other one upwards. Climb the ledge and take off from it towards the platform (3). You will land on indirect, barred platform and then jump to the platform with the mechanism (3). Switch the lever over and run horizontally over the wall to the pillar you came here from.
You will land on the highest ledge. Move behind the pillar bend to have the mechanism (2) behind your back. Lower to the performance below and take off to the platform on the back. Jump from it to the platform (2), switch the lever. Stand with your face towards the pillar lying between platforms (1) and (2). Run horizontally over the wall and catch the ledge in the pillar. Lower to the ledge below, jump backwards to the indirect platform between the mechanism (1) and with pillar. Get to the platform with the mechanism (1) and rearrange the lever. You have solved the puzzle!
Jump down to the ground and go to the gate (b) linking the courtyard with the chamber without the floor. It turns out that the floor is restored by you thanks to solving of the puzzle. Run over the narrow to Farah, waiting for you near the gate at the chamber's end. Unfortunately the Vizier will attack you. He has the great power so he will snatch Farah without any problem and knock you down into the abyss with floor remains.
Falling into the abyss you transform into the dark prince without warning. You will crack some bar in the wall with your Daggertail with your last breath and so you will save your life. You have landed in some chamber.
Enter the barred balcony. There is missing part of rail a little bit to the right from the entrance, so stand there. Run horizontally over the wall to the platform visible in the distance. Extend the run with Daggertail cracking the torch put higher. Continue the horizontal run and use the whip again with the torch and you will land on the catwalk this time. Climb it then move to its end.
Switch on the panoramic view in order to check surroundings and to think out the method of getting to lower levels. Take off from the end of the catwalk to the chain on the left, extending the flight with Daggertail and the horizontal bar with two paper lanterns. Go down the chain. Lower to the catwalk then (this piece of the board is perishable and it is splitting off after a while) go over it fast to the wall direction turning in its right branch. Jump onto rounded platform straight ahead, stand near the wall so you have platform on the left-hand side.
Run over the wall horizontally hooking the torch with the whip and you will land on the platform with the entrance to the tiny chamber. Enter it and break all jugs, you will restore impaired health. Return to the platform, jump to the left onto the long catwalk. Move over with lightening speed (the ending of the catwalk is breaking after a while) in the wall direction and then lower to the catwalk below you and then lower to the platform. Turn around and stand near the wall so you have it on the right-hand side.
Run horizontally over the wall extending the run with Daggertail on torches twice. You will land on the next platform. Continue the horizontal run over the wall extending the run with on the torch again. There is a stone ledge stretching above the platform you've reached, jump onto it. Move to the left over it till the end, then lower to the shelf with the entrance to the chamber.
There is nothing interesting here except six Reptus and one Illusion trying to kill you. Eliminate them all, you will replenish your energy at least. Leave the chamber to the shelf, head to the right. Run horizontally over the wall to the platform, move behind the wall bend. Hang from the platform at its end and lower to the recess created by rocks. Bracing with limbs slide down, and then jump down to the shelf below.
You are standing on the doorstep of the entrance to the small chamber, visit it. There are only enemies inside again. Kill the four Reptus and leave the room. Turn with the face to the hall center direction. Your task is to get to its opposite end. Take off straight ahead to horizontal bars with shining paper lanterns, extend the flight with mentioned horizontal bars twice and you will land on the platform on the other side of the location. Move fast to the wall because this piece of the platform at the brink of the abyss is instable.
Stand in order to have the wall on your right side. Run horizontally over the wall extending the run with Daggertail and high lying torches twice. You will land on the catwalk, lower from it down to the next catwalk and finally jump down to the platform below. Switch on the panoramic view to look around. Stand near the wall on the left-hand side and run over it horizontally, using the whip four times on torches for extending the run. After these stunts you will reach the platform with the small recess.
Enter the recess and break pots in order to replenish the energy. Turn around to the right, and then take off to high hanging bar with paper lanterns. Use the Daggertail with it for extending the jump and you will land at the entrance to the corridor. Go over it right ahead, run down the stairs to the broader chamber nearby the abyss. Six Reptus with axes will approach. Kill them and then come to up the precipice brink and climb the narrow ledge, stretching along the rocky wall.
Turn around to the left, run horizontally over the wall to the nearby shelf. Go down the stairs down and continue the horizontal run over the wall to the two next platforms (with the little stop on first one). Head to the left over the narrow passage to the hall center direction. You will be surrounded by six Illusions, kill them. After the fight climb the catwalk on right and jump to the recess between two convergent rocks. Bracing hard with limbs slide down then jump down to the platform.
Head left and enter the corridor to the right. Behind the bend turn to the left, you will reach the precipice. Stand near the left wall and run over it horizontally to the ledge in the opposite rock. Watch out dangerous, moving perpendicular discs. Run when the disc closer to you starts up from the lower position upwards. After reaching the ledge lower fast on hands and move right to the end because the way is collapsing under you. Just behind the bend is safe moment to rest.
Lower to the ledge below you, with lightening speed clamber up it (it is collapsing after a while) and move left to its end. Then take off backwards to the opposite wall catching the next performance. Move order it on hands to the right. In order to get to exit visible near by, you have to reach the window-sill below you, protected by the disc moving in the horizontal plane. How to make it? Jump backwards to the opposite wall, then jump back to the wall with the disc, and again bounce off backwards and again forward. You should catch target window-sill.
If you don't want to be caught by sharp disc during jumps, begin your first jump when the disc is exactly below you. Hanging on window-sill, move over it to the right to the floor level and clamber up it. Turn left to the corridor, come up to three large saws turning around. They are put very close to each other, so run across them at one go, best near the left wall. Begin the run, when the severe surface in first saw has just ended and the headroom will appear in the floor.
After passing by the pitfall with saws turn to the right. Reach the abyss brink, take off straight ahead. Extend your flight with Daggertail and the horizontal bar with the streamer and land on the platform vis-a-vis. The ground will collapse immediately so jump quick to the right wall catching the crack in the wall. Move right on hands to the end then jump to the wall backwards catching the ledge in the wall. Lower down to two other ledges. From the lowest one go to the right to the corridor floor, and then follow the stairs upwards.
There is single crosswise saw and two horizontal saws in front of you . Run across the pitfall center when crosswise saw will hide its dangerous blades in the floor. Just behind it roll over through the area being in the range of horizontal saws, they should not reach you. Reach the corridor bend. Before you will turn to the left, switch on the panoramic view. Watch carefully all places where slots and ledges in the corridor exactly in front of you are placed. The next pitfall won't be easy.
You are standing in front of two horizontal, revolving chunks in the floor, and there is an abyss behind then. Stand close to wall left and wait until chunks will hide their spikes in the floor turning around with the smooth surface on top. Then steal by quickly over them and on the edge of a precipice run horizontally over the left wall (watch out shots from the right side!). When you reach the springboard, bounce off it to the opposite wall catching the ledge. Climb it, go over it to the right, and then jump upwards and clamber up the next ledge.
Take off backwards to the opposite wall now, and you will reach the oblong crack in the wall. Move on hands to the right above the floor and jump down on it. During the fall watch out rotating blade below you. Stand in front of the trap with three horizontal saws in walls. There are two spinning discs on the left side and only one on the right side so try your luck over the right side (but closer to the center, not near wall). When saw will hide in the wall with the severe half, roll over under it. It should not hurt you.
Turn to the left in front of the abyss brink with face to the other saw. The oblong slot is located above it in the wall. Run there vertically on the wall when saw will hide in the wall. Catch the slot. Move right on hands to the end. Localize the head sculpture on the opposite wall, crack it with Daggertail and pull it. You will pull out the sculpture along with the big rocky block, jump to it. Turn around to the left and jump to the slot being visible in the wall over the opposite side. Move over it above the floor to the right, lower down.
You have next three saws to pass: two vertical discs in walls, one disc in the floor. It is the quite easy obstacle to pass. Pay attention about saw in the floor only. When its blades slip into the ground steal by quickly over its center. There is decorative tile in the floor a little bit further. Stamp on it, and you will open the door straight ahead, run to it.
You will be found in dark chamber. To your terror and the despair you will find there the King's of Persia - your father's - body. You manage to suppress Dark Prince controlling your body and you are changing into your normal form. After a while you move further taking his royal saber. From this moment you aren't able to replace the extra weapon or to throw it away. You don't need to do that anyway since the sword has the large striking power and it doesn't wear off. You will verify its usefulness faster than you can imagine.
After leaving your father's body you will be attacked by 12 Reptus. The fight against them would be quite difficult in unexceptional circumstances, but now, having the royal saber it is the pushover. When it is over, find the big, carved gate in the wall. Come up to it and shatter them with the sword (by default push and hold the "E" key). Enter the new room, on the right-hand side you will find the fountain, drink water.
Move to the left from the fountain. You will be found in the huge pillared hall, where some destructive power demolished the bigger part of the floor. In order to pass it you have to do some jumping. Pass the first cavity running across horizontally over the left wall. Right after landing you have to fight the invisible Chameleon. In order to avoid his unexpected attack, deal blows blindly in the air. When the enemy approaches you will hit him certainly and he will stop then being invisible. After the fight go straight ahead and simply jump over the next abyss. Kill two next Chameleons.
Jump over the cavity over left. You will find the casket with 10 sand credits. Return to the place you were fighting against Chameleons and go to the right this time then turn right a little bit further. Pass the next abyss running horizontally over the left wall. Go on directly, then jump over the next rift and kill the Chameleon.
Head for right, reach the end of the shelf. You will be found in the narrow recess between walls. Stand with face to the wall to the right, run vertically over it and bounce off the left wall, then the right wall, again the left wall and so on until you will catch the floor brink on the right-hand side. Clamber up it and eliminate the Chameleon. Go straight ahead, and then turn to the left and jump over the precipice. Head right behind the precipice. When you reach the next rift, pass it by running over the left wall horizontally.
Turn to the right now, jump over the abyss to small ledge and then jump straight ahead. Reach the wall, turn to the left. Pass by the next abyss running over the right wall horizontally. Looking straight ahead you will see the fountain in the distance but you can't reach it in direct line because it is too far away.
Turn to the left and jump over the precipice to the shelf. Jump straight ahead and then jump over the abyss to the right. Move to the left and immediately to the right, and you will reach the wall. Stand near the wall so you have it on the left-hand side, and then run over it horizontally avoiding the precipice. Now one more jump straight ahead and you are found in the corner of the huge hall, close by the exit. However before you will leave it, use the fountain standing near the door.
Push the tile in the floor, close by the fountain. Enter the gate opening straight ahead. Head ahead to the right over the dark corridor, turn to the left behind the bend. There is an abyss to the left behind the next corner. In order to pass it, run vertically on the wall on the right-hand side and catch the stone ledge. Climb it, move over it to the left until the end. Lower to the window-sill below, and again head to the left, after which take off for the opposite wall. You will reach the next ledge, clamber up it.
Move over along the wall to the right. When you attain the end of the stone window-sill, lower twice to ledges below. Next few steps and again lower down. Go to the right behind the wall bend, then jump upwards to the ledge, and then again upwards to the floor brink. Clamber the floor, come up to decorative tile in the floor. After stamping on it the door straight ahead will open, enter it.
Move right ahead until you will reach the precipice brink. The further way leads through a number of horizontal bars and cross-bars sticking out of walls. Jump to the first horizontal bar, sticking out of the right wall. Swing yourself and jump ahead to the cross-bar linking both walls of the corridor. Move left on hands. Swing yourself, and then take off to the next horizontal bar in front of you. Lower down twice down, reaching the cross-bar on the lowest level. Move on hands to the right and clamber up the cross-bar. Jump directly to the next horizontal bar then jump to the shelf brink in front of you.
Climb the rocky shelf, jump up and catch the shelf above. Clamber up it. Run vertically over the wall in front of you catching the ledge. Clamber up it, move to the right and jump to the window-sill above. Do a few steps along the wall (this time to the left) then again jump upwards. Clamber up the highest ledge and take off backwards to the cross-bar hung above it. Climb it, move to its right side and stand directly opposite two relieves. Jump towards relieves. Stick the dagger into the lower bas-relief after reaching it.
Take off upwards and sink the blade of the knife into higher relief. Bounce off to the left. Run horizontally to the next relief, sticking the dagger into it. Jump backwards to the cross-bar, clamber up it. Jump from the cross-bar to relief in the wall above your head catching it with the blade of the knife. Take off to the left again, run horizontally over the wall and stick the knife into the last bas-relief. Jump backwards to the horizontal bar, stand on it, and then jump directly catching the floor brink.
Climb the floor, come up to the passage filled with rubble. Hit the rubble heap hard with royal saber knocking the passage out. Kill three attacking Reptus and jump over the precipice to the rocky shelf with the fountain. Drink water.
Look around. There is a casket with 10 sand credits in the back side of the rocky shelf. Stand at the precipice brink right from the fountain and jump over it, reaching the adjacent shelf with the passage filled with rubble. Use the royal saber to break the rubble heap then steal by through the knocked out gap to the underground corridor. Head to the right, come up to the chasm brink.
There is next obstacle in front of you: two columns bristled with blades - the right one is immobile, left column however is moving horizontally. There is also next abyss stretching behind. You can't jump to the precipice brink precipices close by near columns, because their blades will reach you. So stand on the center of the floor in front of the abyss and when the moving column begins to go away from immobile one, take off quickly straight ahead. After landing on the shelf between columns jump at once forward over the next abyss, and you will reach the safe shelf at the end of the corridor.
Turn to the right, run vertically over the wall and catch the ledge. Clamber up it then jump up catching the crack in the wall. Move on hands to the right, then behind the bend and move to the floor. Go over the corridor straight ahead, there is the rubble heap at its end on the left. Smash it with the royal saber and go through opened passage. You will be attacked at once by six Reptus, kill them all.
After the fight stand near the wall left to the entrance. Run over the wall horizontally where the oblong recess is created, you will fall into it. Bracing with hands and legs clamber to the top and jump to the shelf on the right. Move to its end, and then localize relief in the wall vis-a-vis. Take off reaching the relief with the blade of the dagger. Let it go after a while, and falling down catch the horizontal bar lying a few meters below the relief. Swing yourself on the horizontal bar and jump right ahead onto catwalk nearby the wall.
Clamber up the catwalk, jump upwards catching the tiny shelf brink. Climb it then take off left to the adjacent block wall, then jump right to the wall you were jumping from and again to the left to the wall and so on until you will reach the rocky block brink over the left. Clamber up it, turn to the right and run vertically over the wall with the rectangular mechanism with the groove sticking the dagger into it. Falling down you will set blocks located in the nearby wall in motion.
Stand near the wall to have it on your right side then begin to watch moving blocks. When the one closer to you will begin to slip into the wall, with lightening speed run horizontally over the wall and at its end take off to the left. You will land on the nearer block which has slipped out of the wall. Jump at once to the other block and further on straight ahead to the corner shelf. Clamber up it and kill enemies - six Reptus and two Hounds. Run vertically over the wall with the rectangular mechanism and stick the dagger into it. Falling down you will cause another rocky blocks move.
Climb the catwalk sticking out of the shelf. Jump straight ahead to the rectangular pillar direction, and you will land on the stone ledge. Go to the left behind the column bend then lower down twice to next ledges. Standing on lowest ledge move again to the left behind the pillar bend. Take off to the left now reaching the platform on the left. Come up to the rubble heap near the wall and smash it with the royal saber. Slip into the cleared passage, kill two Reptus. Localize two relieves in the wall directly.
Run vertically on the wall with relieves and stick the dagger into lower one. Take off from this position upwards hooking with the knife the higher relief. Bounce off left now, run horizontally over the wall and sink the blade in the bas-relief to the left. Jump backwards, fly to the edge of a precipice reaching the next relief. The next relief is to the right, run to it horizontally over the wall. Lower to the relief below. Jump to the bas-relief in the opposite wall and run horizontally to the left on the floor. Remember that you have to stick the dagger into every single relief.
When you are on the floor you will be attacked by three Reptus and two Hound. After the fight smash the rubble heap in the wall, go through the cleared entrance then head right. When you reach the wall, run over it vertically and jump to the right wall the again to the wall on the left, again right and so on until you will reach the brink of the floor above. Clamber up the floor, jump onto the higher level of the shelf. Come up to the brink of the shelf and run horizontally over the left wall, reaching the horizontal bar straight ahead.
Swing yourself and jump to the next horizontal bar, climb it. Take off right ahead to the oblong recess between parallel walls straight ahead. Bracing with limbs slide down, jump down to the ground. Enter the chamber in front of you, deaden nine Reptus. Stand by the wall, left to the rivulet. Jump to the relief being visible in the opposite wall sticking the knife into it. Jump up, catch the ledge above your head and climb it. Move to the left behind the bend. Jump upwards to the relief above you sticking the blade into it. Take off upwards again hooking its neighbor above.
Hanging on the bas-relief take off upwards again and catch the ledge above. Move on hands to the right, clamber up the shelf behind the bend. Climb the catwalk on the right and at its end jump to the thin pole in front of you. Jump to the identical pole on the left and further to the shelf with enemies. Kill two hounds and ten Reptus then head the rocky corridor. Turn to the right after a while and reach the burdened passage. Smash the rubble heap, go to the next chamber.
Stand at the precipice edge near the right wall. Run over it horizontally and at the height of relief stick the dagger into it. Bounce off to the left, run horizontally over the wall a little bit then take of to the opposite wall reaching the oblong crack in the rock. Move on hands to the right. The slot turns into the ledge behind the bend, where you are able to clamber up. Jump upwards reaching two next ledges above you. Jump backwards from the highest to the catwalk, sticking out of the substantial column. Take off upwards reaching the catwalk above.
Wobbling at the end of the board, jump straight ahead between two convergent, parallel walls, where water is dribbling over. Bracing with hands and legs clamber upwards and go on the floor. Switch on the panoramic view to find the way to the top. Enter to the recess straight ahead and stand with face to the left wall. Run vertically over it, bounce off to the right wall then to the left wall and to the right and so on until you will reach the brink of the floor on the top. Climb it, then look at the corridor.
There is a quite long straight in front of you full of horizontal sharp poles. Poles are moving quite fast in the vertical plane (up/down), creating difficult barrier to pas. Enter the sewage on the right side (is a little bit lower here) and stand in front of the first pole. When it goes upwards, run straight ahead and roll over under every pole. Passing by the pitfall should be no problem and even if you get hurt, wounds shouldn't be so big.
Turn left behind the pitfall with poles, and you will reach the next obstacle. Two discs moving horizontally, the block pulling out of the right wall and the second set of discs moving behind the block. Discs are moving in the chaotic, not-synchronized way. Thanks to that sometimes they are gliding with pairs, close by. Wait then and when discs go to the right wall, avoid them with the left side. Stop before the block. Wait until it will begin to slip into the wall and steal by it. Pass by the other set of discs analogous as first one.
Turn to the left over corridor, run up the stairs. There is a wall with relieves straight ahead. Run on it vertically and stick the dagger into lower relief. Take off upwards hooking with the knife the neighbor relief put higher. Bounce off left and run horizontally over the wall. You will land on the floor near stairs. Climb it to the floor, you have the fountain directly ahead. Regenerate strength with water.
Take a look at the wall right from the fountain. The rectangular mechanism is being found there with the oblong groove. Run onto the wall and stick the dagger into the mechanism, falling down you will open the entrance to the left. Let go mechanism and run through newly open door to the royal kitchen.
You will be attacked by the pack of enemies. Two Specters, two Enchantresses and 10 Thralls will attack you. You need help of Power of Sands of Time, Eye of Storm especially to achieve the victory. Climb up the stairs right to the hearth after the fight. Localize relieves above your head, run vertically onto the wall and stick the dagger into the lower one. Take off upwards sinking the blade into the higher relief.
Hanging on the knife shaft turn left and run horizontally over the wall. Bounce off hard in front of the pillar to the hall center direction, and you will catch the catwalk. Climb it, move to its other end and jump to the relief on right, sticking the dagger into it. Take off to the left now, run across horizontally over the wall to the nearby horizontal bar. Clamber up it and jump on directly to the floor. Turn to the left, reach the opposite end of the floor. There is a catwalk where the rail is missing, climb the catwalk.
Jump at the end of the catwalk to the relief on the right, stick the dagger into it. Bounce off to the left, run horizontally over the wall and in front of the pillar jump to the catwalk to the hall center direction. Move to its end, take of to the relief straight ahead sticking the knife into it. Turn to the left and run horizontally over the wall. When you stamp on the tile lying in the wall near by, the door will open below you. Jump down to the ground and run through it.
Go up the stairs over the corridor, turn to the right. There is the fountain standing straight ahead, near the wall. Drink water.
Head up the stairs on the left. Just behind the corridor bend turn left then you will reach the abyss after a while. Jump straight ahead to the cross-bar hung between walls. Move over on its left side, swing yourself and jump to the horizontal bar in front of you. Clamber up it, and then take off straight ahead to the ledge in the wall.
There are two ledges above your head. The lower one is moving the higher one is immobile. Wait until the lower ledge begins to slip out of the wall, jump up catching it. Clamber up it with lightening speed and take off upwards, catching its higher neighbor. Climb it safely, jump up catching the balcony rail above. Jump onto the balcony.
Turn to the left, run vertically on the wall catching the balustrade. Jump over it and run straight ahead over the corridor. Go in accordance to its direction, turn first to the right, and then to the left. You are now in the chamber with the fountain, drink water.
Exit the tower. Head left, jump onto the platform close by. Stand near the wall, run over it horizontally and reach the horizontal bar sticking out of the wall. Clamber up it, and then jump straight ahead to the platform in front of you, climb it. The Chameleon will attack you. Remember that the enemy loses the invisibility after first hit, so flutter the saber a little bit, and you will hit him certainly.
After the struggle look upwards to localize all useful ledges. Run vertically on the wall and catch the catwalk nearby the wall. Climb it, then take off three times upwards reaching the next catwalks. Standing on the highest board, move over it to the platform to the left. Now stand in that position so you have the wall over your right side and run over it horizontally reaching the horizontal bar in front of you. Move on hands to the crash of the horizontal bar then take off to the wall direction. You will fall into the recess between two parallel walls. Slide down and jump down to the wooden floor below you.
Climb the catwalk sticking out of the floor. Jump to the right, catch the horizontal bar sticking out close by. Climb it, and then jump to the right to big multi-storey platform, also clamber up it. Switch on the panoramic view to see locations of mechanisms, lifts and enemies. Skulk behind too wooden wall for the strolling Thrall and when he turns round with his back to you, kill him with speed kill. Come up to the revolving mechanism now, switch the lever. You made the lift go the first floor.
Move back a few steps and stand with your face opposite to the front, wooden wall of the platform. Run vertically on it, catch the catwalks near by the wall. Clamber up the catwalk, go to the right, and then jump to the bar sticking out close by. Climb it, move over left until the end and take off to the identical bar on the left side of the platform. Pass carefully to the first floor and eliminate two Chameleons.
Climb the catwalk sticking out of the left brink of the platform, and then take off to the bar to the left. Clamber up it, then jump in direction you were standing on just a while ago. You will reach the catwalk sticking out of the floor of the second floor. Climb it and head to the revolving mechanism on the platform. Before you will initiate it, eliminate guarding Chameleon. Move the lever of the mechanism now, and you will cause the lift go to the second floor.
Come up to the front brink of the platform and take off straight ahead to the bar, climb it. Jump the opposite direction and you will reach the long cross-bar hung between two wooden poles. Clamber up it and go to its side branch stretching to the wall. Jump right to the bar near the lift and then lower to the wooden floor of the platform. Come up to the stone block, lying in the lift and pull it out of the cabin.
Push the block under the nearest wall. Above your head two relieves are visible. Climb the block, run vertically on the wall and stick the dagger into first relief. Bounce off to the right, run horizontally over the wall hooking with the knife the adjacent bas-relief. Look around. Notice that there is wooden pole overhanging from the top platform a little bit further. It is your chance. Take off to the right, run horizontally over the wall and at the height of the pole bounce off the wall catching the pole. Slide over it down, stop at the height of lower row of relieves in the wall.
Jump to relief in front of you sticking the dagger into it. Take off to the right, run horizontally over the wall and sink the blade in the other bas-relief. Continue the horizontal run to the right, and you will land on the horizontal bar sticking out of the wall. Climb it and jump right ahead, catching the horizontal bar located higher. Turn around to the opposite side, stand on the spar, and then take off straight ahead to the next horizontal bar. Clamber up it and jump to the platform in front of you.
Climb the platform, go along the wall to its distant end. Jump straight ahead to the horizontal bar sticking out of the wall. Turn around on hands and stand on it. Take off in the opposite direction you jumped to it from. You will reach the platform above. Climb it, go on directly. You will find the entrance opening at the end of the platform in the wall left, go with it inside the tower.
Come up to the precipice brink. There is dangerous pitfall in front of you: moving disc in the wall and close by revolving, spiky chunk. Stand near the wall to the left, prepare for the run and wait for the convenient moment. When the disc is found below, and the chunk will begin to turn around for with the smooth surface on the top, start the horizontal run over the wall. Pass by the disc and the chunk and run to the springboard. Take off to the springboard in the opposite wall and then to the corridor on the other side.
Stand close to the next obstacle. Two discs are gliding from the wall to the wall right before you. Behind them, on both sides of the corridor, spiky chunks are sticking out vertically. There are also horizontally moving discs behind chunks. Discs are moving fast and whole looks uninteresting generally but it is possible to pass it by quite easily. Move to the left wall and wait until the vertical chunk will begin to turn around with the smooth surface to the top. Now run horizontally over the left wall, and you will avoid all obstacles.
There is next obstacle behind the bend waiting for you: six moving discs in walls and two horizontal spiky chunks, blocking your way. You have to pass this pitfall over its center. The case is trivial. Wait until the first chunk will turn around with the smooth surface on the top and steal by over it. Stop in front of the other chunk (there is a little place). Wait again until it will rotate with the safe surface on the top and whisk over it right ahead.
Turn over the corridor to the right and reach the precipice brink. Jump straight ahead to the relief in the wall, catching it with the dagger. Take off to the left now and run horizontally over the wall, bounce off the springboard to the wall on the left, and then back to the wall to the right. You will land on the relief, stick the dagger into it. You have two next relieves above you, jump one by one using the knife to catch them.
Take off from the highest bas-relief to the left, run horizontally over the wall and land on the corridor floor. The fountain is standing near the wall, drink water.
Look around, localize the rectangular mechanism in the wall near by. Run vertically on him and stick dagger into it, and you will open the gate behind your back. Jump down to the ground and run as fast as you can to the opened passage. It shuts quite fast, slow down the time using the Eye of Storm, or roll over under the door.
You are on the terrace outside the tower. Kill two Enchantresses, and look at the wall by the door. You will find two relieves which will interest you. Run on the wall under them and stick the dagger into lower one, then jump up sinking the blade of the knife to higher relief. Run horizontally over the wall right to the platform. Climb it, raise the head upwards and find another bas-relieves. Run vertically on the wall and again snag with the dagger first lower relief and then the higher one.
Hanging on the blade of the knife bounce off to the left, run horizontally over the wall reaching the next relief, stick the dagger into it. Continue the horizontal run over the wall to the left, after reaching the springboard take off to the pole overhanging from the ceiling. Jump to the floor of the big, two-storey platform close by. Move to the other side of the platform, come up to the revolving mechanism. Rearrange the lever of the mechanism and you will made lift on the right go to the first floor.
Move to the left, to the front corner of the platform. Localize the bar with the block and jump over it. Go to the wall over the bar, and then to the right. Jump upwards, catch the bar above and clamber up it. Move over behind the bend then take off in direction of the first floor of the platform, you will land on the floor. Head right, avoid the revolving mechanism (don't move it now!) and reach the lift. Pull out the stone block of it and push it to the left side of the platform. Slip the block into the other lift, located near the mechanism.
When the stone block is located in the lift, come up to the revolving mechanism and switch the lever - the lift with the rock will go upwards to the second floor. Go to the rail enclosing the platform from the left side, hang on the other side. Take off backwards to the long horizontal bar, sticking out of the wall. There are two more bars above you, clamber on them and jump to higher ones. Jump back to the main platform, you will reach the second floor.
There is one Chameleon and three Thralls hanging around on this stage. Luckily they are attacking you one by one so you will have no the problem with them. Come up to the lift after the struggle on the left side of the platform and pull out the stone block of it. Push the stone to the right side of the platform, push it into the second lift. You will cause the cabin to slip down and the other lift will go up thanks to it. And that was all about.
Move over to the wall near lift shaft where you pushed the stone block into. Turn with your face to the wooden wall on the left, run vertically on it and jump backwards to the small platform above. Run horizontally over the wall and at the height of the lift cage take off to it, catching the rail. Move on hands behind the bend to the left, stand straight ahead to the bar sticking out of the adjacent platform with block. Jump to the bar, climb the platform and slip into the recess between two walls.
Stand with face to any wall. Run vertically on her and take off to the opposite wall then jump again to the previous, back again and so on until with you will reach the ledge above. Move over it to the front wall and take off backwards, you will catch the bar with the block. Clamber up it, go to block direction and jump left to the adjacent platform. Turn around with face to the wall and run vertically on her, sticking the knife into relief.
Take off from the relief to the left and run horizontally over the wall, reaching the horizontal bar. Swing yourself on it then jump straight ahead to the next horizontal bar. Stand on it and take off to the platform close by. Switch on the panoramic view to localize the hidden entrance to the tower. It turns out that it is located exactly below you. Hang from the platform and lower to the bar below you. Enter the tower through the opening, you will start the bonus stage.
Move over the corridor right ahead, jump down to the shelf below and then to the floor down below. Go to the end of straight line and then jump onto the rocky shelf. Look upwards - the way leads there. Move over left, run vertically over the wall and catch the brink of catwalk near by the wall. Climb it then jump backwards to the board on the opposite wall. Head to the left and take off upwards twice reaching next catwalks. Jump from the highest to corridor floor on the opposite. Come up to the Fountain of Light and drink water.
You are being teleported to the corridor with pitfalls. First of them consists of the revolving blade two with long blades standing on the center and the horizontal, spiky chunk in the floor. Stand near any wall in the substantial distance (important!) to knives of the mechanism. When the chunk begins turning around with the smooth surface on the top run horizontally over the wall and steal by above blades and the chunk.
Stand at the left brink of the abyss. There is rotating saw in front of you. And two vertical, spiky chunks sticking on both sides of the wall behind it. When rollers begin to turn around with the smooth surface on the top and saw just begins tucking its teeth to the wall, run horizontally over the left wall. Run across the saw and after reaching chunks take off to the right then to the left and again to the right until you will catch the brink of the shelf above. Climb it fast before rollers will begin to pull out their killing spikes again.
Come up to the precipice. There is large track turning in the wall close to you and the second one in the distance. Discs aren't turning alike and here it is your chance. Run horizontally over the left wall when toothed saw's half slips out of the wall entirely. Steal by above it and without stopping avoid also its neighbor. When you are almost falling, bounce off hard to the right, and you will reach the catwalk. Clamber up it, move to the other end and jump straight ahead to the next board. Lower from it down to the last catwalk. Jump to the floor on the left.
The last pitfall of bonus stage is this setup: two horizontal, spiky chunks in the floor plus revolving blade between them. In order to wade pitfall without scratches, stand near the left wall. When the nearest chunk turns around with the smooth surface on the top, run horizontally over the left wall, avoiding all obstacles at once. Enter to the lucid gleam - you got the sixth bonus health. You will be teleported to the broken Fountain of Light. Return to the beginning of the stage with the same way, to the opening in the tower.
Leave outside, enter the bar and take off to the right, reaching the adjacent rafter trussed up with the string. Jump upwards, catch the bar above you. Climb it and jump to the platform on the right. Turn round with the face in direction you came here from. Take off straight ahead and reach the brink of the stone balcony above. Clamber it, on there is a gate leading to the tower interior on the right side. Enter it.
Stand at the brink of the abyss, near the left wall. Take note of two vertical, spiky chunks in the wall. They are turning around quite fast. Wait until they will be sticking out upwards with spikes - in a second or so they will turn around to the safe side and then run horizontally over the left wall. You should hit perfectly. Run over chunks, then bounce off the springboard to the opposite wall. You will fall into the relief, stick the dagger into it. Jump upwards and sink the blade of the knife into the bas-relief put higher.
There is the disc on the left, moving up and down. When the disc is in the lower position, start from relief to the left. Run horizontally over the wall above the disc, jump with the springboard to the opposite wall and then bounce off with springboard to the right side. You will land on the relief, stick the dagger into it. Observe now two vertically moving discs in the wall close by. They are moving extremely fast, and therefore take off to their direction when they are in the highest position. Run horizontally over the wall above them to the corner shelf. Turn to the left.
Now the true challenge awaits you, because there are three moving discs in the wall in front of you. Move to the right under the wall. Run over it horizontally when the disc closest to you returns from the top position will be at your height. Pass all three discs, bounce the springboard to the wall with the springboard on the opposite side then jump diagonally to the one more springboard and jump to the relief, driving the knife into it. It was very difficult. Jump to the floor on the left.
Walk ahead, and then turn with the corridor to the left. Your way is blocked by the spiky chunk and the revolving blade is sticking out of the floor behind the chunk. In order to avoid the pitfall safely you have to move back to the wall. Stand near the right wall then run over it horizontally to the pitfall when the chunk turns around with the smooth surface on the top. Steal by over blades, but release the run button at the height of the chunk. Lower on hands to the precipice brink.
Move over the center of the abyss brink then jump backwards to the relief in the wall sticking the knife into it. Take off several times upwards, hooking three relief arranged vertically with the dagger. Then jump up and catch the brink of the floor above you, clamber up it. Come up to the door. Two Thralls will attack you. Kill them, then leave through the door to the stone terrace.
Come up to the place where the rail is missing. Stand near the right wall then run over it horizontally to the horizontal bar sticking out of the wall. Swing yourself on it and jump straight ahead to the next horizontal bar. Clamber up the spar, and then take off straight ahead to the catwalk near by the wall. Move to the left over it, leave to the platform overgrow with grass. Go through the gate outside the tower, then turn to the left. Stand near the wall, run over it horizontally to the platform visible near by. Turn to the left on the platform, jump and climb the wall.
Head to the right, run vertically on the wall and pull up. Jump down then to the wooden bridge to the left where one Enchantress will attack you. Eliminate her, then move over the bridge right ahead, and then turn to the left. Jump straight ahead to the lowest level of the wooden structure, jump over the rail. Switch on the panoramic view in order to evaluate its size and to localize most essential elements: the block, the revolving mechanism and the lift cage.
Move the stone block from the center of the floor to the place where the lift is standing. Push it into the cabin. Go to the part of the level lying opposite the bridge you came here. Hang on the other side of the rail, and then jump to the flat platform with grass. Turn to the left and take off to the next platform, lying a little higher. Clamber up it, and then deaden two Thralls and the one Enchantress. Move over the end of the platform where two wooden poles are standing and the cross-bar hung between them.
Jump to the cross-bar, stand on it. take off right ahead to the central level of the wooden structure. Come up to the revolving mechanism and move the lever, you will hike up the cabin with the block. Find the broken catwalk, sticking out of the floor in one side of the floor, by the wooden wall. Climb the catwalk and move to its broken end, then take off straight ahead to the small platform near by the wall.
Turn around on the platform to the right, run horizontally over the wall and at the height of the lift take off towards it. Catch the cabin rail then bounce off backwards reaching the balustrade of the top floor of the building. Jump over the balustrade, move over the gallery to the left. Kill two Enchantresses, at the end of straight line turn to the left and run until the end. When you reach the thick bough of the tree, turn around to the left. Jump upwards, catch the catwalk and climb it. You are exactly straight ahead the last floor of the wooden structure.
Jump from the catwalk to the third floor of the structure, catching the rail. Move over it and kill two Thralls. Come up to the lift on the left, pull out the stone block of the lift, and then push it to the second cabin, located close by. The cabin with the block will fall down causing at the same time lifting up the other cabin which you will use soon. Enter the lift on the left where you were pulling out the block of. Hang on the outside side of the rail and jump to the adjacent cabin, the one you've started with the stone.
Hang from the right side of the cabin rail, and then jump to the corner terrace with two Enchantresses. Eliminate them, then move over to the right part of the terrace where balustrade is missing. Take off straight ahead to the catwalk sticking out of the wall. Standing on it jump upwards and catch the window window-sill above, climb it. Jump upwards again reaching the ledge in the wall, clamber up it. Move over to the left till the end, and then jump backwards catching the pole sticking out of the ceiling. Clamber it upwards as high as you can then localize the relief on the wall close by.
Jump from the pole to the relief sticking the dagger into it. Bounce off to the left, run horizontally over the wall and take off from the springboard to the next bas-relief, put in the carved ornately grating. Turn to the left, run horizontally over the grating to the adjacent relief, sink the blade of the knife in it. Lower to the neighbor relief below and then fall down onto the ledge above the gate in the grating. Lower down to the doorstep of the gate, enter it. Deaden four Thralls, then head to the other exit on the left. Come up under the wall with two relieves.
Run vertically on the wall and stick the dagger into the relief. Take off upwards sinking the blade of the knife into the adjacent bas-relief. Now run horizontally over the wall to the left to hook two bas-relieves with your knife. Being on the last relief lower down to the bar below then jump backwards to the next bar. Move over it till the end, and then go down to the wooden platform on the right. Climb the catwalk sticking out of the platform, lower to the catwalk below and move over to its broken end. Jump over the precipice to the identical catwalk on the other side. Go behind its left bend and jump down to the platform on its right side.
Move over the platform to its end, then jump to the right on the platform near by the wall, being located under the wall with three vertical relieves. Run vertically on the wall and stick the dagger into the lowest relief. Take off upwards twice, hooking two next bas-relieves. Hooked to the highest relief, bounce off to the left, run horizontally over the wall and jump from the springboard to the pole overhanging from the roof. Clamber it as high as possible.
Turn to the wall you were running over recently and jump to it. You will land on the narrow ledge, move over it to the platform to the left. Enter door leading inside the building. Straight ahead the entrance there is a fountain standing near the wall. Drink water.
Come up to the abyss, left from the fountain. Stand near the wall on the right and run over it horizontally. When you are almost falling down, reach the relief stuck in the wall with your knife. Bounce off to the left, run a little bit horizontally over the wall landing on the ledge in the quadrangular pillar. Move over it to the left behind the bend of the wall. Take off to the left wall and then to the right and again to the left and so on until you will catch the ledge in the top part of the pillar. Climb it.
Move over the ledge to the left behind the pillar bend, stand straight ahead to the relief. Jump to the lower bas-relief driving the knife into it. Jump then to the higher relief take off upwards reaching the brink of the floor. Clamber the floor. Move to the exit on the left to the adjacent corridor, stand close to the abyss. Climb the catwalk then jump straight ahead to the cross-bar hung between walls. Move over on hands to its right side, swing yourself and jump to the horizontal bar in front of you. Stand on it, move to the right as far as you can, and then jump straight ahead to the wall direction.
Catch the ledge and climb it. Move over to the left carefully but watch out - the part of the stone section is hiding itself in the wall and pulling out again after a while. Feel the moment when you may steal by. Behind the bend there is another section of the ledge hiding itself in the wall, exercise caution.
After moving behind the bend take off upwards to the next ledge. Enter it and immediately (this copy is moving also) jump upwards reaching highest, luckily stable ledge. Move over it to the right and behind the bend take off to the top catching rail of the floor. Clamber on the floor, enter the next chamber.
Go to the wall straight ahead to the entrance. You will see the moving ledge above the head. Sense the moment when it is slipping out of the wall and run vertically on the wall catching it. Clamber up it with lightening speed and bounce off backwards to the horizontal bar, sticking out from the column on the left. Swing yourself on the horizontal bar, and then jump straight ahead, you will reach the cross-bar hung between two columns. Stand on it, jump straight ahead to the balcony. Jump over the rail, run over the corridor to the right.
Go up the stairs, turn to the left and move to the courtyard. There is a novelty in front of you - two alternative fountains. Choose any, drink water.
Climb up the stairs lying between fountains move to the higher level of the courtyard. Turn right near the well, go up the next stairs to the terrace. Move to the right from the stone table, enter the narrow pass limited by balustrades. At its end you will find the casket with 10 sand credits. Return to the stone table now and to the left this time. Stick into analogous narrow pass. At its end you will find the decorative tile in the wall. Run vertically on the wall and stamp on the tile, and the door will open below, by the well.
Run to the newly opened door and enter it, you will be inside the tower. Go straight ahead over the corridor, and then to the right. Turn at its end to the left, jump over the rail and hang from its other side. Jump over the precipice landing on the other rail over the opposite side. Jump onto the terrace then turn to the right. Localize delicate outline of the door in the wall and hit it with all power. Go through the smashed entrance, run down the stairs. You will enter the blank chamber which will turn out to be the lift platform. You will go upwards to the terrace.
You are located at top level of the tower. The Vizier is showing up, you see captured Farah also. The girl isn't losing her self-assurance and despite the mirthless situation she isn't yielding villain flirtation. The spat Vizier got angry and he want vent it on you. You are facing each other. The enemy attacks you on and off, off and on with single blows, strong enough to strike you down. When you go away from him, he is flinging magic bullets at you.
The best method to stiff the Vizier is to jump when he is inflicting the blow, and then firing up quick combo which will reduce the his energy bar considerably. The boss is stopping after every attack for the moment, so attack him then. The Vizier's attacks are strong, but schematic and therefore you will sense moments when you have to jump. After inflicting the series of blows retreat and wait until he will approach again to hit.
The vizier is flying upwards three times during the first phase of the skirmish in order to strike you with pieces of columns. You may avoid his attacks escaping backwards and rolling over the floor when bullets are close by. Sands of Time Powers may help you also, especially Eye of Storm but I am not recommending losing the sand at this quite easy stage. It will be useful later. After taking around the 1/3 of energy bar the fight will change.
Irritated Vizier will crush walls around the arena of the fight, and will scatter pieces of columns and walls over the terrace. They are circling round the whole square now making the deathly risk to you. You have to avoid them and to weave through them because every contact with the piece of the wall ends with serious wounds. It is most safely in very center of the arena and most outside, near the rail enclosing the terrace. At this stage your fight against the vizier looks completely different than previous. The boss is raised a few meters above the ground and from time to time is flinging magic bullets at you.
In order to whip Vizier's hide, run fast in his direction, avoiding circling obstacles. Run vertically on the column behind the boss and push (not releasing the direction key) the button initiating the speed kill ("E"). If you do it correctly you will take off to the enemy's direction and you will have a chance to hurt him with triple speed kill. Hit when the dagger shines at your hand. If you are late, the vizier will knock you down to the earth and you will have to construct the attack from the beginning..
In order to be a success you have to jump to the boss' neck three times inflicting him three blows with speed kill each time. It isn't easy, because every successful attack increases the Vizier's vigilance and speed. The hardest moment is at the third attempt to jumping on his back. The enemy is moving from pole to pole so fast that you aren't able to catch him. Use the eye of Storm in order to slow down his movements for the moment. After conducting three successful attacks (he loose his wings) you will force the Vizier to the escape.
Don't be so pleased because it isn't still the end of the fight. Your enemy naturally has evacuated but he didn't escape from the arena, only flew upwards. Located high above the battlefield he raised in the air all pieces of walls. Is it wise? Probably not, because blocks thrown away in the air and rocky shelves arranged the kind of path which will lead you to the boss.
Before you will enter the "war path" remember don't' let the Vizier knock you down from platforms (particularly from horizontal bars) with vizier's bullets. If you haven't wasted sands of the time earlier, you are now able to protect yourself with Sands of Time Powers. Slow down the time before every more complex movement and when the boss' bullet will reach you and you will fall down the platform, rescue yourself with Recall. The way leading to the boss is described below. Let's go to work!
Come up to the column, where the piece of the wall is hanging not high above. Run vertically on the column and take off backwards, reaching the brink of the block behind your back. Clamber up it, then jump to the next block straight ahead, also climb it. Turn to the left and jump to the horizontal bar. Stand on it, turn around to the other side, and then jump to the block put higher right ahead. Clamber up it, turn to the left. Take off straight ahead and reach the brink of the vertical dyke. Jump from it to the horizontal bar to the front, stand on it and jump right ahead to the horizontal platform.
Turn to the right and jump to the next platform, the take off diagonally to the next vertical dyke. Clamber up it, take off forward to the platform, and then jump to the horizontal bar right. Swing yourself and jump forward and you will reach the shelf. Run vertically on the wall close by and take off backwards reaching the brink of the platform above you. Jump to the last platform, move over it till the end to the left then jump to the Vizier, pushing the button initiating speed kill. The final action will begin, during which watch your dagger vigilantly. When it flashes - push the attack key.
It is the vizier's decisive end. Your enemy will be annihilated and also his whole dark army. You will feel after a while that the curse loses the power above you and the Dark Prince's spirit is leaving you. You will feel free. Farah will also be freed from sandy ties. The Kaileena's spirit will appear in order to take the dagger of the time. You will notice the royal crown on the floor. When you reach for it somebody will beat you. You raise your eyes... The Dark Prince has returned!
Attack the Dark Prince. He won't be defending himself and every your hit will make fading out of the image. You will fall down after a while into the lucid abyss and you will wake up on the great platform. You can't die at this stage, and therefore every fall from the height or slipping into the abyss from the shelf ends with immediate reincarnation in the place where you have made an error in. Jump straight ahead to small round platform, and then the front to the next shelf. Stand near the wall to the left and run over it horizontally to the meet with the Dark Prince.
Attack the Dark one with saber. Two blows and the enemy vanishes. Turn around to the right, take off from the brink to the round platform. Take off from it to next and further away to other platform with the Dark Prince. Kill him, then turn to the right and climb the catwalk. Jump right ahead to the next catwalk then lower from it to the platform below. Take off to the shelf in front of you, flying in the air you will be teleported to the completely different location where you move in slow. Take off from the shelf straight ahead to the shelf with the bridge.
You will be teleported to the lucid world back. You are landing close by the Dark Prince. Eliminate him and turn to the left. Take off straight ahead to the platform, go over the catwalk to the next platform. Jump to the shelf with Dark one, kill him having no scruples. Turn around to the right, climb the catwalk and jump to the catwalk. Take off to the shelf in front of you but before you reach it, you will see the mirage showing your ducal form falling onto the large sailboat. After landing on the shelf jump to the front to the round platform, moving over perpendicularly.
Jump to the next, square platform and from it reach the shelf with the Dark Prince. When you kill him, turn to the right, take off to the adjacent platform. Before you will reach it, you will be teleported to the chamber with large, stone columns and arches. You are moving in slow motion, despite that jump straight ahead to the exit. You will be teleported back to the lucid land. You will land on the oblong platform. Walk ahead over it and from its brink jump to the shelf with the Dark Prince. Two blows and enemy is dead.
Turn to the right, jump to the round platform. The next shelf is turning around in front of you changing shapes - it is sometimes rectangular and sometimes square. Wait until it will evolve into the oblong rectangle and jump to it. Move till its end, then take off to the platform with the Dark Prince. Kill him, turn around to the left and jump to the round, moving platform. Wait until it drives you to the right, and then take off to the square shelf with the wall on the right. Run over the wall horizontally, you will land on the shelf with Dark one, kill him. Turn left.
Climb the catwalk, then jump to the next, revolving one. Wait until you will turn around along with the catwalk's end in accordance to the direction of your travel and take off to the next board. Jump to the shelf with your enemy now. You won't reach him because you will be teleported the to the other location. It is substantial chamber with big stairs, where Farah is standing at. Come up to her, hear hers warning. You will face the Dark Prince again after a while.
Unfortunately, you can't defeat him because his look-alike is rising after every blow. Dozens of enemies will surround you soon. Give it up. Pass over the whole crowd and run up the stairs. Enter the lucid gleam and..... you will wake on Farah hands. It turns out that you lose consciousness after the fight against the Vizier and you had delusions. The Dark Prince is no more. This is really end of the adventure. You are true Persian Ruler..