This guide for PlanetSide 2 can well be considered a thorough compendium that raises all the important, as well as those less important issues connected with functioning in the game world. This text includes not only information on the maps, factions, character classes or the development thereof, but also a handful of valuable hints, which will, undoubtedly, come in handy for the novice players. PlanetSide 2 is a first person, Free-to-play, MMO, which allows hordes of players take a free play, which may include micro-payments. The game has been developed by Sony Online Entertainment (a division to Sony Computer Entertainment), and it bases on large scale skirmishes, which can be participated by dozens, or even hundreds, of players at a time. The game presents an apocalyptic vision of humanity which, exhausted with the global conflict and the continued depletion of natural resources on the Earth, decides to start the exploration of the depths of the universe, in order to examine the mysterious anomaly. The expedition that managed to land on the deserted planet of Auraxis, split into three warring factions- New Conglomerate, Terran Republic and the Vanu. The players, who are faced with the heat of the conflict, are to decide which faction to side with and, at the same time, they will start a fight for a better tomorrow.
This guide for PlanetSide 2 includes:
Sneak (hold down)
Sneak (until pressed again, until the character starts running or jumps)
Sprint or hold breath while aiming sniper rifles
Special ability
Throw grenade
Use knife or a fist (Max)
The first item on the inventory
The second item on the inventory
The third item on the inventory
The fourth item on the inventory
The fifth item on the inventory
The sixth item on the inventory
The seventh item on the inventory
The eighth item on the inventory
The ninth item on the inventory
The tenth item on the inventory
Change weapon mode
Continuous sprint
Looking around (just like with the mouse, just less convenient)
Embark/disembark vehicle
Continuous driving
Switch camera
Alternative aiming mode
Headlights (at night)
Accelerate (if available)
Special ability
The first item on the inventory
The second item on the inventory
The third item on the inventory
The fourth item on the inventory
The fifth item on the inventory
The sixth item on the inventory
The seventh item on the inventory
The eighth item on the inventory
The ninth item on the inventory
The tenth item on the inventory
The vehicle's panel (availability to enter by the players)
The first place in the vehicle
Throttle up/down
Turn left/right
Rolling (to the left, to the right), pitching (up, down)
Embark/disembark aircraft
Continuous flight
Switch camera
Alternative aiming mode
Accelerate (if available)
Plane's panel (availability to embark on the plane)
Room on the plane
Scoreboard/ information about an alert
Enables mouse on the screen
Acceptance of an offer (notification)
Decline of an offer (notification)
Automatic joining of a squad
Lock on the enemy or access the ally interaction panel
Squad panel
Outfit panel
Friends panel
Zoom in/zoom out the map
Launches the pod with the hero into a random area
Minimap zoom out
Minimap zoom in
1. Stick to your squad. In PlanetSide 2 cooperation is the key to success. Playing solo does not yield results comparable to the ones that you achieve while playing as a team, where each one of the players is trying hard to serve as a support to his brothers in arms. The exchange of fire with the enemy units, without the support of the allied forces, usually ends in death, for lone wolves.
2. Possibility of a single soldier. The unit that you are controlling, throughout the game, represents a negligible combat value and, what is important, it is only a single fighter of one of the warring factions. What is important, under no circumstances, is it an invincible unit or a mighty hero, just a regular man. The fact that you are controlling a professional soldier does not make the fact that you might feel like a killer machine, like Rambo, any more true. In PlanetSide 2 it is recommend that you exercise caution and self-restraint in your actions, because a single well-aimed burst of an assault rifle, ends your life immediately.
3. Cautious and protected. Each one of the players has an identical health meter and armor meter (with a few exceptions). Runs with the same speed and can jump at the same height. In theory, therefore, their chances in the battlefield are identical. The differences between individual soldiers give you the ability to craft upgrades for the weapon that you are using, protection (e.g. you receive less damage from explosions) or the super ability - separate for each of the classes. It is worth noting here that they do not introduce any ground-breaking differences so, you should not be too cocky. The risk of getting shot straight in-between the eyes, from an experienced player, is not that much higher as getting one from a novice.
4. Keep vigilant at all times. Although impossible, it would be advisable to grow eyes around your head. As it has already been stated in the previous points, each player can die, no exceptions. Often quickly and in a naive way. While moving around the territories, where there are battles fought, and especially, when you are close to the enemy base, you can be reached by a lethal bullet from each side. You know neither the day nor the hour. Traveling, whether alone, or in a group, should always be pre-planned and careful. Keeping a careful eye on the surroundings may often save the entire squad from an ambush, or allow you to spot groups of enemies and perform a successful attack from behind. A very good solution is using the locking option, with the "Q" key, thanks to which you can detect the enemies. Once you direct the cursor at the enemy and press the key, there will appear his faction's sign above his head, which will be visible for all your allies (also on the minimap screen). If you, however, do the same on an ally, you will access the interaction screen, thanks to which you will be able to send that soldier a message, or invite them to your friends.
5. Wise journeys. In the case of buildings - which are quite big in PlanetSide 2, and they have many levels and passages, - you also need to keep vigil, just like in the case of combing through open areas. There is nothing worse (not to say the most stupid) than to dash headlong into a room full of enemy soldiers, which are armed to teeth. Before you enter a complex occupied by the opponent, or which you suspect may be occupied by them, it pays off to take a careful peek through the windows, send out a sniper for reconnaissance (invisibility) or simply to get inside, carefully, although firmly, and with weapon ready to be fired (after you walk into a building, it is a good idea to zoom in, or simply to enter the aiming mode).
1. Diversion. Often, when the frontline remains unchanged, and the units of the enemy factions remain in the same positions, many people can get the idea to get the enemy from behind. This kind of diversion has its upsides and downsides. Atarting with the negative sides, it is worth noting that pulling off such an action, while solo, is very difficult, especially in the situation in which you have the character class unsuitable for that. For this role, the best would be an infiltrator (sniper) due to his special ability and the long range weapon. However, a lightly armored assault soldier, thanks to his high mobility, would not turn out to be much worse. The matters change drastically in the case of Max who, in spite of the large firepower that he packs, is sluggish, or the medic, or the engineer, who are predisposed, predominantly, towards serving as a support for the squad. Apart from that, while sneaking behind the enemy lines, which usually takes some time, you may be spotted by random players, or the ones that wait in less-visible places on purpose, to get the macho-men like you. However, a flawless infiltration of the enemy's key positions and elimination of the key characters, e.g. the gunner or the medic, allows your squad to break the enemy defense. Unfortunately, you also need to take into account the fact that, without experience and practice to speak of, at the beginning, you will be able to take out one, two, or maybe three enemy soldiers before you are spotted and killed. Orchestrating of such sojourns is definitely a good move, although, without voice communication, effecting commandeering is difficult.
2. The power of Max. Under no circumstances, should you get involved in a direct fire exchange with Max. It is an additional character class, a well-armored combat mech that murders regular infantry without any problems. Also, the heavy assault soldier stands no chance against it, although he has a rifle of high fire power, falls to Max's fire as quickly as a medic or any other class. So, if you see a Max, the best thing that you can do is get away from there, as quickly as possible. Only soldiers that focus on him all the fire power that they pack (especially if they have rocket launchers and C4 explosives) and of course, vehicles and aircraft, can match up against it. It is not too difficult to escape from Max, because this unit is very sluggish and it is able to speed up only temporarily - the charge. The Max can, of course, speed up with each step it takes but, this takes long enough to escape safely.
3. Deceit and ambush. Sometimes, organizing ambushes for soldiers under way to their seizing point, or a convoy (organized groups of players, often heavily mechanized) allows you to obliterate the enemy and decrease the combat value of the entire enterprise. A good use of the terrain and the element of surprise, in combination with the appropriate assignment of soldiers to various roles, is a key to succeeding. When it comes to appropriate assignment, what is meant here is the assignment of each of the classes with specific tasks. What follows, the heavy assault soldiers and drivers (most usually they are engineers) should focus on destroying the enemy tanks, snipers on eliminating the key figures in the infantry (medics, enemy infiltrators), thanks to well-aimed headshots.
4. Good orchestrator. Good organization is also important during defense, when you defend your base, just like in the case of attacking, e.g. enemy outposts. At this moment, it is a good idea to take a closer look at the priorities of the individual classes. The percentage experience, which you receive for various actions (they have been explained in depth later on in this guide) are tightly connected with the types of units. And so, engineers will be rewarded for repairing vehicles, which cannot be performed by medics, who are responsible for healing and rejuvenating of allies. The exception are, of course, joint actions, including murdering of enemies, or destroying generators. Max units and assault soldiers are perfect for covering their allies with fire and, they are capable of create powerful fire power within a short period of time. The light assault soldier and the infiltrator, on the other hand, are best in situations where you require speed and precision. The former, thanks to the jetpack, reaches the inaccessible areas with ease, and he also is a master of losing the enemy units. The latter, on the other hand, can become invisible with one click. And also deprive someone of their life, in one shot.
5. Sharpshooter. The players who are privy to the sniper rifle may cause a lot of distress to many players. Infiltrators can become invisible, take out each opponent in one bullet, even at the distance of hundreds of meters, ant their favorite place to appear is behind the enemy back. In order to save yourself from these assassins, it is worth knowing about the two faults that they are haunted by. Although they become invisible, their silhouettes can still be seen, which is very helpful, if you try not to lose one from your sight. Apart from that, at the moment at which they initiate their ability, they generate a specific sound, which should alarm you to danger immediately.
6. Engineer, ergo driver. Both ground and airborne vehicles should be piloted by the engineer. This is so for a simple reason. In case in which the vehicle receives some serious damage, he can stop the tank, or land the plane and repair it with the right tools. This allows him to return to the battlefield without any damage.
7. Medic's characteristics. The task of medics is to heal the wounded brothers in arms and to rejuvenate them, should they kick the bucket. This concerns a situation, in which the corpse of an allied soldier, who has just been killed, stays in a dangerous area. There is no point in rejuvenating such soldiers, because they will be killed over again, even before they manage to take the first step by concentrated enemy fire, or notorious salvos fired from cannons. In such a stalemate situation, it is better to concentrate, first of all, on eliminating the threat, or on temporary curbing of the enemy fire, so that the deceased can quickly take cover. When neither is viable, you can try the conventional method until you succeed.
1. Fighting on vehicles and aircraft. All kinds of tanks and transporters in the game, off-road cars or aircraft, may often literally kill a single soldier in one shot. Attacking them on your own makes no sense whatsoever, unless they are at the brink of destruction. In theory, you can attempt attacking an ATV (Flash), the light combat car (Harasser) or the jet (the name depends on the faction) however, without a rocket launcher - and especially, with the self-guiding rockets, this is rather demanding. As much as, shooting, against the abovementioned vehicles, may be effective, shooting your machine gun against tanks or cargo aircraft is nothing short of wasting ammo. They can be defeated by the other machines of their own kind, mines or rockets, but in large quantities.
2. Death by running over. Apart from the fact that the tank can smash you to pieces with its gun, it can also run you over. The same holds true for allied vehicles and you had better get out of their way if the driver is some psycho. Unfortunately, head on collisions with any machine results in immediate death of your character. It is worth warning the engineers here, who are often standing behind their colleagues, while they are repairing the vehicle. If the driver will have to retreat quickly, he will often forget about your presence - you will be as dead as if you were run over by a road roller.
3. Respawning of machines. This holds true for both land vehicles and aircraft, which you can buy for yourself. First of all, if you spawn the aircraft at the HQ and you want to land in the destination to load passengers, you need to watch out for poles and buildings, where you can easily get stuck. If you find yourself under a roofing, there will be no way to take off again and, you will have to leave the aircraft. The second matter is the special platforms, where the vehicles that you purchase appear. It is not recommended that you stand on these, because you will be immediately squashed by tons of metal, should anyone want to spawn a vehicle.
4. Evacuation of vehicles. Whenever you are sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle, or you are a regular passenger, and your vehicle is at the brink of destruction, it is better to take the risk and disembark. In situations in which you stay inside the vehicle, you are bound to die in the explosion. Still, if you decide to escape, you may stand a chance to survive. If there are no enemy soldiers, tanks or jets, there is a chance that you will be able to make it and hide in safety. It is always a better solution than wait for death.
5. Aircraft jumps. The situation is the same in the case of planes and it is here that the issue of the height creeps in. If the aircraft is nearly destroyed, you can jump off the plane and survive, on condition that you are not flying too high. There always are the odds of still having some health, after you fall to the ground, or you happen to fall onto an elevation. The exception that is worth mentioning here is the huge cargo plane (Galaxy), which is used for landing paratroopers. The commandoes that use it do not have any parachutes and they simply fall to the ground without taking damage. In this case, this aircraft creates the convenient conditions for evacuation, in the case of threat.
1. Falls from heights. In PlanetSide 2, the units that you control are very much immune to falls from quite considerable heights. They can even take jumps that would which would take any regular being to hospital, with both of his legs broken. Unfortunately, the threshold of taking damage, or dying, is very difficult to assess here. A situation in which, in spite of your best guess, your character dies, although it may seem that he will lose even less than a half of his health bar, is also possible. What is interesting, sliding down a steep slope can also kill you, with even higher probability. What a treacherous terrain!
2. Landform features. More about the treacherous land. If you ever get the idea to take a shortcut over such terrain, you should watch each of the steps that you take. You will often die in a silly way, by taking a bullet to the head, only because you will be, in no way, capable of getting out of a depression, or jump onto a boulder. In PlanetSide 2 running even over gentle slopes usually ends in sliding down that slope. If you do not have the jetpack on your back, just in case, take the path over plain terrain.
3. Generators. As you know, at the base, there are various generators, whose function has been thoroughly described in the further chapters. Of course, the objective of each soldier is to destroy these generators at the enemy base. After you activate the auto-destruction mode on the generator, a countdown starts, which informs you of the time necessary to complete deactivation. Once this countdown runs out, the generator explodes. It goes without saying that the soldiers located nearby, die instantaneously as a result of blast.
PlanetSide 2 tells the story of the fate of mankind which, as a result of the global conflict, and the depletion of the natural resources, set out on a journey into the deep universe. The discovery of the time-space wormhole, at the brink of the Solar System, where messages from an alien civilization come from, urges the greatest powers of this world to examine this anomaly. Unfortunately, as a result of an abrupt closure of the teleporter, and infringing the stability of it, only a part of the expedition manages it over to the other side of the hole. This part of the expedition manages to make a landing at the planet of Auraxis, which they sooner or later settle. As it is usually the case, as soon as money, influences and power enter the game, each one wants to eat as much of the pie as possible. As a result, of the abovementioned human weaknesses, three warring factions form, whose priority is to dominate the remaining residents of this "New World".
Due to the monstrous numbers of players, the world of PlanetSide 2 has been divided into servers, which are designed for the individual continents. As Europeans, Polish select the one marked as EU. At each one of them, you can learn the information about the number of players currently playing at the server, as well as their disposition towards each other, when it comes to the membership in individual factions. If you already have the character created (you can have, up to, 3 heroes on one account +1 slot for micro-payments) then the markings of the faction that he belongs to will appear on the server of that character's choice. There are no restrictions, when it comes to the number of heroes that you create in the same world.
The planet of Auraxis consists of three completely different continents, where the war between the hostile factions are fought. These are Amerish, Indar and Esamir. What they differ I, between each other, is the size, division into provinces and the distribution of the factions' bases. Above all, they differ in terms of climate, and flora. For these reasons, combat at each one of them is a lifetime experience.
Amerish is a strongly forest area, which is dominated by mountainous landscape. This is where summer prevails, which rivets the sight of soldiers with its majestic beauty. You can compare it to Poland in the summer time a little, where the difference is that you will not see here the blinding sun. The reason for that is purely pragmatic and it concerns the soldiers, who would probably experience a lot of difficulty while attempting to take a proper aim, in the presence of ominous sunrays. When it comes to the size, Amerish is the smallest of the three continents on Auraxis. It also has the fewest provinces, in which there are many little outposts located, within close proximity.
Indar is a desert, dry land, dominated by mountainous areas. Wherever you take a look, you can see hills and grand canyons. Around the bases, of course, there are patches of land overgrown with trees, bushes and grass, but this is a rather rare view. Out in the open, you can find single plants, but these are strange species of cacti. When it comes to the size, Indar is the biggest of the three continents on Auraxis, although you can get the feeling that it is equal, in size, to Esamir. It has the most provinces, where medium-sized bases have been located (in general, there are a bit more of them than on Amerish).
Esamir is an ice-bound area, whose landscape is dominated by mountains. The huge landmasses of the continent are covered with thick layer of snow, or they are bound with ice. It could be easily compared to Antarctic or Greenland, if it had not been for the strange anomalies in the form of the huge purple spikes, protruding from the ground. It is difficult to determine what they actually are, if they are the land formation or the remains of an alien civilization. When it comes to size, Esamir is in the middle, but it lacks little to be bigger than Indar. It has vast provinces, where there are only huge outposts. The distances between these are really big and it takes a lot of time to make it over from one to the other.
New Conglomerate embraces the rebels and freedom fighters. They oppose the dictatorial rule and they desire to topple the governing of dictatorship, by way of revolution. They act within the framework of a loose paramilitary organization, which is commanded by former soldiers, outcasts and criminals. The remaining factions consider them to be criminals, or even terrorists, who are to be nipped in the bud, before they grow strong and become a real threat.
The NC soldiers have weapons of high firepower which, due to its power, lacks in accuracy and the speed of reloading. They also have a wide spread. For that reason, they are effective only at sort distance. The rebellion has two characteristic vehicles, i.e. Reaver jets, who make up for the low mobility with their armoring, as well as the massive Vanguard tanks, which although they are sluggish and take lots of time to reload, are very difficult to destroy in the battlefield .
Terran Republic is a military empire whose authoritarian rule seems to keep its citizens at bay "and defends the right and order. Their representatives adhere to the "the end justifies the means" rule and their priority is to ensure the world with safety and peace, at all costs. The soldiers of this faction act collectively and adhere to a conservative ideology. They assume that only unified and well organized, they are capable of winning against the enemies of the empire.
The TR units have access to weapons of enhanced fire rate and enlarged magazines, but they lack in terms of firepower. As their pride, the fastest jet, available in the game - Mosquito, may be considered, which takes pride in its agility. Apart from that, the republic has a tanks, named Prowler, which stands out with its speed of movement and firing.
Vanu Sovereignty can be named technocrats, who embrace scientists and intellectuals of all sorts, whose main aim is to explore the knowledge of the ancient civilizations, to its fullest. Thanks to the examination of the ancient artifacts, on the planet of Auraxis, they have been capable of learning a bit of the ancient technology of incredible power. They strive for saving humanity and for enlightenment, thanks to which they will understand the solutions to all the problems that ail our kind.
The representatives of the VS have access to the weapons enriched by the ancient alien technology, where the bullet decline is not as high as in the case of the other factions, which makes them highly accurate. Apart from that, in their army, they have two excellent combat vehicles. Te first one of them is the fighter Scythe jet which, unlike its counterparts, is also capable of moving over the ground, by means of levitation. The other one is the Magrider tank, which is satisfactory, when it comes to its usability in the battlefield. - it oscillates between speed and power. However, it is highly mobile because, just like the plane mentioned above, it moves over the ground by means of levitation.
In PlanetSide 2 the player can take control of one of the six available character classes, one out of which has been presented in the form of a vehicle, which is why you need to pay in Resource Infantry points each time you select it (more about this later). Each one of the classes follows a different driving style and has the specific predispositions and strong points. In this chapter, you can find detailed descriptions of these classes, accompanied by a handful of valuable hints, the learning of which can save your ass. The individual units do not differ, from faction to faction, in anything but looks - the uniform and stripes. The abovementioned characteristics of the individual factions concern the vehicles and weaponry, which are used by the soldiers, and not the soldiers themselves.
The individual units have been described in the following order:
1. Infiltrator
2. Light Assault
3. Combat Medic
4. Engineer
5. Heavy Assault
6. Max
Infiltrator is an assassin soldier, whose main weapon is a (1) sniper rifle. Apart from that, he also has (2) a pistol and a (3) and a special device for leaving sensors in the area (they report the enemy units, within a certain area, for a certain period of time). After you press F (by default), you initiate his special ability, which is the invisibility.
Using the sniper rifle, you are capable of eliminating enemies over long distances, on condition that you are aiming calmly and you make an accurate hit (in the head, that is). The pistol is a tool of direct confrontation because the use of the default weapon is more difficult, due to the distance between you and the opponent. The last thing on the inventory is the device for leaving sensors, which allow you to control a specific are and report, the approaching enemy units, to your allies. Just like every soldier, he also has been armed with a knife, which works well during melee combat. It only takes two blows to kill any individual (apart from Max).
After you use the super ability, you do not become completely invisible. You need to remember that the enemies can still see your blurred silhouette, when you move. For that reason, this ability does not guarantee complete invisibility, and only facilitates sneaking behind the enemy lines. Apart from that, when the time for its operation ends, or you disable it yourself, it produces a characteristic sound, which surely will alarm the more experienced players. It is worth noting that, in the character development panel, you can unlock the second ability for the Infiltrator and use them interchangeably, depending on your needs. This ability is Nano-Armor Cloaking, a special cloak that absorbs 25%, of the damage that you take, while operating, inflicted to you with hand weapons (you remain invisible then, of course). The game's developers gave the sniper one interesting option, i.e. seizing some of the enemy objects on the map. What is meant here is the various panels, cannons at the bases (not to be confused with the engineer's turrets), which can be re-programmed, after you press "E", and made available for your allies.
The above information can well be used against infiltrators, to thwart their plans and actions and to survive, as a result.
Light Assault is a soldier whose main weapons are (1) an assault rifle of high rate of fire (2) and a handgun. When you press SPACE apart from the regular jump, you can also use the jetpack, thanks to which he is airborne for a short period of time.
The assault rifle on his equipment is a standard weapon for short and medium distances. The pistol, just like in the case of the character class, does not stand out with anything, both when it comes to its usability and use in the battlefield. Just like any soldier, he has been equipped with a knife that is effective in melee. It only takes two stabs with the knife to kill any unit (apart from Max).
Light assault is the only unit whose special ability activates with the SPACE key. Pressing this key activates the jetpack, thanks to which you can hover above the ground for a limited period of time. This ability is perfect in tight situations, where you need to evacuate immediately from the area of danger, or when you need to infiltrate the enemy base without any problems. While airborne, you can attack the enemy, thanks to which you become a very dangerous and, at the same time, a difficult target. It is worth noting that, in the character development panel, you can unlock another ability for the Light assault soldier, and use it interchangeably, whenever needed. It is the Drifter Jump Jets, i.e. also a jetpack, but of different use. You use it in the situations n which you require a free movement along the horizontal, rather than vertical, plane. For example, the jetpack works great when you need to fly over from one tower to another, where there is a considerable distance between them. Generally, the light assault is a unit for acts of diversion, which he performs behind the enemy lines. It is an agile, quick and a deadly unit.
The above information can well be used against light assault, to thwart their plans and actions and to survive, as a result.
Combat Medic is a doctor, whose main weapon is an (1) assault rifle . Apart from that, he also has (2) a handgun and a (3) medical applicator to heal and rejuvenate his allies. When you press the F key, you will initiate his special ability, which is health regeneration.
The assault rifle on his inventory is the standard issue weapon for short and medium distances. The pistol, just like in the case of each of the classes, does not stand out with anything extraordinary, when it comes to its usefulness and use in the battlefield. The third item on the inventory is the medical applicator, which is very useful for healing the wounded allies and rejuvenating those that were killed. If the dead have not yet managed to respawn, as a new unit, they will receive a message with the question about whether they want to be rejuvenated. Just like every soldier, the medic has also been equipped with a knife, which is perfect for melee. It only takes two stabs with the knife to kill any unit (apart from Max).
The medic's Super ability ensures him with the speedy regeneration of health, in situations of danger. This holds true for the health bar only and does not include the armor, which regenerates spontaneously, without any assistance. What is interesting, also health is subject to spontaneous regeneration, although this process is slow and it is active only if your faction owns a special area, known as the Bio Lab. This unit has no interactive ability that could be bought in the character development panel.
The above information can well be used against combat medics, to thwart their plans and actions and to survive, as a result.
Engineer's main weapon is (1) a rifle of high rate of fire. Apart from that (2) he also has a hand gun, (3) a device for repairing the damaged vehicles 4) and an ammo pack. His abilities, just like in the case of the light assault, does not follow the rules. In slot five of the equipment, there is an (5) assault cannon, which can be deployed in any place and can be used to conduct fire.
The rifle in his inventory is a standard issue weapon for short and medium distances. It is different than those owned by the other classes because, due to its statistics, it is closer to the powerful rifle used by the assault soldiers. The pistol, just like in the case of any other character class, does not stand out with anything extraordinary, both when it comes to its usefulness and use in the battlefield. The third item on his equipment is the deice for repairing the damaged vehicles, both the ground ones and the aircraft, and of assault cannons. The fourth item is the ammo pack that can be dropped in any location, so that the allies can replenish their ammo. After some time, the ammo pack replenishes and it is possible to use it again. Just like every other soldier, he has been equipped with a knife, which is excellent for melee. It only takes two stabs with the knife to kill any unit (apart from Max).
The engineer's special ability allows him to deploy a turret in any spot, which allows for high-caliber fire , as if it was a heavy machine gun. Unfortunately, its angle of operation is less than 180 degrees, which makes it useless in the case of changing front. The operator is protected against damage by a energy shield, located at the device's front. In this case, the engineer (because he is the only one that can use it) dies if attacked from behind, or from the side. In combat against vehicle, he can use the Anti-Vehicle MANA Turret, that can be bought in the character development panel, which is a stronger version of the turret, but it does not ensure frontal protection.
The above information can well be used against engineers, to thwart their plans and actions and to survive, as a result.
Heavy Assault soldier's main weapon is the (1) heavy machine gun. Apart from that, he also has (2) a handgun and (3) a rocket launcher. When you press F you initiate his special ability, which is the protective shield.
The machine gun in his equipment is a powerful weapon that spews large quantities of bullets that cause a bloodshed among the enemy. Unfortunately, it lacks the high rate of fire and the speed of reloading. Its characteristic feature is quite powerful recoil, due to which aiming is considerably more difficult. The pistol, just like in the case of the other classes, does not stand out with anything unique, both when it comes to its usefulness and its use in the battlefield. This class is the only one that has access to rocket launchers. Using this weapon, you can easily obliterate both heavy ground vehicles and aircraft of any kind. Just like any soldier, he has been equipped with a knife, which is perfect in melee. It only takes two stabs with the knife to kill any unit (apart from Max).
The heavy assault soldier's special ability is the protective shield, which absorbs some of the received damage. If activated during a confrontation, it can save your character and allow you to kill the enemy. It also works perfectly while fleeing, when you only have few percent of your health left, and you are only a few steps away from the cover. In such situations, stopping single bullets fired at you may decide your fate. In the case of this unit, you can also purchase two additional kinds of shields, i.e. Adrenaline Shield and Resist Shield. The operation time of the former is shorter than in the case of the base shield, but it replenishes after you kill the opponent. The latter does not absorb completely the damage that you take, but it alleviates it to some extent. In general, the heavy assault is a unit that is good for onslaughts and defense, thanks to his considerable firepower, which he can crate, due to his basic machine gun and the rocket launcher.
The above information can well be used against heavy assault, to thwart their plans and actions and to survive, as a result.
Max is a combat mech that, basically, has two weapons, i.e. (1) the heavy gun (which depends on the faction), mounted onto its left hand (2) a mini-rocket launcher, in the right hand (by default). If you press F you initiate the special ability, which is the charge.
This lethal machine uses a hand cannon of high rate of fire, which may be considered a smaller version of the minigun, and a rocket launcher. What is important, Max can conduct fire from both weapons simultaneously. This makes it a lethal class, which is why it has been restricted in several ways. Toy take control of Max, you need to spend 350 Resource Infantry points each time you do that, which has been discussed later on. To select this class again, you need to wait for some time (10 minutes) and pay another 350 points. Instead of a knife, it has its own fist which, to be honest, does not inflict much less damage.
The mech's special ability is charge, where it gains high speed, for a short period of time, which works well in case of chases and fleeing. It is also useful because Max, by design, is a sluggish unit which, with the running option on, gains speed with each step it takes. It also can buy out certain special abilities, which are valuable in the battlefield. One of them is the Ammo Storage Canister, which increases ammo capacity in the current weapons. The third ability, which is available here, depends on the faction so, depending on the side of the conflict, Max can obtain completely different abilities. The one for the Terran Republic digs into the ground, thanks to which it becomes a sort of a turret, whose operating angle is 180 degrees and which shoots at a very high rate (Lockdown). The Mech from the New Conglomerate produces an energy shield that absorbs a large chunk of damage (Aegis Shield). The one of Vanu moves quicker and deals more damage for a limited period of time, at the cost of the armor, however (ZOE). It is worth adding that the mech, due to the fact that it is a machine, and not a regular human, may be healed only be the engineer (this does not concern the option to rejuvenate, which is still performed by the medic). Because it, as a matter of fact, does not have armor, and two health bars instead, the engineer may regenerate both of them, one after the other. Apart from that, it cannot use any of the vehicles available in the game, neither the ground vehicles nor the aircraft. What is meant here is that it cannot be the driver, nor the passenger, nor the turret operator.
The above information can well be used against the mechs, to thwart their plans and actions and to survive, as a result (with focus on the latter).
In PlanetSide 2 there is no storyline, which you could complete, nor is there any other aim of the game. The game does not end and revolves around the same activities that you perform. The players that control their units, move around the game world, around Auraxis, which has been divided into three continents. Each one of them consists of individual provinces, which the individual factions are striving to seize. The quintessence of the game is to seize the individual areas and to expand the current lands, owned by the faction, controlled by the warring sides. When the interesting character development system and a multitude of vehicles are added, you can conduct epic fights participated by hundreds of players.
The game itself, in PlanetSide 2, is observed from the first-person perspective, when you control your soldier (the only exception being the vehicles and the aircraft, where you can choose your camera mode). In this chapter, you can have a closer look at the game's interface. Each element has been marked with an appropriate symbol and it has been described in a lucid way, so that none of the novices has problems with starting to enjoy this game.
This chapter has been devoted to a detailed analysis of the world map and it includes a thorough listing of all its elements. This panel is the most important element of in PlanetSide 2, which performs the role of a briefing room, which the players set out from for the conquest of Auraxis.
In PlanetSide 2 the most important duty of each soldiers is to seize the consecutive areas that belong to the enemy which, at the same time, adds to the areas controlled by your faction. Therefore, the first thing that a soldier is obliged to do is go to the specific, enemy-controlled area. In general, seizing of the enemy areas is based on checkpoints. If the aggressor manages to seize the larger number of the checkpoints, the clock that counts down the time necessary for seizing the region, turns on. After the time runs out, the building that performs the role of spawn point and is protected with barriers at the entrances, automatically is awarded to the winner, and the defenders that are staying there die automatically. In a situation in which the defenders manage to recapture the checkpoints, the countdown moves back to the initial stage. For example, if the allotted time was 10 minutes and it is interrupted when there still are 3 minutes left to go, by means of recapturing a checkpoint, in the case in which a point is lost again, it will return to the original 10 minutes, after 7 minutes have passed. So, after only 2 minutes, you would have merely 5 minutes left, to save the situation, instead of the full 10 minutes.
All in all, the most important objects on the map are the consoles, or terminals - if you prefer. A matter of terminology. These are the special panels that, depending on their kind, perform different functions. And so, there are infantry panels that allow you to change your character class, your weapon or to replenish ammo, but also there are the ones for land vehicles and aircraft. The latter are for calling in specific vehicles, into the battlefield, for special points that will be discussed later on. The final type of consoles are only in Warpgate and they allow you to change continents, but also to gain access to the special VR Training zone, where you can test all of the weapons and vehicles available in the game.
An important issue to raise are the generators, which you can run into on some continents. They are always located in big bases, rarely in the ones of the negligible strategic meaning. Their role is to create energy shields in the key regions which, depending on the type either prevent you from driving vehicles through them, or prevent any enemy units from entering. To force such a barrier down, you need to find its source, i.e. generators, that are most usually to be found somewhere at the side, not necessarily nearby. Of course, this would make no sense if it was located right next to the shield itself, because there would be no way to gain access to it otherwise. For this reason, you need to search for it somewhere in the nearby buildings, which you can usually access from many sides. To destroy the generator, you need to stand next to it and hold down the E key for a specific duration. After a while, it will enter the auto-destruction mode and explode after 2 minutes, while claiming the lives of the soldiers within the blast radius (both friends and foes!). The stopping of the auto-destruction mode is similar - also by holding down the appropriate key. If you want to restore the machine, you need to use the engineer's skills who will, in a standard way, use his tools to fix the generator. An unique matter is the device named SCU, which can be encountered in three special bases, i.e. at the Amp Station, Bio Lab and the Tech Plant. It is protected with a special energy shield, because it allows the defenders' units to respawn.. For that reason, destroying this machine is an important element for the attackers. To gain access to this one, you first need to deal with the barrier, and there are two ways in which this can be done. In Bio Lab, you need to destroy the generator, which is located somewhere in the complex. At the Amp Station and the Tech Plant it will disappear automatically, after a half of the time, necessary to seize the entire area, elapses. So, as a matter of fact, this method is connected with seizing checkpoints.
They often are located in many places - either in pairs or by themselves - the beam of lights perform the role of gravity elevators, i.e. a swift means of transport. They allow you to mount high buildings and get to high levels quickly , and also to get down just as safely, to the ground level. The yellow ones give you lift and the purple ones bring you back down. In the case in which you, by accident, fall out of the beam of light, you do not need to worry. The developers made provisions for such situations also.
The exploration of the sprawling bases is facilitated by special trampolines, i.e. special round platforms with energy pulsating, in the form of clouds, above them. They come in two versions, faction-bound and neutral. The former come in specific colors (depending on which faction the ara belongs to) and they only can be used by the players of the specific factions. The latter ones can be used indiscriminately, by all players - they glow white.
To travel between the key locations at the base, you can use teleports. They can only be used by the members of the faction that holds the territory, where they are located. Therefore their faction colors - red, blue and purple. Usually, the area around them is protected with indestructible barriers, thanks to which the soldiers are not that much exposed to dying a quick death, after they appear in the new location. Sometimes, however, such a barrier is missing.
Literally, in all bases - both the big and the small ones - you can notice the tall towers with the ammo symbol above them. They allow all the ground vehicles to replenish supplies. If you drive up to the tower, on any vehicle, the regeneration process will start. It is the longer the more ammo you have lost.
The bigger bases that are located at certain heights, have special landing pads for aircraft, which replenish ammo, just like the towers. You do not need to land on them to replenish ammo,, the only thing that you need to do is hover above them, or nearby.
Most of the bases in PlanetSide 2 have been equipped with all sorts of turrets, used for defense against opponents. They can be operated by single soldiers and, in case they are destroyed, they can be repaired by the engineer. They come in three versions, i.e. anti-personnel, anti-tank and anti-aircraft. Each one is used for fighting another type of units, and they differ not only in the name but also in looks.
In some areas, there also are vast platforms, at which there is a vehicle panel. This allows you to call in land vehicles which, after being bought, appear on the abovementioned platforms immediately. It is worth noting, as a word of warning, that under no circumstances should you stand on these, because you will be squashed with tons of metal, if somebody purchases a vehicle.
In PlanetSide 2 you can differentiate four types of bases, i.e. Warpgate, Amp Station, Bio Lab and Tech Plant. The first one is nothing else than the faction's HQ, which performs the role of a field base. That is where the soldiers of the individual factions spawn, each time after they access the server. There is no way to seize it, due to the indestructible defense shield, in the form of a gigantic dome. There are various consoles in there, and especially the panel that allows you to change continents and to transfer to the training arena.
Amp Station is a huge base that consists of tall walls (mounted with turrets), which surround the main building (at the top, there are landing pads with ammo for aircraft). In the center, there is the checkpoint, protected with two energy shields o one side (they make it impossible to cross for any enemy units) and the SCU (the barrier that protects it disappears after half of the time necessary to seize the territory has elapsed). It is also possible to gain access to the building at the other side however, the access is protected by the energy shield of the abovementioned SCU. Around the walls, there also are two other shields operating , but these are set only to block off the enemy vehicles. The generators for all these barriers are in the building complex. To the north of the checkpoint, there is the respawn point, for the soldiers who are defending this region. It is connected with the main building with special corridors. The Amp Station, as the special territory, decreases the time to overheat the turrets in all of the basses of that faction, on this continent. What is worth noting, the scheme presented above concerns the typical Amp Stations, because there may be single derivations, which differ, e.g. in the number of checkpoints.
Bio Lab is a unique base that consists of a gigantic structure, in the shape of a dome, which has been put on tall pillars. Inside, somewhat in the center, there is an SCU, protected with a shield generated by the nearby generator. Right next to the SCU, there is a teleport which allows you to travel to the area right under the dome, between the structure's pillars. It is protected with a shield, generated by the abovementioned generator. After the shield is deactivated, this allows you to gain access and destroy the vehicle consoles, used by the defenders. The respawn point of the defending faction is located inside the dome, next to one of its walls. At the premises of the building complex, there are three checkpoints. The surroundings of the Bio Labs is very diverse and these come in two versions. In the first one, around the structure, there are several (2-4) small satellite bases, which you seize just like checkpoints. There are teleports in there and trampolines to the main base and, which is most important, a separate spawn point. The second version is that these teleports and trampolines to the dome, which embraces the entire building complex, are in the neighboring provinces. So, seizing these separate regions, and activating your own spawns there, makes it possible for you to gain access to the Bio Lab. The Bio Lab, as a special area, ensures all of the units of the faction, on that continent, with a passive (quite slow) health regeneration.
Tech Plant is a sprawling base that consists of the huge main building and a whole lot of smaller ones. Inside, there is the only checkpoint at the territory. It also has a very tall defense tower, where there are, among others, turrets and consoles for purchasing aircraft. All entrances to this building are protected with energy shields. Only two small passages, at the front of the building, are to be singled out. Opposite those passages, there is an SCU generator (the barrier that protects it, disappears after half of the time, necessary to seize the territory, has elapsed) and a spawn for the defenders (there is a net of energy streams underneath, which allow you fast passage into the building). At the sides, there also are two more generators, which power the abovementioned barriers of the main building. As a special territory, Tech Plant ensures access to heavy vehicles (the faction's tanks), which can be bought at the majority of the bases, thanks to this upgrade (initially, this option functions only in Warpgates).
Alerts are the special events that occur in the game. Every now and then, there appear alerts that call the opposing factions to arms, by providing a common end, which needs to be completed before the time elapses.. You can review the detailed information by holding down the "Tab" key (by default). Usually, the challenge consists in seizing 75% of the continent's territory, or in seizing al the Bio Lab bases (for example), all over Auraxis. In general, all of the members of the victorious faction, who took part in the event, are rewarded with huge amounts of experience points.
In PlanetSide 2 after you access the tab that presents your character's profile, you will see a card that presents all sorts of information. Among others' you will find here statistics, which concern the number of the kills performed by you, deaths, the points that you have gathered or number of shots fired from a specific weapon. Apart from that, you can find here the ranking of players on the current servers, sorted with respect to various areas, e.g. the time spent in the game. The bars marked as Boost and Membership refer to the issues connected with the special currency and the forms of membership in the subscription club (you can learn more about this in the separate Depot tab). However, the most important issue is the experience bar, which presents the current level of the character, and also shows the number of remaining point until you are promoted to the next level. These experience points (XP for short) can be received by performing various actions in the game and so, among others, for killing the other players and destroying the enemy vehicles (the most) or by helping your brothers in arms - healing of the wounded, rejuvenating them, fixing of vehicles and so forth. To keep increasing your experience level, you need to gain more and more experience points each time, which isn't anything new. The highest experience level that you can get is 100. The individual experience levels are connected with rising in ranks, and actually military ranks, which you can use after you have reached a certain level. Each player may (but does not have to) set the current status under his nickname and change it later on, to a new one, more honorable. This concerns the ranks of the sergeant, the corporal or a simple recruit, which appear right before the user's name and which are then visible for the whole community on the server. What is important, they only serve the representative function and they do not influence the combat value of the soldier in any way.
The experience points, mentioned in the previous sub-chapter, also play another vital role, they allow the development of the character. There is a certain conversion factor, according to which 250 XP = 1 Cert Point. With those cert points, you can buy various types of upgrades for your character classes and for vehicles, in the appropriate tabs (this is a kind of a shop, simply put). These can be all sorts of weapons and upgrades for those weapons (sights, larger magazine), additional items (mines, first-aid kits) or special abilities, which you can then use interchangeably with your initial ability. In the case of vehicles, these are gun modifications and both passive and active skills. The former are passive, i.e. they influence, spontaneously, the maneuverability, speed and the level of protection of the vehicle. The latter are available after you press the appropriate key, just like in the case of the regular units. At this point, it is worth mentioning a certain issue which spices up the game a bit, but they is important. For killing the opponents on a regular basis, you can receive certain bonuses. For each weapon and each vehicle(be it a land vehicle or an aircraft) or anything that you can use to kill someone (grenades and mines) there are special decorations that you receive after you score a certain number of kills. There are medals, which you unlock in better and better versions, for the increasing number of scored kills, and ribbons that are awarded every 10 kills. All of these reward you with considerable numbers of Cert Points, but single ribbons are always worth 1 Cert Point.
The last, but not the least, are the resources, i.e. more numbers whose high levels allow you to go crazy in the game. What is the matter? Now, each region in the game generates a certain number of resources in one of three categories, i.e. infantry, vehicles and aircraft. Every few minutes, all of the players in a given faction receive as many points, of a given category, as the territories, owned by that faction, are capable of generating. For example, if you have 2 regions that supply 20 resources of infantry, every now and then you receive 40 points. If you have 3 regions - one of them generates 10, the second 20 and the third 40, then you receive 70 points. Easy. As the names of the categories, mentioned above, suggest, each one is corresponds for the points connected with infantry, vehicles and aircraft. But, what do you use them for exactly? With the resources corresponding to infantry, you can replenish your arms, e.g. grenades, mines or first-aid kits (as long as you have earlier bought them with the Cert Points) The thing is a bit different in the case of vehicles and aircraft. In PlanetSide 2 there is a system where, in appropriate panels, you buy the machines that you want, and you pay for them with these resources. You can have 750 of each type, at most. The more territories your faction has, the faster the process of replenishing of these points is, thanks to which you can use vehicles more often. Accordingly, if you have 100 of aircraft resources, and there is a model that is worth 350, you will have to wait until you gain more points. To prevent the mass use of these machines, the developers have implemented a small trick. After you buy a given machine once, this initiates a clock that measures the time until this same machine is available for you again. The length of the time depends on how good a certain machine is. It is the longer the better the machine that you have selected. It is worth noting here that, while fighting (or staying, in general) at a territory, you receive a bit more resources from that region, with each full cycle. And so, if you are staying in some region for 2 cycles, you receive more points in the two batches.
In PlanetSide 2 there are several different forms of association, available for players. These are available from the Social tab. There are forms like Squad, Platoon and Outfit (the clan, in other words). Squads and platoons are a temporary form of associating players. When it comes to outfits, however, they are subject to the form of clans that may consist of an unlimited number of players.
To create a new squad, you need to dispatch an invitation to any member of your faction. If it is accepted, this will create a two-member party, where the limit is 12 members. The player that sets it up, becomes the leader automatically, who will be able to command the entire group. Thanks to his entitlement, he can also create a platoon, i.e. a group of up to four squads. This is possible thanks to the option to group players, and more precisely to allot them to the individual squads. For example, if you have a twelve-player squad, you can create three additional groups and allot one player, from the initial squad. Then, there will be nine players remaining in the original squad and there will be three more, each of one player - the automatic leader of that group. As you increase your troops in size, you will, ultimately, be able to form a platoon of four squads, with one leader and 11 regulars in each. 48 in total. What is interesting, the player that starts the entire group, will not only perform the function of the leader of a single squad (which can be renounced in favor of someone else), but also of the entire platoon. In the case in which the leader of the platoon exits the group, then the function is transferred to the player who was appointed the leader of a single squad, as the first one. In the structure of the squad itself, in the case in which the leader leaves, the control of the squad is assigned to the member that joined the squad directly after him. Of course, taking over of the leadership, over the individual structures, may be carried out by means of appointment. What is important - exiting the game equals leaving the squad/platoon so, as soon as all of the members of the structure log out of the server, the entire group ceases to exit.
Outfit is a permanent group of players, which has no limits on the number of its members. This is, in no way, connected with the squad or the platoon but, it definitely makes it easier to form them. Clans, which have for example, around fifty members, can as a matter of fact organize into platoons and operate effectively during the game. Outfit does not cease to exist after all of the clan member leave the server but, it disappears after there is no single player left in this formation.
Squad leaders and platoon leaders have access to all sorts of abilities, which are useful for the entire formation. Below, the most important ones have be:
Spawn Beacon this is the option of placing a special box-formed device out in the open (does not work indoors), which emits a spire of light colored after the faction. This allows the members of the faction to land nearby, in special landing pods. The entire maneuver is identical as in the case of the Instant Action option. To use it, you first need to purchase it, in the appropriate tab of the shop, i.e. in the Squad Leader Certs. It can be used in the continent window, after you click on the appropriate symbol on the map. Its duration depends on the current level of that ability. What is important, the box itself, if deployed in the territory, can be destroyed by the enemy forces.
Waypoint is a special marker, which can be placed on the main map, thanks to which it can be seen also on the quick map. As a matter of fact, it comes in three types. The first one takes on the personal form and it is visible only to you. It can be used by any player, even if he does not belong to any group. The remain two concern people in a given squad and in a given platoon, respectively and they can be placed by the leaders. They are, most usually, placed in the key locations that are the destination for the entire squad/platoon.
Squad Deploy is an ability that concerns squad leaders only. It is passive in its character, i.e. it works regardless of the leader's actions. The operation of this ability is that any squad member may use the continent panel to travel to the location in which the leader is currently staying. This happens after the appropriate icon, on the left side of the menu, is clicked.
Flash is the cheapest of the available vehicles - a pedigree ATV, to be precise. It is very fast and maneuverable. It is perfect for quick transportation into the battlefield but, it cannot be deemed the main means of transport. It can take on only one passenger but, due to the fact that he can only take the seat at the back of the vehicle, he becomes an easy target to eliminate. The driver can fit the ATV with a one of the four machine guns, available at the shop.
Harasser is a medium-armored truck which, apart from the driver, can take on two passengers, i.e. the operator of the turret, whose angle of operation is 360 degrees (including the basic one, there are 9 types of weaponry available for this vehicle) and a free shooter, who takes the place at the back vehicle's seat (just like in the case of Flash).
Lighting is the first tank available in the game, which can be considered a light vehicle. It is very mobile and maneuverable. Although it cannot pride too thick armoring nor incredible firepower, but it fares off very well against the regular infantry, or trucks. It can only take on the driver, who at the same time, operates the powerful cannon. It takes one well-aimed shot to kill a regular unit.
Sunderer is a powerful land transporter, in the form of a heavily-armored truck, which can contain twelve people (the most in the game). After appropriate options and upgrades are bought at the shop, it can be turned into a mobile field base. It is possible to respawn around the truck, after death, or travel to it, just like in the case of regular territories. Apart from that, it allows swapping classes, healing of wounds, replenishing of supplies and fixing the nearby vehicles, by creating a fixing field. Positioning the Sunderer is the vicinities of the enemy base under attack, it allows for supplying fresh reinforcements and for regrouping quickly. Out of the total of the available seats in the truck, are guns (of which there are six models in the shop!), which are situated on top of the vehicle.
Liberator is a heavily armored, massive aircraft that, apart from the pilot, also has room for two crew members. Both the pilot and the remaining two soldiers have access to guns. One of them is situated at the front of the craft (it goes without saying that it is controlled by the pilot), the other one under the belly (pointing downwards) and the third one on the tail. Thanks to the offer of the shop, the pilot can use, interchangeably, two different kinds of guns, the other ones - three.
Galaxy is a gigantic cargo plane which, just like Sunderer, has room for twelve passengers. It allows for organizing a raid to the enemy terrain in a quick and easy way (thanks to its armoring and considerable firepower). Due to the fact that all of the units, which jump out of this plane (it is unique in this way) do not take damage after they land, the options to attack are limitless. Jumping ahead, in front of the enemy guns.? Not a problem. Of course, apart from the risk of being pierced through. Four of the seats are reserved for gun operators, who can replace the basic version in the shop, with a single additional model. A small selection, but still. One of the guns is atop the aircraft, the other one on the tail and two more at the wings. What is important, the pilot does not get to operate guns.
Vanguard is a heavily-armored tank available only for the NC, which has a big firepower and a considerable armor. Because of these, however, it lacks in speed and maneuverability, as a result of which, controlling it without experience may be clumsy. Additionally, it has a seat for the gun operator, who can choose from among seven various weapons, at the shop.
Prowler is a tank that belongs to the TR which differs, from the above model, first of all in its approach to movement. This vehicle is maneuverable and active but, unfortunately, its firepower and resistance are not as impressive. Its main gun has two barrels thanks to which, it can fire "faster". After the first shot is fired, it fires the second one, thanks to which it gains the upper hand. Additionally, it has a seat for the gun operator, who can choose from among seven different models (including the basic model) at the shop.
Magrider is the VS's vehicle, which can easily be considered to be mediocre. It is not as strong as Vanguard, nor as fast as Prowler but, it has two features that need to be mentioned. First of all, it levitates above the ground, and thanks to that it is immensely mobile. Secondly, which probably is its downside, the operating angle of the gun is quite limited. For that reason, the operator often needs to turn the tank around to take aim in the desired direction. Additionally, it has a seat for the gun operator, who can select from among as many as seven different models at the shop (including the basic model).
Reaver is a Conglomerate jet that, thanks to its armoring and excellent firepower is excellent over short distance. Unfortunately, this comes in connection with the short range of its projectiles and the considerable spread, which makes it difficult to aim properly. Apart from that, it is not too maneuverable, nor swift. What is worth noting, however, is that after turbo is turned on, for the duration of this option, it reaches the highest speed available in the game, from among aircraft. The pilot has, excluding the basic version,, three weapon models available to unlock.
Mosquito is the fastest aircraft in the game which, apart from its speed, also has a large magazine. This plane is used by the republic which, thanks to its high rate of fire, uses it effectively for offensive operations and to harass the enemy. Apart from the basic gun, the pilot can choose from among three different guns to unlock.
Scythe is the last of the existing fighter jets and it is used by Vanu. It is very maneuverable and this is where its upsides end. With respect to the remaining categories, you can say it is mediocre. When it comes to its combat value, it is worse than Reaver, and Mosquito can easily take it over. Thanks to the fact that it resembles a pancake, and it is not oblong, like the rest of the jets, it is much more difficult to hit it. Apart from the basic gun, the pilot can choose from among three models for unlocking, at the shop.
PlanetSide 2 by design, is completely free to play. There are no compulsory subscriptions, or additional payments. Sony Online Entertainment developed it in Free-To-Play convention, which is based on voluntary micro-transactions. What does it mean? In the game, there is a shop, where you can spend your virtual cash (Station Cash) to buy various permanent items for your character. This may be weaponry and upgrades for vehicles (guns) and the purely cosmetic ones. In the latter case, this concerns the colors of the equipment, characteristic uniforms and helmets, or even funny sounds that you can play with the horn. As much as the latter category does not influence the players' combat value, and only gives you the opportunity to stand out in the crowd of regular soldiers, the former one has a real impact on the combat value. At this point, it should be explained that PlanetSide 2 does not adhere to the Pay-To-Win principle, where you get the real advantage over the rest, if you buy at the shop for real money. In spite of what it may seem, it works differently here. All of the weapons available at the shop (the tab named Depot), are also possible to purchase in a conventional way, for the basic currency (Cert Points). Thanks to this solution, the players that invest in the game can obtain the items that they want faster, when compared to the rest of the players, instead of obtaining unique items that are later on unavailable for the rest. And so, the rifle that you purchase, under the micro-payment system, is not more powerful than its predecessor, i.e. the same model, but unlocked for regular points. Some of the items can be obtained for Station Cash, but they are in very small quantities and the price is so steep that you will think twice before obtaining such an item. Additionally, if you consider the fact that, even after you have bought the entire shop out, you can still die after being hit by a stray bullet, then you get discouraged from spending (or wasting) money in the virtual world. A more time-consuming, but definitely a cheaper option is to amass the regular points on a regular basis and purchasing better and better equipment . In the list below, you can learn about the estimate prices of the SC, after being converted from Euro to zlotys:
500 Station Cash = 5 euro
1000 Station Cash = 9 euro
2000 Station Cash = 18 euro
2500 Station Cash = 22 euro
5000 Station Cash = 43 euro
10000 Station Cash = 85 euro
Also, it is worth to mention the so called Boosts. The special tab devoted to them at the shop offers special cards that boost your character temporarily. Each one of them influences, in a positive way, the specific statistic, which increases the speed of gaining experience and determines the development of the player. For example, already for the good-looking amount of 180 zloty (which purchases 5000SC) you can keep receiving more experience, by 50%, for the next 6 months, which translates directly to leveling up. What is important, at the same time, not more than 1 of them can be used at the same time. This is a sort of protection against the greedy users who would - if they could - gladly pay for everything that is possible and gain the upper hand over the rest of the players. And, as it was already stated,- PlanetSide 2 is in no way a Pay-To-Win type of game.
A separate matter that needs explaining is one of the Membership. As the name suggests, you are dealing here with a voluntary form of association of players who, by paying special fees licenses, to be precise) acquire profit in a real way from playing. Without beating about the bush - these are considerable but still they are not going to protect anybody from taking a shot to the head, from behind the first wall you encounter, anyways. Membership has been constructed in the way in which it is the more profitable the more you have been a member. And so, with each successive month, the pool of the bonuses you receive increases, until you reach a certain level, i.e. level 6. The players that do not prolong their membership at some point, will have a month to think matters over and to return to the club with the former level. After the month has passed,, the account resets and they will have to start over. Well, so, what does the slogan "BECOME A PREMIUM MEMBER" encourage you to do?
Level 1: Copper Benefits
- 25% more resources.
- 25% more gained experience.
- 100% more Cert Points awarded after you log on (the reward for returning)
- 500 Station Cash points a month.
- faster access to some modifications.
- Higher priority in log on queues.
- Three additional character slots.
- Discounts on some items, during sales.
- Three additional slots for unit schemata.
Level 2: Bronze Benefits
- 30% more resources.
- 30% more gained experience.
- 140% more Cert Points awarded after you log on (the reward for returning)
- 500 Station Cash points a month.
- Faster access to some modifications.
- Higher priority in log on queues.
- Three additional character slots.
- Discounts on some items, during sales.
- Three additional slots for unit schemata.
Level 3: Silver Benefits
- 35% more resources.
- 35% more gained experience.
- 180% more Cert Points awarded after you log on (the reward for returning)
- 500 Station Cash points a month.
- Faster access to some modifications.
- Higher priority in log on queues.
- Three additional character slots.
- Discounts on some items, during sales.
- Three additional slots for unit schemata.
Level 4: Gold Benefits
- 40% more resources.
- 40% more gained experience.
- 220% ore Cert Points awarded after you log on (the reward for returning)
- 500 Station Cash points a month.
- Faster access to some modifications.
- Higher priority in log on queues.
- Three additional character slots.
- Discounts on some items, during sales.
- Three additional slots for unit schemata.
Level 5: Platinum Benefits
- 45% more resources.
- 45% more gained experience.
- 260% more Cert Points awarded after you log on (the reward for returning)
- 500 Station Cash points a month.
- Faster access to some modifications.
- Higher priority in log on queues.
- Three additional character slots.
- Discounts on some items, during sales.
- Three additional slots for unit schemata.
Level 6: Auraxium Benefits
- 50% more resources.
- 50% more gained experience.
- 300% more Cert Points awarded after you log on (the reward for returning)
- 500 Station Cash points a month.
- Faster access to some modifications.
- Higher priority in log on queues.
- Three additional character slots.
- Discounts on some items, during sales.
- Three additional slots for unit schemata.
While we are at the membership forms, it is worth stressing that buying the subscription for a higher amount of months is more beneficial, than in the case of the shorter subscriptions. At the moment, one of four options are available (the prices in zlotys have been truncated):
1 month = 14.99 dollars
3 months = 38.97 dollars (12.99 dollars per month)
6 months = 71.94 dollars (11.99 dollars per month)
12 months = 119.88 dollars (9.99 dollars per month)
As for now, there only is the PC PlanetSide 2 version. This is why the below values concern only this specific platform. In general the game requirements may be considered high, but not too high. What is worth mentioning, for the smooth functioning of the game, also the internet connection is required, because PS2 bases on internet games, participated by multiple players simultaneously. This guide has been drawn up on a computer with Intel DualCore i5-660 CPU, 4GB RAM, ATi Radeon HD 5850 GPU and has been provided with the a 60Mb/s internet connection. This computer falls a bit short if the specifications provided below, but it is enough to enjoy playing PlanetSide 2.
Single player: No
Offline Co-op (split screen/hot seat): no
Co-op over the internet: No
Multiplayer: Yes
This guide, for the PC version, has been drawn up on the PC, of the below specifications:
On the computer with the above specification, the game ran smoothly, without major issues. The only thing that you could complain about were the long loading times for the individual elements of the interface and the game world, while loading on to the server (a slight fall in fluency and temporarily unloaded characters and objects).
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
GPU: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 4850
HDD: 15 GB of free space
VRAM: 256 MB
OS: Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core i5 @ 3.3 GHz / AMD Phenom II X6 @ 3.3 GHz
GPU: nVidia GeForce GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 6870
HDD: 15 GB of free space