Heroes of Might and Magic is the one of the most famous and most interesting cycle in a history of computer games. Generations of players were raised by next parts of this legend - until now, many of them remember epic battles, beautiful landscapes and their powerful, unbeaten heroes. So it's hard to be surprised, that this series has many of fans, waiting for the next episodes of the story.
Might & Magic: Heroes VI introduces many new things into the series - those little ones, and those huge also. Amount of changes and simplifications reversed Heroes interface - it's become more clearer. Paradoxically, many fans of previous parts could feel a little lost.
Guide is made not only for veterans, but also for the beginning gamers. Any user, no matter how (not)experienced, will find here a piece of advices, which helps him win every battle and campaign.
Prologue - extensive describe of the prologue with all quests and alternative solutions.
Cities - their types and possibility of development, connections between buildings, converting them and suggested path of progress.
Unites - recrutation and balancing between them, optimalising using common pool of an army.
Resources - their types and usefulness, from where get them and how spent, looting and sabotaging mines, areas of control.
Exploration - types of terrain, movement points and their modifiers, order of discovering new lands.
Buildings on the world map - list of all objects we can find during traveling through the Ashan.
Heroes - their characteristics, classes, attributes, development, blood and tear paths, abilities and spells.
Battles - rules, advices about normal battles and siegeing.
For user's comfort, we used many colors:
Blue - abilities and spells
Brown - unites
Green - buildings
Orange - items
References to maps are marked in such way: (Mx, y), where x is for a map number and y position on it. So denomination (M3, 2) tells, that on the third map you have to go to the place with number 2.
Maciej "Czarny" Kozlowski
Prologue has two episodes - during them we get to know about all basis game mechanisms and do few quests. What is untypical for this cycle, few missions we can complete in different way, what will have an influence onto further events. That's why we made a solution for the beginning of a game - you'll get to know what results your decisions will have and make all tasks without any problem.
In a prologue we met prince Slava - very important character.Solution contains also set of maps, on which important objects are marked (cities, mines, main enemies etc).
Goals: defeat wolves, find priestesses, get to the village and conquer it
Reward: 3 woods, 1000 gold
We begin the game with one hero - Slava, who comes to the Pleasant Valley to checks out rumors about demons. He has small army and his aunt, Svetlana, helps him with wise advices. How it shows up, this calm start will have unexpectable consequences.
It begins innocentlyBut first fight is right aheadAfter got in touch with an interface, we move from the castle on a hill (M1,X) and direct south. Here first battle awaits us - with small wolf's group. They are without any chance - fight is immediately end with our win.
It's worth to look around after a battleAnd then get things doneAfter winning, search around - there is an artifact in front of us (four-leaf clover +2 to destiny), weaponsmith (permanent +1 to might power), treasure chest, gold and a fireplace. After that, move east, where next wolf's group is waiting - much more dangerous this time.
Oh no, those are powerful wolves!Yet, not THAT powerful...After defeating them move forward, collecting all resources and occupying a sawmill. Further, we'll meet priestesses, who join us very eager - thanks to that, we'll be able to fight with demons in a valley.
Nice priestesses - we take them!Of course, only to defeat demonsAfter a battle, picking up few stones, which lay nearby and searching corpses, we should conquer our first city (M1,2) - it's guarded by brave demon's army.
Lovely village guarded by the horde of demonsBut defeating them isn't difficultWhen we take a castle (we are much stronger, so it's very easy), the quest is over. Our hero should level up now.
Attention! This task is available only after finishing a Demons Sightings mission!
Goals: take control over four mines and defeat succubus Daeve
Reward: 500 XP
After conquering our first city, we build barracks inside it and then recruit guardsman - they'll serve well. After that, we ride out from a castle and fight with a small demon's group - meanwhile collecting all nearby items and use a war ancient, which is on our path (+5 to the destiny and leadership in next battle, 5 movement points for hero). It also worth to visit a stable (+5 movement) and an armoursmith (perennial+1 to the might defence).
A bit of infrastructure at firstAnd then rambling in the neighbourhoodBecause our goal is taking care about nearest mines (before fighting a succubus), we can't forget about those closest to us - on the west and east (M1,3). By a stone bed a small group of barbarians is (M1,4) - they join us happily. When we move south, to the next mines, another squad joins us.
Orcs gonna be precious alliesMines are guarded by small groups of creaturesOn the south succubus Daeva is waiting for us (M1,5). Before a battle, we should visit nearest mines (M1,3). Fight with her is quite difficult - we'll lose some troops, but if we resurrect our army smartly with priestesses and keep an enemy on the distance, we'll win. After battle look over a place - in a cirque we can find an artefact, fireplace, obelisk (+2500 XP) and resources.
Here is an ugly succubusDefeating her is a tough matterAfter that mission, we unlocked quests: Demon blood and Journey through the dark (main) and The Horn (collateral).
Attention! This task is available only after finishing a Infernal Hero!
Goals: defeat a Toghrul, take control over a Mausoleum
Reward: perennial +2 attack, 1000 XP
After entering an underground (M1,6) we moving north ( on the south we can accomplish The Horn quest). In the darkness (look at M2) Toghrul shows up. He starts mocking of us and then disappear. Don't care about him and move forward - you can visit Blind Maiden (+5 to the fate during next battle) and encounter a ghosts guarding Sandals of The Swift Journey (+2 to movement on the land)
Entrance to the undergroundOn the south war demon's horn is localisatedIf we want, we can move a little east - there is a pyramid full of undeads (M2,2) - it's good occasion to gain some experience. Also, we'll find them 30 marksmen.
It's worth to visit undead's crypt at the eastDefeating them is very profitableIn further part of underground we collect Winterwind Peace Circlet (+10% to diplomacy), fight with monsters, find resources, items and talk with prince Ishtvan (M2,3), who warns us about angels. Then we get out on the surface (what ends quest Journey through the Dark; M2,4), where we meet Toghrul, who's waiting for us in his castle (M1,8).
Helpful grampaToghrul's castleSveltana visits us after winning - she'll give us our father's sword (fraction artefact). In this moment second part of prologue starts.
Attention! This task is available only after finishing a Infernal Hero!
Goals: reach the opposite end of a tunnel
Reward: 500 XP
Look: description of Demon blood quest.
Attention! This task is available only after finishing a Infernal Hero!
Goals: collecting War Horn of the Legion
Reward: artefact War Horn of the Legion (+1 to leadership)
After defeating Daeve during Infernal Hero, a crow gives us another quest - finding War Horn of the legion. It's located in a catacombs, south from the entrance to the underground (M2,1). Artefact is guarded by ghouls, but they shouldn't be problematic.
The Horn is inside a chest.After fight pick up artefact and other precious things.
X - beginning of a mission
1 - demons (quest Demons sightings)
2 - city (quest Demons sightings)
3 - mines (quest Infernal Hero)
4 - orc's team
5 - succubus Daeve (quest Infernal Hero)
6 - entrance to the underground (look at map M2)
7 - exit from the underground (look at map M2)
8 - Toghrul (quest Demon blood)
X - strung out from surface (look at map M1)
1 - War Horn of the Legion (quest The Horn)
2 - undead's residence
3 -ancestor
4 - exit on the surface (look at map M1)
1 - weaponsmith (permanent +1 to might power for a hero. Only one-shot for hero)
2 - sawmill (2 woods per turn)
3 - old skeleton (treasure can be found)
4 - city (Haven)
5 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
6 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
7 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
8 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
9 - stone mine ( 2 stones per turn)
10 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
11 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
12 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
1 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
2 - Pyramid (undeads guarding treasure or prisoners)
3 - Sigil of Arkath (gives +5 to hero's magic defence for a week. Can be used once in week)
4 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
Deep into the land
Goals: defeating crossbowmen at the stone mine, conquering enemy's castle, moving through a portal, eliminating three opposite heroes
Reward: 2500 XP
Situation gets complicated - The Emperor decided to throw out all orcs from a kingdom. Slava, Kraal's friend, can't agrees with that. He starts fighting with Emperor's mymidons.
Orcs ain't enthusiastic about King's interventionAnd King doesn't like presence of orcsBefore lethal war begin, you have to collect an army. That's why we take stone mine from evil crossbowmen (M5,2). Then little reconnaissance - in a neighborhood of our castle we can find plenty of treasures and loyal guardmen, who join us eagerly.
Poor beginning......changes thanks to the minesAfter that we move south, eliminating enemies along our way (developing city simultaneously). When we reach big gate (M5,3), two quests get activated: Improve the Mausoleum and A Restless Griffin.
To go through a gate, we will have to develop our cityWe'll find lot of treasures on new landAfter finishing first one, we'll be able to move onto new land. But we can't take control over nearest buildings - they belong to our enemy. To snaffle them, we have to conquer his fort, which is on the south (M5,4). Before siegeing, it's good idea, as usually, to look around - nearby enemy's fortification are two useful artefacts, guarded by not-so-strong elementals.
That's enemy's fortIt's always worth to fight for treasuresAfter capturing fortifications and moving through a portal, we'll fight with Haven's army - to win it, we have to finish battle with at least one myrmidon. It's not challenging, so our victory is quick one.
Fratricidal fightEmperor's troops annoying usIn this moment we obtain new goal - defeating three enemy heroes. It's worth to refill our army before fighting - luckily gate to the west has been opened (M5,5) and we can easily move back to our castle (M5,1). By the way - talk to the nearest orc (look at: quest The Hostage pup; M5,6) and defeat wind elementals (Stolen Heirlooms; M5,9).
Enemy heroes are marked on our mapTwo heroes simultanously - great!First two heroes we find very quickly - one is hiding in a orc's fort (M5,7), the other one hunts for Slava - battle is unavoidable but easy. We should concentrate on healing our troops, keeping enemies on distance and continuously firing with crossbowmen. Two more enemies eliminated.
Valeska has quite powerful army...but we overcome her very fastThird hero is Valeska - inquisitor we met at the beginning of a quest. She'll run into the orc's castle (M5,8). Fight with her is a little troublesome (we should send to the gate not only pretorians but myrmidons also - rest of an army will be a backup), but we win it for sure. After battle we'll have a choice - kill inquisitor or exile her. However, it's mission from tutorial so only the second option is active for us.
Slava and his charismaAfter fight a quest is completed and we obtain reward and 100 tears reputation points.
Goals: taking control over wood, stone and crystal mines
Reward: 5 woods, stones and crystals
Fort is an essential thingFirst mine (stone) is nearby our castle (M5,2) - guarded by small crossbows team. Next beds are on the south, but they belong to the enemy - you have to conquer enemy's fort to take them over (Look at quest Wolves at the Barndoor; M5,4).
Goals: build basis fortifications, town council and special building
Reward: 3000 gold
We'll get this quest moving south from our city. To complete it, we have to fortificate our castle - it's good to do it after building structures in which we can recruit units (we need to use a marketplace, to gain enough recourses).
Working in progressLook how cool my walls are!When we finish it, gate at the south (M5,3) get open. In this moment we should build city council - this structure is very expensive, so it's worth to go through this gate and collect some resources.
Everybody enjoyed our new city wallsOur next goal is to build an unique structure - it also exacts lot of resources, so look on the south of a land. When we build it, the quest is done.
Goals: find Ishtvan's tomb, defeating him and rebuilding his residence
Reward: Purse of endless gold (500 gold per turn)
We'll get this quest moving south from our city. We have to find Ishtvan and his castle - that's why we move into undead's territory (entrance is on the north from the western gate).
Entrance to the graveyardAnd undeads itselfAs it quickly turns out, situation is out of control - Ishtvan attacks everyone who trespasses his land. There is no other way - we have to eliminate him. During this battle focus on offensive - enemy will continuously shooting, so we have to get into his castle rapidly. That's why is worth to send myrmidons and pretorians under the gates, and crossbowmen aim into foe's skeletons. We have to remember that our maidens can not only heal but also damage enemy's troops - it could be a key to win.
Quick interventionAnd sweettalkAfter battle and conquering a city (M5,10), we convert it into Haven. When we did, the quest is completed, and we achieve new task (if we finished Wolves of the Barndoor) - Slava's Promise.
Attention! This task is available only after finishing a Wolves of the Barndoor and Restless Griffin!
Goals: defeating Gerhart
Reward: 5000 XP
Our task is conquering an enemy's city (M5,13) - it's located on the far west of a land, on a seacoast. We should hurry - opponent will send a quite strong armies against us. What's interesting - they come from nowhere, for every turn or two we have to be prepared for new attack. That's why we should end this war quickly.
Our enemy has such a nice castleBut defeating him is a piece of cakeGerhart's city is guarded by typical Haven's units - pretorians, crossbowmen and maidens. We'll probably have similar troops, but larger (we have two cities, when our foe only one). But if we can't defeat him, we can occupy his creatures residence (M6,14) with one of our additional hero (til he stays near to residence, it's our). With proper amount of soldiers, defeating Gerhart should be easy.
Tutorial ends with deus ex machinaAfter this quest tutorial is over - it's worth to act like treasure searchers (Look at: Others - Treasure Island).
Goals: conquering orc's dwelling
Reward: 1500 XP
This quest we get from an orc, we can meet just outside the western gate (M5,6). Barbarians prison a hostage - kin of our main enemy. We chose tears path (+50 to tears points; blood path is blocked) and negotiate with orcs. They ask for conquering their dwelling on the northern west.
It isn't nice to kidnappingWe have to agree on captor's demandsOur goal is near - move a little on the northern west. After occupying an ares (it's weakly guarded) we get an award.
Goals: build a tavern and recruit a hero
Reward: 1500 XP
TavernHeroThis quest is great opportunity to gain some experience. We get this mission during exploration of western lands. You just need to build a tavern and recruit a hero. Piece of cake.
Goals: finding three parts of guardsman's armour
Reward: 1500 XP
After battle with air elementals (M5,9) we find a treasure - it was stolen from Ishtvan's grave. When we find extant parts, mission will be completed.
Annoying elementals!Quest is worth an effortFirst part we have - enemy hero who'll attack us near to the orc's fort (M5,7) possesses second one. Killing him move us closer also to the end of Wolves of the Barndoor.
The last one piece of an armourThird part is on the north - behind the fort defended by Valeska (M5,9). After collecting all of them the quest is completed and we get our reward.
On a undeads territory, on the northern end of it, there is a teleport guarded by group of liches (M5,11). If we go through it, we'll get on the treasure island - it's worth to catch on because of few useful items.
1 - player's city
2 - stone mine (Wolves of the Barndoor)
3 - gate to the south (Wolves of the Barndoor)
4 - enemy's fort (Wolves of the Barndoor and Expand your territory)
5 - gate to the west
6 - kidnapers and their residence (look at quest Hostage pup)
7 - enemy's fort (Wolves of the Barndoor)
8 - Valeska (Wolves of the Barndoor)
9 - Artefacts from Stolen Heirlooms quest
10 - Ishtvan's fortress (Restless Griffin)
11 - teleport on the treasure island (look at: Other - Treasure Island)
12 - treasure island
13 - enemy's castle (look at quest Slava's Promise)
1 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
2 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
3 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
4 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
5 - Crystal of power (gives +1 to hero's magic attack. One-shot for hero)
6 - observatory (discover nearest area)
7 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
8 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
9 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
10 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
11 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
12 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
13 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
14 - dwellings (increase creature's population)
Proper development of a city is a key to win - like in previous parts, it is in Heroes VI too. No hero can defeats an enemy without sufficient army - this simple rule is a base of our cities progress. In this part castle's development is even more important - mainly because of common pool of unites and existing a control zones - if we lose a city, we lose it with all nearest mines.
How full developed city looks likeSo, one obvious thing comes to head - you should think carefully about evolution of your cities. In next paragraphs I'll explain how to manage them in a way, which ensure a success.
Capitol, our first residence, has to be everything. With one city we can't afford to specialise it: if we start investing into army, we'll quickly bankrupt, but if we overreact with economy, our enemies smash us. That's why, the best way seems to be a balanced development - little of everything, modified to the current situation.
It's always worth to take control over dwellings - they give us additional troopsWell, usual on the beginning is good to make one building to recruit creatures - to strengthen our conquering mines hero. In a second turn it's worth to invest into Town Hall - we doubled our gold income. Further progress depends on situation - if we easily get next mines and we have a lot of stones and wood, we should build a City Hall. It gives us 2000 gold per turn, but it's expensive - 5000 gold, 5 stones, 5 wood. So if we haven't bother about low money level and we don't have much other resources, we should build another recruiting structures. I recommend especially healing unites (if we don't have ones) - they give large advantage at the beginning of a game.
Full viewed capitolIf we control our heroes properly (look at - Exploration) we should have sawmill and a stone mine at the fourth turn (and with a little amount of luck also crystal mine). Thanks to that we can start think about more further development of our civilization - we should summarize available resources, expected income and treasures we're gonna collect in short time. The most important thing isn't (surprisingly?) to build a structure in every turn - far more important is to build city walls (basic fortification) at seventh day. Thanks to that, our population increase, and game becomes much easier. Of course we have to build structures for our creatures first.
So what we should build between third and a seventh turn? Choice depends on many various things, but mainly it's all about our resources - we have to have them enough to build city walls. Surprisingly, marketplace very rarely helps with lack of resources - to build it we have to pay 2 wood and 2 stones, which is quite lot in few first turns - exception is situation when we have too many crystals, then it's worth to trade.
Develop level of a city is seen at journey mapThis one has a city walls but without guard towers
On the contrary to the previous Heroes, it's not worth to buy a second hero - it's too expensive and all mines and resources in our control zone can be easily collected by one character in less than a week. That's why I dissuade building a tavern.
So, we know what isn't pay off - it's worth to mention on what we should spent our resources. Usually recruiting buildings are good choice (but not upgraded versions!), but not always. About detailed development plan of races I'll write in other guides, dedicated to them. But I mention only about one thing - investing into special city's building (those in a right bottom corner of the building panel) is a waste of resources - they don't give any special things and are very expensive.
Castle conquered - we can move to on the open seaAfter a first week we should have a powerful enough hero with nice army - it's the best moment to go outside our control zone (if we feel strong enough). New lands mean new cities - you'll read about them on next pages.
This is a name I gave to the castles outside the most dangerous area near to our opponents. Usually those are cities, which we conquer just after moving out from our control zone - so located near to our capitol. Theirs development should be resultant of ours capitol progress and border cities.
Dwelling - essential element of our armyFirstly, we have to invest in economy - Town Hall and City Hall let us to make a fast jump. Then it's worth to start constructing recruiting buildings - new cities have to have a priority. Why? It's easy to explain - on this stage of the game, all structures in the capitol will be very expensive (those should be elite or upgraded units), and in a freshly conquered city rather cheap. It's ideal method to flow an enemy with hordes of units - even if he'll have few griffins or lamasu, we'll have hundreds crossbowmen against it? Our number advantage quickly shows who is a master - few powerful creatures won't handle this.
Forts are less useful than cities, but it's also worth to control themWhen in both cities we'll have structures to at least forth level of creatures (don't forget about walls!), we'll build portals. They let to move our heroes freely, so we'll be able to flick through our troops quickly to the battlefield. After that we should spent all resources to the elite unites - those are expensive, but very useful during more difficult fights. Building a marketplace is worth considering - it asserts faster progress with relatively low price. Remember about one thing - the more marketplaces you have, the cheaper resources are.
On the periphery of our empire, in some time will be a cities with very changeable status - sieged, converted, lost and regained Those ones we should treat with special care - they'll be our first defend line and also fortificated war bases.
Border cities we can divide on to two categories: those, we gonna lose immediately and those we have a chance to keep. In first case, when we see arriving hordes of enemies, and we have little army, we should run away - but first convert a city; it's not very expensive, but it slows enemy's development in this city for a turn.
Defence is very important on the borderlandsIf we'd like to keep a city, we have to take a look to its infrastructure - if it have few recruiting buildings, we should convert it ASAP (look at chapter: Converting). If an enemy is close and a city is weak, we should think about city walls (in the worst case - about retreating).
But if our castle isn't in danger for a while, we should build dwellings (like in internal cities) and portal - in that way we'll regain loses rapidly and safe the front.
Every fort, city and dwelling we can convert to our race's type. Just click a structure and convert it. Change of a fort always costs the same - 1500 gold, 5 stones, 5 woods (dwelling is 500 gold cheaper) and price of city's convert depends from its development level. The more advanced castle, the more expensive it'll be - but it's in any case very worthwhile investment.
One click from hell to heavenAdvantages of converting are quite big - especially with cities. Those are changed completely, so every building (without special ones) changes. So, our new-conquered city is a clone of those developed during the game. For example, if we convert a city with buildings on the seventh level (for example with cyclops), we'll get same leveled structures but with unites typical for our fraction (angels, devils etc.).
It's similar with dwellings - they give us a little of army every week. Of course, army's race depends from the type of dwelling - Inferno's type gives demons and Necropolis let us recruit undeads. Character of the structure we can change freely for 1000 gold , 5 stones and 5 woods.
We have to convert every dwelling - it'll be very helpfulBut totally non worthwhile is converting of forts - you gain nothing at all. Forts don't generate any units (you can only summon them from dwellings), and it's only a defence building, so there's no meaning in converting it. Even if we'll have Haven's fort, and Inferno's dwelling, we don't have any problems with recruiting demons (even if we are playing barbarians).
Due to converting it's important that we can change a structure only in one way - to our own race's type. So if we are playing as Haven, we can change enemy's cities only into Haven's - there is no other choice. Remember also that not recruited units are gone during convertion - so if we don't buy skeletons from Necropolis before change, we lose them irrevocably.
Portal system is one of the biggest change in Heroes VI - idea of rapidly moving heroes completely changes all game up down. The main difference is, that we don't have to care about transporting our army from city to city - those have common pool of unites (look at: Common pool of unites) and heroes also can move quickly like a lighting.
No, not those portals - we build our owns in castlesHow it works? Very easy. Let say, that we have a portal in our capitol. If we have only its basic version, our hero can move to the any other our city (it hasn't has its own teleport!) with special spell (basic town portal - 10 mana and 15 movement points). Building a second type of portal is also gut idea - if we make it, all of our heroes get spell improved town portal (20 mana and movement points), which allows on quick teleportation to the closest city with this structure.
Our heroes can uses portals thanks to theirs spellbooksA basic difference between those two spells is that during using first we have to be in a city (but we can choose freely our destination point), and second allows us to move from random place on the map but to the closest castle.
In Heroes VI we have many various units - every has its own set of statistics and skills. Proper chose of your troops and wary using it is a half of the success - so it's worth to spent few paragraphs for types of recruiting our army.
A CityOn the contrary to the previous parts, we can recruit units only in two places - cities and forts. In the second case, to have new troops, we have to control dwellings near to the fort - after that we'll be able to recruit an army. You can't take creatures from the dwelling, without the fort.
Fort.Amount of creatures form dwellings regain once per week and pull together; it also counts into common pool of unites (look at the next chapter).
Dwelling.In cities it's get little more complicated - number and quality of our armies depends from our city walls level (bigger walls, more units), from dwellings (increase population) and, of course, from built structures. It's worth mention, that's usually better to first build all 1-6 level structures for unites and then upgrade them. It's all about economy - if we create upgraded creature, we won't have enough resources for higher level recruiting building. In Heroes VI quantity is more important than quality - with horde of not-upgraded unites, we'll smash an enemy having group of elite ones.
The very important thing is common unit pool. Our every city produce some number of creatures - those pull together with others. So, if city A and city B provide 2 angels every, so we'll be able to recruit 4 such units per week (2+2=4). Of course after buying four winged guys, the pool get zeroed, and we won't recruit any of them til the next population - so we have to think carefully about decisions.
As you can see, our armies grow large very fastAnother curious thing is fact, that individual troops do not have to be identical - you can mix them. So, in other words, if we have pretorians in one city (upgraded unit) guardsmen in the second (basic version of the same type of unit), common pool of units is still working - but we can recruit only one type of creatures. It doesn't match in case of troops from different cities - we won't change skeleton into orc.
All this army disappear during convertionDwellings provide army to forts and cities, in correlation with control zone on which they are. Dwellings have three types -with basic, elite or championship units, what is linked to their development level.
Complete list with all unites, their abilities and usefulness on the battlefield, you'll find in race guides.
On the contrary to the previous parts, in Heroes VI we have only four resources - gold, woods, stones and crystals. We collect them during travelling - they often lay somewhere and just waits for us. It especially worth to check fireplaces - it usually provides piece of gold and random resource.
Resources are usually guardedSecond way of getting resources are mines and sawmills - we conquer them defeating guards and taking control over them. All resources are important, but you can see easily that crystals are hardly useful at the beginning (they are used mostly in more sophisticated buildings, and recruiting 7th level of units).
There is one old dwarf song" Gold, gold, gold" - nice, isnt' it?We can gain gold not only from the mines and collecting them from a map, but also thanks to treasure chests. When we find one, we always have to decide - we'd prefer few thousands coins or development of a hero? The second one is much more worthwhile - experienced hero is much more precious than any amount of gold.
All map is divided on control zones - those are internal borders in Ashan. Theirs range is showed on minimap (small button at right) and on main game area. Strong guards stand at the borders usually - they are between some kind of gateways, which shows belonging to one race (look at the picture below).
Orcs are good guards. Those stands on the border between blue and greenAll zones control philosophy means that enemy hero can't takes permanently our mines - but if we conquer our city, he'll get with all zone and mines inside it. It changes type of gaming we know from previous Heroes - moving on to enemy's territory without strong army are senseless.
That's how borders of individual races look likeWhat's interesting - we can possess enemy's dwellings and mines for a while. You just need to take control over one's and leave your hero there - thanks to that, opponent won't use it. But if we move, he'll regain them automatically.
About sabotaging mines you can read below.
A mine after sabotage
Sabotaging of mines stops it for a week - for seven days enemy won't get any profit from attacked object. To make it, we have to move our hero to the mine and use proper ability - remember, that using it drain all hero's movement points. Enemy can repair mine with a hero, but it also takes all move he has.
I can write, that sabotage isn't too profitable. Firstly, it's advanced ability which requires experienced hero, who for sure has other, more interesting things to do. Secondly, it takes all movement points - which equals to eliminate hero from one turn. So it is not cost-effective, especially that you can use it ability only once per week.
Gold rush inside sabotaged mineLooting is more arrogant type of sabotage - you snaffle enemy's profits from a mine. Hero come up to the mine and sacrifices all movement points, what gives him three-day profit from an object. Enemy doesn't get nothing from it. Unfortunately, from the same reasons like sabotaging, looting isn't the best tactic to conquer the world.
Getting know a structure of the map, placement of resources, monsters, castles and wise use of our knowledge is very important in that game. During Ashan's explorations we'll visit many mysterious locations, move through a snow, going through a jungle and teleport with portals. You can read further how to do it in possible quickest way.
Roads give a small bonus to movementIn previous parts, hero's movement points depended mostly from a terrain - swamps slowed him much, but on the roads he was fast as a wind. In Heroes VI those differences are smaller - travelling through difficult terrain requires little more movement points and roads give only 25% bonus. However, it's worth to be in touch with roads - they usually lead to castles or other important objects. Yet, you shouldn't invest in logistics, which increases hero's range only about 3 points - we won't see a difference.
Terrain table
Type of terrain
Amount of movement points
Next curious thing is fact that you don't need to sacrifice all movement points for going on/off from a boat - thanks to that things get really faster. What is more - sailing uses same amount of movement points like travelling by foot, and we can doubled it by seizing lighthouse. Sea movement is more worthwhile now.
Noticed that all, we can start exploring a map. During that, quite useful observatories are - they discover large area of land, thereupon we should find them very fast. After we get familiar with localisation of mines, treasures and monsters, we should start acting. Firstly, we need to look after sawmills and stone mines - of course with collecting all treasures along our path. It's important to not moving back anywhere - it's awful waste of time and movement points. Because of that you should schedule your exploration, including all battles, mines, army supplies etc. As control zones are not big, it isn't difficult usually at the beginning of the game, when random component (other players) is not that dangerous.
Observatories are hardly to skipWhen we control all mines inside zone control, we have to arm ourselves and try to conquer dwellings (if they are near). If there are no dwellings, and we have nice army (usually at the beginning of the second week) we can think about moving to another zone - we'll have to defeat border guards. After coming up onto new terrain we make again the same: observatory, mines, dwellings and then cities and forts. If this land is in a hand of enemy, we shouldn't waste time and (if our army is strong enough) attack a city, which is usually in the middle of the zone. After conquering it, all mines and dwellings inside zone will be ours.
During our journey we'll visit many of different places - mines, portals, observatories, statues, dwellings, obelisks and shrines. Below you can find full described list of those objects.
2 woods per turn
Stone mine
2 stones per turn
Crystal mine
1 crystal per turn
Gold mine
1000 gold per turn
Crystal of power
Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero
Doubled movement points of all heroes on the sea
Take hero to the other portal
Entrance to the undergrounds
You may go to the undergrounds
Exit from undergrounds
You can go on the surface of a map
You can built ships here (1000 gold, 20 wood)
Gives permanently +1 do might power. Only once used for a hero
Stone of Enlightment
Gives 2500 XP. One shot for hero
Discover nearest area
Monument of revelation
Discover fragment of map (not nearest)
Artifact merchant
Here you can buy and sell items
Arcane library
Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once
Shrine of the Seventh Dragon
Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once
After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected.
Revelation Crystal
Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero
Gives +1 to might defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero
Increase hero's morale about random number. You can use it only once per battle
Blind maiden
+5 to hero's destiny. You can use it only once per battle
Mother Earth shrine
Increase all creatures hit points by 10%. You can use it only once per battle.
Reverie Shrine
You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle
Dragon Vein
Completely regenerate mana points. Only once per week.
Dragon Nexus
Doubled maximum mana points. Only once per week
+5 to movement points. Hero can use it only once per week
War Ancient
+5 to Leadership, Destiny and movement points to the next fight. Only once per battle
Sigil of Arrkath
+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.
Hell Forge
+5 to might power and magic power for a week. Hero can use it once per week.
Warmen Guardhouse
After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.
Raiders Dwelling
Gives some gold for every won battle. Amount of gold depends from numbers of such structures you control.
Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.
Galeon wreck
Guarded by undeads - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.
There is a troop of undeads guarding a treasure or hostages
Barbarian camp
Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.
Centaur statue
Gives additional +5 to movement points and increase distant damages by 10% for a week. Hero can use it once per week.
Ice Pearl Shrine
+10 to the initiative to the end of current week. One use for a week
Angels Shrine
+5 to magic power and Leadership do the end of current week. One use per a week.
+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.
Knight Shrine
+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.
Demons Shrine
+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.
Wheel of Time
Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.
Hide nearest area for an enemy
Dead Field
In the next battle living creatures has -10% to hit points and attack. You can use it once per fight.
Water Elemental Shrine
If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell.
Souls Well
+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.
Chaos Wave
During next battle on your side appears computer controlled monster. It starts eating random enemy units (it can be interrupted by killing a beast). You can use it once per week.
Altair of Destruction
In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.
Magic streams orb
You can let messages to the other players
Title oblige - heroes were very important in every Heroes. Their development, abilities and armies are those factors, about you should care in the first place. In the sixth part of cycle they are even more precious - they are in the middle of the game. Only thanks to them we can collect objects on the world map, win an epic battles and explore lands - so they're unremarkable.
What is a canon for the cycle and fantasy we recruit heroes in taverns, which we can build in our cities. What is curious, we have a full choice from the beginning - we can choose from all heroes and hire anyone of them. I can advise recruiting hero from our race - his skills probably harmonise with our dynasty philosophy.
Heroes at the gates!Heroes will be used not only to exploration but also to the battles. During their progress they can use special abilities and spells , or do a lethal hits - it depends from theirs development. What's important, heroes are mostly immortal - if they die, you will be able to hire them in the next day in a tavern (but it's rather expensive). So if we are sure that we'll have enough money, we can surrender options of retreating from a battlefield. But if we don't hire such hero, he'll be available for our enemies too. Hero's cost depends from his level and number of heroes we have.
It's worth to explain difference between retreat and surrender: in the first case we lose greater part of our troops, and in the second one we keep all our army by paying a ransom to our enemy.
Every heroes in the game has a set of statistics - those we can divide into Might, Magic and others. Warriors mostly concentrate on the Might and wizards on Magic - during advancement they usually get bonuses to their prefer attribute.
Attributes have large meaning in the game - they decide about real power of hero on the battlefield. So we will look at them little more carefully.
Might Power
Increase all creatures attack, affect some abilities
Might Defence
Increases all creatures defence, decreases enemy's might abilities
Sum of basic might power and might defence of a hero (without items), increases hero's damages
Magic Power
Increases all creatures magic power, affect some abilities
Magic Defence
Increases all creatures magic defence, decreases enemy's spells power
Sum of basic magic power and magic defence (without items) times 10. .
Needed to casting spells
Increases morale in an army
Increases luck in an army
Heroes get experience during their journeys - during battles, thanks to the treasure boxes and special objects. That's how they leveled up, which let him to buy new abilities - and those are a gradient of their quality. In the sixth part of cycle you ascertain the spell by hero's progress and choosing them like an ability, not from the magic guild (like in previous games). So wizards can chose their favourite school of magic, specialize in it, and become more and more powerful support to their army.
Most of warriors abilities mainly strengthen an army in common - increasing morale, luck, health points or even an attack. Additional differentiation is a way how heroes get attribute points - during leveling warriors will get (about) twice time more bonus to Might statistics and mages can count on additional points to Magic. Particular ration of points depends from hero's race.
Hero's attributes are right above their silhouetteWarrior and wizard are to most common classes, available for all races. What's curious, barbarian fighter will not have the same statistics as his undead analog. Heroes get even more different at the later part of the game when we have to choose a path (reputation) of blood or tears. This decision change not only hero's appearance but also his characteristic - pacifist will rather buff his army where blood-thirsty monster will mostly plague enemies. Choice is ours - during the game we have to make decisions, which will affect our heroes character.
For example, if neutral army which we attacked, like to surrender, and we let them do it, we gain 10 tears reputation points; chasing losers gives us 8 blood reputation points. It's not the only way to obtain this "resources" - greater part of hero's abilities is assigns to one of them and e.g. using spell from blood sphere gives us a little more its reputation. Of course collateral missions and buildings also have sth to our reputation and even in greater level, than any other activity.
Abilities and spells are usually assigned to one of path (look at the frame).What is important, is fact that tear and blood points don't neutralize each other. It means that we collect both type of points and there is no way to zeroed them. So we can be guts-eating barbarian with a quite lot amount of tears reputation points. Choosing one kind of reputation isn't obvious.
About tears and blood paths for every hero you can read in guides about individual races.
Warriors and wizards have very similar development trees - but differences are rather big. Depends from class, heroes will have access to expanded or shortened set of abilities - mages specialize in Magic and warriors in Might. Of course there is nothing wrong with magic warrior - but you have to remember that the most powerful spells will be unavailable for him (the other way round with a wizard).
This is a summary of all Might abilities with description. Numbers are approximate (here I put them for typical 15 leveled hero).
Defender I
Permanently +2 to hero's defence
Very useful ability, especially for Haven
Defender II
Permanently +2 to hero's defence. Requires Defender I.
Like above
Defender III
Permanently +2 to hero's defence. Requires Defender II.
Like above
Increases chance of joining neutral creatures, decreases their recrutation cost about 8%.
Only week creatures would like to join us. And when they are from other race, they decrease our morale.
Charismatic Leader I
Permanently +2 to hero's Leadership.
Useful when we are not undeads, who has no morale. Especially when our army is mixed-race.
Charismatic Leader II
Permanently +2 to hero's Leadership. Requires Charismatic Leader I
Like above
Charismatic Leader III
Permanently +2 to hero's Leadership. Requires Charismatic Leader II.
Like above
Destiny's chosen I
Permanently +2 to hero's destiny
It' worthy - it rises our army power very much.
Destiny's chosen II
Permanently +2 to hero's destiny. Requires Destiny's chosen I
Like above
Destiny's chosen
Permanently +2 to hero's destiny. Requires Destiny's chosen II.
Like above
Hero's gain 25% more experience
We should take this ability in the first place - it will help our development
When hero meet hero from the same player, he gives him 75% of his own experience
Very useful on large maps - our experienced hero can very fast upgrade others.
Increases movement points +3
3 isn't make a difference - worthless ability
Collecting resources and using buildings don't take any movement points. Requires logistics.
If it wouldn't require logistics, it will be very useful ability.
Assailant I
Permanently +1 to hero's might power.
Quite useful, but maybe better to invest into destiny's chosen or charismatic leader?
Assailant II
Permanently +1 to hero's might power. Requires Assailant I
Like above
Assailant III
Permanently +1 to hero's might power. Requires Assailant II
Like above
Increases sea movement about 3 and reduce difficult terrain penalty by 50%.
We won't see a difference after buying this ability.
Architect I
+1 to population units from dwelling in control zone.
Quite good choice if we have 3rd level dwelling
Architect II
If hero is in the city, upgrading/converting of buildings is 20% cheaper. Requires Architect I.
Useful if we don't have much resources and planning aggressive exploration.
Architect III
When hero visiting a city, it can build two structures in one turn. Requires Architect II.
Very useful on the large maps, when we make aggressive war.
Economist I
Hero finds 20% more resources
Interesting thing when we have lack of resources and a map is big.
Economist II
Marketplaces have lower prices (count like additional marketplace). Requires Economist I.
Worthy only thanks to it's higher level.
Economist III
+2 wood and stone every day.
Thanks to that, we become very rich - but hero at that level for sure has sth more interesting to do than assuring resources.
Scouting I
Range of hero's sight +2, and full description about manpower of neutral armies (but only if their in your range).
It's always good to know with who we'll fight - scouting may be useful, but there are better abilities.
Scouting II
Range of hero's sight +1 and shows enemy's equipment, abilities and reputation (only in your range). Requires Scouting I.
Like above
Scouting III
Range of hero's sight +1 and discover all resources and artifacts on the map. Requires Scouting II.
It requires 15 level hero - on this stage of game all items and resources are for sure collected.
Plunder mine
Active (worldmap)
Hero loses all movement points, gaining three-day profit from a mine. Enemy doesn't get anything during those 3 days.
Look at chapter: looting and sabotaging.
Sabotage Mine
Active (worldmap)
Hero loses all movement points, blocking mine for seven days.
Look at chapter: looting and sabotaging.
Reinforcements I
Active (battle)
Increases amount of creatures in chosen core stack. Summoned army disappear after battle, and its number depends from starting number of units in the group.
Ability doesn't require mana, so it's quite useful.
Reinforcements II
Active (battle)
Increases amount of creatures in chosen core or elite stack. Summoned army disappear after battle, and its number depends from starting number of units in the group. It requires Reinforcements I.
Like above
Reinforcements III
Active (battle)
Increases amount of creatures in chosen core, elite or champion stack. Summoned army disappear after battle, and its number depends from starting number of units in the group. It requires Reinforcements II.
Like above
Duck and cover
Units use covers 13% more effective (walls also).
We won't use covers at all, especially during sieges - we have to be a conquers, not our enemy.
Battle March
Movement range of all units during sieges + 2.
If map is large and there is plenty of castles, it could be useful.
Increases units initiative about 5 during every first three turn of battles.
Very useful - it lets us damage enemy, before he can react.
Tactics I
We can place our troops before battle (we don't see enemy's army)
As we don't see enemy - completely worthless.
Tactics II
We can place our troops before battle (we don't see enemy's army). Range of placement increased. Requires Tactics I.
Like above
Tactics III
After placing units, hero can change two units worth each other. Requires Tactics II.
Heroes at 15 level have more useful abilities to choose.
Siege Master I
Catapults damage +1
If we conquering lot of cities it could be good, but our priority will be gates assault.
Siege Master II
Units standing near to attacked piece of walls get damages.
Damages are small - don't take it.
Siege Master
All units behind the wall gets some poison damages.
Like above
Evasive Maneuvers
Active (battle)
All units get 15% less damage during every 2 first turn of battles.
First turns are rather calm - not useful.
Active (battle)
Core units can't attack elite and champion, elite units can't attack champion. Lasts during 3 first turns of a battle.
Completely useless.
Stand Your Ground
Active (battle)
Increases unit's defence about 39%. Lasts 3 turns.
Somehow useful - we'll lose less units.
Mass Stand Your Ground
Active (battle)
Increases all units defence about 18% and gives an additional counterattack. Requires Stand Your Ground.
Defence bonus is small but another counterattack can make a difference.
Active (battle)
Pointed enemy units will attack chosen troop from our army, causing 45% of normal damage. Then loses a turn.
Very helpful to eliminate annoying units.
Active (battle)
+19 to unit's initiative, and 1,5 times its movement points.
It lasts only one turn, so it's medium useful.
Warlord's Command
Active (battle)
Chosen unit which hasn't move yet, can do it now. Requires Rush!.
Completely useless.
Active (battle)
Increases unit's luck and morale about 14 and attack about 17%. Lasts 3 turns.
One of the best warrior's ability - it makes a difference on a battlefield.
Mass Heroism
Active (battle)
Increases morale and luck of all friendly unit about 5, also attack about 10%. Lasts 3 turns, requires Heroism.
It affects greatly all our unites - definitely worthy.
Flawless attack
Active (battle)
Chosen unit cause maximum damages during 3 turns.
Nice for weak units.
Heroic charge
Active (battle)
Chosen unit gains +2 to movement and +12% bonus to caused damages for every square it moves before attack.
You can choose better, but it isn't bad.
Pressed attack
Active (battle)
Every time when chosen unit attacks an enemy, hero make an additional strike (not during counterattack). Lasts 2 turns.
Short persist time makes it rather weak ability.
Counterstrike I
+10% to damages during counterstrikes
Definitely worthy.
Counterstrike II
All units can do two counterstrikes during first four turns of battle. Requires Counterstrike I.
Perfect complement with I and III
In first two turns units make a counterstrike, before an enemy's attack.
Remember, that our units will counterstrike twice. Worthy.
If units can't counterstrike, they get 10% less damage.
10% makes a difference.
If unit gets three hits in a row, it obtains +3 bonus to defence and +3% to maximum hit points (lasts to the end of a battle).
Bonuses are too small, and it requires hero at 15 level.
Toughness I
Increases units health about 2%
As a value of HP is rounded up, it's rather worthy choice.
Toughness II
Increases units health about 2%. Requires Toughness I.
Like above
Toughness III
Increases units health about 2%. Requires Toughness II.
There are better abilities on 15th level.
If any of hero's unit attacks three times in a row, it gets +5 to the attack to the end of battle.
As we'll mainly attack, it's useful.
Archery I
Shooting units cause 6% more damages.
Difference is rather non-noticable.
Archery II
Shooting units damages are bigger about 3% with every attack. But if troop get melee damages an effect is zeroed. Requires Archery I.
Like above
Archery III
Shooting penalty -50%
Little of units get any penalties - rather not useful.
Giant Slayer
All damages caused to big creatures increase about 5%
Bonus is low, but it's worthy.
First unit in hero's army which killed and enemy's troop get bonuses: additional action, +16 to morale +5 to initiative for three turns.
Having such upgraded unit is cool.
Warriors and wizards have very similar development trees - but differences are rather big. Depends from class, heroes will have access to expanded or shortened set of abilities - mages specialize in Magic and warriors in Might. Of course there is nothing wrong with sword fighting wizard - but you have to remember that the most powerful spells will be unavailable for him (the other way round with a warrior).
This is a summary of all Magic abilities with description. Numbers are approximate (here I put them for typical 15 leveled hero, 21 magic power).
Available for: Haven, Sanctuary, Stronghold, Inferno and Necropolis
Mana cost
Storm Winds I
All enemy shooters get -18% to damages. Lasts 5 turns.
Useful only during fighting with big army of shooters - it means very rarely.
Storm Winds II
0 (passive ability)
All unites treated with Storm Winds I get 224 damages and become stunned. Requires Storm Winds I.
Useful strengthening of spell. Take, if you have previous level.
Summon Air Elemental
Summon 9 Air Elementals.
This unit cast a chain lighting - so it's powerful. But on this level we can have better.
Air Magic I
0 (passive ability)
Increases hero's magic power about 3 during casting air spells.
If we gonna specialize in air spells - it's useful.
Air Magic II
0 (passive ability)
Increases hero's magic power about 3 during casting air spells. Requires Air Magic I.
Like above
Air Magic III
0 (passive ability)
Increases hero's magic power about 3 during casting air spells. Requires Air Magic II.
Like above
Enemy's unit can't fly for 5 turn.
Flying units are only about 15% of all - rather not useful.
Storm Arrows
Chosen shooting unit has no distance penalty and cause 40% more damage during 2 turns.
Bonus to attack is big - take it!
Cause 426 damage to chosen unit.
It's powerful but requires experienced hero - medium useful.
Chain Lighting
Cause 466 damages to unit, and jump to the two another, at each jump causing half less damages. Requires Lighting.
3rd level spell should buff our army or curse enemy's - damaging is useless at this stage..
0 (passive ability)
All air damages has 75% to stun attacked enemy.
Nice thing to mix with Storm Winds and Summon Air Elemental.
Available for: Haven, Stronghold, Inferno
Mana cost
Burning determination
Morale of unit increases by 154 and can't be changed during next 2 turns. Eliminate all negatives things affecting unit's morale.
154 to morale - it's obligatory ability.
Mass burning determination
All army morale increased by 50 and can't be changed during next 2 turns. Eliminate all negatives things affecting units morale. Requires Burning determination
Huge bonus for all army - one of the best ability in the game.
Fire shield
Increases magic defence +39 for 4 turns. Damages attacking units with power equal to amount of charmed units (during 1 turn).
If we have large armies of weak units, it'll cause monstrous damages - but only during one turn.
Summon Fire Elemental
Summons 13 Fire Elemental
Rather powerful shooters, but it's worthless on such high level.
Fire Magic I
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Fire spells.
If we are gonna specialize in Fire Magic it's good choice.
Fire Magic II
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Fire spells. Requires Fire Magic I
Like above
Fire Magic III
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Fire spells. Requires Fire Magic II
Like above
Fire bolt
Cause 493 damages to chosen unit
It's really powerful hit - useful at the beginning
Cause 284 damages to chosen unit and half of it in nearest area (field 3x3)
Damages are very small.
Fire storm
Cause 149 fire damages on 5x5 field. Requires Fireball
15th level hero shouldn't invest in damaging spells
0(passive ability)
All fire spells cause 21% more damages during first two turns.
It's better to buff units, than damages.
Chosen unit (friendly or enemy's) attacks nearest troop with 5% bonus to attack. It doesn't consume unit's action.
Who would need that? It also spends large amount of mana
Inner Fire
Rises unit's attack about 56% and its initiative by 10. Lasts 2 turns.
Very useful and powerful spell - especially in upgraded version.
Mass Inner Fire
+25% and +5 initiative to all hero's army. Lasts 2 turns. Requires Inner Fire.
One of the most powerful ability in the game
Available for: Haven, Sanctuary, Stronghold, Necropolis, Inferno
Mana cost
Heals unit's 147 HP per turn. Lasts 5 turns.
Very useful at the beginning of a game.
Mass Regeneration
Heals all army 54 HP per turn. Lasts 5 turn. Requires Regeneration.
Not very useful at this stage of game.
Creates stone-cover, which disappear after 2 turns.
Summon Earth Elemental
Summon 11 Earth Elementals
Earth Elementals are rather strong and regenerate very fast, but rather not useful at this stage of the game.
Stone Skin
Decreases physical damages about 39%. Lasts 5 turns
Quite powerful, but there are better spells.
Mass Stone Skin
Decreases physical damages for all army about 18%. Lasts 5 turns. Requires Stone Skin.
Rather powerful but medium useful.
Changes unit (friendly or enemy's) in a stone for 5 turns, protecting it from all damages. Charmed enemies can't move, our troops can but it cancels a spell.
It's better to invest in blindness (light magic)
Earth Magic I
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Earth spells.
If we are gonna specialize in Earth Magic it's good choice.
Earth Magic II
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Earth spells. Requires Earth Magic I.
Like above
Earth Magic III
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Earth spells. Requires Earth Magic II
Like above
Causes 2 damage points to chosen wall or tower
It's like one hit of big unit - rather not good ability.
Causes 3 damage points to all walls and towers in a 4x4 area. Hit units (all) get stunned.
Very useful during sieges - we'll quickly destroy gates and nearest walls.
Poison Cloud
Cause 156 damages per turn to every unit which move through poisoned area (3x3). Lasts til the end of battle.
Kind a useful during sieges, but there are better abilities.
Available for: Sanctuary, Stronghold, Necropolis
Mana cost
Ice Armor
+24 to unit's defence. Who attacks it, is affected with chill. Lasts 4 turns.
Useful, if we push our troop to much forward.
Mass Ice Armor
+10 to all army defence. All enemies who attacked get chilled. Lasts 4 turns, requires Ice Armor.
Powerful strengthening of our army
Ice Wall
Creates on chosen area wall 3x1 fields. Nearest units get chilled. It's counted like a cover.
Rather worthless, unless you want to protect your shooters (but they lost a turn)
Summon Water Elemental
Summon 9 Water Elementals
On this stage of a game summoning is a bad idea.
Frozen Ground
Creates invisible for enemy frozen ground (3x3 fields). If opponent's unit come up to it, it lose a turn, revealing localisation of a trap.
Useful during sieges.
Water Magic I
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Water spells.
If we are gonna specialize in Water Magic it's good choice.
Water Magic II
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Water spells. Requires Water Magic I.
Like above
Water Magic III
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Water spells. Requires Water Magic II.
Like above
Eternal Winter
0 (passive ability)
Chill effect lasts 1 turn longer.
Huge improvement for all Water Magic abilities. Worthy if we specialize in it. Especially combined with Mass Ice Armor.
Ice Bolt
Cause 155 to unit. It gets frozen.
Useful if we are going to get rid of some unit for few turns.
Creates a blizzard on the area 4x4 fields which causes 75 damages and chills all enemies inside this ground. Lasts 2 turns.
It's worthless.
Circle of Winter
Causes 212 damages in a circle (3x3) chosen by a player. Hit units are chilled.
At this stage of the game - useless.
Ice Breaker
0 (passive ability)
Hero's units get +72 to luck during attacking frozen enemies. It's cancelled frozing effect.
Frozen is rarely effect - we'll rather chill our enemies.
Available for: Stronghold, Necropolis, Inferno
Mana cost
-24% to unit's damages.
Useful at the beginning of a game.
Mass Weakness
Reduces all enemy's army damages about 9%. Lasts 5 turns, requires Weakness.
We rather won't see a difference, but you may take it.
Summon Darkness Elemental
Summon 6 Darkness Elementals
For such amount of mana? I don't think so.
Chosen enemy unit move back, lose a turn and has -19% to damages, defence, magic defence and -19 to morale and luck.
The most powerful spell in the game - take without hesitation.
Darkness Magic I
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Darkness spells.
If we are gonna specialize in Darkness Magic it's good choice.
Darkness Magic II
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Darkness spells. Requires Darkness Magic I.
Like above
Darkness Magic III
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Darkness spells. Requires Darkness Magic II
Like above
Infected troop gets 117 damages for 3 turns, when making any actions. Affects only living units.
Rather powerful poison, but there are better ones.
Mass Agony
Infected all enemy's units - they gets 43 damages during 3 turns. Affects only living units. Requires Agony.
43 damages is really to little.
Puppet Master
Hero takes control over one of enemy's unit for a turn. If it gets any damages, spell ends.
It's useful to eliminate enemy's troop - if we have lot of mana, it's worth considering
-44 to unit's morale for 4 turns. Cancels all positive morale effects.
Medium useful if we are fighting with one enemy.
Mass Despair
-14 to all enemy's army morale for 4 turns. Cancels all positive morale effects. Requires Despair.
Curse isn't to big, but it's nice spell.
Life Drain
Chosen unit drain life from attacked enemy. Restored HP equals 43% of caused damages. Effect lasts 4 turns.
Very powerful spell - our unit become almost immortal
Mass Life Drain
All units drain life from attacked enemies. Restored HP equals 16% of caused damages. Lasts 4 turns, requires Life Drain.
One of the most powerful spell in the game - obligatory to take.
Cancels all positive effects from unit on a 4x4 field, and for few turns (depends from hero's Magic Power) can't apply any positive spells on them.
Very powerful spell, especially against opponents wizards.
Available for: Haven, Sanctuary, Stronghold
Mana cost
Celestial Armor
+7% to unit's magic defence and absorbs 50% damages it takes. Effect lasts until other spell cancels it or unit gets 590 damages.
Great trick to make one of our unit almost invulnerable.
Mass Celestial Armor
+4% to all army magic defence and absorbs 100% of damages. Effect lasts until other spell cancels it or unit gets over 203 damages. Requires Celestial Armor.
Makes our units immortal for at least one turn - what more you can want?
Summon Light Elemental
Summons 11 Light Elementals
Summoning units isn't good idea on this stage of a game.
Chosen units heals 415 HP
Great spell at the beginning - we won't have almost any loses.
Mass heal
All hero's units heal 140 HP. Requires Heal.
Hero can have better abilities on that level.
Dispels from our units all negatives effects and blocks putting another for 3 turns.
The only one reasonable reaction for Purge and Terror from Darkness Magic
Retribution Aura I
Chosen unit give back 80% damages it gets. It works only during melee fighting. Lasts for 3 turns.
Very powerful spell, changing weak units into champions
Retribution Aura II
0 (passive ability)
Charmed unit give back damages to all nearest enemies. Requires Retribution Aura I.
Quite interesting improvement.
Retribution Aura III
0 (passive ability)
Charmed unit give back damages to all enemies. Requires Retribution Aura II
One of the most powerful ability in the game.
Light Magic I
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Light spells.
If we are gonna specialize in Light Magic it's good choice.
Light Magic II
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Light spells. Requires Light Magic I.
Like above
Light Magic III
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Light spells. Requires Light Magic II.
Like above
Cause 121 damages in a circle area (3x3)
Very weak offensive spell.
Chosen unit can make any actions during 4 turns. If it gets damages, spell ends.
It's surprisingly powerful spell.
Available for: Haven, Sanctuary, Necropolis and Inferno
Mana cost
Arcane Ward I
0 (passive ability)
Permanently+1 to hero's magic defence
It's always worth to weak an enemy.
Arcane Ward II
0 (passive ability)
Permanently+1 to hero's magic defence Requires Arcane Ward I.
Like above
Arcane Ward III
0 (passive ability)
Permanently+1 to hero's magic defence Requires Arcane Ward II.
Like above
Dispel Magic
Dispel all spells from unit
Sometimes useful
Mass Dispel magic
Dispel all spells from units on the area (3x3 fields)
Like above
Time Statis
Unit lose 5 turns. Damages don't cancel spell and also unit can't counterstrike.
More powerful version of blindness.
Prime Magic I
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Prime spells.
If we are gonna specialize in Prime Magic it's good choice.
Prime Magic II
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Prime spells. Requires Prime Magic I.
Like above
Prime Magic III
0 (passive ability)
Increases magic power +3, when hero casts Prime spells. Requires Prime Magic II.
Like above
Arcane Exalation I
0 (passive ability)
Permanently +2 to hero's magic power.
Core ability for every wizard.
Arcane Exalation II
0 (passive ability)
Permanently +2 to hero's magic power. Requires Arcane Exalation I.
Like above
Arcane Exalation III
0 (passive ability)
Permanently +2 to hero's magic power. Requires Arcane Exalation II.
Like above
Magic Affinity I
0 (passive ability)
Permanently +30 to maximum amount of mana.
Like above
Magic Affinity II
0 (passive ability)
Regenerates 2% of maximum mana every day
If we spend one day in a city, we regenerate all mana points - worthless.
Magic Affinity III
0 (passive ability)
During battle hero regenerates 2 mana points for first 10 turns.
It's only 20 mana points - one medium spell.
-16 to unit's initiative and -2 to it's movement. Lasts 3 turns.
Useful against most mobile enemies.
Mass Slow
-8 to all enemy's units initiative and -1 to movement. Lasts 3 turns, requires Slow.
Worthy - especially useful during defending our castle.
+20 to hero's magic power for 4 turns, and regenerates 15% of his mana points.
One of the most powerful ability.
+16 to unit's initiative and +2 to movement. Lasts 3 turns.
It gives big advantage in a battle.
Mass haste
+8 to army initiative and +1 to movement. Lasts 3 turns, requires Haste.
Like above
Teleport one unit to chosen field.
Somehow useful during sieges.
Decreases unit's defence about 21. You can cast it many times, on one enemy but its defence won't get below zero.
Nice cursing of powerful unit - worth considering.
Mana Drain
Steal 16% of enemy's actual mana points.
Rather useless.
Causes 449 prime damages. It can't be healed.
The most powerful offensive spell, but it's useless at this stage.
Many players say that battles are a core of Heroes - effective, tactical and very interesting fights from years attract millions of players from the whole world. From the result of individual battles often world's or campaign's destiny depends - understanding of war rules is a obligatory element of our plan - conquering Ashan.
Battles we can divide on those on played on open battlefield and sieges. But before detailed description of them, I'll say few words about common nature of battles.
Dragon get enlightedBattles are turnbased - like in chess, players move units one after other. Units sequence is showed on the bottom panel - but you have to remember that there are some abilities, which can change this order (like freezing). About moving sequence decides an initiative.
On the contrary to King's Bounty, in Heroes VI we can't use combined actions - so you can't first move an archer and then command him to shot. Our decisions are definitive, so we have to consider them carefully.
Greater part of unites have some active abilities, which can affect the battle - individual skills we use by clicking at the icon in the left bottom corner of the screen. You have to remember that abilities consume all unit's turn (unless description says other thing). Also hero take part in battle - he can strikes enemies or use more or less deathly spells.
Despite logic, it's worth to invest in weaker troopsAt the beginning usually is better to have damaging spells and at the further stages of game (when armies are really huge) - those buffing or cursing. It's iron rule - so high leveled wizards should think about re-specialization - fireballs are nothing against thousands soldiers.
Most battles we will have on open battlefields - and those are very different, depends from the surrounding on which we are fighting. Regardless of place (desert, frozen lakes, meadows) our tactic should depends form our and enemy's army.
In Heroes VI objects on battlefield can be treated like a cover - but it doesn't mean much, because units have better things to do than hiding behind rocks. Additional minus of obstacles are their vulnerability - so they defending values are little. That's why we shouldn't bother about them, considering only theirs location - every stone and tree can be passed round.
The most important part of a battle happens in the middle.So how conduct a battle? Wisely. You shouldn't charge mindlessly forward - it usually ends with our units death. Much better is defensive tactic - we should often use 'wait' and 'defend' commands. In our army we should have healers (if our race has them) and at least one troop of shooters- while the rest of our army will be waiting, they will cause casualties. On the contrary to the previous parts, in Heroes VI most shooters hasn't any penalties because of distance - damages they cause doesn't depend from how far enemy's units are.
So, if you know about healers and shooters you can ask - what the rest of army does? It's simple answer - defend those units. Of course, standing and defending isn't always the best tactic - sometimes is better to move and fight in the middle of battlefield. But crucial thing is not letting an enemy to reach our back - shooters and healers. Such situation ends rather very bad for us.
Sometimes larger charge is worth considering - every fraction has an unit perfect to that task. Haven has gryffin - creature with large movement and good attack - its role should be attacking shooters and healers behind a line. Flying on the second end of battlefield we'll weaken enemy - you have to remember that most shooters can't shot when there is an enemy unit nearby. So, even if we don't kill many units with our gryffin, lamasu or harpy, it's worth to even stand near to shooters - we get rid of them for few turns.
Angel's revengeSumming up - we should steer battle on our rules. The best tactic is, usually, stopping enemy's charge in the middle of battlefield and defeat him with melee units supported by healers and shooters. Good idea is also to jump over the enemy's line and attacks his back - but only if it won't weaken our forces in the center of a battle.
This scheme is very easy and rather universal - but sometimes it won't work. For example battles when we don't have healers and/or shooters and enemy has lot of them. In such case we should charge quickly to the opposite side of a battlefield (some hero's abilities are very useful then). In that situation you can put the slowest unit in the middle of battlefield to attend opposite army connected with fast raid to enemy's shooters. Of course, you have to remember about unit's movement range - it takes much more time for guardsman than a gryffin - that's why first should be in the middle, and the second behind enemy's line.
If we are defenders our goals won't be very different from tactic we use on the open battlefield - but we should act even more defensive. Usually is good to start from putting shooter on the tower which is in the middle of our fortress (only if we have built walls). Next we should secure all non-melee troops by surrounding them with other units. There is not many of area attacks, so we shouldn't worry about what happened after gathering our forces in one place.
Fire, fire, fire!Very important thing is leaving the toughest unit (or better - units) near to the gate - usually this place enemy attacks with all power. His behavior is logical - walls are very resistant, and destroying them take much time for an enemy's catapult. Even when the fortifications get crushed, enemy's charge stop for at least a turn in a moat - that's why very rarely castle can be conquered in other way than through the gates.
So we should keep gates as long as possible, or at least stop enemy in entrance. If attacker has flying units, he'll probably try to move over our walls and attack our shooters - that's why we should surround them by own units. But when enemy however fly into our castle, it will be sure death - our troops eliminate flying creatures easily.
Hero's strikes and abilities can win a battle for usBut what to do if we made a mistake, and there are no shooters in our castle? If enemy doesn't have strong shooters, we should keep our tactic and move out from a castle only after eliminating his melee units. But if there are shooters, we are in troubles. They lose lot of their power because of walls, but still it's dangerous. In that situation the best way is defending in safe places and, if there shows any opportunity, attacks enemy's shooters.
If we are attackers, we should focus on destroying a gate - it's on our way to victory. To do this, we may use small melee troops - they should come up to gate quickly and destroy it. Sending elite unit is bad idea, because they occupy 4 squares - then rushing into castle is more problematic because our troop will block a path. Indepedently from number of units, damages caused to gate are always the same - so it's enough to send weakest units (but big units cause doubled damages). Good idea is also putting there unit with highest morale - it increases chances for another hit.
The faster we destroy a gate, the better.We rather shouldn't sent our troops on the sides of fortress - units get into moat which decreases their defence. The only one exception is situation when there is an impasse at the gate - but such cases are rare, especially when we have flying units. When we have flyers, we should fly over walls and attack shooters and healers - those are main problem during sieges.
What else we should think about? Abilities for sure - they can provide our victory. For example, sun rider can move on the battlefield through obstacles like walls - it's worthy to use. Another advantage can be our hero - there is many abilities which curse enemy's shooters and also using spells like erosion and earthquake is worth considering.
Necropolis is fraction which has many years of tradition in Heroes. It's available from the second part of a cycle, and still it's one of most mysterious and ambiguous race we could play with. In sixth part this view get even more complicated - necromancers are not only undeads master, but also a rebels fighting for freedom. Slaved by Wizard of Seven Cities, trying to regain their freedom - demon's invasion is a perfect occasion.
Mages looking for forbidden knowledge, lunatics fascinated with death, fanatics of forgotten goddess - that's what necromancers are. You could think, that they are pure evil, the real curse of Ashan. But why then they're fighting against demons?
Commanding an undead army is a tough task. Soulless creatures will listen only to the most powerful mages and bravest warriors. In this guide you'll find all necessary information about conquering world with Death.
Anastasya, the youngest daughter of prince Slava, killed her father. After she was sentenced to death and decapitated, Svetlana, a necromancer, resurrects her. How the time shows, inconspicuous girl will become one of the brightest person in all Ashan.
Goals: Going on the surface, finding inquisitors
Reward: +2 to magic defence, 15000 XP
We began a mission in Sveltana's headquarters (M2,1) - aunt want to teach us some dark magic stuff. We don't have a choice - darkness path is ours.
Who wouldn't like to have such an aunt?But her apartment isn't to niceWhen we look around a dungeon, we'll see a group of ghouls, who eagerly join us. Then we should check all corridor - there are few battles and more allies to join us.
Ghouls will be very usefulThanks to them we'll get out from a dungeonFinally we get to the stairs leading on the surface of Ashan (M2,X). There we'll fight with few enemy's troops - there's nothing to worry about. Taking mines have no sense - there are in opponent's control zone, co we won't keep them. That's why we should go among only one possible path and fight, fight, fight.
It's not true, that white people can't jumpSooner or later we'll get attacked by inquisition from city on the north (M1,1), which we should conquer as fast as possible and convert ( getting into walls with ghouls supported by skeletons). There is a grave near to the fortress (M1,2), in which inquisitors hide their victims - there is secondary quest, War Spirits, connected with it.
Enemy is powerlessThen we should go west = after series of battles, we'll get to entrance to the undergrounds (it's worth visiting earlier cyclops on the north - they're guarding a powerful artifact, the soul eater; M1,3). When we go into the darkness, we'll have few easy battles with Haven's troops. We'll meet also a ghost (quest: Accidental Victim; M2,2); after dialogue with him, we'll be able to recruit this type of units in our castles.
Even cyclops will fall in front of our power!We should help our soulmate!Moving further we'll reach gryffins (M2,3), and we should go from the path a little - on the north and south there are little caves full of treasures - we should collect them. Later on, we find a portal (M2,X1) with air elementals and piece of precious things. After that we should keep on going east - there we'll find exit from undergrounds (M2,X).
What the heck gryffins are doing in this cave?Under the sky we'll meet plenty enemies, both living and undead. But finally we get to the inquisition's castle on the hill (M1,4) - if we conquer it, Accidental Victim quest ends and gates to the south (M1,5) open. During battles is good to use ghosts to healing other troops.
Check out this arena, bro!Now, our task is defending against inquisition - it's not simple quest. Enemy has two strong heroes, who will attack us - for sure from south and east, where his forts are localized. (M1,6). That's why we should defeat them quickly and build an upgraded town portal in our city - in critic situations it lets us to retreat immediately. One of opponent's hero has a list required in a Kilburn's list quest, which we get from skeletons (M1,7). During battles with heroes we should hold theirs army in the middle of battlefield ( ghouls!) and support them with other units.
Fort number one......and number twoAfter smashing enemy's army we begin a counterattack. Firstly we should move to southern east - there is great opponent's castle(M1,8). When we defeat it, we should recover and prepare to the final encounter. When we find ourselves ready, we can go to the undergrounds (M1,X) and there, moving through hordes of enemies, get to an exit to surface (it's worth to look for powerful, but guarded sword Arachne sword on the east; M2,4). When we see the sun again, we can start a siege (M1,9). Our numerous advantage should be enough to crush enemy - we have few cities, necromancy and healing ghosts. But this battle doesn't finish a quest.
We'll smack enemy with our numerous advantage!His castle soon will be ours!The last one battle of a scenario is really difficult - after moving through the portal (M1,X2) we'll be transported to the darkest inquisition's dungeon (M2,5). There we will have very demanding battle with army of ajglajs. It's very difficult encounter - we have no counterattacks against those creatures and we have to take care about Jorgen (he'll get little damages every turn - if he dies, we lose). But, surprisingly, we should rather provoke our enemy to attack us - only then we'll have any chances. We should heal our (necromancy!) and use wisely spectres ability Wail of Netherworld (spell is more powerful when we cast it on unit surrounded by enemies). In melee fighting of course the most important units are ghouls but don't forget about skeletons power.
The last battle is really demandingAnd its ending - surprising.When the battle ends, the scenario is over.
Goals: gaining first reputation point (tears or blood)
Reward: +2 to Destiny
This quest practically made itself - we have to collect 1000 reputation points to get a reward. It's not so easy - map doesn't offer many chances to make sth barbarian or heroic. But we should look for an arena (after defeating enemy we gain 25 reputation points; M3,9) and arcane library (M3,20). Little amounts of reputation we also receive by chasing after retreating enemies (or letting them run away) .
Many reputation points we get from the arena.If we won't collect enough points, we continue this quest in next scenario. There it will be much easier, especially in quest Hidden Fears.
Goals: finding five graves and resurrecting deads
Reward: 10000 XP, amulet of necromancy (increases necromancy points growth about 10%)
This quest get activated when we find first bones (M1,2) - our goal will be discovering another four. Their localization is marked on the map below.
Graves aren't too manifestGoals: Saving Elizabeth from inquisition's dungeon
Reward: 7500 XP, bachelor's sandals (+1 movement points on the ground, +1 to Destiny)
Ghosts, we met in undergrounds(M2,2), give us this quest- they'll inform us about tragic lot of Elizabeth, Sandor's mother (Anastasya's brother). To save her, we should conquer inquisition's city on the surface (M1,4). There, in a dungeon, we'll find tortured woman, and quest ends. The encounter is easy - heal your troops and push an enemy.
Ghosts ask us for a helpElizabeth is held in enemy's castleGoals: finding skeleton's list
Reward: 5000 XP, 50 Skeletal Spearman
We get this from group of skeletons (M1,7), we found nearby the second enemy's city. Undeads were killed by inquisition and want a revenge - only we can make it. Good for us, it isn't difficult - list we are looking for, is in equipment of one of opponent's hero, who'll probably attack us in Inquistion's Hearing quest. When we finish him, we can give document back to skeletons.
They are so lonely - how we can not to help them?
1 - enemy's castle (Inquisitive Girl)
2 - grave (Ghosts of War)
3 - cyclops
4 - castle (Inquisitive Girl, Accidental Victim)
5 - gates to the south
6 - enemy's forts (Inquisitive Girl)
7 - skeletons (Kilburn's list)
8 - city (Inquisition's hearing)
9 - enemy's headquarters (Inquisitive Girl)
X - downstairs to undergrounds
X1 - two-direction portal to M2,X1
X2 - two-direction portal to M2,X4
1 - beginning location
2 - ghosts (Accidental Victim)
3 - griffons
4 - Pit Lords
5 - Jorgen's prison (Inquisitive Girl)
X - entrance to the surface (look at M1)
X1 - portal to exit M3,X1
X2 - portal to the passage X3
X3 - portal to the passage X2
X4 - portal to the passage M3,X2
1 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
2 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
3 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
4 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
5 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
6 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
7 - observatory (discover nearest area)
8 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
9 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
10 - Angels Shrine (+5 to magic power and Leadership do the end of current week. One use per a week.
11 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
12 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
13 - Well of souls (+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.)
14 - Monument of Revelation (Discover fragment of map (not nearest))
15 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
16 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
17 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
18 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
19 - Conflux Orb (You can let messages to the other players)
20 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
21 - Warmen Guardhouse (After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.)
22 - city
23 - dwellings (increase creature's population)
24 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
25 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
26 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
27 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
28 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
X - downstairs to undergrounds
X1 - two-direction portal to M4,X1
X2 - two-direction portal to M4,X4
1 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
2 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
3 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
4 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
5 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
6 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
7 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
8 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
9 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
10 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
X - passage to the surface (check map M3)
X1 - portal to exit M3,X1
X2 - portal to passage X3
X3 - portal to passage X2
X4 - portal to passage M3,X2
Our investigation gets bigger and bigger
Goals: reach Nar-Heresh
Reward: 10000 XP, traveler shoes (+4 movement points on the ground)
Mission is very simple: we can go along only one path, and if we somehow get lost, aunt Sveltana will lead us on good way. Our only goal is to move forward (with few battles meanwhile) til we won't reach a Nar-Heresh (M5,2). But there isn't nice welcome waiting for us - necromancers, keep us for few turns until we would be able to move on.
Undead Master's aren't perfect hostsBut mommy will welcome us with wide spread.. claws?When the path to the north get opened (M5,3), we will continue our travel. We should meet with Namtaru' mother (M5,4) - she is a key to the secret. When we get to her, quest ends, and we obtain next missions.
Attention! This quest is available only after finishing Unlocking Memories!
Goals: reach a Citadel
Reward: 12500 XP, +2 to magic power and magic defence
This mission contains few lesser quests: Siblings arguing, Hidden Fears and Inner Demon. Just after completing all of them, you will be able to reach a Citadel. Detailed description of them you'll find in next subchapters of this guide.
What would have Freud says about Anastasya's dreams?Especially this thing could interests himWhen we get rid of our annoying family, we'll fight with our mirror reflection - to make it, we have to find Jorgen and ask him to create a teleport to enemy's city (M6,12). There quite serious encounter awaits us - before we step in it, we should visit all graveyards (marked on map M8,1). The most important is eliminating enemy's shooters - they are our biggest problem here. Best way is to use skeletons or ghosts (they can fly over walls). Ghouls should attack gates restlessly - when they crushed it, enemy's fate is done.
At the end of mission our heroes will travel to eclipsed sunWhen twin Anastasya dies, mission ends and we get to the another scenario.
Attention! This mission is part of Ghosts world!
Goals: defeating Irine and conquering her city
Reward: 15000 XP
After dialogue with Jorgen we'll be teleported to the first island of our consciousness - there we'll fight with Irine (M6,2). We can't avoid it - we have to kill Anastasya's sister. After blooding our hands we should travel to enemy's fortress on the south (M6,3). Of course it's worth to collect resources and artifacts and fight with neutral creatures meanwhile. During battles we should concentrate on eliminating enemy's maidens - they heal allies, what makes them the most important opponent's troop.
Irine has a powerful artifact which we'll serve us very wellAnastasya imagines Hashima rather goodWhen walls fell, we can move further - Jorgen shows up on the north and teleports us to another island, which begins quest Hidden Fears.
Attention! This mission is part of Ghosts world!
Goals: talk with Sandor, Valeska and Kraal
Reward: 9000 XP, +2 to Destiny
Second dream is more challenging - we'll have to talk with three persons from our childhood, and make some connected with them decisions - for every we get 125 points of blood or tears reputation. Our choice will affect further events - we if made "improper" (blood path), in next scenario we won't get a help from Kaspar (18th level!)
No blood spilling this timeWhen we finish, Jorgen teleport us to another island
Attention! This mission is part of Ghosts world!
Goals: defeating Kiryl and your look-alike
Reward: 22500 XP, +2 to might attack and defence
On the third dream-island we will meet Anton (M6,8). He, mad because of our father's death, try to punish us - fight with him is unavoidable but easy. Then we have to travel large land - it's worth to complete secondary quest by the way: Deathly calm, Dark Thoughts and Winged Love - they'll improve our hero.
Here is a KirylAnd our look-alike fortressEarlier or later we get to the Kiryl (M6,11) - he is on the north of the island and has not too big team of demons. We should defeat him easily - focus on shooters and defending of your ghosts and skeletons. After execution, we'll stand against our look-alike - in quest Ghosts World. (Jorgen will teleport us to the enemy's fortress - M6,12).
Attention! This quest is available only after finishing Unlocking Memories!
Goals: collecting 15 stones and wood
Reward: 4000 XP, +1 to might and magic defence
Mission do itself - you should just pick up resources during travelling. They are marked on the map M9.
Attention! This quest is available only after finishing Unlocking Memories!
Goals: collecting 15 crystals
Reward: 6000 XP, 10 ghouls, 10 ghosts
Like the previous quest - it's nothing difficult, and resources are marked on the map M9.
Attention! This quest is available only after finishing Unlocking Memories!
Goals: visiting three reverie shrines
Reward: 9000 XP, 5 fate weavers, master necklace (hero starts every battle with first level fraction ability)
Building is very characteristicTo find those objects we'll have to search carefully two islands in our mind - shrines are in very different places. Theirs location is marked on the map M6,7.
Attention! This quest is available only after finishing Unlocking Memories!
Goals: visiting two crematories
Reward: 8000 XP, 15 liches, +1 to destiny
Necromancers, like skulls. Very much.Both crematories are on the biggest island - quest get activated when we reach at least one of them. Theirs localization is marked on the map M6,9.
Attention! This quest is available only after finishing Unlocking Memories!
Objectives: defeating demons nearby shrine
Reward: 10000 XP, +1 to might attack, +1 magic attack
It's hard to find better evidence of loveWhen we reach a portal (M6,X1), Anastasya starts to mention angel Uriel - in depths of her mind she'll find demons desecrating her lover's shrine. We have to eliminate those monsters - they are on the other side of the portal. Group (M6,10) isn't big, so we should smash them. Main danger pit lords - kill them ASAP, because their special abilities are very annoying. Then get rid of mother breeders - they reproduce themselves very fast, so it's important to eliminate them rapidly.
1 - beginning of a mission
2 - Nar Heresh castle (quest Unlocking Memories)
3 - path to Namtaru's mother
4 - Namtaru's mother (quest Unlocking Memories)
1 - where we start
2 - Irine (quests Ghosts world and Siblings arguing)
3 - Irine's castle (quests Ghosts world and Siblings arguing)
4 - Kraal (quests Hidden Fears and Ghosts world)
5 - Sandor (quests Hidden Fears and Ghosts world)
6 - Valeska (quests Hidden Fears and Ghosts world)
7 - reverie shrine (Deathly calm)
8 - Anton
9 - crematory (Dark Thoughts)
10 - demons (Winged Love)
11 - Kiryl (Inner Demon and Ghosts world)
12 - look-alike Anastasya's castle (Ghosts world)
X1 - two-direction portal
1 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
2 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
3 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
4 - observatory (discover nearest area)
5 - dead field (during the next battle living creatures in enemy's army get -10% to HP and attack. Only once per battle)
6 - Conflux Orb (You can send messages to the other players)
7 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
8 - cementary (you can once buy here undeads)
9 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
10 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
11 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
1 - cementary (you can once buy here undeads)
2 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
3 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
4 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
5 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
6 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
7 - reverie shrine (You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle)
8 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
9 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
10 - Conflux Orb (You can send messages to the other players)
11 - crematory (hides nearest area behind an enemy's eye)
12 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
13 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
14 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
15 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
16 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
17 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
18 - barbarian camp (Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
19 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
20 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
X1 - two-direction portal
Attention! We exceptionally created a map with localization of resources - finding them is part of Build a Wall and Broken memories quests.
X - crystal
X1 - wood
X2 - stone
We have to save our captured aunt Sveltana - it won't be an easy task
Goals: defeating Miranda and saving Sveltana
Reward: 40000 XP, Magister robe (+4 to magic power, +20 to mana, +2 to mana's regeneration)
We will have a long journey - before we get to the enemy's castle, we'll fight many battles and be attacked by few enemies simultaneously. Considering it, we should expand our kingdom very fast. When we get all mines in our control zone, we have to move south and conquer a fort (M10,2; nearby we obtain a quest Lovebird). When it's done, we have to meet with Ludmila (M10,3) on the southern west. There is a quest connected with her - Revengful chief - which is worth completing.
Poor beginningBut we'll expand it rapidlyUnfortunately a scenario is a bag of troubles - when we get rid of chief and his orcs, we will be attacked by Inferno from undergrounds. So we should go down to caves (M10,X) and destroy demons (quest Beloved).
Undeads have problem with barbarians...and humans with demonsOf course Miranda will still attacks us - we can expect sea landings. As they are very dangerous we have to counterattack quickly. In a shipyard (M10,5) we can buy a ship, which takes us to enemy's shore. But there is a puzzle: we can land in a middle part of island (M10,6) (what leads us to necromancers lands) or on the south (M10,7) where orcs live. Both decisions has pros and cons : if we attack undeads, barbarians stab a knife in our back. But if we worried about savages, it'll be difficult to stop necromancers.
Savages on the south.....and Miranda on the northWhatever we do, our main goal will be Miranda's castle (M10,9). Before we rush to it, we should destroy second enemy's city (we obtain a source of supplies; M10,10) and after replenishing losses fight our opponent. She has the same troops like we, but on this stage of game, we should overcome her with numbers (we have more castles). The easiest tactic will be shoot them down over walls - it's perfect plan. When we kill Miranda, scenario ends and we move to the last one.
Goals: defeating demons
Reward: 50000 XP, 10000 gold, Magister Codex (+3 to magic power, +3 to Destiny)
Uriel gives us this quest, right after leaving our first control zone. Winged man asks to eliminate demons in the undergrounds. As we don't do that, demons will surely annoy us, we should make it.
Along the way we should take control over at least one enemy fort.Then we can start the siege.Entrance to the cave is on the south, nearby a fort (M10,X). After going into darkness, we should keep moving south - eventually we reach crossroads (M11,1). To eliminate demons, we should go west - there is theirs residence (on the north we obtain quest: Winged lions of Sarkomand).
Here is our enemyOur goal is not only conquering enemy's castle (M11,4), but also defeating all his heroes. So we have to be careful and kill all of them - only then we can be rewarded. During battles we should focus on enemy's shooter, simultaneously healing ours - that's the easiest way to win.
Goals: defeating chief of orcs
Reward: 30000 XP, 15 vampires, bachelor's coat (+2 to magic power)
Quest activates when we reach Ludmila's territory (M10,3). Master of vampires acknowledges us and asks to eliminate orcs. Those are located somewhere on southern east (M10,4) - we can get to them moving south (battle with powerful guards awaits) or east (where the fort is). Whatever we choose, our goal is chief and his fortress. Barbarians collected quite big army and defeating them will be for sure troublesome (we have to remember about ours forts and cities). So we have to heal our troops constantly and defence, defence, defence - if enemy reaches ghosts and skeletons, we are done. Ghouls will be very good cover - we should move them to the middle of battlefield ASAP.
Chief looks anorecticJust like this horseWhen we slash savages, we'll have to decide about chief's future - we can let his soul fly away or change him into ghoul. This decision changes only our reputation, no storyline consequences.
Do a good thing and let his soul flyNow we have to inform Ludmila about our victory (M10,3) - she joins us as a individual hero. And from now on we'll be able to recruit vampires.
Goals: finding Staff of Sandro
Reward: 30000 XP, 12 lamasu
We get this mission from archlich in undergrounds (M11,2) - he studied lamasu from years and eventually he re-create them. Unfortunately, demons showed up and blocked his laboratory. So we should get rid of monsters and reach Staff of Sandro (M11,3)- artifact, which archlich needs to further researches.
Quests-givenQuest-aimWe'll find it on the north - it's guarded by hordes of demons. When we defeat them, and our client regain his artifact, we get not only experience but also few lamasu (now available also in our castles).
1 - beginning location
2 - fort
3 - Ludmila's city (Politics of the Dead)
4 - Chief (Chief)
5 - shipyard (Politics of the Dead)
6 - seashore
7 - seashore nearby orc's village
8 - orc's city
9 - Miranda's residence (Politics of the Dead)
10 - necromancers fortress
X - downstairs (Lovebird)
1 - crossroads
2 - archlich (Winged lions of Sarkomand)
3 - Staff of Sandro (Winged lions of Sarkomand)
4 - Inferno's castle (Lovebird)
X - upstairs to the surface
1 - city
2 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
3 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
6 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
7 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
8 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
9 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
10 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
11 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
12 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
13 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
14 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
15 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
16 - Conflux Orb (You can let messages to the other players)
17 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
18 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
19 - Well of souls (+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.)
20 - observatory (discover nearest area)
21 - dead field (during the next battle living creatures in enemy's army get -10% to HP and attack. Only once per battle)
22 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
23 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
24 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
25 - Monument of Revelation (Discover fragment of map (not nearest))
26 - Warmen Guardhouse (After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.)
27 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
28 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
29 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
30 - lighthouse (increase's army morale. Hero can use it once per week. )
31 - galeon wreck (undeads guarding treasures)
32 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
33 - reverie shrine (You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle)
34 - Raiders Dwelling (Gives some gold for every won battle. Amount of gold depends from numbers of such structures you control.)
35 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
X - downstairs to undergrounds
X1 - vortex
1 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
2 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
3 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
4 - dwellings (increase creature's population)
5 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
6 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
7 - altar of destruction (In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.)
8 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
9 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
10 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
11 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
12 - Hell Forge (+5 to might power and magic power for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
13- sawmill (2 wood per turn)
14 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
15 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
16 - Chaos Wave (During next battle on your side appears computer controlled monster. It starts eating random enemy units (it can be interrupted by killing a beast). You can use it once per week.)
17 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
18 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
19 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
20 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
21 - city
X - upstairs to surface
After releasing Sveltana, we should rush to help Ashan.
Goals: conquering six cities on the surface
Reward: 40000 XP, archbachelor's crown (+5 magic power, +50 mana, +5 mana regeneration)
This is the most difficult scenario in the game. We will be constantly attacked by an enemy who has numerous and quality advantage, on all fronts. We should have few heroes to defend our borders - Anastasya won't hold all those duties alone.
Fort number one......and number twoWe should begin expansion from conquering forts on north and west (M14,2) - nearby mines and dwellings improve our developing (lack of crystals could be a problem). Next step is moving further - enemy's residences are on the northern and eastern end of a map (M14,3), so we should go there (but not in both directions at once). On this stage of a game, will be many evasions and tricks of opponent, but we should remember that his heroes aren't as powerful as their cities. So we should leave one hero in a capitol and start attack with second one (supported by third hero) in chosen direction.
After taking a castle we'll thrown out from Sheoghu.So we should collect all items earlierLocalization of enemy's fortresses is marked on maps - it's good idea to take over his forts earlier (M14,4). Sooner or later we'll see that enemies are coming not only from cities but also from weird portals (M14,X1) - those lead to Sheogh, where the most powerful castles are. If we feel strong enough, we can go in there - those castles are part of our task. During battles we should especially beware of mothers breeder, pit lords and succubus - those are the most important troops in hell army. To defeat them, we should keep resurrecting our units, support them with proper abilities (life drain is useful) and curse enemy a lot (darkness magic). During assaults we should put on the first line lamasu and vampires; other units as a support. Such tactic should give us a win.
Attack only when you'll be sure of winningToo many castles in my headWith every conquered underground castle (M15,1) Anastasya get acquainted with Uriel's memories - that's how she will know who force her to kill Slava. When all castles are taken, this mission ends, and next activates - From a heart, from a mind.
Attention! This quest is available after finishing Undead politics!
Goals: reaching portal and defeating Uriel
Reward: 55000XP
Before we fight with an angel, we should armed ourselves seriously - our enemy has huge amount of HP and servants. Luckily, til now we should kill all Inferno's leaders so no one's interrupt us and we have as many time as we want to.
Heaven danceAnd real Fall.When we go through the portal (M14,5) we'll faced Uriel. To defeat him we have to not only kill him, but also all his army. This seems rather small - but is very powerful. In battle we should focus on them, not on Uriel himself - killing them quickly decreases Uriel's offensive abilities. As we can have unlimited amount of units, battle is rather easy - we should smash him our number only.
No one will cryWhen Uriel and his soldiers dies, scenario and all campaign ends.
Goals: collecting a thousand skeletons
Reward: 25000 XP, +3 to magic power, +25 to blood reputation
Luckily, at the beginning some structures are already build.Quest makes himself - if we will play long enough, we should collect required number of units. What is interesting, to this task counts not only skeletons we have in army, but all we recruit(ed) during mission. It makes this quest even easier.
Goals: collecting four parts of moon disk.
Reward: 30000 XP
Parts we are looking for are scattered through all the land - finding them won't be easy task. Luckily they are all marked on illustrations and map below.
Places where we can find parts of moon diskWhen we collect all items, we receive Tear of Asha - it 'll make us very rich. After building proper structure in our capitol we increase also our populations.
One piece is on the east......second in the middle......third on the west......and fourth on the southern west.
1 - beginning
2 - forts nearby capitol
3 - enemy's castles
4 - enemy's forts
5 - portal to Uriel's mind (Form a heart, from a mind)
X1 - Sheogh's portal (Bleeding world)
1 - cities of Sheogh (Bleeding world)
X1 - Sheogh's portal (look at map M14,X1)
1 - city
2 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
3 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
9 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
10 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
11 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
12 - Well of souls (+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.)
13 - Conflux Orb (You can send messages to the other players)
14 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
15 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
16 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
17 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
18 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
19 - altar of destruction (In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.)
20 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
21 - observatory (discover nearest area)
22 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
23 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
24 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
25 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
26 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
27 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
28 - Chaos Wave (During next battle on your side appears computer controlled monster. It starts eating random enemy units (it can be interrupted by killing a beast). You can use it once per week.)
29 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
30 - portal to Uriel's mind
X1 - Sheogh's portal (look at map M17,X1)
1 - city
2- war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
3 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
4 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
5 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
6 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
7 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
8 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
9 - altar of destruction (In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.)
10 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
X1 - Sheogh's portal (look at map M16,X1)
Every game in Might and Magic: Heroes VI is a unique adventure. Even if we're gonna fight only on the one map and making the same decisions, game will look different for each time. This is caused by high randomness - great part of creatures and resources is random. Also enemies behaviors vary. That's why you can't create one general rule for an expansion - there are too many factors.
Nevertheless, you can make a common scheme, which you should follow during game - both in battles and city development. About wars you can read in chapter Battlefield Tactics and about castles - below.
Most Necropolis buildings require big amounts of stones - it's the most important resource for us. Wood and crystals also matter - they let us recruit better units - but we shouldn't care about them that much. As stones have high priority, we should find stone mine ASAP, and then look after sawmill and crystal mine.
Necromancers castles even look scaryOur develop we should begin with some recruitment building - it's all about our hero has sth to fight with creatures guarding mines. The best choice at start is ruined tower (ghosts) - it's expensive, but healing units are very precious in our army. Then we should construct town hall - it increases our income. Next steps are not so stiff.
If we are lucky and have nice amount of crystals, we should invest in vampire mansion (vampires). Those powerful creatures help us conquer nearest land - but they are quite expensive and not always worthy at this stage. If we are rather poor, we should build city hall ( 2000 gold per turn) and crypt (ghouls) - it lets us have a basic bottom of our empire
Very important is building first walls in city at seventh day - they increase population. Of course, before we do that, we should construct few unit's residences.
When the first week ended, we should keep building. If we don't have a city hall, it's good moment to create it. Then we should concentrate on dwellings (level 1 and 2). The most important are ghouls, vampires and skeletons, liches are also useful. We can wait with lamasu - they are the best during sieges. It's important to not upgrade any dwelling - it'll be a waste of resources, which we would use on another dwellings (in Heroes VI number overcome quality). Also special buildings, heroes hall and marketplace are hardly useful(unless we have lack of money - it gives us 500 gold per turn).
Full development takes timeThird week has two priorities: capitol and maximum expand of fortifications. First building will give us 4000 gold per turn, and fortifications let us collect powerful army very fast.
When it's done, we have to do a finishing touch - spider temple (namtaru), plague temple (lamasu) and upgrading of other dwellings. After that, we should start build special constructions - some of them can be quite useful now. If we have more than one city, we should consider creating a system of portals - they let us move between castles quickly.
If a map we are playing is huge and opponent is powerful we can think about heroes hall and its improvement, but it's whim. Finally the proper developed Necropolis is unbeatable - we will smash computer and many of human players. We are master of undeads!
Full description of Necropolis buildings you can find below in Buildings chapter.
Basic Fortification1
1st level city
2000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Walls around the city, increases population
Advanced Fortification2
2nd level city
Basic Fortification
5000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
Upgrade walls, adds moat and central tower, increases population.
Superior Fortyfication3
3rd level city
Advanced Fortification
10000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
Adds two corner towers, increases population.
500 gold per turn
Town Hall1
1st level city
2000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
1000 gold per turn
City Hall2
2nd level city
Town Hall
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
2000 gold per turn.
3rd level city
City Hall
10000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
4000 gold per turn.
1st level city
1750 gold
6 wood
2 stone
Let you recruit skeletons
1st level city
2000 gold
5 wood
2 crystal
Let you recruit skeletal spearmen
1st level city
1000 gold
4 stone
Let you recruit ghouls
Ravenous crypt1
1st level city
1500 gold
3 wood
4 stone
2 crystal
Let you recruit ravenous ghouls
Ruined tower1
1st level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Let you recruit ghosts
Haunted tower1
1st level city
Ruined tower
2500 gold
5 stone
4 crystal
Let you recruit spectres
2nd level city
6000 gold
10 stone
7 crystal
Let you recruit liches
2nd level city
4000 gold
9 stone
9 crystal
Let you recruit archliches
Pestilent Tomb2
2nd level city
3500 gold
8 wood
10 stone
5 crystal
Let you recruit lamasu
Pestilent Catacomb2
2nd level city
Pestilent Tomb
2000 gold
2 wood
6 stone
6 crystal
Let you recruit putrid lamasu
Vampire mansion2
2nd level city
4000 gold
5 wood
8 stone
6 crystal
Let you recruit vampires
Vampire palace2
2nd level city
Vampire mansion
4000 gold
5 wood
6 stone
7 crystal
Let you recruit vampire lords
Spider Temple3
3rd level city
17500 gold
25 wood
15 stone
25 crystal
Let you recruit fate spinners
Spider Sanctum3
3rd level city
Spider Temple
12500 gold
15 wood
25 stone
15 crystal
Let you recruit fate weavers
Chamber of necromancy2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Increases necromancy points generated by battles. This bonus cumulate, but each another chamber provide less bonus. Excludes Wasting Ground.
Wasting Ground2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Attack and HP of all living creatures in this control zone is decreased. Excludes Chamber of necromancy.
Altar of Eternal Servitude3
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
10 crystal
You can resurrect units here. Their cost is 50% bigger, and if they won't be back to (un)life during 3 days from battle they died, their souls are wasted. Every Altair decreased cost about 10% and elongates time +1 day. Excludes Asha's Hourglass.
Asha's Hourglass3
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
10 crystal
In control zone of this city, enemy's heroes get -30% to movement points. If this city get sieged, attacker gets -15 to initiative. Excludes Altar of Eternal Servitude.
1st level city
2000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
You can trade resources here. The more marketplaces we have, the better prices we get. Additionally, it generates 500 gold per turn.
Hall of Heroes1
1st level city
2000 gold
You can recruit heroes here
Hall of Immortals2
2nd level city
Hall of heroes
10000 gold
5 stone
5 crystal
You can resurrect heroes here. Every resurrected hero gets +10% to his statistics for one week.
Basic Town Portal2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Lets your hero teleports to your custom city.
Advanced Town Portal3
3rd level city
Town portal
5000 gold
10 crystal
Heroes can teleport to this city from adventure map (they gain proper spell).
Asha's Undying Resolve4
4th level city
Tear of Asha
15000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
20 crystal
5000 gold per turn, +50% to population, +100% to necromancy's effectivity.
SkeletonHollow Bones: ranged attacks cause only half damages.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
85 gold
Skeletal spearmanHollow Bones: ranged attacks cause only half damages.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
Webbing Spears: hits decrease enemy's and his nearest allies mobility about 1 for 8 turns.
125 gold
Skeletons are basic necromancers units - not very strong, but very numerous. Big advantage is shooting - it could slow an enemy, what's good for us.
As skeletons are only bone-constructed, they are perfect soldiers to fight with opponents shooters (Hollow Bones).
GhoulDead Flesh: all physical damages blowed to ghoul are decreased by 30% .
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
120 gold
Revengous ghoulDead Flesh: all physical damages blowed to ghoul are decreased by 30% .
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
Rage Against the Living: movement range and attack of revengous ghoul increase when he attacks living creatures.
175 gold
Skeletons are the cheapest unit in Necropolis but ghouls are core of every undead army. Physical resistant, with strong attack and any HP, are perfect tool to melee fighting. If enemy is living, he will die quickly - revengeous ghouls very like fresh meat.
Ghouls are the best against not too tough, living troops.
GhostWail of the Netherworld: heal chosen undead unit. All living creatures around her lose little HP, increasing this effect.
Incorporeal: unit can move through obstacles and units. Physical damages are reduced by 35%.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
110 gold
SpectreWail of the Netherworld: heal chosen undead unit. All living creatures around her lose little HP, increasing this effect.
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until spectre does any action.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
Death Sceal: decreases effectivity of healing for chosen unit by 50% for 3 turns. Only on living creatures.
Incorporeal: unit can move through obstacles and units. Physical damages are reduced by 50%.
160 gold
Ghosts are the most universal of Necropolis units. They can not only fly and heal but also attack quite well. Strong attack and partial resistance are factors which make ghosts obligatory element of any undead army.
Although spectres and ghosts do very well on battlefields (especially during sieges) better idea is to use them as a healers. Strong spell Wail of the Netherworld can change battle - especially casted on unit surrounded by enemies.
LichAsha's Embrace: decrease's darkness magic resistance of chosen enemy unit and its surrounding by 20%.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
420 gold
ArchlichAsha's Embrace: decrease's darkness magic resistance of chosen enemy unit and its surrounding by 20%.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
Life Drain: every time archlich causes damages to living creature, chosen undead unit regain 20% of those damages as a HP. Archlich can't heal himself.
525 gold
Liches are inconspicuous but powerful - every enemy will quickly learn to respect them. Powerful magic attack, surprisingly big HP and unlimited shoot range make them real athletes of battlefield. If we add decreasing enemy's resistance to darkness magic, we will have no doubts that this is necessary point of every necromancer's army.
And if liches can mix on the battlefield, their upgraded brothers conduct on it. Enemies wounded by archliches treat not only with heavy damages but also improving another undead with their own blood. No one can stand this.
LamasuAura of Putrescence: at the beginning of every turn lamasu decreases maximum HP of nearest enemy's unit by 5% for 2 turns.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
350 gold
Putrid LamasuContagnion: at the beginning of every turn putrid lamasu decreases maximum HP of nearest enemy's unit by 5% for 2 turns. It can spread out - to the surroundings of yet contagnioned unit.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
Breath of Vermin: All enemies on the chosen area 3x3 fields get minuses to attack and magic power for three turns. Also they get 10 damage points from earth magic (for every lamasu in squad).
445 gold
Lamasu is rather specific type of saboteur - he can fly, which theoretically let him move to the opponent's back, but little amount of movement points limit this ability. This unit strength is other thing: spreading a contagnion.
Enemies touched by disease are easier to defeat - other troops of undeads should get rid of them quickly. So lamasu should fly on the battlefield and spread virus to every unit.
VampireVampiric Embrace: 15% damages caused by vampire heals him. Works only on living creatures.
Out of Time: when vampire defence, first blow to him is always missed.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
360 gold
Vampire LordVampiric Grasp: 20% damages caused by vampire heals him. Works only on living creatures.
Out of Time: when vampire defence, first blow to him is always missed.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
450 gold
Vampire is one of the most powerful unit in Ashan. Though they don't have impressive amount of HP or attack value, their ability to evade blows and life drain make them matchless warriors. Proper lead team of them is almost immortal.
If vampire get strengthened by spells increasing caused damage, he become a god of battlefield. Every hit will amplify him, every hit will heal him - no one will withstand such power!
Fate SpinnerDual Forms: this unit can change its physical form.
Baleful Gaze: Every unit attacked by this creature get additional 40 darkness magic damages.
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until spectre does any action.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
1695 gold
1 crystal
Fate WeaverDual Forms: this unit can change its physical form.
Baleful Gaze: Every unit attacked by this creature get additional 44 darkness magic damages.
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until spectre does any action.
Undead: neutral morale. Also 20% water resistance and totally resistant to poisoning, sickness, blinding and mind attacks.
Photophobie: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Impassiveness: creature is totally resistant to any morale changes.
Dance of Decay: all units surrounding Fate Weaver get damages from prime magic equal 10% their maxim HP. Those damages can't be healed. Also all effects on those units get accelerated by 1 turn.
2190 gold
1 crystal
Fate spinners/weavers are one of the most mysterious Ashan creatures. They are so much connected with spider god, that they took her form. In more "human" form they are dangerous, but in spider one they show true power.
Thanks strong ranged attack and various offensive abilities, fate spinners and weavers can win battles themselves.
Commanding undeads is a demanding thing - they require focus and wisely planning. Because of their slowness, they aren't good in rushes - one mistake can be very expensive. That's why, playing this faction, we should be very careful. They specification doesn't end on not having morale and slowness - but they have many shooters. Skeletons, liches and fate spinners/weavers are our artillery which can smash enemy before he gets even closer to us. Unfortunately, those units lose theirs values when enemy come up to melee fight. So keeping opponent on the distant is the most important thing in all our battles.
Melee fighting is the worst thing we can doIt's worth mentioning that undeads are immortal. Proper leaded are very powerful. Healing units, like ghosts, liches and vampires can decide about fate of all campaigns: only thanks to them our army won't decrease after battles. If we have in addition hero with developed necromancy, our army will be invincible.
But let me say it one more time: keeping enemy away from our shooters and skillful healing of our units are a base of our success. Only good leaders can make it - you can read it more about that in further part of this guide.
Battles on the Field
Main dangers during open battles is being surrounded or when enemy reach our shooters. Protection of Skeletons, liches and fate spinners/weavers it's our basic task during battles - although those troops have powerful range attacks, they easily get defeated in melee fighting. That's why we should move wisely vampires, lamasu and ghouls, to make them protect our backs.
Vampires can stand anyone - they're immortalOur melee troops we should send into middle of battlefield - they have many defence abilities (look at chapter: Units), thanks to which they'll be perfect blockers. Holding enemy there shouldn't be difficult - both vampires, and ghouls can stand really powerful blows and cause sensible damages. Lamasu also are good blockers, but it's better to make them spread a contagnion - affected enemies will be easier to defeat. You can also harass enemy's shooters - despite low mobility Lamasu can get to them rather quickly.
I should spend few words for ghosts - those, though they can evade blows easily, is better to leave on our backs. Theirs healing abilities will be precious support - without them vampires, lamasu and ghouls will quickly die during fight with greater number of enemies. If we focus on recovering losses, our army get almost immortal - especially when hero will help them with necromancy. Also archliches could be useful - they can drain life from enemies and give it to allies. Such war machine will bring us success - you have to only wait til enemy bleeds out during trials of getting through our blockers.
Sieges with undeads are always very similar. Base thing is fire advantage - usually it alone is enough to defeat an enemy. The only one difference is that during defending a castle we should protect gates (best with ghouls and vampires), and during attacking rushing quickly inside a fortress.
Shoot til enemy is moving - quite effective tacticIf we attack, we should move ghouls under gates - it's false attack on which enemy would concentrate. The true charge we should do with vampires and lamasu (optionally ghosts), who can fly over walls. If we concentrate our troops properly in one point (at the one part of fortifications) enemy will be in troubles. Of course we can't forget about shooting them - that's what for are liches, skeletons and fate spinners/weavers in our army. Additionally we should care about healing our units -necromancy, ghosts and archliches abilities should provide us quick success.
If we are defenders, task is even easier - you just need to place skeletons, liches or fate spinners/weavers in tower and shoot, shoot, shoot. Advantage in ranged attack should provide us a victory - but sometimes enemy is clever and tries to get into a castle. That's why we should secure our gates - probably there will be main attack done. But if opponent decides to fly over our walls, we shouldn't bother that - an attacker will be surely smashed by our units. It's very important to not move outside our walls.
Every hero in Might and Magic: Heroes VI can develop in two ways - tears or blood path. It depends only from our choices during game, which type of reputation hero will gain - this decision affects not only his appearance but also his special abilities, which have quite big meaning for a player. So, before we decide for any of them, we should consider it carefully.
Below you can find tables describing heroes who had chosen their destiny. Abilities are gained during hero's development of course.
Might hero
Ebon Knight
NeutralFace of Death: each time an enemy troop is destroyed, all army has minuses to statistics.
Bone Guard
TearsFace of Death: each time an enemy troop is destroyed, all army has minuses to statistics.
Bound By Death: all undead units drain life from corpses.
Death is not the End: if undead troop is destroyed, it drain life from nearest living creatures and revive itself (its HP depends from how much it drained).
Death Knight
Face of Death: each time an enemy troop is destroyed, all army has minuses to statistics.
Vampiric Embrace: part of damages caused by undeads heals them.
For Whom the Bell Tolls: chosen enemy core or elite unit will be completely destroy within few turns if enemy don't win a battle first.
Magic Hero
NeutralAsha Uses All: hero gains a little mana for every destroyed troop.
TearsAsha Uses All: hero gains a little mana for every destroyed troop.
No Rest for the Wicked: increases number of resurrected units, which stay in army after a battle.
Sacrifice: all damages done to some unit are passed to other one and decreased. Lasts few turns.
Asha Uses All: hero gains a little mana for every destroyed troop.
Mark of the Necromancer: increases effectivity of blood magic.
Curse of Netherworld: HP of all living creatures are slowly drained and pass to undeads.
Necropolis heroes are quite different from other ones. As theirs armies has no morale, all abilities and spells affecting it are worthless. Most of undeads is also rather resistant to physical attacks - so we don't have to care about their defence. So what should we choose? All kind of curses of course!
Darkness magic is the best possible choice. If we decided to chose magic hero, we have a big advantage from the beginning. Favourite necromancers spells decreases enemy's statistics or weaken them in other way. Spells like weakness, agony or despair will highly hurt our opponent, but terror, Puppet Master and life drain let feel us true power of undeads. If opponent's hero is a wizard, we'll disarm him with purge - one of the most powerful spell in the game.
Do we need something more?Of course necromancers shouldn't forget about prime magic - there are abilities highly increasing hero's power. Arcane ward, Arcane Exalation and magic synergy are basis but on higher levels we can look also on time stasis, dispel magic and haste - which let us control all battlefield.
When we get those abilities we can consider some might abilities. The most useful will be for sure defender, destiny's chosen, assailant and ambush (firstly!), but also counterstrike or resillence could be good. Despite, those are whims - magic sphere is more worthy, so we should buy rather spelling heroes.
List of all spells and abilities you will find in main guide.
Haven is a well known faction to all Heroes fans - human empire is in this series from the beginning, though it was changing many times. What firstly was just a mirror reflection of medieval world, has changed into a place from fantasy books. Griffons, spirits and angels appeared - humanity wasn't alone in battle with forces of darkness.
In Heroes VI Haven is even more fantastic - besides sentinels and crossbowmen, there are units born from Elrath's light - dragon god of light. Only thanks to his grace, mankind can stand powerful enemies.
Human kingdom is falling - forces of Light were never as needed in Empire as now. Every commander has to be acquainted with many rules and connections which he/she will follow during his missions. In this guide you can find everything what is required to manage a Haven.
When the prince Slava was killed by his own daughter, reigns in Griffon duchy took Anton - his oldest son. This young, ambitious man many challenges await - only with player's help he will accomplish them.
Human's country is falling in chaos
Nameless, orcs, intriguers and civil war - aren't it too much for flimsy Anton?
Goals: reach orcs and conquering both their cities
Reward: 10000 XP
We start the game on the north (M1,1). We should take nearest mines ASAP, and collect resources - they'll be useful during castle's development. Greatest part of creatures here won't fight with us - they'll join our army instead. Benefit it - soon we'll meet less peaceful enemies.
Not all creatures will join usSo we'll have a fratricidal fightsAfter getting sawmill (M3,4) and dwelling (M3,2) we should move east. There, near to the bridge (M1,2), quest get activated( Egg Stealers). When we go through the precipice, we find first group of orcs - simultaneously position of enemy's cities will be discover. We have to conquer both of them.
We can't let orcs move across the bridgeThere is enemy's fort just after itThe easiest way to victory is quickly moving east - there we'll find orc's fort (M1,3), and a city (M1,4). During this encounters we should bet on defensive - shoot them with crossbowmen, defend with sentinels and regain losses using sisters. Then we should armed seriously and replenish our troops - second fight with barbarians won't be that easy.
The faster we smash an enemy, the betterDon't forget about conversion!On the southern-west of a map we'll find second enemy's city (M1,5) - to reach it we'll have to go through a jungle and conquer two forts (M1,6). But before we start a siege, it's worth to wait til the week end and recruit additional units. Just after we defeat orcs, and the mission ends, another quest activates (Religious Disputes) and we get a stab in a back - it's good to prepare for it.
Very important is conquering both fortsThey'll be useful in further defendingTo complete a mission, we need to take over savage's village (M1,5) -it's well guarded but if we cared about our army properly, it should fall rapidly. Siege scheme is the same like shown in chapter Tactics on the battlefield.
Attention! This mission gfratricidalt activated after finishing The Wild Hunt!
Goals: defeating a baron
Reward: 30000 XP
Just after smashing orcs, we'll get attacked by rebellious baron form the southern west - two gates leading to his kingdom get opened (M1,7). We should expect attacks on two fronts: northern and western (where the barbarians villages were). It'll be good to arm additionally and with few heroes get rid of the enemy. He has the same types of units as we - so the most important thing is quickly eliminating his sisters (so we won't resurrect his troops) connected with effective protection of ours.
Enemy will attack us right after gates openingWe should make a counterstrike immediatelyWhen enemy's heroes will die, there will be a moment for a counterstrike. It's best to make it from two sides - our opponent has some numerous advantage, he possesses three cities and a fort (M1,8). Attack from wings should decrease his defensive potential.
Rebel's residenceOur task is to defeat a baron - he is in his main castle on the east (M1,9). To rush on the gate we should sent sentinels, supported by crossbowmen fire and sisters healing. Victory in battle ends a scenario (conquering all enemy cities isn't required M1,10).
Goals: reach first level of tears or blood reputation
Reward: +2 to Destiny
Mission accomplish itself - every choice get us closer to the finish. Remember, that reputation points we gain not only in buildings (like arena or arcane library) but also thanks to quests (Egg Stealers) and decisions connected with neutral armies (8 blood points for chasing, 10 tears points for letting free).
Prince's New GrooveIf we don't collect enough points, we'll finish this quest in the next scenario.
Goals: finding griffins eggs and taking them back to the nest
Reward: 10000 XP, sword ironfeather (+3 to might defence)
We obtain this quest during passing bridge on the east (M1,2) - griffon appears in front of Anton - and his nest being robbed by goblins. We will have to find stolen eggs. There are few entries to undergrounds (M1,X), but only a northern one (M1,X2) leads to thieves. Right after getting down, we should go to the south - we'll find eggs (M2,1). We can decide about goblins destiny gaining 50 tears or blood points (no further storyline consequences).
Gotcha!Reward is quite bigThen we should bring back eggs to griffins - just move to the exit from undergrounds (M2,X2) and talk with creature sitting on a cliff (M1,11). From now on you can recruit griffins in castles.
Caves hide many precious things - on a map we can find many entries to undergrounds (M1,X), where many artifacts and buildings wait for Anton. If we have a spare time, it's worth to look around a little.
Tempting, isn't it?
1 - beginning location
2 - bridge to the east (The Wild Hunt)
3 - orc's fort (The Wild Hunt))
4 - barbarian's city (The Wild Hunt))
5 - second barbarian's city (The Wild Hunt))
6 - orc's forts (The Wild Hunt))
7 - Gate (Religious Disputes)
8 - baron fort (Religious Disputes)
9 - main rebelliants residence (Religious Disputes)
10 - other rebelliants residences (Religious Disputes)
11 - griffins (Egg Stealers)
X - entry to the undergrounds
X2 - downstairs to goblins island (Egg Stealers)
X3 - exit to gryphons island (Egg Stealers)
1 - goblins (Egg Stealers)
X - exit to surface
X2 - downstairs to goblins island (Egg Stealers)
X3 - exit to gryphons island (Egg Stealers)
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - city
2 - dwellings (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - Warmen Guardhouse (After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.)
9 - Raiders Dwelling (Gives some gold for every won battle. Amount of gold depends from numbers of such structures you control.)
X - downstairs to undergrounds
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
2 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
3 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
4 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
5 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
6 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
7 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
8 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
9 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
10 - Monument of Revelation (Discover fragment of map (not nearest))
11 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero))
12 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
13 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
14 - dead field (during the next battle living creatures in enemy's army get -10% to HP and attack. Only once per battle)
15 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero))
16 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
17 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
18 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
X - downstairs to undergrounds
1 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
2 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
3 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
4 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
5 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
6 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
7 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
8 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
9 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
10 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
X - exit from undergrounds
Griffins duchy is falling
After killing his sister and arguing with inquisitor Salvatore, Anton is facing rebellious barons. Civil war became a fact.
Goals: defeating three rebellious barons
Reward: 50000 XP, 5000 gold, guard helmet (+10 Leadership)
Beginning is very poor - we have one fort and prince Anton with small army. Ironically, we meet lord Kilburn after a while - he'll offer us a help and disappear.
I'm so poorThis is HAAAAAVEN!We should start exploration from the north - we'll find a dwelling there(M8,2) and stone mine (M8,7). Further we should take over all buildings in our control zone and collect items and artefact - they'll be useful later. Then explore a south part of a land. We'll find there undead's castle (connected with quest Unfinished businesses; M6,2), from which we make our capitol. After proper development and conquering undergrounds (M6,X), we can move west - there is unowned city (M6,3), which we can take and convert (we'll meet also Valeska who wants to join us; M6,4).
Unowned cityValeska will join us in the next scenario if we sentence one of lord to deathIn this moment we'll be probably attacked by one of rebellious baron - we should push him off and counterstrike. The easiest enemy is one with headquarter on the west (M6,5) - that's how we'll protect our backs. During siege the best thing is to fly over a wall with griffins and constantly healing them by sisters (winged creatures has unlimited counterstrike). For sure charge at gates and crossbowman's fire will be also helpful.
No one prohibit you to have your own plan of conqueringTaste my claw, you filthy creature!When the first castle fell, we should move back to our second city (M6,3) and there replenish losses (enemy for sure will attack this place). When we feel strong enough, we should go north - there we'll find second rebel's fortress (M6,6), which should be ours after a short battle.
Enemy won't stand a ground long timeNow, it's time for ultimate encounter with enemy - he is on the northern east (M6,7). To reach him we'll have to go through his territory (with well guarded fort situated in there; M6,8), and conquer solid defenced city. Scheme of the siege is as usual.
Fort is to little to stop usIf we want, we can also take over enemy's city on the west.When all three lords are defeated, and we decided about theirs fate (125 tears or blood points for each decision), mission ends and we go the next scenario (if we finished Unfinished businesses earlier). The only one consequence of our choices about lords will be a hero who will join us in the next scenario - Kilburn, if we showed mercy, and Valeska if we killed them.
Goals: defeating Djordje's ghost and back home
Reward: 50000 XP, +2 to Leadership, lion shield (+3 to Leadership, +3 to defence)
When we left first control zone, and move south, we'll see necromancers castle (M6,2) - it's lord Djordje, killed in previous scenario, rose from a grave. In that situation we have to reach his castle and defeat him once again. Fight with him is quite demanding - it's worth to fill up our army before. During battle we should take care firstly about ghosts (they're healers) and skeletons (shooters).
We should convert not only cities but also dwellingsWhen we defeat him, we'll get his castle. Thanks to convertion we'll be able to replenish our army, what's even easier with dwelling on the east. Those troops will be worthy, because quest isn't finished yet - we have to reach lord's residence (M7,4) and there finish him ultimately. Luckily, passages to the undergrounds (M6,X) and to the west are opened for us.
One fort, so much fun.After cleaning up inside, of courseWe should start our exploration from caves - there is necromancers fort (M7,1) - it provides control over few mines, what is very important for our development. Unfortunately, passage to the further part of dungeon, where Djordje is hiding, is unavailable yet.
Conquering of fort could be troublesome - beware of ghosts and lichesWhen we loot undergrounds enough, we have to go back to the surface - now it's best to focus on quest Rebel Alliance which is strongly connected with Unfinished businesses. When rebels barons are dead, we can end issue of undeads - to do that we should go the very north of a land and go to the dark cave (M6,X2).
Entry to the dungeonThere is Anton's mother in dungeon (M7,2), who gets us through serie of test with elementals. Three big battles wait for us, but our huge army should smash them. After this, we'll fight Kiryl and his demons (M7,3). Just after this victory (we have to eliminate his shooters ASAP), we'll end mother's trial and teleport nearby Djordje's castle (M7,4).
Three ghosts, three challengesTrial ends with untypical fightBattle with the last one is quite demanding - ghost collected units during all game, so for sure he'll be troublesome. But when we ultimately finish him, quest ends and we can start being happy about reward. Fight is rather schematic - we should be offensive to not be shot down by enemy. So, move all units to rush and use sisters not to healing, but damaging undeads.
This encounter is the last oneGoals: finding Requiem
Reward: 15000 XP, Thunderblade's helmet (+2 to Leadership, adds lighting spell)
This quest is about collecting ancient artifact located in the middle of a map (M6,9). As it is guarded by strong angels troop and is situated in quite important place, it's not so worthy to collect it (we'll have better helmet in Rebel Alliance quest).
Shine hurtsBut if you are risky, you can go the enemy's land and hunt for winged guards.
1 - beginning location
2 - undead's castle (Unfinished businesses and Rebel Alliance)
3 - city
4 - Valeska
5 - rebellious baron (Rebel Alliance)
6 - rebellious baron (Rebel Alliance)
7 - rebellious baron (Rebel Alliance)
8 - enemy's fort
9 - Requiem (Hertrending Song)
X - downstairs to undergrounds (Unfinished businesses)
X2 - downstairs to undergrounds (Unfinished businesses)
1 - undead's fort (Unfinished businesses)
2 - Anton's mother (Unfinished businesses)
3 - Kiryl (Unfinished businesses)
4 - Djordje's residence (Unfinished businesses)
X - exit to on the surface
X1 - teleport to the other part of undergrounds
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
9 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
10 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
11 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
12 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
13 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
14 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
15 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
16 - observatory (discover nearest area)
17 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
18 - Monument of Revelation (Discover fragment of map (not nearest))
19 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
20 - Conflux Orb (You can let messages to the other players)
21 - Raiders Dwelling (Gives some gold for every won battle. Amount of gold depends from numbers of such structures you control.)
22 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
23 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
24 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
25 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
26 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
27 - Warmen Guardhouse (After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.)
28 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
29 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
30 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
X - downstairs to undergrounds
1 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
2 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
3 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
4 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
5 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
6 - Monument of Revelation (Discover fragment of map (not nearest))
7 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
8 - dwellings (increase creature's population)
9 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
10 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
11 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
12 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
13 - city
14 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
15 - Conflux Orb (You can send messages to the other players)
X - exit from undergrounds
X1 - teleport to the other part of undergrounds
After ending civil war, Anton go to the south
Prophets haven't been right - chaos forces invasion began earlier than they were expecting. What is worse - peaceful human land was attacked by Nagas - what serpents are looking for ?
Goals: conquering Flammschrein
Reward: 50000 XP, lion's mane coat (+ 6 to Leadership)
Mission isn't as easy, as it looks like. During the game we'll face overwhelming forces of enemy and defeat them on our own territory (most of terrain is flooded). So we have to be careful in planning our moves.
Finally angels will help usFirst city=first siegeBeginning is simple - we should move east and meet with Jezebeth, an angel (M10,2). After short talk, she let us recruting her winged friends in our cities - it's huge advantage. It's good to use it and take over first castle, little north from here (M10,3).
When it's done, we can start exploring. Like usual, we are surrounded by enemies, but we have a safety zone this time: on south and east are neutral forts (M10,4), which we should conquer ASAP (they're weak defenced). They'll become our first frontline.
The faster we take forts, the better it isWe can even take one from our enemy's handsWhen we'll have proper army, we should chose a direction of our expansion. More profitable seems east - there's Haven city there (M10,5), and a Sanctuary nearby (M10,6). Especially it's worth to conquer the second one - it decreases enemy's potential and active a quest Snakes in Haven. But we have to be careful - it's possible that from a whirl on a river (M10,X1) enemy's army go out from his second city (M10,7). If we have enough army, we should ASAP take care about all those cities.
Enemy hadn't converted city on the eastWe shouldn't repeat his mistakesDuring battles with nagas, we should eliminate theirs priestesses with huge healing power. Then we can get rid of Kenshi (they have unlimited counterstrikes, so shoot them down), shark guard and Kappa. Other formations won't trouble us much.
If plan of conquering nagas cities will be successful, we should just finish off our enemy. To do that go south and conquer his forts (M10,8) and a city (M10,9). In this moment opponent has only one castle, the Flammschrein (M10,10), which is a goal of our mission. Taking it won't be easy - when we get near to its walls, nagas close gates. To go inside, we'll have to finish other quest - Precise Blow.
Castle's siege won't end a missionDiplomacy ends this bloody warWhen we collect proper artifacts we can start a siege - enemy's castle is well fortified and guarded, but for sure it'll fall down in front of our powerful army (sieges are described in chapter Tactics on the battlefields). After defeating serpents, we'll have to meet with their general - to do that, we go through the portal(M10,X5) and have one last battle in the scenario. Finally, the mission ends.
Goals: finding a residence of siege machines builder
Reward: 40000 XP, 150 points of blood reputation, guard bracers (+2 to Leadership)
We obtain that mission, during standing in front of Flammschrein (M10,11). Those powerful walls can't be conquered in traditional way, so we should have to find a siege specialist. We must move to his residence (M10,12) and take his journal with notes.
Nice apartmentWhen we get there, we'll see an inferno's hero, who is trying to steal artifact we need. After short fight (look out enemy's shooters) we get rid of him. Then go back under enemy's castle gates and the quest is done.
Goals: converting two Santuary's cities
Reward: 20000 XP, 10000 gold, +50 to blood reputation
There are only two enemy castles we can conquer - in the middle of a map (M10,6) and on the very south of it (M10,7). We can reach them only by sea, and the only one shipyard (M10,13) is located within enemy's territory. So we have to get there and buy a ship.
Nagas aren't expect a landingBit reaching them is quite troublesomeEven if conquering of a first city is easy (it's located opposite to the shipyard), the second one is quite troublesome - to reach it we'll have to go through system of whirlpools (M10,X1 to M10,X2, and then M10,X3 to M10,X4). When we get there, army of nagas will welcome us. Like usual, we should start from eliminating opponent's priestesses and then get rid of his melee troops - very important is also a self-defence. When we win a battle, convert cities and a reward is yours.
Goals: collecting for parts of moon disc
Reward: 40000 XP, Asha's Tear
Pieces of moon disc are located in western part of a map - we'll have lot of running to collect them. They're marked on map and screens below.
First piece on the southern west......second a little more north......third one higher, on the east......and the last one on the very northWhen we collect all of those elements (they have to be in one's hero inventory) we'll see where is Asha's Tear - now you need to pick it up and take to the city. When we did, we can build unlimited Elrath's mercy - it'll rich us very fast.
That's where discs are located
1 - beginning
2 - an angel
3 - Haven's city
4 - forts
5 - Haven's city
6 - Sanctuary's city(Snakes in Haven)
7 - Sanctuary's city (Snakes in Haven)
8 - forts
9 - Haven's city
10 - Flammschrein (Sword diplomacy)
11 - gate (Sword diplomacy and Precise blow)
12 - engineer residence (Sword diplomacy and Precise blow)
13 - shipyard (Snakes in Haven)
X1 - whirlpool to X2
X2 - whirlpool to X1
X3 - whirlpool to X4
X4 - whirlpool to X3
X5 - two-direction portal to portal X6
X6 - two-direction portal to portal X5
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
X1 - whirlpool to X2
X2 - whirlpool to X1
X3 - whirlpool to X4
X4 - whirlpool to X3
X5 - two-direction portal to portal X6
X6 - two-direction portal to portal X5
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - observatory (discover nearest area)
2 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
3 - barbarian camp (Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
4 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
5 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
6 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
7 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
8 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
9 - Conflux Orb (You can let messages to the other players)
10 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
11 - reverie shrine (You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle)
12 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
13 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
14 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
15 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
16 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
17 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
18 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
19 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
20 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
21 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
22 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
23 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
24 - hell gates (guarded by group of enemies - reward (treasures, friendly troop) after defeating them)
25 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
26 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
27 - Warmen Guardhouse (After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.)
28 - Angels Shrine (+5 to magic power and Leadership do the end of current week. One use per a week.)
29 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
X1 - whirlpool to X2
X2 - whirlpool to X1
X3 - whirlpool to X4
X4 - whirlpool to X3
X5 - two-direction portal to portal X6
X6 - two-direction portal to portal X5
It's time for ultimate encounter with demons
Human's country capitol is besieged by demons - only Anton is able to fight with overwhelming forces of enemy.
Objective: conquer the closest city
Reward: 25000 XP, +2 to might defence, +2 to magic defence
Mission is very easy - we have to reach first city occupied by demons (M12,2) and fight it back. Enemy's army is numerous, but without any hero. As we have Anton, the result of a encounter is known: we just need to heal our units and cause big damages.
It's our goalAfter taking this city, we should continue our explorationGoals: conquering and converting four Inferno cities, taking over forts around Hawk's Nest
Reward: 40000 XP, guard breastplate (+4 to might defence, all units in hero's army resist all damages during first three turns in every battle)
Our goal is conquering four cities (M12,3), which surround human capitol. This quest isn't difficult but time consuming - we have to expect attacks from every directions and getting another castles one by one. Patience should be our main advisor.
Demons settled in our kingdomBut we'll smash them!First of enemy's city is on the northern east - near to the fortress (M12,2), we took in Demons at gates quest. Conquering this castle won't be easy, so we should improve our army earlier - especially radiant glories will be important for us. Constantly crossbowman fire, charge of sentinels and crusaders plus healing spells of sisters will give us a victory.
Don't forget about convertionWe'll disadvantage enemy quicklyOther Inferno cities (M12,3) we can seize in random sequence - it doesn't matter. But we have to remember about defence - hiring few heroes sounds like good idea. It's worth also to do quests The Prophecy and The Support which make our expansion easier.
During this scenario we'll fight dozens of battlesDuring sieges we'll focus on eliminating enemy's shooters (especially breeder mothers, who can replicate) and destroying gates. To both tasks crossbowmen and radiant glories are the best choice, but we can decide on something more brutal, like rush of seraphs and gryffins inside a walls. Of course - don't forget about healing troops.
The way to victory get opened after conquering fortsWhen all four cities will be ours a gate (M12,4) to the Hawk's Nest will open - to reach a capitol, we'll have to seize the last two enemy's forts (M12,5). Those, luckily, won't we a challenge - we should massacre defenders. When it's done, we obtain the last one mission in Haven's campaign - Griffins Valour.
Goals: go to the undergrounds, conquer those cities and release an empresses
Reward: 55000 XP, angelic alliance (+3 to might attack)
This mission activates when we reach a downstairs to underground (M12,X) - angel Jezebeth asks us to defeat demons in their own lair. To do so, we have to go under the surface of the land.
Four sieges - piece of cake!Convert, convert, convertAs we'll see quickly, a way to empresses city (M13,1) get blocked by chaos magic - to break the spell, we'll have to conquer two hellish cities (M13,2) and convert them. It's easiest to move east (there is a strong troop of pit lords on the west), where we can take enemy's fort (M13,3), and then a castle. After that we should replenish our forces, and move further on the west (clockwise). In a short time we'll see another fort (M13,4) and the second city. After collecting them, a way to empresses will be open.
Traitor will want to sabotage usWhen the spell broke, we can start a rescue action. Nearby a castle we have to seize, is a trap - angel Jezebeth betray us and attacks with army of demons. When we defeat her we obtain a reward: Asha's Tear and all undergrounds passages (M13,X) unlock, so we'll be able to move freely.
What's important, thanks to our work, Sveltana with necromancers will help us - she'll conquer one hellish city (M12,6), facilitates our quest.
Attention! This quest get activated after finishing Breaking a siege!
Goals: defeating Ahribban
Reward: 30000 XP
After conquering four Inferno cities (M12,3) and two forts (M12,5), has come a time for ultimate battle with demons. Huge monster, demon Ahribban, siege human's kingdom capitol (M12,7) - we should send our best hero to fight him with possible largest army we can. At this stage of game, we'll have plenty of cities and Inferno doesn't count anymore, so it's worth to wait a while and create a enormous army (Ahribban has always the same power). In quest Breaking a siege we obtain very useful artifact, which gives us big advantage.
Only Anton can defend a besieged capitolEncounter with monster is very schematic - enemy will summon little troop of demons in every turns (they goal is to get into the capitol), and attack us himself. Very important thing is fact, that we control not only our army, but also units defending in a capitol - so we can attack him from two sides. It's matter, because death of those defenders equals our defeat - so we should care about their health.
Three first turn will be easy. But then...The battle is a scheme: most of our forces have to attack Ahribban, and one-two troops eliminate demons he summons (defending a capitol, indeed). Enemy has huge HP and powerful attack, also unlimited mobility. To defeat him, we have to just attack him frequently causing huge damages. Especially sisters are good at it - they cause additional damages to darkness units. One more thing is important - in every turn the same unit should attack him first - Ahribban in counterattacks divides damages between all units he hurt.
When demon dies, the campaign is over.
Goals: meet with emisaries from Deer Duchy
Reward: +50 marksmen, +25 sun crusader, guard shoes (+1 to movement on the land, +1 to might defence)
This mission is getting done by doing Breaking a siege - whatsoever we have to move nearby Deer's castle (M12,8), so we can visit them.
Gratis cityThe only one goal of a mission is reaching our allies castle - when we do, they join us and we get this city. It's serious support for our kingdom, so we should take it.
1 - beginning
2 - city (Demons at the gates)
3 - enemy's castles (Breaking the siege)
4 - road to the capitol (Breaking the siege
5 - demons forts (Breaking the siege)
6 - Inferno city (Prophecies)
7 - capitol (Breaking the siege)
8 - city of Deer Duchy (The Support)
X - downstairs to underground
X2 - one-side portal to X3
X3 - exit from portal X2
1 - empresses palace (Prophecies)
2 - Inferno cities (Prophecies)
3 - enemy's fort
4 - second enemy's fort
5 - passage to empresses palace (Prophecies)
X - exit on the surface
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
X - downstairs to underground
X2 - one-side portal to X3
X3 - exit from portal X2
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
2 - griffin monument (all flying units gain +20% to HP. Once per week)
3 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
4 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
5 - observatory (discover nearest area)
6 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
7 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
8 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
9 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
10 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
11 - Hell Forge (+5 to might power and magic power for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
12 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
13 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
14 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
15 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
16 - barbarian camp (Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
17 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
18 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
19 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
20 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
21 - altar of destruction (In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.)
22 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
23 - ice pearl shrine (+10 to army's initiative. Once per week)
24 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
25 - hell gate (Guarded by demons - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
26 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
27 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
28 - Well of souls (+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.)
29 - Angels Shrine (+5 to magic power and Leadership do the end of current week. One use per a week.)
30 - Chaos Wave (During next battle on your side appears computer controled monster. It starts eating random enemy units (it can be interrupted by killing a beast). You can use it once per week.)
31 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
32 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
33 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
34 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
X - downstairs to underground
X2 - one-side portal to X3
X3 - exit from portal X2
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
9 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
10 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
11 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
12 - Hell Forge (+5 to might power and magic power for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
13 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
14 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
X - exit on the surface
Every game in Might and Magic: Heroes VI is a unique adventure. Even if we're gonna fight only on the one map and making the same decisions, game will look different for each time. This is caused by high randomness - great part of creatures and resources is random. Also enemies behaviors vary. That's why you can't create one general rule for an expansion - there are too many factors.
Nevertheless, you can make a common scheme, which you should follow during game - both in battles and city development. About wars you can read in chapter Tactics on the battlefield and about castles - below.
Haven's cities are impressiveMost of Haven's building requires big amounts of wood - it'll be the most important resource for us, which lets for fast develop in few first turns. Of course, stones are also meaningful, but less than wood. Crystals are useful to upgrading buildings (in beginning weeks it's not good idea) and recruiting more advanced units (much better choice).
So resources will decide about our direction of development - we should ASAP take over a sawmill, then stone mine and at last crystal mine. Such model of expansion exacts simple tactic of build-up - we should count on quantity, not quality. Huge numbers of weaker units will smash small amount of stronger ones - so we should invest during first turns into sentinels, crossbowmen and sisters, not even trying to buy an expensive sun raider.
How it looks in practice? We should begin our develop in the very same way every time - from building a Priory (sisters). Those holy women will be a base of our army - thanks to them our troops won't shrink during battles. Investment sisters is crucial in the first turn - it highly decreases any losses.
When the Priory is done, we have to care about economic aspect - town hall is the best choice (1000 gold per turn). Further decisions depend from the resources we have. If we have enough money, we can build a Loophole Tower (crossbowmen) - but usual it's better to construct a city hall. Regardless of our choice, we should think about building a city walls in the seventh day - they'll increase our population. Firstly, of course, we have to build some dwellings - that's why balance between economy and military potential is so important.
No one can stand us!When we have dwellings of first level units (sentinels, crossbowmen, sisters), our gold income is sufficient and walls are built, we can think about bigger expansion. To do that, we have to care about second level units - radiant glories, sun raiders and griffins. Which we choose first doesn't matter really - they all are same useful on the battlefield. So we should invest in the unit we can afford (but remember: quantity over quality).
When we possessed all second level units, we have to build a capitol - only thanks to it, we won't bankrupt. Probably in this moment we have more than one city - town portal is a good idea. Only in this moment you can consider upgrading of units - earlier it was worthless - especially think about crossbowmen and sisters.
Such developed city is powerful - but to leave any chances to an opponent, we have to make a critical blow. Transept of Elysium, recruiting seraphs, should decide about our victory. If it isn't enough, we can build special structures, and if we run out of resources, think about marketplace. A nail in opponent's coffin will be upgraded units.
Full description of Haven's buildings you can find below in Buildings chapter.
Basic Fortification1
1st level city
2000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Walls around the city, increases population
Advanced Fortification2
2nd level city
Basic Fortification
5000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
Upgrades walls, adds moat and central tower, increases population.
Superior Fortyfication3
3rd level city
Advanced Fortification
10000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
Adds two corner towers, increases population.
500 gold per turn
Town Hall1
1st level city
2000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
1000 gold per turn
City Hall2
2nd level city
Town Hall
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
2000 gold per turn.
3rd level city
City Hall
10000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
4000 gold per turn.
1st level city
1000 gold
4 stone
Lets you recruit sentinels
1st level city
1500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Lets you recruit preatorians
Loophole Tower1
1st level city
2000 gold
6 wood
2 stone
Lets you recruit crossbowmen
Marksman Tower1
1st level city
Loophole Tower
3000 gold
2 wood
3 crystal
Lets you recruit marksmen
1st level city
1500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Lets you recruit sisters
Cathedral of Light1
1st level city
2250 gold
2 wood
3 stone
5 crystal
Lets you recruit vestals
Griffin Aviary2
2nd level city
5000 gold
7 wood
5 stone
7 crystal
Lets you recruit griffins
Griffin Tower2
2nd level city
Griffin Aviary
3000 gold
7 wood
2 stone
7 crystal
Lets you recruit imperial griffins
Altar of Radiance2
2nd level city
6000 gold
8 stone
8 wood
6 crystal
Lets you recruit radiant glories
Altar of Resplendence2
2nd level city
Altar of Radiance
4000 gold
8 wood
10 crystal
Lets you recruit blazing glories.
Chapel of the Holy Sun2
2nd level city
4000 gold
12 wood
5 crystal
Lets you recruit sun raiders
Priory of the Holy Sun2
2nd level city
Chapel of the Holy Sun
2500 gold
7 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Lets you recruit sun crusaders
Transept of Heaven3
3rd level city
15000 gold
20 wood
15 stone
20 crystal
Lets you recruit seraphs
Transept of Elysium3
3rd level city
Transept of Heaven
15000 gold
20 wood
25 stone
20 crystal
Lets you recruit celestials
Angel Watch2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Player starts every battle with first level of faction ability. Excludes Statue of Revelation.
Statue of Revelation2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Once a week, player can discover chosen area on the map. Excludes Angel Watch.
Choral of Believers3
3rd level city.
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
10 crystal
If player's army fights on the terrain on which this structure is built, it fanin's +10 to morale and +20% to magic power. Excludes Resurrection Altar.
Resurrection Altar3
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
10 crystal
Units like sisters, sun raiders and celestials can be resurrected in this building. Their costs 50% more, en if they're not back to the life within three days after battle, their souls are lost. Every Altar decreases cost about 10% and elongate a time by 2 days. Excludes Choral of Believers.
1st level city
2000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
You can trade resources here. The more marketplaces we have, the better prices we get. Additionally, it generates 500 gold per turn. .
Upgraded Marketplace2
2nd level city
3000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
You can trade also artifacts now. Also, there are promotions every week.
Hall of Heroes1
1st level city
2000 gold
You can recruit heroes here
Basic Town Portal2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Lets your hero teleports to your custom city.
Advanced Town Portal3
3rd level city
Basic Town portal
5000 gold
10 crystal
Heroes can teleport to this city from adventure map (they gain proper spell).
Elrath's Infinite Mercy4
4th level city
Tear of Asha
15000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
20 crystal
5000 gold per turn, +50% to population. After every battle 33% of Haven's losses is resurrected.
SentinelShieldguard: unit nearby sentinel obtain only half of damages, and sentinel one eighth of it.
Shielded: ranged attacks cause only 75% damages.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
80 gold
PraetorianShieldguard: unit nearby sentinel obtain only half of damages, and sentinel one eighth of it.
Shielded: ranged attacks cause only 75% damages.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Shield Bash: if nearest ally unit is attacked, sentinel blows attacker with a shield, if it's in his range.
120 gold
Sentinels and preatorians are core of Haven's army. Standing on the first line, thanks to solid armors and defensive abilities, they are perfect to hold against enemies. They are also cheap, what matters in the first turns.
The biggest value of this unit is ability to protect nearest ally units - that's why other troops should surround sentinels. It improves our army defensive capacity.
CrossbowmanArmor piercing: unit ignores 50% of enemy's defence.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
95 gold
MarksmanArmor piercing: unit ignores 50% of enemy's defence.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Piercing Bolt: unit damages all unit on fireline (ally and enemy).
140 gold
Haven has only one troop able to range attacks - that's why crossbowmen are very important part of our army. Only thanks to them we can provoke enemy to attack us - and the defence is our strongest side.
Huge advantage of crossbowmen is ability to ignore a half of enemy's armor - perfect tool to fight against most powerful opponent's units. But we have to be careful with marksmen - their bolts can damage also ourselves.
SisterHeal: chosen unit regains 5 HP (for every sister in the troop). If chosen is demon or undead, he obtains 5 damages.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
105 gold
VestalHeal: chosen unit regains 6 HP (for every vestal in the troop). If chosen is demon or undead, he obtains 6 damages.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Pacification: chosen enemy unit can't do any action during 4 turns. Spell breaks when unit is attacked.
150 gold
Despite pretences, sisters are very important - in many situations, they save a battle for us. Thanks to them, Haven's army has no losses, and enemies are without chances with the Lightness.
Besides powerful healing spells, sisters also cause huge damages to demons and undeads. What is more, vestals can freeze custom enemy on the battlefield - this ability often decides about our victory.
Unfortunately, as supporting troops have little HP, you have to protect them like your own eye. You never can leave them alone - they are defenceless then.
GriffonDiving attack: griffin fly away from the battlefield, to attack at the end of a turn on the chosen filed and cause normal damages.
Unlimited Retaliation: this unit has unlimited number of counterstrikes
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
490 gold
Imperial GriffinDiving Assault: imperial griffin fly away from the battlefield, to attack at the end of a turn on the chosen row of fields and cause normal damages.
Unlimited Retaliation: this unit has unlimited number of counterstrikes
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
630 gold
Griffins aren't the most powerful Haven's unit, but for sure crucial one - because they can fly over walls and obstacles. It matters especially during sieges, when getting inside castle is an essential thing. Besides, griffons are ideal to attack enemy's shooters and maidens - thanks to huge mobility, they can move fast and make crushing blows.
Unfortunately, griffins abilities aren't too good - it's not worth to use them mostly. Bettes to use those wonderful creatures according to their fate - fly over the front and attack enemy's supporting units.
Radiant GlorySpeed of Light: unit can attack move to enemy, attack, and move back before a counterattack.
Cleansing Light: when unit teleports to one field, it takes off random effects from nearest troops - from allies negative ones, from enemies positive ones.
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until unit does any action.
Darkness Magic sensibility: darkness magic causes 25% more damages.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
390 gold
Blazing GlorySpeed of Light: unit can attack move to enemy, attack, and move back before a counterattack.
Cleansing Light: when unit teleports to one field, it takes off random effects from nearest troops - from allies negative ones, from enemies positive ones.
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until unit does any action.
Darkness Magic sensibility: darkness magic causes 25% more damages.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Searing Light: chosen enemy receives 15 damages from light magic (for every blazing glory in troop) and become blind for a several turns. Simultaneously this ability decreases Glory's HP, which are returned after a battle.
505 gold
Those spirits are perfect completion of Haven's army - their attacks are very harming. Fact, that Glories avoid counterattacks only increases their usefulness.
Additional advantage of this unit is fact, that it can cancels spells casted on nearest units - great in battle with mages. Unfortunately, Glories are very sensibility for darkness magic - so we have to be especially careful against necromancers.
Sun RiderCharge: attack's value of this unit increases about 10% for every field it moves.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
410 gold
Sun CrusaderBlinding charge: attack's value of this unit increases about 10% for every field it moves. It can't be counterattacked.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Sun Steed: for one turn, crusader's horse changes into ray of light, which lets him moving through obstacles. It doesn't consume an action.
525 gold
In Haven's army, cavalry is sth obligatory - without it, human troops will have to still moving back and defence. Luckily, those heavy armored riders can change it - they do well in sudden rushes onto enemy's backs, good also at the first line. As their power of attack increases with every crossed field, they should move through all battlefield during battles and bite enemies with fast blows.
Sun crusaders can ignore all obstacles, that's why they are perfect in long sieges. If we support them with griffins, seraphs and crossbowmen, any castle will stand us.
SeraphBlade of Mercy: seraph can heal 40 HP to chosen ally unit (for every seraph in a troop).
Blade of Justice: unit causes 20% damages to an enemy, who have destroyed any ally troop.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
1695 gold
1 crystal\
CelestialBlade of Epiphany: celestial can heal 40 HP to chosen ally unit (for every celestial in a troop). Affects also completely destroyed troops. Resurrected units gain +30 to morale and +10 to initiative for two turns.
Blade of Justice: unit causes 20% damages to an enemy, who have destroyed any ally troop.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Absolute Purity: celestials are completely resistant to all negative effects.
2190 gold
1 crystal
Angels are real Elrath's messengers - beautiful, full of light and powerful. Those legendary-like creatures are only in the most powerful commanders armies - no one can underestimate army with them in.
Celestials can not only cause huge damages and move as quick as a thought - they are also very good support. Because winged units can resurrect companions - they use Elrath's mercy to that, so resurrected troops are inspired by his godly anger.
Haven's army is best in defence - most of its troops have quite lot HP and good armor, but non impressive attack and speed. That's why or tactic should be hammer and a anvil: create a strong, resistant front on which our enemy break his teeth and then eliminate fleeing troops.
And there was Light!Especially useful are hero's abilities - mainly faction skill, which let us to protect chosen unit from enemy's blows. Great follow-up to it are light magic spells and units which can heal (sisters and seraphs).
Briefly, every battle should begin with creating front supported by shooters and sisters and occasionally harming enemy with more mobile troops(sun riders, glories, griffins).
We should adapt our tactic mainly to the types of units on the battlefield - both on our and enemy's sides. We have to be careful - one tiny mistake can ends with a total disaster. On the other hand, proper use of abilities and spells provide victory, even when an enemy will have much numerous advantage.
The most important are sisters - they can not only heal and resurrect our troops, but also cause high damage to the dark forces (demons, undeads). In upgraded version they can also petrify chosen enemy, which is very helpful. Unfortunately, sisters are very sensitive to damages, so we should always protect them.
Piece of a cakeNevertheless, not sisters win battles, but a regular army. Look at sentinels, having great defensive abilities, and nice attack. Their perfect support are crossbowmen, with no negative modifier for a distance. Those three troops together can stop overwhelming enemy.
But the real fun begins, when you put elite units into the battle - those are mainly to counterattack. When enemy stops at sentinels, you should kiss him warmly with glories - they have huge movement and do not cause a counterstrike. In melee fight they are weaker (not so many HP), that's why we should invest into stronger griffins. Those powerful winged units, can harm enemies really hard - good at attacking supporting units and first line fighting. The final word belongs to sun riders - good movement range, attack getting more powerful with every crossed field - they are perfect saboteurs, which can ride around enemies and stab in the back - huge HP and armor are additional qualities. Usually it's worthy to keep cavalry behind sentinels and charge from there.
Such situation can't take place NEVER.The most powerful Haven's units are seraphs and celestials. Their stats are good, but better use their abilities (healing, resurrecting), than let them fight. They are good one vs one, but it's risky to give them chance to die - they're very expensive.
Only in theory Haven's army is better in defending castles than in attacking - in fact, lot of flying units and big defensive virtues makes both this roles equal good.
During defence, tactic is easy - you have to hold an enemy in a place and there smash him. So we should sent crossbowmen to the towers and place sentinels behind gates (with one more melee troop). Opponent probably begins a siege from charge at gates - so they become main point of battle. If the situation aren't critical, we won't go out the walls.
Attacking castle without flyers is a very bad ideaWhen the gates fell down, the crucial moment of battle begins - troops behind the gates have to stand enemies. Sentinels (or praetorians) are ideal to this task. Additionally we can harm enemy with glories, griffins or riders. Remember, that sentinels add defence bonus to nearby ally units.
Enemy will bleed out before the gates - our troops supported by crossbowmen fire, sisters healing and angels can stand almost everything. If an opponent tries to move through the moat, he'll stuck there - a perfect occasion to attack him with cavalry or griffins. Such defence will be successful for sure.
We can't let enemy into the castleAnd what if we are attackers? Of course, we should focus on gates - mainly by moving there sentinels and riders. The rest of troops can fly over walls (seraphs, glories, griffins) or are support (sisters, crossbowmen). That's why rushing into the inside of castle isn't any problem - and if we have sun crusaders, we can even move into, before the gates fell. Such quick attack should surprise our enemy - and what is more, we'll lose less units thanks to that.
Every hero in Might and Magic: Heroes VI can develop in two ways - tears or blood path. It depends only from our choices during game, which type of reputation hero will gain - this decision affects not only his appearance but also his special abilities, which have quite big meaning for a player. So, before we decide for any of them, we should consider it carefully.
Below you can find tables describing heroes who had chosen their destiny. Abilities are gained during hero's development of course.
Might hero
NeutralFervor: The Morale and Might Damage of all friendly creatures are increased.
TearsFervor: The Morale and Might Damage of all friendly creatures are increased.
Martyr: At the end of each turn, the Might Defense and Health of the most damaged friendly stack are increased for the next turn.
Divine Justice: Target stack is dealt a part of the overall damage it has dealt since the start of combat.
Fervor: The Morale and Might Damage of all friendly creatures are increased.
Anathema: Damage, Defense, Morale and Luck are decreased for the entire enemy army. This effect cannot be dispelled.
The Hour of Judgement: The target's damage is increased against creatures under the effect of "Anathema" or "Mark of the Heretic". "Anathema" and "Mark of the Heretic" are removed after a successful attack.
Magic hero
NeutralBless: The Magic Power and Magic Defense of all friendly creatures are increased.
TearsBless: The Magic Power and Magic Defense of all friendly creatures are increased.
Resurrection: A part of target destroyed friendly stack is resurrected. The resurrected stack can't attack or be attacked during the turn it has been resurrected.
Divine Intervention: Target stack is healed, cleansed of all negative effects and benefits from Initiative bonus until its next turn.
Bless: The Magic Power and Magic Defense of all friendly creatures are increased.
Holy Blades: All friendly stacks deal additional damage (Light)
Word of Light: All enemies are dealt damage (Light). All Living friendly creatures regain Health.
Heroes of all factions have some set of abilities, which they can learn during next levels. Each of them has its meaning , decides also about the way we play. Individual abilities affect not only hero's a his army abilities but also an available tactics - both on the world map and during battles.
Haven's leader should focus on buffing their armies: improvement of morale, statistics and real value on the battlefield. That's why the most important will be abilities from paragon (might heroes) and light magic (magic heroes).
Warcries are very usefulFor knights, obligatory abilities will be those influencing our units. A core (besides Enlightment) should be: Defender, Charismatic Leadership, Destiny's Chosen and Assailant. During development they strengthen our army and hero himself, makes his blows more powerful. If we have spare experience points and the longer mission is planned, we can invest also in Reinforcements, Battle March (especially during sieges!), Ambush, Heroism and Toughness.
If our choice is mage, we should at first take spells from light magic: Celestial armor, Heal, Retribution Aura and Blindness. But what are wizards without prime magic? Investing in Arcane Ward, Arcane Exalation, haste and time stasis made battlefield our sandbox, in which we'll dictate rules.
List of all spells and abilities you will find in main guide.
Sanctuary is a faction which never before appeared in Heroes. Its creatures are mostly honorable, reptile-like naga warriors and beautiful buy dangerous spirits. Hashima Island, on which Sanctuary is located, is a really picturesque place, with amazing landscapes. It's nothing surprising in fact, that natives admire the Island. Thousands of flowing rivers, wonderful lakes and unlimited ocean - in such condition rose an incredible civilization.
Water Empire from hundreds of years stands aside of the most import ant events - that's why it's so different. Commanding armies of Sanctuary isn't similar to strategy of any other fraction. Nagas and water creatures basing mainly on cooperation - single warrior is a danger, but only with good support he can win wars. From a leader of its armies big elasticity and planning ability is required - it's not that easy. In this guide all crucial thing needed to good commanding of Sanctuary are described.
Complete solution to Sanctuary's campaign with all its variants and storyline choices.
Detailed units description and theirs application on the battlefield.
List of buildings available in cities.
Scheme of development our castles.
Advices about heroes development.
Description of spells and abilities.
For easier use of this guide, we make things color-marked:
Blue - spells and abilities
Brown - unites
Green - buildings
Orange - items
References to the maps are marked in that way: (Mx, y), where x means number of a map, and y position on it. So sign (M3, 2) shows, that on map 3 you have to move to the place marked with number 2.
Maciej "Czarny" Kozlowski ()
Main Hero of Sanctuary's campaign, Irene, is running away from her hated husband - Prince Gerhart. Sandor, princess's brother, helps her move on the Hashima Island, where nagas are living - there she hopes, she will find an asylum.
Beautiful, but mysterious HashimaChased by her husband, Irene is moving deeper into unknown land. Who knows, what's waiting for her?
Goals: run away from the coral priestesses temple
Reward: 2000 XP, Sandals of the Prophet (+1 to hero's movement points, +1 to HP for all units)
This Quest we get after getting on the Hashima - we have to help Irene in an escape.
It couldn't workAngry husband begins the chaseWe move to the northern-east, where we find a troop of sentinels (M1,1), guarding a treasure. After defeating an enemy, we move west - there we fight another battle, collect treasures and use nearby buildings. Few coral priestesses will join us Little further (M1,2).
Sentinels on the north......priestesses on the south.After smashing small troop of sentinels and crossbowmen (M1,3) who we will find on the east, the Quest is over and we obtain another mission - The Naga Lord.
Attention! This mission get activated after finishing The Wolf Hunt!
Goals: meet with the lord Hiroshi in the Umiya city
Reward: 10000 XP, 10 Kenshi, Humble Coif of the Prophet (+3 to magic defence and mana regeneration, +30 mana)
In the further part of the land, we'll find a huge clearing full of Gerhart's troops. Before we move south, it's worth to settle here for a while - on the north (M1,4) we can make secondary quest Punishing the Poachers, and little on the west Elemental Balance(M1,5). Especially the first one is worthwhile - the reward is quite big.
Clearing full of challengesSearching this place is a good ideaWhen we go on the south, we'll figurate out, that our horse can't move cross the River. To solve this problem, we have to do the quest Riding the Waves (M1,7).
We won't move further until our horse learn how to swimAfter completing this mission, we are going south - by the way collecting treasures and having battles with weak enemies. Eventually, we get to the entrance to the cave (M1,X) - we will go under the vulcano.
You can't miss the caveAnd landscapes are really niceTroop of Kenshi joins us in the cave(M2,X) - they'll be very helpful in the following part of the mission. Before heading north, fight few battles with elementals on the south (M2,1) - they're guarding precious treasures.
Dangerous monsters on the south......worth defeating because of the treasuresAfter moving north, we follow the only one possible path. In some moment we can turn and fight another elementals, guarding the arcane library (M2,2).
The Lord Hiroshi himselfSooner or later we reach an exit from the cave (M2,X2). After few steps we meet lord Hiroshi (M1,9) who gives us a mission: Secession. In this moment, The Naga Lord ends.
Goals: reach the Dragon Nexus
Reward: 10000 XP, +2 might attack
During The Naga Lord quest, we'll find that our horse can't walk on the water - to gain such ability, he has to drink from the Shalassa's spring (M1,7).
Spring is situated at the western side of the islandSlurp slurpThe spring we'll find on the west - use it, and the quest is done. By the way we are able to do the Of Sharks and Men quest.
Attention! This mission get activated after finishing The Naga Lord!
Goals: conquer and convert the city Strandholm
Reward: 10000 XP
After talk with Hiroshi (M1,9) we receive a castle (M1,10) - but about nearest mines, we have to care yourself. After gaining enough resources and recruiting few troops, we can move further.
Our landsEnemy has two forts on the northEnemy's castle is a bit on the north (M1,12) - by the way we'll have to conquer his two forts. Opponent will, from time to time, attack us, but not with strong armies. In the meantime we should visit undeads ruin - monsters keep there sixteen Kenshi (M1,11).
Save Kenshi!We have to cut out enemy's suppliesNow it's time to seize Standholm itself (M1,12) - attack on this fortress is one the most difficult battle in the game. It's worth to arm our hero maximally and think about Irene's equip. Delaying an attack has no sense - enemy will gain New units much faster than we.
Enemy's residence is well protectedDuring the battle it's Best to concentrate on enemy's priestesses - they are incredibly strong, can heal and resurrect allied also. If we reached the first tear reputation, we should use serenity ability - it'll block enemy's shooters for few turns. of course we should remember about healing our troops and attack the gate with Kenshi and Shark Guards.
The Encounter is really demandingEnemy can have even 1000 units!After a victory, we have to make a decision - we can let enemy's Hero free (+100 tear points) or kill Her (+100 blood points). If first one, we'll fight her in the next scenario.
Our choice has small influence on the plotIn this moment, the quest is done, and we begin the next scenario - The Winding Stair.
Goals: reach a first reputation level (blond or tears)
Reward: 10000 XP, +2 Destiny
Mission accomplish itself - every choice get us closer to the finish. Remember, that reputation points we gain not only in buildings (like arena or arcane library) but also thanks to quests (Elemental Balance) and decisions connected with neutral armies (8 blood points for chasing, 10 tears points for letting free).
Our princess has new robeGoals: defeat the Haven's troop
Reward: 8000 XP, 18 Kappa
Gerhart's troop slaughtered Kappa's village - our is revenge. We will meet them in the northern part of the big clearing, during completing (M1,4) The Naga Lord.
Gerhart's boys know no mercyHe have to help Kappa!After short fight, we should win - the key is a fast Shark Guards attack and healing them.
Goals: Take an artifact guarded by water elementals
Reward: 2000 XP, +30 tears or blond points, Staff of the Tide (+10% to water magic efficiency)
This quest can be done in two ways - blond or tears path. When we reach water elementals (M1,5), we'll choose. If we attack those creatures, we obtain 30 blood points (better do the Punishing the Poachers first - you may need some supplies). Water units can freeze our troops every two turns, causing huge damages - so we should get them ASAP.
Water......or fire?If our decision will be more peaceful, water elementals tell us to eliminate their fire brothers (M1,6). Fight with them is much easier than with water spirits, and a reward is good too - 30 tears points and 2000 XP. "Sparkles" are not-top-strong shooters - but they are blowing in the moment of death!
Goals: defend Gerhart's men on the boat
Reward: 10000 XP, 22 Shark Guards
Luckily, we know how to walk on the water...so sea battle won't be challenging.Little on the north from the Shalassa's spring (look at: Riding the Waves) we'll see a boat with Gerhart's people (M1,8) - if we defeat them, we'll gain a sharks appreciation. Human army isn't big - few sentinels and crossbowmen, who we can easily eliminate. It's Worth to do this quest - both for experience and new units.
On the northern-east edge of the map (look at M1 and M3) we'll find small island - there are fort and two mines (gold and crystal). It's quite well protected and, what is more, Gerhart will continually attack us - if we don't be careful, he may conquer our city. That's why it isn't worth to search a treasures.
For all facades - it isn't worth
1 - sentinels
2 - friendly priestesses
3 - enemy's troop (The Wolf Hunts)
4 - dead Kappa (Punishing the Poachers)
5 - water elementals (Elemental Balance)
6 - fire elementals (Elemental Balance)
7 - dragon nexus (Riding the Waves)
8 - foe's ship (Of Sharks and Men)
9 - Lord Hiroshi (The Naga Lord)
10 -Umiya city
11 - ruins (with friendly Kenshi)
12 - Strandholm castle (Secession)
X - entrance to the undergrounds (look at M2)
X2 - exit from the undergrounds (look at M2)
1 - elementals guarding the treasure
2 - treasures and arcane library
3 - small enemy's troop and little of gold
X - entrance to the underground, friendly troop of Kenshi (look at M1)
X2 - exit from the underground (look at M1)
1 - reverie shrine (You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle)
2 - ice pearl shrine (+10 to army's initiative. Once per week)
3 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
4 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
5 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
6 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
7 - observatory (discover nearest area)
8 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
9 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
10 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
11 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
12 - dwelling (increases creature's population)
13 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
14 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
15 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
16 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
17 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
18 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
19 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
20 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
X - entrance to the underground (look at M4)
X2 - exit from the underground (look at M4)
1 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
2 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
3 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
4 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
X - entrance to the underground (look at M3)
X2 - exit from the underground (look at M3)
We're moving into the island
After we conquered enemy's fortress and converted it, we become Lord Hiroshi's servants. There are still Gerhart's troop on the land we obtained from Hiroshi - Irene has to care not only about herself, but also about her people.
Goals: conquer brigands fort in less than 4 weeks, check situation in a Haijing city.
Reward: 15000 XP, +2 might attack
For the first part of time we have plenty of time - there is no rush. Before we move to our goal, on the south, it's worth to look around in eastern part of the island - there is a lot of treasures and useful objects.
Lurking around is worthwhile this timeWhen we satisfy our greedy, we can go against our enemy (M5,2). If we let free the hero in the previous scenario, we'll meet her in the fort at the south - after short fight with weak army, we should seize nearest lands.
Weak, weak army.This lands are ours!In this moment, paths to the rest of the island get opened (M5,3). Like usual, before moving further, spare some time for an exploration.
When we seize the fort, the gate will openWhen we fill our sacks with gold and precious things, we can move to the city of Haijing (M5,4) - its lord, old shark, will describe the situation and instruct us to do the quest Declaration of Independence. The Remnants of the Pact ends now.
Attention! This mission get activated after finishing Remnants of the Pact!
Goals: defeating Karloff
Reward: +2 to Leadership, 32 shark guards, 36 coral priestesses
After talking with Hajing's leader, we'll see another Gerhart's army - commanded by general Karloff. To help citizens, we need to defeat attackers. But it bias the Lord Hiroshi against us - we can't avoid that.
Hajing's welcome isn't warmWe gain their trust by defeating KarloffHuman's troop aren't too big, the easiest way is to hold them using Kenshi healing by priestesses, and attack crossbowmen and enemy's healers with the rest of our troops. After fight, we have to decide what to do with Karloff - incarcerating him gives us 100 tears points, killing him - 100 blood points. When we make our decision, the quest is over and we obtain another two missions: Honor and Necessity and Kirin. In the next turn, whirlpool appear on the sea, activating The Ronin quest.
Attention! This mission get activated after finishing Declaration of Independence!
Goals: defeat Lord Hiroshi, or make him surrender
Reward: 15000 XP, +2 to Destiny, Helmet of the Naga Lord (+7 to Leadership on the sea, +2 to sightseeing)
After helping Hiroshi's subjects, we have no other way - we must fight with him. Daimio's residence is in the very middle of the map (M5,6) - to reach it, we need to open two gates. In that case, we have to complete the quest Twin cities.
We can make him surrender......or conquer his castleFurther part of the quest we can make in two ways - war path (defeat lord in a battle) or peace path (find Shalassa's dragon - quest Kirin ). What is rare - the time works for us - enemy has the only one castle which we have plenty.
No matter what ending we choose, we obtain the same itemsIf we choose war path, we will have a harsh fight with Hiroshi - he has all Sanctuary's units, except Kirins. During encounter we have to concentrate on eliminating his priestesses and then melee fighters. Triumph ends all scenario.
Attention! This mission get activated after finishing Declaration of Independence!
Goals: defeat Changbo, the ronin
Reward: 10000 XP, Iridescent Pearl (+2 magic defence, +2 HP for all units)
In between the sea whirlpool appeared (M5,X1) - it leads to the angry ronin. If we win, we obtain experience, reputation points and a loyal servant.
We reach ronin thanks to the whirlpool.Fight with him increases our reputation about a levelAfter reaching warrior's island (M5,5) and defeating him (he's weak), we can choose one of two options: imprison or kill. In first case, we obtain one blood reputation point (simultaneously Katashi hero joins us), in the second one - tear reputation and ronin will join us. The chosen hero will be our companion in the next scenarios.
Attention! This mission get activated after finishing Declaration of Independence!
Goals: conquer two Lord's Hiroshi cities - Sunjo and Setsujo
Reward: 20000 XP, +2 might defence
This quest get activated when we move to the south from the Haijing castle - we need to conquer two enemy's cities to unlock the way to his main fortress. Castles are marked on the map M5.
One fortress is on the west from the gate......the other one on the east.During planning the expansion we need to remember that enemy will be trying to take over our forts and cities - we can't let this happen. That's why hiring a few hero is a good idea.
The last one gate is finally open!During sieges we should send Kenshi under the gate with Shark Guards and Kappa behind their back. Rest troops should be a support - especially healers. When we get those cities, the way to Hiroshi's capitol will be open.
Goals: conquer enemy's fort on the east
Reward: 5000 XP
Enemy's residence is located on the east from our city (M5,14) - this fight will be a good training.
Up on the hill you will find themFort in which soldiers sheltered, isn't well protected - defeating them isn't troublesome. So do this quest and enjoy the XP.
Attention! This mission get activated after finishing Declaration of Independence!
Goals: find Kirina, take care of spring spirits and snow maidens
Reward: 10000 XP, 1 Kirin, Silksword of Kirin (+5 to initiative)
Finding Kirina isn't simple - he hid in the middle of a jungle, away from the roads. His position is marked on the map (M5,9).
Beautiful and majestic lord of the seasWhen we meet the ancient monster, we receive two quests: we can help water creatures or harm them (subquests Spring Spirits and Snow Maidens).
Kirin's hiding is easy to missLuckily he is markedAfter completing this missions, we come back to the Kirin. If we followed tear path, we would reach Hiroshi's castle - quest Honor and Necessity will be ended at once.
Blood path is a bad ideaBut if we decided to fight with spring spirits and snow maidens, Kirin will attack us. The encounter is surprisingly easy - enemy has only few units, which we will crush (few Kirins has no chances with the army of weaker units). After battle we received the reward, and the quest is done, but we still have to defeat Hiroshi in his fortress. That's why the tear path is better.
Attention! This quest is a part of a Kirin mission!
Goals: help spring spirits or defeat them
Reward: 10000 XP, 100 tears or blood points, 18 spring spirits (only when we chose the tears path!)
When we go through the portal nearby Kirina (M5,X2), we'll meet spring spirits on a small island(M5,10). We can help them ( it costs 20 stone; M5,11) or encounter them (play it in a defensive way). Depending on our choice, we obtain 100 tears or blood points.
Spring spirits aren't a demanding opponentBut it's better to help themAttention! This quest is a part of a Kirin mission!
Goals: help snow maidens, or defeat them
Reward: 10000 XP, 100 tears or blood points, 16 snow maidens (only when we chose the tears path!)
After moving through the southern portal nearby Kirin (M5,X3), we find snow maidens on a small island(M5,12). They command us to search for a pearl priestess. We gain trust of snowy creatures by completing this quest. Of course, we can kill them (they're shooters) - the quest will be done, and we obtain blood points.
Snow maidens on a tropic island?Once again: helping is better than killingThe pearl priestess is far from the island - we have to go through the portal on the east (M5,X4). There are her corpse (M5,13).
Portal is a bit on the eastPearl priestess is lying in between the mountainsIf we want to, we can play a treasures hunters - on the northern-west edge of the map (M6,9) we can find a wreck haunted by the group of ghosts. When we defeat them (shooters should make it alone), we receive gold, crystals and XP.
Ship wreckThere are two passages to the undergrounds in the middle of the map (M5,X) - they'll get activated when enemy use them. WE will find a huge amount of treasures there - it's also good idea for fast travelling (instead running around the mountain). More information on the map M8.
Real paradise for treasure hunters
1 - beginning location
2 - fort (Remnants of the Pact)
3 - gate (Remnants of the Pact)
4 - Haijima city (Declaration of Independence, Remnants of the Pact)
5 - Changbo (The Ronin)
6 - Lord's Hiroshi residence (Honor and Necessity)
7 - Sunjo city (Twin cities)
8 - Setsujo city (twin cities)
9 - Kirin (Kirin)
10 - spring spirits (Kirin, spring spirits)
11 - temple (Kirin, spring spirits)
12 - snow maidens (Kirin, snow maidens)
13 - pearl priestess corpse (Kirin, snow maidens)
14 - Haven's fort (Wolves, Go Home!)
X - entrance to the undergrounds (look at M8)
X1 - two-direction whirlpool (The ronin)
X2 - two-direction portal on the spring spirits island
X3 - two-direction portal on the snow maidens island
X4 - two-direction portal to the pearl priestess
X5 - one direction portal to X6
X6 - exit from the portal X5
X7 - one direction portal to X8
X8 - exit from the portal X7
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - city
2 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area
3 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
6 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
7 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
2 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
3 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
4 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
5 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
6 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
7 - reverie shrine (You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle)
8 - lighthouse (increase's army morale. Hero can use it once per week. )
9 - galeon wreck (undeads guarding treasures)
10 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
11 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
12 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
13 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
14 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
15 - ice pearl shrine (+10 to army's initiative. Once per week)
16 - barbarian camp (Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
17 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
18 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
19 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
20 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
21 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
X - entrance to the undergrounds (look at M8)
X1 - two-direction whirlpool (The ronin)
X2 - two-direction portal on the spring spirits island
X3 - two-direction portal on the snow maidens island
X4 - two-direction portal to the pearl priestess
X5 - one direction portal to X6
X6 - exit from the portal X5
X7 - one direction portal to X8
X8 - exit from the portal X7
1 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
2 - monsters guarding the treasures
X - exit on the surface (look at maps M5, M6, M7)
It's time for a goodbye with an island
After defeating Lord Hiroshi we have to take his obligations. Previous Daimio obliged to defend Hashima against the necromancers- now it's Irene's task.
Goals: conquer four holy villages before necromancers
Reward: 20000 XP, +2 to magic power, Evercold Icicle (water magic causes 20% damages)
Main quest is a constant chase with the time. First of holy villages (M9,1) is in necromancers hands from the beginning - next two will be theirs in few turns (M9,2 and M9,3). The only one we can take is this on the west (M9,4). We have to conquer it at the latest in the third week.
Main problem is a lack of crystal.We have to fight hard for it.Luckily, we have two heroes, and nearby our castle we can find lot of not-so-well protected resources. Quick collecting mines and resources is our main task in within few first turns. Of course, we have to care about our army - against necromancers we should go only when we recruited at least few Kenshi and lot of weaker units. Our problem is lack of crystal mines - so we have to use our resources wisely.
Clash of titansWell developed and armed, we can move west. After crossing the river, we meet two orcs (M9,5). Quest connected with them(The Means to an End) get activated as we start fighting with undeads. They're waiting a bit further (M9,6) - after short conversation we'll fight. Enemy's hero is powerful, but his army is not - if we heal our troops wisely and play offensive (fast attack), we will surely win. Now, the orcs we've met join us - we obtain quite strong hero with nice army.
Allies are goodAfter fight with undeads, way to the first village is free (M9,4) - we have to take it over ASAP and develop. When we recruit enough army, we can move further - but be careful, cause the enemy will try to conquer our cities and convert them (he always come from the whirlpool M9,7, and along the river).
It's the closest holy villageLook out undeads raidsNext part of a mission we can play brutal or wise. In the first case we can ignore orcs and their quest - nothing stands against conquering another two holy villages (M9,2 and M9,3) without their permission or help. But it's time consuming and exhausting way - it's much better to help barbarians.
If we help savages, they'll conquer holy villages for usWhen we possess both orcs cities, we should prepare to the final encounter with undeads. It's worth to do the quest The Tear of Asha in this moment - additional resources and units will be great support.
Main necromancers residence on the island and the last holy villageConquering it is quite challengingIf we feel strong, we can move west - to the jaw of a lion (M9,1). You will see a necromancers fleet at the shore (M9,8) - we shouldn't fight them, but move straight to the enemy's city. The siege is a hard one, but we cared enough about our army and we should win. The crucial thing is sending Kenshi under the gate and healing them. We should also use Irene's abilities often.
We have no chances with this fleetLuckily, Shalassa's spirit will get rid of themWhen we take over the castle, the Shalassa's spirit-messenger arrive. Irene asks him for the destroying enemy's fleet - and it will be done.
Goals: defeat necromancers
Reward: 40000 XP, Libram of the Prophet (+5 to magic defence, +50 mana, +5 to mana's regeneration)
This quest is connected with The Wrath of Shalassa. To complete The Harvesters we have to conquer not only all necromancers cities on the main island, but also theirs hidden base - on the northern-west edge of the map (M9,9). Its siege has to be done in a offensive way - enemy has a lot of shooters, so we have to burst into the castle ASAP.
The ultimate encounter!Only eliminating all enemy's heroes and conquering all his cities ends this mission and all scenario.
Goals: find four parts of a moon disc
Reward: 30000 XP, Tear of Asha (it let build Shalassa's Frozen Breath)
Theoretically the quest is easy - we have to find four parts of a moon disc, combine them, and then look for the Tear of Asha. But in practice it's harder - those pieces are thrown all over the map, guarded by quite strong monsters. Their positions are marked below.
Vampires on the east...... ghosts on the west......ghouls on the south...... and a surprise on the northern-east.When we collect all pieces, we'll see marked Tear of Asha on the map - go there and pick up an artifact - the quest is done!
The items we're looking for are marked with crossesOf course, construct Shalassa's Frozen Breath - we can make it in a city with the capitol. Now you can enjoy additional money and units.
Goals: free the orcs prisoners
Reward: 30000 XP, +100 tears points, Bracers of the Freemage (+2 to magic power, hero gains chain lighting)
Orcs, we've met during our travel to the first holy city (M9,5), will ask us to re-gain their residences, taken by necromancers (M9,2 and M9,3). As a enemies of our enemies are our friends, we should help savages.
We can take holy villages by the axe...... but it's much easier to help the savages.To do the quest, we have to find a mountain path to the north - that's where the prisoners are. After fight with not big troop of undeads (M9,10), we can choose: let orcs regain their residence (+50 tears) or join them to our army (+50 blood). First one is much better - barbarians retakes their city in the same turn (M9,3), which is one of the holy villages - and they give it to us.
The second orc's prisoner is a bit on the west (M9,11) - also guarded by elite undead's troop, and also offer us a city. When both troops are free, the quest is over.
Barbarians can show gratitudeEven twice.Attention! This mission get activated after finishing The Means to an End!
Goals: convert all four cities on the main island
Reward: 30000 XP, +3 to might attack, +3 to magic power
This mission is linked with a betrayal - orcs trusted us and helped in our mission: if we want, we can stab them in the back and convert their villages (M9,2 and M9,3), but barbarians will revenge. Just when we enchanted the castles, the orc's troop attacks us (M9,12) - quite powerful, but beatable. During the battle not melee the cyclops, but shoot them down - they receive damages in its turn, so their counterstrikes are powerful. The rest of the army we should do in a way described in Tactics on the Battlefield.
Barbarian hero wants our blood!And he has nice armyThe quest is done only after converting all cities - including the necromancers residence (M9,1).
On the small island in the between of a map (M9,13) we'll find a ghost. It's a spectre of Haven's prince - he'll tell us his story, which is very important for full understanding the storyline of a Heroes VI.
Ghost storyNearby necromancers residence on the south (M9,14) is a very powerful artifact- guardian helmet (+10 to leadership). To take it, we have to crush huge undeads troop, but it's totally worth it.
Undeads know, what's good
1 - necromancers residence, holy village (The Wrath of Shalassa and The Harvesters)
2 - orc's holy village (The Wrath of Shalassa, Smooth as a Millpond, The Means to an End and The Harvesters)
3 - orc's holy village (The Wrath of Shalassa, Smooth as a Millpond, The Means to an End and The Harvesters)
4 - holy village (The Wrath of Shalassa)
5 - orcs (The Means to an End)
6 - necromancers troop (The Wrath of Shalassa)
7 - one-direction whirlpool
8 - huge undeads fleet (The Wrath of Shalassa)
9 - main undeads residence (The Harvesters)
10 - orcs prisoners (The Means to an End)
11 - orcs prisoners (The Means to an End)
12 - hostile orc's troop (Smooth as a Millpond)
13 - spectre (look at Others: Captain's Ghost)
14 - powerful artifact (look at Others: Guardian Helmet)
1 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
2 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
3 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
4 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
5 - city
6 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
7 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
8 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
9 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
10 - observatory (discover nearest area)
11 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
12 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
13 - Raiders Dwelling (Gives some gold for every won battle. Amount of gold depends from numbers of such structures you control.)
14 - ice pearl shrine (+10 to army's initiative. Once per week)
15 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
16 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
17 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
18 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
19 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
20 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
21 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
22 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
23 - galeon wreck (undeads guarding treasures)
24 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
25 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
26 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
27 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
28 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
29 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
30 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
31 - Warmen Guardhouse (After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.)
It's time for revenge
After defeating necromancers Irene see, that their warnings were true - hordes of demons invaded Ashan. Naga's hero decides to move back to Wolves Duchy to fight with monsters - it means also meeting Gerhart. It will be an ultimate encounter between them.
Goals: defeat Gerhart, conquer Isegrim
Reward: 50000 XP,
We begin on the south (M11,1) - we should develop city and take nearest mines ASAP (no crystal, again). Monsters here are quite strong and we don't have big army, but Irene is so powerful, that she provides us victories. Her abilities are very useful.
We have to develop our city very fastAfter seizing nearest territory we have to prepare for a demonic attack. Enemy will come from the north, from the village Ashwick (The Fall of Ashwick; M11,2). Unfortunately, he has really powerful army - that's why we'll have to play cat and mouse with him. During the encounter we should act very defensively and destroy hell gates summoning by the opponent. Partially, the demons problem will be solved, when we conquer the Ashwick. When we did it, the Mother of Nightmares quest get activated.
Demon's blitzkriegBut it will weaken their cityNow the real challenge - we have to seize enemy's second city (M11,3) and win an arm race. To do that, we have to move east to opponent's fortress (it's well protected - eliminate shooters and destroy the gate ASAP).
After that, situation should calmed - Inferno has only one city on the north (M11,4). Demons will play defensively from now on. Unfortunately, their last city is unbeatable, because of number of defenders.
After looting this castle, demons get calmProbably in this moment another problem will appear - Gerhart and his troops. If we'd like to complete the quest We come in peace we have to play defensively and not conquer enemy's cities - but it's much better to destroy our opponent.
By the way we can do the quest Beacon of hope (M11,5).
You really want to let it go?Sooner or later we get to the gates of Isegrim (M11,6). They remain closed until we finish the quest Mother of Nightmares.
Waiting for revengeWhen the big demon is defeated, we can move into the Wolf's territory. To do the quest is enough to beat Gerhart - we don't need to seize his castle. It's easy battle, and it finishes the scenario and all campaign.
The ultimate encounter......and a desired triumph!Attention! This mission get activated after finishing The Fall of Ashwick!
Goals: find the source of the curse
Reward: 50000 XP, +2 Destiny, Robe of the Prophet (+4 to magic defence, +3 to all units HP)
To localize a source of the curse, we have to move far to the north - to the demon's castle (M11,4). We shouldn't attack it, but walk around - there is an entrance to the undergrounds behind it (M11,X). There the creature responsible for the curse lives.
Highway to hell.DisgustingAfter getting into the dark, we'll see the huge monster - Mother Breeder. Creature has incredible lot of HP, its blows are also powerful - to defeat her, we need a really strong army. Reward is the Tear of Asha and possibility to end the scenario (the gate gets open; M11,6). The encounter we have to play offensive - the less turns it takes, the more of ours soldiers will survive.
Goals: conquer city Ashwick
Reward: 25000 XP
Ashwick.Our goal is on the north from the beginning (M11,2) - we can expect constant demon's attacks from there. City is weak developed, but has very strong garrison. That's why, we shouldn't rush - enemy has a number advantage, which will be decreasing with the time (he can't convert the city). When we gain strong enough army, we can attack - the most important thing will be healing ourselves and eliminating enemy's shooters. Also Irene's abilities are very helpful.
Goals: conquer Gerhart's capitol without seizing his other cities
Reward: 25000 XP
This quest is unprofitable - XP we receive isn't equal to the hundreds of troops we'll lose. If someone really has to do ALL quests in the game, the receipt is easy - he hasn't to conquer red player's cities. (M11,8).
Little of experience or hundreds useful troops?Such behavior will make all game much more difficult.
Goals: defeat the demon, who challenged Irene
Reward: 25000 XP, +2 to Leadership, Spaulders of the Prophet (+20 mana, +2 to mana regeneration)
This quest activates when we reach demon's territory on the north. The enemy is nearby the vulcano (M11,9) - he'll attack us.
The volcano - demon should be somewhere hereEnemy's hero is just an Inferno's hero - he'll try to seize our city, and also hunt the Irene, if she has weak army. So be careful. The encounter play in a classic way, described in a Tactics on the Battlefield.
Goals: defeat demons on the island
Reward: 25000 XP, Frozen Chryzantemum (+10% to honor's points increase)
This quest appears when we reach a small human village - a little on the east from our beginning location (M11,5). Inhabitants will ask us to free the island with the lighthouse (M11,10) - it let renew the supplies. Of course, we can take not this quest and seize the village (+100 blood points) but fight with monsters is equal profitable (+100 tear points). What is more, if we conquer the castle by a peaceful way, we don't disrupt We come in peace quest.
Help the inhabitants!Kill the monsters!The island is on the south from the island - monsters aren't difficult, so we can do the quest easily.
On the northern east edge of the map (M11,11) we'll find an island full of treasures and useful buildings. If we have problems with computer players, it's worth to strengthen Irene here.
Free bonuses
1 - beginning location
2 - Ashwick city (The Fall of Ashwick)
3 - Inferno
4 - main demon's residence
5 - fishermen village (Beacon of Hope)
6 - the gate (Mother of the Nightmares, To Behead a Wolf)
7 - Isegrim (To Behead a Wolf)
8 - Gerhart's cities (We come in peace)
9 - volcano (Honor can be two-edged)
10 - lighthouse (Beacon of Hope)
11 - the island of miracles
X - entrance to the undergrounds (Mother of the Nightmares)
X1 - one-direction portal to X2
X2 - exit from the portal X1
X3 - two-direction portal
X4 - one-direction portal to X5
X5 - exit from the portal X4
X6 - one-direction portal to X7
X7 - exit from the portal X6
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
2 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
3 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
4 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
5 - city
6 - dwelling (increases creatures population)
7 - lighthouse (doubles the movement points on the sea of all your heroes)
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
2 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
3 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
4 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
5 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
6 - observatory (discover nearest area)
7 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
8 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
9 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
10 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
11 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
12 - altar of destruction (In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.)
13 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
14 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
15 - Conflux Orb (You can let messages to the other players)
16 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
17 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
18 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
19 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
20 - Hell Forge (+5 to might power and magic power for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
21 - Chaos Wave (During next battle on your side appears computer controlled monster. It starts eating random enemy units (it can be interrupted by killing a beast). You can use it once per week.)
22 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
23 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
24 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
25 - Monument of Revelation (Discover fragment of map (not nearest))
26 - reverie shrine (You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle)
27 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
28 - Angels Shrine (+5 to magic power and Leadership do the end of current week. One use per a week.
29 - galeon wreck (undeads guarding treasures)
X - entrance to the undergrounds
X1 - one-direction portal to X2
X2 - exit from the portal X1
X3 - two-direction portal
X4 - one-direction portal to X5
X5 - exit from the portal X4
X6 - one-direction portal to X7
X7 - exit from the portal X6
Every game in Might and Magic: Heroes VI is a unique adventure. Even if we're gonna fight only on the one map and making the same decisions, game will look different for each time. This is caused by high randomness - great part of creatures and resources is random. Also enemies behaviors vary. That's why you can't create one general rule for an expansion - there are too many factors.
Nevertheless, you can make a common scheme, which you should follow during game - both in battles and city development. About wars you can read in chapter Battlefield Tactics and about castles - below.
Full development of city takes a lot of timeSanctuary's building aren't expensive, but their upgrades are. That's why we should focus on making our army numerous and later on care about its quality - otherwise we'll bankrupt.
The beginning decisions are the easiest ones - the scheme is always the same. Firstly, we should invest into Coral Sanctuary - in this structure we can recruit coral priestesses, which are unbelievable support for our army. Later, we should construct a Town Hall - we won't bankrupt that fast.
Further steps depends from our resources - if we don't have too many wood, we can build a Reef Bareer (shark guards), and if we have some amounts of everything the better choice is Enchanted Pond (Kappas). Of course, if we are rich, we can build both of them. Cost of all structures is described in a Buildings chapter.
Very important is to build a city walls in the seventh day - it increases our population. If we have a plenty of resources we can construct a City Hall or Sunken Arena (Kenshi) - but such situation is a rare one.
When we have walls, we can develop economic part of our civilization - two buildings listed in previous paragraph, and later on Frost Shrine (snow maiden; cost similar to the Sunken Arena), Sacred Source (Spring Spirit).
Sanctuary even dessert changes into a lovely placeWhen we have such developed city, we should build a capitol - it provides us 4000 gold per turn. Those moneys we should spend on something - upgrading of city walls will be a good choice.
Before we construct a Kirin's residence (Misty Mountain), we should look after some upgrades - the most significant change we can observe with coral priestesses, Kappas, Snow Maidens and - mostly! - Kenshis. Rest units can be upgraded at the very end - they are expensive, and not worthwhile.
Our empire growing larger - it's worth to think about town portal, which provides us quick movement. Marketplace let us trade resources - build it just before a Misty Mountain and fortification. Only now, upgrading all building and special structures is cost-effective.
Full developed city allows to have quick, victorious battles with enemies - they aren't as good as we with an infrastructure.
Basic Fortification1
1st level city
2000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Walls around the city, increases population
Advanced Fortification2
2nd level city
Basic Fortification
5000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
Upgrade walls, adds moat and central tower, increases population.
Superior Fortyfication3
3rd level city
Advanced Fortification
10000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
Adds two corner towers, increases population.
500 gold per turn
Town Hall1
1st level city
2000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
1000 gold per turn
City Hall2
2nd level city
Town Hall
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
2000 gold per turn.
3rd level city
City Hall
10000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
4000 gold per turn.
Reef Bareer1
1st level city
1000 gold
4 stone
Let recruit shark guard.
Rampart Bareer1
1st level city
Reef Bareer
1500 gold
2 wood
6 stone
1 crystal
Let recruit Wanizame
Coral Sanctuary1
1st level city
1750 gold
4 wood
5 stone
Let recruit coral priestess.
Pearl Sanctuary1
1st level city
Coral Sanctuary
2000 gold
5 wood
4 crystal
Let recruit pearl priestess.
Enchanted Pond1
1st level city
2000 gold
6 wood
2 stone
Let recruit Kappa.
Blessed Pond1
1st level city
Enchanted Pond
3000 gold
2 wood
3 stone
3 crystal
Let recruit Kappa Shoya
Sacred Source2
2nd level city
4000 gold
6 wood
8 stone
6 crystal
Let recruit spring spirit.
Sanctified Source2
2nd level city
Sacred Source
2500 gold
4 wood
5 stone
9 crystal
Let recruit Mizu-Kami.
Frost Shrine2
2nd level city
5000 gold
10 stone
8 crystal
Let recruit snow maiden.
Frost Miya2
2nd level city
Frost Shrine
3000 gold
5 wood
7 stone
5 crystal
Let recruit Yuki-Onna.
Sunken Arena2
2nd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
11 stone
5 crystal
Let recruit Kenshi.
Sunken Dojo2
2nd level city
Sunken Arena
5000 gold
8 stone
7 crystal
Let recruit Kensei.
Misty Mountain3
3rd level city
12500 gold
25 wood
25 stone
15 crystal
Let recruit Kirin.
Cloudy Mountain3
3rd level city
Misty Mountain
17500 gold
15 wood
15 stone
25 crystal
Let recruit Sacred Kirin.
Pagoda of the Great Challenger2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 stone
5 wood
5 crystal
If battle takes place on the terrain not controlled by the player, his units blows increases +15 racial ability with each hit. Excludes Shrine of the Ever-Flowing Water
Shrine of the Ever-Flowing Water2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 stone
5 wood
5 crystal
If battle takes places in the control zone in which this building is constructed, each Sanctuary unit obtain an ice armor ability. Excludes Pagoda of the Great Challenger.
Pagoda of the Master Duellist3
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 stone
5 wood
10 crystal
Heroes visiting this city obtain bonus to initiative, might attack and magic power in the next battle. Excludes Shrine of the Celestial Waters.
Shrine of the Celestial Waters3
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 stone
5 wood
10 crystal
Water and Air spells are 15% more effective for a week. You can use it once a week. Excludes Pagoda of the Master Duellist
1st level city
2000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
You can trade resources here. The more marketplaces we have, the better prices we get. Additionally, it generates 500 gold per turn.
Upgraded Marketplace2
2nd level city
3000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
You can trade also artifacts now. Also, there are promotions every week.
Hall of Heroes1
1st level city
2000 gold
You can recruit heroes here
Basic Town Portal2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Lets your hero teleports to your custom city.
Advanced Town Portal3
3rd level city
Town portal
5000 gold
10 crystal
Heroes can teleport to this city from adventure map (they gain proper spell).
Shalassa's Frozen Breath4
4th level city
Tear of Asha
15000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
20 crystal
5000 gold per turn, +50% to population. Chill effects, used by heroes and units, changes into a Frozen spell (-20% to fire resistance, lose of all movement points by an enemy).
Shark GuardFerocious Wound: attacked enemy's initiative is decreased about 2 for two next turns. Additionally he obtains small damages.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
95 gold
WanizameFerocious Wound: attacked enemy's initiative is decreased about 2 for two next turns. Additionally he obtains small damages.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Blood Frenzy: unit cause additional damage to creatures with ferocious wound.
140 gold
Those shark-like creatures are the very core of Sanctuary's army, especially at the beginning. Supported by coral priestesses can be very dangerous.
A huge advantage of this unit is a decreasing enemy's initiative - it will slow our opponent. Important is also fact, that Wanizame inflicts more damages to the units he attacks earlier - so it's worth to concentrate on some crucial aims. It shouldn't be difficult - sharks have big mobility and lot of HP.
Coral PriestessWaves of Renewal: heals 3 HP of chosen unit (for every priestess in a troop), also cancels one random negative effect. Lasts 3 turns.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
110 gold.
Pearl PriestessWaves of Renewal: heals 3 HP of chosen unit (for every priestess in a troop), also cancels one random negative effect. Lasts 3 turns.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Eyes of the Medusa: attack decreases enemy's initiative about 20 for two turns.
150 gold
Despite all, priestesses are the most important unit in Sanctuary. Very powerful healing spell, Waves of Renewal, gives huge advantage during battle. Thanks to that, even the bloodiest encounters won't hurt us much.
A curious thing: healing spell lasts 3 turns, so we can cast it on few troops, and don't worry about the nearest future. The only one minus is a fact, that priestesses can make only two spells - then they are quite good shooters.
If we upgrade this unit, its shoots will also decrease enemy's initiative, what is very useful in battles with small amounts of enemies.
KappaLeap: Kappa jumps to the enemy, causes 5% more damages for every jumped field. It can't be counterattacked. Minimum range: 2 fields, maximum range: double movement points.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
90 gold
Kappa Shoya
Splashing Leap: Kappa jumps to the enemy, causes 5% more damages for every jumped field. It can't be counterattacked. Minimum range: 2 fields, maximum range: double movement points. Additionally it causes damages to all units in a 3x3 area.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
135 gold
Those inconspicuous creatures can make a nice muddle on the battlefield. As Sanctuary has no flying units, it's usually worth to use Kappas instead - as a troop able to quick move on the backs of enemy. Leap and Splashing Leap are ideal to this task - rapid movement from one place to another and causing damages immediately.
Alternative is a use of Kappas as a moving shield - lot of HP and big resistance makes them good candidates to long fights in the middle of battlefield. If we support them with spells, especially healings one, they'll become almost unbeatable.
Spring SpiritSpirit Link: all positive effects which touch any unit, affect also Spring Spirit (and vice versa). Chosen unit obtains pain reflection also.
Pain reflection: 10% damages received by Spirit is returned to the attacker. Only melee damages.
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until unit does any action.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
355 gold
Mizu-KamiSpirit Link: all positive effects which touch any unit, affect also Spring Spirit (and vice versa). Chosen unit obtains pain reflection also.
Pain reflection: 10% damages received by Spirit is returned to the attacker. Only melee damages.
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until unit does any action.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Lifeguard Membrane: + 15% to chosen unit's damage resistance.
450 gold
Those water creatures are both good at the first line and as a support. Universality is one of its the biggest advantage. So, we should command them in respect to situation on the battlefield.
In most cases, you should use its special abilities ASAP - Kenshi, Wanizame or Kappa gain a lot, if those creatures bless them.
Snow MaidenFrozen touch: attacked troop is frozen.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
410 gold
Yuki-OnnaFrozen Cares: attacked troop is frozen and has -20 to initiative for a turn.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Ice Shards: changes 3x3 area into ice block - every enemy moving through it will be frozen and obtain small damages.
520 gold
Empresses of ice are real scourge for enemies. They are great as shooters - cause magic damages. Good thing is also decreasing enemy's initiative - what quickly excludes some troops from a battle.
Not bad are also abilities of an upgraded version - frozen terrain can be useful especially during sieges.
KenshiChallenge: first attacked enemy has -45% to damages to any other units than Kenshi. After eliminating one troop, Kenshi can challenge another one.
Unlimited Retaliation: unit can counter attacks many times.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
490 gold
KenseiChallenge: first attacked enemy has -45% to damages to any other units than Kensei. After eliminating one troop, Kensei can challenge another one.
Unlimited Retaliation: unit can counter attacks many times.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Four Waves: If Kensei attacks unit, which previously was his target, he obtains an additional attack against this unit. Effect sum up to three hits max.
630 gold
Those honorable warriors are real vanguard of Sanctuary's armies. Unlimited Retaliation and multiple blows make them our main fighting troop. It's best to send them in the middle of battlefield, where. And if we support them properly (healers!) they crush any amount of opponents. But, as they have little of HP, we shouldn't charge them mindlessly.
KirinWater Flows Freely: resist every effect decreasing movement or initiative.
Trail of Mist: on the fields crossed by Kirin appears a mist, which decreases enemy's movement range about 1. Effect lasts til the end of the battle.
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until unit does any action.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
1405 gold
1 crystal
Sacred KirinWater Flows Freely: resist every effect decreasing movement or initiative.
Trail of Mist: on the fields crossed by Kirin appears a mist, which decreases enemy's movement range about 1. Effect lasts til the end of the battle. Friendly units gain one additional action
Immaterial: at the beginning of the battle unit receives only 50% damages. It lasts until unit does any action.
Water resistance: water magic causes only half damages.
Air vulnerability: air magic causes additional 25% damages.
Water-land creature: unit is insensitive to water magic decreasing movement. If hero has only such units in army, he can move on the water.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Hailstorm Aura: Sacred Kirin causes additional 30 air damages (for one Kirin). Attacked enemies are also frozen.
1830 gold
1 crystal
Kirin is a very unusual 7th level unit. It offers a pretty mediocre number of life points and a weak attack. It is much better when it comes to supporting the rest of the army. You should use the ability misty trail and its upgraded version. It allows to weaken the enemy and with Sacred Kirina it makes your own army to have almost an infinite number of actions.
Battles commanded by leaders of the Sanctuary, are similar to chess - generals are trying to look ahead of enemy's movement and react properly. There is no place for mad charges or mindless attacks - everything should be well planned. Only thanks to good preparations Sanctuary's army is able to stand against the most powerful enemies.
Troops available for this fraction are equal support formations (coral priestesses, spring spirits) and warriors like Kenshi and Wanizame. What is curious - those subtle, women troops are real strength of this army - thanks to them soldiers can fight powerful monsters.
Drop hollow out the stoneSuch matter of facts imply specific kind of fighting - rather passive and basing on supporting few troops. That's how we obtain really deathly war machine, which can crush any walls. Even small Sanctuary army, well commanded, can smash much bigger opponent's squad.
Achieving such effect requires from a player sacrifice huge amount of time and concentration. Luckily, you'll find a description for an unbeatable army below.
Our tactic during encounters we should modify in reference to troops taking part in a battle - on both sides. So we have to act carefully - any mistake can have a catastrophic consequences. From the other side - good use of abilities and spells lead us to smooth victories. Power of Sanctuary's army is in cooperation.
The most important are coral and pearl priestesses - those very cheap units will be a core of our plans. Thanks to them our losses will be minimalised. It matters especially during long scenarios and campaigns.
Kenshi, Wanizame i Kappa are our frontal troopsPriestesse's abilities are mostly useful for Wanizame, Kappa and Kenshi - those "frontal" creatures, which we should sent into the middle of battles, with support are able to stand almost every enemy. If opponent doesn't have many shooters, you should fight in such way - control the center of the battlefield and fight there. Our units, which can slow enemies, shouldn't have problems with dominating this sector. If we have Spring spirits, Yukki-Onna and Kirins, fighting with our rules will be easy.
We can't EVER let the enemy reach our priestessesBut what if enemy has powerful fire advantage? In such case we have to off defensive tactic and start playing offensive. Luckily, Sanctuary's forces are quite universal - they can work both as a complex machine or single blades stabbing enemy's back. In the second case we can attack with all our troops (besides priestesses) - quick maneuver at enemy's back can make a nice muddle. You should especially use abilities of Kappa and Mizu-Kami - thanks to big mobility and lot HP, they shouldn't have problems with sneaking there. Simultaneously, Wanizame and Kenshi will be a good reserve defending priestesses - put them in the middle of the battlefield - whoever wants move further, will have to do it over their corpses.
Such armed war machine is almost unbeatable. Hero's abilities make it even more awesome.
Castles are tough topic. Sanctuary has no flying creatures, so its offensive potential is decreased (much better in defense). Although, conquering fortresses shouldn't be a problem for an experienced player - a little of idea and good plan is enough.
During sieges, the most important is gate. You have to sent Wanizame and Kappa under it - those troops should destroy it quickly. In the same time, it's good to preserve them with supporting units, guarded by Kenshi and Kirins. In case of enemy's diversion we can modify this plan - our troops are quite universal.
Sanctuary is a very defensive fraction - defending castle shouldn't be a problemWhen the gate is done, we should rush inside with all our melee fighters - there is no point in letting them outside. The best in looting are Kenshi - unlimited retaliation and multiple blows makes them ideal candidates. Behind them Kappa, dragons and sharks next. Such an assault squad will destroy anything (worth considering is letting Mizu-Kami to the melee fight).
If we are defenders, the task is a piece of cake. Usually it's enough to put Kenshi near the gate - healing and supported by spells, they will be almost immortal. And as there is not so many place near the gate, enemy will have big losses in every turn.
Kirin is better as a support than fighting creature
Every hero in Might and Magic: Heroes VI can develop in two ways - tears or blood path. It depends only from our choices during game, which type of reputation hero will gain - this decision affects not only his appearance but also his special abilities, which have quite big meaning for a player. So, before we decide for any of them, we should consider it carefully.
Below you can find tables describing heroes who had chosen their destiny. Abilities are gained during hero's development of course.
Might hero
NeutralCalm Before the Storm: if Sanctuary's unit didn't attack, it gains little bonus to initiative and attack.
TearsCalm Before the Storm: if Sanctuary's unit didn't attack, it gains little bonus to initiative and attack.
Eightfold lotus: chosen unit resists effects stopping a counterstrike and has unlimited conuterstrikes.
Eye of the Storm: chosen unit evade few next blows.
War Master
Calm Before the Storm: if Sanctuary's unit didn't attack, it gains little bonus to initiative and attack.
Prepare for Strike: all units gain bonus to attack for every not-used movement point.
Twin fangs: chosen unit attacks twice for few turns.
Magic hero
NeutralInner Eye: : if Sanctuary's unit didn't attack, it gains little bonus to magic defense and power.
Tide Master
TearsInner Eye: : if Sanctuary's unit didn't attack, it gains little bonus to magic defense and power.
Serenity: enemy's troop can't do nothing for few turns. If attacked, the spell break.
Tsunami: all enemies get soaked, also one-field sized enemy units are pushed over two fields and immobilised.
Flood Conjurer
Inner Eye: : if Sanctuary's unit didn't attack, it gains little bonus to magic defense and power.
Watery Grave: soaked chosen, living unit and causes damages.
Monsoon: creates a cloud which soaks and damages enemies.
Heroes of all factions have some set of abilities, which they can learn during next levels. Each of them has its meaning , decides also about the way we play. Individual abilities affect not only hero's a his army abilities but also an available tactics - both on the world map and during battles
Sanctuary's heroes should develop in a specific way. The best choice are the abilities supporting army and adding some special effects to our actions.
Supporting abilities are the best choiceIt doesn't matter if we play a might or magic hero, we should invest most of experience into the paragon abilities (might sphere). Located there defender, charismatic leadership, destiny's chosen, enlightment and assailant will help in every mission - its upgrades are also good. If we want to play with spells, the best choice is water magic with ice armor and eternal winter. We can also think about light magic, but as a true magicians, we need to develop our prime magic.
List of all spells and abilities you will find in main guide.
Hell has its own rules. They are as vicious, brutal and uncompromised as the citizens of the Abyss. Most of demons do not know mercy, but feel perfectly well on the battlefield. Slaughters and rapes are in their nature - they don't need anything more. Chaotic character of this creatures is seen at the first glance: they act without thinking, often in a completely senseless way, following only the blood lust. Most of the battles they play are rather series of individual duels. Only the greatest generals can control this wildness.
Most of Inferno's units is more expensive than creatures in other cities - but it's justified. Demons possess really powerful abilities. They prevail over others with strength of attack, speed and devilish luck. No one in all Ashan has more luck than demons.
Generals commanding hellish troops know demons features perfectly - though this creatures are strong, they'll easily lose with more powerful enemy. Small HP and weak armor are the greatest demons disadvantages. Luckily, every devilish general can expect supports - demons hunger is immense and next troops eagerly will join the battle. So if the demon's gates is open, the lot of new units will appear.
Commanding an army of madmen and merciless beasts - that's the challenge worth of the greatest of tacticians. Fighting on the devils side is a tough quest, but this guide contains all necessary information.
Complete solution to Haven's campaign with all its variants and storyline choices.
Detailed units description and theirs application on the battlefield.
List of buildings available in cities.
Scheme of development our castles.
Advices about heroes development.
Description of spells and abilities.
For easier use of this guide, we make things color-marked:
Blue - spells and abilities
Brown - unites
Green - buildings
Orange - items
References to the maps are marked in that way: (Mx, y), where x means number of a map, and y position on it. So sign (M3, 2) shows, that on map 3 you have to move to the place marked with number 2.
Kiryl, the youngest son of murdered prince Slava, from unknown reason found himself in the Sheogh - the middle of a hell. As it turns out soon, it will affect greatly not only the Gryphons faction, but all the Ashan.
Kiryl has never been so lost
Goals: search the neighbourhood, reach the Urgash Claw, defeat Toghrul
Reward: 20000 XP, Clown's shoes (+1 to movement on the land, +1 Destiny)
We begin the quest in the middle of the map (M1,1), we have a city in which we should build ASAP Hall of Temptations (growing army). Then we start look around - that's how we have few battles, join several troops and conquer the sawmill and stone mine. When we move south we'll be able to do the quest Two-Headed Puppies (M1,2), and if we wander further on the east, we'll find enemy hero (M1,3) who with we'll fight (easy one, don't bother). Now the quest Bad reputation activates.
Demons do not look that badWhen we win the encounter, we'll find the crossroads. Better choice is moving to the south, with easier challenges and a neutral city to seize.
Welcome home!Neighbours aren't friendlyThen we should eliminate the purple player - as it was described in the quest Bad reputation. Additionally we can complete the It's a mad, mad world quest(M1,4) which let us to recruit maniacs. When both cases are finished, we'll face the Toghrul - the same from the prologue. To reach him, we need to travel the road on the southern east, to his kingdom (closed earlier) (M1,14).
Fort number one......and number two.After crossing the gate over the gulf, we'll see the fort (M1,15) which we should seize without problems. Little north is a dwelling of tormentors (M1,16). When we feel strong enough, we can head north, where another fort awaits (M1,17). After looting it, there is nothing else to do than moving under the Toghrul's city (M1,18). It's a difficult battle with really strong army - he has all Inferno's units, including pit fiends! That's why we shouldn't rush with this attack, but collect troops patiently. During the siege, we should base on the shooting enemy out, supported by attacking the gate with maniacs and hell hounds. When we seize the fortress, we'll fight the last one, surprising battle.
Here the Toghrul is hiding Defeating him isn't easyDemon inside the Kiryl tries to take control over the boy to what succubuses object. In a deathly fight we control Azkaal himself, who has to stand against an army of demons. In spite of pretences it isn't easy battle. Enemy has all army and we only one unit, so the initiative belongs to our opponent.
During the battle we have to, first of all, use our abilities wisely - we can decrease enemy's resistance to a magic, force him to attack his allies or cause damages to all our enemies. In every turn we can use two abilities and they are the key to our victory.
Like a bossThe most important thing is not letting the hell hounds to our monster- they have huge attack points, and they quickly bite to the death our unit. That's why we should use this dogs against their allies (unlimited hatred) and decreasing enemy's advantage slowly. Moving on the battlefield is also crucial.
We don't have to bother that all enemy units will attack us. Our monster with every counterstrike reach all creatures, not only the attacking one. So with every blow we'll be getting stronger, which eventually provides us a victory.
Goals: defeat Legion of Suffering and Fans of Suffering
Reward: 20000 XP, +2 to might attack
This quest we obtains when we meet the purple hero the first time, outside our control zone (M1,3). After defeating enemy's scouts, we should move south and conquer neutral city (M1,5). Next continue our travel til we reach an entrance to the enemy's territory. We should look around carefully, there is a pyramid nearby (M3,11) with breeders kept inside. They are worth of fighting. Encounter is easy - finish enemy with succubuses (if we upgraded them, the ability seduce makes it even easier).
Fight in pyramid increases our troops.Cyclops on the north!Such armed, we should move north to the enemy's city (M1,6). We'll get it easily - enemy has a really weak army, and every attempt of fight we can crush with maniacs or hell hounds.
Breeders guarding the passage to the northAnother one castle to seize!When the castle is ours, we should regenerate and move further north, where the enemy's fort is (M1,7). During the travel we have to be careful - opponent may try to stab us in the back, going out from one-direction portal (M1,X2) and attacking our city. We have to be prepared by investing into the defence and the second hero.
When we reach his second city (M1,8) the siege begins. Enemy has a big army, so we have to concentrate on fast eliminating his shooters and protecting ours. When it's done, one of our two enemies bites the dust.
Demonic diplomacyVery spontaneous argueTo finish our opponent, we head to the northern east and cross the lava ocean (M1,9). Then we'll see a huge city (M1,10) guarded by an army of demons. When we seize it, we should take his last city ASAP (M1,11). When it's done, we can face the Toghrul in a Pride, Prejudice and Demons.
Goals: reach the first level of reputation
Reward: +2 to Destiny
Mission accomplish itself - every choice get us closer to the finish. Remember, that reputation points we gain not only in buildings (like arena or arcane library) but also thanks to quests (Two-Headed Puppies, It's a mad, mad world) and decisions connected with neutral armies (8 blood points for chasing, 10 tears points for letting free).
Satan do not make the manIf it's not enough, the quest will be continued in the second scenario.
Goals: join hell hounds to Kiryl's army
Reward: 5000 XP, 12 hell hounds, +50 tears reputation
This quest can be missed easily - on the south from our start location we'll meet a demon (M1,2) who wants to talk with us. If we listen to him we obtain the quest, if we decide to kill him, we receive 50 blood points. If we choose the peaceful path, he proposes a deal. If we domesticate hounds nearby (M1,12) he'll support us with this units.
What a houndy talkIndependently from our choice, from the moment of demon's disappearance, we can recruit hounds in our cities.
Goals: get the Mask of the Madman
Reward: 5000 XP, 50 maniacs, +50 tears reputation
Similarly to the Two-Headed Puppies, this quest can be missed. When Kiryl meets maniacs (M1,4) he can eliminate them (50 blood points) or talk with them. Only the second option is connected with making a quest.
Proving your madness is a real challengeManiacs demand from Kiryl prove that he is as mad, as they. He has to get a Mask of the Madman (-6 to enemy's morale), which is a little on the southern east (M1,13). After picking it up, maniacs will join us.
Independently from our choice, we can recruit demons in our cities.
1 - start location
2 - hounds master (Two-Headed Puppies)
3 - purple hero (Bad Reputation)
4 - maniacs (It's a Mad, Mad World)
5 - neutral city
6 - purple enemy castle (Bad Reputation)
7 - enemy's fort (Bad Reputation)
8 - enemy's city (Bad Reputation)
9 - passage to the north
10 - enemy's city (Bad Reputation)
11 - enemy's fortress (Bad Reputation)
12 - hounds (Two-Headed Puppies)
13 - Mask of the Madman (It's a Mad, Mad World)
14 - gate to the east (Bad Reputation and Pride, Prejudice and Demons)
15 - Toghrul's fort (Pride, Prejudice and Demons)
16 - tormentors dwelling
17 - Toghrul's fort (Pride, Prejudice and Demons)
18 - Toghrul's city (Pride, Prejudice and Demons
X1 - one-direction portal to X2
X2 - exit from the portal X1
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - Warmen Guardhouse (After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.)
X1 - one-direction portal to X2
X2 - exit from the portal X1
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
2 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
3 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
4 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
5 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
6 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
7 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
8 - Chaos Wave (During next battle on your side appears computer controlled monster. It starts eating random enemy units (it can be interrupted by killing a beast). You can use it once per week.)
9 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
10 - observatory (discover nearest area)
11 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
12 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
13 - altar of destruction (In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.)
14 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
15 - Monument of Revelation (Discover fragment of map (not nearest))
16 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
17 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
18 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
19 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
20 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
21 - barbarian camp (Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
22 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
23 - dead field (during the next battle living creatures in enemy's army get -10% to HP and attack. Only once per battle)
24 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
X1 - one-direction portal to X2
X2 - exit from the portal X1
It is time to deal with the necromancers.
Despaired Kiryl decided to chase Sara, his recent friend. Mad run lead him to the Heresh, undeads country. Who knows what will be effect of it?
Goals: capture Namtaru Mother, defeat spider guard
Reward: 30000 XP, +2 to magic power
Quest began at the very north of the land (M4,1). We should search around a bit (XP, XP!) and go through the bridge. There is a dwelling behind it (M4,2), which is good to seize (we won't have to go back for it) and then human's city (M4,3). Enemy will be so surprised that he gives up without fight. Now convert both castle and dwelling: our army starts to grow.
Kiryl can't handle separationHe'll burn all the world to regain freedomOur next step is moving west where we are going to find second human's city (connected with the quest Scar of Nelsham; M4,4). When we complete it, we'll have to supplement loses and start further exploration. To get to the Namtaru Mother we need four parts of Moonsilk Crystal Key - how to get them, you can read in the Secret Hideout.
Necromancers' leader in undergroundsUndeads will defend her til the...death?When we obtain all parts and go down to the undergrounds (M4,X2) not easy battle with the spider guards awaits us. Undeads leader has very impressive army with all Necropolis troops. To defeat him we'll need to show all we can what means using Kiryl's and his creatures' abilities as often as possible simultaneously summoning another waves of demons. Enemy has huge fire advantage (three shooters!) so we have to shorter the distance and get him ASAP. The quickest possible elimination of ghosts and shooters is our priority. We don't have to bother about other formations (eventually take care about vampires). When the guard is dead, the way to the Namtaru Mother is open for us.
She isn't too beautiful...Disinsection squad!Encounter with the Namtaru is also very difficult. Monster has a huge amount of HP and awfully powerful melee attack. Distance isn't a problem for her, she can move freely on the battlefield. To make it even more curious, on the particular squares in every turn appear ghosts, whose aim is to heal the spider. Our answer should be constant offensive: in every turn we have to cause as lot of damages as we (the beast in this cerbers and maniacs) and simultaneously kill ghosts.
First hit to the boss is best to do with the same troop always (optimal: Juggernauts) because enemy has only one counterattack and in that way we'll decrease our loses.
She will at last surrender to our persuasionWhen we kill the monster, the scenario ends.
Goals: conquer castles on the both sides of the abyss
Reward: +15000 XP,
This quest activates when we reach the second human's city (look: Heart of Spider; M4,4).Our goal is to seize enemy's castle and the twin fortress on the other side of the abyss (M4,5). During this battles we have to mainly attack gates and constantly fire at his priestesses and shooters. After the victory we can talk with defenders or interrogate them. We obtain 125 points of tears/blood (it doesn't affect the storyline anyhow).
When the fortress is down, the gate on the south opens, what allow us to invade necromancers' lands. But before we do, we have to eliminate the last one human hero who is going to attack us from the north.
Find nine differences between the picturesHint: There is Wally on one of it.When the problem is solved, there will be a time for visiting undeads castle. It's just behind the bridge on the south (M4,5) and isn't guarded to well - our army will smash defenders easily. After the battle we receive one part of the Moonsilk Crystal Key required in the quest Secret Hideout. At this moment Scar of Nelsham ends and the another gate opens.
Attention! This quest is available only after finishing Scar of Nelsham!
Goals: find four parts of the Moonsilk Crystal Key
Reward: +25000 XP, +2 to destiny
First part of the key we'll get in the necromancers' castle nearby the abyss (look: Scar of Nelsham; M4,5), the rest is in the other cities of undeads. The best way to start it is to move east, where we find two enemy's castles. After crossing the footbridge (M4,6) we'll see the undeads' fort (M4,7) which we should capture ASAP (it'll allow us a fast teleportation and attack on two fronts).
Fort will be a great base.Of course we have to seize it firstly.Further expansion we should direct both on north and south (if we have two heroes and properly big armies). Siegeing both (M4,8) works on the same scheme: first immobilize liches (using lilims) and then charging on the gates. If we did quests Prisoner of War and More troubles we would have juggernauts and breeders which are perfect tools for those battles. When we get both castles, there'll be the last one fortress to seize.
Bite him!Old tree burns easily.To reach the last enemy's resistant point (M4,9) we have to move back behind the abyss and move south. By the way we can visit opponent's city (M4,10) nearby which we obtain More troubles quest (it's not obligatory).
Finally we get to the last necromancers city (M4,9). During the encounter we should follow hints form the Tactics on the Battlefield which will provide us a quick victory.
Inferno has a strange weakness about the redAfter destroying the castle we have to prepare to the ultimate battle with undeads (replenishment is very important). To defeat Namtaru Mother you need to move northern east and after few battles with spiders go to the undergrounds (M4,X2). In this moment this quest ends and we will face our destiny as it is described in the mission Heart of the Spider..
Goals: seize the fort where the prisoner is kept
Reward: +15000 XP, 8 juggernauts
This mission we obtain during exploration the central part of the map: when we conquer one of the necromancers forts on the hill (M4,11). Our goal is to find the prison in which powerful Inferno hero is kept.
Princess Peach is in the other castle.In that case, the demon is fine.Encounters with necromancers defending those forts can be little problematic: they are well protected (especially liches will cause huge damages). So it's best to use lilims abilities and charge at the gates.
Fetch the bone!When the prison fell we will have a choice: we can confirm our alliance with the demon (+125 blood points, hero joins us) or leave him (+125 tears points). As we never have too much heroes, the "bad guy" path is more profitable. Independently from our choice, we can recruit juggernauts after this quest.
Goals: save breeders
Reward: +15000 XP, Warping Pedant (-1 to enemy's movement points, requires 10 might attack)
This mission activates when we reach second necromancers city (M4,10). We'll see an undead hero trying to fight breeders living in the forest. We of course have to help Inferno creatures. During the battle we have to eliminate liches first and then ghosts (they can heal). On this stage we'll probably have juggernauts and tormentors - their role is to reach enemy's line ASAP.
No one ever have won two sided battleWhat we're gonna do with him?When we have enemy in our hands, we can decide about his fate. We gain 125 blood point for killing him and 125 tears points for being merciful. From now on we can recruit breeders.
If we want, we can go to the cave on the west (M4,X) to collect some items and treasures. But it isn't to worthy, because we lose few turns for almost nothing.
If we want, we can go into the cave
1 - beginning
2 - dwelling
3 - human's city (Heart of the Spider)
4 - human's city (Heart of the Spider, Scar of Nelsham)
5 - necromancers fortress (Heart of the Spider, Scar of Nelsham, Secret Hideout)
6 - passage to the west (Secret Hideout, Heart of the Spider)
7 - enemy's fort (Secret Hideout, Heart of the Spider)
8 - necromancers cities (Secret Hideout, Heart of the Spider)
9 - necromancers capitol(Secret Hideout, Heart of the Spider)
10 - necromancers city (More troubles)
11 - twin forts (Prisoner of War)
X - entrance to the undergrounds (Others: Undergrounds)
X2 - entrance to the Mother Namtaru dungeon (Secret Hideout, Heart of the Spider)
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
X - entrance to undergrounds
X1 - two-sided portal to the X2 passage
X2 - two-sided portal to the X1 passage
X3 - one-sided portal to the X4 exit
X4 - exit from the portal X3
X5 - one-sided portal to the X6 exit
X6 - exit from the portal X5
Attention! As since a map to this scenario is really huge, we divide it on two parts - first with all active objects (like cities, forts and mines) and the second with passive ones (giving bonuses to heroes).
1 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
2 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
3 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
4 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
5 - Angels Shrine (+5 to magic power and Leadership do the end of current week. One use per a week.)
6 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
7 - observatory (discover nearest area)
8 - Monument of Revelation (Discover fragment of map (not nearest))
9 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
10 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
11 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
12 - barbarian camp (Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
13 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
14 - griffin monument (all flying units gain +20% to HP. Once per week)
15 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
16 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
17 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
18 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
19 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
20 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
21 - Well of souls (+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.)
22 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
23 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
24 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
25 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
26 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
X - entrance to undergrounds
X1 - two-sided portal to the X2 passage
X2 - two-sided portal to the X1 passage
X3 - one-sided portal to the X4 exit
X4 - exit from the portal X3
X5 - one-sided portal to the X6 exit
X6 - exit from the portal X5
It's time for some nagas
After conversation with Anastasia and Sveltana Kiryl decided to move east, where Sara supposedly gone. Lords of waves, powerful nagas, won't be happy about his visit.
Goals: find a cave
Reward: +40000 XP
Main mission isn't very difficult but time consuming - to reach our destiny point we have to cross all the land and search almost every part of it. Of course our enemies won't stop trying to thwart our plans - it could be harsh.
We began the journey on the north (M7,1). After quick reckon we find a group of Pit fiends (M7,2) who will join us - it'll be a serious support for our army. Then we can move Kiryl south (second hero should take care about the resources). When we go through the bridge we'll have first, easy battle with barbarians.
Friendly Pit fiends......are perfect to the diplomatic treatsOn the south we'll an orcs' fort (M7,3) which we can easily seize. If Kiryl has some spare ability points, it's worth to consider spells like life drain (darkness magic) or regeneration (earth magic) - thanks to them we'll be able to take more care about our units condition.
First barbarian city.If we can strong enough, we can go to the undergrounds.When the fort fall, we should move a little west, where barbarian city awaits (M7,4). Defenders will give all of them, so we have to fight wisely to decrease losses. Good idea is to send cerbers under the gates and simultaneously teleport Pit fiends over the walls. Of course they won't handle long inside that's why healing spells will be useful. When the walls fall, push all your troops to attack - enemy won't resist it.
I love smell of sulfur at the dawn.In this moment we should convert this city to Inferno and replenish our forces. On this stage of the game, opponents has grown stronger so advantage which we had thanks to the Pit fiends disappears. That's why Kiryl should move west, for the second roc's city (M7,5) and the second hero should take care about resources. If we want, we can attack also enemy's fort (M7,6) with two dwellings nearby.
Two portals nearby the fortress.Fighting savages isn't an easy task.Siege of the second city we should do like it is described in a Tactics on the Battlefield. When the castle is destroyed, we have to make a difficult decision. There are two portals nearby the city. Left one leads to well secured nagas fortress (M7,7) and right to the weakly defended fort and a dwelling (M7,8). Our choice should depend on the size of our army - we have to remember that nagas won't be passive and attack our lands very eagerly. That's why conquering sea people is a little better idea.
Nagas won't remit us.Our answer can be only one.Battle with nagas has almost always the same scheme - firstly eliminate enemy's priestesses, and then take care about his "frontal" troops. Especially Kenshi with unlimited counterattacks can be dangerous. It's better to shoot them down. Also shark guards can be problematic, but other Sanctuary's troops shouldn't bother you.
Fire versus Water.Don't forget about forts!When we capture the city, we should convert it and be prepared to surprising stab in the back. Orcs from the east almost for sure grow up to attack us. Our capitol (M7,1) lies the closest to savages territory and it's the most vulnerable one. So we should regroup on the east and demolish enemy in his own land. We should conduct our offensive on two fronts: one hero can go to the undergrounds (M7,X) where is one of savages' city (M8,1) while the second one will be attacking western castle (M7,9).
There can be only one winner.Sieges are tiresome and unavoidable.During battles with orcs we should concentrate on centaurs. Those shooters has a really big attack. The second in row should be dreamwalkers with lot of HP, strong attack and spell casting. But the most damages we receive from maulers. They are inconspicuous, but they know how to hit. Those three formations will be the strongest ones (of course besides cyclops), so we should eliminate them ASAP. Don't forget also about classical charge at gates. If we use our forces well, we'll be victorious for sure.
Savages all along.Kill them all!When we get both cities, there'll be the time for healing and preparing to the next offensive. This will be conducted from the undergrounds. The southern exit from caves (M8,X2) will lead us to the last orc's land. There we have to conquer two cities (M7,10) and fort. When we do that, the brown player is out and we have to only eliminate the blue one in the quest Bad memories.
It's nothing like family.When we defeat the ghost of a naga lord, the gate to our goal will open. Kiryl need to move through the west gate where he find entrance to the cave (M7,X2). When our hero go into the darkness, the scenario ends.
Goals: defeating ghost of Akasha
Reward: +30000 XP, Ring of Misfortune (-4 to enemy's luck)
This quest we receives during completing Traces in Darkness when Kiryl meets ghost of naga's heroin (M7,11). Dead woman asks us to defeat her husband from the fortress on the southern east (M7,12).
Wife torments his husband even after death.Well, whatever...Battle with naga's general is very demanding - enemy has a huge army. That's why we have to focus on eliminating priestesses and then his shark guards and Kenshis - those three formation stands for the quality in Sanctuary army. Enemy will have two shooters, just like we, so it's a little impasse. But if we don't let him heals his units and set up demons gate properly (nearby shooters), we'll win.
Goals: collect four parts of moon disc
Reward: +25000 XP, Tear of Asha
To complete this quest we will have to run a lot. Parts of disc are located in various places, one is even in the undergrounds. For making it easier, parts of disc are marked on the maps below.
Those parts can be easily unseen.And one is in the caveWhen we collect them, we have to join them and then we'll see where the Tear of Asha is. Now we have to pick it up and take to the city with the capitol. That's how we will build Urgash's Fiery Wrath - the most powerful structure in the Inferno.
Goals: find a creature following Kiryl
Reward: +20000 XP, Motley Cloak of the Fool
We receive this quest just after getting out from our first control zone. To complete it, we have to find a powerful enemy who's following us. But for now it's impossible because of game's error.
1 - beginning
2 - Pit fiends
3 - orcs' fort
4 - barbarians' city
5 - barbarians' castle
6 - orcs' fort
7 - nagas' city
8 - nagas' fort
9 - orcs' city
10 - orcs' city
11 - ghost of the priestesses (Bad memories)
12 - naga hero (Bad memories)
X - northern entrance to the undergrounds (Traces in Darkness)
X2 - southern entrance to the undergrounds (Traces in Darkness)
X3 - entrance to the undergrounds
X4 - two-sided portal
X5 - one-sided portal to X6
X6 - exit from the portal X5
X7 - two-sided portal
1 - orcs' city
X - entrance on the surface
X2 - southern exit (to the second part of a map)
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
9 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
10 - Conflux Orb (You can send messages to the other players)
11 - Warmen Guardhouse (After every battle hero obtain additional movement points: +3 for one such building +2 for another, +1 for the third one.)
12 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
13 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
14 - Raiders Dwelling (Gives some gold for every won battle. Amount of gold depends from numbers of such structures you control.)
15 - observatory (discover nearest area)
16 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
17 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
18 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
19 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
20 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
21 - Well of souls (+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.)
22 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
23 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
24 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
25 - altar of destruction (In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.)
26 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
27 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
28 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
29 - barbarian camp (Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
30 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
31 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
X - entrance to the undergrounds
X1 - two-sided portal
X2 - two-sided portal
X3 - one-sided portal to X4
X4 - exit from X3
1 - city
2 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
3 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
4 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
5 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
6 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
7 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
8 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
9 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
10 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
11 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
12 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
13 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
X - exit from the undergrounds
Now the ultimate encounter begins.
When Kiryl finds out where is an invisible library, he moves to it. Maybe thanks to that he'll understand Sara's behavior?
Goals: defeat Sara
Reward: +30000 XP, Blade of Binding (all creatures in your army cause additional fire damages)
To reach Sara, Kiryl has to move north (M12,1) where after few battles we'll see a city with the fallen angel inside (M12,2). The encounter is surprisingly easy, she has more modest forces than we, so we'll tear her apart. Key to the victory is healing and constant shooting Sara's cerbers and lilims.
We've finally found her.As for such a long chase, the battle is disappointing.When the "flamehaired" will lay upon our argumentation, the quest ends and we take over the city.
Goals: defeat seven darkness elementals
Reward: +70000 XP
Elementals are located in various parts of a map, one even requires sailing (shipyard is on the western coast; M13,30), the last one is in the undergrounds. Monsters' location is marked on the map M11,1.
Sequence of encounters is random, but the good idea is hunting on beasts by the way conquering next neutral cities (M11,2). For sure purple player will try to harm us (M11,3). There is a secondary quest connected with him (The Last Farewell) which we should do for peace' sake. On the contrary absolutely unprofitable is a mission Heaven and Hell. During seeking darkness elementals we should take over as many forts and cities as we can, what will improve our military potential and make our goal easier.
Invisible library is much more modest than you can expectWhen we defeated forces of darkness, we start travelling into unknown. We should go to the undergrounds (M11,X2) to reach the northern exit (M11,X3). There we'll find a portal after a short walk(M11,X4) which leads to the invisible library (M12,3). When we get there, we will have the last one battle in the scenario, against an elementals' army. The most dangerous are those darkness (stops counterattack) and fire (blows up in a moment of death). First ones we should eliminate hand-to-hand, best with cerbers or anihilators, and the seconds from the distance (succubuses and mother breeders).
When the quest is done, the campaign ends.
Goals: conquer Port Meyron
Reward: +50000 XP, Mesmering Spaulders (-10 to enemy's initiative)
This quest activates when we fight with the red inquisitor for the first time. This hero will be spawned every few turn in the castle (M11,3) with bigger and bigger army. But you shouldn't attack to eagerly. The castle is well protected and you won't seize it in the first turns of the game. Better tactic is slow taking over the land, connected with converting next castles (in that way we'll ignore the Heaven and Hell quest but it isn't a big loss). Thanks to conquered places (M11,2) we'll be able to hire very quickly strong, almost invincible army. But we have to focus - enemy for sure will try to take over our cities, so we should defend them. By the way it's worth to think about elimination of darkness elementals which are located in various places (look at: In the Shadow of the Light). Direction of our expansion and sequence of battles is random, all the cities are neutral (M11,2).
Fort=fast reinforcementsDuring the siege we have to go all outWhen we decide we have a big enough army, we can move against red inquisitor. Port Meyron (M11,3) is well guarded and enemy's hero has many useful abilities. During the battle we should focus on fast eliminating enemy's sisters and shooters, they are the most dangerous troops for us. Then attack celestials (they can resurrect) and glories (they stop counterattack). Rest formations aren't strong and they won't be problematic for us what doesn't relieve us from summoning demon's gates and using abilities.
Nobody expected red inquisition!This affair won't be a success.When the city is ours and the inquisitor revives the last one time, he'll try to retake the fortress. We should expect a hammering attack in the next turn. Without replenishing forces we won't win the battle. When the enemy lose, we can start celebrating to proceed to the In the Shadow of the Light.
Goals: do not convert any enemy's castles and forts
Reward: +10000 XP, 100 tears points, Necklace of Tears (tear abilities are 10% more effective. Requires 250 tear reputation points.)
This quest is completely unprofitable, we'll lose much more than we will gain. Without converting neutral cities (M11,2) we decrease our military potential what makes all the scenario much more difficult. And reward is an useless artifact - quest-disaster.
Hands off!But if someone likes additional challenges, he can do the quest. The reward he will obtain in the invisible library, so he won't even enjoy it.
1 - darkness elementals (In the Shadow of the Light)
2 - neutral cities (Heaven and Hell)
3 - Port Meyron (The Last Farewell)
X - exit from the undergrounds (look at M12,X)
X2 - entrance to the undergrounds (look at M12,X2)
X3 - exit from the undergrounds (look at M12,X3)
X4 - portal (look at X12,X4)
1 - beginning
2 - Inferno city (Payback)
3 - Invisible library (In the Shadof of the Light)
X - exit from the undergrounds (look at M12,X)
X2 - entrance to the undergrounds (look at M12,X2)
X3 - exit from the undergrounds (look at M12,X3)
X4 - portal (look at X12,X4)
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
9 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
10 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
11 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
12 - Hell Forge (+5 to might power and magic power for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
13 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
14 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
15 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
16 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
17 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
18 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
19 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
20 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
21 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
22 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
23 - observatory (discover nearest area)
24 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
25 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
26 - griffin monument (all flying units gain +20% to HP. Once per week)
27 - dead field (during the next battle living creatures in enemy's army get -10% to HP and attack. Only once per battle)
28 - barbarian camp (Guarded by barbarians - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you)
29 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
30 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
31 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
32 - Angels Shrine (+5 to magic power and Leadership do the end of current week. One use per a week.)
33 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
34 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
35 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
36 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
37 - lighthouse (doubles the movement points on the sea of all your heroes)
38 - lighthouse (increase's army morale. Hero can use it once per week. )
39 - ice pearl shrine (+10 to army's initiative. Once per week)
40 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
41 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
X - exit from the undergrounds (look at M12,X)
X2 - entrance to the undergrounds (look at M12,X2)
X3 - exit from the undergrounds (look at M12,X3)
X4 - portal (look at X12,X4)
1 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
2 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
3 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
4 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
5 - dwelling (increases creature's population)
6 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
7 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
8 - city
9 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
10 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
11 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
12 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
X - exit from the undergrounds (look at M12,X)
X2 - entrance to the undergrounds (look at M12,X2)
X3 - exit from the undergrounds (look at M12,X3)
X4 - portal (look at X12,X4)
Every game in Might and Magic: Heroes VI is a unique adventure. Even if we're gonna fight only on the one map and making the same decisions, game will look different for each time. This is caused by high randomness - great part of creatures and resources is random. Also enemies behaviors vary. That's why you can't create one general rule for an expansion - there are too many factors.
Nevertheless, you can make a common scheme, which you should follow during game - both in battles and city development. About wars you can read in chapter Tactics on the battlefield and about castles - below.
Demons on the contrary to most of races from Ashan needs all resources in almost equal amount. Wood and stone will be used for the basic units structure and crystals to more advanced buildings. It has consequences: in first turns we should focus both on sawmills and stone mines (later also on crystal mines).
Hell all alongDevelopment we have to begin from one recruitment building, because our hero has to have an army to conquer mines. The best choice are Hall of Temptations (succubus) which allows us to buy relatively cheap and strong shooters. Our next structure should be a Town Hall. Thank to it we'll increase our income (1000 gold per turn).
Next choices aren't such simple. If the situation isn't too good for us and we feel that without reinforcements we won't handle this we should build another recruitment structures. Especially good is to invest into Spawning Chambers (breeders) or Pen of Mayhem (juggernauts) because those creatures are powerful and we'll be able to dominate our land quickly. Financial issue can be problematic for us, because our units are very expensive. That's why building a City Hall (2000 gold per turn) is a better idea.
Further turns are a series of difficult decisions. First of all we have to bank on first and second level units (but do not upgrade them!) what will improve our military potential. It's very important to build fortifications in the seventh day - that's how we increase population of units. The problem is a fact that we have to construct dwellings for ours fellows, without it fortifications are useless. So we have to find a golden mean in development. Sometimes even not building anything for turn or two (saving resources) is a key to the victory.
When the first week passed, we can develop more freely. If we hadn't done it yet, we should have built a City Hall and then as many dwellings as we can (without upgrading). When we have five type of troops, the best next structure to build is capitol (4000 gold per turn) and then take care about fortifications. Usually in this moment very profitable move is to conquer new cities. Those we should develop economically first (Town Hall and City Hall) and after than military.
Hellish well development.When we possess more than one city, we have to invest in town portals which will provide us very fast travelling from place to place. After than we should start upgrading our units. Some of them, like succubuses, hell hounds or breeders really gain a lot thanks to that. Investing in Pit of Bile (Pit Fiends) isn't rather a good idea. The structure costs so much, that we won't build anything else. In Heroes VI quantity is always more important than quality, and that's why flowing our enemies with units is a much better idea than creating small but an elite army.
When we upgrade all our units and fortifications the time will come for Pit Fiends. Those creatures are a top of our army (especially upgraded) and its completion but nevertheless more important will be for us weaker and more units.
Of course during particular games this scheme can change. Sometimes we won't find the resource we are looking for and building the Chaos Crucible will be obligatory for us. However very disputable thing is a usefulness of special Inferno buildings, they are usually very expensive but not effective. Although if we have enough money, those structures will be profitable ones.
Full description of Inferno's buildings you can find below in Buildings chapter.
Basic Fortification1
1st level city
2000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Walls around the city, increases population.
Advanced Fortification2
2nd level city
Basic Fortification
5000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
Upgrades walls, adds moat and central tower, increases population..
Superior Fortyfication3
3rd level city
Advanced Fortification
10000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
Adds two corner towers, increases population.
500 gold per turn.
Town Hall1
1st level city
2000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
1000 gold per turn
City Hall2
2nd level city
Town Hall
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
2000 gold per turn.
3rd level city
City Hall
10000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
4000 gold per turn.
House of Madness1
1st level city
1000 gold
4 stone
Lets you recruit maniacs.
House of Delirium1
1st level city
House of Madness
1500 gold
2 wood
4 stone
3 crystal
Lets you recruit demented.
Howling Kennels1
1st level city
1750 gold
6 wood
2 stone
Lets you recruit hell hounds.
Raging Kennels1
1st level city
Howling Kennels
2000 gold
4 wood
2 stone
2 crystal
Lets you recruit cerbers.
Hall of Temptations1
1st level city
2000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Lets you recruit succubuses.
Hall of Forbidden Desires1
1st level city
Hall of Temptations
2500 gold
5 stone
4 crystal
Lets you recruit lilims.
Spawning Chamber2
2nd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
7 stone
7 crystal
Lets you recruit breeders.
Spawning Hive2
2nd level city
Spawning Chamber
3000 gold
6 stone
6 crystal
Lets you recruit mother breeders.
Hall of Torment2
2nd level city
3000 gold
8 wood
8 stone
6 crystal
Lets you recruit tormentors.
Hall of Agony2
2nd level city
Hall of Torment
3500 gold
2 wood
6 stone
6 crystal
Lets you recruit lacerators.
Pen of Mayhem2
2nd level city
5000 gold
12 stone
5 crystal
Lets you recruit juggernauts.
Pen of Chaos2
2nd level city
Pen of Mayhem
5000 gold
5 wood
10 stone
10 crystal
Lets you recruit ravagers.
Pit of Bile3
3rd level city
12500 gold
20 wood
25 stone
20 crystal
Lets you recruit pit fiends
Pit of Hate3
3rd level city
Pit of Bile
17500 gold
20 wood
15 stone
20 crystal
Lets you recruit pit lords
Infernal Gate2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Creates one-sided portal in the control zone, which allow heroes to teleport to the castle. Player decides where locate it. Excludes Heart of Urgash.
Heart of Urgash2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Increases number of monster coming through the hell gates during battles. Excludes Infernal Gate.
Altar of Destruction3
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
10 crystal
If the city is attacked, enemy receive fire damages at the beginning of every turn. Additionally craters appear in random places, decreasing enemy's mobility. Excludes Wake of Chaos.
Wake of Chaos3
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
10 crystal
Every battle which takes place in player's control zone will be supported by the chaos forces. During those encounters worm joins player's forces (controlled by AI) which slowly swallows small opponent's units. The only way to save them is to kill the monster. Excludes Altar of Destruction.
Chaos Crucible1
1st level city
3000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
5 crystal
You can trade resources here. The more marketplaces we have, the better prices we get. Additionally, it generates 500 gold per turn.
Chaos Crucible varies from other marketplaces that it affects cost of resources every week (positively or negatively). T
Hall of Heroes1
1st level city
2000 gold
You can recruit heroes here.
Basic Town Portal2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Lets your hero teleports to your custom city.
Advanced Town Portal3
3rd level city
Basic Town portal
5000 gold
10 crystal
Heroes can teleport to this city from adventure map (they gain proper spell).
Urgash's Fiery Wrath4
4th level city
Tear of Asha
15000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
20 crystal
5000 gold per turn, +50% to population. When enemy's hero enters the zone with this structure, all his units receive 1000 fire damages..
ManiacTwisted mind: this unit is completely resistance on all effects affecting mind or morale.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
95 gold
DementedTwisted mind: this unit is completely resistance on all effects affecting mind or morale.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Manic Laughter: demented steals one attack point from an attacked enemy. It lasts one turn.
145 gold
Maniacs are basic units in the legion of damned. Although they aren't too strong or endure, their number itself can paralyse enemies. Big numbers of them can make a harm in enemy's forces especially when he doesn't expect sudden and brutal attack.
Big advantage of demented is fact that they can steal enemy's strength, what makes them stronger with every hit. That's why they are perfect as a cannon fodder.
HellhoundEye of Gluttony: if enemy causes damages to the hound, it gains 20% bonus to attack against this enemy.
Unlimited Retaliation: unit can retaliate unlimited times.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
140 gold
CerberusEye of Gluttony: if enemy causes damages to the hound, it gains 20% bonus to attack against this enemy.
Unlimited Retaliation: unit can retaliate unlimited times.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Voracious: cerberus can attack few enemies at once if they're standing in front of him.
205 gold
Use of this beasts is quite easy: they should reach the enemy ASAP and tear him apart. Powerful claws and two jaws are perfect tools on the line of the battle, especially that our "doggies" have unlimited retaliation.
Cerberus also can attack few enemies at once, that's why they are good for charging on the city gates or defending it. But we can't forget that they have rather small HP.
SuccubusPleasure in Pain: enemies caused only 90% of normal damages to this unit, receiving the remaining 10% on themselves.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
105 gold
Rapture in Agony: enemies caused only 80% of normal damages to this unit, receiving the remaining 20% on themselves.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Enthrall: chosen unit can't do an action during 2 turns. Spell breaks if unit receives any damages.
150 gold
Succubuses are equally beautiful and dangerous, they easily seduce even the most powerful enemies to hit them in the back in the suitable moment. And when an opponent decides to revenge, he'll be disappointed, because succubus can fight back.
Even more problematic are lilims who can charm enemies in such way, that they completely lose their minds for them, becoming an easy target for hellish forces.
BreederMana Leach: this unit steals mana from enemy's hero and gives it to its leader.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
410 gold
Mother BreederMana Leach: this unit steals mana from enemy's hero and gives it to its leader.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Proliferation: in the first turn amount of units in the troop increases about 20%. Creatures born in such way disappear after the battle.
495 gold
Breeder is a grotesque creature from the very bottom of hell, disgusting and dangerous. Its only goal is reproduction and making a chaos in enemy's lines.
Mother Breeder is a disgust of even worse type. It can multiply on the battlefield gains additional strength. That's why eliminating this creature should be usually your primary goal. Demons know it and can perfectly use it to their own purposes.
TormentorRetractable Spikes: unit attacks all nearby creatures without retaliation.
Taste of Pain: every time the unit receives or causes damages it gains 15% bonus to the attack. It sums up to the four times.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
495 gold
LaceratorTaste of Pain: every time the unit receives or causes damages it gains 15% bonus to the attack. It sums up to the four times.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Exploding Spikes: upgraded version of retractable spikes - causes 25% more damages.
615 gold
Every tormentor is a sadomasochist, he loves to cause pain others and himself. Awfully deformed body of this creatures is a nightmare for every with anything like a taste. Swollen muscles, bones sticking out and oceans of blood. This a picture which remains in the memory of all, who'll survive fight with this monster.
Furious lacerator is a beast whom even the bravest warriors are scary about. Every hit it obtained makes creature even more angry. And when it tastes the blood, nothing will stop the beast.
JuggernautOrganic Armor: completely resistance to any effects decreasing its defence (both magical and physical).
Unstoppable Charge: unit charges straight causing damages to every creature and obstacle on its way (3 more damages for the terrain bar).
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
490 gold
Organic Armor: completely resistance to any effects decreasing its defence (both magical and physical).
Unstoppable Charge: unit charges straight causing damages to every creature and obstacle on its way (3 more damages for the terrain bar).
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Taunting Presence: all units in within two squares from the ravager can attack only him. It breaks when they go out of the abilities' range.
630 gold
There is a lava flowing in the veins of this beats and their bodies consist not only flesh but also half melted stones. This combination makes juggernauts almost invincible, most of hits will be reflected and many spells resisted.
Ravagers are more powerful version of juggernauts - they mixed with the chaos so much, that they have almost such unpredictable nature. Most of enemies know they power and attack them firstly. And demons' officers know how to use it on their own purposes.
Pit FiendHateful Retaliation: when unit retaliates, cause additional 49-56 damages to the creatures which attacked him before.
Blinded by rage: completely resistance on all effects affecting mind or mobility.
Blade of Hatred: attacked target will be attacking random units (ally or opponent) in nearby. It lasts a turn or until the charmed unit receives damages.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
1690 gold
1 crystal
Pit LordHateful Retaliation: when unit retaliates, cause additional 55-64 damages to the creatures which attacked him before.
Blinded by rage: completely resistance on all effects affecting mind or mobility.
Blade of Hatred: attacked target will be attacking random units (ally or opponent) in nearby. It lasts a turn or until the charmed unit receives damages.
Fireproof skin: all demons has 20% resistance against fire damages.
Vulnerability to light: offensive light spells cause additional damages. Healing light magic cause damages instead of regeneration.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Boundless Hate: causes 15 damages (for every Pit Lord in a troop) to all enemy's units.
2195 gold
1 crystal
Pit Fiends are the most powerful units in Inferno. They are not only very strong but very fast also. One their blow can crush bones of hundreds enemies and those who survived will get into rage which force them to attack their comrades. This devilish trick is one of the most effective demons' weapon.
Pit Lords are real personifcation of a chaos. They hate all non-demon creatures and hurting them and their biggest pleasure. No matter the distance, the evil always find its way.
Commanding hellish troops is a challenge very different that in other factions. No healing units, weak defence, small HP are main demons' disadvantages. But it doesn't matter, that they are the weakest race in Ashan. On the contrary, they overcome their weaknesses with various virtues like big speed, powerful attack and hellish luck. This mix makes really exploding thing that can blow up all the lands.
But their greatest advantage is a racial ability, demon gates, loading every time your troops cause a critical hit. Thanks to those portal horned beasts can expect reinforcements, which can change the fate of a battle. Demon teleported nearby priests and shooters will surely harm enemy a lot.
Well played chaos army is invincible.The base assumption of every battle is ASAP elimination of enemy's support units and quick rush. During encounters we have nothing to think about, we have to pursue to attack enemies in case of loading the racial ability and then summon another troops. If it isn't enough, we can use offensive spells which also charge demon gates. Thanks to that tactic, hellish force will be unlimited and enemy will fall under its number.
In the beginning phase Inferno's tactic does not differentiate from other fractions, we should focus on defense and loosing as little units as we can. Only when we achieve more advanced creatures we can play more aggressive. (look at: Tactics on the battlefield: basics).
Come to daddy.When we have a bigger army with breeders, tormentors and juggernauts we should wait until enemy will be in our units range and then attack him mercilessly (preferably one target with all troops). That's how we will charge demon gates. We should summon ASAP big group of monsters and place them nearby enemy's shooters and priests (it excludes them from the battle for few turns). From now on we have to concentrate on eliminating opponents in the middle of battlefield and as demons have powerful attack, it won't be a problem. In addition, as a result of constant battle we'll be able to summon another monsters. Our goal is to make that flow continuous.
Of course melee fighting isn't all, we can't forget about our shooters. Very important is not letting an enemy to them because in such case we'll lose artillery very fast. It especially matters with mother breeders which increase their number in the first turn of the battle. If we upgraded succubus to lilims the defence of our support will be much easier thanks to their ability - enthrall.
Demons weakness is a lack of healing. That's why fighting with necromancers can be challenging sometimes.When our main forces take care about enemy's centre troops, we will have to eliminate the rest of his units. To do that we need to reach his shooters and priests and kill them. It's good to use summon units to that, because they'll take support's retaliations on themselves.
Inferno sieges are quite different from those using other factions mainly because of demon gates thanks to which demons can manage situation on the battlefield both in defence and attack.
If we are defenders, we should begin from putting mother breeders in the tower, the monsters will be great support. If we don't have this units we can replace them with succubus but it's less effective. Later we have to think about defending our gates. Although its fall is sure, we shouldn't care about this too much. Our goal is to hold enemies unit, what is the easiest in the gates. Especially good to this task are maniacs, ravagers and lacerators. Such defence line will be impossible to break. That's why enemy probably will attack our walls, but it isn't a smart idea because attacking troops will stuck in the moat. To complete the destruction we should use demon gates to eliminate enemy's healers and shooters.
Defending is easier than attacking.Reverse situation is when we want to conquer a castle. The most important will be fast charge at the gates (use juggernauts, they have many useful abilities) and possibly ASAP charging racial ability. When the gates fall, we should use juggernaut's unstoppable charge thanks to which demon will instantly break defenders line. Then we have to rush into with our units: cerberuses, maniacs and lacerators. Now enemy will have to fight on two fronts. To make it even more difficult we can summon demon gates what will finish him. If we don't have juggernauts we can use cerberuses instead but our victory won't be that marvellous.
Every hero in Might and Magic: Heroes VI can develop in two ways - tears or blood path. It depends only from our choices during game, which type of reputation hero will gain - this decision affects not only his appearance but also his special abilities, which have quite big meaning for a player. So, before we decide for any of them, we should consider it carefully.
Below you can find tables describing heroes who had chosen their destiny. Abilities are gained during hero's development of course.
Might Hero
NeutralHellfire Aura: Every time his units attack they have a chance to cause additional fire damages.
TearsHellfire Aura: Every time his units attack they have a chance to cause additional fire damages.
Irresistible Calling: The number of creatures summoned with the Gating faction/racial ability is increased.
Seal of Power: Some of the reinforcements from the Gating Faction ability stay in the hero's army after combat, up to the original size of the stack they reinforced.
Chaos Lord
Hellfire Aura: E\very time his units attack they have a chance to cause additional fire damages.
Demonic Luck: Critical hits are increased for all friendly creatures.
Mark of Chaos: The next attacks on the target will automatically be critical hits.
Magic hero
NeutralChaos magic: All spells cast by the Hero have a chance to cost less Mana.
TearsChaos magic: All spells cast by the Hero have a chance to cost less Mana.
Linked Gating: Creates a link between a stack and its gated reinforcements. A part of the damage dealt to the original stack is instead dealt to the gated stack.
Abyss Gate: Targeted stack returns to Sheogh for the turn, then comes back reinforced. The gate remains on the combat map, it has three Toughness and can be destroyed. If it is destroyed, the ally returns after combat.
Chaos magic: All spells cast by the Hero have a chance to cost less Mana.
Inferno: Five pillars of raging fire appear in the desired place, damaging all stacks in the area. At the start of each turn the pillars move in random directions damaging any stacks on the way. The pillars last for four turns.
Armageddon: All non-infernal creatures on the Combat Map are dealt damage (Fire). All obstacles and walls are dealt damage (Structural).
Heroes of all factions have some set of abilities, which they can learn during next levels. Each of them has its meaning , decides also about the way we play. Individual abilities affect not only hero's a his army abilities but also an available tactics - both on the world map and during battles.
If we decided on might hero we should focus on paragon and warfare abilities. In such way we can count on many passive effects which improve our army.
No one will stand our army.Priority for Inferno hero (besides of course enlightment) should be destiny's chosen which allows us to charge our racial ability very fast. Also such things like charizmatic leader, assailant and defender will be useful. From warfare the most worthy are counterattack, resilience, cleave, rampage, and parry. You may support them with fire spells like burning determination and inner fire.
If we chose the magic hero, our abilities will be very similar with a one difference. Instead of third level might ability we should consider taking spells from darkness magic(especially puppet master and terror) and prime magic (time stasis and haste). Thanks to such development our hero will both support army and be powerful in magic.
List of all spells and abilities you will find in main guide.
Stronghold's citizens are descendents from the civilized world. Created by the wizards from the Seven Cities during centuries they were punished and used until they regain freedom. But it isn't easy freedom: barbarians settled on the Pao islands and merciless deserts of a far east. What is worse, savages came into being as a result of wicked, magic experiments and because of that majority of them has a demon blood in their veins. Now they have to confront with their dark inheritance, the great, fear causing power.
Estranged and quarrelsome mutant warriors are looking for a general. Strength of muscles and bravery isn't all, also intellect , which will change those factors into useful weapon is needed. That's where is a place for the player: a true lord of rejected.
Commanding those hordes of savages isn't easy. For the braves looking for glory many difficult challenges wait. That's why we made this guide with which no challenge will be too demanding.
Complete solution to Haven's campaign with all its variants and storyline choices.
Detailed units description and theirs application on the battlefield.
List of buildings available in cities.
Scheme of development our castles.
Advices about heroes development.
Description of spells and abilities.
For easier use of this guide, we make things color-marked:
Blue - spells and abilities
Brown - unites
Green - buildings
Orange - items
References to the maps are marked in that way: (Mx, y), where x means number of a map, and y position on it. So sign (M3, 2) shows, that on map 3 you have to move to the place marked with number 2.
Orcs have never been happily welcomed by the humansRejected by the court and the father, young Sandor has to flee from the Gryphon Duchy. His comrades is a warrior Kraal, his father's friend. They trust will be tested soon.
Goals: find Irene
Reward: 15000 XP, Ring of Celerity (+5 to all army's initiative)
We begin on the north (M1,1). We can move only along the one path, but by the way we'll meet few orcs (join them, join them!) and hostile Haven's troops. Of course, you can go crazy, fighting with humans is a perfect source of XP.
Lot of allies at the beginning. Thanks to them we'll get our first city.When we get to the crossroads, we can search around (few items to collect) and head to the enemy's castle (M1,2). It's weakly guarded by the Haven's army so the enemy won't stand against our maulers (if we recruited them). After a short battle we seize the castle which we should convert and develop. There is also a dwelling nearby (M1,3) which will be very useful.
Task on the south......enemy on the east.When we get our city, Sandor should move south (M1,4) where he obtains Unexpected Liberator quest. Completing this will give him a support of goblins and many other unit which he will be able to recruit. Although it isn't a part of any quest, it's worth to liberate some group of slaves. Rather big troop of elementals guards centaurs and harpies (M1,5), creatures that are very important for our development. That's why we should arm properly and rescue them (during the battle focus on air elementals - they have very strong attack).
It's worth to liberate some slavesThey will be useful during the siege.When we do it, there will be a time for siege of another city (M1,6). It's also not specially protected so we'll win the battle for sure. It's enough to shot at enemy constantly and charge at his gates. After a battle don't forget about convertion.
Famous gates to the north.They'll lead us to the Marcus and Irene.If we completed Unexpected Liberator the gate to the north (M1,7) would be open. We should go there immediately, that's where Irene is imprisoned. On our way stand many not-challenging enemies and Marcus (M1,8), son of hated Gerhart. During fight with him, we have to behave very carefully: he has lot of powerful spells and rather big army. Our tactic should based on defense: shot enemies and not let them reach centaurs and goblins. There is also important to hold enemy in the middle of the battlefield with dreamwalkers and maulers. Of course our main target should be enemy's sisters and shooters, but we can't forget about others formations.
People sooner or later will accept our superiorityWhen Marcus lose, we rescue the Irene who is held in the fort on the east (M1,9) (easy battle with the garrison). When Sandor's sister is free, the quest ends and we receive mission The Great Escape.
Goals: rescue four groups of slaves
Reward: +2 to Destiny, 7500 XP, Bone Spaulders (+2 to might defence)
This quest we receives when we move south form our first city. We'll meet there a troop of preatorians guarding goblins (M1,4). When we move close to the humans we will have a choice - we can kill them (+50 blood points) or set a fire to our sawmill to scare them away (50 tears points). When we made decision, there will be nothing left to do besides liberating goblins and looking for rest groups. From now on, we can recruit goblins.
If we burn our sawmill, we'll lose it.Second group of harmed barbarians is located a little on the east, nearby entrance to the undergrounds(M1,10). Maulers are guarded by crossbowmen which should very quickly give in to our charm. When it's done, it's worth to conquer nearby Haven's city (M1,6) and go to the cave with a gold mine and warmen guardhouse.
Orcs need our help. Their underground prison has some treasures.Third slave group is on the south (M1,11): dreamwalkers and maulers are use to building city for humans. We don't have to bother about enemy's hero. On this stage of a game we should crush her. When the battle dust droop, we can collect resources and troops. Big plus is a joining of dreamwalkers which will be available in our cities from this moment.
Stop the construction!You're attacking the smaller one?The last troop of slaves is on the southern east (M1,12), it's a small goblins group guarded by griffins. Encounter with winged creatures is rather easy. They have so little HP that our maulers smash them in few blows. When we rescue ll slaves the quest ends, and the gate on the far north opens (look at: Stealth, the Orc Way).
Attention! This quest is available after finishing Stealth, the Orc Way!
Goals: reach the port and flee from the continent
Reward: 10000 XP
When we release Irene (M1,9) we'll have to run away from Gerhart and his troops. To do that, we need to reach the only one port in this region (M1,13) and sail to the island Hashima, where Sandor's sister will find an asylum. There are no doubts that Haven's armies will do everything what they can to stop us.
We don't have to conquer castles but it's a good idea.This castles are awful, anyway.To reach the port, we should go through the gate (M1,14) opened thanks to the quest Stealth, the Orc Way. Behind it we'll see enemy's city (M1,15) which is very well protected. We'll need all our forces from all castles to stand its garrison. Admittedly, conquering this castle isn't obligatory (you can run straight to the port) but only doing it we'll be able to replenish our army and do the quest Rampage. During the encounter we should sent dreamwalkers and maulers under the gates and fire at enemy's sisters and shooters with the rest of our troops. When we rush inside the walls, the slaughter begins. We have to only watch out on preatorians who increases nearby allies defence.
Orcs guitars rock.When the city is ours, we can regenerate and prepare to further expansion. At the very south, nearby the shipyard (M1,13) we can find last enemy's city(M1,16). Scheme of a siege is the same as in the previous one. When the walls fall, we only need to kill all the defenders and rise the anchor. Hashima and Pao Islands are waiting for us!
Goals: conquer all Haven's cities
Reward: 15000 XP, +2 to might attack, +100 blood points
Our goal is very simple and complete almost by the way. All enemy's cities are marked on map M2,1. Most of them we'll get during The Great Escape, Unexpected Liberator and Stealth, the Orc Way quests. Two last cities (those on the east) can be troublesome, with their numerous garrison. But if we wisely destroy gates and eliminate sisters and shooters we'll handle this.
Five castles to conquer.Convert them all!Of course we should convert all conquered cities, thanks to that we'll be able to recruit more and more troops.
Goals: reach first level of tears or blood reputation
Reward: +2 to Destiny
Mission accomplishes itself - every choice get us closer to the finish. Remember, that reputation points we gain not only in buildings (like arena or arcane library) but also thanks to quests (Rampage, Unexpected Liberator) and decisions connected with neutral armies (8 blood points for chasing, 10 tears points for letting free).
Barbarians armors show more than coverIf we don't collect enough points, we'll finish this quest in the next scenario.
1 - beginning
2 - Haven's city (Rampage)
3 - dwelling
4 - slaved goblins (Unexpected Liberator)
5 - centaurs and harpies
6 - city (Rampage)
7 - gate to the north (Unexpected Liberator, Stealth, the Orc Way)
8 - Marcus (Stealth, the Orc Way)
9 - Irene (Stealth, the Orc Way)
10 - orcs (Unexpected Liberator)
11 - dreamwalkers (Unexpected Liberator)
12 - goblins (Unexpected Liberator)
13 - shipyard (The Great Escape)
14 - gate to the east (The Great Escape)
15 - enemy's city (Rampage)
16 - enemy's city (Rampage)
X - entrance to the undergrounds
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
9 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
10 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
11 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
12 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
13 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
14 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
15 - observatory (discover nearest area)
16 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
17 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
18 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
19 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
20 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
21 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
22 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
23 - hell gate (Guarded by demons - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you
24 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
25 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
26 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
27 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
28 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
29 - Well of souls (+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.)
X - entrance to the undergrounds
Now it's time for forging your own destiny
After saving Irene, Sandor decided to move to the Pao Islands, settled by barbarians. Unfortunately, savages didn't welcome his warmly.
Goals: reach the village
Reward: 20000 XP, Centaur Bow (shooters counterattack in melee without any penalties)
We begin mission on the southern east (M3,1). We should go straight along the only one possible path (by the way eliminating neutral creatures) until we find earth elementals. After defeating them, we find ourselves on the crossroads (M3,2). We should definitely go on north where lot of treasures and enemies wait for us. After cleaning up the area, we can go back to the crossroads and move straight. After few steps we get into an ambush which can't be avoided.
Farewell with Irene was rather nervous.When we head west we get into the ambush.Quest ends with a short talk with our attacker. We receive those missions: Might Makes Right, Time for New Ways and Wild Card.
Attention! This quest is available after finishing Terra Firma!
Goals: make any of quests Might Makes Right, Time for New Ways
Reward: 50000 XP, Malathua's Cleaver (+3 to might defence)
When we obtain land on the north (M3,3) the time will come for managing it. At the beginning we have little of resources but if we seize nearby mines and collect resources our situation will improve. We should develop our castle ASAP (how it's described in the City development chapter) and then start looking for adventures.
When we reach the shipyard there'll be an ocean of possibilities.During our voyages we have to be careful. Other players will be neutral until we attack them. It gives us a big amount of maneuvers and let to attack neutral creatures and seize western forts (M3,4). But sooner or later it won't be enough, and we will have to stand on one of sides. If we choose rebellions (quest Time for New Ways) we can attack purple (M3,5). Otherwise, we should attack yellow player (mission Might Makes Right; M3,6). Important is a fact that we can't change our choice. What is more - if Sandor has already first level of reputation, only one quest will be available for him (Time for New Ways for tears and Might Makes Right for blood).
Peace time is an exploration time.Eventually we have to make a choice.When one of those quests ends, we should prepare to the final encounter. Now we should do the quest More Army thanks to which we'll be able to recruit jaguar warriors and cyclopss. When we finish arming, we can stand against enemy's leader whose castle is on the unavailable island on the north (M3,7). To reach it, we have to go through the portal M3,X2 from which enemy will attack us. After moving through it, we'll see a dense jungle. After few turns hacking through on the south we'll reach our opponent (M3,7) who has the best Stronghold's troops in army.
Enemy hid in a powerful citadel. We'll seize it thanks to our number advantage.During this battle we should look out on enemy's centaurs who for sure will hurt us. Besides that don't forget about maulers and dreamwalkers. Our response should be charge at the gates, but this time using cyclops. Those powerful beasts can crush enemy's fortification very fast as a living ram. When the gates fall, we should flow inside the walls and sink our enemy in a number of ours units. After winning this battle scenario ends.
Attention! This quest is available after finishing Terra Firma!
Goals: defeat Airini
Reward: Sandor steps on a blood path, Thunder Staff (+10% to air magic effectiveness, +5% to its cost)
If we complete this quest, Airini won't help us in the further scenario but in the quest More Army we'll be supported by the powerful cyclops Acamas. Our enemy is located on the southern west edge of a map (M3,6). To find her, we need to sail through the sea and make a landing on a rebellions' island. It isn't too difficult, because they remain neutral until we attack them.
We won't have any problems with reaching our enemy.Before we fight Airini, we should prepare our army well (look at: Wild Card). During the battle we have to be careful: enemy has the same troops as we so a number advantage is a key to the victory. Scheme of the siege is classical, we should send maulers and dreamwalkers under the gates and fire at enemies with other formations (harpies can fly over the walls). Our main trouble will be for sure opponent's maulers but we can't forget about other troops.
When Airini fall, Sharka decides to betray us. We'll fight not only with him (M3,7) but also with all tribe of Red Jaguar Warriors (M3,5).
Attention! This quest is available after finishing Terra Firma!
Goals: release rebellions and defeat Ira.
Reward: Sword of Whistlebone (deals once extra 600 damage (Air) to the target and all adjacent enemy creatures), Sandor enters the path of tears
Island of Red Jaguar Warriors is on the east (M3,5), that's where we find rebellions imprisoned by Ira (M3,8). To complete the quest, we have to free barbarians, and they are guarded by quite big troops of maulers. During the battles it's worth to keep them on distance. After every encounter we should talk to the savages - they'll join us what will replenish our loses.
Slaves aren't guarded too well.When we collect all three groups, enemy's hero will ride out from the nearby city (M3,5). During fighting with him we should play carefully, keeping him in the middle of the battlefield securing our backs by that. His most dangerous units are maulers and dreamwalkers, and on them we should focus our attack. But if we are able to reach enemy's centaurs they are our priority.
We won't it or not, we'll have to fight Ira eventually.After victory we need to conquer the city, using normal barbarian tactic (look at: Tactics on the battlefield). When the quest ends rebellions (yellow player, M3,6) joins us with all his armies and hero. Unfortunately our actions cause that cyclops Acamas won't join us in the quest More Army.
Attention! This quest is available after finishing Might Makes Right or Time for New Ways
Goals: gain support of jaguar warriors and cyclops
Reward: 30000 XP, +2 to Destiny
How gain jaguar warriors trust you can read in a Strength Only quest whereas informations about cyclops are below.
To find a leader of one-eyed we need to sail to the island of western archipelago (M3,9). There, nearby the volcanic top, we'll find Acamas, powerful, black skinned cyclops with many of his fellows. Retreat would be a flaw on our honor so we should prepare to uneasy battle.
Apparently cyclops like lava bathing.All cyclops in enemy's army obtain damages at the beginning of their turns, so we won't avoid loses in this battle. So we should move forward maulers ASAP, who will take most of blows. Of course we have to support them with healing spells to not let them die.
This is a situation we should avoid.Acamas is a very powerful heroYou could think that sending maulers against cyclops is a top of stupidity, but in fact it's well-considered tactic. Our assumption is very simple: those creatures deal the biggest damages in our army and simultaneously they will inhibit cyclops' attention from other troops. Constantly healing they should attack as first and only then to action should go harpies or dreamwalkers. It's because that ones-eyed have only one retaliation.
It's worth to join the cyclops to our army.If we made the Might Makes Right, defeated Acamas would join us as a new hero. He is very precious gift, he has many useful abilities and a huge army composed of cyclops. That's why blood path seems to be more interesting.
Attention! This quest is available after finishing Terra Firma!
Goals: defeat Ira and talk to Arana
Reward: 10000 XP, Amulet of the Jaguar (+4 to might attack),12 jaguar warriors
We obtain this quest form a leader of southern-east village, (M3,10). Our goal is to defeat Ira from Red Jaguar Warriors tribe. We'll find her on the northern-east island, inside the castle (M3,5). To go there we have to do the quest Might Makes Right or Time for New Ways, only then gates leading to an enemy will be opened.
Village's leader will welcome us with open claws.In battle with Ira we should focus on his maulers and dreamwalkers and also on centaurs. So we should heal our troops as often as possible, simultaneously fighting in the middle of the battlefield. If we command our attack wisely we will eliminate enemy's troops one after the other, what is a key to the victory.
Red Jaguar Warriors will resist for sure.The faster we eliminate them, the better.When enemy is defeated, we can go back to Arana who'll offer his help. We'll take over his village and from now on we can recruit jaguar warriors in our cities. Their support is essential for the quest More Army.
1 - beginning
2 - crossroads
3 - our first city (Terra Firma)
4 - forts (Wild Card)
5 - Ira's castle (Wild Card, Strength Only, More Army, Time for New Ways)
6 - Airini (Might Makes Right, Wild Card)
7 - Sharka (Terra Firma, More Army, Wild Card)
8 - slaves (Time for New Ways)
9 - cyclops Acamas (More Army)
10 -Arana (Strength Only, More Army)
X1 - two-direction whirlpool
X2 - two-direction portal
X3 - one-direction portal to X4
X4 - exit from X3
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
9 - Raiders Dwelling (Gives some gold for every won battle. Amount of gold depends from numbers of such structures you control.)
10 - lighthouse (increase's army morale. Hero can use it once per week. )
11 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
12 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
13 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
14 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
15 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
16 - observatory (discover nearest area)
17 - stone of enlightment (it gives the hero 2500 XP. The hero may use this item only once)
18 - lighthouse (doubles the movement points on the sea of all your heroes)
19 - Sigil of Arkath (+5 to magic defence for a week. Hero can use it once per week.)
20 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
21 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
22 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
23 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
24 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
25 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
26 - ice pearl shrine (+10 to army's initiative. Once per week)
27 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
28 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
29 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
30 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
31 - Chaos Wave (During next battle on your side appears computer controlled monster. It starts eating random enemy units (it can be interrupted by killing a beast). You can use it once per week.)
32 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
33 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
X1 - two-direction whirlpool
X2 - two-direction portal
X3 - one-direction portal to X4
X4 - exit from X3
After defeating Sharka heroes move deep into the land
Barbarous tribes are quarrelled from generations, blood flowing in streams. Sandor decided to unite those tribes under his commandership. Will he make it?
Goals: find seven veterans
Reward: 50000 XP, +2 to Destiny, Gauntlets of the Khan (+6 to might attack, +1 to units' caused damages)
Quest is easy, simple and pleasant. We need to find seven chiefs who command over this land. Theirs locations is marked on the maps below. Every time we talk with one of generals we will be able to upgrade one of our unit (e.g. we met a crusher we can upgrade maulers).
Veterans are in forts.The last one is in the undergrounds.Essential is fact of not making it to quickly. If we upgrade most of our army, the quest United We Stand will be much more difficult (we won't be able to join new troops).
Goals: defend our first city
Reward: 20000 XP
Very tiresome and tedious mission. Our task is to hold the only one city on the map which is our capitol (M5,1). Our Sanctuary enemy will attack us every few turns, getting stronger. Luckily, he can attack us from few appointed places (M5,X4) so we shouldn't have problems with preparing defence. Usually it is profitable to teleport our heroes from the city to the shore forts. Such preparation will allow us to defend easily. During battles we should focus on eliminating enemy's priestesses and shark guards but avoid Kenshi (they have unlimited retaliation, it's better to shoot them down) and spring spirits (they reflect part of dealt damage).
Capitol is well fortified from the beginning. It's enough to defend it properly.Quite big advantage is fact that our castle is fully developed so we don't have to bother about our army's size. But if it isn't enough we can support ourselves with troops from the United We Stand quest and then upgrade them (Seven Veterans). Such constructed army will surely defeat any enemies.
Goals: defeat Mukao
Reward: 30000 XP, Crag's Hack Helmet (+7 to might attack, +5 to initiative)
When we resist all attacks in the Symbol of Freedom he'll make the last one, desperate charge. Mukao's army is little stronger than those earlier but the battle won't be demanding for us. Our city is his target (M5,1) so we should concentrate all our forces inside.
Kill them all! We are perfectly prepared.During the siege we should eliminate enemy's sisters ASAP or they'll resurrect their companions. Next we need to focus on defending gates and torment him with furies (they can fly over the wall and attack without counterattack). We have be careful and watch out the spring spirits by the way - attacking them directly can be painful.
Fighting like that we'll lose lot of units against spring spirits.If we will defend good we will succeed and proceed to the last one mission.
Goals: Join 40 Stronghold's troops
Reward: 30000 XP, +2 to Leadership
Barbarian neutral units are practically located all over the map and there is much more of them than the mission requests. So collecting those troops won't be difficult at all and will takes maximum three weeks (of course if we engage both heroes).
It's worth to talk with VeteransNevertheless there is a little catch. During making quest Seven Veterans we will be able to upgrade our units. We shouldn't do that, because it'll make the quest United We Stand more difficult. That's why we should do mission in a proper sequence.
Goals: defeat or tame the sea serpent
Reward: 20000 XP, Cloak of Warding (+10 to magic defence)
This mission is tightly linked with Cup of Thunder. We obtain both missions just after going into undergrounds (M5,X) which lead to the necromancers' island (M5,X2). Dark wizards with Sandor's mother at the front will ask Sandor to help defeat Shalassa's spirit (M5,2).
Dragon is in the lake at the south of the island.How to tame serpent you can read in Cup of Thunder. Here something about aggressive way of solving this problem. When we reach Shalassa's spirit, we can attack him (blood path). Beast is rather demanding foe and we should keep him at distance, because he freezes our units with every blow. It's more problematic due to fact, that the serpent push away our army. Add to that ability of summoning water elementals, and you can see the problem.
We should behave rather defensively against that beastBesides distant attacks, we should torment the creature with abilities and units who don't cause a counterattack. Furies are ideal here but you can't forget about Enraged Cyclops and panther warriors. If all those troops supported by centaurs and goblins will cause damages in every turn, you'll win quickly.
Goals: bring the Cup of Thunder to the serpent
Reward: 20000 XP, +100 tear points, Tear of Asha
This mission is tightly linked with Mother and Son. . We obtain both missions just after going into undergrounds (M5,X) which lead to the necromancers' island (M5,X2). Dark wizards with Sandor's mother at the front will ask Sandor to help defeat Shalassa's spirit (M5,2). Elizabeth will give us a magic cup to tame the creature.
Yo buddy!To complete this quest you need to reach the serpent and give him the cup (choose the tear path during talking). At this moment the quest ends.
Attention! Localization of tribes' leaders is marked in the quest Seven Veterans!
1 - beginning (Symbol of Freedom, The last charge)
2 - Shalassa's Spirit (Cup of Thunder, Mother and Son)
X - entrance to the cave leading to the necromancers' island (Cup of Thunder, Mother and Son))
X2 - exit under the necromancers' island (Cup of Thunder, Mother and Son))
X3 - entrance to the undergrounds
X4 - exit from the whirlpool
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
9 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
10 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
11 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
12 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
13 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
14 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
15 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
16 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
17 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
18 - observatory (discover nearest area)
19 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
20 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
21 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
22 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
23 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
24 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
25 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
26 - reverie shrine (You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle)
27 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
28 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
29 - ice pearl shrine (+10 to army's initiative. Once per week)
30 - lighthouse (increase's army morale. Hero can use it once per week. )
31 - wheel of time (Hero's movement points -20%, and in the next battle hero's enemy has -10 to the initiative. Once per week.)
32 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
X - entrance to the undergrounds
X1 - exit from the whirlpool
1 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
2 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once
3 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
4 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
5 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
6 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
7 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
8 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
X - exit on the surface
Crucial moment came - will Sandor stand it?
Barbarians tribes are united. Unfortunately, savages' joy was very short because the solar eclipse has happened. Mutants have to stand against their worst enemies, deamons.
Goals: collect 500 crystal, keep the capitol
Reward: 70000 XP, +2 Leadership, +2 Destiny
This is one of the toughest missions in all game. Although our goal seems to be easy the computer will do everything to make it more difficult. Our city (M8,1) will be constantly sieged and the situation is going to be worse. It won't be easy.
Defence won't be easyWe will have many forts conqueredWe should begin from the conquering the island ASAP. There are plenty of crystals, lot of foes and, the most important, two forts (M8,2) and a demon's city (M8,3). Even conquering it won't steady the situation, because there are one way teleport on both southern and northern ends of our island (M8,X3 and M8,X5) through which enemy will try to invade us. What is worse, in random places demons' portals will be opening, so we can expect an attack every few turns. To say truth, we can close those gates paying 10 crystal for each, but it's worthless act.
Converting isn't always right - it costs many crystalsJust like closing the gates.Localization of crystal mines is marked on the map M9,6, they will be a core of our development. Of course we should expand as widest as we can, conquering another islands and collecting crystals. Unfortunately even eliminating all demons won't stop them from tormenting us through the gates.
One castle has even building to which Tear of Asha is required.Conquering it will be very tough.The best way to prevent enemy's invasions is to recruit as many heroes as you can and put them into cities (they can teleport thank to the town portals) or nearby teleports. Demons waves will be getting stronger so we should replenish our guards regularly. Otherwise enemy will break our defence and spread out on our territory.
Unconventional entrance to the undergroundsAnd equally surprising content.It's worth mentioned, that we can also buy crystals in marketplace. But even if this is not enough, we can make The Jolly Raven which provides us 30 crystal or visit the ruins (M8,4) on the north where we find 50 of them.
The more crystal we collect, the more unpredictable situation will be. At 300 big worm swallows one of ours mines and we'll have to reach it in undergrounds. What is curious, there is a huge amount of this resource. At 400 situation repeats but at 500 our capitol get destroyed what activates the final quest of this campaign: Unlimited Hunger.
Goals: defeat the abyssal worm within a week
Reward: 40000 XP
When we finished One Last Tear our capitol (M8,1) will be destroyed and huge hole appears there. We should go through it and there finally eliminate some hellish monster.
Revenge of overgrown earthwormWe have to find the worm in its lair.During the battle we have to preserve maximum of carefulness: monster can act twice a turn and has very powerful distant attack, which he can use also after moving. It's most comfortable to attack him from distance (centaurs, goblins, enraged cyclops) because direct contact affect us to the fiery blood of a monster. If it is not enough we can throw all our troops at the worm.
All in all, the encounter isn't that difficultWhen the beast dies, the scenario and all campaign ends.
Goals: find a wreck of the legendary ship
Reward: 30000 XP, 30 crystal, Logbook of the Master Sailor (+8 to movement on the sea, sailing through the whirlpools doesn't take movement points).
Localization of the wreck is totally random, the only clue can be a fact that it's located on the coast of some island. After finding it, we'll obtain our reward immediately.
It's a wreck!
1 - beginning (One Last Tear, Unlimited Hunger)
2 - Inferno's forts
3 - Inferno's cities
4 - ruins full of tears (One Last Tear)
X1 - whirlpools
X2 - one way portal to X3
X3 - exit from the portal X2
X4 - one way portal to X5
X5 - exit from the portal X4
1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
9 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
10 - reverie shrine (You get bonus +10 to initiative and +5 to might attack. Only once per battle)
11 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
12 - Water Elemental Shrine (If friendly units get damaged, they will obtain ice armor spell)
13 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
14 - pyramid (undeads guarding prisoners or treasures)
15 - observatory (discover nearest area)
16 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
17 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
18 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
19 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
20 - artifact merchant (Here you can buy and sell items)
21 - demons shrine (+5 to might power and luck for a week. You can use it once per week.)
22 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
23 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
24 - lighthouse (doubles the movement points on the sea of all your heroes)
25 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
26 - altar of destruction (In the next battle your enemy will be attacked by meteors. You can use it once per week.)
27 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
28 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
29 - lighthouse (increase's army morale. Hero can use it once per week. )
30 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
31 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
32 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
33 - galeon wreck (undeads guarding treasures)
34 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
35 - Shrine of the Seventh Dragon (Level up a hero for a sufficient payment. Hero can use it only once)
36 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
X1 - whirlpools
X2 - one way portal to X3
X3 - exit from the portal X2
X4 - one way portal to X5
X5 - exit from the portal X4
Every game in Might and Magic: Heroes VI is a unique adventure. Even if we're gonna fight only on the one map and making the same decisions, game will look different for each time. This is caused by high randomness - great part of creatures and resources is random. Also enemies behaviors vary. That's why you can't create one general rule for an expansion - there are too many factors.
Nevertheless, you can make a common scheme, which you should follow during game - both in battles and city development. About wars you can read in chapter Battlefield Tactics and about castles - below.
As in case of Inferno, Strongholds' cities requires almost equal amount of every resource. Thanks to wood and stone you'll buy basic units but more advanced are available only thanks to the crystal. Of course, on each level of development you need gold, which will be used both to recruiting units and constructing buildings. Conclusion is simple: firstly take care of sawmills and stone mines and gold mines and after that about crystal ones.
That's how looks like fully developed cityFirst turns often decide about the all scenario, that's why I have a few words to say about them. At the beginning we should build War Tent (maulers) thanks to whom we'll be able to hire cheap and strong warriors and use them to conquer mines. In the second turn we should definitely buy Town Hall which generates 1000 gold per turn.
It's highly probable that your actual troops won't be sufficient in the third turn. That's why we should strengthen army, preferably by building Dream Lodge (dreamwalkers). It's a expensive one, but its residents have lot of HP what makes them an important support. If it isn't enough, you can hire goblins (Goblin Slums) or harpies (Harpy Nest) but investment City Hall seems to be more profitable.
When we build City Hall (2000 gold per turn) and at least two recruitment constructions, the time will come for building basic fortification. It's very important to make them in the seventh day at the latest, because they increase our population. Of course there have to be some dwellings, walls alone won't play for us.
In the following turns we should focus mainly on increasing our military potential: the more dwellings we build, the better. When we have all structures for 1-2 level units, the time will come for building a capitol. It generates 4000 gold per turn, what is a powerful income. Earned in such way moneys we should spent on upgrading our walls to its highest level (increasing our population greatly).
When it's done, we can start finishing what means upgrading dwellings. In Heroes VI quantity is much more important than quality and that's why we haven't invested in expensive upgraded buildings yet.
Managing such- view consume a lot of time.When we upgrade our dwellings, we should build the most powerful: Cyclops Mounds. Creatures residing there are the most powerful Stronghold's unit who can decide about the result of the battles itself.
If in the meanwhile we conquer some city, we should invest in Town Portals which let us to move immediately from city to city. About developing further cities: we should care mostly about economical side of them (build Town Hall and then City Hall) and only after that care about the militaries. Such way will save us from bankruptcy.
Special buildings are way more useful than in other factions. Especially consider constructing Hall of Riders and Wallbreaker. First will make us richer (sometimes you can built it in the second turn), the second makes sieges easier. In the topic of simplifications: very useful to our development can be marketplace thanks to which we can not only trade resources but also it provides 500 gold per turn. On the other hand it's bad idea to invest in Hall of Heroes.
Full description of Stronghold's buildings you can find below in Buildings chapter.
Basic Fortification1
1st level city
2000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
Walls around the city, increases population.
Advanced Fortification2
2nd level city
Basic Fortification
5000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
Upgrades walls, adds moat and central tower, increases population.
Superior Fortyfication3
3rd level city
Advanced Fortification
10000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
Adds two corner towers, increases population.
500 gold per turn.
Town Hall1
1st level city
2000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
1000 gold per turn
City Hall2
2nd level city
Town Hall
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
2000 gold per turn.
3rd level city
City Hall
10000 gold
10 wood
10 stone
4000 gold per turn.
War tent1
1st level city
4 wood
Let you recruit maulers
War Pavilion1
1st level city
War tent
1500 gold
3 wood
5 stone
3 crystal
Let you recruit crushers
Goblin Slums1
1st level city
2000 gold
4 wood
6 stone
Let you recruit goblins
Goblin Shacks1
1st level city
Goblin Slums
1750 gold
2 wood
2 stone
2 crystal
Let you recruit goblin hunters
Harpy Nest1
1st level city
2500 gold
3 wood
6 stone
Let you recruit harpies
Harpy Colony1
1st level city
Harpy Nest
2500 gold
4 wood
3 crystal
Let you recruit furies
Dream Lodge1
1st level city
3000 gold
12 wood
5 crystal
Let you recruit dreamwalkers
Vision Lodge1
1st level city
Dream Lodge
3500 gold
7 wood
5 stone
8 crystal
Let you recruit dreamreavers
Centaur Camp2
2nd level city
6000 gold
8 wood
8 crystal
Let you recruit centaurs
Centaur Outpost2
2nd level city
Centaur Camp
4000 gold
10 wood
7 crystal
Let you recruit marauder centaurs
Hut of Rage2
2nd level city
4500 gold
7 wood
10 stone
5 crystal
Let you recruit jaguar warriors
Chamber of Rage2
2nd level city
Hut of Rage
3500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
7 crystal
Let you recruit panther warriors
Cyclops Mound3
3rd level city
17500 gold
30 wood
15 stone
15 crystal
Let you recruit cyclops
Cyclops Hill3
3rd level city
Cyclops Mound
12500 gold
10 wood
25 stone
25 crystal
Let you recruit enraged cyclops
Totem of Broken Skulls2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
All Stronghold's units fighting in this control zone start the battle with the first rage level. If the city is besieged the effect is half stronger. Excludes Hall of Raiders.
Hall of Raiders2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
After every won battle, hero gains 250 gold. Excludes Totem of Broken Skulls..
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
10 crystal
All units cause 1 more damage to the enemy's walls. Excludes Warpath Lodge.
Warpath Lodge3
3rd level city
5000 gold
5 wood
5 stone
10 crystal
For every battle hero gains additional movement points: +3 for first building, +2 for the second +1 for the third. Excludes Wallbreaker.
1st level city
3000 gold
2 wood
2 stone
5 crystal
You can trade resources here. The more marketplaces we have, the better prices we get. Additionally, it generates 500 gold per turn.
Upgraded Marketplace2
2nd level city
3000 gold
5 stone
5 wood
5 crystal
You can trade also artifacts now. Also, there are promotions every week.
Hall of Heroes1
1st level city
2000 gold
You can recruit heroes here
Basic Town Portal2
2nd level city
2500 gold
5 wood
5 stone
5 crystal
Lets your hero teleports to your custom city.
Advanced Town Portal3
3rd level city
Basic Town Portal
5000 gold
5 stone
5 crystal
Heroes can teleport to this city from adventure map (they gain proper spell).
Father Sky's Furor4
4th level city
Tear of Asha
15000 gold
20 wood
20 stone
20 crystal
5000 gold per turn, +50% to population. All Stronghold's units start the battle with the second rage level
MaulerTaste of Blood: attack increases about 1 every time this unit receive damages. It cumulates up to four and lasts til the end of a battle.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
130 gold
CrusherTaste of Blood: attack increases about 1 every time this unit receive damages. It cumulates up to four and lasts til the end of a battle.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Assault: when crusher attacks, he has makes a second blow after enemy's retaliation.
185 gold
Basic barbarian units are much more powerful than their equivalents in other races, maulers and crushers confirm this thesis. Lot of HP, powerful attack and nice armor, all that makes them real advance-guard of Stronghold's army. Standing in the first line warriors can stand even much more powerful enemies.
What is more, crushers makes two blows in a row. If they are properly supported by the spells and hero's abilities, they will stand almost every enemy.
GoblinCrippling Traps: creature sets a trap of one square size. If enemy stamps on it, he'll receive 2 damages (for every goblin in a troop) and four movement point to the end of a turn.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
80 gold
Goblin HunterCrippling Traps: creature sets a trap of one square size. If enemy stamps on it, he'll receive 2 damages (for every goblin in a troop) and four movement point to the end of a turn.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Sneaky Strike: Goblin Hunter cause 1,5 times more damages to immobilized targets.
115 gold
Goblins are one of the weakest units in the game. They have a little of HP, low armor and embarrassing attack. Their strength is quantity, not quality: only in huge hordes they determine a danger.
Their big advantage is ability of setting traps, thanks which they can stop enemy's charge. Although traps cause small damages, you can't underestimate them if they are set well.
HarpyStrike and Return: after attack creature goes back to its place.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
110 gold
FuryStrike and Return: after attack creature goes back to its place.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
No Retaliation: Fury always avoids retaliation.
160 gold
When harpies are just useful support for maulers the furies can change the image of a battle itself. Those winged creatures can easily hurt an enemy and go back before he can react. It's precious ability especially in critical situations, when every blow matters.
Unfortunately, barbarian's air force has one important flaw: little amount of HP. That's why we should care about their lives and protect them from enemies.
DreamwalkerSky and Earth: increases friendly's units initiative about 5 or decreases non-flying enemy initiative about 2, causing 20 earth damages. Lasts one turn.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
355 gold
DreamreaverDemonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Sky and Earth: increases all friendly units initiatives and movement points about 1 or decreases all enemies' movement points about 1. Lasts one turn.
410 gold
It's relatively cheap and quickly available unit is one of the most interesting troop in Stronghold. Besides surprisingly high HP and good armor, dreamwalkers and dreamreavers have also powerful magic attack and useful abilities. Theirs universality and high quality make that we should have them in our army ASAP.
Sky and Earth in dreamreavers version is much more useful than the basic one. That's why you should consider quick upgrade of dreamwalkers. It'll improve quality of our army but we'll lose a lot of resources. Decision is yours.
CentaurManoeuvre: when unit obtains damages, firstly it move away and only then retaliate.
Vigilant Scout: when first enemy's unit moves into a centaur's half range of shoot, creature automatically attack.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
495 gold
Marauder CentaurManoeuvre: when unit obtains damages, firstly it move away and only then retaliate.
Vigilant Scout: when first enemy's unit moves into a centaur's half range of shoot, creature automatically attack.
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Mobile Shooter: unit can fire and then move or otherwise.
625 gold
Centaurs are one of the most powerful shooters in the game. Their impressing attack with high initiative and useful abilities makes them uncomparable to others shooters. If we add their unusual manoeuvre and tendency of firing to approaching enemies, we'll see that this is one of the most important unit in Stronghold.
Marauder Centaurs additionally have Mobile Shooter ability thanks to which they are hardly reachable for enemies. Especially, if they are slowed down by dreamreavers.
Jaguar WarriorWar Fury: when this unit causes damages it becomes resistant to all mind affecting or decreasing morale effects.
Feral Charge: creature runs to enemy and attacks him without retaliation. Minimal range: 3 squares.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
415 gold
Panther WarriorWar Fury: when this unit causes damages it becomes resistant to all mind affecting or decreasing morale effects.
Feral Charge: creature runs to enemy and attacks him and all adjacent units (allies also) without retaliation. Minimal range: 3 squares.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
535 gold
Those powerful units are Stronghold's cavalry with theirs remarkable speed and mobility what makes them ideal to attack weaker troops. They can charge what causes huge damages to enemies.
But you shouldn't overestimate this creatures. Low armor and HP makes them an easy target to stronger enemies. That's why we have to care about them specially. Otherwise they'll die instantly.
CyclopSlam: causes normal damages to the chosen unit. If the enemy stands on one square it's pushed away and can't retaliate.
Sunder: 1 additional damage to all obstacles (walls too).
Impervious to Pain: unit receives damages at the beginning of its turn.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
1685 gold
1 crystal
Enraged CyclopSlam: causes normal damages to the chosen unit. If the enemy stands on one square it's pushed away and can't retaliate.
Sunder: 1 additional damage to all obstacles (walls too).
Impervious to Pain: unit receives damages at the beginning of its turn.
Demonic Lineage: offensive light spells cause additional 10% damages, it has 10% resistance to the fire magic. Healing light spells can heal this unit (if your hero casts the spell) or hurt (if enemy casts the spell).
Living creature: this unit can be healed and resurrected, insensible on necromancy effects.
Mighty Slam: causes damages to the chosen unit and all adjacents, without retaliation.
Burning Rage: if cyclop caused damages using its eye, enemies would receive additional damages (7% of cyclop's attack) in the next two turns.
2190 gold
1 crystal
Cyclops are the most powerful units in the Stronghold. Impressing resistance and HP connected with crushing attack and mighty abilities makes them an obligatory element of all barbarian's armies.
Enraged Cyclops are even stronger than their smaller brothers. First of all they have magic distance attack. It's often very surprisingly for enemies.
Barbarians made their hallmark from merciless fighting. Created to defeat demons they have many useful abilities which can be used. The most important is of course rage increasing initiative of all savages and also attack and number of retaliation on higher levels. Enraged beast from Stronghold find no one equal at the battlefield, because they're too fast and strong for anyone to stand them. That's why orcs and fellows should attack enemies ASAP.
Of course, during battles we can't forget about carefulness. Barbarians troops are very strong but not so tough. That's why the most effective tactic is to attack one, the closest enemy's unit with whole army. In such way, opposite (with usually one counterattack) will cause us minimal damages and we'll easily reach level of rage. Thanks to it the encounter will be much easier: our creatures will cause many damages before enemy will be able to react. It has to be said that the rage lasts only one turn, so it's best to charge it in one phase and use in the following one (otherwise it will be wasted).
Crushers are both basic and powerful Stronghold unit.As it was mentioned, barbarians' troops has small HP and we should care about them. It's rather difficult as they don't have any healers in army, so hero must become one. Heal spells from light and earth magic can be very helpful and sometimes even decide how the battle ends. If we want to keep our troops alive, our hero should focus on resurrecting.
During battles we should eliminate enemy's healers ASAP: they're a quality we don't have which is very helpful for an opponent. If we do it, we'll torn rest of troops apart, because our army has much better statistics.
General tactic of Stronghold's armies is very simple: let enemy approach in a range of blow and then attack him at once with all units. In this way enemy's army will fall apart under the strength of our forces. It's important to eliminate opponents one after another, the less troops at once, the better.
The biggest initiative in our army have panther warriors, they are fast enough to outrun most of enemy's formations also. But it's not always worth to charge with them at opponent's healers and shooters. Big speed means that they reach targets first so they will become an easy target to decimate and eliminate. Sometimes it's isn't worth that risk and it's better idea to wait for enemy's move.
Our shamans can stand way more powerful enemiesWhen enemy approaches at a distance in which all our forces can reach him, we'll attack. The best is to use mentioned earlier panther warriors, who can attack without retaliation. Then send crushers to the battle with their powerful attack and double blow. Both those troops we should heal as often as possible, because they're a spine of our army.
When two first formations are involved into fighting, we should sent rest of our army to battle. Dreamreavers cause quite huge magic damages and have big resistance and HP, that's why it's worth to send them against the toughest enemies (if they do not have magic resistance). Shooters, namely centaurs and goblins, should fire at the weakest opponents. Goblins can be used even earlier to setting up traps which can be used to block the strongest units in enemy's army.
Proper placing is a key to the victoriesIn case of furies, their task should be tormenting enemies, they stop retaliation what makes them perfect to that task. Whereas cyclops can make the crucial blows. Impervious to Pain makes them also very strong in defence. If we upgraded them, they'll become a perfect artillery with all qualities of the basic unit.
No one is as good as barbarians in conquering castles. Wallbreaker increases damages caused to walls and cyclops have a bonus against obstacles. Those facts makes rushing into the castle an easy task for savages. And inside their will easily smash enemies, thanks to their powerful attack and many offensive abilities.
The die has been castEvery siege we should begin with sending cyclops under the gates, which they'll break in few moments. It good idea to support them with furies who can fly over the walls and attack without retaliation. Of course just after the one-eyed it's worth to send -panther warriors and crushers. Such attack should defeat every enemy. Also centaurs and goblins will be helpful. It's also worth to take a look at dreamreavers who can increase our army initiative what will definitely help in conquering enemy's fortifications. If we don't have cyclops then shamans and maulers will replace them. Of course hero has to support his army, both thanks to passive abilities and healing/damaging spells.
Orcs are surprisingly good in defence.If we are defenders, we'll also win rather easily. The basic thing is placing centaurs in the tower, what is going to increase their attack. Next, we should pester enemy's life to which perfectly fit Sky and Earth used by dreamreavers. Rest of the troops should concentrate on defense. Put cyclops under the gates to counterattack enemies' blows (if they're upgraded they're better as a shooters) and panther warriors with crushers just behind them. If enemy stuck in the moat, it'll be a death sentence for him. It's a perfect moment to attack him with furies. Such constructed front should bring us victory if our troops will be resurrected.
Every hero in Might and Magic: Heroes VI can develop in two ways - tears or blood path. It depends only from our choices during game, which type of reputation hero will gain - this decision affects not only his appearance but also his special abilities, which have quite big meaning for a player. So, before we decide for any of them, we should consider it carefully.
Below you can find tables describing heroes who had chosen their destiny. Abilities are gained during hero's development of course.
Might hero
NeutralFirst Blood: The first time a friendly Stronghold stack is dealt damage (10%), the Might Power and Movement of all friendly Stronghold stacks are increased. Lasts two turns.
TearsFirst Blood: The first time a friendly Stronghold stack is dealt damage (10%), the Might Power and Movement of all friendly Stronghold stacks are increased. Lasts two turns.
Unfettered: All Movement, Initiative, Morale and Might Damage negative effects are dispelled for the entire army.
Might over Magic: Magical Damage on friendly creatures is decreased in proportion with the hero's Might score. Lasts two turns.
BloodFirst Blood: The first time a friendly Stronghold stack is dealt damage (10%), the Might Power and Movement of all friendly Stronghold stacks are increased. Lasts two turns.
Blood Fury: Target's Rage level is increased and lasts one more turn.
The Power of the Horde: The hero's attack deals increased damage, based on the size of his army.
Magic hero
NeutralEarth and Sky: On the first turn of combat, the Initiative (+5) and Movement (+1) of all friendly creatures are increased. The Initiative and Movement of all enemies are reduced. Enemy flyers are not affected by this ability.
Earth Shaper
TearsEarth and Sky: On the first turn of combat, the Initiative (+5) and Movement (+1) of all friendly creatures are increased. The Initiative and Movement of all enemies are reduced. Enemy flyers are not affected by this ability.
Idol of Earth: An idol appears at a chosen location. Any damage dealt to friendly stacks in the area around it is reduced about 23 %. The idol has 2 Structure Points and lasts several Turns.
Mother Earth's Blessing: All Stronghold stacks in the hero's army grow by 24% for one Turn. When the effect ends, stacks revert to their previous state, any damage suffered in the meantime is first deducted from the bonus creatures.
Storm Caller
BloodEarth and Sky: On the first turn of combat, the Initiative (+5) and Movement (+1) of all friendly creatures are increased. The Initiative and Movement of all enemies are reduced. Enemy flyers are not affected by this ability.
Idol Storms: An idol appears at a chosen location. The Initiative of friendly stacks in the area is increased. At the beginning of each turn, a Chain Lightning spell is cast on a random enemy in the area, hitting up several targets, damage halved between each jump. The idol has many Structure Points and lasts several Turns.
Father Sky's Wrath: All creatures in the enemy deployment zone suffer damage (Air) and are "Dazed" (decrease Movement and Initiative) until end of turn. Small creatures are randomly scattered away.
Heroes of all factions have some set of abilities, which they can learn during next levels. Each of them has its meaning , decides also about the way we play. Individual abilities affect not only hero's a his army abilities but also an available tactics - both on the world map and during battles.
If we chose might hero, we would firstly invest into healing spells. It's forced by not having any healers in the Stronghold army. Especially useful are spells like heal (light magic) or regeneration (earth magic).
Tactic bookmark can be useful.Later on we should focus on the paragon abilities. Traditionally the most important is enlightment. Further steps are rather easy: charismatic leadership will let us to charge racial ability faster whereas destiny's chosen makes our critical hits ore often. Next it's worth to consider such abilities like defender and assailant. From bookmark "Tactic" you can choose an ambush and battle march. When it's done, take counterstrike (all three levels are good idea). As an experiments you may invest in toughness, flawless attack, cleave and resilience: all of them should improve our army.
If we decided on magic hero then we should focus, besides enlightment, on healing spells and then combine might abilities with magic ones. Especially it's worth to consider darkness magic which concentrates on weakening enemies. Little minus is fact that shaman has no access to the prime magic what makes them rather weak sorcerers. Because of that, magic heroes should focus on might abilities.