You start the game as Lucas Kane. You've just killed a man. You don't know, what has happened. It was like a dream, like some kind of a trans.
Now you have to run away. How you do this is up to you.
You can get out of the diner immediately. You can wipe out the traces you left everywhere. You can also do a lot of things to help Lucas to feel better. But remember, the time is limited. If you see a cop walking toward the restroom, you will know you only have few seconds left.
Remove the body (+5%). Use the mop and clean the blood from the floor (+5%). Wash yourself (+5%). Hide the knife (+5%).
Walk towards the vending machine and use it. It's broken. Now hit the machine until it drops a coin. Pick it up (+5%). You can also look out of window (-5%).
Now you can leave the restroom. Go to your table and sit down. Eat (+5%) and drink something (+5%). Pay the bill. You can use the coin to play the jukebox (+5%).
Making a phone call (-5%). Walking behind the counter (-5%). Talking to a man, who is seating at one of the tables (-5%). Talking to a cop (-10%).
Now get out of the diner. Go to the subway (+10%) or take a cab (+10%).
It's time to start a routine investigation. First you're playing as Carla. Enter the diner.
Talk to the cop. Of course you can't ask all the questions, so choose what you want. Talk to the waitress and then have a little chat with other policemen.
You can help Carla to feel better, just drink some coffee (+5%). Now it's time to look at the table where Lucas was seating. Under the table you will find a book, The Tempest, by Shakespeare (+10%).
Use the phone (+5%). You can also go out of the diner through the back door and talk to the homeless guy. Trying to go back through the back door (-10%). Go near the cab, Carla will get an idea that maybe the killer took a cab (+10%).
Go back to the diner and enter the restroom. Look at the body and the mop. Go into the first toilet on the left. Look at the blood on the floor (+5%). If you didn't hide the knife in the first chapter, now it's on the floor, so go and look at it (+10%).
If the knife is hidden, switch to Tyler and go into the first toilet on the right. Flush it and you will find the knife (+10%). Now you can grub in the trashcan and look at the washbowl.
Look at the body. You can use urinal (Carla -10%). Now go out of the restroom. You can make a phone call (+5%) and drink some coffee (+5%). Have a little chat with other policemen (+5%) and look at the table where Luca was seating.
If you want you can turn the jukebox on (-5%). You can also go out of the dinner and talk to the homeless guy (-10%). Trying to go back to the diner through the back door (-10%).
Now talk to Carla and you will go out of the diner. Head back to the car and you will leave.
Lucas thought the whole thing was just a horrible nightmare but it really happened. You've got to continue as if everything is normal and go to work.
Get up and go to the living room. The phone is ringing. Pick it up. It's your brother Markus. You will suggest a meeting (+5%).
Now you have to help Lucas to feel better. In the kitchen you will find some milk (+5%). You can also drink some water (+5%). In one of the cupboard you will find a bonus (+5).
In the kitchen you will also find some alcohol (+5%) and in the bedroom on the table there is some medicine (+10%). Watch out: you can only use one of these things. If you drink alcohol and take the medicine, you will die :-)
Suddenly Lucas will a have a vision about a cop knocking on his door. It's time to hide some things.
Go to the bedroom and look at your bed. Now cover the bed with the sheets to hide the blood (+5%). Go to the living room. Near the pillar you will find some clothes which you wore last night. Pick it up and put it into the washing machine (+5%).
Use the toilet (+5%), take a shower (+5%) and open the cupboard which is over the washbowl. Use the bandages (+10).
Go to the balcony and you will see a raven. Here you will find another bonus. You can also put some music on (+5%).
If you want you can look at the picture which is on your desk (-5%) and read the newspaper which is under your door (-5%). Watching TV (-5%).
After a while a cop will knock on your door. Go an pick the key up - you will find it on the table near the kitchen. Open the door. The policeman will ask you what's going on. He wants to come in. Whatever you answer him, he will do it. But if you hide all the suspicious things, don't worry. When the cop leaves, Lucas will feel better (+10%).
If you didn't do it earlier, now it's time to get dressed and then leave the apartment.
In the park go straight ahead and you will find your brother Markus. You start a conversation (+10%). You will tell him what happened and you will ask what can you do now. Of course you can't ask all the questions, so choose what you want.
At the end of the conversation Markus will tell what you should do now. You can choose between two answers. You can CONVINCE him that his ideas are not very good or you can BREAK OFF the conversation (Lucas -10%). If you CONVINCE him, he will give you a cross. Now you can TAKE it or REFUSE. TAKE it and you will get an extra life.
After the conversation Lucas will have a vision about a child falling into the water. A bit later it will happen. Now you have a choice : you can rescue the kid or not. If you don't want to save the child, you will go back and leave the park (- 30%).
If you want to rescue the kid, run and jump into the water. Now it's time to do some clicking. Swim to the child, grab him and swim back.
When you will be on the ground again. Look at the child and try to get him breathe again. You will save him.
The cop recognizes you, but won't arrest you (+20%).
Watch out: you will die, if you stay under the water too long. If you don't make the kid to breathe again, it will be the end of the game. If you think about your choice (rescue or not) too long, the cop will see you and it will be the end of the game.
Carla enters the police station. In the corner on the right you will find a bonus (+10).
Go upstairs and go to your office. When you will be near your office, Jeffrey will stop you and ask about some money which Tyler lent from him (-5%). Garett will stop you too and say you should come to him with Tyler. Finally enter your office.
Now you can help Carla to feel better. Drink some water (+5%) and play with jojo (+5%).
Now make a phone call to Tyler.
Seat at the desk. In the drawer you will find a bonus (+5). Read your e-mails. Reading the mysterious e-mail about Kirsten (-5%)..
Now switch to Tyler. Get up and look at the mirror (+5%). Look at your girlfriend (+5%). Now you can have sex :-) (+20%).
You will automatically switch to Carla. It's a pity but you have to call Tyler again :-).
Switch to Tyler. He's not happy (-10%).
Go to the bathroom. Use the toilet (+5%) and take a shower (+5%). You will find here a bonus (+10).
Now get dressed and leave the bedroom. You can put some music on (+5%).
Now talk to Sam. She's worrying about you. You can choose one of the answers: UPSET (-10%), UNDERSTANDING (+10%), IRONIC (-10%) or TENDER (+10%).
And then you can be: CONVINCING (+10%), AGGRESSIVE (-20%), CONCILIATORY (+10%), FIRM (-20%).
After this conversation, grab your jacket. Give Sam a kiss (+10%) and leave the apartment.
You will enter the police station. Go upstairs to your office. Jeffrey will stop you. You will make him an offer he can't refuse.
Go to your office. Hang your jacket. Now you can drink some water (+5%) and play with a ball (+5%).
Finally go to Garett, Carla is there waiting for you. You will start a conversation about the case.
You have to continue to lead your life as if nothing happened.
Near the toilet you will find a bonus (+10).
Wash yourself (+5%). You can also drink some coffee (+5%).
Go to your office (it's marked on the map) and start to work. Do some clicking and you will hear what your colleague is thinking (-5%). The phone will ring. Pick it up. It's your ex-girlfriend Tiffany. She wants to take some things from your apartment. You can invite her by saying YES (+10%). Saying NO (-10%).
Do some clicking again and you will have a short vision.
You can open the drawers of your desk. In the left drawer you will find a picture (-5%). In the drawer on the right you will find an extra life.
Start to work again and you will have another vision (-20 %). After a while you will have to fix some things in one of the stations.
The station is marked on your map. Go there and start to fix it.
Suddenly you will see a bug and after that a lot of bugs. Now you have to do some clicking. Bugs will attack you, so you have to run away.
You end up on the floor and everybody will be wondering what's wrong with you (-20%).
In the morgue Carla is attending the autopsy on the body from the diner.
Here you have to do some clicking. If you managed to do it, Carla will feel better (each time +10%). If not, her mental health drops (each time -10%).
You will know some new things about the murder, the victim and the killer.
After that you will start a conversation with the doctor. You will learn something new about the case. At the end of the conversation the doctor will say that this case remind him of another case. The Kirsten case.
Kate Morisson, the waitress from the dinner comes to do an identikit picture.
Of course the similarity of an identikit picture to Lucas is up to you.
For example the picture on the left is fairly similar (50-75%) and the picture on the right is very similar (75-100%).
Lucas has just got back from work. He is going to try to relax a little before going to bed.
Use the toilet (+5%). Then use the power supply which is near the guitar, take the guitar and play some music (+10%).
Put some music on (+5%). Hit the punch bag (+10%).
Drink some milk which is in the refrigerator (+5%). In the kitchen in one of the cupboards you will find a bonus (+5).
You can also drink some alcohol (+5%) or take the pills from the table near the bed (+10%). Remember? You can only use one of these things. Drinking some alcohol + taking the medicine = the end of the game :-).
Now go to the bed and shut your eyes (+10%). After a while you will hear the door bell. It's Tiffany. Get up and open the door.
You will start a conversation. You can ask about: GLASS, NEWS or STUFF. Choose GLASS and you will give her something to drink. Go to the kitchen, take the alcohol, pour the gin into the glass and give it to Tiffany (+5%).
Now you can bring her things. One of the boxes you will find in the bedroom near the desk and the other one is the living room near the phone. Take it and give it to Tiffany.
You will continue the conversation. Now you can be: REASSURING, AGGRESSIVE (-10% and Tiffany will leave), SINCERE (+5%) or COLD.
If you chose one of the answers allowing you to continue the conversation, now you can choose: ALONE, LEAVE (-20% and Tiffany will leave), SENTIMENTAL (+5%) or KISS (-30% and Tiffany will leave).
SENTIMENTAL and ALONE are the best answers. Because after these answers Tiffany will ask you to play the guitar. Use the power supply, grab the guitar and play. After it you can KISS Tiffany or ask her to LEAVE (-20% and she will leave). So KISS, KISS, KISS - now you can :-).
And you will have... some nice moments :-) (+30%). But watch out: it isn't an animation, you have to do some clicking :-).
Something wakes you up. Go to the living room, you will see a raven. Go out of the apartment and you will see the little girl. Suddenly you wake up. It was just a vision (-20%).
You will find Markus at your parents' grave. Look at the grave and put the flower on. You will go back to your childhood.
Now you're playing as young Lucas. Markus and the other boys are playing. You don't want to play with them. They will leave you alone.
Suddenly you will have a vision about a fire in the hangar. Now it's time to do some clicking. If you managed to do it, you will see how can you get to the hangar. You have to rescue your friends and brother.
Run to the fence and climb it. Now you have to watch out for the soldiers.
Run to the other fence. Here is a ditch. Now straight ahead.
After a while you will see a hole in the fence. Go through it. Now on the right side is a soldier, on the left is another one. Wait until the truck passes by and hide behind it. When you are between the two soldiers, you can run to the hangar. Enter it.
You will tell Markus to run away. Now it's time to rescue the other boys. If you don't do that, your mental health will drop (-20%).
One of the boys you will find upstairs.
The other boy is near the fuselage. He doesn't want to run away. LIE to him, you will say that his mother is looking for him and he will run away. The next boy is hiding behind some boxes. After that you will run away. The hangar will blow up. Rescuing all the boys will help you to feel better (+10%). This is the end of the memory.
Now Markus gives you the address of someone who will help you.
Before this chapter you can choose who do you want to be: Carla or Tyler. But it has no influence on the outcome of the game. Whenever you want to, you can switch the character.
Carla met up with Tyler in the gym. They need to clear their mind and think about something else. You have to warm them up. How you do this is up to you.
For example Carla can hit the punch bag and climb the line. Two things will do to warm her up (+10%).
Carla can also drink some water (+5%). Near the ring you will find a bonus (+10).
Tyler can do some push-ups, weight exercises or train with one of these muscle-building machines. Two things will do to warm him up (+10%). He can drink some water too (+5%).
Switch to the person who you want to play as. Go to the ring to start the fight. Winning the fight (+20), losing it (-10).
Before this chapter you can choose who do you want to be: Carla or Tyler. But it has no influence on the outcome of the game.
Carla, Tyler and Captain Jones are having a conversation about the investigation.
Carla is going to the archives of the police station. She wants to find the Kirsten file. Near the stairs you will find a bonus (+10). Turn on the light and open the door to the archives. Go inside. Carla has a claustrophobia. Now you have to press the left arrow key and the right arrow key alternately to make Carla breathe. Keep the pointer in the middle of the gauge to make Carla stay calm. Watch out: if you don't make Carla stay calm, her mental health will drop (-10%).
Enter the archives, you will notice that the cupboards is blocking the path. Walk toward the cupboard with the hand wheel. Use it. Now you can pass by. In the next line use the hand wheel at the cupboard on the left and then do the same thing with the cupboard on the right.
You will enter a room with a computer. Now you have to switch the power supply. Turn to the left.
Pass by the first line and in the second line use the hand wheel of the cupboard on the right and then the same thing on the left. The path to the power supply is now free. Use it and go back to the computer. Now it's time to find the files.
Turn to the right and use the hand wheel of the first cupboard on the left (1980-85). Go to the second line and move the cupboard on the left. Go back to the computer. Once again move the first cupboard on the left (1980-85). Now go to the first cupboard on the right . Move it and go to the second line. Use the hand wheel of the first cupboard on the right. That's it. On the right you will find Kirsten files.
Go back to the computer and look at the files (+20%). You will get the name of the officer who was in charge of the investigation at the time. He's name is Robert Mitchell.
Tyler has to show the Shakespeare book to a specialist on old books. On this floor you will find a bonus (+20).
Now go downstairs and walk behind the stairs. You will find a cupboard with magnifier. Look at the book. On one of the pages you will find an inscription.
Put the book back. Something will fall off it. It's a piece of paper. Taka it. (+20%).
Now go to the specialist. Talk to him but he won't be helpful. In this part you can do some clicking to hear Tyler's thoughts.
Head to the exit and the man will stop you. He will help you, if you help him. You have to find the book. First go to the cupboard with the magnifier. Look at the book. Now you know the name of the author (De Grottola). Go upstairs, walk to the table and look at the book. De Gruttola 1796.
Now go downstairs and look at the book near the specialist. Books from 1700-1800 are on the third floor and the names A-E are marked with white color. Go on the third floor and take the book
Give it to the specialist. Now you start the short conversation. After that you can leave the shop.
Tyler and Jeffrey will play one-to-one basketball tournament. The winner will take 200$.
First you can WARM UP or MAKE FUN (+5%) of Jeffrey.
If you lose, your mental health will drop (-20%). If you win, you will feel better (+20%).
Carla wants to question Sergeant Mitchell about the Kirsten case. You will find him at the end of the lane. First you have to practise with him. Carla wants to question Sergeant Mitchell about the Kirsten case. You will find him at the end of the lane. First you have to practise with him.
Take the gun and shoot. Do your best and Carla will feel better (+10%). Now it's time to start a conversation. Of course you can't ask all the questions, so choose what you want. You will find out that the murder took place in a public place, no apparent motives and the victim was stabbed three times in the heart.
Now it's time to shoot the targets again. Do your best and Carla will feel better (+10%). After that you can continue the conversation. Mitchell will advice you to drop this case.
You are going to meet Agatha. Go straight ahead. On the right you will notice a homeless guy.
On the left you will find Agatha's house. Ring the bell but there will be no answer. So enter the house. On the right there is a door to the kitchen. Go and you will find a bonus (+5).
Now go straight ahead and you will enter the living room. Go to the next room. It's a bedroom and Agatha is there. Talk to her and she will ask you to push her to the room with birds. But first enter the bathroom, here you will find a bonus (+20).
Now push Agatha to the room. You will continue the conversation. After a while Agatha will ask you to feed the birds. In one of the drawers you will find some seed, take it and feed the birds. Then talk to Agatha.
Now she wants you to push her to the living room. Do it. She will ask you to find some candles, turn off the light and curtain the windows. The candles are in a cupboard. The matches you will find in the kitchen.
Put three candles in the chandeliers. Turn the light off, the switch is near the door, curtain the windows and seat near Agatha.
Now it's time to do some clicking and you will find out what happened in the diner. If you don't do the clicking, your mental health will drop (-5%) and if you lose too many times, it will drop -20%.
After that you will feel better (+20%) and Agatha will ask you to come back to her the next day.
Lucas enters his home. The phone is ringing. Pick it up. You will hear the familiar voice of the mysterious man.
Suddenly a very strong wind begins to blow. Watch out: here you have to do lots of clicking and it's not easy. Your furniture and all of your stuff will attack you. You have to avoid these attacks.
Finally you will fall down from the balcony. You can't do anything about that.
Now you're playing as Markus. You have to rescue Lucas.
Run to the door of Lucas' apartment. Ring the bell. There will be no answer. Force the door.
Now run to the balcony. Save Lucas (Lucas +10%).
Carla is taking a shower. The phone will ring. Pick it up. It's Tyler. He will send you a fax. In the bathroom you will find a bonus (+10).
Now you can help Carla to feel better. Go to the bed (+10%). Use the toilet (+5%). In the kitchen you will find some pizza (+5%). Watching TV (+5%).
Suddenly somebody will ring to your door. Get dressed and open the door.
It's your neighbour Tommy (+5%). He brought some wine. Go to the kitchen and take the glasses. Go back to Tommy. You will start drinking (+5%). You can ask Tommy about his life (TOMMY) or his WORK. After that Tommy will ask you the same questions. Talking about your life and work won't help you to feel better (-5%).
Tommy will show some tarot cards. Now you have to choose the cards. Whatever you choose the foretoken will be the same and your mental health will drop (-5%, -5%, -10%, -10%).
After that Tommy will go back to his apartment.
Now you can switch to Tyler. He is tired (-20%).
You can help him to feel better. Drink some water (+5%). Play with a ball (+5%). You can also go out of the office and drink some coffee (+5%).
Go to the Carla's desk and pick the newspaper up. This is it! The bookmark was printed in a bank (+10%). Call Carla and send her a fax (+5%).
Now switch to Carla. Take the fax and go to Tommy. He will tell you that on the paper are watermarks with ID code of the bank. Call to Tyler (+20%).
Now switch to Tyler and seat at your desk. Turn the light on. Take the bookmark and look at it in the light. You will see the code of the bank. You will call Carla. She will say that it's time to go to the bank. Tyler will ask if you want him to go with you. If you say YES, Tyler will talk to Lucas. If choose NO, Carla will do it.
Depending on your choice in the previous chapter, now to Lucas will come Carla or Tyler but the outcome of the game is the same.
Lucas came back to work. Suddenly he will have vision about a cop. Now if you want you can hide the Shakespeare book and the piece of paper which is on your desk. In the drawer on the right you will find a bonus (+10).
Tyler (Carla) will enter the office. He wants to ask you some questions. During this chapter you have to do some clicking. And if you managed to do it, you will hear Tyler's thoughts. And that will help you to answer his questions.
Watch out: only three times the clicking won't help you. When you see a bug or bugs don't do the clicking. If you do that, Lucas will act so weird that it will be the end of the game.
During the conversation you have to be polite and helpful, saying the truth is sometimes the best way.
After a while Lucas wants to go to the bathroom. Now you're playing as Tyler. It's time to pick some thing up. Take the pen (+5%), the book (+5%) and the piece of paper (+5%) - of course if you didn't hide it previously.
Lucas will come back and Tyler will thank him for the conversation.
Tyler enters his apartment. Today he and Sam have an anniversary of their first meeting. In the refrigerator you will find a bottle of champagne. Take it and pour it into the glasses.
Sam will open the door. Wooow! :-) Now she wants to dance. Put some music on and dance with her. You have to do some clicking.
After the dance it's time to do something else :-) (+30%).
Now you're playing as Carla. She's working. All you have to do now is fit all the pieces of the puzzle together.
You can help Carla to feel better. Drink some water (+5%). Play the jojo (+5%). Go out of the office and drink some coffee (+5%).
After a while Carla will be tired (-20%).
The phone will ring, pick it up. It's Garett. He will send you an e-mail and a fax.
It's time to fit all pieces of the puzzle together. This part of the game depends on what you did in the game previously. Some things may work or not.
For example, you can link the two Shakespeare books, the list of fingerprints and the pen, the identikit picture and the photo of Lucas, the piece of paper from Lucas' desk and the bookmark.
Suddenly Martin will come in. He wants to tell you that he saw the killer but didn't arrest him.
So now you can also go to the Martin and show him a photo of Lucas. That's it. Lucas Kane is the restaurant killer (+20%). You will call Tyler. He will pick up the phone and leave his apartment. His girlfriend will be furious (Tyler -20%).
Lucas is going to Agatha again. Enter the house. Go to the living room. Agatha is dead and someone called the police. Run to the bedroom, you will find a bonus (+10).
Now look at the body of Agatha's (-30%). You have to find a message from her. Run to the room with the birds. In one of the cages you will find something but the cage is locked. Run to the kitchen. Grab the knife and use it on the cage. Take the message. It's a newspaper from year 1928 (+10%). Now get to the balcony and run away.
This chapter you can treat as a rest, because here you don't have to do anything, just watch. Lucas has a vision. He sees a laundromat. Someone opens the door. You hear the familiar voice of the mysterious man. You see next murders and the little girl.
Carla and Tyler are going to frame Lucas (Carla +30).
You're playing as Carla. Walk to the door of Lucas' apartment. Open the door.
The apartment looks like a psychopath lives there, pentagrams and candles all over the place.
Go to the bathroom and to the bedroom. Lucas' apartment is empty (Carla -20).
Now you're playing as Lucas. You are going back home. You have a vision of cops. You will try to turn back. Too late. The cops are behind you.
You have to run away. Watch out: you have to do some clicking. Lucas will manage to escape from five police officers.
Then he will stop dozens of cars, fly with a copter.
And finally he will disappear :-).
Before this chapter you can choose who do you want to be: Carla or Tyler. But it has no influence on the outcome of the game. During the conversation with Captain Jones, you can choose Tyler or Carla to answer his questions. The mental health of Carla or Tyler will drop (-5%).
Captain Jones is furious. Nothing happened the way it supposed to. Lucas managed to escape. Who would think that he is a superman :-)?
Carla and Tyler start another investigation. Walk toward the laundromat. Carla will tell Tyler to go inside and she will talk to Garett.
Now go to the laundromat.
Look at the first victim and look at his wrist (+5%).
Near the first body you can look at the blood on the floor.
Now go to the second victim and look at her. Near the door you can look at the blood on the floor (+5%) and at a case with some tools (+5%).
Now switch to Tyler.
In the door you will see a key. Go to the first body (+5%).
Walk toward the second victim, look at her (+5%) and the phone (+5%).
Find a bonus (+10) and talk to Carla. Now you can go out of the laundromat.
You're sleeping in the church. Wake up and get up.
You will notice Agatha. You start a conversation and Agatha will explain something. Of course you can't ask all the question, so choose what you want.
Suddenly you will be attacked by two statues. It's time to do some clicking and run away.
After that Markus will wake you up. You will tell him what you know.
Lucas wants to hide at Tiffany's place. Walk straight ahead, then turn to the right and straight ahead. Lucas will have a vision about the cops. You have to get to Tiffany's place another way. Look at the homeless guy (-5%).
Go back and on the left you will notice a fence. Climb the fence and then another one.
On the left you will see a raven (-5%). The cops are here too. Watch them and wait until they're not looking at your direction. Now run to the other side.
Climb the pipe. Watch out: each fall will drop your mental health (-10%). Now you have to walk over the shelf. You have to do some clicking to avoid the fall. You will get to another pipe. Go down (falling -10%)). Now climb the fence.
You will notice the window to Tiffany's apartment. You can't open it by force (-5%). Take the brick and use it on the window. Now open the window and go inside.
You are in the bedroom. Do the clicking and you will have a vision about Tyler looking under the bed. It's time to help Lucas feel better. Go to the bed (+10%).
In the bathroom you will find an extra life. In the kitchen eat some sandwich (+5%) and drink some milk (+5%).
In the cupboard you will find a bonus (+5) and some food (+5%).
Watching TV (+5%). Listening to the message on the phone (-20%).
Tiffany will show up. And after that the police will knock on the door. Now you have to hide (+10%).
You can hide in the closet or under the table. You can go out through the window or hide in the closet in the bedroom. Don't hide under the bed and in the bathroom, because Tyler will find you.
When Tyler will go inside, you have to do some clicking. If you don't do it, first time Lucas mental health will drop (-10%) and the second time Tyler will hear you and it will be the end of the game. When Tyler leaves the apartment, you will feel better (+10%).
Carla wants to meet Janos - the killer. You will enter the Bellevue asylum (+10%).
Janos' cell is in the second corridor on the right. Near the cell a doctor is waiting for you. Enter the cell. You can look at the drawings on the wall and then seat down.
You will start a conversation. Of course you can't ask all the questions, so choose what you want. Whatever you say, Janos will talk to you and you will feel better (+10%).
After the conversation go out of the cell. Suddenly the power supply gets cut off (Carla -20%). Now you have to do some clicking to control Carla's breath. Go straight ahead and after a while turn to the right and then straight ahead. When you see a psychopath, stop, don't move until he will pass you by. Suddenly the light will be turned on. Now run to the glass doors. Barney will let you in and you will be safe.
You're going to the museum to meet professor Kuriakin. You had to lie that you're a journalist to get to the professor.
In one of the corners you will find a bonus. Now talk to professor. In this part of the game you can do some clicking and you will hear the professor's thoughts. First you can choose one of the answers: FREELANCE, INVENT, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC or NY TIMES.
After that you can joke (JOKING) of his question or avoid (AVOIDING) it.
Watch out: if you pick NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and then you will AVOID professor's question, at the end of the conversation he won't help you and you will have to run away.
Continue the conversation. Of course you can't ask all the question, so choose what you want.
At the end of the conversation the professor will ask you who you really are. You can LIE or tell him the TRUTH. If you LIE, you will have to run away through the fire door.
If you say the TRUTH you can continue the conversation. Now you will ask him for help. You can choose: TRUST, SHOW FOREARMS or VISIONS. If you pick the TRUST, you will have to run away. Pick the other two answers and professor will help you (+20%). Go after him.
Now you are at the parking (with or without the professor). Suddenly the cars will attack you. You have to do some clicking and run away.
If professor is with you, run to him and he will tell you the last words (-20%).
You wake up in the jungle. The clan man is walking around you. You can ask him two questions and then the black beast will attack you. You have to run away (of course do the clicking). Suddenly the beast will disappear. Agatha will show up. She will tell you that you have to find the child before the clan does.
Lucas has a vision. You have to do some clicking. You will see the clan man talking to the others. They will say that the clan has to get the child before Lucas does.
Lucas wakes up in a hotel. He will have a vision. The Oracle will attack Markus. You have to warn him.
In the meantime Carla and Tyler are in the hotel and want to frame Lucas (Carla +30%). They will find him in the room 369.
Switch to Lucas and call Markus.
Now you're playing as Markus. You can choose to pick up the TELEPHONE or TALK. If you choose TALK, you will die and Lucas mental health will drop (-60%).
Choose the TELEPHONE and now run to the door. Open it and pick up the phone. Now back to Lucas. Markus will ask what is going on, say him that you have NO TIME to explain.
Back to Markus. Now lock the door and pick up the phone. Lucas will advice you to call the cops (Lucas +30%).
Now you can switch to Carla. Walk toward the room 369 and force the door. Oh, sorry, wrong number :-))). It was the room 366.
Walk toward the room 369 and open the door by force. The room is empty (Carla -30%).
Lucas will go back to his room (+20%). The phone will ring. Pick it up. Tiffany was kidnapped (-20%).
The Oracle has kidnapped Tiffany. You have to rescue her.
Go straight ahead, turn left. You will see a homeless person. Go straight ahead. You will find a bonus (+20%). Now it's time to get to the rollercoaster.
Enter the cabin and use the switch. Now enter the train. You will go up.
Get off the train. You have to get somehow to Tifany.
You have to use the left and right arrow keys to keep the marker in the center and maintain Lucas' balance.
Free Tiffany (+20%). The clan man will show up and you will fall down.
Here you have to do some clicking. You see the man, who is talking to other clan members. They think Lucas is dead.
Lucas wants to go to the secret hangar. Get up and wake up Markus. Get out through the window.
You have to get past the watchtower and the patrols. Follow the path that's on your map.
Pass the first watchtower and wait until the patrol doesn't look at your direction. Continue your way. Lucas will notice a soldier. Now go back to the car and hide behind it. The soldier will pass you by. Now you can continue your way.
Lucas will notice another soldier. Go back, find a rock (the place is marked on the map). Lucas will throw the rock and the soldier will turn around. You can continue your way. Now you're playing as Lucas. Follow the path that's on you map. Then you will automatically switch to Markus. Go to the place where Lucas is waiting. Together again, continue your way. You will see another soldier.
Now Markus will say that he will distract the soldier. Go to the place which is marked on the map. Kick the barrel. Now you're playing as Lucas. Climb the pole.
Watch out for the lights. Go down and run to the hangar. Open the doors and go inside. Now to the lift and... you will see nothing :-).
Lucas called Carla and suggested a meeting. Follow the path until you see a grave with some flowers. Look at it. It's Tiffany's grave. Lucas will show up.
You begin a conversation. You can choose one of the answers: TRUSTING (+5%) or WARY (-10%).
During this conversation you have to do some clicking. If you manage to do that, you will hear Carla's thoughts.
Of course you can't ask all the questions, so choose what you want.
Finally Carla decides to help Lucas (Carla +20%, Lucas +10%).
Lucas has a vision. He sees the little girl. You have to do some clicking to find out where she is.
Before this chapter you can choose who do you want to be: Carla or Tyler. But it has no influence on the outcome of the game.
Carla is talking to Tyler. He thinks Carla knows something about Lucas Kane and doesn't want to tell him. You can ADMIT (+10%) or LIE (-10%).
Suddenly Sam will show up. Now you're playing as a Tyler. Go and talk to her. She wants you to quit the job and leave for Florida with her. You can LEAVE (+20%) or STAY (-85%).
Whatever you do, Tyler will say goodbye to Carla.
The Indigo Child is in the orphanage. You have to find her before the Oracle does. Enter the orphanage. You will ignore a nun and get to a hall.
In the second room on the left you will find a bonus (+10%). Now run to the last room on the left. There you will find the girl. Pick her up (+10%).
The clan man will show up. Run through the fire door.
Now its' time to do lots of clicking. You have to fight with the clan man.
After that you will pick the girl up and run away.
You will hide in a squat. Agatha will be there. But after one question you will know that it's not the real Agatha.
You will be asked to give the child away. You can ACCEPT it (-10%) or REFUSE (+10%). Now you have to protect yourself from the attacks of the AI.
Finally you will run away, together with Carla.
Carla and you are following a bum in a subway station. On your way you will find a bonus (+20).
You will see Markus (+10%) and then you will be invited to seat by the fire. Do it and you will start a conversation with Bogart. He will tell you everything about the child and the two clans.
After the conversation Lucas will go to relax.
Now you're playing as Carla. You can help her to feel better and warm her up by the fire (+10%). In one of the trains you will find an extra life.
At the end of the tunnel you will find a radio but it's not working. In the third train you will find a torch. Take the batteries from it. Near the first train you will find an antenna. Use these things on the radio and listen to it (-5%).
Now go to the first train where Lucas is resting. Lie down on bed and you will start a conversation and then... you will relax :-) (Carla +20%, Lucas +10%).
Get up and leave the room through the door. Walk toward the other door. Listen to your parents' conversation... Oh, now it's clear why do you have these super powers.
You arrived to the old army base in Wishita where is the Chroma source.
Now it's time to do some clicking and get to the hangar. Open the door and go to the lift. You will enter a room with the Chroma source.
There are many ways to finish this chapter.
If you didn't give the child to the purple clan in the previous chapter, here is what you can do.
The orange clan will show up. Time to do lots of clicking. You will start to fight. When you win, the purple clan will appear. Another fight.
If you win, pick the child up and put her on the artifact. This is it. You will see epilogue nr 1.
If you lose with the orange clan and you didn't want it, you can switch to Carla, get to the hangar and open its door. Now pick a stick up and hit the clan member. Now take his gun and you will shoot the orange man. Then Lucas can fight with the purple clan.
The way to epilogue nr 2.
First win the fight with the orange clan and then lose with the purple clan. You will see epilogue nr 2.
The way to epilogue nr 3.
Lose the fight with the orange clan and you will see epilogue nr 3.
If you gave the child to the purple clan in the previous chapter, here is what you can do.
First you will have to fight with the purple clan. When you win the fight, go and pick the child up. Suddenly you will hear Carla's voice. The orange man got her and now he is blackmailing you. You can GIVE him the little girl, then you will see epilogue nr 3. Or you can REFUSE and you will start to fight. If you win, epilogue nr 1 is waiting for you.
The way to epilogue nr 2.
Lose the fight with purple clan. Then the orange clan will show up and start to fight with the purple one. And you in a trance will put the child on the chroma source. The purple clan wins and you will see epilogue nr 2.
If you lose with the purple clan and you didn't want it, you can switch to Carla and get to the hangar. Now run to Lucas, Carla will try to wake him up of the trance. Meanwhile the purple clan will win with the orange one. Lucas will wake up and you can fight the AI once again.
After the end of the game, you will get an extra bonus (+200), just be patient.
Epilogue 1
Lucas is seating on a grassland. Everything went back to normal. They're together with Carla. She's expecting a baby.
Epilogue 2
The purple clan won. The whole world slipped into a new ice age. Lucas and Carla are together and she's expecting a child.
Epilogue 3
Although the orange clan won, everything went back to normal. Lucas and Carla are together. She's expecting a baby.