The below, unofficial guide provides a complete walkthrough of Deponia, a game created by Daedalic Entertainment. This game is a classic, point&click adventurer, which requires clear facts and situations, in which his character will find himself. In addition to the description of location of items needed to finish the game and their interactions with other objects and NPCs, you'll find here also solutions to mini-games encountered in the game.
Movement in the game world, as well as interaction with items and NPCs, requires only mouse. A mouse cursor looks like two gears with and arrow. An action in the bigger gear (mostly conversation or picking up the item) is done with LMB and an action in a smaller gear (mostly examining of the object) is done with RMB. At the beginning you can also choose a way to open the inventory. There are two possibilities - a classic approach with the button in the bottom right corner, or the modern approach - with the mouse scroll.
You go to the main menu with ESC key, and the SPACEBAR shows all interactive points in current location. There is also BONUS menu in the main menu, where you can find all cut-scenes unlocked so far.
NPCs you encounter in the game world sometimes have valuable information and answers on your questions, so it is worth to talk to everyone. Fortunately the game plot is not dependant on dialog options you select, so there is no problem if you do not talk to them at all.
Color marking in this guide:
Maciej "Elrond" Myrcha
Once you start the game, you'll find yourself in a short tutorial, where you learn how to interact with non playable characters, inventory and items found in visited locations. Your task is to fix the junk press visible in the middle of the screen.
Pick up Yin in front of Rufus. Open the inventory and notice, that I addition to just found item, you also have Yan. Combine both items, obtaining Spare Part. Close the inventory and use the spare part on Inconspicuous Slot. Now press the Button visible on the left. Rufus will be ... pressed.
Rufus's only dream is to leave this junk place and get to Elysium. He got already many tries in order to fulfill his dream, but failed each time. This time his new plan is perfect - at least theoretically. Your task is to pack the suitcase for your journey. But first you have to find a list of needed items, which is lost somewhere here.
Open the Suitcase lying on the bed, finding the List. You have to collect Pair of Socks, Toothbrush, Provisions and Bolt Cutter.
Take a look at the Cushion on the bed. Pick it up and you'll find a Green Sock under it. Look at Old Escape Plans and at the Trunk on the right. You'll learn that your father left you some time ago, leaving him just this trunk. Rufus doesn't open it, not to have yet another disappointment. Take an Oil Can and the Torch from a cabinet under the window. Go To the Living Area.
Take a Chafing Chit on Bathroom Door. Try to pick up Toothbrush on the sink. Unfortunately it is alive and will escape to the Dark Corner. You'll fail trying to get it out from there.
Open Bathroom Door. Inside you'll find a Plunger - pick it up.
Open the Locker Door) on the left. Inside you'll find a Bolt Cutter and Detergent. Look at First Aid Kit next to the door to the other room and try to open it. You'll learn that the room belongs to Toni, Rufus's ex-girlfriend and in the first aid kit you could find her tranquilizer.
Try to open Door of Toni's Room and Get inside. Rufus will jump back in the last moment - he has been almost guillotined! Take a Severe Slip on the guillotine. Go down to the kitchen.
Take another three notes (Malicious Memo, Bitching-Post-it, and Nagging Note) on the Sink, Fridge Door and Sofa, accordingly. Take a look at the Sink and then press the green button. "Water" will flow into the Port. Pick up the Pot with Water and a Fork (Notice - if you've picked the pot before filling it with water, it is not a problem. Use the pot on the sink and Rufus will automatically do proper actions).
Open the Fridge Door, finding a Yellow Sock inside. Approach the Coat on the right and rummage inside. Rufus will find the Blue Sock. Go to the right of the sink and use the Plunger on the Closet there. Rufus will pull out a plank, finding a Mouse Hole. Try to search inside, getting a Mouse Trap.
Move to the Oven in the bottom right corner. Open it and put inside A bunch of Notes. Put the Pot with Water on the Hotplate and then fire up papers using the Torch. Add Detergent to the pot and throw the Blue Sock and the Yellow Sock inside. Since the pot is hot, use the Fork. What's interesting, one of socks changed color (Green Sock) and the other one ... disappeared. You'll find Pair o' Socks in the inventory.
Take a look at sofa - there are some food leftovers but you need some container to collect them. Use the Can o'used Oil on the Sink, spilling oil there. Now use the Empty Can on Crumbs on the Sofa, obtaining Provisions as result.
The only thing left is toothbrush. Use Provisions on the Mouse Trap and put the Trap with Bait inside the Dark Corner. Rufus will catch the Toothbrush.
Return to your room and put inside the Suitcase all obtained items: Bolt Cutter, Toothbrush, Pair o' Socks and Provisions. Unfortunately you have to leave something. Luckily you do not have to make any choice, because the only thing you can leave is Bolt Cutter. Click its symbol on the list and Rufus will close the suitcase.
Rufus is almost ready for the journey. Listen to the conversation with already met Wenzel, learning about previous, failed tries to escape Deponia. Rufus is sure about his new plan and he promise Wenzel, that after his departure, Wenzel can take his stuff left at home. Time to move on. Talk to Wenzel (optional) and you'll learn about plan's details.
Pick up Wrench on the left on the harpoon. Go to Toni's house.
Go down and use the door next to the coat. You'll find Hannek there. Talk to him (optional) to learn some interesting things. Take a look at Mailbox - Rufus will say that it is saddle-shaped. Use the Wrench to dismount the Mailbox. Return to Toni's house and go to the location with the pod and the harpoon.
Move to the pod and open the Door of Pod. Use the Wrench to dismount the Seat. Take the Mailbox from the inventory and mount it on the Base Plate. Open the Storage Space at the bottom of the pod and take out the Battery. Put there the Suitcase. Now take the battery and place it inside the Mailbox. The pod is ready and now you have to calibrate the harpoon (Notice - this option is not available until you prepare the pod).
Prepare for first mini-game. By using the lever on the left, you have to move the sight at the place with two white-red signs on the sky highway. There is the problem though, because two positions of the lever are not available. A button on the right resets the game and on the top right you can find two options: a lower one (with an arrow) is used to leave the mini-game, and the upper one skips the game, thus completing it. One of possible solutions of this mini-game can be found below (and on the above screen:
After calibrating the harpoon, Rufus will meet unexpected quest - his ex-girlfriend, Toni. During the conversation, she will give him a letter, but Rufus has no time to read it. After the conversation, use the Hand Torch to fire up the Fuse next to the harpoon. Rufus will run to the pod, where he will read a letter waiting for the take-off. This is official letter apologizing for delay of screws delivery. Watch how the pod falls apart and Rufus flies in the sky.
You're in kind of difficult situation - tied in chains and with head down, on the Organons' cruiser. Click twice on the Chain and Rufus will get up. Then enter the Chute. You'll find yourself on the outer part of the ship.
Notice that also your Suitcase has survived the trip. Open it and take out Provisions and Socks. Take a look at three Hatches at the bottom of containers. The right one is dirty and Rufus doesn't want to play with it. In the middle one you can see some Cogwheels and the left one can lead inside the ship. But Rufus can hurt himself, trying to open it with bare hands.
Open the inventory and use Provisions on the middle hatch. A hatch over it will open and a Maintenance Arm will appear. It starts to clear the wheels out off wasabi nuts. Take a look at the open, metal part and put Pair o' Socks in it. The hatch starts to close but it won't be able to do it because of socks. Now open the Hatch with Sock and take the Maintenance Arm. Use the Robot Arm to cut the left Hatch. After that you'll see a nice girl named Goal and group of soldiers, who threaten her. Rufus would like to be a hero ... So get In the Hatch and you'll find yourself in the control room on the left. Use the left or the middle Lever and watch the cut-scene.
Unfortunately yet another Rufus's plan failed. You're again on the Deponia, in front of the village. There is nothing interesting in the current location, so go to the village center (#1). At the top right you'll see the Town Hall with many people in front of it. Since it is something unusual, go inside to take a closer look (#2).
Inside you'll meet Lotti, the mayor's receptionist and 3 applicants (Lobo, Gonzo and Micek). Talk to them (optional) and you'll learn more about Goal. She's unconscious and can be found in assembly hall. These guys are waiting for mayor who will decide where Goal will stay at. Despite all tries, Rufus has to wait in a line, so move to the machine to the left and pull the Lever and take a Waiting Number - 66. Take a look at the table next to the exit and take Magnets. Now go to the assembly hall (post office is closed and you have to wait to see mayor).
You'll find there Goal and Gizmo who takes care of her. You'll fail with waking her up, but Gizmo mentions that a strong coffee might help. Talk to Gizmo (optional) to learn that he got stimulants in his room. Leave the scene and take a look at the Doorknob at the closed door. Press it and look inside the cabinet. Inside you'll find a Cardboard Box with Balloons - take them.
Return to the Town Hall and go the village. Enter the alley visible in the middle of the village. In the central part of new location you'll see an entrance to Lonzo's Bar. Get inside and talk to Lonzo. Use all dialog options until you get a chance to ask him about something stronger (Is there something on your menu that can give someone a real boost? - if you've already found Goal). After a moment Lonzo will show you pra-mother of all espresso machines. He will also give you a recipe with all ingredients needed to make a very strong coffee. You need:
Pick up Red Curtain from the floor, take a Sign from the pole next to bar and take the Dart out of dartboard. Talk to Lonzo again (optional) and ask him about ingredients you're looking for. According to him, the black powder is something different than one used in firearms and stimulant can be probably found in Gizmo's room. As for water, Lonzo is not very helpful - maybe Wenzel knows more on this subject. Hannek can also have some information.
Leave the bar. You'll hear some sound and see that closed door to the right is now open. It leads to Gizmo's room but first talk to Hannek. During the conversation you'll learn that he and other junk miners have a break because someone has stolen magnets needed to mark detonation places on the table next to the exit. He will tell you also that he got many car keys found among junk. At the end Hannek will suggest that energy-rich water is probably battery acid. After the conversation, go to the emergency station (to the right).
As you probably remember, Gizmo acts as a fireman, doctor or policeman, depending on situation, and this location act as three rooms too. A Lever to the left help to transform the station into doctor's room, police station or fire service station. Move to the right and take a look at the cabinet next to the bed pillow. Take a Dentist's Drill and a Dissecting Scalpel. Take a look at the container with Laughing Gas and then use it with one of Balloons obtaining Balloon filled with laughing Gas. Try to open Doctor's Cabinet in the hole in the large wheel - unfortunately it is closed.
Pull the Lever down, transforming the room into police station. Look at Handcuffs over the lever but they are too high to reach them. Again take a look at the hole in the large wheel. This time you can see there a Police Box. Pull it out and Foot Fetters will fall down. Take closer look at the police cell - there is a Lock Pick on the bench, but how can you get it?
Pull the Lever down again, obtaining fire service station. Notice that the floor has moved to the right and it could be attached to the pole somehow. Take Asbestos Gloves from stand and again look at the hole in the large wheel - there is Fire Extinguisher inside. Take it out and place Foot Fetters (from the floor) inside the Fire Fighter's Cabinet.
Pull the Lever up, obtaining the police station. Handcuffs will fall down. Again use the lever, pulling it down.
Use Handcuffs on the Hatch (right side of the floor), attaching it to the pole. Once again pull the Lever, pulling it up (middle position). A room will transform into police station but notice the slide in the floor - you can get inside using it!
Leave the location and go to the village. Go through the village gate and use the slide to get into emergency station.
Take the Lock Pick on the bench and use it to open the Cell Grating.
Pull the Lever up, obtaining the doctor's room. Use the Lock Pick to open the Doctor's Cabinet in the large wheel. Inside you'll find Syringe (take it) and Stimulant (will be taken automatically).
Go to the village center and head to Toni's house. Use Asbestos Gloves to pick up Chili Pepper next to the house door.
Get inside the house and go out to the backyard. Pick up Funnel to the left of lower ramp. After that pick up the Torch and the Dud next to the harpoon base. Cut the Dud with Dissector's Scalpel, receiving Black Powder. Return to the village.
Go inside Toni's shop (to right). After a moment Rufus will try to talk to his ex-girlfriend, making her mad. Ask about Vouchers lying on the left. You'll learn that they can be used in the post office to get merchandise delivered. Mention about closed First Aid Kit in Toni's house. Take a look at jar with Hooks and try to take one. Rufus will be hurt but will also get Key of First Aid Kit.
Now go to the Grinder under the window. Put inside it Black Powder, Chili Pepper and Stimulant. Use the Crank and take Coffee Powder out of the Grinder. One main ingredient is found - time to find another one - water.
Leave Toni's shop and look at Wenzel's house chimney (to the left). It is secured with some kind of lid - maybe because Rufus used it as a target for his spitting practice. Enter Wenzel's home.
Two friends will have a conversation. It turns out that Wenzel managed to open the trunk in Rufus's house and found Divining Rod inside. Legend says that Rufus's father used it to find a water vein, on which Kuvaq is built. Ask Wenzel about missing ingredients (optional). There might be several bottles of pure water hidden in the Town Hall and bull's blood should be very revitalizing. After all, he doesn't want to give you the rod back.
Go to the bathroom (up). Take the Sponge on the cabinet to the left and then open the Furnace. Open your inventory and combine Hook and Balloon with laughing Gas. Now place the Balloon with Hook inside the Furnace. The balloon will fly up, opening the lid which was closing the chimney.
Return to Wenzel and go into the basement. Take a look at the Pipe realizing that it is placed under the shower. Use the Dentist's Drill to drill some holes.
Return to the living room and then go outside. Head to the water reservoir on the left. Kick the Pipe which will circle around the tank and stop over the Wenzel's house chimney. Pull the Tap of Reservoir and watch the disaster.
Go inside Wenzel's house. Wenzel is in the basement - Rufus will go there automatically. Unfortunately, instead of your triumph, you'll have to face another failure. There is a wheel of pure water in Wenzel's basement, which means that he will be rich now! After a while Wenzel will go to mayor to tell him about the discovery. Take the Divining Rod on the left and look at well trying to get some water, but Rufus refuses to do this.
Leave the Wenzel's house and to the Town Hall. Lotti will tell you that mayor has a conversation with Wenzel right now and next people to see mayor have numbers from 63 to 65. You have to get rid of them somehow. Look at their hats (#1) - as they said, roofer has no work and started making hats. Return to the village and notice that some of houses look very similar to hats of guys in the Town Hall (#2).
Go to the alley. I you do not remember the detonation procedure, talk to Hannek. Use Magnets on the Detonation Plan and place them as on the above screen (hats of guys in the Town Hall look like those houses with magnets on them). Close the plan and use the bell on the left to make a Blast Signal.
Go back to the Town Hall. If everything went according to the plan, it will be empty (guys wanted to see if the houses are OK). You can notice a Waiting Number (63) on the ground - pick it up. Wenzel will leave the mayor's office. He's sure that he's the one who will take care about Goal. During your argument Lotti will call for number 63. Go to see mayor.
At the beginning the office is empty but after a while a drawer will be opened - mayor sleeps inside. Talk to him and you'll learn that Rufus's father was using special device to control planet's magnetic field, so he could sleep better. The only disadvantage was that post pigeons was disoriented. And it turns out that Wenzel will take care of Goal.
After the conversation look around the office. Hit the Bell on the desk - the drawer will appear again but this time it is empty. Pick up the Cushion in the drawer and you'll see Planet's Magnetic Field - take it.
Now look closer at the Globe. There is a Glass hidden inside - take it. What's more, there is a mysterious lock inside. Notice the Water Emblem on the desk - Rufus thinks it is familiar. Take a Divining Rod and stick it into emblem.
Hidden drawer will appear from the desk. Inside you'll find a Key to the Cupboard. Use Key of Booze Cabinet it on the globe's lock.
A part of wall will move aside, showing the hidden cabinet. Take a bottle of Booze out of it.
Leave the Town Hall and go to the Toni's house. Stick the Sponge into Pot with boiling water. Go up to the living area and open the First Aid Kit with Key of First Aid Kit. Take Tranquilizer from the inside.
Return to the village center and go in front of the gate. Use the Wet Sponge on car's Windshield. Rufus will notice that there are many pink objects inside and there is also a pirouetting puppet. Driver's name is Sugarpuff.
As you remember, Hannek collects car keys. So go to the Alley and talk with him about car keys. When he asks you about your name - say Sugarpuff. Your favorite color is Pink and special hobby - Ballet. After that you'll obtain Key of Truck.
Go to the front gate of the village. Open the Truck Door with the Key of Truck obtained from Hannek. There is a Lever inside. Pull it to open the Hood. Under the hood you'll find a Battery. Use the Dentist's Drill to make a hole in it. Take some Acid into a Glass.
Time for a bull's blood. Problem is that the bull is not mad at all. But there is a solution. Hang the Sign (with cow) on the Bulletin Board. The bull will get interested in it, but it is not enough. So hang then Red Curtain on the Bulletin Board. The bull will get crazy so take a Syringe and use it on the Bull. Rufus will jump on the bull and will be kicked in the air after a moment, but he will get what he wants. Combine Syringe with Taurine, Glass of Energy-rich Water and Booze. As a result you'll obtain Energy-rich, revitalizing and clear Water.
You have all ingredients needed to make an espresso.
Return to the village and go to the alley. Enter Lonzo's bar and approach the machine. Pour Energy-rich, revitalizing and clear Water into Filler Cap/Tank to the right and then place Coffee Powder in Closed/Refill Tray in front of the machine. After a moment process of making coffee starts. It ends with beautiful explosion.
Leave the bar and go to the Town Hall. Go to the assembly hall, where Goal rests. You'll find there Gizmo, Wenzel and mayor. Try to give Goal an espresso. Unfortunately Gizmo won't let you do this, so you have to think up something. Leave the stage and take a look at the cabinet, where Rufus took balloons from. Do not make any fire ... so use the Torch to fire up Cardboard Box.
Gizmo will notice the fire, transform into fireman and go to fight the fire. Rufus will return to Goal. Notice a Stethoscope on the stand and take it (Notice - you can also take the Microphone, but it must be done before taking a Stethoscope). After dealing with the fire Gizmo returns to the stage, transforms into doctor and notices lack of his stethoscope.
Suspecting theft, he transforms into policeman - quickly place a stethoscope in mayor's pants and you'll witness a funny situation. Take advantage of the fact that mayor and Gizmo have argument and try to wake up Goal.
Place a Funnel in her mouth and then pour it with Espresso. Goal will wake up but this will be very painful awakening ... for Rufus.
After the cut-scene Rufus will find himself in the emergency station. Goal rests on the bed but she does not speak with any sense. She seems to understand a word "Elysium" and asks Rufus to find a man named Cletus, who turns out to be her fianc. Rufus promises to find him.
Fill one of Balloons with Laughing Gas and go to the alley.
Look at Parrot and try to talk to it. Hannek will tell you, that the parrot repeats everything it hears from his wife. Use the Balloon filled with laughing Gas on the parrot. The bird is useless now so Rufus can take it. In the inventory use Espresso on Stunned Parrot - it works! Leave the alley and go to the Town Hall. Talk to Lotti (optional) to learn, that you can have an outgoing radio call only from the post office which is closed right now.
Go to the assembly hall. There is mayor sleeping on the stage - approach him. Pick up Funnel from the ground and take a Microphone from a stand (if you haven't picked it up earlier). Take a look at mayor and you'll notice a Clock on his chest - take it with you.
Leave the assembly hall and place Mayor's Clock into Opening Hours hole next to Lotti. The Post Office is open.
Leave the Town Hall and head to Toni's shop but do not enter inside. Combine Tranquilizer and Dart. After that, put the Prepared Dart into the Funnel obtaining Blow Pipe. Notice that the shop's window is open, so use the pipe on it and shoot Toni.
Effects are quick - Toni calms down. Get inside the shop and take Vouchers from the left side of the counter. Rufus will try to make some jokes of his ex-girlfriend but she suddenly gets better. Return to the shop after the while and put the Parrot on the Pole next to the door. After a short conversation Toni will throw Rufus out of the shop. Get inside again and take the parrot back - it had enough.
Leave the shop and go to the Town Hall. Since the post office is open now, get inside. Talk to the post robot. You'll learn that there is no radio in the village which could be used to contact Cletus. Only the post office has two such devices. One is on the roof and another is in the vault (at the bottom of the screen). Plus there are three local lines in Kuvaq, operated by the operator on the roof. One of them is in the mayor's office, another one at the Town Hall's secretary and the third one is the communication system which connects the village with emergency station. Eventually ask robot about his hobbies - does he do anything for fun? You'll learn that he likes to play with bubble wrap but it can be done only when has to put a small merchandise in a large package.
Open two Hatches visible on the right - there are cats inside. You can give post robot vouchers (optional) to see how the system works. Orange-yellow cat moves the assembly line and the white one places stamps on packages. You can use tranquilizer and espresso on each cat to slow it down/to speed it up accordingly. Packages are transported by pigeons from the rooftop. So give orange-yellow cat Tranquilizer and the white one - Espresso. As a result you should see a package, which can be carried only by the pigeon from the largest hole.
Go up, to the operator's platform. Talk to the telephone operator. Unfortunately he doesn't allow you to use his radio, nor take his headphones. You'll learn that he heard a message from Cletus. He will also tell you about pigeons' dependency on the magnetic field. Look at Cupboard under pigeons. Put inside the Planet's Magnetic Field and then click the Cabinet again.
Prepare for another mini-game. As you probably remember, a package which can be sent with vouchers you have, is lightweight, but since you "upgraded" cats, it will be packed in the bubble wrap. So you have to play with pigeons now. Notice that column in the device are connected with appropriate pigeons' houses and the number of turned on lights in the column corresponds to appropriate pigeon (one light - the lightest pigeon, three lights - the heaviest pigeon). Your task is to replace the lightest pigeon with the heaviest one. Assuming that the initial state of the board is same as on the screen below, press button in this order (you can only press turned on button in middle of four circles):
Notice that pigeons react on your actions and change places. If you've done everything according to above hints, there should be a smallest pigeon in the largest house. Go down to the post office.
Time for the final action. Give Vouchers to the Postbot. Cats will do their job, creating the third level package - the heaviest one. Since the vouchers are only for the lightest package, the robot will add a bubble wrap. The package should be carried by the pigeon from the largest pigeon house, but since you exchange pigeons, the smallest one will be sent. As you might expect, he won't handle it and will fall down. After that you can see the Bubble Wrap on the floor (to the right). Step on it 3 times. Nervous robot will ask you to leave. Enter the post office again. Robot play with the bubble wrap and you can try to enter the vault.
But first take a look at Replacement Cat's Hatch to the left from the counter. There are replacement cats inside. Open the hatch and take Replacement Cat. Notice the not on the vault door - take it.
Place the Note on the board with numbers to the right. Holes in the note should show entire number on the board. Someone has noted a vault code on the note. Take the first digit from the first number, third digit from the second number and so on. The code is 3-6-4-9. Click on the Clock Face on the vault door and enter the code.
Rufus will enter the vault. Pick up the Nodding Bird and look at the radio. You need microphone and headphones. You should already have a microphone (taken from the assembly hall) and headphones can be found at the radio operator. Leave the post office.
Go to the mayor's office. Place one of Two Replacement Cats on the Teletypewriter next to the door. Now place the Nodding Bird on the Communicator on the desk. You've just blocked two local lines. There is one left - communication system in the village.
Leave the mayor's office and go to the village center. Notice the Emergency Phone in the center of the location, next to the Toni's house entrance. Use it and have a short conversation with Gizmo. You need something to keep him busy ... Put the Parrot one the Emergency Phone - the third line is blocked!
Return to the Town Hall and go to the post office. Go up to the operator's platform and notice Headphones lying on the table. Take the item.
Go down and enter the Vault with Radio. Plug in Headphones and Microphone. Now you can use the Radio.
After a while you'll contact Cletus. Talk to him until you get to the point - he will take you to Elysium and you'll bring Goal to the agreed place - Upper Ascension Station.
Leave the post office and go to the village center. Enter the alley and go to the emergency station. Notice that Goal lies under the Bed Sheet. Pick it up, discovering that there is no one there! This is a trap set up by Gizmo who accuses Rufus of all possible crimes.
At some point during your conversation, Organons' soldiers enter the room, asking about Goal. Gizmo tells them that she is at Wenzel.
You have to break out of jail and find Goal! Free the Cat on the Tree. Cat will meow loudly so Gizmo will transform into fireman.
In the same time the cell will transform into fire brigade station, so Rufus will have no problem with escaping.
You'll find yourself at the village gate. Get to the village center and the go to Wenzel's house. Rufus will start asking about Goal and will open shower door. Inside you'll see ... Toni! What a surprise. It turns out that Wenzel sent Goal to the basement.
You can't see Goal anywhere, but open the Cupboard in the center. Goal will fall down but Rufus will place her in cart.
Wenzel is again visited, this time by Organons. The traitor tells that Goal is in the basement. There is no time - block the Basement Door with the Divining Rod. Soldier will break the door and you'll see another cut-scene. Rufus will flee with Goal, reaching the junk mine.
Rufus and unconscious Goal are near the junk mine, but there is mine cart missing, so Goal can't be transported any further. A bridge leading to the mine cart stand collapsed so you have to find another way to move Goal. There is a Crane nearby. Try to start it with the Crane Lever. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Check the Maintenance Box only to find Defective Fuse inside. Go to the tunnel visible in a distance.
Notice that there is a lever missing in the Shunting Lever Box to the left. Now examine the mine cart. Unfortunately you can't start it now, but you can examine more carefully its Headlight obtaining Halogen Lamp. You can dig in Junk Heap, but there is nothing interesting there. Go to the right reaching the viaduct.
Notice the skeleton there, hanging on the semaphore. He got a Key on his chest, but it is too high for Rufus. Examine Skeleton and pull off Leg of Skeleton. Take a look at Maintenance Hatch near the semaphore - unfortunately it is closed. Take a Mirror from the post on the right and then open the Signaling Light Base. Take a Signaling Lamp and replace it with the Halogen Lamp. Talk to a strange man named Doc. Use all dialog options. Doc will give you Avial Power Inverter, needed to fix the mine cart. Try to go to the outer turn - unfortunately there is too dark inside.
Try to mount Avial Power Inverter in the Mine Cart. You failed - the device will "jump" into Junk Heap. Dig in there. You'll find spare part which can be used to create 3 such devices! Prepare for yet another mini-game.
Using hints which Doc gave you, combine spare parts with corpuses:
As a result you should have in your inventory Avial, Dorsal and Bi-Nausal Power Inverters. Put one of them into the Mine Cart and then Set Off your vehicle. During the driving Rufus will notice a lever on the ground in a new location.
After a while you'll be back in the tunnel but with some Switch above the cart. Press it to move up.
Pick up red Cloth on the left. Look at the Key Box - unfortunately it is closed. Try to press a green Button next to the mine cart (you have to be in the cart) - you'll get information that the cart is not heavy enough to move any further. Go the tunnel.
Switch the red Lever to turn on lights in the mine and then press the Button next to the lever. A passage down will open. Use it and go to the viaduct.
Notice that the semaphore with the skeleton is lower now - take the Key. Signal lights are also on. Approach Doc and drink his Booze. He will be angry and Rufus will tell him that he got herpes. Use the Cloth to clear the bottle of Booze, obtaining Cloth with Alcohol. Now clear the Dirty Mirror with the Cloth with Alcohol.
Hang the Polished Mirror on the Skeleton. It should reflect the lamp light but it hangs to low. Return to the tunnel.
Go to the control center upstairs. Open the Key Box using the Key of Trackman and take the Wrench out of it. Return to the tunnel and go to the viaduct.
Use the Wrench on the Maintenance Hatch next to the semaphore to open it. Take a Fuse out of it and then place one of Power Inverters inside.
A semaphore's arm will raise and the mirror will reflect lamp light. The outer run is now available - go there.
In the new location pick up the Lever and a Bottle on the ground. Go back to the viaduct and head to the tunnel.
Put the Lever into the Shunting Lever Box. Go to the control center upstairs.
Get into the mine cart and set off. After a while you'll find yourself again at the bottom level. Leave the cart and pull the Shunting Lever. The cart will be moved to the other truck - get in it and set off.
Go to the crane and put the Fuse into Maintenance Box. Try to pull the Crane Lever - it works! But unfortunately Goal slips down the crane.
Return to Dock and ask him how can man calm down a little (Doc, I am too fidgety). Doc will show you his way to get rid of stress - it is meditation. You have to put a leg behind your head and then look at Horizon. Your perception gets higher.
Now you have to focus on letters visible in a distance and tell the world, who you are. Doc looks at the blue R to the right, then the bleu I a bit higher. Next, he moves his sight to the left, on the green V and then focuses on the blues E a bit lower. Doc is calmed down and shouts the he is a RIVER - so the last letter is again the bleu R to the right. After that booze is needed. So the only thing you need is booze.
Try to get some Booze into the Empty Bottle - Doc will forbid it! So you have to think up something ... Ask him about meditation again and in the moment, when he got his leg behind the head, use the Booze again. Go to the tunnel and head to Goal.
Go to the crane. Get the Leg of Skeleton from the inventory and place it behind the Seat. Now focus on Horizon. Following Doc's hints, look for the solution - it is PUPUP. Rufus will drink some booze after that. Now use the Crane Lever and place Goal on the mine cart. Get inside and set off. Inside the tunnel set off again. After ride use the Switch to get upstairs.
This time the mine cart is heavy enough and Rufus can use switches to create the proper route. Your task is to get to the bottom right corner of the map (you start in top left corner) (#1). Levers change track transmission in a given color and Switches change the color of points P1 and P2 (once you drive over them, the track transmissions in the same color are switched) (#2).
One of the correct solutions is shown on the above screen (yellow and green lever down, red lever up, left switch on green, right switch on red). If everything is set correctly, Rufus will confirm it with proper sentence: Now we're really going places! You can set off.
Watch the funny cut-scene after which Rufus and Goal will reach Lower Ascension Station.
You find yourself in a strange candy store. Move to the Chewing Gum Dispenser (on the left) and press the red button. The machine will produce a Chewing Gum. Get it and use it in the inventory obtaining the Chewed Gum. Examine the Shelf to the left of the large machine and move it. Plug it in - Cotton Candy Machine works now. Move to the right, to the Anchovy Machine and press the button. You'll receive Anchovies on a Stick. Open the inventory and eat it, obtaining the Stick. Move to the cotton candy machine. A Lever to the left is responsible for the type of cotton candy - move it to Phosphor. Use the Stick on the machine obtaining Phosphor Cotton Candy (Notice - if you have used the stick on another type of the cotton candy, it is not a problem. Just eat it and try again). Go to the left - to the lobby. Head to the tower. Unfortunately there is nothing interesting to do here right now, but notice the Barrel with Water in the bottom right corner. Return to the lobby.
Go to the concourse. Pick up Mosaic Stone from the ground.
Continue to the right until you see a Dirty Mosaic Table. Bit later you'll find Pebbles on the ground - take one. Use the Phosphor Cotton Candy on the Lamp - you'll obtain Glowing Phosphor Cotton Candy. You can put in the Hatch under the left mosaic to see what it shows.
Go to the right reaching the elevator. Take a look at Clock over the elevator and Control next to it. Rufus will try to put his name as a password but with no success. Examine the Utility Cabinet on the right. Take Soap, Mop and Bucket out of it. Return to the lobby (you can light up the mosaic here too and head to the tower.
Use the Bucket to take some green water from Barrel with Water obtaining Bucket with Water. Put inside it Soap and a Mop getting Mop with Soapy Water.
Return to the Dirty Mosaic Table and use Mop with Soapy Water to clear it. After that action Mop with Soapy Water will break down to Mop Handle and Mop - pick it up. Put the Phosphor Cotton Candy into a Niche under the mosaic and examine it carefully. Rufus will notice that there is a password to the elevator written down on the mosaic but that piece is missing. Use the Chewed Gum on the Mosaic Stone and try to place Mosaic Stone with Chewing Gum into mosaic. Prepare for another mini-game.
Arrange pieces of mosaic as shown on the above screen. It turns out that the last piece doesn't fit at all. Try to push it hard (three times). Unfortunately the mosaic will break down into pieces.
Try to pick up Mosaic Stones but Rufus will manage to take only Chewed Gum. Notice, that there is Fuse Box hidden behind mosaic. Open it and get a Torch Light. Try to press Fuse Switch - Rufus will manage to reset the elevator password!
Go to the elevator. Put the Mop into Oil Tank Lid, getting Greasy Mop. Use the Controls to enter a new password. The elevator will take you to the upper platform. Rufus will see Organons' Cruiser approaching the Station. Is Cletus collaborating with them?
Examine the Lifeboat - you need special codes to open it. Move to the Lever next to the Flag Pole and pull it. Take the Flag. Look at the railing and take the Embellishment. Use the elevator and go to the concourse.
You'll see Cletus talking with Argus, Organons' commander. Special codes to the lifeboat are stored in Goal's implant and that's why they want to get her. Rufus will hide himself automatically when Cletus goes to the elevator - look how they are similar ... The way to Goal is blocked by Argus - think up something! Combine the Chewed Gum with the Embellishment, obtaining the Slingshot. Now use the Pebble as ammo and you'll get Slingshot with Pebble. Shoot the Lamp.
Room gets shrouded in darkness. Theoretically you could move forwards, but Argus can spot Rufus. So combine the Mop Handle with the Embellishment, obtaining Hook. Use the Hook to pick up the Lampshade on the ground.
Time for dress-up. Combine the Flag with the Lampshade. Add the Greasy Mop, obtaining Improvised Cletus Costume. Put it on and try to pass by Argus. The soldier will be fooled but he wants Goal's cartridge with codes.
Go to the elevator and head to the platform. Talk to Cletus using all dialog options - agree to keep your word and give him Goal. Mention though, that Argus won't let you further without a cartridge. After initial refusal, Cletus will give you device, when you mention that Goal is unconscious and this is the only way to wake her up.
Return to the concourse, put on Cletus costume and tell Argus that you have cartridge with you. After the conversation go to the lobby where Rufus will automatically take off Cletus costume. Go to the candy shop, where you left Goal. But the problem is that she's gone!
Look around closely - someone has done quite a mess here. Notice the Puddle of Phosphor on the ground. Go to the Anchovy Machine and take one more Anchovies on a Stick. Put it into a Puddle of Phosphor, obtaining Bait. Use the Torch Light on the Puddle of Phosphor - there is a Trace! Move to the lobby.
Use the Torch Light on the Part of Phosphor Trace and follow it. In the center of the room execute the same action - trace leads to the tower.
Once again use Torch Light on the Phosphor Trace, noticing that it leads to the fence on the right. Go behind the tower.
Examine the Stack of Needles and dig in it - you'll find a Straw. Use the Hook to open the Grating and go inside the cable chute.
Unfortunately, the further way is blocked by junk. Notice the whale - he looks hungry. Use the Torch Light on the Bait in your inventory, obtaining Glowing Bait. Hang it on the Hook. The whale will charge the chute, clearing your way. Go to the wrecked cable boat and get inside.
You'll see there unconscious Goal, lying on the couch. There is also an old friend of yours, Doc, and a strange guy, captain Bozo, who owns the ship.
Doc will agree to take a look at Goal's Implant. Take it out from Goal's head and Rufus will automatically give it to Doc. After a while it turns out, that implant's pins are dusty. You have to clear it somehow.
Pick up Duster from a drawer under the stairs (Bozo will warn Rufus that it is not so clean, he used it to clean oil tank). Take also a Key from the ground next to the sofa. Leave the cabin.
Take a look at the Chest under the lamp and open it using the Bozo's Key. Inside you'll find Steel Brush and Degreaser. These are not best tools to clean implant, but you have nothing better. Take a look at the Cartridge in the inventory and prepare for a mini-game.
There are the interactive parts in the cartridge - Contact Pins, Chip and Reading Head. Your task is to make all these parts dusty, greasy and corroded, so you can use the Steel Brush at the end.
Now use the Steel Brush on all parts to clean the cartridge.
And the implant looks like new - with some additions ;)
Go back inside the ship and talk to Doc. After the conversation put the cleared chip into Goal's head. She will wake up and talk with you, almost without problems. Use all dialog options, informing her about Cletus's and Organism's' plans. Time for a super plan (the choice doesn't matter, Goal will convince Rufus to get to the platform in Cletus's costume). Leave the boat and return to the tower.
It turns out that Organons are looking for you, blocking the way inside. Notice the crane on the other side - maybe it can be used? Get the Straw from the inventory and get into Pool of green water. After that, get inside the junk pile through the Trunk.
Move to the Left Window and use the Crank on the left to open the French Door. Go there and take the Fork lying nearby. Put out the hand through the Pipe next to the Horn and put the Fork inside. Now use the Horn to shoot with the Fork. Canopy Top is open now, so use it to move further.
Notice, that when you go twice over the Platypus Soft Toy, soldiers start to look around the location and the further way becomes available. So go to the left, moving over the toy. Get the toy and return to the right. Now place the toy under the Board and go to the left again. Soldier will start looking around and Rufus can move forwards. Go to the crane and use the Crane Lever.
Rufus and Goal will go inside. Rufus will put on Cletus costume again. Another conversation with Argus will take place, during which Rufus will send Goal to the platform.
After the conversation Rufus will go to the platform to encounter arguing Goal and Cletus. Talk to Cletus (yet again dialog options do not matter) but eventually leave them ale. Move to the Cletus Bag near the lifeboat and find Cletus's Rags there - put it on.
Once you look like Cletus, talk to the arguing pair (Squabblers). Repeat Cletus's sentences (Don't make me laugh), pissing him off and making him to show you his birth mark. Such situation happens once - pull Cletus's Speedos and hang them on a Flag Pole.
Unfortunately, everything goes wrong when Goal learns about true Rufus's intentions. You do not have a choice - get the Goal's implant out of her head (#1). After a moment Argus shows up, who seems to be glad of this situation (#2). In his opinion Rufus should go to the Elysium as a Cletus, because he won't betray Organons' plans.
You see Rufus-Cletus and Goal in their way to Elysium. Goal doesn't remember anything from Deponia - you've uploaded her personality from the backup cartridge. Goal will notice that something bothers Rufus. Choose middle dialog options. As a result you'll be back on the platform with angry Goal. She definitely wants her correct implant back! But Organons' have it now.
Use the elevator and go to the concourse. Wait until soldiers go away. Approach the Cartridge and return to the elevator. What a surprise - Cletus has freed himself and got a gun! After the conversation Argus shows up. Use all dialog options - Rufus will agree to give back the implant.
In the next scene Cletus tries to convince Goal that Deponia is uninhabited so it can be destroyed. After few moments they go back to Elysium. And Rufus's future is not so bright - Organons' soldiers wants to kill him. Plus he failed to throw out the cartridge!
Turn to the Ramp and then grab the Handle of the flying device. Rufus and Prime Controller will fall down from the tower.
In the last cut-scene Bozo asks Rufus, if Deponia is safe. But this is not anymore in his hands ...