The Assassin's Creed: Unity strategy guide is a comprehensive source of knowledge about the newest part of the series about the conflict between Assassins and Templars. This richly illustrated guide contains a complete walkthrough of the main storyline, as well as advice on side quests. The guide has been divided into two parts. The walkthrough part contains a complete, detailed description of all twelve sequences of the main story It also includes advice on exploring the city, combat, earning money, resources, skills, and equipment. It contains the description of some new or improved elements of the game. It's good for anyone who wants to learn to use all the basic gameplay mechanics. The maps and secrets contains advice on side quests - treasure chests, crowd events, Cafe Theatre, Nostradamus Enigmas, artifacts and Paris Stories. It also includes maps with locations of all side activities. In Assassin's Creed: Unity you'll play as Arno Dorian, a French assassin who lives during the French Revolution. His task is to discover and stop a conspiracy that involves members of Parisian Templar Order.
Lukasz "Salantor" Pilarski (
Pay attention to the screen and the map. All objectives, side quests and enemies are marked in both of those places. If you don't know what to do or you're simply lost, look around or enter the map. You'll definitely find all the info you need.
Synchronize viewpoints. They will help you discover a lot of Parisian secrets and make fast travel possible. You'll save a lot of time that you would otherwise spend on traveling.
Explore the surroundings. Chests, cockades and many more activities will appear on the map when you come close. The game will also highlight them with a beam of light. Some multiplayer missions are an exception, they tend to appear and disappear.
Save money.Unlike the older games, you won't have much money for quite a while in Unity. Main sequences don't give you livres, weapons and clothes are really expensive and you'll spend most of your savings on ammo and medicine. Play sensibly, don't attack large groups of enemies and don't take unnecessary risks. Missions and Cafe Theatre investments will give you enough money, but in the beginning, you should save what you have.
Spend creed points. You can spend them to upgrade your equipmeny. You get so much of them so often, that it's pointless to save them. The most expensive equipment is the only exception because you need thousands of creed points to buy it.
Fight sensibly.You can easily defeat four enemies at a time. More of them can be a challenge, while fighting against more than eight means that you're in serious trouble. The enemies can attack one after another, they won't wait until you kill their companions. They can shoot and attack you with swords, therefore they are quite a challenge. Especially in the further parts of the game, when their stats increase. When a group of high-level enemies attack you, you won't be able to block all their attacks or avoid their shots. Bombs won't instantly kill them, you also won't have enough medicine and ammo. So when you know you're going to fight a large group, try to throw poison bombs, shoot them with your gun or phantom blade, or use firecrackers and stab enemies who turn your back on you. Then you'll fight against weakened enemies. You can also lure small groups of enemies. It's easier to fight three groups of three enemies than one of nine.
Don't be afraid to fight. In theory, you should be able to complete most missions undetected. In practice, you can complete all of them with combat. The enemies don't always see and hear each other. You can fight guards at the gate of the residence, but the ones standing a bit farther will react only when you approach them. That's why destroying bells and using traps is so important. That's how you'll be able to fight small groups, while the rest of the enemies will stay on their paths, unaware of your existence. Once you kill them, they won't reappear, so the difficulty is lower.
Firearms are powerful. You can kill an enemy with your gun or crossbow before he comes close. You can deal a lot of damage with quick shot. A headshot will kill most of the enemies, aiming lets you fire a few shots fairly quickly. It's a good idea to buy good weapons and equipment that increases ammo. Many fights will become easier.
Try to gain advantage. If you can, assassinate from the roof. Ideally, you should perform as many double assassinations as you can. Fight where your allies are. Use the support of guards. Kill from your covers. While fighting big groups of enemies, throw smoke bombs. Use berserker blades on the strongest enemies. Many of the game mechanics let you win a fight more quickly or easily, as long as you want to use them.
Don't act hastily.Most of the missions let you choose your path and which enemies you kill first. Use it. Instead of attacking as soon as possible, perform reconnaissance. Find entrances, places with the least guards, think of a plan and then act. It's essential later in the game, when you encounter a lot of strong enemies. With a bit of planning, you can complete all of them without even being detected. Or with fighting against weakened enemies.
Use the roofs. There's a lot less enemies on the roofs in Unity than in earlier games. Most of them can't climb or lose interest when you escape to the roof. Moreover, roofs let you perform silent assassinations that can't be avoided without being detected. It's important because you can't perform air assassinations on enemies that see you. You have to be careful, because the enemies can climb up when a ladder or crates are available nearby. If there aren't any, they will open fire. Roofs are still the best places for assassins, but use them carefully.
Stay on the ground. All random tasks - catching thieves, fighting criminals etc. are easier to complete when you're on the ground. It's important because you'll get rewards for them. They are also a good way to earn money and practise combat.
Use the database. A lot of information including answers to Nostradamus Enigmas can be found there. It's an interesting read as well.
Enter the sewers. Some of the secrets are hidden in the sewers. Some missions will also require going down. The sewers don't have a separate map, but their design is simple. If you get lost, just keep going forward. Sooner or later you'll find a way up. There is a nifty trick connected with the sewers. Your opponents do not showcase a high level of intelligence. If you climb down a ladder, to the sewers, they follow you down, but one-by-one. If you are, therefore, chased by a big group, climb down into the sewers and eliminate them one-by-one.
If the game is too hard, try another mission. The game will tell you if a mission is too hard for you. You can try to complete it anyway, but if you can't, do something else. There's a lot of activities that will give you money for equipment or sync points for skills. It's essential later in the game, when main missions can be really difficult.
Play the way you like. Aside from some situations, the game is really forgiving. There are several entrances to almost every building, most of the missions can be completed in several ways. You can play slowly and carefully or quickly and directly. Pick a style you like and stick to it, Unity won't get mad at you.
If you don't know who to follow, where the treasure chests are or how far the enemies are waiting, use Eagle Vision. If you are in a correct place but don't know what to do next, use it as well. For example, when you have to find a person to follow in a crowd.
Unlike the earlier games, in Unity the vision has a cooldown and duration that can be improved with your equipment. You can't use it all the time. Try to save it for when you need it the most.
After you trigger Eagle Vision, you'll see a blue ring around Arno. It marks the range of the skill. When you move with the Vision on, more people and things will get highlighted. When the Vision is over, people will stay highlighted. It will disappear when the skill is ready to use again.
After you turn it on, the Vision can be turned off any time. You won't get any new information, but you'll keep what you highlighted.
You can move in four ways - with free run, stealth, swimming and fast travel.
In Unity, there are two types of free run - up and down. Thanks to this function, you get a fuller control of your character and of the direction, in which he is moving.
To grasp the idea, imagine Arno running over a rooftip towards an edge. If you hold down the up button, while running, Arno will automatically jump over to another rooftop or onto the ropes between them. If there is no building, or any other object to jump onto, ahead, Arno jumps down off the rooftop, onto the crates or a haystack below. If, you hold down the down button, while running, Arno raches the edge, hangs off it, thanks to which he starts climbing, instead of running on.
You do not need to use the up and down buttons, whilw climbing. You only need to use the left analog stick for moving the character around, to make the assassin climb or drop, in the direction that you specify.
Remember that there are some bugs in the game. Sometimes, while you run and hold down the down button, Arno jumps oer to an object ahead and, after you hold down the up button, instead of jumping, Arno starts climbing onto th nearby wall. Therefore, do not be surprised if your commands are confused.
Just like in earlier installments, you can hide from the enemies in the crowd. To do it, enter a crowd with no free run. If you leave it on, Arno will push his way through the crowd and the guards will notice you. You can hide among people on benches or near walls as well, but you'll need to buy a right skill.
Hiding in the crowd requires at least two people. When you move away from them, your cover will not disappear instantly. Duration of stealth depends on your equipment.
Arno can hide behind walls and some objects. He can also move from one cover to another. In stealth mode, Arno is invisible for enemies on the other side of the cover. He's hidden as long as you don't use firearms (you can aim) or move away from the cover.
Arno can also move silently. After you crouch, his steps are silent and the enemies don't see him that well. It's really important during infiltration missions and when you want to hide. He gets slower, so be careful.
Arno can swim, but he can't dive. In Unity, you don't have to swim a lot, but if you do, you'll be exposed. Remember that while approaching a group of enemies.
Fast travel is used in the map. You can use it to travel to four places:
After you select the location, press a button and wait for Arno to appear there.
There are three groups of people you can fight against - allies, guards and extremists. Allies, marked green, will help you fight. You can't attack them and they won't attack you. Blue guards will attack you only when you break the law, e.g. attack them or extremists. They will also help you when you get attacked. Red Extremists will attack you when you are close to them for too long.
When you attract attention, a yellow area with an exclamation mark will appear next to the enemy. It means that he saw you but you disappeared from his view or that he sees you and he's suspicious. Some of them will leave you alone, others will go to the last place they saw you. The yellow mark appears when you push a guard or an extremist while you run, or when you draw a weapon when they see you.
Their reaction will depend on their faction. Guards will push you and leave you alone. Extremists will push you, then draw their weapons and attack.
Orange mark means that the enemy sees you and is annoyed by your presence. A guard will get annoyed when you knock him down. Extremists - when you are close to them for too long. They will draw their weapons.
Red mark means that someone wants to fight you. If it's filling up, it's your last moment to draw your weapon or run away. Full mark means that they're attacking.
There are two ways of eliminating enemies before combat - assassinations and stuns. You can stun one enemy at a time. It requires approaching him and holding a correct key. If you don't, Arno will leave him alone and the enemy will attack. Stunning requires a while, but it's silent. If other enemies have not seen you, you'll remain undetected. You can stun only one enemy at a time.
Assassination can be performed while you are behind the enemy or by jumping on him from a balcony or a roof. Assassinations are quick and you can defeat two enemies at a time. It is, however, loud and usually shows the enemies where you are. Usually, because the game doesn't always notice it. So if you have to stay quiet, use stuns. If you need to get rid of someone and you don't care about the noise, use assassinations.
The difference betweenparryingandevadingis based on a type of the enemy. Strong ones can use attacks that you can't counter. Parrying does not work against bullets, but it allows a counterattack and stunning the enemy for a while. Therefore, these two maneuvers have to be used interchangeably - parry when you can and evade when counterattack won't work.
Whyis parry better? While you fight, look at the bar above the enemy's head. When it's red, you can block his attack. When it turns yellow, Arno will block the attack and counter. It's called a perfect parry. If you attack an enemy right after it, he won't block your attack. You can't do it with evading attacks. Parrying isn't necessary if you have a faster weapon. With it, you can block the enemy's attack.
Strong attacksdeal a lot more damage than regular ones, but they require more time. It's useless while fighting fast enemies. Strong attack is useful against slow enemies who can't block or evade it. It can also break a parry of almost any enemy. Strong attack is a skill and it has to be bought with sync points. It has to be bought for every type of melee weapons.
Stunning attackworks against most enemies. Strongest ones will push Arno back. Use it to stun the enemy for a moment. Attack for the second and third time and the enemy will fall down and become vulnerable. Stunning attack is a skill and has to be bought with sync points.
Quick shotworks against most enemies. Arno shoots with a selected weapon, regardless of its type. It's w danym momencie bronia strzelecka, niezaleznie od rodzaju. It's important, because it allows you to use both a gun and the berserker blade. Most of the enemies can't evade the quick shot, so use it against strong enemies who may cause problems in melee.
Quick bomb throw works on all enemies in range. Just like quick shot, Arno uses a selected bomb, therefore you can throw either a smoke or poison bomb. Thanks to this, you can throw both a smoke bomb and a poison gas bomb. Avoid the latter, because the bomb wounds you also.
You can see symbols above the enemy's health bar. They indicate his level. One means a very easy enemy, five - very hard. Strong enemies have more health points and their attacks deal more damage.
There are six types of enemies. The basic ones are soldiers. Their attacks are weak and they're vulnerable to all attacks. Brutes are larger. Their attacks are slow but very strong. Some of them can't be blocked, so evade their attacks and shoot. Watchers are snipers and musketeers. They need time to aim, but their shots deal a lot of damage. They are really bad at melee. Seekers have fast attacks and they can throw flashbangs. Evade their attacks because you won't be able to parry some of them. Defenders carry pole weapons. They have a large range of attacks, quite a lot of health and they can parry most of your attacks. They are vulnerable to firearms. Officers have the most health points, fast and strong attacks, and they can evade your bullets. They wear expensive, elegant hats/helmets.
Enemies use bells to call for reinforcements. They don't create new enemies, the ones nearby simply come closer. If there's nobody alive nearby, ringing the bell will not help them.
An icon will appear above the enemy who wants to ring the bell. Try to topple or shoot him before he does it. During a fight against a group, at least one enemy will try to ring a bell. Use a bomb to stop him.
Arno can destroy bells, but he has to stay undetected. Being seen unables you to sabotage the bell.
Money. You earn them for searching corpses and extra activities (tasks, chests etc.). Spend them for equipment and supplies (ammo, medicine).
You get them for acting like an assassin - finishers, disappearing, perfect parries, destroying bells etc. There's a lot of these actions and they have various value. You'll find a complete list in the game's manual. Creed points are used for upgrading equipment (weapons and clothes). They also improve your ranks, which is important for multiplayer.
Earned for completing main and cooperative missions. They're used for buying new skills.
You get them for completing "server bridge" in the main campaign. You can also buy them through PlayStation Store or Uplay. They are used for upgrading weapons and equipment, and buying maps that show collectibles (maps, Nostradamus Enigmas).
You need sync points to buy skills. You can't buy all of them for points earned for main missions. So if you don't want to complete multiplayer missions, you have to choose your skills.
Long/one-handed/heavy weapon master, jednorecznej lub ciezkiej. Each of these allow you to perform strong attacks with a specific category of weapons. Requires finishing the fifth sequence. Buy the one you need the most, ignore the rest.
Ground execution. Allows you to kill enemies that fell down. Requires finishing the ninth sequence. Useful when combined with Staggering Strike. If you use it, buy this skill.
Staggering strike. Allows you to throw enemies off balance or even make them fall down. Requires finishing the second sequence. Very useful, especially against bosses and difficult enemies. Buy it and use as much as possible.
Ranged weapon. Allows you to fight with a gun or a musket. Requires completing the second sequence. There's no reason not to buy it.
Assassin cache. An active skill. Opens a store with items for you and your allies. Requires completing the second sequence. Useless if you're not going to play co-op missions. If you are, one person on your team should have it.
Money pouch. Allows you to throw money. Requires completing sequence 2. Unlike in the earlier games, pouches are separate items. Their effect is the same - they distract people. Worth buying.
Stun grenades. Allows you to throw stun grenades. Requires completing sequence 2. Stun grenades have a lower range than smoke bombs, but they don't limit your visibility. If the limited vision of smoke bombs is uncomfortable for you, buy stun grenades.
Improved phantom blade. Allows you to shoot twice without reloading. Requires completing sequence 9. Buy if you use the phantom blade often. If not, you don't have to.
Poison gas. Allows you to throw poison gas bombs. . Requires completing sequence 9. They have quite a large range. They are expensive and they can wound you also, but really useful, especially later in the game. Worth buying.
Communal sense. You'll share your eagle vision with allies. Requires completing sequence 2. Useful in multiplayer, completely useless in single.
Disguise. Active skill. Gives you and your allies a disguise. It disappears when you get close to enemies. The same as with communal sense.
Locksmith. It has three levels, each for opening locks of chests and doors. More about it in corresponding chapter of the guide. Requires completing sequences 2, 5 and 9.
Roll recovery. Allows you to roll over after a fall. Requires completing sequence 5. Very useful if you spend a lot of time on roofs or have a problem with falling.
Double Air Assassination. Allows you to kill two enemies by falling on them. Requires completing sequence 5. If you perform a lot of air assassinations, buy it. If you don't, you'll have to fight the remaining opponent.
Double assassination. Similar, but works on the ground. Worth buying, because many guards walk in pairs, similar to criminals from random events.
Environmental blending. Allows you to vanish from enemy sight by sitting on benches, leaning against walls etc. Requires completing sequence 2. Useful if you like stealth actions. Useless if you prefer combat.
Group healing. An active skill. Heals all players nearby. Requires completing sequence 2. Important for multiplayer. If you only play the single player campaign, don't buy it.
Skin. Ability with four levels. Each of them offers more health. Requires completing sequences 2, 5 and 9 for two last. Expensive, but worth buying.
The game contains locked chests and doors. The locks can have three levels that mean the number of pins inside and the speed of the lock. To open them, you need locksmith skill. Using the door starts a minigame. You have to wait until the bar reaches the blue area and press the key. If you succeed, the pin will open. If not, one of the lockpicks will break. When you open all the pins, the chest/door will open. If you lose all lockpicks, the game will stop.
You can open more difficult locks without buying a higher level of the skill, but it will be harder. You can try to open them if you're fast. If not, upgrade the skill.
Weapons and equipment can be bought in stores and in the menu. Supplies - only in stores.
Smoke bomb is good for distracting large groups of enemies, but it obscures the view. You have a lot of them, so don't hesitate to use them while fighting or escaping. Using a smoke bomb stops all initiated attacks and stops the enemies from shooting. If someone was aiming at you, he'll stop after you throw a smoke bomb.
Cherry bomb has a low range, but it attracts enemies to the source of explosion. After you throw it, wait a moment. There's a reasonable chance that they will try to investigate the noise.
Stun bomb works in a similar fashion to its smoke counterpart, but has a smaller range and it doesn't obscure the view. Aside from that, the difference is unnoticeable.
Poison gas bombs are expensive, but very useful against large groups of enemies. You should always carry at least one of them.
Medicine gets more expensive with every health bar you have. Later in the game, you'll spend quite a lot of money on it. Using it heals you completely, so you should always carry some for difficult situations instead of using it as soon as you take any damage.
Berserker blades make the enemy attack everyone around him. He'll also get stronger and more durable. Enemies hit with this weapon attract their companions, so you can use it to get into places that were guarded. Nobody will have time to deal with you.
Phantom blades work like a gun or a musket, but they're more quiet and have a lower range. Use them if you don't want to attract attention.
Melee weapons are divided into one-handed, long and heavy. Each weapon has a level of damage, parry, speed and range. One-handed weapons has a low range and medium speed, long ones more range and a bit less speed, heavy ones are the slowest, but they deal the most damage. If you like quick duels, buy one-handed weapons. If you want to keep the enemies at a distance, choose long ones. Buy heavy weapons if you want your strikes to be slow but powerful.
Firearms are divided into pistols and muskets. If you wield a pistol, you can fight with a melee weapon as well. Musket replaces a melee weapon. That means that you can both shoot and hit/parry with it. Muskets take more time to reload, but they deal a lot more damage and have a higher range. In most cases, pistols are more efficient, unless you want to keep your enemies at a distance and kill them, for example, from a roof, then you should use a musket.
Upgrading weapons for creed points increases their damage by 25%. Every weapon can be upgraded only once.
There are five types of armor: hoods, shirts, belts, pants, and boots. Every item has modifiers and four values - stealth, health and two types of combat: melee and ranged. Categories define your style of playing and are important for co-op mode.
Hoods define the range and duration of eagle vision, amount of stolen money, health, creed points and duration of Assassin Cache.
Shirts define resistance to melee attacks, time needed to blend in, blending duration, time to be detected in a restricted area, and health.
Wrists define damage, health, amount of crossbow bolts and noise during regular and stealth movement.
Belt defines health and the amount of bombs and ammo you can carry.
Boots define damage taken by falling, noise made while running, and health.
Every part can be upgraded with creed points. Armor, like weapons, can be upgraded only once.
Outfits change Arno's appearance, but not the modifiers. They're purely cosmetic.
They improve Arno's abilities for a limited time. You can pay for them with Helix credits.
While you explore Parisian streets, sometimes you'll get a random task. You can ignore it, but you won't get a reward (see the maps and secrets chapter). Tasks are easy and don't require much effort.
You have to chase and tackle a thief. Usually they run slowly, fall down quite often and have problems with getting through crowds. After you tackle a thief, you can go away, the game will say you succeeded.
Watch out for guards. Tackling a thief will annoy them.
One or two criminals cause some problems. You can kill them silently or start a fight. The task is complete when all criminals are killed or stunned.
There is a difference between "protect a civilian" and "kill a criminal", be careful what you do. Watch out for guards because they will intervene when they see you kill criminals.
You'll have to eliminate someone quietly. What this means is that you cannot be detected. What works excellent here is the Phantom Blade or rooftop assassination. Messengers usually have two guards, but they are easy to defeat. If you have double assassination skill, you can take care of them very easily.
A group of beggars. Throw them a money pouch.
A group of people is kicking someone. Stand close to them, draw your weapon and wait a moment.
After you obtain each reward, the event meter resets and you need to fill it up again.
5 events - 500 livres nagrody
10 events - Tailored Prowler Hood
15 events - 2500 livres
20 events - Improved Phantom Bracer
25 events - 10000 livres
30 events - Master Phantom Coat
35 events - 25000 livres.
From now on, you will be rewarded with 25000 livres. You can obtain the rewards endlessly.
Just like in the previous instalments, while exploring Paris, you can find various collectibles. In Unity, you can find chests, cockades, artifacts and Nomad points.
There arefour types all around the city, which you can tell different by the colors that they have een marked with, on the map. White chests do not have any additional requirements that you need to meet, in order to open them. Inside, there is some money. Red chests are locked and to open them, you need lockpicks and the locksmith skill. It is best if the skill is at the par with the level of the lock. Inside, you can find elements to your gear and plenty money. Blue chests can be opened thanks to the companion app. Yellow chests require the appropriate level of the Novice app.
Most frequently, you can find them hanging above haystacks, near rooftops or branches. Collecting cockades unlocks new colors for Arno's outfit.
They come in the form of decorative coats of arms on walls of various buildings. For collecting a set from a specific district, you receive a weapon or an elemet of your gear. Some of the artifacts are in the Helix rifts. You gain acess to them thanks to the companion app and the Novice app.
Collecting them increases the number of the points available for the companion app. They caon by found in specific districts only. After you collect them, you need to wait for 24 hours to be able to collect tem again.
Cafe is Arno's HQ in Paris. It can be visited after you complete sequence 2. You can go there immediately or wait. You'll have to explore it at the end of sequence 4.
Cafe contains several useful places:
In the beginning, the Cafe is in a pitiful condition and requires renovations. Every upgrade unlocks a location in the building and a mission. Every completed mission and renovated social clubs increase the value of the Cafe, therefore increasing its income. Money is stored in the Intendant's study, in a chest. The chest fills up every 1.5 hour. Cafe Theatre will not receive any income until you take money from the chest.
Cafe offers 5 tasks.
The rifts lead to incomplete fragments of the simulation, taking place in Paris of various ages. You'll get access to them at the end of sequences 3, 7, and 11, while you complete server bridges. Rifts occur in groups, two or three for each historical period.
After you enter a rift, you have to:
All of this has to be done in a limited time. If you run out of time, the simulation will start to collapse. You can escape before you take all the steps, at which point you do not obtain the intelligence data and are rewarded with livres.
The value of the reward depends on the amount of points that you gather. There are two limits: the one required to find the assassin and another one required to obtain a bonus. The more above the second threshold you gather, the more money you obtain. Remember, however, that you need to escape before the simulation collapses, or you do not get your reward.
You earn points for collecting data clusters. Blue are worth 10 points, they are not moving. Orange ones are worth 20 and they move along their paths. Green are worth 50 points, they require standing by them for a while. Some missions include guards, killing them is worth 20 points. Freeing the assassin is required to complete the mission but, for doing so, you are rewarded with several hundred points.
Moreover, some levels have extra requirements. They have been described in maps and secrets chapter. In the entire game, there are 8 rifts, divided into 3 groups available, includng one tutorial rift.
You can explore each one on your own, but you can also follow in the footsteps of the captive assassin. After you appear on a new map, you can sometimes note the phantom assassin. He will take you to where he has been imprisoned, by dropping data packs along his path. Their value drops with time so, it is best to collect them as quickly as possible. You do not need to follow the assassin running, but this guarantees completing the mission in the majrity of cases, with the required amount of points.
In the rifts, there are artifacts. To find them, you first need to sign up with the Novce program and then, unlock them with the companion app. After they are unlocked, they can be collected during the mission.
Unlike earlier games, there are no pigeon coops in Unity. All extra activities are located in the streets - people, messages and wanted posters. In the beginning, none of them are marked on the map. You have to find them on your own or buy a map with Helix credits. There are 50 Paris Stories hidden throughout the game.
Each task has a difficulty level and a cash prize. They have various objectives except complex assassinations. You can complete Stories in any order, but the game will tell you if you want to start one that's too difficult. Paris Stories can't be done again after finishing.
A lot of mysterious murders happened in Paris. Your task is to solve the mysteries and catch the killers.
After you start an investigation, an are on the map is marked in green. Sometimes, it is one area only, whereas sometimes these may be several areas far away from each other. On these areas, you can find evidence and witnesses. The game lets you know how many of them are there. You need to collect them, one after another and based on them, you need to single out the man. Each time, you will have several suspects - the more of them, the more difficult the investigation. You can accuse any of them, but this is not recommended. For singling out the wrong person, you receive lower reward. You learn about the details of investigations during the first investigation you carry out Przepowiedzianego Morderstwa. To start it, talk to Eugene FrancoisVidocq in the Palais de Justice district.
You can accuse a given suspect of the murder, without all the necessary evidence. What counts here is finding the culprit and not collecting all of the evidence. Therefore, if you want to save up on time, accuse the culprit right after you find him, even if you still have not examined all the evidence.
Murder mysteries are not marked on the map until you discover them (you can also purchase a hint for Helix credits). There are 14 murder mysteries in the game.
In the underground of the Cafe Theatre there is the armor of Thomas de Carneillon, a Medieval assassin. It is being held under a lock and in order to obtain the key, you need to solve the Nostradamus puzzles scattered all around the city. For solving each puzzle, you receive a fragment of the key and 500 livres.
The puzzles consist of symbols and a text message. The text tells you where the symbols of the same shape are. Your task is to find the source of the puzzle and then, up to five identical items. Each of them will show a puzzle, its solution will lead you to the next one. You have to solve them in a certain order or you won't complete the enigma.
The solutions might be on the ground, roofs, or walls. To find them, use the Eagle Vision. The game will tell you when you get close to the solution even without using the eagle vision.
The puzzles are not shown on the map until you discover them. You can also buy additional hints for Helix credits. In the game, there are 18 puzzles.
With each six fragments that you collect, you can open an armory door. Each door gains you access to a platform-logic puzzle . As a reward for dolving them all, you get to open one of the three locks to the armor.
In the room, there are four pillars. Assigned to each pillar, is a zodiac sign. Look at the floor to find out which one. Your task is to spin the pillats to make them match their zodiac signs. On each pillar, there are four constellations. All of the possible comstellations are on the walls.
To solve the puzzle, first approach the zodiac sign on the ground. Then, find it on the wall and find out what its constellation looks like. Find this arrangement of the pillar. Then, spin the pillar to make it match the symbol on the ground. Usually, you have to spin the pillar two or three times.
With all the pillars alligned properly, you need to solve the arcade sequene. You need to climb onto the pillars, walls and items under the ceiling and jump between them. After a while, you should reach a chest and a lever.
In the room, there is a logic puzzle. Your task is to put the planets in their places. To do that, press the left and the right button three times, and the one in the middle once. On the left, there opens a door to a chest and a lever.
Climb onto the wall. All along the tunnel, there are two projecting elements. The rectangular ones are harmless. The ones rounded at the bottom release a poison gas on a regular basis. Keep an eye on how often, and where from, the gas is released. Wait for the right moment dn head on. In several spots, you will need to jump over to the opposite wall. The game will inform you on when to do that. Coming into contact with the gas results in losing some of health. You can replay the puzzle up until you reach the other side and the chest, and the lever.
After you solve all three puzzles, you gain access to the armor.
In Assassin's Creed: Unity there aere several options for multiplayer implemented. You can complete all of them either on your own or with friends. However, one of them requires any other players. If you want to, you can complete them on your own.
You can access co-op heists and co-op missions from the game menu, from the synchronization progress meter. They should be available right after you reveal the map of a given district.
While exploring Paris, you will be finding the co-op missions. It so happens that there are a dozen-or-so mussuin guvers all around the city, who offer the same mission. You can, predominantly, meet them near social clubs and stores. This is why, for the sake of clarity, all of the co-op missions have been marked only once, in the spots provided by the game.
These missins require you to enter an area after you steal a valuable item and to escape. The way in which you do that is up to you, but it is recommended that you sneak and eliminate the opponents stealthily. You receive the first missions after you complete a task. The size of the second one depends on whether the assassin has been detected, during the mission. Detection means coming into direct contact with a guard, who realizes the presence of the assassin - the icon next to the oppponent is red. The longer the opponent sees you, the lower the bonus for completing the mission. Remember that any detection is counts, even if by an opponent outside of the mission area. Therefore, if you have encontered extremists outside of the restricted area, fighting them will cost you your bonus.
After the mission ends, you are rewarded with money. How much you get, depends on the length of the meter that you see on the left side of the screen, throughout the mission. The longer the bar the higher the bonus. For completing the heist missions, you are rewarded with Livres.
It is a good idea to use smoke bombs in this sort of missions. While staying in the area of its effect, the assassin remain undetected, even if he is surrounded by opponents. THanks to this, the monetary bonus does not dwindle.
This type of missions are different than the rest in that they are more difficult. They have been designed to be played by up to four players at the same time so, in single player they may simply be too difficult. They include assassinations, infiltration and the other standard assassin activities.
For completing these missions, you are rewarded with sync points and gear. There are two types of sync points - the ones tht you obtain for completing missions and the ones that you find during missions. Also, for completing a mission, you receive one item from the available list. To obtain the rest of the items, you need to complete the mission two more times.
You gain access to the app from the game's main manu. The app assigns experience points depending on what actions you have performed - the number of smoke bombs or hoists that you have used, opponents killed with a given weapon type and so on. For experience, you progress through levels that provide you with access to various bonuses, ncluding special chests all around Paris.
This app needs to be downloaded to the tablet or to the smartphone. There are two types of activities - logic puzzles and management of the Nomad brotherhood. Thanks to them, it is possible to unlock Nomad chests and additional missions. To learn more, see the tutorial in the app.
You won't have too much money in Unity, especially in the beginning. There are, however, quite a few sources of livres.
Treasure chests are placed around Paris. Some of them require the locksmith skill, others will make you play co-op missions. The amount of money inside is proportional to the level of the lock.
Searching the corpses of enemies is a good idea as well. Aside from the money, you can find medicine and ammo, which lets you save quite a lot. It's really useful later in the game, when you have to fight large groups of strong enemies. These fights will make you use a lot of supplies.
Just like Villa Auditore in Assassin's Creed 2, the Cafe generates income. It will give you more money when you complete tasks for the Cafe and renovate places in other districts. The task require renovations, renovations require money. Therefore if you want the Cafe to thrive, you have to invest some livres. You have to spend money to make money. The Cafe will become one of your main sources of income later in the game.
Murder Mysteries, Nostradamus Enigmas, and more. Higher levels of difficulty will give you more livres. This especially goes for multiplayer missions, for the completion of which you can earn as many as several tens thousands of livres.
You'll get access to them after you complete the first server bridge. You can approach them many times for higher rewards. They are, however, quire challenging.
Arno's story is divided into Prologue and twelve sequences, two or three memories each. Additionally, some sequences offer a server bridge, i.e. situations when you'll visit unfinished fragments of the game. Technically speaking, they are not memories, so they have been properly labeled in the guide.
Most of the memories offer additional challenges. Completing them is not compulsory, but you won't achieve a full synchronisation without them.
Each memory can be replayed as many times as you like. If you skipped a challenge, you can go back to it anytime. When you replay a memory, you'll have all the equipment and skills that you acquired. Because of that, hard memories will become much easier.
In case of Templar assassinations, you'll get some opportunities. They help you finish the mission, but are not necessary to achieve a full synchronisation. Use them only if you want or need to.
Repeating the memories will not give you more sync points.
In this part of the game, you'll play as a member of the Templars during a desperate defence of Temple in Paris. Follow Jacques de Molay.
Ignore the enemies and follow the directions. If someone stands in your way, defeat them quickly and keep running. There are too many enemies for you in the stronghold.
The gates have been closed, so you have to take another path. Use the ladder on your left. Run forward, exit through the window and climb another ladder. You'll reach the stairs, go down.
An Assassin stole some Templar artifacts. Jump out of the window and chase him. After a while, he'll throw a smoke bomb. Wait a moment and he'll attack you. You have to defeat him twice. When he loses most health for the first time, he'll try to run away. Follow him and defeat him once and for all. You'll see some cutscenes.
Difficulty: 1/5
Watch the cut scene that shows Arno visiting Versailles with his father. Follow the girl. You'll run into a butler, but keep running. You'll reach the garden. Steal an apple from the table.
A guard didn't like that. You have to lose him. Use the plants to hide from him and wait until he loses interest. Afer the door opens, run towards the girl.
After another cut scene, follow Elise. As it turns out, a tragedy occured in the palace. Go to the place marked on your HUD.
After another cut scene, you'll play as adult Arno. You have to retrieve the watch that you lost in the game of cards. Follow the blacksmith's brother. He'll enter crowds and buildings. Avoid obstacles and tackle him.
When the next cut scene ends, you have to escape the marked area. It means that you have to leave it and become anonymous. You can't be followed or attacked, or you'll fail the mission. Try to avoid guards because they might be too hard to defeat in this stage. After you escape, go to de la Serre Estate.
To get full synchronization you have to evade five obstacles, for example by sliding under them. You can't fall during the chase. The first part can be done at the end of the memory, while running to the de la Serre Estate.
Difficulty: 1/5
You have to deliver an important letter to Mr. de la Serre. Follow the carriage. Don't go on the ground because a closed gate will stop you. Instead, climb the roof on the right. Keep following the carriage. You don't have to hurry, just don't stay in one place. The carriage will stop after a while. Walk up to it.
De la Serre isn't there. Arno decides to move to a better place. The game will show you a church tower. Your task is to climb it and perform a synchronization. The tower has a lot of spots to hold on to, so getting up should not be a problem. After you do it, a short cut scene will start.
Perform a leap of faith into a haystack, climb down the church and walk up to the building. There are two ways to do it. The first one is blending into the crowd. You have to move from one group to another and use the guards' lack of attention to your advantage. Just stick to the left side and watch out for guards, you should reach your destination fairly quickly. You can run in the last fragment. Just reach the door without being seen and open it. If you don't know which door to open, go left from the entrance, climb up the stairs and use the Eagle Vision.
The second way to complete the mission is to climb up the wall, then the building. If you can, do it from the right side, because you'll encounter less guards. Just avoid single guards and jump down in front of the door.
Don't be afraid of getting caught. The guards will not attack you, they'll just throw you out and you'll have to start again.
Keep going ahead, first over the stairs and then, over the galllery. You will note a crowd in the hall below. Reach the green zone and use the Eagle Vision. If you have not found de la Serre, this means that you are too far away from the speaker. Reach the very edge of the restricted area and use the Sight again. After the cutscene, walk over to the galllery on the right side of the hall and proceed to the door.
You'll have to fight two brothers. The encounter is rather easy, because the enemies have low health and slow attacks. After you defeat the first one, the second one will enter the fight. His attacks are stronger, but even slower. Defeat him as well.
For a full synchronization, you'll have to perform two parries and two dodges. You can use parry only against the first brother, so try to complete both parts of the task during the first duel.
After the fight, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty: 1/5
First, go to de la Serre's office. Look at the items here or wait until Arno mentions the letter. You can keep looking at stuff or walk up to the door and leave the letter. You'll see a few cutscenes.
You're at Elise's party. You don't have an invitation, so you have to stay anonymous. You have to reach the window on the left. Use the crowd to get to the window. Make sure that the guards are not looking and climb up. The guards won't be bugging you as long as you don't do anything foolish, like running through the crowd.
Three guarded rooms are between you and your destination. Some of the guards will have their backs turned on you, others will walk around. You have to sneak past all of them. In the first room wait until both guards walk up to the window. In the second one, the guards must be standing next to the fireplace. In the third room, you have to wait until the guard turns from the window and walk out to the balcony. Jump to the next one. Just like in the previous mission, getting caught means starting from the beginning.
After the cut scene, walk forward until you reach the ballroom.
Follow Elise. You can't run, so it will take a while. You'll reach a balcony, enter the door at the end of it. Another cut scene will start.
Leave through the window and go down. You'll have to get through some guarded rooms. You'll find a door leading further and lots of furniture to hide behind in each room. In the first one, wait until one of the guards leaves. Sneak behind the other one. In the next room, there is only one guard. He's looking either left or right. Wait until he doesn't see you and keep going.
In the third room, a guard will walk between paintings. Hide behind the tables, wait until he doesn't see you and keep going. The last room contains two guards. Sneak behind them and go to the marked spot.
For full synchronization, you cannot engage anyone into a fight towads the end of the mission. This means that you cannot be detected.
Difficulty: 2/5
Because of false accusations, Arno ends up in Bastille. After a few cut scenes, look around and talk to prisoners or just lie down on the mattress on the right.
After the cut scene, Arno will wake up without his watch. You'll have to fight the thief. He's got quite a lot of health, but his attacks are weak and slow, so you can parry or dodge them. After several strikes, the first cutscene starts, followed by the second ound of the fight. After several strikes more, the second cutscene starts.
Use the Eagle Vision. Another cut scene.
Hide where the game shows you. Wait until the guards appear, then approach the one on the right and kill him. Bellec will take care of the other one. If you do something wrong, a regular fist fight will start. After you defeat the guards, another cut scene will start.
Follow Bellec. You'll reach a door. The Assassin will open it, while you have to protect him. The guards are rather weak, but they attack in a group, so you might have some trouble defeating them. You'll have to take care of three waves of enemies, two or three in each one.
For a full synchronization, you'll have to perform a perfect parry three times, so you may want to take your time while fighting the guards.
Keep going forward. Another group of enemies is waiting for you, but Bellec will stun them with a smoke bomb. It's important, because for a full synchronization, you'll have to use a smoke bomb twice. Bellec's bomb counts as one. Wait a moment and throw the second one. Then jump out of the window.
The guards are fighting the revolutionists. You should focus on the wall on the right. Keep following Bellec.
You'll reach a wall. Run up to the enemies so they don't shoot. If you want to, use a smoke bomb. You don't have to protect Bellec, he can take care of himself. Help him defeat all five of the enemies and follow him up the wall. You'll reach the top of the Bastille.
After a cut scene, you'll see Arno on the edge of the wall. Perform a leap of faith. You'll see some more cut scenes, then Arno will appear near Notre Dame cathedral. Use the Eagle Vision
From now on, you can explore Paris.
Difficulty: 1/5
The Sainte-Chapelle church is in front of you. Focus on the balcony. Climb up to it and get inside. Wait until Arno mentions a beam of light. Turn to the stained glass window above the entrance. Can you see a yellow object? Climb there.
After you use the item, chandeliers will move. Use them and the ropes to get to the other side of the room. The game will show you the spot where you have to stand. When you do it, a passage will open in the floor. Take a leap of faith.
You'll get to the Assassin headquarters. After the cut scene, follow Bellec. He'll lead you to the Assassin Council. After another cut scene, approach the cup and drink its contents.
Go downstairs. Stand at the edge and take a leap of faith.
You'll have to complete some platformer sequences in a creepy surrounding. You'll jump, climb and avoid obstacles. There is only one way, so keep going forward and try not to fall. After a moment you'll end up in a dense crowd.
An empty passage is in front of you. Walk along it until you reach a crowd. Blend in. There is an assassin in the center of the open space. He can't notice you or you'll have to repeat this part of the memory. While hiding in the crowd, get behind the Assassin. Wait until he stops looking at you, then approach him and stab him in the back. Another cut scene will start.
This mission has no additional tasks. You'll get your Assassin skills and the possibility to buy more of them for completing it. You will also receive 4 sync points.
Difficulty: 2/5
First, you have to take care of three enemies and sabotage the bell. You can do it only when nobody is looking, so kill the enemies first. For 100 percent synchronization, you have to perform three cover kills. Covers are, for example, walls, ledges and haystacks. Just stick to the cover when the enemy is close.
Two guards will stay at their posts, while the third one walks around. Kill the ones that don't move first. You have a lot of space to sneak up to them. They don't turn around, so approaching them is a piece of cake. After you sabotage the bell, a cut scene will start.
After the cut scene, cut the screaming man's throat, then search the corpse of his buddy.
Bellec will get away, a small group of enemies is approaching. Wait until they're closer, then throw a smoke bomb and follow Bellec. You can try to fight, but it's going to be too hard. Escape from the area to see a cut scene.
Now it's time for a longer run. Bellec will use roofs. For a full synchronization, you have to keep up with him - run right behind him. If you hear a sarcastic comment, you failed.
You'll reach the Assassin HQ. Open the door. Keep following Bellec until you reach the room with Assassin Council. The last cut scene will start.
You'll get 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 2/5
The first assassination mission begins. The target is Sivert, one of the people responsible for monsieur de la Serre's death. He has an appointment in Notre Dame cathedral.
Assassinations are different from other missions. Aside from the main task and challenges, they have opportunities. They are the optional (not affecting the synchronization) objectives that make the task easier. They open more passages, let you use help of your allies etc. Completing them is not essential for a full synchronization, but they are worth your time because they will make the main task easier. In most assassinations, you can take two opportunities. The details of opportunities are presented during the mission, when you walk up to exclamation marks on your map.
In this mission, you'll have opportunities for infiltration and assassination. Infiltration opportunity lets you get to your destination without being detected. Assassination opportunity allows you to eliminate your target siilently.
Infiltration opportunity in this mission is opposite to the starting point. Walk up to the exclamation mark and use the Eagle Vision. You'll see two extremists. One of them has a key. You can acquire it in two ways - stun the other enemy, then steal from the owner, or kill/stun both and search the bodies. The key opens the door in the church spire, marked with an exclamation mark.
Assassination opportunity allows you to kill Duchesneau, the man with whom Sivert had an appointment. Approach the second exclamation mark and eavesdrop on the conversation. Duchesneau will start walking away. You can kill him. You can attack him right away, but you'll attract guards. Or you can wait until there are fewer witnesses and perform a stealth kill. His death will let you perform the assassination using a confessional.
You can get into the cathedral using four paths. The main entrance is out of the question, because the entire cathedral is a restricted area. You will be attacked by hordes of enemies. Sewers lead to the cathedral, but you might get lost. Most windows are closed from the inside. Therefore, the best way to enter the cathedral is through the tower entrance, right after you steal the key. Talk to the monk and go downstairs. You'll be next to the organ.
The upper part of the cathedral is guarded by extremists. With some caution, you won't get detected. The number of enemies downstairs is definitely too large. Air assassination and fighting are not possible, at least not until he approaches the confessional.
There are three ways to kill him. You can wait until Sivert starts going towards the confessional and perform an air assassination. However, you'll be vulnerable to attacks of the extremists. The second option is shooting Sivert, but it won't work. The target must be attack with the hidden blade. Shooting him with a gun or a crossbow will make him fall and wait to be killed. It doesn't matter how you attack him - air assassination and stabbing his back work the same way. You can also use the confessional. Get inside and wait for Sivert to do the same. A cut scene will start. You can stab him right after it starts or wait to hear the conversation.
For a full synchronization, you have to perform two cover kills and not raise the alarm. There might be a problem with the assassinations, because many enemies walk around an open space. Stabbing Sivert in the confessional counts as a cover kill. The second part means that nobody can ring the bell. You can kill everyone in the cathedral or even get detected and fight. As long as nobody rings the bell, you'll be fine.
Whatever method you choose, Sivert will end up dead and you'll have to escape from the cathedral and become anonymous. You can try to make your way to the main entrance or the tower, but there is a better way. There is a rope at the right side of the confessional. Climb up, open the window and leave the cathedral.
As a reward, you'll get 3 sync points and an axe.
Right after you leave the cathedral, you'll get a message about instability of the simulation. A portal will appear on the map. Run towards it and get inside. You have to get above the portal and jump inside. Standing underneath or next to it will bring no effect.
Difficulty: 1/5
You're in an incomplete simulation of 19th century Paris. Looks good, but it will start collapsing. You have to escape. Go forward, then downstairs to the subway.
Wait until the train passes and climb up the ladder.
You'll have to complete some platformer elements. The path is straight, so just keep going forward. Jump and climb until you reach another railway. Watch out for the train, climb up the ladder and turn around. You'll see a wooden platform. Run along it, jump on the rope and keep going forward.
Keep heading forward. Arno will eventually enter the tunnel where a train will chase him. After the cut scene, run forward. Avoid the obstacles until another cut scene starts. Keep going forward. You'll reach a ladder leading to the surface.
You'll get on the street. The Statue of Liberty is in front of you. The portal is on top, you have to reach it.
After the cut scene, run forward. The path is straight again, so you won't get lost. You'll enter a wooden tunnel. Strong wind will blow, throwing large pieces of wood towards you. They take a lot of health. When the wind starts to blow, hide behind a cover and you won't get hurt.
Climb up the crane on the left and jump to the statue. Run forward, jump and watch out for the wind. After a bit of climbing, you should get to the top.
After a cut scene, you'll appear in Paris again.
To unlock the next sequence, you have to speak with the Assassin Council. The conversation is not a memory, but it has to be done to unlock the sequence. You'll receive the phantom blade - your crossbow. You'll also acquire the skill to use berserker blades.
Difficulty: 2/5
In this mission, you'll infiltrate la Cour des Miracles, the poor district of Paris. It's a very tight district, full of narrow passages and small buildings. It's really easy to get lost here. There's a lot of extremists here, so you'll have to stay on the roofs and eliminate the enemies quietly. Direct combat is possible, because the enemies are not very strong, but they outnumber you. If you don't feel strong enough, attack them silently and fight small groups.
Enter the green area and use the Eagle Vision. You have to find La Touche, the lieutenant of the King of Beggars. You'll find him in front of the starting point, in the building on the right. Get inside. A cut scene will start.
When the cut scene is over, use the Eagle Vision. You'll notice blood on the ground, follow it. You might encounter a few enemies on your way. Eventually you'll meet La Touche.
Your task is to tail La Touche. He'll walk between the buildings of la Cour des Miracles and talk to extremists. You can't get too close to him or he'll start to get suspicious. He can't see you or you'll have to repeat. When you lose La Touche, you have 15 seconds to find him again. You can use the Eagle Vision. You must know where he is.
You'll encounter some enemies, either in pairs or single ones. You can fight them or eliminate them quietly. La Touche doesn't care as long as you're far enough and he doesn't see the fight. For 100 percent synchronization, perform one of the kills using your phantom blade.
A cut scene will start. La Touche will lock himself in his tower. The area is full of enemies, but most of them are rather weak. You can fight them if you're not afraid. Watch out for snipers and enemies with guns. La Touche is hiding in the green area. To find him, use your Eagle Vision. He's in a locked room. You can enter the building through the main entrance or one of the windows.
There's a lot less guards inside than outside, so you can fight them. There are many covers here if you prefer stealth. Get inside La Touche's room. Opening the door will trigger a cut scene. Escape the area and become anonymous.
For a full synchronization, you have to use a cherry bomb to lure the enemies out twice. It works only if you're undetected. It's an easy job. There's a lot of enemies on which you can use the bomb.
As a reward, you'll get 2 sync points.
Another assassination. This time, your target is the King of Beggars. The man is hiding in the sewers, so you have to find him first.
In this mission, you have a distraction opportunity and an assistance opportunity. Especially the latter will be useful, because there is a lot of guards in the district. Most roofs are empty, but it's really easy to find enemies on the ground.
Distraction means you'll have to sabotage chimneys. Use the Eagle Vision to find them. After you do it, there will be much less visibility in the sewers, which will help you escape.
Assistance opportunity requires fighting. You have to help the beggars defeat a group of bandits. The beggars will become your allies and they'll fight the extremists.
Regardless of your decision, you have to find an entrance to the sewers. It's located in the green zone, in the back of the building. You'll see an icon of stairs on the map.
Climb down, kill the guards and use the entrance. For a full synchronization, you have to perform three air assassinations before you enter the sewers. It shouldn't be hard since there's a lot of enemies on the ground.
The sewers are basically a long corridor. There are no intersections, so keep going forward. If you see a wall, go back and take another path. You'll encounter several groups of enemies on your way, but they should not cause you any trouble.
You'll encounter La Touche, but he'll run away. Meeting him means that the King is close.
When you reach the throne room, use your Eagle Vision and take a look around. You'll see that the King is not on his throne. Instead, he's standing on a platform on the left. On the opposite side of the room, on a platform, there is a sniper. There are around five enemies on the ground.
There are several methods to get rid of the King. You can storm inside and kill everyone. You can use cherry bombs, get rid of most enemies with a gun/crossbow and kill the rest with a sword. You can attract some enemies, kill them outside of the throne room, then go back and kill the rest. You can also ignore the people on the ground, climb up to the sniper, kill him and get to the King. If you shoot him, he'll fall down and wait, you have to finish him with the hidden blade.
After you kill the King, run where the game tells you. If you have covered the chimneys, there will be a lot of smoke in the corridors. You can use it to escape faster or killing the enemies quietly.
Reach the designated place and slide. After a cut scene, the mission will be completed.
For a full synchronization, perform two kills with the Phantom Blade during the escape. Really easy.
For completing the task you'll get 3 sync points and officer pistols.
If you still haven't visited Cafe de Theatre, you'll have to after killing the King of Beggars. You have to get inside, talk to the owner and take money from the chest. If you have already done it, the game will tell you to report to the Council. Doing it unlocks the next sequence.
Difficulty: 3/5
Now you'll have to find Germain, the silversmith responsible for creating the weapon used for killing monsieur de la Serre. The silversmith is in a heavily guarded building. Roofs are guarded by snipers, on the ground you'll find alarm bells. Entering through the main gate is possible, but really hard, so use the rooftops. Turn right at the starting point. You'll see some marksmen and infantry on the roof, but they won't cause you a problem. Just don't get shot with a musket. You don't have to be quiet - enemies on the ground will not pay attention to the roofs.
Walk up to the edge of the building and use the Eagle Vision. You'll find Germain in the room below. The easiest way to get inside is through the window. Inside you'll fight a few guards.
For a full synchronization, you have to use a lockpick four times. It doesn't matter if you open a door or a chest. You have to do it before you free Thomas Germain. If you wish, just explore the residence and open everything you see.
You also have to use the berserker blades on brutes. You must do it before freeing Germain as well. Two brutes are in front of the entrance, so shoot them. Try not to waste any ammo.
After the cut scene, you'll have to escape the building. Thomas Germain won't move until you clear the way, so you don't have to worry about his safety. There are four groups of enemies, but don't worry, you'll fight them separately. Kill the enemies the game shows you until you reach the entrance. There are two snipers outside, get rid of them.
Go back to Germain. He got caught. Defeat two enemies, Thomas will take care of the third one. You'll see a cut scene, then follow Thomas. The mission's over.
The reward for completing this mission are 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 3/5
You have to infiltrate the building. Inside, as usual, there is a lot of guards. Unfortunately, there are only two ways inside, because all of the windows have been shut. Both are watched by two guards, so getting rid of them should not be a problem.
Inside, as usual, there's a lot of enemies. However, there is only one sniper, so don't worry about getting shot during a sword fight. There is also an alarm bell that you should sabotage. Alternatively, you can fight far enough from it. Get rid of the guards. You don't have to kill all of them, just clear the center of the building.
After you enter the designated area, use the Eagle Vision. Arno will comment on the amount of gunpowder, but it's not the most important thing. After a while, the game will highlight another green area. Get close to it and use the Eagle Vision.
Climb up the ladder and use the book. This will trigger a cut scene.
For 100 percent synchronization, kill three people with a pistol. Shots that only injure them don't count. If the enemy has full health, weaken him with a sword, then use the pistol.
The building will start falling apart, the only way out is through the roof. Run forward. Turn towards the main hall whenever you can. You'll have to jump, climb and avoid fire quite a lot. There is only one road, so just keep going forward. If Arno makes a comment that upwards is good, you're on the right track.
Reach the place the game shows you. Getting to the rope will trigger a cut scene.
Full synchronization requires avoiding the obstacles during the escape. This part is really dynamic. There's a chance that getting full sync will require repeating the memory.
The reward for completing this mission are 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 3/5
Contrary to the impression, Lafraniere is the easiest target so far, mostly because of the setting. In the beginning of the mission, you'll encounter only single guards and only two groups. Getting rid of them shouldn't be a problem.
Your first objective is to hide in a haystack and wait for the victim. You can do it right away, but it's better to start with using the opportunities that are really useful here.
Assistance opportunity is underground. Inside, you'll find enemies attacking the gravediggers. Save the gravediggers and they will help you escape the graveyard.
Infiltration opportunity right here is retrieving the plans of the meeting. You'll find them on a tomb on the opposite side of the graveyard. They are watched by several guards.
After you acquire the plans, use the Eagle Vision. Red footprints mark the places where guards will stand. Yellow ones tell you where Lafraniere will walk.
For a full synchronization, you have to sabotage four alarm bells. Since there aren't many guards, the task is really easy. You don't even have to stay hidden if you don't want to.
After you come up with a plan, go to any haystack and wait for the victim.
After the cut scene, night will come. This time, the graveyard is full of guards, including snipers on the rooftops. Direct combat is close to suicide, so you should outthink them. Get rid of the guards nearby, climb the roof, kill the snipers and wait near Lafreniere's path. Eventually, he'll stand in a place where you can perform an air assassination.
Another escape. You can climb up the wall and escape traditionally. You can get through one of the gates, but they're all guarded. Or you can enter the sewers. There are two entrances in the graveyard - one in the center, one near the gate. Use the one in the center. If you're fast enough, you'll lose your enemies. Run to the second staircase, get rid of the guards by the gate and run away.
For a full synchronization, perform three cover kills during the assassination. Medium difficulty. Lots of enemies make it easier. Stay undetected or you'll have to fight a horde of enemies.
The reward for completing this mission are 3 sync points and Arno's tailored coat. Moreover, you'll get the possibilities to buy more skills.
Difficulty: 3/5
Your task is to infiltrate the Jacobin Club and see what the Templars are planning. The place is full of guards and snipers. You'll find some alarm bells as well. Luckily, the rooftops are not heavily guarded, so you should be relatively safe there.
The residence contains 2nd level locks. If you don't have level 2 of locksmith skill, the mission might get more difficult.
La Touche is in the eastern part of the residence. While you're on the roof, enter the green area and use the Eagle Vision to see where you have to go. Your target is in a room full of people. Get inside the residence. It's a good idea to use one of the windows, because you'll get directly to the second floor. Go towards La Touche. You should reach the balcony above him.
A great spot to watch the conspirator.
La Touche will leave the room and start going towards other important guests. Use the chandeliers to get to the other side of the room while keeping eye contact with La Touche. Just like before, you have 15 seconds to find him after he disappears from your sight. When you see the countdown, use the Eagle Vision and find him.
Some guards are waiting for you in the adjacent room. You can kill them without worrying about the noise. People downstairs won't care about it. Eavesdrop on them, then follow La Touche.
La Touche will start climbing up the stairs. Hide in the adjacent room and wait until he gets upstairs. Use the Eagle Vision to see what's going on inside. You can do it on the same floor or climb up to the roof. The latter is better, because La Touche will eventually exit the room. When you're on the roof, he won't see you.
A perfect place for eavesdropping on a secret meeting.
La Touche and his companion will go back to the guests and you have to eavesdrop on them. Go downstairs. You should find an entrance to the basement nearby. Stand where the game tells you. You'll see a cut scene.
Now it's time to escape the area. Unfortunately, reinforcements arrived. First three enemies are in the basement, more of them are searching the residence. Direct combat is rather risky, so use stealth. Sneak to the second floor and use one of the windows. Alternatively, you can run towards it and throw smoke bombs. Or you can use the door if you have eliminated all the snipers. Most of the guards only have pistols. They can hurt, but not kill.
Escape the area and become anonymous.
Full synchronization requires using two berserker blades on snipers and two cover kills. You'll find many snipers on the roof, on the left side of the entrance, so the only thing that may stop you is not enough ammo. There's a lot of guards on the ground as well, so you shouldn't have problems with cover kills. Both challenges must be completed until La Touch starts the meeting that you'll eavesdrop from the basement.
The reward for completing this mission are 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 3/5
Firstly, go to the designated spot and use the Eagle Vision. You'll see Elise and three men trying to kill her. Elise is a good fighter, but she can't make it herself, so help her.
Follow Elise. You'll reach a maze with some more enemies. Kill them.
Elise doesn't know the way out. Neither do you, so it's time for a little recon. Climb up the tower and look at the maze.
The shortest path out is through the door nearby. Opening it requires level 2 of locksmith skill, but you don't really have to have it. You can try it on level 1, but you might break all your lockpicks. Climbing the hedge is not an option, because it's too flat. If you don't have locksmith on level 2, you have to use one of four entrances.
The maze itself seems really complex. It has some dead ends, but some shortcuts as well. Enemies are hiding in several tunnels, but they shouldn't be a problem. This place is rather easy to escape from, as long as you use your brain.
Enter the maze and turn right. Stick to the right side. If you get into a dead end, go back and choose another way. After a bit of walking, you should reach the outside wall. With the wall on the left, keep going forward.
Full synchronization requires performing two double assassinations. Earlier it was impossible because of fighting. Here, however, the enemies are unaware of you. You'll encounter pairs of guards in the maze. Sneak up to them from behind and kill them to complete the challenge.
Now you'll have to get through a crowded street. There are several enemies in the crowd. Elise will take care of half of them, the other half is for you. The enemies don't know about your presence, so approach the targets shown by the game and eliminate them. Aside from the enemies on the ground, there are two snipers on the rooftops. You can get rid of them with air assassinations or shooting from the ground.
After the cut scene, you'll have to fight a large group of enemies. If you feel strong enough, kill them all. If not, throw a smoke bomb and escape. Become anonymous to finish the memory.
Full synchronization requires taking four headshots. They require staying out of fights - if you don't, Arno will shoot quickly, without aiming. You might want to repeat the memory because wou'll probably fail the challenge in the first try.
Walking through the crowd is a good moment to complete the challenge. First, shoot the guard near the entrance, then one from the crowd, finally two snipers.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 2 sync points and a tailored medieval hood.
Difficulty: 3/5
In the beginning of the memory, you'll see a few cutscenes. Follow Elise. First, you'll walk a bit, then you'll have to chase her. Try to stay close, getting too far from Elise results in repeating the pursuit. You'll reach the building where Germain works.
After the cut scene, keep following Elise. You'll reach Germain's workshop. After a moment, three enemies will enter.
Your task is to protect Elise. She's a good sword fighter, but don't take a risk. Defeat all of the enemies.
For a full synchronization, stun three enemies. You must use stun bombs. Every enemy can be stunned several times, but in this challenge, subsequent times won't count. Therefore, you have to stun all three of them to complete the challenge.
In the last part, you'll have to get rid of five marksmen. Three of them will be by the window on the left, two on the right. You can jump out of the building and attack them directly, but killing them with a pistol or a crossbow will be faster. Stick to the wall, hold the ranged weapon key, aim and shoot. While aiming, Arno will stay behind the cover, so you don't have to worry about being hit. After you shoot one of them, hide and wait until the rest lose interest. Repeat until you get rid of them all.
For a full synchronization, you have to take three headshots. You have five targets, so you just have to aim well. Sometimes the game won't count a headshot even if you think you haven't missed, so try to shoot all enemies in the head.
As a reward for this memory, you'll receive 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 3/5
First, go to Mirabeau's office. It's on the third floor.
After the cut scene, search the crime scene. Use the Eagle Vision, then take a look at all the highlighted items. You should be interested in Mirabeau's body, a handkerchief, a book on the desk and a closet on the opposite side of the room. When you investigate all of them, you'll get the three proofs that the game wants.
After you gather the evidence, go to Master Quemar in the Assassin headquarters. You can accuse Elise of the murder, but it won't change anything. The Master will tell about an apothecary who sells poisons. You can accuse Master Quemar of murder, but just like Elise, it won't have any effect.
Go to the apothecary. His location will be shown on the map. He's not guarded, so just enter his workshop.
He'll start escaping. Your task is to chase and tackle him. First, you'll run through underground tunnels. You can use it to your advantage by sliding below some obstacles. After a while, you'll get out to the street.
The apothecary runs fast and occasionally throws smoke bombs, so catching him might be a bit of a problem. Staying on the street should suffice, but you can use the rooftops. He always takes the same path, so if you fail, just repeat and get in his way.
For a full synchronization, you have to use one lift and slide under or over five object. Both challenges might be too hard, especially if you catch the apothecary quickly. You might want to chase him a bit longer to complete the challenges. In that case remember that the distance between you and him can't be longer than 50 meters. Catching him finishes the memory.
The reward for completing this memory is 1 sync point.
Difficulty: 4/5
In the beginning of the memory, use the Eagle Vision. You'll see green flames around the fountain. Follow them. They will lead you to the church you visited in sequence 2.
After the cut scene, start climbing up the church. Use the Eagle Vision to see where you have to go. There are no crossroads, so just follow the lead. You should reach Bellec in a moment.
Duel against Bellec is divided into four rounds. In the first one, he's fast and strong. He can shoot and can't be killed while he's on the ground. Sword attacks will hurt, but not kill him. The rest of movements works fine, so use whatever you want. A good, upgraded pistol can finish the duel in two, maybe three shots. Hit the enemy until he falls to his knees. Try to finish him, you'll trigger a QTE sequence. Don't lose it or you'll have to repeat the fight. After you win, Bellec will stand up and get his health back.
In the second round, the enemy will try to tackle you more, but aside from that, the fight looks the same. At the end, you'll trigger a QTE sequence and a cut scene.
In the third round, Bellec will dodge every bullet, so using a pistol makes no sense. His attacks will get faster and stronger, you'll be able to do a perfect parry after his third attack. He'll also throw stun grenades that will blind you for a moment. Win the QTE and watch the cut scene.
In the fourth round, Bellec will start throwing smoke bombs. Keep moving, because he'll fall down on you. If you stand still, he'll perform an air assassination. If not, you'll be able to defend yourself. Pistols and crossbow don't affect him, the rest of your attacks do. Stick to the strategy that helped you win previous rounds, dodge his attacks, keep moving and you'll win.
Finally, finish Bellec. After you stab him, watch another cut scene and run towards the portal. It's time for another server bridge.
For a full synchronization, you have to perform five stun attacks without getting tackled. The first part is easy, just attack in the right moment. The second part of the challenge can be completed by using parry and dodging when Bellec tries to tackle you.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 3 sync points and master Assassin outfit - Bellec.
Difficulty: 1/5
You'll get into a tunnel. Go forward and climb up the ladder. A short cut scene will tell you what's going on. Your task is to climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It's guarded by zeppelins and planes.
There is a tank in front of you. Pass it from the left to avoid the searchlight. If you get into the light, snipers will shoot you. There is a hole in the net that surrounds the tower. Use it and start climbing.
Stop for a moment and look at the searchlight. It will move diagonally, top left to bottom right. Wait until it's on top, then pass it on the right side, as you can see in the screenshot.
After you reach the ledge, go forward. A plane will attack you and Arno will jump inside the tower.
It's time for a bit of jumping and climbing. First, use the platforms to get to the first terrace, then to its top. You'll see a disabled elevator on the left.
Climb it and move upwards. Climb on the right side, because you'll get electrocuted on the left. Climb up to the top and hide behind a crate. This way, the plane won't hurt you.
Run up to the machine gun. Shoot when the plane approaches, hide when it starts shooting. Arno can't shoot when he gets shot, so if you get hit once, you'll take damage for a moment. Remember to shoot in front of the plane, not directly at it.
You should destroy the plane after two or three rounds. You'll see a zeppelin on the left. Climb it, then get to the tower from its tail.
The climbing goes on. This time, you have to avoid both searchlight and thunderbolts. Farther parts of the tower are blocked with barbed wire, so you have to get inside again. You'll see an entrance on the left, just under the wires.
You'll find another ladder inside. Go up.
Keep going up. This time you have to fight two planes at once. They attack one by one. Wait until both stop shooting, then shoot back or you will lose a lot of health. After you destroy both of them, continue climbing. If you can't, take a look around. You'll find something to help you by one of the walls.
Nobody will attack you, so you can easily climb to the top. We mean the very top of the tower, its pointy end. After you get there, a portal will open. Jump through it to go back to Paris.
Difficulty: 3/5
In this mission, your task is to get inside the King's quarters and steal some really important letters. It's occupied by the Revolution, so you're not welcome there. Direct combat will kill you since there's a lot of enemies inside. Main entrances are not an option because of the hordes of enemies in front of them and inside. During this mission, you should stay quiet and attack only single enemies.
The palace has two entrances and a few open windows. There is some open space in front of the doors, so you might get spotted. Windows are the safest way in.
The king's office is in the northern part of the palace. You'll have to either fight or avoid single enemies. Most of them are on stairs, near the main entrance. Reach the door of the office and open it.
For a full synchronization, sabotage three alarm bells and perform three cover kills. It means that you'll have to get rid of some of the enemies, because the bells are on both sides of the palace, near the entrances. Prepare a reserve of ammo and medicines. You'll find berserker blades really useful here.
After the cut scene, you have to find the king's secret storage. Use the Eagle Vision. One of the closets will be highlighted. Open it.
After the cut scene, you'll have to fight. Protect Napoleon while he opens the secret entrance. The enemies will attack in three waves, you shouldn't have problems defeating them. You'll fight for two minutes or until you get rid of the last enemy.
After the cut scene, you'll take a short walk through the sewers that will end at home. Napoleon will tell you to hide, so do it in the place specified in the game. After a short cut scene, the memory will end.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 3/5
Your next target, Rouille, is in the barracks. He's on top of the building, on a wooden platform surrounded by extremists.
The barracks are like a maze. Most of the walls have spikes that make climbing impossible, most of the doors are locked. You'll have to follow one path because the rest will be blocked. You can enter in several ways, but the sewers are the best option.
There are no enemies in the sewer. While you're inside, go upstairs. You should find a window leading to a closed courtyard. Three guards are watched by three extremists. It's your assistance opportunity. Get rid of the extremists and the guards will help you.
It's easy to go further from the courtyard. Look at the window through which you have entered. You'll see another one. Get through it and keep going.
The further part should be easy. Except the enemies, but there's just a few of them here. Keep going forward. If you have freed the guards, you'll see them on the way, fighting the extremists. You'll reach the roof.
You'll have your distraction opportunity on the roof. You have to burn the tower from which guards where thrown down. Run across the roof and jump to the spot marked in the game. Arno will take a torch and set the tower on fire. You'll get rid of snipers.
Your target is in the center of the tower. He's protected by a few snipers and a small group of ground enemies. You can defeat them in direct combat. Just use smoke bombs and a pistol. Choose your favorite way to kill them and defeat the guards, then Rouille. Remember to finish him with the dagger! After the assassination, escape the area. You're on a roof, so any direction will work.
For a full synchronization, perform three cover kills and three ledge assassinations. The first part can be achieved inside the tower by killing single guards. To complete the second challenge, kill the marksmen on the wall or towers. There aren't many enemies near the ledge, so you have to spend some time to find them.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 3 sync points and a light halberd.
Difficulty: 3/5
Your objective is to find the source of food deficiency in the city. First, go to the place shown in the game. In the cut scene, you'll see a barge. You have to follow it.
The barge will move rather fast, so you have to hurry. Just run forward along the right side of the river. Sometimes you'll run along ropes, climb or jump along masts of ships. You shouldn't have any trouble choosing the path. You don't have to see the barge all the time, just stay close to it, 80 meters or closer. Reaching the third stone bridge and climbing it signifies the end of the pursuit and triggers a cut scene.
This part of the memory might be difficult. The barge is fast and you have to avoid obstacles. But don't worry, there's only one simple path, so after a few tries you should remember where to go.
For a full synchronization, stay out of the water. It means that you can't fall or jump into water. It might be hard and you may have to repeat the pursuit.
Your new task is to steal an important document. Its owner is at the end of the wharf, guarded by a group of extremists. The restricted area is small, but most of the enemies don't see each other, so you can eliminate them one by one. The sniper is the only exception, but the phantom blade should take care of him.
The owner of the documents is not directly guarded by anyone. There are some guards around him, but not enough to cause any trouble. Kill him and search the corpse or just steal it from him.
For a full synchronization, you can't raise the alarm. Just sabotage the only alarm bell before any enemy uses it.
You have to become anonymous. You can get in the water, but staying on the ground is a better idea. You'll find stairs on the left side of the wharf. It's the closest and best way up. Leave the area and get rid of the enemies that are chasing you (if any).
For this memory, you'll get 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 4/5
Your objective is to eliminate Marie Levesque, whose actions started the starvation in Paris. The woman is organizing a party. It means there will be a lot of guests that you may hide among, but also lots of guards. Direct attack will not work, there are quite a few alarm bells in this area. Luckily, there are better options.
You'll get two opportunities in this task. Distraction opportunity requires saving a merchant. Two robbers are bothering him. Kill them and talk to him. He'll start moving forward and you'll have to protect his wagon. You'll have to fight several small groups of enemies. Nothing hard. After you arrive at his destination, talk to the merchant again. He'll promise to distract the guest with fireworks.
Assistance opportunity requires you to free the prisoners. They are in cells on both sides of the main gate, four in each one. You can open them with locksmith on level 3, which is not possible right now. There is, however, a much better method. A guard has the key. Getting to him requires passing through guards and snipers near the gate. When you're near the gate, use the Eagle Vision and you'll see how dangerous it is here.
Taking this opportunity makes sense only if you want to enter through the main gate. If you want to use stealth, you won't need help from the prisoners. Free them only if you need their help to finish the memory, if you don't - ignore them.
The residence has a lot of entrances. Mostly windows on each floor. They're the safest way inside. Check if there are any guards around you, then climb up the wall and enter the building through the window. The floor doesn't matter, enemies are on all of them.
You'll see that a part of the residence is unavailable because of the pointed fence. To get inside, just climb a building and jump from them to the garden. There are just a few guards in the garden, so it's a good way to get inside.
The residence is full of guards, so try to stay quiet. Especially around alarm bells. There are two of them on each floor, on the eastern and western part of the building. If you can, sabotage them. For a full synchronization, you can't raise the alarm. It means that the enemies can't use the alarm bells.
Before you take care of Marie, free her husband, Thomas. He's in the eastern part of the residence. Three guards are patrolling around his chambers, you shouldn't have trouble defeating them. Opening the door requires locksmith on level 2 or higher. Thomas will thank you and run away. Freeing him is required for 100 percent synchronization.
Marie will be in the ballroom most of the time. The room is guarded by marksmen. Marie herself always has two guards around. There are two simple methods of killing her. The first one is waiting on a balcony above the ballroom. Wait until Marie is below and perform an air assassination. Then use a smoke bomb and escape the residence.
The second method is useful if Marie notices you. She'll escape to her bedroom, where she'll wait until the end of the memory. The bedroom isn't this heavily guarded. Killing her there might be easier for you.
After killing Marie, you'll have to escape from the residence. The game will show you several paths, so just run to the closest mark and leave.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 3 sync points oraz a legendary phantom hood.
Difficulty: 3/5
Right after the cut scene, you'll have to cut three ropes that hold the balloon in place. You can do it right away, ignoring the enemies. But defeating them first is a better idea. Waves of enemies will keep on entering the courtyard, so the faster you cut the ropes, the better.
Your objective is to chase the balloon. Don't worry about the snipers, Elise will take care of them. Just follow the balloon. Jump from one roof to another, run along ropes and try not to fall behind.
For a full synchronization, you can't touch the ground during the memory. It's easy. All of the buildings are either connected or so close to each other that jumping from one to another won't be a problem.
After a short pursuit, the balloon will get stuck on a church spire. Climb up and stand where the game tells you.
After the cut scene, use the lift to get back to the roof. Continue the pursuit. Some enemies will shoot, but don't worry about it. Eventually, the balloon will stop and you'll finally be able to get inside.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 1 punkt synchronizacji oraz the possibility to buy more skills.
Difficulty: 3/5
Your task is to eliminate La Peletier. There are even more guards here than in the previous assassination. The area is also full of civilians, so it's easy to blend into the crowd.
There are three ways of getting there. The first option is the main entrance. There are several guards there, but you can get in the crowd. Blend into the crowd and don't run and you should be able to get to the entrance.
The second option requires using one of the side entrances. Each of them is guarded by at most three guards, so eliminating them silently shouldn't be hard.
The third option is using a window. You can find some open windows on the first (ground) floor.
Inside, you can use two opportunities. Infiltration opportunity requires bribing a servant. For 4,000 Livres she'll leave the window i Le Peletier's office open. You can use it in two ways.
Firstly, Peletier will escape to his office if he notices you. You can let him see you, escape the guards, then enter the office through the window and get rid of the target.
Secondly, you can enter the office and reach Le Peletier from there. You'll encounter much less guards and the task will become easier.
Assassination opportunity requires stealing a bottle of poison wine. Do it and the game will tell you where to put it. Then just wait until Le Peletier orders the poison. The problem is that there's a lot of guards around, so they may see you. This opportunity is rather difficult and unadvised.
La Peletiera is guarded by four soldiers. Throw a smoke bomb at them and use the distraction to stab the target. You can also use a cherry bomb to distract the opponents. The fight against the guards is rather hard, but possible to win. If you take care of the guards, you let Le Peletier escape and you'll have to find him in the office. Choose your favorite method and eliminate the target.
After the assassination, escape the area and become anonymous.
For 100 percent synchronization, you have to use the berserker blade on two brutes and perform two double assassinations. The first challenge is easy, because there's quite a lot of brutes around here. The other one can be done near the side entrances or inside, where you'll find a lot of enemies patrolling in pairs.
Using the berserker blade on a brute can be used as distraction. If the guards around Le Peletier hear a fight, they will run to see what's happening. Because of that, you can even get rid of all Le Peletier's personal guards. That's why you can use the berserker blade on guards on the first floor and wait until Le Peletier's guards run to investigate the noise.
The reward for completing this memory are 3 sync points and legendary breeches.
Difficulty: 4/5
Time to get rid of Germain. Arno planned killing him during the execution of king Louis XIV. It implies lots of both civilians and guards. A large part of the mission is a restricted area.
Germain is in the green zone. In a small part of it on the other side of the mission's area, to be precise. To reach him, you'll have to pass the restricted area. Left or right, doesn't matter.
For 100 percent synchronization, you have to kill two snipers. It's particularly difficult, because the area of the mission is just full of guards. Additionally, the snipers are in the restricted area. Don't use a pistol or a musket, because the noise will draw the attention of too many guards. Instead, you can use the phantom blades, berserker blades or poison gas bombs. You can also distract guards with cherry bombs. Use any method, just don't attract attention, because you will not win. The challenge must be completed before reaching Germain.
Pass the restricted area and enter the green zone. To make sure you're in the right place, use the Eagle Vision.
Approach the tribune. You have to do it from the back, without being noticed. The best place to do it is on the left of the two guards. If you've done it all, a cut scene will start.
You'll have to fight a group of enemies. It shouldn't be too hard. Your objective is to protect Elise, but she's a good fighter, so don't worry.
After the fight, Elise will follow Germain. You'll have to follow her and fight small groups of enemies. The memory will end after a few fights.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 4/5
After you finish the previous memory, your task will be to meet the Council. Arno will get expelled from the Brotherhood and become an alcoholic. After you meet the Council, another memory will start and Arno will wake up in Versailles with a hangover. Wait until the cut scenes end.
You'll have to find wine. Arno is drunk, so the camera will shake, the screen will get darker and using the Eagle Vision will cause trouble.
You don't have any ranged weapons, while the enemies are rather strong. Therefore, you should use stealth. Pass all of the enemies and get inside the marked building. You can enter through a door or a window. The second option is safer, because you'll avoid some guards. The wine is locked with a door with level 2 lock. If you get there through the window, you won't have to open it.
For 100 percent synchronization, you have to use a cherry bomb to distract four enemies. As simple as that. In the beginning of the memory, you'll encounter a large group of enemies. Just throw a cherry bomb at them and the challenge will be complete.
Take the wine and watch another cut scene. Go to the place the game shows you. After another cut scene, you'll have to fight.
You can't see your health, you can't see enemies' health, you don't have any equipment. You will lose this fight. You can try, but there will be more enemies and you'll be defeated. You can jus stand and take the hits, because that's what this fragment is about.
After the fight, you'll have to chase a member of the group who has beaten up Arno the day before. He won't climb buildings or throw bombs, so just follow and tackle him. It won't be hard, because he runs slower than you.
After the cut scene, you'll arrive in Versailles. Your objective is to find the leader of the group and get Arno's watch back. The leader is outside of the palace. Most of the windows are closed, so you'll have to get through the palace, killing or avoiding all the criminals. You got the rest of the equipment, so this task should not be difficult.
You can use brute force or stealth. Each room contains at least a couple of covers, so every strategy is possible. Even direct combat, as long as there aren't more than three enemies in a room. Some fights will be easier, some harder. The only problem is using the Eagle Vision that still doesn't work properly.
The palace resembles a tunnel. Doors and windows are open in such a way that you'll have only one possible path. If you get stuck, go back a bit and check if you missed anything. If you see enemies, you're on the right track.
For 100 percent synchronization, you have to kill two enemies with poison. This does not mean that you only need to throw a poison gas bomb at them. Only enemies killed directly by poison count. This challenge is easy, just be careful when and where you throw a gas bomb.
Eventually, you'll reach the courtyard. The gang leader is supported by four enemies. Use the pistol, phantom blades or stealth kills to get rid of the guards, then kill the leader. Search the corpse to finish the memory.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 4/5
Your objective is to get rid of La Touche who's performing an execution in Versailles. The area of the execution is small, but full of guards. Luckily, all of them are inside, so you can plan your attack.
Firstly, get rid of the snipers. All of them are on balconies of building that surround the square. Just enter the building, sneak up on the sniper and perform a cover kill. Walk around the square and get rid of all the snipers, because it will make the task much easier.
There are two opportunities in this memory. Assistance opportunity requires sneaking up to a food storage. A large crowd will gather to hide your actions. Apart from that, the restricted area gets smaller and it only encompasses the scaffolds, which makes it easier to hide from the opponents.
Assassination opportunity requires approaching the cage where prisoners are waiting to be beheaded. You'll find out that you have to steal a key from one of the guards. You may kill him and search the corpse as well.
After you get the key, walk up to the cage. Arno will open it and get inside. After a short cut scene, he'll be taken out. Start walking towards the guillotine. Nobody will attack you until Le Touche notices who you are. Run towards him and stab him with the hidden blade. If you weren't waiting for too long, you'll do it without alarming the guards.
Both opportunities are worth using because they will let you get closer to Le Touche.
Throw a smoke bomb and start running. There are to many enemies near the guillotine for you to defeat. If you have killed the snipers, the escape will be easier. Run away while throwing smoke bombs, then become anonymous.
There are no alarm bells in this area, don't worry about reinforcements.
For 100 percent synchronization, perform four cover kills. It's an easy task, because that's how you'll get rid of the snipers. The second challenge requires three headshots. There are too many enemies in the restricted area. You might want to attract them away from the guillotine. You can use this situation, among others, to complete the challenge.
For completing this memory you'll get 3 sync points and Master Sans-Culottes Bracers.
The last portal will appear. Get inside.
Difficulty: 1/5
You'll start at a cemetery. Go forward and underground. You'll have to run and jump, just like in earlier missions like this. Eventually you'll reach the rift.
You'll have to jump on some platforms. If you feel lost, look for three ghosts near a hole in the wall. Their presence means that you're on the right track.
Run uphill. After a moment, large rocks will start falling down on you. Dodge them or hide behind covers. You have to reach a vertical wall and climb it. More running and dodging the rocks. Run towards the brightly lit passage.
The next obstacle is a broken bridge. Climb it and jump to the other side. You can run on top, you can run through the tunnel, doesn't matter. You just have to end up on the other side.
You're close to Bastille. The whole area is being attacked with burning stones. Your task is to reach the portal on the opposite side. The most important thing is reaching the portal, it will end the memory.
After you finish the mission, you'll appear in Paris again.
Difficulty: 5/5
First, follow Elise. You'll reach the Champ de Mars. It's going to be a difficult mission. Most of the area is restricted, guards and extremists are everywhere. Fighting will attract guards, so direct combat is not an option. You'll have to use a lot of stealth here.
Your first task is to get to the tent to find evidence against Robespierre. The tent is in a restricted area, but it's easy to reach. Just use a cherry bomb to distract the enemies closest to it, jump over the fence and sneak inside.
For a full synchronization, you have to sabotage the alarm bell next to the tent. You'll pass it, so you might break it.
There is some potential evidence against Robespierre inside. The best proof is near the bell.
After you acquire the evidence, escape from the tent the same way that you entered. If you need to, distract guards with cherry bombs. After you leave the restricted area, go talk to Elise. Arno's sweetheart wants to poison Robespierre's wine. Protect her.
Arno will be turned towards the barrels of wine. Guards will start appearing in the following order: one on the left, one in front, two from the back. After they appear, they will start going towards Elise. When they find her, she won't be able to poison the wine. The game suggests that you should stun the guards, but you can kill them. Be quiet, use phantom blades, stealth assassinations and so on. Loud actions will attract guards and you don't want to fight too much enemies at a time. After you silence all four of them, talk to Elise. If you got detected, become anonymous first.
For a full synchronization, Elise can't be detected. It means that the guards must not see her. When the guard starts to see Elise, an animation will start. If you get rid of the guard before it ends, the game will say that Elise hasn't been detected.
The last task is to give evidence to the Parisians. The game will show you three people. You have to approach them and give them evidence. It works the same way as stealing. One of the targets will be in a restricted zone. Watch out for the criminals, because they will attract the guards. After you're done, go back to Elise.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 4/5
In the beginning of the memory, follow Elise. You'll see a carnage.
You have to find out what happened. Use the Eagle Vision and look around. You'll see a survivor. Talk to him.
After the cut scene, you'll get a new task. You have to find other survivors and trace them back to Robespierre. The area is large, but it will get smaller with every person you ask. Just go forward and use the Eagle Vision. Whenever see a person marked gold, talk to them. After a bit of investigation, you should find the man.
Robespierre is escaping through the city, followed by guards. You have to follow him. Do not catch him, just see where he's going. You can do it from the ground or from the rooftops, it doesn't matter. The rooftops will let you avoid conflicts. Avoiding conflicts is necessary for a full synchronization. A short pursuit will end in a heavily guarded residence.
The building is too heavily guarded for you to just enter. Pass it on the right, eliminating single guards. Get to the corner of the building, next to the alarm bell, and use the Eagle Vision. You should see Robespierre.
Climb up the wall and enter the restricted area. Use the Eagle Vision and you'll see a door. It has a level 3 lock but they're the shortest path to your target. Moreover, opening it will let you complete the challenge. Enter through the window, open the door. There are three guards in the next room. Get rid of them and talk to Robespierre.
If you don't have level 3 locksmith, you have to take another way. The building has quite a lot of open windows on each side. Only guards and alarm bells might cause you trouble.
After interrogating Robespierre, the mission will be over. There's no need to escape and become anonymous.
For 100 percent synchronization, you have to use a lockpick at least once in the residence. You can use it on a door or a chest. Just using it counts.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 2 sync points.
Difficulty: 5/5
It's time to eliminate Germain. The Grand Master of Templars has locked himself in the Temple. The building is so guarded that it doesn't offer any opportunities. You have to kill Germain without them, defeating dozens of high-level guards.
There are several ways of getting inside, but climbing the wall near the starting point is the best. It's not the most guarded part of the Temple, so it won't be that hard.
After you clear the wall of guards, go right. The main part of the Temple should be on your left. Another group of guards is in front of you. Get rid of them.
After you take care of the guards, take a look at the temple. You should see an open window. It's one of the best ways of getting inside. Use it.
There are several guards on each floor. You'll also find a staircase leading up. Use it to get to the roof.
For a full synchronization, you have to perform three double air assassinations and sabotage two alarm bells. Two bells are in the Temple, so you just have to get rid of the guards. The assassinations might be a problem. There's a lot of guards on the walls, but most of them walk alone. If you see pairs of guards, they will be in groups. Therefore, you either have to attack the pairs first, then fight the rest, or quietly eliminate the rest and leave the pairs for last.
You have to fight Germain. He's invulnerable to bullets, so you have to attack him directly. Wait until he turns around or throw a smoke bomb and attack him. Arno will get knocked back and Germain will disappear.
There should be a good place for a leap of faith nearby. Use it. There is a lot of enemies on the ground. All of the path to the designated place is a restricted area full of enemies. You can try fighting, but the best idea is to run through and heal yourself when you need to.
Your destination is the entrance to the catacombs. It's heavily guarded, but you can get inside with some smoke bombs. Run downstairs and ignore the enemies. They won't follow you if you are fast enough.
You should reach the door. Open it. Make sure that you have plenty of medicine.
After the cut scene, the fight against Germain will begin. Don't approach him or you'll get struck by a lightning. Shooting doesn't work. You have to attack him with the hidden blade. The easiest way to do so is from the air. When the fight starts, go back to the entrance and go right. You'll find stairs leading up. There are some ropes above Germain. Climb them and jump down on the enemy.
After each strike, you'll get knocked back and Germain will disappear. Wait until Arno gets up and hide, because Germain will hit you with a lightning. You will get hit anyway, but the faster you hide, the less damage you'll take.
Germain has to be hit with the hidden blade three times for the fight to be over. From the very start he'll use Eagle Vision to find you. zeby cie odnalezc. In the beginning, he will attack you only if you don't take cover. After you hit him, he'll start attacking even if you do. When you get detected with his Eagle Vision, change your position. Germain's lightning always hits the place where you were detected. If you move, you'll avoid getting hit.
After the third hit, you'll see an interactive cut scene, then another one. After it's over, finish Germain.
You'll see some more cut scenes and credits.
For completing the memory, you'll receive 3 sync points, Arno's Master Assassin Outfit, Sword of Eden.
The Maps and Collectibles chapter, from the guide for Assassin's Creed: Unity includes detailed information on all the side activities that you can indulge yourself in, in Paris of the French Revolution era. In here, you can find:
This part has been divided, according to the city districts. In each chapter, there is a map of the district and descriptions of all the available activities.
The map of Versailles has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the city, which has been divided into two parts, you can find 20 regular chests with small amount of money in, 2 Nomad chests, which also contain money, as well as 2 Novice chests, which you can find boosts and special items in. Additionally, in the city, there are 8 cockades that usually appear in spots that require you to do lots of jumping and climbing, as well as a Helix point. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
The map of Ile Saint-Louis has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. On this isle in central Paris, you can collect 7 regular chests, with small amount money inside, 3 locked chests, which mainly have simple locks and an Novice chest, in which you can find the outfit of the famous pirate assassin Edward Kenway. Additionally, in the district, there are 4 cockades that are usually easy to obtain and do not require you to do much jumping and climbing. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 500 Livres, bookshelves and books in the Cafe Theatre.
You receive all of the missions for the Cafe Theatre from the proprietor. Many of them require you to take a longer journey so, be ready to run around a lot or for using fast-travels.
Your task is to save the books being burned down by Hebertists. Your first objective is to talk to the informer. Reach the marked spot and talk to him.
The game will point you to the restricted area, where there are three valuable manuscripts. Around, there are several low-level extremists, who should not be too much of a trouble to you. Collect all of the manuscripts , leave the marked area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres, new terrace in the Cafe Theatre.
Reach the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. You will find two arguing people. After a while, you will be pointed to the spot, where you need to hide. Do that.
After the argument, you receive a task to kill the innkeeper. He starts to run. You can wait for him to run into a secluded spot, or get to him immediately and kill him. Any weapon and method will do the job.
After you do that, go to talk to Colette. You find her at the upper floor of the marked building. Inside, there is a group of extremists waiting, but they should be easy to defeat. Talk to the girl. Then, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 1400 Livres, new costumes for Cafe Theatre actors.
In the marked spot, use the Eagle Vision and find Rose. Around her, you find a group of extremists. Eliminate them and talk to the woman. Watch out for the nearby alarm bell, which can be used by the enemies to call help.
You receive another task. Nearby, there are three spots, where the costumes have been hidden. All three of them are being well-guarded from the ground and from the rooftops. Your task is to collect them all. You do not need to kill the guarding extremists. Due to the numbers of the opponents, you had better avoid open fights. If this is what happens, though, try to lure some of the opponents away, instead of fighting all of them, at a time. Eventually, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 2500 Livres, new curtains for the Cafe Theatre.
Reach the marked spot and talk to the informer. After the conversation, enter the new area and use the Eagle Vision.
In there, you run into a big group of high-level extremists. Their commander has the necklace that you want, on him. The entire group is organized into two rows, with the owner at the head. You can launch on her and defeat her in open fight, which is going to be difficult, due to the numbers of the enemy forces and their levels. You can eliminate them one-by-one, e.g. by stunning them. Also, you can distract them with a cherry bomb, rob the commander and escape before he finds out what has happened.
With the necklace, go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision to find the smuggler. Near him, there are many opponents. Sneak past them or defeat them in combat and talk to the smuggler. Eventually, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres, posters of plays in the Cafe Theatre.
Talk to the informer. In the restricted area, there is a priest. Use the Eagle Vision to find him. the priest has the key that you need. The area is being heavily guarded, but you only need to wait for the priest to leave it. Follow him, wait for a good opportunity and steal the key.
Again, talk to the informer. Then, climb to the place marked by the game. After the assassination, run after the marked man and handle him down. You will definitely catch up with him, because he is not too fast a runner. You will learn where Renard is.
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision to find Renard. In here, there are swarms of high-level extremists so, direct combat is going to be difficult. However, you do not need to take the main entrance to get inside. In the building, there are several opened windows so, it is going to be safer to take one of them. Especially that there are less extremists on the upper floors and, in the case of a fight, the ones below will not come to aid them. Avoid the enemies, or eliminate them, and reach Renald and kill him. Eventually, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 1/5
The first Nostradamus Enigma is in the underground of the Cafe Theatre, right next to the Armor of Thomas de Carneillon. All of the answers are at the Cafe Theatre.
The answer to the first puzzle is above the tome.
The answer to the second puzzle is on the first floor of the Cafe Theatre. Find the sofa. Right next to the sofa, there is a portrait. The answer is in its lower section.
The last answer is on the rooftop of the Cafe Theatre, under the compass rose shaped like a rooster, above Arno's room.
The map of Cite has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the Eastern part of this second-central island of Paris, you can collect 2 regular chests, with small amount of money in, 8 locked chests, with locks of both 1st and 3rd level and 2 Nomad chests, where you find additional money. Apart from that, on the isle, there are 4 cockades that re, mostly, easy to obtain and require little jumping and climbing, 1 artifact, as well as a Nomad point. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 1200 Livres
Your task is to examine three suspicious fountains. Walk into the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. Approach the highlighted fountain and take a sip of water from it.
Everything around you becomes darker and shaky and there appears a new green area on the map. The deeper you walk into it, the smaller it becomes. Your task is to reach its center, where there is a small group of opponents. You should be able to deal with them without major problems. You need to repeat this process three times, separately for each fountain. To improve, temporarily, on your vision, use the Eagle Vision.
You can find two enemy groups hiding between buildings, on the ground. The last one is underground, right next to the beach. So, if you cannot find the last group, go underground and take a look around there. This mission concludes after you defeat the last group of opponents.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres
your task is to steal liturgical vessels from the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. The vessels are in two restricted areas and guarded by the city watch. There are few guards and their levels are low. You can fight them directly and simply collect the chalices. Also, you can use cherry bombs to lure the guards outside and steal the vessels without being bothered. Pick the most convenient method, obtain the items and return to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Cult of Baphomet's first.
Go to the marked area. Knock the door into the underground and wait for it to be opened. Climb down. You will walk into a small maze. There are lots of corridors here, but the whole structure is simple. You should be able to find your way out. Also, there are several opponents here but, thanks o the arrangement of corridors, it is easy to lose them or avoid them. With a bit of good will, you will be able to end this task without being spotted.
Your objective are the three Templars hiding in the underground. Use the Eagle Vision, to find them. They are not guarded and the only opponents in the basement remain in constant movement. Find the Templars and kill them. After that, leave the underground and become anonymous. If you have alerted opponents to your presence, after the assassinations simply dash out of the underground. The opponents will not follow you.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres
This mission requires you to complete the Puzzle, which you can start in Palais de Justice.
Go to the workshop, Inside, there are three opponents waiting. You can fight them, but you are more interested in the items that they have on them. Therefore, if you want to, you can restrict yourself to robbing them.
After you have obtained the items, there appears a new green area on the map. Get there and use the Eagle Vision to find Jean Lessard. Your task is to eliminate him. Lessard is being accompanied by a small group of low-level guards. For the game, it does not matter whether you attack them directly, or whether you sneak up to them so, pick your favorite method and eliminate the target. After you do, escape from the marked area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: Wooden hammer
The culprit: Friar Honore
Number of clues: 13
This mission becomes available after you talk to Eugene Francois Vidocq. The man can be found at the Palais de Justice.
Monastery (13 clues):
The victim's corpse
Body of Friar Bernard
Body of Friar Stanislaus
Body of Friar Benoit
Property of Friar Honore
Property of Friar Jean
Crumpled paper. This and all the previous clues on the upper floor
Partially burnt diary in the hearth, outdoors
Statement of the Abbot, on the upper floor
Statement of Friar Benedict, on the ground floor
Statement of the vineyard worker
Statement of Friar Joseph
Statement of Friar Honore
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: Long mace
The culprit: Anne de Molay
Number of clues: 17
Teragon's house (8 clues):
Teragon's corpse
Partially burned letter in the fireplace
A book on the bed
Torture devices
Newspaper on the table
History of France, next to the tools
Blood symbol on the door
Statement of Madame Teragon
Grimany's house (4 clues):
Grimany's corpse
Torture devices
Letter from Teragon on the rack
Symbol on the wall
De Prasi's house (4 clues):
Torture devices
The murderer's blood trail
The blood trail from the house to the street
Statement of Victor de Prasi
Anne de Molay's house (1 clue):
Statement of Anne de Molay
Difficulty level: 2/5
The symbol is on the chimney, close to the cemetery.
You find the first answer on the cemetery near the symbol, on the tomb, next to the French flag.
To find the next two solutions, see the map in Palais de Justice -> Paris stories.
The second answer is on the Palais de Justice grounds, above the church door.
The last symbol is on the Western edge of the Palais de Justice, at the foot of the fireplace, on the relief.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 250 Livres plus up to 500 more
The Templars are smuggling valuable items from the cathedral of Paris. Your task is to get them for yourself.
First of all, you need to climb down. The stairs into the underground are being guarded by four guards. You can either throw a smoke bomb at them and defeat them in direct combat, or shoot them with the Phantom Blade. You can also distract them with the cherry bomb and silently cut their throats. Pick the best and, preferably, the most stealthy method, and climb down.
You are going to roam around the corridors, for a bit, now. The corridors are being patrolled by single guards, who are easy to talk around without being spotted. After a while, you should reach the treasure It is being guarded by two enemies and several more, in the neighboring tunnels. They have been deployed in a way that allows for stealthy approach without raising the alarm. After you have cleared the area, collect the items and backtrack to the surface.
In this mission, there are too few enemies to be a problem in direct combat. Therefore, if you do not care for the reward money, you can eliminate them in melee.
The map of the Palais de Justice has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the Western part of the second isle, central to Paris, there are 7 regular chests with small sums of money inside, 3 locked ones, including one with a third-level lock and 2 Nomad chests with additional money inside. Additionally, in the district, there are 4 cockades, where you need to get underground to get one, as well as 1 artifact hidden in the Palais de Justice.. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 750 Livres
At the works, there are three assistants. Talk to all three. If you cannot find them, take a look around using the Eagle Vision. The assistants will point you to the whereabouts of three heads important to their manager.
The first head is in front of the Palais de Justice, in a restricted area. Entering requires you to climb over walls and you are likely to encounter guards there. The levels of the guards are low and it is easy to defeat them, but they are numerous and it is easy for them to defeat you, if you are careless. In addition to that, you cannot pick up the head if you are watched y one. The head is on the pedestal in the middle of the square so, eliminate the nearby guards only. After that, pick up the head.
At the other side of the palace, near the alarm bell, there is a man with a key. Either steal the key or pick it up from the corpse. In the third area, there is a man with important papers. Get them.
After you have obtained the items. the whereabouts of the remaining two heads appear on the map. You will have to get inside over the balcony. Climb down the stairs, kill one of the guards in the room and loot both of the chests. After that, take the heads back to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 500 Livres
First of all, you need to take a short walk. Follow Lenormand. The woman is talking to herself aloud and accosts people in the street occasionally. Finally, she stops and points you to your first target. eliminate him, but watch out for the guards. If the passing-by patrol spots your actions, they will attack immediately.
After another short walk, the woman points to your next target. This time around, he is he has company. Kill some of them with stealthy assassinations and defeat the rest in melee.
Your next target is a lawyer. He is staying in a building and is accompanied by only one guard. First, eliminate the guard and then, kill the lawyer.
Your last target is all by himself so, get him from behind and stab him on the back. After the assassination, talk to Lenormand.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 400 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Tall Dark Strangers.
Your mission is to steal a fragment of the mechanism that opens the door to Flamel's workshop. The fragment is on one of the four monks at the
Notre-Dame Cathedral. The monks are facing the altar, away from the door and they talk to each other. Theefore, you can easily rob them. Fighting is out of the question, because the monks are civilians and Arno does not kill them. After you have obtained the mechanism, return to Lenormand.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 500 Livres
At the beginning of the mission, you need to go to the tenement occupied by Flamel. It is a bit of a walk from Lenormand's place so, fast travel there. The tenement is in a restricted area and there are quite a few opponents here. Fortunately, there are several ways inside, including the opened windows. Thanks to the windows, you will not have to fight your way through.
Get into the specified apartment. While inside, use the Eagle Vision. The game highlights two tomes and a chest. Examine them. The chest turns out to be locked. The owner of the key is close nearby. Watch out for the opponents and steal the key. Also, you can attack the owner and loot the corpse, but this way you will alarm the nearby opponents. Pick the method that is best for you and obtain the key.
Use the key to open the chest, Inside, there is the fragment of the mechanism. After you obtain it, return to Lenormand.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 1200 Livres
Go to the Notre-Dame Cathedral. To the left of the main entrance, there are stairs. Outside, on the wall, you will find a symbol, which is a proof that you have taken the correct staircase. Get underground.
While in the underground, follow the corridor through. There are no side corridors so, you should not lose your way. After a while, you reach the door being guarded by two men. Kill them both. To the right of the door, there is the mechanism. Use it. In case of any difficulties, use the Eagle Vision.
In the lab, there is the elixir on the table. Collect it and take it back to Lenormand.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 500 Livres
In this mission, you need to eliminate four opponents on bridges to the district. There is quite a distance between the bridges so, you will have to take longer walks.
The opponents are extremists and they have, at least, several guards. The weakest one has one guard, whereas the strongest ones have six. All of them are staying in restricted areas and they do not expect you to stop by. In spite of that, stealthy assassinations will be difficult to pull off, because all of the areas are small and it is difficult to find hiding spots. This is why, if there are only few opponents, it is better to attack directly. If there are more of them, use smoke bombs, cherry bombs and the pistol. Deal with the remnants using your sword.
After each assassination, you will have to escape the area and become anonymous. After the fourth time, the missions ends in success.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres
Your task is to steal a letter. The owner s in the Northern part of the cemetery. Climb onto the rooftop of the nearby building and use the Eagle Vision, to locate him. Aroud, there is a group of extremists and guards so, watch out during combat. It may happen that the guards attack you after you attack the extremists.
You can either steal the letter or win it in fight. Both of the methods are good so, pickyour favorite one. After you obtain the letter, leave the area and become anonymous.
Eugene is in the cage at the guard outpost. He offers you to see into several murders that the city watch failed to resolve. After the conversation, you will also be able to investigate the Mysterious Murders. Also, you will learn the rules of completing this kind of missions.
Eugene also tasks you with the first mission of this type, i.e. the Murder Foretold. You need to get to Cite.
Difficulty level: 3/5
the symbol is near Ponte Notre-Dame, on the ground, in front of the statue.
You find the first answer on the clock, on the wall of the Palais de Justice. To learn the whereabouts of the remaining two solutions, see the map in Cite -> Paris stories.
The next answer is above the main entrance of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, on the angel statues, opposite the stained-glass window, on the balcony.
The third answer is on the flat portion of the Cathedral roof, to the right of the entrance.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Money Reward: 2/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 3
Duration: 2 minutes
The tutorial mission that lets you know about the rules that govern the Rifts and the possible rewards. It disappears after you complete it.
In order to find the assassin, you need to collect 300 points. To receive a money bouns, you need to collect another 500 points, i.e. 800 points altogether.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Money Reward: 3/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 3
Duration: 3 minutes
The main problem in this mission is the tornado that appears and disappears. Usually, close to Arno, even if he is on a rooftop. Coming into contact with the tornado costs you a little amount of your health, but it slows you down. The tornado always appears in the places that allow you to get around it so, try to do that.
Also, there appear guards in the mission. They have blades and pistols, which they use if you get too far away or climb onto a rooftop. They shoot right after they produce their weapons and they do not need to take aim. After they are killed, they drop a 20 points worth data pack. To fight the guards, you can use any weapon. Also, it is a good idea to take some medicine along, because you are allowed to use them.
This mission also displays a tutorial that you can follow and pick up data packs.
To find an assassin, you need to collect 500 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 1000 points, i.e. 1500 points in total.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Money Reward: 3/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 3
Duration: 3 minutes
this mission is very similar to the previous one. The only difference is that instead of the tornado, there is a strong wind in this mission. It blows from the direction of the portal and it carries dangerous items. Not only does the wind wound Arno considerably, but it also slows him down, which costs you time. Fortunately, it only blows between buildings so, stay on rootops and you will be sound and safe.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 500 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 1000 points, i.e. a total of 1500 points.
The map of Hotel de Ville has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district that houses the Paris authorities, you can collect 6 regular chests, with small amount of money in, 8 locked chests, with money and outfits in and one Nomad chest, where you can find additional money. Apart from that, in the district, there are 5 cockades, all of which require you to climb to high places and to jump, 2 artifacts and 2 Nomad points. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres
Your mission is to escort countess de Fremiet on her way home. The route starts at the guillotine and ends in the cemetery. The countess moves only if you are staying nearby. Therefore, you can run ahead, if necessary, eliminate the threat and return to her.
At the beginning of the mission, you need to watch out, because you will be crossing a restricted area. walk around it or, otherwise, the guards will attack. Along your path, you will have to fight extremists several times but, they are randomly generated by the game. In the mission, there are no pre-determined opponents. Therefore, if you are lucky, you may only have to walk. The Countess can defend herself but she is weak in combat and has little health so, it is better not to have her do that. The mission ends after you reach the grave.
Difficulty level: 5/5
The symbol is on the chimney on the rooftop near Pont Notre-Dame.
You find the first answer on the city hall. Approach the building from the side of the main entrance and climb onto the rooftop. Reach the base of the spire, where there are several statues holding the French flag.
The second answer is in front of the city hall, on the ground, right next to the guillotine, on the very edge of the restricted area.
The final answer is on the roof of the nearby tower. It is easy to find it, because it is one of the few tall objects in this area.
Difficulty level: 4/5
The symbol is on the roof of the church spire, in the Southern part of the district. You can find the symbol in on the top portion of the tower, above the building's rooftop.
The first answer is in the Grand Chatelet tower. You need to get to the tallest tower, to the top level, under the roofing. The answer is on the floor.
To learn the whereabouts of the remaining two solutions, see the map in Halles -> Paris stories.
The second solution is in the Southern part of the Holy of Innocents, at its inner side, there is a painting on the wall. The solution is on the painting.
The final solution is on the spire of the St. Eustache church. You need to climb onto the lower tower, to the right of the entrance. The solution is atop the tower.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 2 Sync points, you can obtain 2 more during the mission. Handmade Sans-Culottes Coat, Handmade Napoleonic Bracers, Arno's Tailored Hood.
To start with, you need to find Theroigne. The game marks two locations in restricted areas, where you should search for clues. Nearby, there are quite a few guards, including numerous patrols. Therefore, you need to expect lots of fighting or sneaking past. The opponents are not too strong but they are quite densely distributed so, fighting one of them may alarm the others. Using the Eagle Vision, find both sacks and examine them.
The sacks will lead you to a building. Theroigne is at the top floor, guarded by snipers and a quite considerable group of opponents on the lower levels. You will have to free her. This time around, sneaking is out of the question, because the opponents are too numerous. Later on, you will have to leave somehow anyways so, it is better to eliminate all of the enemies. Therefore, equip bombs and take the building by force.
After you eliminate the opponents, Theroigne comes down. Your mission is to escort her now. Along your path, you will have to fight two groups of opponents. The game suggests the targets that you need to eliminate. Theroigne is going to help you in battle. She is doing quite well but remember that she must survive.
After you eliminate the opponents, you receive new objectives. You need to get to the market place and kill two Templars. You can find them with the Eagle Vision in two green areas. In the market place, there are lots of extremists in small groups. Additionally, each Templar is accompanied by two guards, at least. It is best to blend in with the crowd and eliminate both of the targets silently. You can do that with the hidden blade, as well as with the pistol or the Phantom Blade. Do not try to fight a direct fight,. The levels of the opponents are low, but there are too many of them. They will crush you with their numbers.
After the assassination, you receive the locations of two more Templars. This time around, you do not need to go searching for them, because they are already marked by the game. Both of them are in a small restricted area, guarded by snipers and quite a group of opponents. There also is an alarm bell there. The levels of the Templars are high and they put up a fight, if attacked. First of all, deal with the snipers and pick your favorite method of elimination and kill both of them. After that, escape the scene and become anonymous.
The map of Marais has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. IN this Northern district of Paris, you can collect 7 regular chests, with small amount of money in, 9 locked chests, the majority of which have complex locks of level 2 and 3, as well as a Nomad chest, where you find additional money. There also is a Novice chest here, which require a high Novice level.
Apart from that, in the district, there are 5 cockades that mostly require you to do climbing into high places and only one artifact. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 1400 Livres
Your task here is to defeat five fencers. You are going to fight the majority of them until you draw the first blood. You fight the others o the death. One of them calls for reinforcements, as soon as he is severely wounded. The opponents strike quite strong blows and they have quite a lot of health points. They come with respect to their strength so, each successive opponent is stronger than the previous one. Additionally, losing to them means that you have to start the mission over. This is why you should prepare a quite strong weapon and practice parries and dodges, before you start this mission.
The opponents are of various categories. Sometimes, you will only have to parry their blows whereas, sometimes only dodges are effective. Apart from that, the fights are no different from the rest of the fights in the game. With one exception - while fighting, you cannot use pistols and gadgets.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
This mission requires you to complete the League of the Crimson Rose. You find it in the Arsenal district.
Go to the marked area. On the ground floor of the building, there are swarms of guards so, enter through the window on the upper floor. Use the Eagle Vision. Read the document on the floor and talk to the woman. To do that, you need to approach the door. You learn that the guards have already taken her husband away.
De Choisy is being guarded by several men. They are standing in the fashion that allows for silent elimination, with the hidden blade or the phantom blade. Also, you can attack them directly, because they are not too strong. After you have eliminated them, free the man and escape the scene.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: Heavy Hilt Sword
The culprit: Amelie
Number of clues: 18
The garden (5 clues):
Woman's body
Cup next to the body
Ring on the bench
Flower bed next to the entrance
Statement of Amelie
The kitchen (3 clues):
Mortar and pestle
The statement of the chamber maid
The dining room (5 clues):
Letters on the table
Silver pot
Statement of Georges
Statement of Pierre
The study (4 clues):
The journal on the table
Documents in the corner of the room
Crumpled letter on the floor, in the other room
The book on the sofa
The terrace (1 clue):
Statement of Lucille
Difficulty level: 4/5
The symbol is on the wall of the church, at the height of the first floor, next to the stained-glass window.
The first solution is in front of the church entrance, next to the tree there. The symbol is on the ground. To find the second solution, see the map in Arsenal -> Paris stories.
The second solution is on the wall of the Hotel de Sans tower, in the recess between the tower and the slanting roof.
Fr the last solution, return to Marais. You find it on the Wogez Square, one the pedestal of the statue, in the centre of the square.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 2 Sync points, you can obtain 3 more during the mission. Improved Military Hood, Tailored Prowler Breeches, Tailored Medieval Belt.
First of all, defeat the spy threatening Danton. He is alone so, you should have no difficulties defeating him. After the fight, escort Danton.
The escape route turns out to be closed and around, opponents start to arrive. There is going to be ten of them, including at least one sniper. They do not march straight ahead and they roam around the area. You can attack them directly, or sneak up and attack with the hidden blade.
After you have eliminated all of them, Danton tasks you with retrieving two letters. Both of them are in the custody of the extremists. The first one is in the street, accompanied by quite a group of guards. They are walking in a tight group and they are being guarded by snipers. There is no way to steal the letter without being seen so, it follows that you will have to fight. Prepare lots of smoke bombs, pistol ammo and medicine.
The second opponent with the letter is in the labyrinth of the memoir 2 in sequence 6. Also he has a considerable number of guards around him, but they are more scattered. Moreover, the labyrinth's structure will make it easier for you to complete the mission, because the opponents will, most of the times, be unable to help each other. Climb onto one of the nearby rooftops and find your target. Then, determine which route you are going to take to get to him. The labyrinth is quite complex and it is easy to go astray without a plan. Apart from that, you cannot climb onto the hedges so, while inside, you will have to stay on the ground level.
Your last target are two archspies. They are strong opponents with lots of health points. Both of them are staying in a heavily guarded building. Inside, there are lots of opponents, snipers and alarm bells. The building itself has lots of narrow corridors and locked doors. Onslaught is not the way, because you will be easily outnumbered. You need to enter through a window and eliminate the successive groups of opponents silently. Have a supply of bombs and ammo on you, because you will surely need them. After you kill the targets, leave the area and become anonymous.
The map of Arsenal has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district overshadowed by the famous Bastille, there are 6 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 8 locked chests, the majority of which have quite simple locks of levels 1 and 2, 1 Nomad chest, with additional money inside and 1 Novice chest that requires a high Novice level. Apart from that, in here, you can find 5 cockades, which mostly require you to jump off high places and an artifact. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. You will find a reviewer whose review you need to steal. He is a civilian so, you cannot kill him. Around, there are several guards, but the area is not restricted. As long as you keep a low profile, and steal outside of their sight, everything will be fine.
Your second target, the censor, is in a restricted area. In the area, there are lots of guards, but the cennsor himself walks alone. Additionally, the entrances are also unguarded. This is why, you can simply walk into the area and kill the censor in a direct duel. There is high probability that he ill not be heard by anyone. After the assassination, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 400 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Handful of Duelers. You can find it in Marais.
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. Talk to the two marked people and then, to the Crimson Rose. Right after the conversation, you will be attacked by the city guard. The opponents attack in three waves that are increasingly stronger, several opponents each. Around, there are your allies, but they are fewer in numbers than the guards. Your task is to defeat them and not let Rose die.
After the third wave, officer Chauvelin arrives. He starts running towards Rose, but his weapon is sheathed. You can run up to him and kill him with the hidden blade. If you are too slow, Chauvelin draws his sword and you will have to defeat him in duel. After you kill the guard, talk to Rose.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres
This mission requires you to complete The Return of the Crimson Rose. You can find it in Marais.
Start by reaching the marked area. There, you find two shooters and three duelers. They do not expect you and their levels are not too high. Pick your favored method and eliminate them all.
After you defeat the opponents, approach Rose. He throws a smoke bomb and attacks you. He is not too strong an opponent, but he has lots of health and strong attacks. Around, there are no other opponents so, you can focus on the duel itself. Defeat Rose to complete the mission.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 800 Livres
At the beginning of the mission, go to the quartermaster marked by the game. You can rob him you can kill him and loot his body. Around, there are few opponents so, do whatever seems the most convenient to you.
Your next task is to retrieve the rope hidden in Bastille. The stronghold is in a restricted area, but there are few opponents there and they are scattered. For this reason, you can hide, but not necessarily. After you are detected, you are going to fight, at most, several opponents only.
The majority of the doors are locked. You need to use the windows. The building's design is quite complex so, it is best to go ahead, after you go past the main entrance and enter through the window on the upper floor. Inside, turn left and go onwards. The rope should be on the right. Take the rope and return to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 2/5
The symbol is on the rooftop, atop the dome.
You will find the first solution in the garden, at the base of the statue in the center.
The second solution is on the flat portion of the rooftop of the nearby church. which neighbors the labyrinth. To learn the location of the third solution, see the map in Temple -> Paris stories.
The last solution is atop the tower in the center of the labyrinth.
The map of Temple has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district that houses the famous Templar stronghold, there are 5 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 9 locked chests, most of them with complex locks of levels 2 and 3, 1 Nomad chest, with additional money inside and a Novice chest that requires a high Novice level. Apart from that, in here, you can find 5 cockades, which mainly require you to jump off high places, 3 artifacts, one of which can be found outside of the building and a Nomad point. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 5000 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Critical Comedown. You can find it in the Arsenal district.
On the second floor of the marked building, there is an important journal. Your task is to obtain it. The building is locked shut and the only available entrance is through the main door. Inside, there are quite a few guards, but they are scattered and not always do they look in your direction. With a bit of attentiveness, you will be able to walk around them or eliminate them stealthily. Mainly, try to do the latter, because you will be returning the same way, once you have obtained the journal. Do not attack them directly. The guards are scattered but their levels are high and they can be quite a challenge. Obtain the journal and take it back to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: Broadsword
The culprit: Ficarron
Number of clues: 15 (2 on the Courtyard, 5 in the Cafe, 8 in the Outdoor Theatre)
The Courtyard (2 clues):
The corpse. Around, there is blood. Use Eagle Vision and follow the bloody trail.
The Handbill
The Cafe (5 clues):
The corpse in the armchair. This one and the three remaining clues are on the upper floor, you need to enter through the window.
The razor on the ground
The crumpled letter in the room
The poster nailed to the wall
Statement of Bertrand on the ground floor
The Outdoor Theatre (8 clues):
The Fire site
The prop table
Costume Rack (the wardrobe)
Anonymous note at one of the carriages
There is a note of the meeting, nailed to the carriage
Statement of Pascal
Statement of Rose
Statement of Ficarron
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: 700 Livres
You are up for a longer walk to the site, which is a restricted area. Once there, you need to find the leader of the group of smugglers. The area is small and pairs of smugglers are at the gates. Snipers on the rooftops. All of them have low levels, but there is quite a few of them here. First of all, eliminate the guards at the gates, then the snipers and finally, attack the ringleader. You can eliminate him silently or attack him directly, whichever you prefer. After the fight, escape the scene and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Go to the marked area. Use the Eagle Vision, to find Duke De Barrois. The Duke is among a thick crowd and he is accompanied by numerous guards. Additionally, around, there are other opponents and snipers so, a direct duel is not an option, especially that the Duke puts up a fight. He has quite a few health points and strong strikes and with his guards, he is sure to defeat you. You can use smoke bombs, kill the duke quickly and escape. Also, you can sneak up to him, amog the crowds and stab him with the hidden blade. After the assassination, escape the scene.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
Your target is the captain of the brigands. He is staying in a restricted area and is accompanied by a dozen-or-so opponents of high levels. Around, there are no snipers. The best method do complete the mission is to climb to the top of the church. Using the Eagle Vision, you can find out that there are few opponents around the target. Start with an air assassination and eliminate the captain quickly. The duel with him may be difficult, due to his high level. Fortunately, not all of the opponents launch to his aid so, they will not be able to win thanks to the advantage in numbers. After the assassination, escape the scene.
Difficulty level: 5/5
The symbol is on the rooftop of the house close to the local social club.
You find the first solution on the roof of the Temple keep, on the wall of the short tower, near the place where you first fought Germain.
The second solution is on the Temple keep's grounds, next to the fountain.
The third solution is under the Temple keep, on the sarcophagus, next to the treasure chest, near the second fight with Germain. You can get to the underground over the stairs that you took, while looking for Germain in the last memory of the 12th sequence.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Money Reward: 4/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 2
Duration: 3 minutes
You are under the Eiffel Tower. ON the square area, there are many ropes extended, several wooden platforms, quite a few of and guards. The guards are patrolling the area on the ground or watch it over from the platforms. All of them are armed with firearms and they will use it, even if you stand next to one (treat them like the shooters in the revolutionary Paris). For this reason, it is a bad idea to stand behind their backs. If you are spotted, kill them at close quarters, if you have been running towards them, or turn back and shoot them.
Additionally, the whole area is being searched with spotlights. Do not enter their light, or you will be fired at by the snipers. The snipers pack quite a firepower and they are capable of killing you with, only, several shots.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 600 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 900 points, i.e. a total of 1500 points.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Money Reward: 4/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 2
Duration: 3 minutes
This mission is similar to the previous one but, this time, you are inside the tower and the portal is inside. For this reason, while escaping, you will have to jump into it. As for the opponents, everything remains unchanged.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 600 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 900 points, i.e. a total of 1500 points.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Money Reward: 4/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 2
Duration: 3 minutes
In this mission, you are inside the tower again. Inside, there are metal platforms and airships around it. This time around, there are no guards, nor seekers. Still, you can fire at the airships with the machine guns positioned in two spots. An airship attacks as soon as you get to the side of the tower, where the machine gun is. While inside the tower, you do not need to worry about anything. A knocked-down airship is worth 100 points.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 600 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 900 points, i.e. a total of 1500 points.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 3 Sync points, 5 more during the mission. Improved Bourgeois Bracers, Improved Prowler Bracers, Arno's Master Coat.
Your first task is to talk to the Girondists. You have 5 minutes to talk to, at least, two. If time allows you to, you can have more conversations. Each Girondist is staying in a restricted area. The area around is being guarded by numerous guards on high levels. There are many ways, in which you can access the building - through the windows, doors with locks of high levels or through the main entrances. The main entrances are better guarded, whereas locks require you to buy appropriate abilities and lockpicks. Try not to engage the guards. There are lots of them and they are very strong, which makes them quite a challenge.
Your second task is to set two stacks, on the Bastille's grounds, on fire, which is going to be the go signal for the Girondists. Bastille is full of opponents of high levels, usually in groups of two or three. The chance to hie from them is low so, prepare to fight. You can enter the main gate, you can climb the wall. The fires are on the tops of the two towers. Setting them on fire will take lots of time so, before you take to doing that, clear the area nearby. After you set them on fire, get off the fire, or you will burn to the death. The fires are heavily guarded, especially the one higher up. Around them, there also are alarm bells. Fortunately, they are close to each other so, after you climb the keep, you should be able to deal with them quickly.
Another task requires you to open the sewer passage. You need to climb down and start the mechanism that opens the door. The first one is in front of the restricted area and three more on the in the area. There are many guards here, but they are scattered. In case of detection, you will have to fight a strong, but small, group. As long as they do not use an alarm bell, that is. You need to watch out for the snipers. There are lots of them here, they come in groups and they cover quite an area. The chances of sneaking past are low.
Finally, approach the boat. wait for the Girondists and then, for the information that the mission has been successful.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 5000 Livres plus up to 10000 more
Your task is to steal the money of the Royalists. On the grounds of the residence there are three chests, out of which only one is the actual on. All three are being guarded by hordes of guards and shooters on rooftops. There is a slight probability that after you enter, you will not be spotted, because the opponents are densely deployed and they patrol the grounds. therefore, you will have to eliminate them carefully, one after another- or fight lots of high-level opponents.
All of the windows are shut so, you can only get inside in three ways - through one of the guarded entrances, though the roof or through a door with a 3rd level lock. In the entire structure there are lots of stairs and intersections. It is easy to get lost here and run up against an enemy patrol.
The chest that you are looking for is on the ground floor, in the corner of the building. To reach it, you will have to cross a heavily-guarded yard and enter the building through the window or one of the doors with locks of the 3rd level. Searching the rest of the chests gives you nothing s, you can ignore them.
The map of Porte-Saint-Denis has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district, where the famous Marquis de Sade lived, there are 4 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 8 locked chests, with complex locks of levels 2 and 3 and 2 Nomad chests, with money inside. Also, there are 5 cockades that require you to climb to inaccessible places and an artifact. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 400 Livres
Your task is to kill Grignona. Your target is in a restricted area and is being guarded by extremists and snipers. Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. You will soon notice that it is going to be easy to eliminate some of the opponents from the air. Also, you can blend in with the crowd and use firearms. Before that, however, clear the area of the snipers. They are going to be more of a problem than the opponents on the ground. After the assassination, escape the area.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 1200 Livres
This mission requires you to complete My Kingdom For Some Whores.
Get to the marked area. It is far away from the starting point so, use fast travel.
Your task is to steal the warrant from Grand Chatelet, located in a restricted area. The building is being guarded by a big, low-level garrison that is scattered over the area. Outside, the majority of opponents patrol around in pairs or by themselves. Inside, the number of guards per patrol is higher.
Enter, at best from the direction of the river. Above the gate there, there is a window. Eliminate the guards at the gate and enter through the window. You should be at the same floor as the document that you are to steal. The number of the guards inside should be low. Get the document and leave the building through the same way as you came here.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 1400 Livres
This mission requires you to complete De Sade's Reprieve.
Your task is to obtain the four objects scattered all around the district. Get ready to do some running.
The first item is at the upper level of a house. Inside, there are lots of guards of low levels. The item is in the chest. The house is not in a restricted area so, you do not provoke the guards to attack you, if you keep a low profile.
The second item is in possession of the man walking away from the market place. It is a vast area, where it is easy to blend in. There are many opponents here, but they are scattered. Additionally, the square is not a restricted area. Therefore, exploit this and steal the key silently. Also, you can obtain it by force, but there is no call for that.
The third item is in possession of the priest. You can find him on the cemetery. You cannot kill him, and there only is an option to rob him. The cemetery is, more or less, in the middle of the area marked by the game.
The last item is at the upper floor of a house, in a small restricted area. It is being guarded by a group of extremists that are easy to defeat. After you obtain all the items, return to De Sade.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Follow Dossonvill. Together, you will get to the place where you play the mission. Wait for the man to spoil the thing and let him kill the extremists. Defend him against the three successive waves of enemies. Your companion is a good fencer so, together you should have no problems defeating the opponents.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Get to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. Talk to the witnesses. There are five of them. After the conversation, examine the marked corpse.
Your next task is to enter the houses. All of its doors and windows are locked, which is why you need to enter the attic. Inside, there only is one opponent. You can kill him with a stab to the back or defeat him in combat. It is better to do the former, because it is faster. After the assassination, the mission ends in success.
Difficulty level: 4/5
The symbol is in the Northern part of the district, on the wall of the church.
The first solution is on the floor of de Sade's residence, in front of the bed.
The second solution is in the Cour Des miracles, on the cross lying on the ground. To locate the third solution, see the map in Halles -> Paris stories.
The last solution is in Halles, on a small square frequented by prostitutes.
The map of Halles has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district with the Holy Innocents cemetery, there are 6 regular chests, including several of them guarded by the extremists, 8 locked chests with locks of both the 1st and the 3rd level, 2 Nomad chests, with additional money inside and 1 Novice chest of low level requirements. Apart from that, in here, you can find 5 cockades that require a bit of climbing onto high structures and 1 artifact that is easily obtainable. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 400 Livres
Your mission is to kill Jean-Baptiste Rotondo. The target is hiding in the sewers. The descent to the sewers in near the quest giver.
The sewers have been divided into several multi-story locations. On the top, there are passages to the next locations and the extremists are at the bottom. You do not need to kill them but you will be returning to the top the same way that you came. This is why, for the sake of convenience, it would be a good idea to get rid of them. Apart from that, moving around sewers is going to require you to take jumps and climbing, and it is when it is easy to be spotted by the enemy.
The target is in the last location. After you get there, use the Eagle Vision. Around, there are several opponents, but they are not too much of a threat. You can kill Rotondo in any way you want to, even with the pistol.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: L'etoile polaire
The culprit: Jaimie Macarthur
Number of clues: 17
The Shore (3 clues):
The corpse in the sackcloth bag
Statement of the boatman
Statement of National Guardsman
The Tavern (Hotel de Ville, 1 clue):
Statement of the barkeep
Dom Belli (Hotel de Ville, 4 clues):
Letter from Jaimie on the table, next to the bed
Statement of old woman on the upper floor
Statement of Bella
Statement of Jaimie Macarthur
The shop (2 clues):
List of errands on the floor
Statement of Martin
Butchery (5 clues):
The small bag on the floor
The bucket covered in blood, next to the bag
Large Sackcloth Bag
Butcher's block
Statement of the butcher
Jaimie's House (2 clues):
Crumpled note next to the fireplace
Letters from Bella on the chair
Difficulty level: 1/5
Reward: Halberd
The culprit: Olivier
Number of clues: 17
The Brothel (7 clues):
Woman's corpse
Ropes and gag
Spikes and hooks in the corner of the room
Whip on the table at the window
Diary on the table
Statement of Micheline
Statement of Anna
Leather shop (Porte Saint-Denis, 2 clues):
Delivery book on the table
Statement of Jean
Student's Hovel (Porte Saint-Denis, 2 clues):
The book on the chair
Statement of Quentin
Meeting place (Porte Saint-Denis, 1 clue):
Statement of Vagabond
House (Porte Saint-Denis, 2 clues):
The mysterious letter on the table
Scrapbook on the bed
De Sade's Villa (Porte Saint-Denis, 3 clues):
Letter from the valet between the columns
Statement of de Sade
Statement of Olivier
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Your mission is to free the four farmers. They are held in a big restricted area. On the grounds, there are many opponents of various strength, including snipers and at least one alarm bell. There are many opened windows and passages there.
Any tactic that allows you to complete the mission is good so, pick your favorite one and enact it. The only exception is a direct attack, if you do not have a good weapon and ammo, or medicine. After you free the farmers, leave the site and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 800 Livres
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. In the restricted area, there are six hoarders and scattered opponents. Apart from two small groups, they walk by themselves. There are no snipers, nor alarm bells so, in case of being spotted, you are going to fight an easy fight.
The hoarders are treated as the extremists, i.e. after they spot you, they produce a weapon and attack. You can kill them by hiding among the crowds. You can also fight a direct fight or use the firearm. Due to the small numbers of opponents, you can give up sneaking completely here. After you have eliminated all six targets, leave the site and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 800 Livres
First of all, you are going to take a longer walk to the mission site so, it is better to fast travel there.
Your objective is to kill the four Lieutenants. They are hiding in the marked areas. You can find them with the Eagle Vision.
The first one is on the roof, close to two extremists. The second one is at the top floor of the house and is accompanied by one guard only. You find the next one on the rooftop, guarded by two opponents. The last one is by himself on the last-but-one floor of the house. His guards are on the floor below.
Not only do the opponents are poorly guarded, but also they are far away from each other. This is why, you can give up sneaking in this mission and attack them directly. Also, you can use the firearms and eliminate the opponents at a long range. The only problem may be the guards and extremists that may come to the aid of the attacked Lieutenants. After you kill all four of them, escape the area.
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: 2 Sync points, 2 more during the mission. Homemade Prowler Breeches, Handmade Medieval Belt, Tailored Musketeer Coat.
Your first task is to obtain the Warden's keys. The warden is staying inside Grand Chatelet. The building is full of guards and snipers on the roof. In spite of that, there is an easy way to get inside.
From the starting point, jump onto the beam of the tower and climb up onto the tower. Go ahead, along the external part of the roof. Avoid the wooden platform in the center, there are lots of guards on it. As you proceed along the edge of the roof, you reach the stairs. You need to climb onto the wall and jump off, at the other side, directly onto the stairs. Climb down. A bit ahead, there is the Warden, accompanied by several guards. Rob him or kill him and search the corpse.
Now, you need to obtain the notebook. Go ahead, towards the other end of the keep and climb to the lower level. The notebook is at the other side of the building, in a chest. Along your path, you will encounter a dozen-or-so opponents. They come in small groups and they have low levels so, you can easily fight them. If necessary, use smoke bombs and firearms.
You now need to reach the guillotine. Close to the notebook, there is a descent to the sewers. Take it and after you leave the building, dash towards the guillotine. In the area marked by the game, there are three Templar shooters and guards. First of all, clear the roofs of the snipers and use the Eagle Vision, to find your targets. While staying on the roof, you are capable of reaching them all and killing them silently. Nearby, there are both the extremists and the guards. Therefore, try to be careful and keep a low profile. Otherwise, you will have to fight both groups.
After the assassins free Paton, dash towards the spot marked by the game. Then, run towards another one. You reach the cemetery, guarded by a large group of extremists and snipers. Paton is staying alone, underground. One of the passages is locked with a low-level lock, the other one is guarded by several men. You can fight them or dash up to them, throw a gas bomb and dart down. If you are quick enough, the opponents will not follow you.
Approach Paton. Talking to him ends this mission.
The map of Feydeau has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the North-Western part of Paris, there only are 3 regular chests, which are easy to find and loot, as many as 10 locked chests, which are mostly guarded and which have level 3 locks, and 2 Nomad chests, with additional money inside. Apart from that, in here, you can find 5 cockades, which you cannot obtain without lots of jumping and 2 artifacts. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
IN this mission, you need to retrieve four stolen parts for the construction of the guillotine They are right next to the quest giver, in the neighboring restricted area. On the site, there are many high-level opponents and exceptionally many snipers. You can even find two on the same fragment of the roof. This is why, at the beginning of the mission, you need to take a tour over the rooftops and eliminate the snipers. Thanks to this, this mission gets much easier.
Each part is guarded by, at least, two extremists. Depending on the location, you can stab some of them with the hidden blade and fight directly the rest, or even shoot them from a rooftop. What you need is only a big supply of ammo, and avoid the enemy bullets. Also using the berserker blades may do a lot of good. Direct fight, without tendering the opponent beforehand, does not work so, use up some of your supplies first and produce your blade afterwards.
Do not attempt to steal the parts. There are so many opponents in the area that the majority of stealing attempts will soon be spotted. You can use cherry bombs and berserker blades to distract the opponents, but the risk that you are spotted, in the process, remains. And you cannot steal the parts after you are detected.
After you return the parts, you are going to fight in defense of the executioner and his brother. This part of the mission is very easy, because the enemy attacks are poor and both of the gentlemen fight well. As a matter of fact, you can stand aside and help them only if necessary. The mission ends with the death of the last opponent.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 12500
Talk to Marianne. The woman takes you outside, where she wants to practice fighting. Your task is to parry three times. Marianne attacks slowly so, this should not be too difficult to accomplish.
After the practice, follow the woman. Your mission is to escort her to her family house. She walks only when you are at her side so, if necessary, you can walk away, in the meantime, and deal with some other urgent business. If you do not count the extremists that appear at random, nobody is going to trouble you. together, you reach a building that several opponents jump out of. Defeat them to defend Marianne. The woman is not a good fighter and dies quickly, without your help.
You are going to take a stroll home. Marianne stops to examine various items and to talk about her memories. Every now and then, you will be attacked by a group of opponents. They are more interested in you, than they are in Marianne so, you can fight without worrying about her. The opponents have high levels but there are few of them. With good parrying and dodging, you win every fight without sustaining any losses. After several fights, the mission ends in success.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 5000
The source of the mission is the note on the table, in the study at the second floor. to get to it, you need to fight your way through the guards downstairs, or enter through the window.
Your mission is to damage three cannons in a restricted area. The area is big, it has multiple accesses and a numerous, well-trained garrison. This is why, in this mission, you can employ any tactic that is convenient to you. The only exception is direct attack, because the opponents are, simply, too numerous. Still, you can lure small groups of opponents away and fight them outside of the designated area, which makes completing this mission easier.
Before you sabotage the cannons, clear the nearby area and destroy alarm bells. Start with snipers and guards on the rooftops, because they might be quite a pain in the neck. damaging a cannon is not instantaneous so, Arno will be defenseless for a moment, and well visible also. In such a situation, the opponents may raise the alarm, or interrupt the process of damaging the cannons. One attack and you have to start the whole thing over.
After you sabotage the cannons, leave the area.
Difficulty level: 2/5
The first symbol is on the wall of the church tower, right near the hay cart. To locate the first one of the solutions, see the map in Vendome -> Paris stories.
The first solution is on the Vendome square, at the base of the statue, behind the back of the king. to locate the second solution, see the map in Tuileries -> Paris stories.
The second solution is on the revolution square, right next to the boundary of the simulation, on the street near the overturned carriage. To locate the third solution, see the map in Vendome -> Paris stories.
The third solution is on the roof of the Halle aux Bles, on the wall of the tower with the viewpoint, in the spot where you can start climbing the tower.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres plus up to 45000 more
IN this mission, there are four chests that, potentially, contain the loot, where only one is the actual one. The actual chest is in the oblong building, where there is one more. This one is closer to the starting point, at the first floor. You can get inside only through the window on the ground floor, which is being watched over by guards on the levels above.
The entire mission area is swarming with snipers. You can find them both on rooftops and on balconies, sometimes two, side-by-side. It is going to be impossible, or at least, difficult to eliminate them silently. This is why, you should keep in mind that while killing one of the sniper, you will be perfectly visible to the other. Also, you should keep in mind that, whenever you see an sniper, there surely are two more, at least.
To make things easier, do not follow a straight line to the loot chest. Leave the restricted area and walk around it, on the left, which will spare you encountering the guards. Use mainly roads, thanks to which you will remain invisible to the snipers. The road into the building is poorly guarded and the opponents in the buildings opposite can be easily walked around. Use the cherry bomb to distract the extremists at the entrance, eliminate them and enter.
Inside, there are a dozen-or-so scattered opponents. By sneaking, you will be capable of killing the majority of them, without being spotted. A big group is waiting on the second floor, next to the fake loot chest. If you raise the alarm, they will run to the aid of their colleagues'. On the second floor, there also is the only door that requires you to use lockpicks so, you do not need to be a well-trained locksmith.
After you obtain the treasure, backtrack over the same route that you have taken here and leave the area.
The map of Vendome has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district, where the future Paris Goods Exchange would be built, there are only 3 regular chests, one of which is being guarded, as many as 9 locked chests with locks of varying levels, 2 Nomad chests, with additional money inside. Apart from that, in the district, there are 4 cockades, the majority of which are hanging up in the air, and only 1 artifact hidden near the Vendome Square. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 5000 Livres
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. Talk to the merchant that you find this way. He points you to the person that you need to rob. As soon as you approach the person, he starts running. They are much slower so, catch up with them, handle them down and rob them quickly. You will obtain a note.
The next two items are in possession of two extremists in a restricced area. They have strong guards enough to make you stand no chance against them. Simply, do not attack them all at once, if you are up for a direct fight. Both of the extremists can be robbed or killed and searched through. Pick the method most convenient to you. After you have obtained the two items, return to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Desiree Dismayed. You can find the mission in Tuileries.
It is a very easy mission. The only threat may be posed by the extremists that appear at random, as well as the final battle.
Approach Bernadotte and talk to him. The drunken officer starts walking down the street. For three times, he stops near the prostitutes. Drive them away and he will be on his way. He walks only if you are staying nearby so, do not walk away without a reason. After you pass by the three groups of prostitutes, Bernadotte stops next to Desiree.
Your second task is to steal Napoleon's love notes. The chest that they are in is locked with a first level lock. Do not worry about Napoleon. When asked about the letters, he tells you where they are himself and asks you to throw them away.
Take the letters to Desiree. Finally, you are going to fight a small group of the extremists. While fighting, protect Bernadotte. The officer must survive.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: Claymore
The culprit: Monsieur Gerard
Number of clues: 24
The Dining Room (7 clues):
The victim's Body
The victim's wine glass
The necklace on the floor
Statement of madame Gerard
Statement of madame Hennebert
Statement of Olivier
Statement of monsieur Gerard
The Kitchen (Under the Dining Room, 4 clues):
Note to Alicia on the table
The smashed window pane
Statement of Alicia
Statement of Armand
The Office (above the Dining Room, 2 clues):
Feuillant letter on the table
Note from Gedet on the table
The Black Office (4 clues):
Note to the agent on the desk
Note from chemist next to that
Agent list in the chest with a level 3 lock
Report on the desk, at the second floor
Andre's House (3 clues):
Bottle on the table next to the bed
Note for Andre on the table across the bed
Statement of the Old Woman
Glassmaker's (Feydeau, 3 clues):
List of accounts on the table
Glass bead on the table to Robert's left, It is small and it is easy to miss it
Statement of Robert
Apothecary (Tuileries. The same as in the Red Ghost of Tuileries quest. 1 clue):
Journal de Paris on the table
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. You will find Guzman accompanied by numerous guards and extremists. There is no option of a direct attack. Attack either the extremists or Guzmana, and you will be attacked by the guards. You attack the guards and you will be attacked by the extremists. Firearms or the Phantom blades will allow you to kill only few of them, before you are outnumbered.
This is why, it is better to do either of the following. First of all, prepare several smoke bombs, several flash bombs and a good weapon. Dash towards Guzman, throw a bomb and attack him. If the effect of the bomb wears off, and Guzman is still alive, throw another one. Take advantage of the commotion and kill target. Then, escape while throwing bombs behind you.
Secondly, use the berserker blades. Attack two strongest opponents in the party and wait for the rest to launch on them. Take the commotion to your advantage and attack Guzman. There may be someone to help him, but the rest of them will be busy dealing with the crazed guards. You can also shoot at Guzman himself and wait for him to be killed by his own guards.
After the assassination, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
In the marked area, there are three spies that you need to eliminate. The buildig, where the mission takes place, comprises the ground floor, the yard and two floors. The ground floor and the yard are not restricted areas and the upper floors are. In the building, there are lots of guards of high levels. The majority of them are staying at the ground floor.
The first spy is strolling between the ground floor and the first floor. Attacking him at the ground floor makes no sense, because you will be immediately attacked y the guards. Hide at the higher floor and wait for him to climb up the stairs, then kill him. If you are spotted, the spy draws his weapon and attacks you. Try to eliminate him as quickly as possible, otherwise the guard at the ground floor and at the first floor come to aid him.
The spy at the second floor is guarded by two men. Several more are at the first floor. You can either fight him or perform a stealthy assassination. At this floor, there are several spots, where you can hide so, pick your preferred tactic. This one also attacks you, if he spots you.
The last spy is in the yard. He is a civilian and he does not attack you, if you approach him. This is why, you can come closer and perform a stealth kill. Once the guards in the yard and in the building are alarmed, throw a smoke bomb and escape. You can take the main entrance or climb to the rooftop, while minding the guards armed with pistols. To end this mission, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 12500 Livres
In the area, there are many civilians and extremists. Your target, Gilbert, additionally has several guards that follow him everywhere. A direct attack is a suicide so, you need to employ a stratagem. Poison the strongest of the enemies with the berserker blades. Run u to Gilbert, throw a smoke bomb and kill him quickly. Use a cherry bomb to distract the guards. Blend in with the crowd. If you are not detected, approach Gilbert and kill him with the hidden blade. Then, escape, while throwing smoke bombs behind you. Use any method that does not require you to put up a direct fight, because you are sure to lose one. After the assassination, escape the area.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 5000 Livres plus up to 10000 more
In this mission, there is only one chest, which makes it much easier than the rest. Also, it is easy to find the chest.
From the starting point, go right. In the Northern part of the building, around the corner, you will notice an open window at the first floor. It is being guarded by a sniper and there are several opponents inside. Deal with the sniper, using the gun - you can do it with a bang, if nobody sees you. Then, enter and deal with the rest.
The chest is ahead of you, at the first floor. Along your path, you will run into a dozen-or-so scattered opponents, who stand still or patrol the area. With a bit of patience, you can eliminate them all without raising the alarm. This is not too difficult to accomplish, because around, there are lots of spots where you can hide and wait for the opportune moment.
A larger group of opponents is waiting near the chest. There are too many of them to attempt silent kills so, you need to engage them in a direct fight. If you do not want to lose the bonus, while fighting them, use smoke bombs and firearms. You need to watch out, because two big corridors intersect, where the chest has been hidden. The other corridor is full of opponents that may come alarmed with the noise of fighting.
After you search the chest, exit the building using the same route and leave the area.
The map of Tuileries has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district of Avenue des Champs-Elysees and Champ-de-Mars, there are 7 regular chests, the majority of which are in the sewers, 8 locked chests with locks of varying levels, and guarded, to a great extent, and 2 Nomad chests, with additional money inside. Apart from that, in here, you can find ad many as 6 cockades, where some of them are hidden in the sewers, 2 artifacts and 1 Nomad point. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Get into the area that the quest giver tells you to. Once there, you will find a journal on the table. After you pick it up, you will receive the quest to switch journals. The game gives you nine locations, where you can do that, but you only need to do it three times. Along your path, there are no ambushes or snipers on the rooftops. The only problem may be posed by the extremists that appear randomly in your way and the distances, because the destinations are far away from each other.
To complete this mission, find a paper boy, stand behind him and hold down the interaction button. After the paperboy changes his lines this will be the sign that the planting has been successful. Plant the new versions of journals on three paperboys and the mission will conclude in a success.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 5000 Livres
After the mission starts, approach Bernadotte and talk to him. Your mission is to follow the officer to Desiree's house. Along your path, you encounter several single opponents. You will have to fight them on your own. Bernadotte's partaking is restricted to words only.
After you get there, you will have to fight again, with several scattered extremists this time. Eliminate them in any way you want.
Climb upstairs. You meet Desiree there, accompanied by two guards. Along with them and Bernadotte, you will have to defend the woman against the extremists. They attack in three waves, each stronger than the previous one. The numbers of the opponents should be low enough for you to deal with them without any problems. If necessary, lure the opponents to the allied guards. Desiree is also fighting, if only this is what the situation requires. After you defeat the third wave, the mission ends.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 5000 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Desiree Desired.
Go to Palais Royal. It is a long way off so, fast-travel there.
Enter Bernadotte's apartment and use the Eagle Vision. Search the furniture, stacks of books, shelves and so on, until you find three pieces of evidence.
Take them to the restaurant. It is in a green area. Walk around for a bit and the game wil point you to the correct building. Inside, approach Desiree. Wait for Bernadotte to arrive. After a short conversation, he is attacked by three opponents. Help him defeat them. After another conversation, the mission ends.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: A designer pistol
The culprit: LeGall
Number of clues: 37
The Office (behind the door of the 3rd level, 14 clues):
The corpse
The invitation on the desk
Personal letter on the desk
Love letter on the floor, ext to the desk
The newspaper on the table
Vent trap on the wall, next to the newspaper. Small object that can be missed.
Oil painting on the wall
Bank registry on the table
Vials on the floor
Marks on wall, to the right of the entrance
Statement of LeGall
Statement of first valet
Statement of second valet
Statement of third valet
Secret room (behind the wall of the office , 5 clues):
Instruments in the chest
Levers on the table
Pot and brush on the floor
Red garment in the wardrobe
Mouthpiece on the wall. At the other side of the wall, in the office, there is the vent trap
Levers next to the mouthpiece
The Counselor's House (3 clues):
A genealogical tree on the floor, in the corner
Letter to Beaudoin on the table
The official-looking letter near the genealogical tree
The Apothecary (the same as in the Body Political mission. 1 clue):
Statement of Durand
Gambling Den (Vendome, 4 clues):
Set of pistols
Ledger on the desk
Statement of Sagne
Statement of Marc-Andre
The Victim's House (Vendome, 6 clues):
Religious objects on the table
Historical books and papers in the corner of the room
Glass vials on the table
Letter from creditor
Suicide note
Letter from LeGall
Von Gluck Mansion (4 clues):
Empty bottles at the first floor
Report at the upper floor
Statement of Fredrich at the ground floor
Statement of Brigitta at the ground floor
Difficulty level: 3/5
The symbol is on the roof, on the triangular wall between the two ladders.
The first solution is on Louvre, on the tallest tower, on the clock, on the inside, next to the Nomad point. To find the second solution, see the map in Vendome -> Paris stories.
The second solution is in the gardens of the Palais Royal, next to the cannon model.
The last solution is in Pont de la Concorde. It is right next to the marker of the landmark, on the map of Paris.
Difficulty level: 4/5
The symbol is on the roof of the building, close to the Revolution Square, on the wall.
The first solution is in the Palace des Tuileries. Climb onto it, from the side of the Revolution Square. The symbol is above the main entrance that is being guarded by two guards, almost on the roof. on the wall between the statues.
The second solution is on the Revolution Square, near the ground, close to the guillotine, at its Eastern side. To find the third solution, see the map in Feydeau -> Paris stories.
The third solution is in the cemetery behind the Madeleine church, on the wall of the crypt close to the boundary of the simulation and the house, where you receive the Marianne REturns Home mission.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 3 Sync points, 3 more during the mission. Tailored Military Bracers, Tailored Musketeer Belt, Improved Napoleonic Coat.
Your first task is to talk to Danton. The man is surrounded by guards, including snipers so, a stealthy approach is not an option. You need to fight your way through.
First of all, eliminate, silently, the sniper on the nearby watchtower. Then, you can either start shooting from the tower, or use the presence of the crowds to your advantage and attack the guards. The opponents are not the ones of high levels but, there are lots of them so, use smoke bombs and firearms. Also, the berserker blades prove to be useful. The opponents are deployed on the boundaries of the restricted area so, not all of them will see you at the same time. This is why, a good tactic is to provoke the nearest opponent and retreat into the crowds. Thanks to this, you will only have to fight some of the opponents.
Apart from that, there is no need to kill all of the guards within the restricted area. Note that all of them are observing the crowd, i.e. their backs are turned towards Danton. It suffices to eliminate only some of them - including the sniper on the tower - and sneak past the rest, who are not going to pay attention to your actions. The only exception is the situation, in which you let one of the guards ring the alarm bell right next to Danton. In such a case, you will have to kill all of the guards that react to the alarm, who will not let you have a talk with the condemned.
After yuo have made sure that you can talk to the man, do so. You will receive a mission to arm up his allies. There are three of them and each is tthreatened by three extremists of high levels. At a given moment, you will have to defend one of them. The allies do fight, but they will die if they fight alone.
After they arrive, the extremists are not aware of your presence. This means that you can run up to them, or sneak up to them and perform a quick kill, which saves you time and effort. Also, you can wait for the extremists to attack a given ally and join in the fights. However, you then need to watch out for the opponents that appear at random, because they may to me to the extremists' aid.
Two of the allies are out in the open, or near thick crowds. The third one is staying inside a restricted area that is being guarded by the extremists and snipers. While there, first clear the balcony and then start protecting the ally. If, however, you see him fighting, ignore the snipers and help him.
The third objective is to retrieve Danton's two letters. They are in a restricted area, marked by the game, i.e. at the first and the second floors of the building. The entire area is being guarded. Outside, they patrol in groups and inside they are more scattered.
The easiest way to get inside is through the window. Climb onto the building in the green area. Its roof is being guarded by several snipers and there is one more, next to the nearby ladder. Eliminate them and enter the building. The window is on at the first floor, on the Western wall. Across the window, you will get to the first floor that is being guarded by scattered guards. retrieve the letter, climb the stairs to the second floor, clear it of the guards and get the second letter. Leave the building along the same route that you took to get here. Finally, the area.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 3 Sync points, 3 more during the mission. Tailored Brigand Coat. Tailored Sans-Culottes Bracers. Tailored Brigand Hood.
Your first mission is to protect Napoleon. His carriage rolls down the streets of Paris, slowly, and is guarded by numerous guards. Along the route of the carriage, there are nine snipers. You need to kill them.
The snipers are on rooftops and balconies and the majority of them have their guards. Sometimes, these area several extremists, or a sniper sitting on a neighboring roof. The game does not take, into consideration, the targets other than the nine snipers. Therefore, you can ignore the rest, as long as they cause no problems to you. The exception are the other snipers, because they are going to make it difficult to climb walls. It is a good idea to eliminate them in the first place, e.g. with a firearm.
The nine snipers are deployed in the way that makes it easy for you to move between them over rooftops or ropes. This is important because you need to keep a certain distance of the carriage, or you will desynchronize. In other words, you cannot eliminate all of the snipers immediately. You need to wait for Napoleon to be close enough to their positions and then act.
The majority of the snipers are all by themselves. Only some of them come in pairs. Some of them can be killed with attacks from rooftops and you can get to the rest of them through windows. Do not waste time over locked doors because each of the buildings can be accessed via alternative routes. Kill the last pair of snipers and wait for Napoleon to get under the balcony. An explosion will ensue.
Your nexxt task is to obtain information on the conspiracy. The first information can be get in the building to the West of the explosion. On the rooftops, there are quite a few snipers and in the yards, there are big groups of opponents. In the building itself, there also are lots of them, but they are scattered over the area. Thanks to this, if you are spotted, you will have to fight only several of them, at a time.
You can enter either from the yard - all the doors are locked - or through a window. As you head from the explosion site, you will note an opened window at the first floor. Between that window and the room that you are to search, there are several doors with locks of 1st and 2nd level, as well as few guards. A big group of them is in the room with the evidence. From among the five desks, the evidence is in the one in the recess, to the left of the fireplace.
The second piece of evidence is in the possession of an extremist in the yard. It is not a good idea to try and steal it, because there are many opponents around. You will, therefore, have to kill and loot your target. Around, there also are many civilians so, you can hide among them. What is interesting, you do not need to worry about snipers, because most of them do not pay attention to you, for the majority of time. If, however, you want to, you can kill them, just in case, before you descend to the yard. Especially that it is full of opponents, also ones with high levels.
After you have obtained all the evidence, you receive the mission to kill the ringleader of the plot. He is in the restricted area to the North. The area is being heavily guarded by snipers so, first of all, do your beat around the rooftops and kill them all. You can enter the building only through the main entrance. After you kill the snipers, climb to the rooftop and kill the guards at the entrance from there. Your target is at the second floor and he is oblivious to your presence. If you gave the berserker blades, poison him, wait for him to kill his guards and deal with him. He is a strong opponent with lots of health points and thanks to this action, you will make him weaker. If this did not work, try to sneak up to him and kill him with the hidden blade. If it comes to that, attack him simply, using smoke bombs and flash bombs.
After you kill the target, leave the area. Simply, dash out of the house and ignore the rest of the extremists. They are too far away from each other to be a threat to you.
The map of Invalides has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district that prides its Military Academy, there are 6 regular chests, mainly easy to spot, as many as 10 locked chests, the majority of which have locks of level 3, small extremist groups and, uniquely, only one Nomad chest, with additional money inside. Apart from that, in here, you can find 7 cockades, the majority of which are easy to obtain, 2 artifacts and 1 Nomad point. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
Get to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. You will find Napoleon and Josephine surrounded by lots of guards. Approach them. After a while they start to walk.
They stop before the yard. In the neighboring buildings, there are ten high-level extremists. Deal with them. The order and the methods are up to you. Napoleon does not pay attention to any noise, even the loudest, and patiently waits for you to clear the way. After you have killed the opponents, he will continue walking. After a longer and devoid of dangers, walk, Josephine bids Napoleon goodbye and they part.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 10000 Livres
Your task is to sabotage two cannons. They are in a restricted area and are guarded by lots of extremists. What is even worse, around, there are numerous guards, including patrols around the city. f they spot you attacking the extremists, they will come to their aid. For this reason, a direct attack on the cannons is not an option. At the beginning, at least.
The first thing that you need to do is clear the rooftops of the snipers. There are lots of them there and they have a good view on the cannons. After you deal with them, start eliminating the rest of the opponents. You can use berserker blades and eliminate some of the enemies, in the ensuing commotion. You can use poison gas bombs to deal with large groups of opponents, or cherry bombs to distract them. You can also shoot at the first one to come along and start escaping from the chasing party. With a bit of luck, you will reach the guards that have not seen you shooting so, they will help you fight off the extremists.
After you have cleared the area, deal with the cannons. To sabotage them, you need to stand to the right, at the back of the barrel, where you twist the wick in. After you have sabotaged both of the cannons, you need to set fire to one of them. After you do that, you have several seconds to escape the blast radius. After the explosion, leave the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Signaling Officer Murat.
Your task is to destroy four Chappe towers that are used to send signal messages. This is a very frustrating mission, because each of the towers is in a different location and all of them are heavily guarded. It is enough for you to walk away from the mission area too far and you will have to start over. You can replay the mission after you die, but the game accepts only those of the towers that you have already destroyed. If, therefore, you died before you managed to destroy the next tower, you will have to eliminate all of the surrounding opponents once again. To make things worse, all of the towers are in restricted areas with alarm bells, and the district is swarming with guards. One wrong step and you will have a dozen-or-so opponents on your back.
The two Southern towers are easy. They are on the rooftops and are guarded by snipers. Climb onto the roofs over the walls, to end up behind the backs of the snipers. Eliminate them without letting them know where you are, destroy the tower and escape immediately. You cannot sabotage a tower if you are being watched so, try to remain unspotted, by the guards below. Sneak and stealth-assassinate, and use the phantom blades. This way, things should work.
The Northern towers are much more difficult. The guards in the restricted areas, and outside, are much more numerous and there are lots of snipers here. To attack directly is to commit suicide and to waste your supplies, because this is nearly bound to end in your death. As much as, in the case of the barracks, you can try to hide, in the case of the harbor, there are scarce hiding places and it is an open area.
First of all, attack the harbor. If possible, attack the strongest guards with the berserker blades, make them distract the rest. If you remained unspotted, sabotage the tower and escape. If the guards took interest in you, use smoke bombs, flash bombs or throw poison gas bombs and use firearms. Kill only the ones that are attacking you and let the rest fight the maddened guards. If you do not have the berserker blade on you, enter the harbor from the right, where there are two guards. Eliminate them as silently as possible. Kill the guard on the tower with a headshot and take a quick shot at the remaining two. wait for them to approach you and use smoke bombs and flash bombs. Pick the moment to fight, when there are no patrols around. Otherwise they will come to help the fighting.
In the case of the barracks, enter the restricted area from the direction of the tower. Use the cherry bomb to distract the guards on the ground and climb onto the rooftop. Take crossbow shots to kill the two snipers, sabotage the tower and escape. With a bit of luck, you will not be spotted by anyone. After you do the job, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 37500 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Nine Chappe.
Your mission is to retrieve three important letters. All of them are in the possession of high-level opponents. They are in three restricted areas and they are being guarded by numerous high-level guards. Again, a direct attack is out of the question, if you have not prepared well, beforehand.
Before you enter each of the areas, climb to rooftops and eliminate the snipers. In this mission, there are unusually many of them so, try not to leave anyone alive. Then, start shooting at the opponents below, or distract the m with bombs, berserker blades, or lure smaller groups outside of the area and defeat them there. The letters themselves can be stolen or found on the corpses of the opponents. For the majority of time, the theft is not an option. There are too many opponents and they are sure to spot you. After you have killed the majority of them. you can attempt theft.
The owner of the third letter is under the cemetery. You notice him thanks to the stairs at the edge of the restricted area. Underground, there are many opponents, but also there are hiding places for you. Apart from that, the opponents are, usually, oblivious to the art of using stairs so, in a tight situation, get back to the surface. Only few follow you there.
After you obtain all three letters, return them to the owner.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: Corseque
The culprit: Samuel
Number of clues: 19
The Alley (5 clues):
Bloody vomit next to the body
Empty purse at the wall
A small glass vial, next to the purse
Man's corpse across, at the wall
Drops of black liquid. On the floor in the opened door, easy to miss.
Merchant stall (4 clues):
A bottle of tonic
Tonics and medicine
Statement of Yoanna
Apothecary stand (5 clues):
Mortar and pestle
Medicinal tonics
Chemistry books on the barrels
Statement of Samuel
The workshop (5 clues):
Mortar and pestle on the table
Bottles of medicine on the next table
A notebook on another one
Letter from Samuel Maran on the table opposite the one with the bottles
Statement of Nicolas
Difficulty level: 3/5
You find the symbol under the stone bridge.
The first solution is a bit ahead, on the quay, on the platform next to the Chappe tower.
The second solution is on the arch in the Northern part of Champs-de-Mars, from the side of the beach.
The third solution is on Champs-de-Mars on the platform, next to the building of the Highest Being.
The fourth solution is on the rooftop of the Military Academy, above the entrance, on the side facing Champs-de-Mars.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 3 Sync points, 5 more during the mission. Master Phantom Hood, Master Brigand Breeches, Legendary Musketeer Coat.
Your first task is to obtain four passes that will allow you to take part in the tournament. Thow of them are on the guards that are patrolling the area. They are not alone, because they are accompanied by several more guards of high levels. Apart from that, the entire area is full of high-level guards, who attack you at the first opportune moment. Therefore, the teft itself and obtaining the passes is difficult, because in both cases you will be obstructed by the presence of the nearby guards. Pick the most convenient method.
The remaining two passes are easier to obtain, because they are in tents in restricted areas. Unlike the previous two, these passes can be collected, even if you are spotted. Both areas are well guarded but you can access both without being spotted. In case of detection, grab the passes and escape, while throwing smoke bombs behind. You can fight, but the numbers of the opponents are so high that this makes no sense. Apart from that, in both of the areas, there are alarm bells so, the death of one guard may soon bring more of them.
Your next task is to collect 32 flags on the obstacle course. The flags appear after you have collected the previous one, according to the predetermined order. At the beginning, you receive 30 seconds and 5 more per flag. It is nearly impossible to beat this fragment on your own. Therefore, if you have not mastered the order, in which the flags appear, you will be doing it over and over, for several or more times. You will either run out of time, or Arno will jump in the wrong direction, or you confuse the order. If possible, get, at least, one more person to help you. If not, it is better to put fragile items away and prepare for loads of frustration.
After you have completed the challenge, go into the marked area. After a while, you receive another mission. On the square, there are four flags. Each one is guarded by a group of opponents of low levels. Your task is to defeat the enemies and raise all the flags. To pick up a flag, you need to hold down the interaction button, which may be interrupted with any attack. This is why, you should start by clearing the area and then, take to the flags. There is nowhere to hide so, you will have to fight in the direct fashion. You can fight in melee, shoot and use bombs. Contrary to what may seem, there are no restrictions. A flag that you raise once, cannot be lowered and the opponents cannot raise theirs. This is why, after you have cleared the area the mission itself becomes a sheer formality. You only need to watch out for the nearby extremists. The flags are in restricted areas and the nearby opponents attack you, as soon as they spot you.
After you have dealt with the flags, go to Dumas. Talk to him and follow him. After a while, you receive the task to kill four conspirators. The entire group is in a restricted area and guarded by a large group of guards and snipers of high levels. The opponents are at the ground floor of the building so, enter through the window. There are too many of them for you to try stealth assassinations so, prepare to fight a difficult fight. While moving over the cornice, take a good position and kill the first target from above. Before that, you can use berserker blades to poison the opponents and have them fight each other. Ram into the opponents and eliminate them, with bombs and firearms. To make things easier, focus on the conspirators only and, after you kill them, leave the building, while throwing smoke bombs behind. After the job is done, leave the area.
The map of Saint-Lambert has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In this district of Paris, there are 3 regular chests, where you find small sums of money, 11 locked chests, mostly locked with locks of level 3 and small extremist groups, 1 Nomad chest, with additional money inside and 1 Novice chest, that requires high Novice level. Apart from that, in here, you can find 7 cockades, the majority of which require you to climb and 2 artifacts. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
Your task is to retrieve two diaries. Both of them are in the chests in restricted areas. They are guarded by big groups of guards, including numerous snipers. There also are alarm bells there. A direct attack, without softening the guards beforehand is out of the question.
In the area, there are many entrances, hiding places and walls. It much resembles a labyrinth and is surrounded with buildings. After you have cleared the rooftops, you will have many opportunities to perform silent attacks, both from the ground and from the air. This is why you should pick your favorite method - bombs, cherry bombs, berserker blades, firearms and so on - use them to eliminate the opponents. After you have cleared the area near the chest, grab the diary and run. Return both diaries to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
Your mission is to kill three targets. One of them is in the market, the second one in a restricted area and the third one in the neighboring yard. All of them are accompanied by high-level guards.
There are many methods to complete this mission and the easiest one requires you to buy berserker blades. Sneak up to the target and use the blade against him. Do this after you have made sure that you will not be spotted from, e.g. a rooftop, or a stall. If you have done that properly, the target attacks his guards and after a while, is killed by them. If you are spotted, throw a smoke bomb and escape. The opponents soon lose interest in you, while busy fighting their maddened ally. If you run out of ammo, buy it at the local shop.
The only problem you may have is with the target hiding in the building. You may have no opportunity to get him silently and hit him with the berserker blade. In such a case, first use bombs and firearms to eliminate the guards. Then, attack the man. The building is small and therefore sneaking is difficult here. Also, it is likely that you are spotted then.
After you kill all three, escape the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
You need to retrieve three books. They are in three chests close to each other, in a restricted area. There are swarms of guards there, including snipers on rooftops. Also, you can find alarm bells there. The building is several-story high, has many opened doors and windows. Therefore, pick the method that you find the most convenient. Just remember that you should first clear the roofs of the snipers. Thanks to this, the mission gets much easier.
After you have obtained the books, return them to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 37500 Livres
Fast-travel to the vineyard. Your task is to clear it of the opponents. The enemies are around and inside the vineyard, but you are required to kill only some of them. As for the rest, you can ignore the and escape the area, as soon as you eliminate the marked targets.
Start the mission by clearing the area around the vineyard. There are several snipers there, who may cause trouble, if left alone. Also, eliminate the ones on the rooftop. Then, enter the vineyard grounds and eliminate the opponents one after another. All of them are on the same level and they are close to each other so, a direct attack may not be the best idea, Also it is a good tactic to lure some of them, outside of the vineyard grounds and eliminate them there, silently. Also, you can climb to the rooftop, use berserker blades on the strongest enemies and deal with the rest, after the turmoil starts. The mission ends after you defeat the last marked target.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 12500
The mission area is far away so, approach it by fast traveling. Do not fast travel to the premises of the palace . After you do that, you will fail the mission.
Your mission is to kill four Templars at the Bourbon Palace. IT is full of guards of high levels, who mostly move around in groups. Also, there are alarm bells here, as well as quite a few snipers on the roofs. Direct fight is bound to fail you here and this is why you need to use a special tactic. It is best to do that in small steps, by killing a target, escaping the site and returning after you have lost your pursuers.
The first target is strolling to the South of the Palace. He is alone and among a thick crowd. Use this to your advantage and execute the Templar. Pick the moment at which the target is far away from guards. The remaining three targets are in the restricted area so, be careful.
The second target is strolling within the Palace walls. The easiest way to eliminate him is with the assassination from above, from the rooftop. Clear the roof of the guards and jump onto the victim. Then escape, while tossing smoke, or flash bombs behind you. The tactic is similar for the third target, whom you find in the Western part of the Palace, strolling near the walls.
The fourth target is to the North of the Palace. Also there, there is a thick crowd, but far less guards. Approach the Templar, while he is walking away from the guards, stab him with the hidden blade and escape. The boundary of the mission area is near so, you only have to become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 12500
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. Wait for the guard with the delivery to leave his post. You can rob him, kill and loot him. Along the path, there are few guards so, both methods are good enough.
With the packet, approach the marked guards and talk to them. Thanks to this, you learn tyhe name of your target.
Walk away from the gate, a bit, and climb to the roof. Clear it of the snipers and use the Eagle Vision to find L'Au. The officer is strolling on the inside of the Military Academy. Note that the Academy area has been divided into three parts, separated with gates. Climb onto one and wait for L'Au. Assassinate him from above. The gate is close to the boundary of the mission area so, right after the assassination, hop over the low wall and escape. There is a fair chance that you will not be spotted and, if this happens, they will be unable to start the pursuit.
Do not attack the officer directly. Inside, there are too many guards of high levels. If necessary, you can deal with some of them, using firearms, berserker blades of poison gas bombs. Still, this is optional.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: Flamberg
The culprit: Sister Sorel
Number of clues: 25
catacombs (under the ground, 6 clues):
Loose beads next to the corpse
The Bible next to the fire
Set of keys
Crate of Chartreuse in the corner
Old satchel
Worn shovel
Convent (4 clues):
The blood of Christ
Stack of bibles
Bottles of Chartreuse
Statement of sister Sorel
Tavern (6 clues):
Bottles of Chartreuse
Bottles of wine and liquor
Statement of Catherine
Statement of Antoine
Statement of Navarre
Statement of Jerome
Merchant Stall (3 clues):
New shovels
Statement of Guillaume
Apothecary Stand (1 clue):
Statement of Adrien
Graveyard (5 clues):
Half buried coffin
Worn bible
Small wooden cross on the flag; easy to miss
Statement of Noel
Difficulty level: 5/5
Money Reward: 5/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 3
Duration: 3 minutes
Your greatest problem in this mission are the dropping catapult projectiles. Keep an eye on the area around you. The red, expanding circles on the ground mark the spots where the projectiles hit. They do not deal too high damage, but they knock you down and you lose time, as a result. Apart from that, the area is small and has some more of the green data packs than the other rifts. In this mission, there are no opponents.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 700 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 1200 points, i.e. a total of 1900 points.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Money Reward: 5/5
Assassin Intelligence Data: 3
Duration: 3 minutes
The only linear rift. In here, you do not backtrack and you keep running ahead, for the most time.
There are three traps here. The first one are the dropping rocks in the Quarry. After you get hit, you lose lots of health points and they knock you down. To avoid them, climb onto the wall and run up. In here, there are quite a few points to do not run straight towards the exit, and take a turn to pick them up. In sequence 11, the way ahead is to the right. In this mission, it is on the same side, but you need to get up.
The second trap is on the bridge. Several seconds after you walk onto the bridge, the boundary of the simulation starts to move. This is why, you should not stop to collect the green data pack and run ahead. You should be able to get to the other side, while collecting the packs along your path.
You will get to the keep. In the front yard, there are warriors 20 points each. They have no firearms so, you can easily shoot them or escape from them. Additionally, the yard is under catapult fire. One hit drains lots of your health and knocks you down. The portal, just like in the case of the campaign, is on the destroyed bridge. In this part of the mission, you can divert to collect some extra points.
To find the assassin, you need to collect 700 points. To receive a money bonus, you need to collect additional 1300 points, i.e. a total of 2000 points.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 3 Sync points, 5 more during the mission. Master Military Coat, Master Sans Culottes Hood, Legendary Prowler Bracers.
Your mission is to protect Theroigne and her friend. Both of the women walk slowly ahead but, just like in the Infernal Machine you cannot get too far away from them. Otherwise, you desynchronize.
The first obstacle appears after a short walk, in the form of a small group of the extremists of high levels. Both of the women are good fighters but they do not do that well against this group. You can attack them head-on or from the side. Thanks to the latter, you will kill, at least, one of them, before he realizes what is going on. Sneaking is out of the question so, prepare bombs and firearms.
The second fight takes place in a restricted area. This time, apart from the opponents, you also need to mind snipers. A good tactic to clear roofs in the first place and help Theroigne on the ground afterwards. The women are incapable of defending against sniper fire and one can deplete as much as a third of their health. As for the rest of the opponents, you need to deal with them in the customary way. It is a good idea to have several berserker blades on you. Thanks to this, you will decrease the numbers of the enemy.
You will reach a gate. Your task here is to kill three commanders of the garrison. The threesome are inside a buildind, which you can access through windows or the door locked with high level locks. INside, there is a considerable number of opponents of high levels, who arriva right after the fighting starts. The number of snipers is quite low so, you can ignore them and take to the officers immediately. Between the individual parts of the building, you can move thanks tothe balcony above the gate.
The last mission is to sabotage three cannons. They are in a restricted area and are guarded both by a big group ofsnipers and small groups of the extremists on the ground. Start by clearing the roofs and deal with the enemies below afterwards. Most of them are scattered around the area, thanks to which you can kill them without being spotted. Still, watch out because near the cannons, there are alarm bells with much stronger guards around. If you want to sabotage a cannon, you will either have to kill them off or distract them. The latter will rather not work so, get ready for a fight. To sabotage a cannon, you need to stand to the right of it, right next to the slot for the wick.
After you sabotage the cannons, leave the area.
The map of Saint-Lambert has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In this small district of Southern Paris there are only 2 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 8 locked chests, with locks of varying levels and not always guarded, as well as 4 Nomad chests, with additional money inside. Additionally, in the district, there are 7 cockades, which require you to jump over in heights and 3 artifacts. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 2/5
The symbol is on the roof of the house, on the wall housing the chimneys.
The first solution is above the entrance to the Bourbon Palace, above the bench. To locate the second and the third solutions, see the map in Saint-Lambert -> Paris stories.
The second solution is on the rock, past the mill wheel. Nearby, there is a wooden bridge with a cockade under it.
The third solution is on the bridge, to the South-west of the gate.
The map of Faubourg Saint-Germain has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district, where there would Institut de France be built, there are 5 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 8 locked chests, most of them with high-level locks and usually guarded by small groups of the extremists and 1 Novice chest, which requires a low-level Novice. Additionally, in the district, there are 7 cockades, which require both climbing and jumping and 2 artifacts. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Go to the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. Laplace is at the upper floor, guarded by a big, but quite weak, group of guards. You can defeat them, but this is not required. Also, you can distract the guards with cherry bombs, or enter through the window.
Talk to the man and climb onto the marked roof. After a while, you will notice the target to be sabotaged. It is being guarded by a small group of guards of low levels. You can kill them or distract them with cherry bombs or the berserker blades. After you make sure that nobody will bother you, approach the device, destroy it, leave the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
This mission requires you to complete Cafe Theatre Procope.
After you talk to the quest giver, there appears a thief in the street. Follow him. The game wants you to handle him down, but you can shoot him, just as well. Especially that he is fast and takes devious routes, which makes it difficult to catch him.
Search the corpse. After a while, you will be attacked by a group of the extremists. There are quite a few of them, but their levels are low so, you should have no problems dealing with them. After the last one dies, he mission ends.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
Talk to Champollion. He pints you to the owners of three duplicates. You need to retrieve them.
The nearest one is being guarded by a man on the ground and two snipers. Wait for him to turn away and kill the guard silently. Then, steal the duplicate and leave the area silently. If you want to, you can also kill the snipers and then fight the owner, but it is faster to steal it.
The remaining two owners of the duplicates have lots of guards about them, including snipers on roofs and they are staying around alarm bells. Attacking them, without dealing with the guards makes not much sense and theft should not be taken into consideration, due to many witnesses. Deal with the snipers, and the other enemies on the roofs, in the first place. Then, attack with bombs, firearms and berserker blades. Also, you can lure smaller groups outside of the mission area and eliminate them there. Remember to retrieve the duplicates from the corpses.
After you obtain all three, return to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
Your mission is to kill three conspirators. You can find them in three restricted areas, far away from each other. Each one is being guarded by a dozen-or-so scattered guards and snipers. For this reason, you can eliminate them both silently and in direct combat. All of the locations have lots of accessible doors and windows, as well as many hiding places, where you can lurk. Each way to complete the mission is good so, pick your favored one.
The game treats the conspirators as elite so, their attacks are swift and strong, and they can dodge bullets. This is why, it is better to defeat them silently and using the hidden blade.
After the last assassination, leave the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
At the beginning of the mission, climb onto the roof of the building and deal with all the snipers and other opponents. Thanks to this, they will not bother you, later into the mission. Your target, Roux, is right next to the building. Stand on the roof, right above him and air-assassinate him. Then, use smoke bombs and run towards the wall/ Climb onto the wall, jump off to the street and become anonymous. The opponents cannot get past the wall, if there is no gate around. This is why they stop chasing you, as soon as you leave the mission area.
Just in case, before you climb onto the wall, drop another smoke bomb. Thanks to this, you will make it impossible for the enemies to fire at you and you stun the ones that manage to reach you.
Difficulty level: 4/5
The symbol is on the roof of the building, on the wall housing the chimneys.
The first solution is atop the dome, on the wall of its final. To locate the second solution, see the map in Sorbona -> Paris stories.
The second solution is in Sorbonne. Climb onto the side tower, onto the balcony below the roof. The symbol is on the wall. To locate the third solution, see the map in Luxembourg -> Paris stories.
The third solution is atop the Eastern Observatory tower, on the floor.
Difficulty level: 3/5
The symbol is on the roof, on the wall housing the chimneys.
The first solution is on the roof of the local church, atop the tower worked into the main tower. To learn the whereabouts of the remaining three solutions, see the map in Luxembourg -> Paris stories.
The second solution is in the Luxemburg Palace, on the ground floor in the Northern part of the structure. It is on the floor, before the big stairs to the top.
The third solution is in the palace gardens, on the ground, next to the fountain.
To the South-East of the third solution, there is a descent to the catacombs. While down there, head onwards, to the very end of the tunnel and turn right. The fourth solution is at the end of the tunnel. on the left.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 1000 Livres plus up to 2000 more
A very easy mission. One of the chests in this mission is in the catacombs. The descent is close to the starting point.
First, go right. On the balcony, opposite the park entrance, there is a sniper. Deal with him. Then, make it to the stairs. The park is being guarded by a group of scattered extremists. There also is an alarm bell here, which it is a good idea to get rid of. The descent is guarded by a single guard. All of the opponents have low levels so, it should not be too difficult to eliminate them.
Below, the numbers of opponents, and the frequency, in which they appear, rise. A direct attack will have you handle, at least, six opponents. This is why you should use a poison gas bomb or the berserker blades, to distract the enemies. Smoke bombs, flash bombs and firearms will also come in handy. especially that they will have the game consider you as undetected, and this will allow you to obtain a high bonus for the mission. There is no point in sneaking and hiding behind obstacles. Catacombs are small, they have narrow corridors and offer few hiding places so, sooner or later the enemy will find you.
The chest is on the t the right of the descent, in a small room. After you search it, return to the surface and leave the area.
The map of Sorbonne has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district that prides one of the best universities in the world, there are 4 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 8 locked chests, mostly fitted with high-level locks and usually guarded by small extremist groups, 1 Nomad chest, where you find additional Livres, 1 Novice chest, with the outfit of the Templar Shay. Additionally, in the district, there are 7 cockades that usually require you to climb to higher objects, 2 artifacts and 1 Nomad point. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
Your task is to retrieve two documents. Both of them are in restricted areas, guarded by numerous men. There are so many of them that stealthy operation may be difficult. Additionally, one ofthem has captured a civilian that you cannot kill. Also, you cannot rob him, if someone spots you. This is why it is better to lure small groups out of the mission area and kill them. Also, a direct attack also may fail, as long as you do not have a supply of bombs and ammo. Otherwise, you will be outnumbered by the enemy.
Return the retrieved documents to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 3/5
Reward: 700 Livres
You need to protect the marching nuns. They are accompanied by a small group of allies, but they are too weak to be able to deal with all the enemies along the path. The game will mark your targets so, simply follow the nuns and eliminate each marked opponent. You will be fighting the opponents both on ground and with the snipers so, prepare a supply of ammo. There are going to be so many opponents towards the end that you will probably fail to defeat them all. But you have to, because the mission ends after the nuns reach their destination, even if some of the extremists survive.
The green markers on the map represent only a checkpoint and not the final destination. Therefore, this is not where the mission ends, because there appears the next one, after you reach it. Altogether, there are around five of them.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: Wood covered harquebus
The culprit: Frison
Number of clues: 18
Courtyard (6 clues):
Bloody bible next to the corpse
Exam of Pierre
Exam of Lionel
Trail of blood
Statement of Lionel
Statement of Pierre
Church (2 clues):
Statement of deacon Manon
Statement of Father Carriveau
School (the trail of blood leads here, 5 clues):
Smashed bottles to the left of the entrance
Lesson Plan
Vials to the right of the desk
Statement of Georges
Statement of Frison
Bedroom (2 clues):
The journal next to the bed
The key under the bed, at the other side of the room
Office (3 clues):
The list of chemicals on the floor, next to the escritoire
Manifesto on the table at the wall
Scrap of paper at the door
Difficulty level: 2/5
Reward: Messer
The culprit: Charlotte
Number of clues: 22
Marat's house (6 clues):
Marat's corpse
List of traitors next to the body
Bloody knife
The empty bottle of tonic at the window
The journal on the fireplace
Charlotte's letter on the floor at the lower level.
Statement of Jacquesa
The street (3 clues):
Statement of Madeline
Statement of Chantelle
Statement of Jacqueline
Apothecary Stall (1 clue):
Statement of Grigoire
Merchant Stall (2 clues):
The leaflet on the wall
Statement of Mathieu
Sewers (the descent is nearby, 2 clues):
The letter from Simmone near the fire
The corpse at the other side of the room
Prison (Faubourg Saint-Germain, 5 clues):
Statement of Simmone
Statement of Albertine
Statement of Therona
Statement of Jasper
Statement of Charlotte
Hotel (Saint-Jacques, 2 clues):
Book of Plutarch on the desk
Charlotte's letter on the desk
Shop (1 clue):
Statement of Dominique
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 25000 Livres plus up to 45000 more.
You need to find a masterpiece four pieces of work. The actual one is in the ball room. The room is in the Southern part of the palace in its center, at the first floor.
There is an easy way in. At the beginning of the mission, approach the palace from the East. Eliminate the snipers and the rest of the enemies on the roof and hang down against the Southern wall of the building. Find the two guards at the gate. On their left, at the first floor, there is an opened window, from which it is close to the ballroom.
If necessary, you can enter the palace via an alternative route. There is one of the gates and several opened windows to choose from. Unfortunately, each of these is well guarded. At the gates, there are both guards and alarm bells, and in the majority of windows, there are snipers with guards. The snipers are especially dangerous, because they spot you before you approach the palace. Before that, it is a good idea to explore the area and search out the possible threats in Eagle Vision.
At the upper floor, there are lots of opponents of high levels and alarm bells. Start a fight with one enemy and soon, others will arrive. This is why, it is best if you had a supply of berserker blades on you. You poison several opponents, the rest will attack them and leave you alone. Also, you can attempt stealthy assassinations. The area is big and it offers many spots, where you can lurk for the guards. If it comes to that, you can attract the attention of a big group of guards and lose them, by tossing smoke bombs. Before the opponents return to their positions, some time will pass, which you can use to steal the masterpiece.
Before the theft, make sure that you kill the snipers on the balconies around the ballroom. Be careful, because some of them are accompanied by additional guards and they may raise the alarm if you are not careful enough.
After you steal the masterpiece, leave the area along the same path that you took to get here.
The map of Luxembourg has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the future district of the French Senate, there are 6 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 9 locked chests, most of them locked with high-level locks and usually guarded by small groups of the extremists, 1 Nomad chest, that you find additional Livres in, 1 Novice chest of low level requirements. Additionally, in the district, there are 7 cockades, that mainly require you to jump off high places and an artifact. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 5000 Livres
You need to retrieve three Cassini's notes kept in the Paris Observatory.
The Observatory is in a big restricted area. There are many opponents here, but due to the size of the area, most of them are patrolling it, or standing alone. The only exception are the two guards at the main entrance and several patrols. The opponents have high levels, but usually they fight you in small groups or by themselves. Unless you fail to destroy some of the alarm bells that allow them to call in reinforcements. Either way, you can both complete the mission by operating in shadows, and by fighting the enemies directly. The choice is yours.
You can enter the observatory via the main entrance, or go right of the building itself and climb onto trees. The wall has spikes and the game does not allow you to mount its stone fragments.
The first note is on the roof of the Observatory, the second in the half-finished tower, to the East of the building. The last one is in the garden at the back. Obtain all three and return to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: Reward: 3 Sync points, 4 more during the mission. Improved Medieval Coat, Improved Phantom Belt, Arno's Master Hood
First of all, you need to kill the Jacobins hiding in the church. The building is heavily guarded and on the neighboring rooftops, there are snipers. In spite of that, not all the places have been secured. For example, the North-Eastern fragment of the restricted area is not guarded. You can easily hop over the low wall and get at the back of the church. The area there is guarded by one sniper only, and another one on the roof of the church. After you kill them, you can take one of the opened windows on the roof of the church. Thanks to this, you will get above the heads of your targets. Also, you can take side door, locked with a level 1 lock.
While inside, start eliminating opponents around the bell. The church is big and destroyed and Jacobins are scattered around. Therefore, there is an option of stealth-assassinating most of them, if not all. After you sabotage the bell, deal with the rest of the opponents in the way that you want. They are scattered enough for you to get away with direct fights. Still, be careful, because most of the Jacobins are on high levels and they may be difficult to defeat.
After you have cleared the church, Theroigne walks in. After she reaches the fireplace, at the upper floor, there appears a group of snipers. Kill them all. It is best to climb the stairs and defeat them in melee. After you have defeated them, go into the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. Move the torch to open a secret passage.
In the catacombs, there are many scattered opponents. Most of them patrol the corridors alone, thanks to which they are easy to kill. Also, you should have no problems dealing with small groups. The more sizeable groups are in the rooms, where are the Jacobin leaders. The game does not require you to kill all the opponents so, after you find the target, focus on killing him. You can use a blade, a firearm or the berserker blade for that. The last one is especially useful, as long as the target attacks his guards, instead of you. After you have killed the target, toss a smoke bomb and run ahead. The majority of the opponents do not run after you, which saves you some effort.
One of the leaders is all by himself, and the remaining two are in the room a bit ahead. Between the two rooms, there are tunnels. If you find an opened door along your path, ignore it. Up until the end of the mission, you do not need to open it. After you kill all of the leaders, reach the marked stairs and become anonymous.
The map of the Pantheon has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In the district that is the burial place of famous French, there only are 3 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 8 locked chests, mostly with high-level locks and usually duarded by small groups of extremists, 1 Nomad chest, with additional Livres in and 1 Novice chest of high-level requirements. Additionally, in the district, there are 7 cockades, which mostly require you to jump off high places, 2 artifacts and 1 Nomad point. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 7500 Livres
The first part of the mission is not too difficult. You need to steal a letter from a restricted area, where there are lots of guards. The owner of the letter will not react to any of your attempts to rob him, but the guards will. This is why you either need to distract them with cherry bombs and rob the man quickly, or get ready to put up a demanding fight with guards of high level. Nearby, there is a bell so, one of the guards is sure to call reinforcements in. What is even worse, the guards are close to each other so, you should better forget about luring them away in small groups. Attack one and have the rest on your back.
Your second objective is to check out on four chests. Two of them are in the barn and they are being guarded by a big group of extremists and a sniper. The enemies have high levels and it is unlikely that they allow you to verify that silently. This is why, you should expect a tough fight.
The third chest is in the attic of the house. Enter through the roof. Thanks to this, you will avoid engaging the guards below.
The last chest is inside the house with closed windows. The only way in is through the main door and on over the stairs. The enemies are plentiful here, but there is an option to eliminate them silently. If you do not want to do that, simply attack them. After you have looted all of the chests, return to the robbed man and talk to him. This will conclude the mission.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 7500 Livres
Get to the marked area and climb to the house's upper floor. Talk to the tailor. After the conversation, go to the tannery.
The workshop is a small stronghold filled with snipers and extremists of high levels. It has few opened windows and the main door is locked with a level 2 lock. Sneaking is a lost cause so, t is better to prepare for an onslaught from the front. Possibly, for luring the opponents out, in small groups, or for eliminating them at a long range (firearms, crossbow, poison gas bombs and so forth). Reach the tanner and talk to him.
Return to the quest giver. After a short talk, he attacks you, accompanied by several guards. They have high levels so, make the job easier for yourself with smoke bombs pr flash bombs. After you defeat all of the opponents, talk to the tailor. The conversation concludes this mission.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: Reward: 3 Sync points, 5 more during the mission. Legendary Napoleonic Breeches, Master Bourgeois Belt, Master Musketeer Bracers.
First of all, you need to reach the Pantheon. The area is being heavily guarded and the nearby roofs are spotted with snipers. The mission seems to be difficult, but it is easy, as a matter of fact. As long as you know the right way.
Start by taking a look around the building. Find the jibs, thanks to which you can get higher quickly. They are being guarded by the opponents on the ground and snipers in the neighboring house so, start by taking them out. Use a jib and get to the roof, over the scaffolding and the wall. Under the dome, there is an opened door. Walk inside, find the ladder and climb down. You will get to the balconies over the main part of the building. Around, there are several snipers so, get rid of them. The descent to the underground is opposite the entrance, at the other side of the building. It is being guarded by a small group of guards. Use the balconies and scaffoldings to get there, kill the guards and get down. The levels of the opponents are high, but there are few of them so, you should have no problems eliminating them. Make sure that none of them uses the alarm bell.
While underground, first deal with all the guards. There are few of them, they are scattered and they are guarding areas with a number of pillars and hiding places. You should be able to kill all of them without causing the alarm. After you kill all the opponents, go into the marked area and use the Eagle Vision. You will notice zodiac signs glowing on walls. Approach them. If the counter next to the mission description has gone up, this means it is enough. Reveal all of the zodiac signs and approach the stone torches.
Use the Eagle Vision. On the floor, you will notice the zodiac signs that you revealed. Stand behind one of the torches and press the interaction button. One of the rings on the floor has just turned in the clockwise direction. Keep turning all of the rings until all the zodiac signs are positioned in the golden rectangle on the floor. If you have done everything correctly, a door will open. Enter the crypt and collect the Mirabeau artifact.
Under the ground, there has just appeared a sizeable group of guards. They are deployed in the way that will enable you to kill silently, at least, some of them. Deal with the remaining ones, or sneak past them. Use the torch to open the door. You cannot simply dash past the guards, because you need to be anonymous to be able to use the torch. The guards are on high levels so, fighting them is not the easiest thing.
After you climb up, sneak towards the exit. The guards here are far less numerous so, if you are in a hurry, dash past towards the door and throw Smoke bombs behind. Leave the area and become anonymous.
The map of Pantheon has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades artifacts and Nomad points. Chests have been divided into the regular ones and locked ones, Nomad and Novice. The latter two types can be accessed via appropriate applications. In this thickly developed district of Paris, there are only 2 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, as many as 11 locked chests, mostly with high-level locks and usually guarded by small groups of extremists, and 2 Nomad chests, with additional Livres inside. Additionally, in the district, there are 7 cockades, which require you to jump off high places, and 2 artifacts. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 25000 Livres
Talk to the assassin. After the conversation, follow her. After a while, you will reach a building. Inside, there are lots of guards of high levels, including snipers. You do not need to kill them, with the exception of the two marked by the game. To determine which ones these are, use the Eagle Vision.
Your mission is to infiltrate the building and rescue the prince. Later on, you will have to escort him so,, it is best to eliminate all of the opponents in the building and in the vicinity. In case of a direct fight, the assassin will help you. Simply, direct her towards the opponents and she will hel you kill them. Clear the building stealthily, or in a direct fight, and talk to the prince.
The prince will start to climb down and then towards the quay. He stops each time he sees opponents.The grops are small, but they are of high levels so, they may cause some problems. After you have cleared the way, talk to the prince and he will continue his walk.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
The mission area is far away from the club so, make it shorter for yourself and fast travel there.
The marked building is being guarded by a sniper and a group of extremists in front of the door. You can ignore them, or kill them, which will help you later into the mission. There are two ways, in which to enter - through the main entrance, locked with a lock of level 3, or through the window, at the back of the building. Climb to the upper floor and read the note. You will receive a riddle. The answer is on the clock, in the fireplace at the ground floor. Find the answer, open the chest at the upper floor and leave the area.
While you are reading the note, a group of extremists of high levels enters the building. Some of them come upstairs. There is no way to avoid the fight so, lurk for the first one and killl him with the hidden blade. Defeat the rest in open fight. Smoke bombs and firearms should be helpful here.
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: 5000 Livres
Talk to the informer. He is close to the mission's starting point so, fast travel there.
You need to protect the caravan. Along the route, there are single allies positioned and they will help you fight snipers and small opponent groups. The latter are of high levels and attack in groups of two or three. The allies are not of the strongest type, but thanks to their help, the extremists are not much of a challenge. Apart from that, there are few attacks so, for the majority of time, you just walk.
As soon as you reach the Pantheon, talk to the guard. After a while, an extremist attack ensues. The opponents are of high levels and they are backed up by several snipers. Deal with the snipers and leave the opponents on the ground to the guards. Watch out for who you are attacking. If you wound a guard, you will have to fight the rest of them also. Wait for the guards to decimate the extremists and deal with the remaining ones. After that, leave the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 2500 Livres
Get to the marked area, use the Eagle Vision and talk to the warehouse owner. Then, talk to the two merchants and finally to the woman/ She will take you to a restricted area.
Inside, there are numerous opponents of high levels, several snipers and a very strong gang leader. First, deal with the snipers and then, the leader, with air assassination, from the roof. Toss a smoke bomb and escape the area. Become anonymous to complete the mission.
Difficulty level: 5/5
The symbol is in the backstreet between two buildings. To locate all the solutions, see the map in Pantheon -> Paris stories.
The first solution is in the Northern part of the Pantheon, on the roof, in the recess behind the facade.
The second solution is under the dome, atop the Pantheon, on the floor, next to one of the pillars, in the Southern part of the location, opposite the Nomad point.
The third solution is in the Eastern part of the Pantheon, on the ground, in the Eastern part of the Pantheon, at the colonnade.
The fourth solution is inside the Pantheon, under the painting, in the Eastern part of the building, below the dome.
The sixth solution is underground. Climb down and get to the central room. Note the direction, which all three stone items are pointing in. Follow that direction.
As you go in that direction, take the first door on the left. The symbol is on the ground.
The map of Saint-Marcel has been marked for all the available collectibles. Among them, there are chests, cockades, artifacts and Nomad points. The chests have been divided into the regular ones, locked, Nomad and Novice. In the South-Eastern-most district of Paris, there are 7 regular chests, with small sums of money inside, 9 locked chests with locks of varying levels and usually guarded by small groups of extremists, 1 Nomad chest, with additional Livres in and 1 Novice chest, which requires a very high Novice level.. Additionally, in the district, there are 7 cockades, which require you to jump around and climb tall objects, and as many as 2 artifacts. The number of the collected and the yet-to-be-collected items can be viewed on the counter that appears after you access the district map.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 37500 Livres
Talk to the weaver. After that, green zones start to appear on the map. Go there, use the Eagle Vision and talk to the witnesses. The second one directs you to the sewers. Climb down there, kill the opponents and head on. Defeat two more brigands, climb the ladder on the left and talk to the next witness. Then, with the three that appear on the map.
Eventually, you will reach an extremist group surrounding the suspect. Follow him. It is an easy job, because the man does not look back and nobody attacks you along your path. The man takes you to his leader. Around, there are quite a few opponents, including snipers. Start by clearing the roofs to make thing easier for yourself. There are several ways, in which you can kill the leader and the best one is to jump onto him off the roof. If anybody spots you, throw a smoke bomb and escape. If not, return to the rooftop. In both cases, leave the area and become anonymous.
Regardless of the situation, try to keep a low profile, because the opponents are too numerous for an open fight. You can lure them out in groups, or lay fire on them, but any attack without softening the defense a little is bound to fail.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 10000 Livres
First of all, you need to obtain the document one of the extremists has. The target is in a restricted area and has numerous guards, but you do not need to fight them. Wait for the target tot stop on the balcony and assassinate him - from above, from the balcony - there is no difference. Then, loot the corpse.
The plans that you are looking for are at the municipal armory. This is a restricted area, where there are numerous guards of medium levels. You can eliminate them one-by-one or in small groups. The area is big enough for you to do that without being seen by the others and they will not come to aid the fighting. Apart from that, there are no alarm bells here and snipers are few in number. If you want to, you can sneak. If not, fight the opponents. Both methods are good in the case of this mission.
The plans are in four chests. Obtain them all and return to the quest giver.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 50000 Livres
You need to recruit three groups of prostitutes. All of them are far from the mission's starting point so, you are up for a long walk.
The first group are locked in a cage. The cage is surrounded by a group of strong guards, including snipers. The opponents are on various heights, thanks to which they cannot see or hear each other. Therefore, you can eliminate smaller groups of enemies, without fear of alarming the others. Start, as usually, with the snipers. Do not try to sneak, because there are too many enemies here and they are sure to spot you. After the fight, open the cage and talk to all the prostitutes.
Another group is inside a building. It is being guarded by two snipers and a sizeable group of extremists of high levels. There are many opened windows in the building. You can enter the building without having to fight the entire garrison. There are four women, of which one is at the attic. You can get there through the window.
The last group is out in the street. They are accompanied by a small group of opponents. Another one is in the neighboring building and they may arrive to help. In the case of this group, any tactic will do so, make your choice. After you have cleared the area, remember to talk to the women. After you have talked to the last one, the mission will end.
This mission requires you to complete Arm the People.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: Gladius
The culprit: Deputy Hugo
Number of clues: 16
Tannery (4 clues):
Dissolving corpse in the washtub
Statement of Gilbert next to the shop
Statement of Mathieu. The witness is in the house, near the murder site, you need to enter through the window
A short sword on the wooden platform, above the corpse
Jeweler's (Saint-Jacques, 1 clue):
Statement of Touchet
Blacksmith shop (Pantheon, 1 clue):
Statement of Romain
Warden's House (Pantheon, 6 clues):
Letter from the warden next to the stairs, on the table
Letter on the floor, next to the bookshelf
Statement of Julien
Statement of Camille
Statement of Minette. The woman is standing on the balcony, next to the warden's house
Statement of Genevieve. She lives next to the warden's house
Tavern (Pantheon, 2 clues):
Statement of Olivier
Statement of Danton
Prison (2 clues):
Head on a pike
Statement of Hugo
Difficulty level: 5/5
Reward: Crescent Officer Axe
The culprit: Simon Larue
Number of clues: 25
Cemetery (4 clues):
Footprints on the ground
Gate (1 clue):
Statement of Bernard
Asylum (5 clues):
Fishing hook under the mattress
Book in the corner of the room
Statement of Gilles
Torn medical journal in the empty cell. Go right from Gilles's cell.
Shack (4 clues):
A pile of corpses on the cart
Leather belts on the ground
Torn journal on the ground
Dock (2 clues):
Human limb. In the boat, sticking out from under the cargo
Statement of Byron
Office (2 clues):
Statement of Lenard
Statement of Thierry
House (4 clues):
Trail of blood
Raw meat
Signs of struggle
Statement of Leon. He is the only one at the ground floor
Butcher's shop (3 clues):
Butcher's knives on the table
Statement of Simon
Statement of Edgar
Difficulty level: 3/5
The symbol is on the roof of the building, close to the boundary of the simulation, on the wall.
The first solution is on the ground. Next to the small house and the bonfire.
The second solution is next to the fountain in the palace gardens. To locate the third solution, see the map in Saint-Jacques -> Paris stories.
The third solution is on one of the houses, near the boundary of the district, on the tower right next to it, right above the ground.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: Reward: 3 Sync points, 4 more during the mission. Improved Napoleonic Hood, Improved Prowler Belt, Master Phantom Breeches.
Your first task is to obtain the patient register. It is in the second, more distant, restricted area. There is an easy way to get inside. Walk around the first area, reach the river and jump into the water. Swim up to the Northern boundary of the restricted area and climb onto the wall.
Inside, there is a sizeable group of extremists. Their levels are high and there are many snipers among them. What is even more, they are standing near the alarm bell. Their positioning allows you to kill silently only some of them, before the rest raise the alarm. The easiest way to do that is by moving right next to the hospital wall. Then, you are up for an open fight with the rest of the enemies. Try not to approach the houses marked by the game, because there is another bell at the other side, and even more opponents. Go there only after you have cleared the vicinity of the first bell.
The register is in the building on the right. You need to enter through the window on the first floor. Inside, there is only one opponent.
Your second task is to rescue the three assassins in the hospital. They are kept separately, in the marked spots. Along your route to the hospital, you encounter several patrolling extremists and shooters. You should especially watch out for the latter, because they are capable of draining a half of your health in one shot. There are several entrance to the hospital. Pick one.
INside, there are lots of high-level opponents, but they are scattered. Most often, they come in pairs. There also are shooters among them. At the hospital, there are plenty of hiding places. For this reason, you can both fight an open fight and sneak up to them and finish them off with the hidden blade. Just remember to destroy the alarm bells.
After you free the three assassins, return to the location, where you have obtained the register. Between the houses, there appears Roux with guards. Let him spot you and Roux starts to run. Toss a smoke bomb to scatter the guards and follow Roux. Then shoot him. One bullet should do. If not, try again. After the assassination, leave the area and become anonymous.
Difficulty level: 4/5
Reward: 5000 Livres plus up to 10000 more.
This time around there are three chests. The one that you are looking for is the one the farthest away from the starting point. To get to it, walk around the restricted area. Watch out for the snipers on the roofs and extremists on the streets.
The chest is in the storage, below the street level. There are doors of level 2, into the location. Also, you can take the main entrance that is guarded. Around, there also is an alarm bell, surrounded by a strong group of opponents, including shooters. Find a convenient spot to take a shot and attack them with the berserker blades. Two, or three. With the opponent busy with fighting each other, get down onto the ground, right next to the storage, enter and loot the chest.
If you cannot use the berserker blades, use cherry bombs or poison gas bombs. You can also ignore the entire group and deal only with the single guards patrolling the area. However, you need to eliminate them silently, because fights will alarm the rest. There are too many opponents, for you to complete the mission without being spotted so, you will have to kill some, sooner or later.
After you loot the chest, escape the area.