Assassins Creed Walkthrough Memory Block 1

Welcome to our Assassin's Creed walkthrough.

You'll start out dazed and confused, something to do with memory glitches.

After a while, you'll wake up on an advanced medical table, the "Animus". You've been kidnapped to act as a test subject.

The machine recalls ancestral memories buried in your DNA.

You'll go through a tutorial, teaching you to walk, run, blend in, kill, etc.

Once the tutorial is complete, you'll be in a cave with some other men. During the conversation you can press any button when the screen has a glitch on it (kind of like static.) The glitch lets you see the cut scene from another perspective.

Press and hold the buttons indicated while moving forward. You'll jump across the beams, over the pit.

Climb up the ladder you come to.

Do a low profile kill, then walk ahead for a cut scene.

Walk down two sets of ladders.

Walk up to the group of men.

When you attempt to assassinate one of them, you will fail.

Platform up the the left or right side, by holding the two buttons indicated.

Climb up the wall using the same method.

Go through the door and climb the next wall you come to as well.

You'll arrive in a village and a man will talk to you.

Run up the hillside, toward the goal on your map.

After a bit, you'll come to a castle.

Talk to the man at the gate and continue toward the castle.

Enter the castle door and go up the stairs.

Talk to the Bureau leader.

Go back down, toward the village. Your friend at the gate will tell you to go help the villagers.

Kill enemies with your sword as you head down to the village.

Once you reach the bottom of the village, they will all retreat.

You'll have a memory fast-forward, taking you back to the gate.

Head toward the castle. Your friend will call you from above in the castle.

Climb up the ladder to reach your friend. He'll climb up another ladder, follow him.

Your friend will direct you to stand on a platform to his right.

After a cut scene, you'll make a leap of faith.

Some hay will break your fall, but not everyone will be so lucky.

Walk across three sets of beams.

You'll reach a wall to scale.

Use your sword on the wall.

It'll set off a trap, defeating your enemies.

The Bureau leader is very upset with your misconduct.
Assassins Creed Walkthrough Memory Block 2

The lady assistant, Lucy, thinks you're too tired to go on.

Get up and walk through your room, to the bathroom. Listen to their conversation through the vents.

Afterward, the doctor will have a word with you.

When he leaves, talk to Lucy for some backstory.

Time to go to bed.

You'll wake up to the doctor hovering over you. You'll have a nice conversation with him.

You're instructed to get back on the medical table.

At the start of Memory Block 2, you'll lose most of your abilities. You have to earn back the trust of the Bureau.

Leave the castle. Talk to the man at the gates.

Head down to the city.

Sit on a nearby bench and eavesdrop to find out some information.

You'll be pointed toward a basket weaver involved with a traitor.

Go to the basket weaver, marked on your map. Activate the Pickpocket mission. Wait for him to stop talking and walk away.

Carefully creep up onto the basket weaver as he is walking up the path and hold the pick pocket button.

The information you gather will point you to the traitor. You will need to interrogate him.

Follow him to a secluded place.

Punch him until he talks.

You will then bring him before Al Mualim.

You will be rewarded with your Assassin's Blade and Long Blade.

Al Mualim will give you a new mission.

You can practice some weapon tutorials in the castle courtyard.

Run down to the village and out through the city gates. You'll reach some horses.

Get on a horse and ride it to Kingdom, which looks like some mountains on your map. Jump any obstacles in your path.

You will eventually reach a tall building.

Climb the building and synchronize the viewpoint.

Your map will now show objectives within the area and other viewpoints in sight.

Take a leap of faith down into the hay.

Continue on, toward Damascus.

You can climb any viewpoints you find on the way.

These aren't necessary, but if you're a completionist you may want to do so.

The view as you reach Damascus is breathtaking. Ride down the hill toward the city.

You'll come to a citizen that needs to be saved from the soldiers.

Defeat the soldiers.

The citizen will thank you. In return for saving him, there will be some scholars near the city gates.

Blend in with them to make it into the city without being attacked.

You'll find 12 more citizens needing help within the city walls.

Saving these citizens are optional, but they will earn you more protection from the guards and eventually more life bars.

Look for tall buildings with eagles flying around them. These are viewpoints.

Climb these and synchronize to find objectives to complete within the city.

Press the Select button to view your map. It will show you the current revealed objectives. It will also show you your current mission.

Climb the towers until you reveal at least two investigation objectives: Pickpocket, Eavesdrop, or Interrogate.

You can highlight any object on your map and press a button to set a marker, which will make it show up on your game's radar. This makes it a bit easier to find what you are looking for without needing to go back to the map multiple times.

Go to your investigative objectives.

Complete at least two out of the six objectives.

This will reveal an Assassination Memory.

Head to the Assassins' Bureau in this city. You'll find the entrance on the rooftop.

Talk to the Bureau leader. He will give you the information you need to carry out your assassination.

When you get near the target, Tamir, there will be a cut scene. He will murder one of his merchants.

After the cut scene, blend in. Walk up behind him and use your assassin's blade on him.

Altair will chat with his victim.

Run from the guards, toward the Assasins' Bureau. You'll need to find a hiding spot, so the guards will stop chasing you, before you can enter the Bureau.

Tell the leader of the Bureau of your success.
Assassins Creed Walkthrough Memory Block 3

You will be released from the Animus again to get some rest.

Ask Lucy some questions if you wish. You won't learn a whole lot.

You'll also be able to access the emails on the terminal attached to the Animus.

Go to your room and sleep.

When you awake, you'll have a conversation with Vidic.

Go back into the Animus.

You'll tell Al Mualim of your success.

He will increase you to Rank 2, giving you a Short Blade and your Counter skill.

You can practice your counter skill in the courtyard. This is one of the easier ways to vanquish enemies.

Ride your way to Acre, by way of Kingdom.

On your way through Kingdom, you can climb the view points and synchronize if you desire.

When you reach Acre, help the citizen being harassed by the guards.

This will make some Monks appear and you can blend with them to enter the gates.

You'll want to climb up to a view point. From now on, there will be archers on the rooftops. If you get to them quick enough, you can use your assassin's blade to dispatch them.

Synchronize with a view point. You will then have the rest of the view points marked on your map.

The view points will also reveal objectives on your map.

Continue to synchronize view points, to reveal objectives.

It will also reveal citizens that need saving. Completing these help increase your health bar and give you support in the city.

Some new types of objectives will be available in this area. There are two informers, one interrigation, two pickpockets, and one eavesdropping mission.

One of them you talk to an informant and he has you assassinate a target. On your way to the target and back to the informant you must not alert any guards or you'll have to start the mission over.

Another informant will make you chase down 20 flags in 3 minutes.

When you've completed at least two objectives, go to the Assassins' Bureau in this city. It is located on the roof and will only be open if you aren't being chased by guards.

Collect your feather from this Bureau leader.

Follow your map to the Hospitalier fortress. You'll see Garnier de Naplouse talking to a fleeing patient.

After the cut scene, go in the doorway to your left-rear.

You'll see Garnier treating patients. Sneak up on him when he's at a patient and kill him with your assassins' blade.

Run away from the guards and find a hiding spot to get them off your back.

Head back to the Assassins' bureau.

Show the feather to the bureau leader.

Return to Masyaf.

Al Mualim will promote you to Rank 3, giving you Throwing Knives and a Tackle ability.

Ride to Jerusalem.

You can sneak in like usual, fight your way in, or climb over the wall.

The citizen to save will be in the graveyard, an appropriate place to kill the guards.

Once you are in the gates, climb the first view point you find. This will reveal the rest of your view points in this area, plus any nearby objectives. Continue to climb view points to reveal more objectives, if needed.

As usual there will be citizens within the city to save. This is optional, but will reward you with health and help in the city.

Complete at least two objectives. Your choices are assassination informer, flag informer, interrigation, two pickpockets, and one eavesdropping mission.

When you're done with your objectives, go to the Assassins' bureau.

Get the feather from the bureau leader.

When heading for the assassination target, you can use the monks to blend past the guards.

You'll find people locked in cages.

Walk into the light when asked to.

Talal will reveal himself.

He'll have his soldiers attack you.

Once you defeat them, climb up the ladder.

There will be another archer to take out up here.

Follow Talal onto the roof.

Chase after him.

You'll have to run across the rooftops to reach him.

Use your assassins' blade on him.

Run from the guards and hide to get them off your back.

Tell the Bureau leader of your success.
Assassins Creed Walkthrough Memory Block 4

You'll be removed from the Animus again due to overheating.

Talk to Lucy to reveal more backstory.

Look in the closet in your room to find an access code.

This code will open your door.

Go to sleep for the night.

When you awake, you'll talk to Vidic.

When his back is turned on you, grab his pen.

Lie down on the Animus.

Al Mualim will promote you to Rank 4. You will gain Catch Ledge and Grab Break. You will be able to catch yourself if you fall from a building.

Training will be available in the courtyard if you wish.

When you ride your horse to Kingdom, you'll get an option to travel to any city you want without having to ride through Kingdom. Travel to Damascus.

Head to the Rich District. Look for a view point to climb.

Climb up the view point to synchronize with it. This will reveal other view points and nearby objectives.

Continue to climb view points until you are done with your objectives.

As usual, you'll have citizens to save. These are optional, but help increase your health and security in the city.

You'll need to complete three investigation objectives.

Your choices will be two eavesdropping missions, one assassination informer, one flag informer, one pickpocket mission and one interrogation.

When you've completed at least three investigations, head to the Assassins' Bureau.

Get the feather from the Bureau leader.

Head to the large palace Abu'l Nuqoud, the Merchant King, resides in. Sneak past the guards.

The wine has been poisoned.

Once the cut scene is over, climb the wall to reach the Merchant King.

Take out the soldiers if needed.

Chase down the Merchant King.

Assassinate him with your assassin's blade.

Return to the Bureau with the feather.

You will go back to Masyaf and talk to Al Mualim.

He will promote you to Rank 5. You will gain Regain Balance & Dodge and Sword Expertise (more damage).

Head back to Acre. This time we'll be working in the Rich District. Look for a view point to climb.

Climb up the view point and synchronize to reveal the remaining view points and nearby objectives.

There will be citizens that need saving. These are optional, but provide protection and health.

You must complete at least three investigation objectives.

Your choices will be three pickpocket missions, one flag informer, one assassination informer and one interrogation.

Continue to climb view points as needed to reveal objectives.

When you've completed three objectives, head to the Assassins' Bureau.

Get the feather from the Bureau leader.

Head to the fortress. When you get close a cut scene will start.

Your target is William of Montferrat.

It might be easiest to sneak across the rooftops to reach him, killing the archers as you go.

Assassinate William when you reach him.

Run from the guards. The gate to the fortress will be locked. You'll have to climb up a ladder on the fortress walls and scale down the other side.

Return to the bureau when you aren't being chased by guards.

Back to Al Mualim again.

You will be promoted to Rank 6. You will gain extra Throwing Knives.

Head to Jerusalem. We will be working in the Poor District. Look for view points to climb.

Climb the view point and synchronize. You'll reveal the locations of the rest of the view points, plus nearby objectives.

Save citizens throughout the city if you desire.

You'll need to complete at least three investigation objectives. Your choices will be two pickpocket missions, two assassination informers, one interrogation and one eavesdropping mission.

Synchronize with view points to reveal additional objectives if needed.

When you've completed at least three objectives head to the Assassins' Bureau.

Get the feather from the Bureau leader.

Head to the assassination target, Majd Addin. He will be holding a public execution.

You will likely be unable to kill your target without confrontation. If you push your target over, you can use the assassin's blade on him. Or just fight off the guards and take him out afterward.

Return to the Bureau to tell of your success.
Assassins Creed Walkthrough Memory Block 5

You will awake from your session in the Animus. Chat with Lucy for a bit.

Head back to your room, but don't go to bed. Use your access code to exit your room.

You can take Lucy's access pen.

You can use the pen to check out her email now and later in the game.

Go to bed when you are done.

When you awaken, enter the Animus.

You will tell Al Mualim of your success.

He will promote you to Rank 7. This will give you the Defense Break ability.

Head to Acre once again. This time go to the Middle District. Find a view point to climb.

Climb up and synchronize to reveal the remaining view points, and nearby objectives.

You can optionally save citizens. This will give you support in the city and increase your health.

Complete at least three investigation objectives. Your choices are two pickpocket missions, two assassination informers, one interrogation, and one eavesdropping mission.

Climb additional view point as needed to reveal objectives.

Head to the Assassins' Bureau.

Get the feather from the Bureau leader.

Head for your target, Sibrand. If you see the target from above, it'll force you to walk down to the cut scene before it proceeds.

Sibrand will be upset with a monk for dressing as you do. He'll kill the man and then head for his boat. Head to his boat, the easiest path probably being on the right wall, which leads right to his boat.

Chase Sibrand down and use your assassin's blade on him. If you take too long, he'll make it to a Guard Tower and it'll be harder to get to him.

Return to the Bureau and show the feather.

You'll return to Al Mualim.

He will promote you to Rank 8, giving you Short Blade Expertise (more damage.)

Now head back to Damascus. This time enter the Middle District. You'll see many view points in the distance.

Climb the closest view point and synchronize. This will reveal the locations of all view points, plus nearby objectives.

You can optionally save citizens to give you support in the town and health.

Complete at least three investigation objectives. Your choices will be two assassination informers, two pickpocket missions, one eavesdropping and one interrogation mission.

Climb additional view points to reveal more objectives, if needed.

When you've completed at least three objectives, head back to the Assassins' Bureau.

Get the feather from the Bureau leader.

Head to the assassination target, Jubair.

You'll find him and his students burning books. A man will be arguing about the books being burnt and Jubair will kill him.

You will now have six assassination targets on your map.

Head toward a target. You can tell if this is the real Jubair by using your Eagle Vision. He will appear in gold and his students in red. You do not have to kill his students if you don't want to.

Sneak up to a target and use your assassin's blade to dispatch them.

If you kill the correct target, you'll have a cut scene with Jubair.

Tell the Bureau of your successful mission.
Assassins Creed Walkthrough Memory Block 6

You will awaken from the Animus again.

Talk to Lucy for some back story.

Head to bed.

You will talk to Vidic in the morning.

Get back into the Animus.

You will tell Al Mualim of your successful mission.

You will be promoted a final time. You'll get more Throwing Knives and Sword Damage.

Head to Jerusalem again. Head to the Middle District. Look for view points to climb.

Climb a view point and synchronize. This will reveal the remaining view points and nearby objectives.

You can optionally save citizens. This will reward you with support in the city and health (you might be full of health by now.)

Complete at least three objectives. Your choices will be two pickpocket missions, two very hard assassination informer missions as well as an eavesdropping and interrogation.

Climb more view points, as needed, to reveal additional objectives.

Once you have at least three objectives done, enter the Assassin's Bureau.

Get the feather from the Bureau leader.

Head to the funeral, where your assassination target will be.

One of them will spot you.

They will attack. There will also be archers shooting down at you.

It may be best to run somewhere into the city where the archers aren't shooting at you. The counter attack is very useful in this fight. If you're having difficulty it might be helpful to get on a roof and throw the soldiers off as they come up.

Assassinate your target.

You'll find that Robert wasn't there after all. Instead a woman was in his place.

Return to the Bureau and tell them what happened.

Exit the city and ride to Kingdom.

You want to head to Arsuf, in the lower left of Kingdom.

There is really only one path to follow in Arsuf. You'll find some archers to kill early on.

Then you'll come to a barricade with some Archers on top.

Climb up and kill the archers.

Drop down the the other side and fight more enemies.

Keep heading down the path. You'll come to a natural rock bridge.

Enemies will drop down and attack.

As you continue forward, more enemies will jump off a ledge and attack.

Up ahead, you'll have another large group to battle.

Climb over the next barricade.

Once last battle before reaching your target.

You'll meet up with King Richard and his men.

You'll accuse Robert of being a traitor.

Richard decides that whoever wins the battle is the one telling the truth. This is probably the toughest fight of the game.

Counter attacks will be very useful for killing enemies and not getting hit.

After you defeat all the men, you'll fight Robert. He is probably the toughest enemy in the game.

You'll notice you can't hit him when he's down.

Talking to these people you've killed, you begin to believe there is corruption in your ranks.

King Richard will let you leave unharmed.
Assassins Creed Walkthrough Memory Block 7

Exit from the Animus.

Talk to Lucy.

Use your bed.

The next morning, you'll talk to Vidic again.

Use the Animus.

The people in the town will be under Al Mualim's control.

Fight your way up to the castle.

Other assassins will help you defeat some enemies.

Walk through the crowd of people at the castle entrance.

Climb the first set of stairs and go through the open door there.

The gate will shut behind you.

Al Mualim will use his powers to freeze you in place.

He will summon the men you killed. Defeat them, they aren't very tough.

Al Maulim will then split into many forms. Only one will be the real enemy.

Use your Eagle Vision to reveal the true Al Maulim (in gold) and attack him.

There will be another cut scene with Al Maulim.

You will begin another fight with him. When you hit him, he will vanish.

You will lose all your life. Run around the area until you find Al Maulim again. Be careful, because he can kill you in one hit right now.

Once you attack him, you'll gain your life back.

Keep attacking him. He'll vanish like before each time you hit him.

After a few times of vanishing, he won't do that anymore. You'll just fight it out until one of you dies.

After several hits, you'll get a cut scene of his death.

The treasure will reveal the locations of the remaining copies of it.

You'll awake from the Animus. You're no longer needed, so they plan on killing you, but Lucy helps save you.

You can use your Eagle Vision to see hidden messages all over the room.

Use the Eagle Vision on the wall above your bed.

The credits will roll.

After the credits are done, you can access the computers if you took Lucy and Vidic's pens.

This will let you read emails, revealing some information on what was happening.

Congratulations on winning the game! You can get back in the Animus and go to any point of the game that you'd like to play.
Assassins Creed Walkthrough Flag and Templar Locations

Acre has 100 flags and 10 templars.

Dalmascus has 100 flags and 10 templars.

Jurusalem has 100 flags and 10 templars.

Kingdom has 100 flags and 30 templars.

Masyaf has 20 flags.