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What is Buddhist Warfare

What is Buddhist Warfare
Buddhist Warfare is a popular online-based MMORPG about Buddhist Monks and ancient kungfu fighting styles of Eastern China.
There are Four main classes; Buddhist Monk, Athiest, Christian Missionary, and Confucianist.
Buddhist Monks can weild wands, spears, and use an attack called "Shining Forehead" They are the best hunters because they can use their shining forehead to hit multiple enemies or monsters to get good items. Final Phase is REINCARNATION.
Athiests can choose two semi-classes after lvl 39, Pure Athiest--with strong long ranged religious attacks, or Agnostics, who can help revive people from the dead after they have died, or cure people from mental stress due to religious suffering. Pure Athiest's Final Phase is DEBATE MASTER. Agnostics Final Phase is PERSON OF UNDERSTANDING.
Christian Missionaries are considered the strongest class tied with Pure Athiest because of their strong attack power due to being able to weild 2 one handed weapons. They also have the most hp out of all the classes and can usually one hit most classes unless Pure Athiest has the technique "Counterarguement" activated which costs 10 mp per minute. Christian Missionaries' Final Phase is JESUS CHRIST.
Finally, there is the Confucianist, who is able to control large crowds of monsters using wisdom, and being able to broadcast messages aload for a cheaper price in BP's (Buddhist Points). Confucianists are respected by all due to their respect to everyone. Their Final Phase CONFUCIAN SCHOLAR.
There are many weapons in the game of Buddhist Warefare, and they are unique and varied, some are class specific, such as wands for Buddhists, no specidfic weapons for Athiests, holy water and Bible are Christian Missionary Specific, and Finally Confucians have a summoning attack "LOVE YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER" where anyone who is not a confucian or Buddhist instantly lose half of their hp.
There are many other aspects of Buddhist Warfare, and if this game actually sounds interesting to you, join Athiest vs. God, and play Conquer Online which has basically the same game mechanics, and you can learn about religion.(not in the game, int eh AvsG forums)
Thank you for reading this, If anyone knows who i am, email me and ill give you 20 bucks at school tomorow ;)