Xenoblade Chronicles X - How to Recruit Party Members

Xenoblade Chronicles X 12  

As a part of being a BLADE operative; you have plenty of Party Members alongside you. Some of the Party Members are recruited automatically as you progress through the story while others require you to complete their unique Affinity Missions.

How to Recruit Party Members

It is a good idea to acquire as many Party Members as possible and continue to mix your squad so as to tackle different situations that you come across. This guide basically details how to recruit all the Party Members in Xenoblade Chronicles X:

Alexa belongs to Partisan Eagle + class and Outfitter division. You need to complete ‘Weaponized’ Affinity Mission in order to recruit her.

Boz Lowes
Boz Lowes belongs to Partisan Eagle class and Harrier division. You need to complete The Mad Monk Affinity Mission in order to recruit him.

Celica belongs to Psycorruptor + class and Prospector division. She is usually found in the Industrial District and can be recruited by completing ‘New in New LA’ Affinity Mission.

Doug belongs to Blast Fencer + class and Harrier division. He is usually found in the Administrative District and can be recruited after completing Chapter 3 of the main storyline.

Elma belongs to Full Metal Jaguar class and Reclaimers division. She is available from the very start of the game and is usually located in the BLADE Barracks.

Frye belongs to Samurai Gunner + class and Interceptor division. He is usually located in the Industrial District and can be recruited after completing ‘Bottoms Up’ Affinity Mission guide.

Gwin belongs to Samurai Gunner class and Interceptor division. He is usually found in the Administrative District and can be recruited after completing Chapter 3 of the main storyline.

H.B. belongs to Shield Trooper + class and Pathfinder division. He is usually located in the Administrative District and can be recruited after completing ‘A New Rival’ Affinity Mission.

Hope Alanzi
Hope Alanzi belongs to Psycorrupt+ class and Mediator division. She can be recruited by completing ‘Hope Springs Eternal’ and can be found in the Residential District.

Irina belongs to Psycorruptor+ class and Interceptor division. She can be recruited by completing Chapter 3 of the main storyline and is usually located in the Administrative District.

L belongs to Shield Trooper + class and Wanderer division. He is usually located in the Administrative District and can be recruited after completing Chapter 4 of the main storyline.

Lao belongs to Partisan Eagle class and Pathfinder division. He is usually found in the Administrative District and can be recruited immediately after completing the first objective of Chapter 4 of the main storyline.

Lin belongs to Shield Trooper class and Outfitter division. She is usually found inside the BLADE Barracks and can be recruited after the completion of Chapter 1.

Mia belongs to Psycorruptor class and Curator division. In order to recruit her, you need to complete Chapter 3 of the main storyline accept ‘Mamma Mia’ in New LA’s Administrative District. After completing this Normal Mission, you need to complete Chapter 5 after which you will come across Mia in Noctilum’s Skybound Coil Tree and accept her ‘Adventure’ Normal Mission.

After completing ‘Adventure’ and Chapter 6, locate her in Oblivia’s Leaning Ring and accept ‘Mighty Mia’ Normal Mission. After completing Chapter 9, ‘Mighty Mia’, and ‘A Girl’s Wings’ Affinity Mission; find her at the Nopon Caravan in Sylvalum’s Cleansing Spring area.

After this point, you need to complete Chapter 11, ‘Definian Downfall’ Normal Mission, and survey at least 80 percent of Cauldros in order to start ‘Mia is Missing’ in the Ganglion Antropolis in Cauldros. As for her usual location, she is usually found in Ma-non ship.

Murderess belongs to Winged Viper + class and Curator division. She is usually found in the Administrative District and can be recruited after the completion of ‘My Dream’ Affinity Mission.

NagI belongs to Duelist+ class and New LA Defense Secretary division. He is usually located in the Administrative District and can be recruited after the completion of ‘Nagi’s Time’ Affinity Mission.

Phog Christoph
Phog belongs to Winged Viper class and Prospector division. He is usually found in the Residential District and can be recruited after the completion of ‘Foggy Dilemma’ Affinity Mission.

Yelv is the last Party Member who belongs to Blast Fencer + class and Reclaimers division. He is usually found in the Commercial District and can be recruited after the completion of ‘Meeting Yelv’ Affinity Mission.

For more information on completing Affinity Missions; check our Xenoblade Chronicles X – Affinity Missions Guide.

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