During your journey through the game, you will be asked to liberate different outposts and bases – the process of which usually requires you to clear the area of all the military assets, disabling the monitoring system, freeing up the prisoners, and more.
Once you have completely liberated Insula Striate, you will unlock ‘Heart of Stone’ Achievement or Trophy:
The first thing that you need to do is to either hack the SAM sites or eliminate them as soon as possible. After this, you need to focus your attention on the heavily armored soldier near the southernmost SAM site.
Once defeated him, acquire his weapon to demolish nearby structures. At the very end, the commander will arrive in a heavily armored chopper. You need to wait until the shield wears off and then throw him out in order to complete the process.
Guardia Costa Sud I
Use a chopper in order to eliminate the single SAM site before focusing your attention on other assets. If you do not have a chopper, hack the SAM site followed by hijacking the nearby chopper and completing the job.
Guardia Costa Sud II
The first thing that you need to do is to eliminate the SAM site near the front door and use a chopper to flatten this base in no time.
Perla Est.
Before anything, acquire a chopper and use it to eliminate as many military assets as possible before heading down and opening up the doors in order to call in the Rebel reinforcements inside. Once this is done, you need to disable 6 monitors inside in 01:19 minutes. Lastly, once the commander arrives on the scene, gain some altitude and drop on him using a grenade or a launcher.
Plattforma Costa Sud I
Firstly, you need to eliminate SAM site and other air-defenses before sending a continuous stream of rockets at the base. If you, somehow, lose your chopper, stay hidden until the ‘Heat Level’ has worn off before surfacing on the deck. Continue your assault and flatten the base before heading out.
Falco Maxime: Centcom
You need to drop in from above and eliminate the SAM sites before anything else. You need to make sure that you do not eliminate Capstones as they can prove to be very useful. While using these guns, you need to make sure to target structures such as the Antenna Towers and SATCOM dishes.
As for Golden Urga, you need to wait until their shield depletes completely before hijacking them to complete the job.
Alte Potentia
You need to parachute into the base followed by dealing with SAM sites the old fashioned way. Once you have dealt with all 5 SAM sites, make sure to hijack the chopper parked in the area which you can also use in order to deal with the upcoming reinforcements. Finally, you will get 01:29 in order to destroy the turbines before the doors shut down on you. Also note that you will only get 39 seconds in order to open the heat exchange doors.
Guardia Grande Pastura I
Since there are no SAM sites deployed on this outpost; it is extremely easy to be liberated using any decent attack helicopter.
Guardia Grande Pastura II
Like previous outpost, there are no SAM sites deployed in this area, however, you need to make sure that you deal with the chopper circulating around the outpost before doing anything else.
Guardia Grande Pastura III
Once again, there are no SAM sites available in this area which makes it extremely easy to flatten it using an attack chopper or a tank.
Platteforma Grande Pastura I
You need to approach the area inside a chopper and first deal with SAM sites deployed in the area. Once done, circulate around the entire base while throwing continuous stream of rockets at the base. In addition to this, you need to keep a close eye out on aerial and naval defenses.
You need to grapple at different positions around the yellow crane in order to raise havoc meter. Once done, head down in order to open the gate and call in Rebel reinforcements in order to complete the job.
After bringing down the statues, you need to get inside a chopper and eliminate everything in sight. Once done, you will get 01:19 in order to disable monitoring system and conclude the job at hand.
Guardia Libecco I
The first thing that you need to do is to disable the SAM sites located in the area followed by targeting the Distillation Towers and enemy reinforcements in order to conclude the liberation process.
Guardia Libecco II
With no air-defenses deployed in the base, you can easily flatten this base with any decent aircraft at your disposal.
You need to eliminate 6 military targets inside the police station followed by opening up the doors in order to call in the Rebel reinforcements. You will easily see the Propaganda Van roaming around the area; deal with it followed by disabling the monitoring systems within 01:19 in order to complete the liberation process.
Vista Dracon
You need to acquire yourself with the Urga Vulkan parked inside the police station in order to raise your havoc meter followed by opening up the doors and calling in the Rebel reinforcements.
Guardian Litore Torto I, II, III
Most of these bases lack in anti-air-defenses which makes them pretty easy to deal with using any decent attack chopper. If you, however, come across a SAM site deployed in the area, make sure to eliminate or hack it before focusing your attention on something else.
Platteforma Litore Torto I, II
The first thing, when it comes to dealing with these bases, that you need to do is to eliminate or hack the SAM sites deployed in the area followed by circulating the entire base while continuously tossing a volley of rockets at the heart of the bases.
Guardia Maestrale I
Since there are no anti-air-defenses deployed on this base, you can easily flatten it with any decent attack aircraft.
Platteforma Maestrale I
The first thing that you need to do is to get rid of the SAM sites followed by using the Capstones located on the upper area and annihilating everything in sight in order to complete the job.
Porto Tridente
The first thing that you need to do is to deal with 6 air-defenses. If you, however, lose your chopper, make sure to hijack the tank roaming around the area or a chopper parked on the nearby helipad in order to continue your assault. At the very end of the battle, make sure to call in your Rebel reinforcements to aid you complete the job.
Vulture Air Base
The idea is to parachute into the base followed by hacking all the SAM sites positioned around the area. Once done with that, acquire a chopper from the nearby helipad in order to flatten the base. Do note that you can also do so using many Capstones scattered around the base.
Once the commander arrives in a tank, you need to make sure that you wait until the tank’s shield has depleted completely before heading in dealing with him to complete the job.
Cava Montana
In order to destroy an excavator, you need to eliminate 8 generators. In addition to this, you can also utilize Capstones located near the area to get the job done. Once you are done with it, you will see the commander arriving in a chopper.
The best idea to deal with the chopper is to wait until its shield goes down and then grappling it to deal with the commander.
Guardia Montana I, II
For both these bases, you need to stay out of the range of the SAM sites followed by using your chopper in order to flatten the base.
You need to use a chopper in order to raise the havoc meter to 100% followed by opening up a couple of doors in order to call in the Rebel reinforcements and complete the job.
Argo Nove
Once again, strike down on the base using an attack chopper in order to raise the havoc meter to 100% followed by opening a couple of doors to call in the Rebel reinforcements. The police station, on the other hand, has only one chopper which you need to open to complete the job.
Once you have risen the havoc meter to 100%, open up both the doors in order to call in the Rebel reinforcements followed by raising the flag in order to complete the job at hand.
Vista Fonte
After raising the havoc meter, you need to open up a door in order to call in the Rebel forces and free the prisoners. However, do note that you will need to hack into a couple of cells in to free the prisoners inside. Once done, you will be asked to disable all monitors within 01:19 to complete the job.
Guardia Prospere I, II, III, IV
All these bases have similar structures in the sense that you need to eliminate SAM sites before anything else followed by using your already available chopper or hijack one in order to flatten them as soon as possible.
Citate Di Ravello
Firstly, you need to try and destroy the Antenna Tower in such a way that if falls on the electrical unit and destroy most of the military assets in the collateral explosion. Once done, head to the helipad and catch the captain before he makes it to the chopper, otherwise hijack it in order to acquire the chopper.
Once you get to the police station, circulate around the area while constantly dishing out damage using the chopper. Once done, make sure to disable the monitoring systems in 02:59 to complete the job.
Cava Geminos Est.
You need to acquire a chopper and deal with a couple of SAM sites inside the base. Alternatively, you can also flatten the entire base without getting in the range of SAM sites or acquire a tank inside the base to make short work of the base.
Cava Geminos Nord
You will have to rely on using your rocket launchers in order to deal damage to the Excavators followed by parachuting on top of the commander’s tank and complete the job.
Cava Geminos Sud
Since there are no SAM sites available on this area, you need to acquire yourself with a chopper in order to flatten the base. Alternatively, you should also utilize the Capstones in the area to make short work of the base.
Guardia Rocco Blau I
The first thing that you need to do is to eliminate the SAM site deployed on the rooftop followed by sending a constant stream of rockets at the base in order to complete the job.
Guardian Val de Mar I, II, III, IV, V
All these bases have almost similar design so you basically need to destroy the SAM sites – if there are any – followed by using any decent aircraft or an attack chopper in order to dish out heavy damage to the base and complete the job.
Porto Coclea
First thing that you need to do is to remove the SAM site from the pier followed by using one of your choppers and Capstones scattered around the area in order to wreck havoc inside. Once done, head over to the backside of the area in order to deal with assets near the Cell Blocks using Capstones and Vulcan Guns placed there.
After that, you need to open up these Cell Blocks and destroy the generators. Finally, as soon as you see the commander arrive using a boat, glide to an area near him and take him out using a rocket launcher or some grenades.