Destiny TTK: Path of the Bladedancer and Gunslinger Hunter Subclass Quest Guide

Destiny The Taken King Bladedancer

For each class, there are now two subclass specific quests that will grant guardians a new class item upon completion. The class items have a defense value of 220, which should be an improvement upon the gear you already have if you complete this quest soon after beginning Destiny: The Taken King.

If you’re trying to raise your light level, which you’ll want to do if you’re planning on completing the nightfall, the weekly, raids, the Prison of Elders, or just about any end-game content, then it would be a good idea to complete these quests and equip the new class item you’ll unlock. The only catch is that you need to make sure that your guardian is level 40 in order for you to be able to equip these items.

These items probably won’t last you forever, but the will boost you into a realm where it is possible and more feasible to unlock better gear through completing higher level strikes, missions, and quests. The Hunter actually has a bit of an easier path than the Titans and Warlock do, but we’ll give you some tips to speed up the process all the same. Everyone needs help sometimes and we’re happy to be of service.

destiny the taken king gunslinger

1. Slay Enemies – Defeat 50 enemies with your Arc Blade, grenade or melee attack / with your Golden Gun, grenade or melee attack.

This shouldn’t be too hard. Roam around doing some patrol missions or perhaps run through a few strikes on a playlist. And just make sure to keep using your super when you get to a crowded area. Mix that in with grenades and melees and this one shouldn’t take you too long. If you have Bad Juju, or any other gear that will help you generate your super faster, you might want to equip it at the beginning of the quest to save time.

2. Create Orbs of Light – Generate 25 Orbs using your Arc Blade/ using your Golden Gun.

If you have the exotic chest piece crest of the alpha lupi, then it would be a good idea to equip it for this portion of the quest as it will help you to generate orbs faster. One of the best ways to generate orbs is by killing enemies with yellow health bars using your super ability. More or less, whatever strike or patrol route that you found comfortable for the first portion of the quest is probably viable. The Undying Mind strike has a decent amount of yellow health bar enemies, as do The Shadow Thief and The Will of Crota.

3. Complete the Path – Fully upgrade the Bladedancer subclass/ Gunslinger subclass.

The fastest way to level up is by completing bounties and missions that give experience bonuses. If you’re talented in the Crucible, that is also a great place to spend your time leveling up. Or you could also run strike playlists if you’re not as pressed for time and are more of a PvE player. You can also take advantage of the large amount of quest content that The Taken King has added to the game.

4. Cayde’s Challenge – Complete a Strike using the Arc Blade to kill at least 3 Major enemies and 15 enemies total/ using the Golden Gun to kill at least 3 Major enemies and 15 enemies total.

Well Hunters, compared to the Titans and Warlocks, you’ve got a relatively simple last phase of your quest. Once again, you’ll need to return to a strike with some yellow health bar enemies and make sure that you personally kill at least three of them. And we would hope that you are a considerate enough member of your fireteam to contribute at least 15 other kills throughout the entire strike. Speaking of your fireteam, it’s a good idea to do this with friends who know what you’re doing or try to communicate to the people you are paired with if they have microphones. That way they’ll let you kill the yellows.

More Destiny: The Taken King

  • Taken King – 7 Things for Beginners to do Immediately
  • How to Beat the Sunless Cell Strike
  • How to Beat the Fallen S.A.B.E.R. Strike
  • Taken King – Wiki Guide