Syndicate Walkthrough

Syndicate Walkthrough

Massive corporations have replaced governments, everyone has a chip in their brain giving them constant access to online markets, and war is fought with an elite group of special secret agents — welcome to Syndicate. Taking the role of Miles Kilo, an agent of EuroCorp, you’ve been implanted with the newest and best chip, giving you unprecendented access to the world around you, or the minds of your opponents.

In this Crysis-style FPS, expect to use your collection of special skills and abilities to crush your corporate opponents. Online, you’ll be able to join four-player co-op campaigns ending with a challenging fight against a difficult boss. Think you can handle the life of a corporate drone?

Here on the Syndicate walkthrough page, we’ll provide a detailed guide to get you from the Mail Room to the Executive Office in no time. If you’re looking for even more Syndicate information, browse over to the achievements, trophies, and cheats pages.

Check back soon for new updates.

Syndicate Walkthrough


  1. Follow the onscreen instructions when the guy leans over by pressing RT to punch him in the face. Press X repeatedly to break out of the chains, then head through the doorway.
  2. Turn left toward the light and sprint around the hallway. Press A to jump over the table, turn right, then press X repeatedly to pry open the doors where the light is sneaking through.
  3. Crouch behind the rubble to the left and crawl through the narrow opening. Get to the end of the hallway and charge the double doors to break through.

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Syndicate Walkthrough

Milestone 1 / Wakeup Call

  1. Pick up the pistol, break the lock on the door and head outside. Turn left, then make a quick right after you pass the dude on the floor. Pick up the holographic item on the table, then turn left through the doorway, and then right through the double doors.
  2. Turn right, climb up the ladder on your left side and head up the steps to your right and through the door. Shoot and kill the two enemies to the right, then hit X to flip the switch on the control board to the right.
  3. Get back down the ladder and take cover behind the stack of boxes. Press RB to reveal the three enemies, then take them out. Head through the open bay door, kill the enemy to the left, then head down the steps and through the door.
  4. Take cover behind the wall, then peek around and kill the four enemies down the alley (there will be one up in front of the Chinese writing—use DART Overlay to help you see).
  5. Continue forward, pick up the rifle and turn left through the open door. Make two quick rights and head down the stairs. Go through the door and kill the two enemies. Pick up their ammo and head up the stairs on the other side.
  6. Turn around at the top and take out the enemy on the stairway across the way. Turn left, go forward and head up the next flight of stairs. Kill the enemy that will sneak attack you from the door in the right corner, then use DART to take out the three enemies across the way.
  7. Head up the next flight of stairs, walk around and kill the enemies coming through the door, then head on through to learn the ins and outs of EuroCorp. Walk over to the group and sit in the chair.
  8. Get out of your chair and follow Merit into the elevator.
  9. In the simulation room, follow the onscreen button commands to learn about DART Overlay and breach spikes. Perform a DART Overlay on one enemy to kill surrounding enemies via the Suicide application.

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Milestone 2 / Assault on Aspari

  1. Follow Merit down the walkway. Kill the guard on the left after he opens the door. After you split up, walk down to the next door and hold LB to unlock it. Step inside, then while looking at the on the enemy on the other side of the glass, hold LB to perform the Suicide application.
  2. After he kills his fellow guard and then himself, hop through the window, exit out the door and turn right up the stairs. Head up the next flight of stairs, go through the door and then down to the double doors at the end of the hallway.
  3. Press X to complete two data transfers on the keypads before heading down the stairs. Go through the double doors on the right, use the Suicide application, then take out the remaining guards using your pistol.
  4. Cross through the control room to the door on the other side. Head down the hallway, turn right and break open and crawl through the security hatch. Climb up the ladder in the left corner and turn right.
  5. Make another right to make your way along the outside of the room to get to the ventilation shaft. Press X to break through the vent, then head into the room where Chang is and blow him away before picking up the extract chip.
  6. Exit the room, turn right and head through the double doors that you will now have access to. Sprint down the hallway through the next set of doors and kill the guards in room. Get to the other side, go right, kill the guards coming through the double doors, then head on through.
  7. Turn right and enter through the door, and take the Gauss after the doctor surrenders it. Exit the room, use the keypad on the let to complete a data transfer, then while looking up at the pipe above the door in front of you, hold LB. Then shoot and break the glass above you to the left.
  8. You’ll then have to jump and shoot the lock on the door on the other side of the glass simultaneously (it will be a little tricky). A security lockdown will then be set off, so just shoot the icon of the exclamation point on the door in front of you to break it open.
  9. Head through, then turn left left and head through the next set of double doors. Turn right down the hallway (watch out for the grenade) and kill the attacking guards. Use the Gauss and take some cover for the next wave of guards that will be attacking from the doors around the corner to the left.
  10. Turn left and enter through the door just up ahead. Turn right and head down the hallway to the next door. Go through the next door, turn right and kill the group of guards.
  11. You’ll then have to destroy the tiny flying ship (still using the Gauss) before proceeding forward. Kill two more of those ships, turn left down the pathway and kill the group of guards.
  12. Following the crash, press X to pull yourself up, head straight through the two sets of doors and slide down the elevator shaft.

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Milestone 3 / Aspari Extraction

  1. After you land, get a running start and jump over the gap. Hop up onto the pipes along the wall and proceed forward. Highlight the outside of the elevator shaft and hold LB to override it and bring the car up to your level.
  2. Cross over and press X to break the security hatch. After you land, kill the guar across the way, then highlight the outside of the elevator again and override it. Cross through the elevator, kill the guard and walk all the way around.
  3. Break the hatch. Once you get back up to your feet, shoot the two guards repelling down from the ceiling. Turn right and rip open the security hatch. Perform a running sprint to jump the gap, then drop off the ledge to the lower level.
  4. Use the wall as cover as you peek around the door and shoot the guard (he’ll have a shield, so you’ll have to blast him quite a bit before you can finish him off). Kill the two flying ships, then sprint for the doorway on the other side and head through the open gate.
  5. Drop down off the ledge, then quickly look left and override the lower part of the elevator to bring it down. Turn around and head inside the area behind you, then cross through the elevator.
  6. Look right and highlight the outside of the next elevator to override it before heading through the doors. Pick up the sniper rifle next to the fallen guard, then head around to the next door. Sprint through the smokey hallway to the next door.
  7. Turn left, shoot the guy who will be trying to shoot you, then head through the doors. Walk past the civilians and turn right into the glass structure (it will be an elevator even though it doesn’t look like one).
  8. At the bottom, use the sniper rifle and the evaluator wall as cover to take out enemies across the way (the lighting in here suckx, so use DART to help you identify targets.
  9. Exit the elevator, turn right and kill the next wave of guards. Then head through the double doors in the back left corner. Kill the guards that come charging through the doors (one will have a shield), then head up the stairs.
  10. Turn left through the next set of doors, then use your sniper (and DART) to kill the two guards across the way at ground level, as well as the sniper up on the third story. Proceed forward, pick up one of the rifles,
  11. Head down the escalators, kill the guards on the lower level and head to the other end of the room. Turn left and head down the hallway.

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Milestone 4 / A Train to Catch

  1. Pry open the door up on right and kill the two guards. Head through the double doors, go to the other end of the room and down the stairs. Turn right and use your sniper rifle (if you have it) to take out the guards in this room (there will also be one up on the second story).
  2. Head to the other end of this room and turn left through the double doors. Go down the stairs through the next set of stairs where you will meet up with Merit.
  3. Use the glass in front of the stairs as cover and take out the attacking enemies who will be coming in through the doorway across the way. Since there will be a ton of them, make sure you utilize Backfire to help you out. They will also start jumping down from the second level, so make sure you watch your back and load up on ammo from fallen enemies.
  4. Once you survive the siege, wait for Merit to open the doors for you in front of the glass around the stairs. Following the brief cutscene, go to pry open the doors.
  5. You’ll then have to kill this agent boss. Like before, use the glass as cover. This agent is so quick that he has the ability to teleport. He will take a ridiculous amount of fire, so make sure you move around to pick up any spare ammo when you can.
  6. Once his health is about half gone, you will have to defeat a small group of guards and several small flying machines. Use the Suicide application when possible, then go back to focusing on the boss agent.
  7. When you get his health down to “Immune” use DART to identify the real agent, then shoot that one to defeat him. Once he is dead, walk up and extract the chip from his body, then finishing prying open the double doors.
  8. Talk to Merit, then follow him through the train. Once you get to the control room, hold LB to override the control system.

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Milestone 5 / Escape from LA

  1. After the rear control system has been breached, turn around, open the door and make your way all the way to the back of the train. Once you get there, kill the four Aspari fighters.
  2. Head into the next compartment and kill the next group of enemies. Pry open the next door and pick up the minigun in the back corner. Stand back from the double doors and then after the Aspari fighters on the other side open it, unload on them.
  3. Head up the stairs and through the door. Press X to deactivate the controls on the right, then continue around to the right. Drop off the ledge to the right, then go diagonally toward the doorway. Turn right and press X to activate the lift.
  4. Step onto the top of the train and take out the two enemies. You’ll then have to take out the three gunner ships that come flying past you. As you move forward down the train, you’ll have to kill several waves of gunner ships using your minigun.
  5. Once you finally exit the tunnel, you’ll have to destroy a huge dropship. Make sure when you are fighting it that you are positioned in the little dip near the front of the train so that you can use the wall in front as a bit of cover.
  6. This thing will take quite a while to destroy, but there is no other trick to brining it down other that unloading a ton of rounds on it. Keep in mind that when the smaller gunner ships join the dropship, you can lock onto them and take them down without shooting them. Also, make sure you disarm the missiles that the dropship will drop down the line from time to time.

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Milestone 6 / Eurocorp

  1. Walk through the glass doors and go talk with Jack. After he gives you the ins and outs of Eurocorp, activate the control pad on the wall as you witness the procedure. You’ll then be prompted to hold X in order to keep Merit pinned down to the chair.
  2. Complete the data transfer on the table behind you, then head up the steps and turn right out the double doors. Complete the data transfer on the laptop to the left, then go and talk with Jack again.
  3. Follow Jack into the elevator and then complete the testing to learn the Persuade application.

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Milestone 7 / Voyeur Central

  1. Drop from the dropship. Proceed forward, head through the door and go down the stairs. Turn right through the doorway, then make two quick lefts and go through the double doors on the right.
  2. Make your way around the catwalk. Lock on to the to the controls on the right to override them and raise the bay doors. Step outside, then turn left downstairs. Go forward, then turn right and go talk to Merit.
  3. Look through the binoculars and press LS to zoom in. Just behind the girl in the window, highlight the surveillance system and hold LB to activate it. Cycle through the cameras to listen to Lily’s phone conversations.
  4. After she gets kidnapped and you zip line across, pick up the pistol and the rifle on the floor, then head through the hole in the wall. Turn left after you walk through the next doorway and test out your new Persuade application on the group of enemies that will be running down the hallway.
  5. Turn right through the next doorway for a short cutscene. Following that, lock on to the “super” agent and use DART to take away his shield. Then aim for the head and fire off several rounds to take it out.
  6. Pick up his shotgun if you want, then continue forward. Kill the enemies that will jump over the rail to the right, then head up the stairs. Kill the group of soldiers up here (Persuade application) and kill the “super” agent like the one before.
  7. Turn right down the next hallway and kill the two enemies at the end on the right. Turn left down the hallway. Following the explosion, head through the flame-drenched hallway. Turn left into dark alcove, then turn around and hold LS to sprint through the wall on the opposite side to break through it.
  8. Head down the stairs and exit through the door in the back corner. Turn right and head through the double doors after talking with the security guard.

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Milestone 8 / Cayman Global

  1. Head forward and go through the double doors leading into the Pacific West Atrium. Use DART to identify enemy soldiers and take them out. There will also be a “super” agent, so remove his armor first, then take him out.
  2. Once the room is clear, make your way up the steps into the diner area and head through the door. Turn left down the hallway and turn right through the two sets of double doors.
  3. Clear out the corridor of soldiers, using the cells as on both sides as cover as you advance. When you get to the end, turn right and head up the stairs, making sure to kill the solider at the top. Kill the soldiers coming out of the elevator, then turn right up the stairs.
  4. Head through the door to the right, kill the enemy across the way, then turn right down the hallway. Kill the solider in here, then turn left through the double doors.
  5. Go through the next set of doors, take cover behind the pillar to the left and take out the three soldiers in front of you, the “super” agent to the right and the guy up on the catwalk.
  6. After you clear the room, you’ll then have to kill several “super” agents (who will be equipped with miniguns) and small groups of soldiers. Make sure you use your surroundings as cover, and use Persuade and Backfire to help you out.
  7. After you take them all out, head for the glass doors in front of the Art Center. Highlight the tank to the right of the door and override it. After the glass freezes over, go back, pick up a minigun and use it to blow away the glass.
  8. Head inside and use the controls to take the elevator up. Get off, take out the soldiers, then head downstairs and do the same. Head out the glass doors leading outside and go to town on a group of soldiers.
  9. After you turn to the right, use the Suicide application to help you out in finishing off the rest of the soldiers. Continue forward where you will get scooped up by the ship.

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Milestone 9 / The Floating City

  1. After you jump off, head around to the left where the dude is working on his computer and press X to extract the chip from him.
  2. Highlight the control board to obtain the flight control database. Go up the steps behind you, complete a data transfer on the laptop (there will also be another one down to the right on the desk).
  3. When the door opens to the left, head down the corridor and turn through the door on the right at the end. Go left through the glass doors, then head left through the next set of glass doors.
  4. Go up the stairs, wait for the elevator doors on the left to open, then head inside. When the security lockdown is enabled, break the silver control panel in the right corner to survive.

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Milestone 10 / Behind the Scenes

  1. Exit the elevator, run up to the soldier, steal his pistol, then shoot him and the soldier behind him. Pick up the rifle as well, then head downstairs outside.
  2. Kill the two soldiers up the steps to the right, then use DART to help you identify the two up on the second floor of the building. More enemies will show up, so get up the steps and turn into the room on the right.
  3. Use the wall as cover and take out the group of soldiers as they make their way towards you. Once you clear the area, a “super” agent will show up. This one will have a few layers of armor, but after you strip him of them, just aim for the head and take him out.
  4. With him dead, pick up his rocket launcher, and fire one off at the gray doors over in the left corner in front of the main building. Head inside, go right through the door and head downstairs. Turn left, head up the stairs and through two more doors.
  5. Now back outside, take out a few of those tiny flying ships over on the left side before heading up the stairs. Kill the solider on the catwalk across from you, then turn around and destroy more of those flying drones as you proceed forward.
  6. Head up the next set of stairs, turn left and kill the two soldiers as you make your way across. Go down the stairs, kill the dude with the gun, then press X to activate the controls on the blue screens to the left.
  7. Turn around and place your rocket launcher on the rack on the red wall. Turn left through the door. Complete the data transfer on the left, then head down the stairs. Complete another data transfer under the stairs, then pick up a Kusanagi to the left of the door before heading back outside.
  8. Head up the steps, sprint to the right and crouch behind the gray wall for cover. Use DART to help you locate and kill enemies across the takeoff strip. Head through the door to your right and go down the stairs. Override the controls in the back left corner to open the big door.
  9. Take cover behind the barricade that rises up and use Suicide/Persuade to help you kill the group of enemies out on the takeoff strip. Load up on ammo, then head up the steps to the right.
  10. Turn right and kill the solider hiding in the doorway. Head down the steps and override the controls—this time in the back right corner. Take cover behind the barricade and kill the attacking soldiers. These guys will prevent you from using your applications, so it will be all up to your firearms here.
  11. After you take them all out, pick up the left over ammo and head through the door in the back left corner. Walk around the plane and override the controls next to the big door. Override the controls in the far right corner in the next room and take cover behind the barricade that pops up.
  12. Like before, use DART to help you identify enemies and then take out the soldiers and a few of those flying drones. Clear the area, then move forward and break the metal grate in the ground. Turn right and crawl through the ventilation shaft.
  13. After you turn left, there will be flying drone there—quickly destroy it, then drop down. Go left and wait in front of the door that read “Landing in Progress.” After the landing sequence is complete look out to the left at the tiny landing strip. It will have an exclamation point icon on it—lock onto it and hit LB to move it.
  14. This will alarm the three soldiers across the way—take them out, then jump down onto the landing strip when it comes by. Step off onto the other side after it docks, then lock onto the controls to the right of what looks like the doors to an elevator.
  15. After it opens, this will send a group of enemies around to the left. One will be a “super” agent with the radar that prevents you from using your applications, so use DART and shoot for the oxygen tanks to take out the regular soldiers, then retreat to some cover and kill the “super” agent.
  16. With all of the enemies dead, the elevator doors will be completely open for you to enter inside.

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Milestone 11 / Ramon

  1. Head out the door, turn left and take out the two unsuspecting soldiers. Highlight the strip on the wall to the left to hack it. Head through the door just to the left and go down a bunch of flights of stairs.
  2. Once you get to the bottom, break the light on the floor, then hightlight the keypad next to the door to open it, then slide down the ladder. Head down the corridor and break through the metal grate.
  3. Head around the catwalk and stand in front of the double gray doors. Boss time. This guy will fire rockets at you, but the key is to highlight and hack them, which will direct them back at him (think of it as a game of tennis).
  4. When you see him shine the green laser toward you, press RB to go into DART mode so you can hack all five rockets and try to send them back at him. Once you eventually bring him down, walk up to his body an attempt to extract the chip.
  5. Follow Lily down the catwalk, then head into the ship after she powers it up.

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Milestone 12 / Downzone

  1. After you assist Lily and she opens the bay door for you, head inside. Turn left and break through the metal grates in the floor. Follow the path around to the tunnel, then turn left and break through the hatch.
  2. Turn right and head up the ladder in the next room. Go forward and turn left through the doorway. Head up the steps across the room and flip the switch in the control room.
  3. Exit and go break the padlock on the chain-link fence. Turn right through the space between the shelves and turn left up the stairs. Press X to activate the the controls, then move back around to the left. Jump up onto the open spot on the shelf, step onto the boxes then jump up onto the catwalk.
  4. Sprint and jump across the gab to the other side. Move forward and use the controls on the left to bring the the movable catwalk back. When it stops, hop over the rail and sprint across to clear the gap.
  5. Head through the doorway to the right and move up the stairs. Exit through the doorway and head down the long catwalk. Head down the two flights of stairs, then break the lock on the door. Head down the stairs and turn left and follow the path around.
  6. Head up the steps at the dead end and open the door on the left. Walk past the perv staring at the holographic chicks, then make the turn and walk past the other hobos. Head through the doors of the room with the bright lights.
  7. Turn right through the doorway, make another quick right and head up the stairs. Head through the doors, turn left and pry open the double doors on the right. Cross over the catwalk where you will unexpectedly come crashing down.

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Milestone 13 / Betrayed

  1. Pick yourself up by pressing X repeatedly. Move forward and take out the soldier who bursts up out of the grate. Take his rifle, head up the steps to the left and take out the soldiers across the way.
  2. Head forward, drop down and kill any remaining soldiers around the container on the right. Proceed forward up the steps and open the door on the right. Head through the next door and use DART to locate and kill all of the enemies in this room.
  3. Get to the back wall in the middle of the room. A large elevator door will open and a huge group of enemies will come pouring out. Back up and take cover behind one of the pillars, then use DART again (as well as all of your applications) to take them out.
  4. Head inside the elevator and use the controls. After the elevator stalls, press X repeatedly on the escape door in the roof. Jump across to the ventilation shaft, then turn left and head up the ladder.
  5. Run past the door, then left, kill the two snipers and pick up one of their weapons. Head back, break the lock on the door to the right, then head up the next ventilation shaft. Jump the gap, then turn left in the tunnel and follow it around. At the dead end turn right, then press LS to break through the debris.
  6. As soon as you come to your feet, shoot for the gas tank in between the two soldiers to take them out. Move to the left, take cover and use your sniper to take out the attacking enemies in the distance.
  7. Go forward and turn left at the flashing red light, then hit X to flip the generator. Then head around to the right and do the same to the generator on the other side. After the chain-link fence raises up, drop down and flip the generator switch in the middle.
  8. After the roof lowers down, loop up and press X to get through the escape. Press X on the controls to take the elevator up. As you go up, take out snipers below. Once you come to a stop, equip DART and take out take out the soldiers in the distance.
  9. Jump up to exit the elevator and head around to the left. Take out the few soldiers to the right, then head up the steps in front of you. Flip the switch in the control room, then take out the attacking guards.
  10. Head back to the elevator and use the controls to take it up to the next level. When it comes to a stop, crouch and to duck through the opening. Turn left and press X to escape through the grate above you.
  11. Quickly take cover, equip DART and take out the enemies in this area. Head up the steps, head into the elevator and use the controls to complete the level.

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Milestone 14 / The Wall

  1. When the elevator comes to a stop, turn around and press X repeatedly to open the doors. Drop down through the whole in the floor and move forward through the doors.
  2. Turn left through the doorway, press X to power the generator, then look to the right and hold LB to reboot the system. Extract the chip from the guy sitting in the chair, then go through the next door in the back left corner.
  3. Drop through the hole in the floor, head through the door and turn left down the stairs. After you head through the next door, you’ll be attacked by an enemy that will suddenly disappear.
  4. After he disappears, look on the floor and hold LB on the three mines to temporarily discharge them, then run across them before they charge again. Turn right through the doors, discharge the mine on the floor, then cut to the left.
  5. There will be another couple mines on the floor around the pillar—watch out for them as you equip DART and kill the enemies up on the catwalk to the right. You’ll notice that these enemies have the ability to disappear (even with DART), so keep an eye out.
  6. Turn right, kill the enemy behind the rock and head through the structure. Discharge the mine and kill the enemy on the other side. Look up and take out the enemies up on the catwalk.
  7. Turn right, kill the two enemies in the left corner and discharge the mines as you make your way across. Turn left down the narrow path and kill the enemies in the next area (you’ll find some grenades on the floor next to the nearby rock to help you).
  8. When you get to the end, press X repeatedly to raise open the door. Go forward through the doorway in the fence, turn right, equip DART and take out the dude with the flamethrower. Head up the ramp and pick up the flamethrower.
  9. Go right, then make a left and use the thrower to easily take out the attacking enemies. Turn left into the next room and go to town on the group of enemies using the flamethrower. Follow the path around and continue to torch fools along the way.
  10. Once you see the big tank, lock on to the controls (the bright yellow square) to the right to override them, then, from a safe distance back, blast them with some flames to explode the tank.
  11. Head through the hole in the tank, then turn left through the door. Head down the corridor and turn right through the door at the end. Cook the three guys with the shields, then lock on to controls to the left of the dude up on the catwalk.
  12. Head up the steps to the left, turn around and lock on the controls on the right wall. Turn around and torch the enemies that will come running through the door. Head through the door and break open the hatch at the end. Climb the ladder and then duck and crawl through the crawl space.

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Milestone 15 / Kris

  1. Press X to kick open the vent and drop down. Take cover, turn around to disarm the grenade, then take out the two enemies (there will be one off in the distance). Lock onto the lever in the ground and press LB to pull it.
  2. Take cover behind the train car thing as it moves forward (you’ll have to start it two more times to go the whole way). Get up the stairs and walk over to the other doorway. From there, take out the enemy off in the distance.
  3. Go down the stairs and stay close to the parked train car. Like before, lock onto the lever (this one will be further away on the left side) and pull it to get the car moving. Stay with the car until it drops down a tunnel, then quickly get behind the next car for protection (you’ll have to restart this one as well).
  4. Turn left at the end of the railing and press X to power off the generator. Look out the window and lock onto the flying drone using LB. Slowly exit out the doorway and use DART and Backfire to kill the enemy to the right.
  5. Go forward, head up the steps and pry open the doors to the right. Go left up the stairs, then breach the computer on the right in the next room by holding LB. Head through the door to the right, then turn left
  6. Complete the three data transfers from the three different computers on the left. Exit through the room, turn left down the hallway, enter the elevator and use the controls to take up the elevator.
  7. When it stops, pry open the doors. Boss time. He’ll start off by hitting you with an EMP. Once you come to, look for where he is firing and chuck a few grenades if you’ve got them. If not, there will be some on the shelf along the wall.
  8. The main thing to worry about is discharging all of the mines in the room. Continue to do this as you unload on him. Once his health gets down to about halfway, he’ll appear in front of you and mess you up. After he does, hold LB to Backfire before he kills you.
  9. After that, you’ll have to watch out for the grenades that he’ll throw at you. Disarm these using LB, then use DART to help you locate him to take him out. Once his health is gone and he drops to his knees, don’t go near him because he will suddenly explode.
  10. Pick up the chip he leaves behind, head into the open elevator and take it down. Go through the doorway and head up the ladder. After Lily takes you down, hold X to disarm her. You can then either choose to shoot her or find some compassion in you to let her live.

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Milestone 16 / Human Resources

  1. After you wake up out of your flashback, tap X repeatedly to break free and take out the guy. In your disorderly state, get up, exit the room and turn to the left. Before you enter through the Security Lockdown door, look off into the distance to lock on to the security camera using LB.
  2. After watching Merit interrogate Lily, continue forward. Walk toward Lily’s chamber and press X to free her. Follow Lily to the middle across the platform to enter the machine to restore you.
  3. Exit the device and follow Lily through the doors.

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Milestone 17 / Corporate War

  1. Follow Lily off the elevator and pick up your choice of weapon off the floor (you’ll also find some frag grenades as well). Wait for Lily, then head up the stairs. Take out the four soldiers across the way.
  2. Move over to their position and take cover. The large dropship from outside will then drop off four “super” agents. One of them will have a jammer to prevent you from using your applications—use one of those grenades and throw it near them when they are standing close together.
  3. After you kill them, another wave of enemies will repel from the roof on the opposite side. Once you kill them, three more enemies will come through the doors to the right—grab some cover and take care of them.
  4. Load up on ammo, then head through those doors. Wait for Lily, then turn left through the glass doors that open. Turn right into the next room, take cover behind a pill and go to town on the enemies in here. Again, there will be a ton of them, so use your applications to help you.
  5. Once you’ve cleared this room and the area to the right, head for the doors. Naturally, more enemies will burst through, along with a flying drone. Take out the drone, then kill the two soldiers.
  6. Move up behind the table in front of those two doors for cover if you have not already done so and chuck a grenade when the next large group of enemies pours through the doors.
  7. After those doors close, enter through the testing facility door, which is the room to the right (with the flashing light on the outside of the wall). Activate the controls in the center area.
  8. As soon as the two turrets drop from the ceiling, lock on and use LB to override them. You’ll then have to destroy two of those flying drones. After you talk to Lily again, turn around and exit through the hatch.
  9. Drop off the edge and head down the pipes. Turn right and head through the door. Sprint down the path, head through the door and turn the lever on the wall.

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Milestone 18 / Spire Access

  1. Head out the door and up the stairs. After you clear the first flight, go halfway up the next flight of stairs. Face the elevator (the flames will be to the left). You’ll then have to override four generators in the right order to start up the lift. Hit the one on the outside of the lift first, then up on the wall to the right, then turn left and get the one up on the wall, then quickly get the last one on the wall behind the lift.
  2. Look up at the top of the top of the lift and hold LB to bring the lift down. Head back up the stairs, get on the lift and activate the controls. Once it stops, go right through the doorway, head up the steps and perform a stealth kill on the guy at the computer.
  3. Head up the stairs to the right. Turn right (facing away from the door), jump up onto the vent and lock onto the generator using LB. Jump up again to the next area, walk around to the right and override the generator across the way.
  4. Walk back around, look down and override the one to the right of the door. Walk back around, override the generator across the way again and hop across the platforms to the ledge on the other side.
  5. After the platforms restart, look down toward the generator next to the door, override it, then look over to the one to the right and to the same. Hop across the platforms and head through the shaft.
  6. Break through the metal grate. As soon as you get back on your feet, use DART and take out the attacking soldiers. Look down at the circle on the platform in front of you and hold LB to raise it up to give you cover.
  7. After you clear the room, there will be a brief cutscene. Following that, equip DART and take out the two soldiers to the right and left of of the boss guy. You can raise the other platforms in the room to help provide cover, but this boss won’t be too difficult to take down.
  8. Once he’s dead, extract the chip. After a device raises up from the center area, override it, then head through the door that opens up in the corner. Complete the data transfer on the laptop, then go right through the double doors.
  9. Pick up some ammo from the dead bodies off the floor. Walk over to the glass doors, look up to the right and override the screen to open the doors. Head up the stairs. Turn right and take out the soldiers around the corner.
  10. After you make the turn, stay close to the railing for cover. Peek around and take out the large group of soldiers, using Backfire to help you. Go forward, turn right through the doorway and up the stairs.
  11. Get to the top and climb up the yellow ladder. Go through the door to lead you to the area outside. Take cover and take out the flying drone in the sky first. Equip DART, take out the two guys up on the catwalk, then take out the rest of the enemies on ground level.
  12. Move forward, turn right and take out two more soldiers. Move to the right and override the controls behind the railing. Turn back around and kill the next group of guards that will appear.
  13. Head back to the railing over on the right side. Turn left and sprint across the narrow bridge. Turn right and walk over the hatch. Lock onto in and hold LB to open it up, then drop down.

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Milestone 19 / Burning Tower

  1. Go down the steps, turn left and head up the stairs. Go out the door and override the turrets to the right. Kill the soldiers, then turn around and override the controls on the wall to the left of the door.
  2. After the security doors drop, head through the door in the left corner. Walk past the the people through the next door. Head down the open hatch. Turn right and press X repeatedly to raise open the door to the left.
  3. Kill the two soldiers to the left, then override the two turrets hanging over the middle area to help you clear out the area. After that, look left and kill the groups of soldiers coming from the dropship. There will be a few “super” agents here, so use DART to take away their armor.
  4. Head down the steps when it’s clear to load up on ammo. Unfortunately, more soldiers will flank you from all sides. Turn around and head back up the stairs and use the rail as cover, then take them out.
  5. Head across the area and up the stairs on the left. As soon as you get up them, yes, more soldiers will appear diagonally across from you. Take them out (use Suicide and/or Persuade to speed up the process), then head over to that area.
  6. More soldiers will continue to pour out of these doors, so make sure you have cover and keep picking them off. Once they’re all dead, look left and kill all of the soldiers that will come out of the three elevators. Once that barrage is over, head inside the middle elevator and take it up.
  7. Exit the elevator and take out the soldiers hold the civilians hostage. Turn left and take out the next group standing around the plants. Turn right down the long hallway and take out the lone guard.
  8. Turn right and take out the guards coming down the stairs. Go up the stairs and kill the guards along the railing to the left. Turn back around, head toward the glass windows and turn right through the door.
  9. Head up the stairs and override the door to the right using LB. Complete the data transfers from the servers on the left and right sides of the room, then activate the controls from the center.
  10. Drop off the edge in front of you and head up the escalator. Turn around to the right and kill the guards down past the plants. Get to the end, look up and override the flying drone to aid you.
  11. Head through the break in the security door. Turn right, kill the soldiers up on the second story, then take out the ones at ground level. Move forward and head up the stairs on the right.
  12. Take out the soldiers coming around the corner to the left. Move forward, head up another set of stairs to the right. Kill the soldiers to the right. Turn right, equip DART and take out the two flying drones over the door.
  13. Use the center structure as cover, then take out the two soldiers and the “super” agent. Go forward toward the vault door. This part is tricky. You have to unlock the left side (LB) then quickly unlock the right side before the series of red light reaches that side. Once you get it open, head on through to complete the level.

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Milestone 20 / Jack Denham

  1. Head down the extrenely long corridor. After you get taken out by Merit and you get back on your feet, stay hidden behind the pane of glass and take out the guy up on the lift first. After you shoot him a few times, he should fall.
  2. Next for the two coming around both sides of you, breach their armor using LB, then equip DART and take them out. Once Merit rises back up on the lift, shoot him a few more times to cause him to drop down.
  3. For the other two enemies, once their health is gone, quickly run up to them and hit LS to execute them—this will be the only way to totally finish them off.
  4. On to Merit now. If you haven’t done so already, raise the platforms in front of you to provide cover, then load up on weapons/ammo from the cases along the back wall (it’s recommended that you pick up the TAR-39.
  5. Stay in the area with all of the platforms (make sure you raise them all up), override the armor on Merit’s suit, then unload on him using the TAR-39. Sidestep his initial grenade barrage, then continue to fire on him as he approaches you.
  6. Save your DART for when you come under heavy fire. Right before you use it, disarm his armor, go into DART and take care of business. Once his life his gone, approach him. Following the cutscene, you’ll have to press X repeatedly to finish him off.
  7. Exit back through the hole in the wall and go get on the elevator. Head down the long corridor to faceoff with Denham. After Denham “pulls the plug on you,” mash X to bring yourself back and watch the final scene.

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