Blackhearts Bay Map and Objectives - Heroes of the Storm

Blackheart's Bay is a 5v5 battleground with a pirate theme. Its unique objective is Blackheart's Ghostship that will bombard enemy buildings if your team can win the pirate's favour.

Blackheart's Bay

The map is made up of 3 lanes and most of the objectives there are related to Blackheart, on the lower half of the map. However players shouldn't ignore the top half of the battlefield, where the Grave Golem can be found.

Players must work in teams to collect doubloons and bring them to the pirate captain to win his favour. Clashes between the two teams should happen often since both teams are likely to be co-ordinated in their attempts to collect doubloons, as well as doing the other elements of the map like the mercenary camps.

Unique Map Objective


At the centre of the map, Blackheart is awaiting the heroes on his ship. Heroes must channel near Blackheart to give him doubloons, they will be interrupted if they take damage. The first team to give Blackheart 10 doubloons gains his aid for a short time. When Blackheart helps a team, he bombards the buildings of their enemies to help destroy them. Blackhearts returns to being neutral after 12 shots and the doubloon count is reset to 0 for the team that had just been aided by him.


There are three main ways to get doubloons:

• The neutral camps are closer to the each base, they are easy to kill but only grant two doubloons. There are two doubloon granting neutral camps of each side of the map.
• The treasure chests spawn in the centre of the map, one near the middle lane and the other at the bottom lane. Chests can be attacked, making them drop doubloons. The number of doubloons dropped can even be doubled if the chests are attacked enough times at once. These chests give a total of 5 doubloons, making them an essential element of the quest.
• The heroes can collect the doubloons by walking over them but will drop them all on the ground if they die, allowing others to steal them.

Secondary Map Objectives

There are four mercenary camps and two watchtowers on this map.

Mercenary Camps

Players will find three types of mercenary camps next to the ones that drop doubloons.

• Siege Giants on each side of the map that will push onto the bottom lane when captured.
• Knights will push in the middle lane when captured.
• The Grave Golem located above the top lane at the centre where they meet will push top when captured.


There are two watchtowers on this map that can be found at the centre of the map. 

• The north watchtower is located between the top lane and the mid, it grants vision between the lanes and mitigates the vision impairment caused by the tall grass.
• The south watchtower is located between the mid and the bot lane, it grants vision of Blackheart and mitigates the vision impairment caused by the steam vents nearby.