Hearthstone Guide: Definition of a Control Deck

There's no need to rush...

The aim of the control deck is to manage your opponent in the early/mid game to reach the comfort zone of this kind of deck, the late game. This is when the control deck comes into force. The hardest thing won't be to win once you get to turn 10, but to make it there in the first place!

These decks are made up of many cards that allow you to manage the enemy creatures in the early game. Most of the time this is with damage spells that prevent you being invaded by your opponent. The control deck is characterised by the presence of the zone spells, essential for countering the rush decks like the Warloc Murloc. The aim in the early game is simple, survive and try to keep your health points as high as possible. 

Once you get to the late game, it will be time to bring out the many powerful creatures that make up the control deck. These are composed of minions that cost a lot of mana like the Ragnaros or Alexstrasza, which have a big impact at the end of the game. This will generally be won if you manage to reach the late game with enough health points, except of course in the situation where you are facing the same kind of deck. 

The control deck has two major faults. It is very vulnerable in the early game and if you don't have the solution in your hand, the aggro decks will make a meal out of you! The draw cards and a bit of luck with the first deal are necessary for starting off on the right foot. The other disadvantage is that the decks are made up of many epics and legendaries, which are very expensive to craft! The Druid Control and Warrior control decks are among the most efficient in the game.