Hearthstone Guide: Example of an Arena Draft

The Arena is the best way to amass gold and obtain the best cards in the game. You must know how to build a balanced deck as well as be able to choose your cards well. Here you can see a draft from A to Z explaining the different choices to make to win the maximum victories.

Hero Choice

It is very difficult to have a good performance in Arena with a Hunter, which is why I immediately eliminate this choice. The Priest and the Paladin are two very good classes in Arena but my heart goes for the Paladin which is simply my favourite class. So it's with Uther I start this Arena!


1- It starts with an extremely easy choice! The Secretkeeper isn't useful because I have no guarantee that I will be offered secrets. Also the ones for the Paladin are not the best. The Ancient Mage is no match for the Defender of Argus who will boost our creatures and hault our opponent with 1 or 2 taunts.

2- The Youthful Brewmaster isn't a good option at the moment, because I don't know if I will have the relevant cards to return to my hand. The Mad Bomber is worth considering but I prefer the Harvest Golem who will really annoy the opponent with his Deathrattle.  

3- This is a no brainer! The Captain's Parrot and the Hungry Crab are two very bad cards, in Arena or otherwise. So I'll go for the Blood Knight who will work even if it will be difficult to benefit from his Battlecry. The card is still a 3/3 for 3 mana which is perfectly viable.

4- There's no wrong choice here. The Redemption is still the least useful card, especially since I can't tell in turn 4 whether it will be useful. The Flesheating Ghoul is an excellent choice here, especially because it will work very well with the heroic power! However the silence is a must have, and I'm sure that it will be useful at some point. 

5- Three very decent cards here. The Cult Master can be a very good draw card, especially since it works very well with your heroic power. However it is still very vulnerable in turn 4 with only 2 health points. The River Crocolisk is an excellent turn 2 but I prefer to go with the Frostwolf Warlord which will ensure me a good late game and which can also benefit from the Paladin's heroic power. 

6- No possible contest here. Nightblade and the Dalaran Mage are way below the Boulderfist Ogre. It allows me to create a lot of pressure in the late game, with a very annoying creature that my opponent will be forced to deal with.

7- Only one decent card here. So we'll go with the Imp Master which will give you some presence on the board. This works well with the Frostwolf Warlord taken earlier and I will be sure to have the chance to use the buffs available. The Coldlight Seer and the Mana Wraith are absolutely not viable here. 

8- The Booty Bay Bodyguard isn't a very useful taunt because it only has 4 health points and so won't last long in turn 5. The Leper Gnome is a possibility because it can be used to put pressure on the opponent. However I prefer the Earthen Ring Farseer because I could heal or creature or myself if I need. It is more versatile and potentially stronger than the Gnome.

9- I immediately eliminate the Silvermoon Guardian because it has too weak an impact and I don't have much chance of using it with the Blood Knight. It's doesn't support compared to the other two cards. The Venture Co. Mercenary is an excellent arena card that will often force your opponent up against a wall if they have nothing to get rid of it. However I prefer the Dark Iron Dwarf, once again for its versatility and because it will be useful for getting rid of a big creature and keeping control of the board.

10- Mana Addict isn't possible because I don't have any spells! The Ancient Watcher could be a useful choice because I already have a silence and an Argus. However there is a risk that it will stay in my hand and I won't have any use for it. So I'll go with Holy Wrath, especially since I don't have a draw card at the moment. 

11- The Silverback Patriarch isn't a taunt I like because although it slows the opponent it's impact is still quite small. The Amani Berserker isn't a bad card but the Blessing of Kings is much better! I can use it to surprise my opponent with a huge buff which I can use to destroy a big creature or deal a lot of damage to a hero. 

12- It's always nice to get offered some legendaries in Arena! No hesitation here, it's obviously Alexstrasza which is by far the strongest card in Arena. It will allow me to lower my opponent's health points or increase my own! Onyxia could very easily be used in Arena because nothing says your enemy won't have an area spell. However we'll leave the power of rock alone...

13- Once again, this isn't a choice that is going to cause a headache! The Silver Hand Knight is by far the best card! It will ensure a good presence on the board and the possibility of cornering your opponent. The other two cards are just poor. 

14- The Spiteful Smith is a good card, but I don't have a weapon to hand to make use of it. Exactly the same problem for the Dread Corsair, so it isn't useful. So I'll go with Humility, which could be useful for making a big enemy creature less of a threat.  

15- The Tauren Warrior is a very bad card that you should refuse straight away! I already have a Blessing of Kings in the deck and I prefer to go with the Chillwind Yeti. This is one of the best Arena cards that will ensure I can put pressure on my opponent. 

16- The Bluegill Warrior isn't really a bad choice but it still has quite a small impact because most of the time it dies instantly. The Ancient Brewmaster is a good card but I prefer a draw card that will ensure some direct damage. So I go with Hammer of Wrath.

17- The Stormpike Commando is a very bad turn 5 that won't stay long on the board with its two health points! Once again the Leper Gnome is interesting but the Chillwind Yeti is too interesting to ignore it!

18- Here we'll take Hammer of Wrath by default because the other cards aren't good. So we have our third draw card. A fourth would be perfect but no more. 

19- The Master Swordsmith can boost several creatures but takes too long to have a real impact. I'm starting to have a few spells that could justify taking Mana Addict but Sunwalker is a much more interesting card in Arena!

20- The Pint-Sized Summoner isn't a card I like and it is often destroyed before it can be useful. Mana Addict is once again a possibility but the Questing Adventurer is a creature my opponent will have to destroy quickly. It could potentially become very powerful otherwise. 

21- Two uninteresting cards with the Murloc Raider and the Mogu'shan Warden. So we'll take the Bloodsail Raider even if I still don't have a weapon. The card is still decent with a 2/3 for 2 mana.

22- No need to worry here! The Ironfur Grizzly is a taunt without much interest and the Nightblade isn't a very good turn 5. So I'll go with a second Blessing of Kings which will surely be useful, and which is very powerful in Arena. 

23- Obviously we say goodbye to the Coldlight Oracle which has no use in Arena like all the Murlocs. The Gadgetzan Auctioneer is possible but I already have a lot of turn 5s and the time has come to smooth out my mana curve. The Wild Pyromancer is my preferred card here because its basic stats are good and its ability could be useful if I get the chance to choose an Equality or a Consecrate.

24- The Murloc Tidecaller is obviously shown the door, same for the very poor Bloodsail Corsair! So we'll take a second Imp Master because we don't really have a choice! It's the only decent card offered and it could prove to be very useful.

25- No hesitation here either! The Shieldbearer simply isn't viable and the Elven Archer has a limited impact. The Bloodfen Raptor is a good Arena card and it completes the rank of the 2 mana cards.

26- The Murloc Raider could almost be possible here, that's how poor the options are! Eye for an Eye is not a good secret and we have no combo to use it with. So we'll go for Novice Engineer, because at least it allows us to draw!

27- Finally! Here you should jump on the Truesilver Champion which is obviously the best possible choice. It has an immediate impact but also allows you to keep control of the board thanks to its heal. 

28- We have enough draw cards in our game for Cult Master not to be a good choice. We won't even talk about the Murloc and lean towards the Youthful Brewmaster. Some cards would now be interesting to bring back out, Alexstrasza especially.  

29- Now that we have two Imp Masters, the Frostwolf Warlord is even more interesting! It still works very well with out heroic power and should become much more than a simple 4/4. 

30- Three cards that definately won't be of much use! So by default we'll choose the Mind Control which fits better in the mana curve and could have some use. 


The deck is very decent in the end and it will probably be possible to win 7 or 8 victories. However there is one big problem: the absence of area spells. No Consecrate has been offered to us, nor an Equality. This could prove to be problematic if the opponent overpowers us and we lose control of the board.

So we have 23 creatures, 6 spells and 1 weapon. It would have been preferable to have 1 or 2 more spells and some cards to control the board. The mana curve is consistent and fits in with what we need to Build an Arena Deck that follows:

• 0/1 mana: 0
• 2/3 mana: 13
• 4 mana: 4
• 5 mana: 3
• 6 mana and more: 3
• Spells: 6

All that remains is to dive in and hope not to come across a stronger deck. There is a large random element in Arena and no deck, even the best, can guarantee 12 victories. Luck is a very important factor and good choices will be essential to winning the best key.