Saison 3 SoloQ Tier List - League of Legends - The Carry Champions

Summary :

  • Page 1 : Index

Easy Win (Tier 1): Amumu Miss Fortune Kha'Zix Ryze Lee Sin* Riven Blitzcrank Evelynn* Taric Twisted Fate* Amumu Miss Fortune Kha'Zix Ryze Lee Sin Riven Blitzcrank Evelynn Taric Twisted Fate Nidalee* Ezreal Rumble** Elise* Malphite Katarina* Lulu* Vi Thresh Nidalee Ezreal Rumble Elise Malphite Katarina Lulu Vi Vi


Recommended (Tier 2): Master Yi Fizz* Anivia** Irelia* Jarvan 4 Zed* Shaco Panthéon Hécarim Xin Zhao Maître Yi Fizz Anivia Irelia Jarvan IV Zed Shaco Pantheon Hecarim Xin Zhao Kayle Singed* Jax Caitlyn Darius Akali* Draven* Sona Kassadin Lux Kayle Singed Jax Caitlyn Darius Akali Draven Sona Kassadin Lux


Quite Strong (Tier 3): Karthus Orianna* Fiddlesticks Vladimir Skarner Maokai Jayce Olaf Shen Wukong Graves Karthus Orianna Fiddlesticks Vladimir Skarner Maokai Jayce Olaf Shen Wukong Graves Ziggs Sivir Corki Ahri Jayce Zyra Vayne Nocturne Cho'Gath Xerath Ziggs Sivir Corki Ahri Jayce Zyra Vayne Nocturne Cho'Gath Xerath Garen Tristana Varus Leona Volibear Renekton Shyvana Syndra* Teemo Mordekaiser Garen Tristana Varus Leona Volibear Renekton Shyvana Syndra Teemo Mordekaiser Kog'Maw Swain Janna Nautilus Kog'Maw Swain Janna Nautilus


Challenge Accepted (Tier 4): Nunu Viktor* Kennen* Leblanc Ashe Zilean Diana Nami Talon Warwick


Viktor Kennen LeBlanc Ashe Zilean Diana Nami Talon Warwick Cassiopeia Dr. Mundo Malzahar Yorick Morgana Gragas Galio Veigar Fiora Brand Soraka Rammus Cassiopeia Dr.Mundo Malzahar Yorick Morgana Gragas Galio Veigar Fiora Brand Soraka Rammus


Not very Strong (Tier 5): Udyr Annie Tryndamere Rengar Sion Gangplank Urgot Poppy Sejuani Heimerdinger Udyr Annie Tryndamere Rengar Sion Gangplank Urgot Poppy Sejuani Heimerdinger Nasus Alistar Karma Trundle Nasus Alistar Karma Trundle


Pubstomp snowball: Lee Sin Katarina Kha'Zix Evelynn Akali Master Yi Lee Sin Katarina Kha'Zix Evelynn Akali Maître Yi



Please be aware that the work behind this tier list is based on very high analysis of the actual metagame and how a specific champion can carry a soloQ game by itself. We didn't take into account how a champion works and fits into an organized Team Play for a competitive game. More over, do not forget that any champion can carry a soloQ game, but this tier list was made to show what champion can carry a soloQ game with a higher chance than others. Finally, take note that the order of champions in a specific tier doesn't necessarily mean that one is stronger than another. For example, Miss Fortune may not be better than Twisted Fate to carry a soloQ game.
If a champion has a star next to the name, it means that you will need to master htem to be able to carry with them.