Electric Box 2 Game Review & Video Walkthrough
Electric Box 2
Genre: Puzzle, Education
Game Review
Electric Box 2 is a supercharged sequel that's sure to make people forget all about the original, Electric Box. The basics mechanics of the game haven't changed a single bit; using various elements to try to complete a circuit of electricity. You could link up the circuit by sending power between items such as kettles and steam detectors, water tanks and water wheels, and lasers and energy collectors. Elements such as magnets and chargeable batteries is slowly introduced subsequently which would keep each level fresh. Some other worth mentioning are hamster, transporters and teleporters and new vehicles.
For example, give the hamster some food or music and he’ll run, producing power for you. There are also more ways of destroying things, with the innovative cannon blasting stuff down for you. Then some levels actually have cool and unique moments in them, something that you couldn’t say about the first game. By keeping the energy moving, eventually you would reach your target and activate it.
The sequel has expanded on the original in every way. Graphics are far superior to what they were before, no clutter. Also has a clean presentation with good menus and great interface/controls. Good music and some nice little sound effects. There are 40 levels compared to the 15 there were before and even more elements to play with. Each one has been meticulously put together so there is only one solution. Don't think the Electric Box 2 is going to be easy. I telling that you're wrong! This game is a headscratcher but has good puzzle value. Worth playing for ages!
Electric Box 2 Guide
Electric Box 2 Video Walkthrough - Levels 1-10
Electric Box 2 Video Walkthrough - Levels 11-20
Electric Box 2 Video Walkthrough - Levels 21-30
Electric Box 2 Video Walkthrough - Levels 31-40
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