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Flippin Dead Game Review & Walkthrough Guide

Flippin' Dead

Genre: Action

Game Review
Juicy Beast never fails to impress. Their latest work, Flippin’ Dead is a crazy arcade game featuring zombies, rainbows, power ups and blood baths. This is one of the enjoyable games I've played in a while. It’s like zombie version of Pacman with enough original content to be addicting. Flippin' Dead isn't a particularly hard but challenging game, the perfect game for all kinds of gamer.

You play as a bad ass looking bear, wearing purple shades being chased by zombies. At this point of time, all you can do to survive the hordes of undead is only by smashing crates for unique power ups especially the big pink crate. It unleashes the power of the rainbow to slaughter everything in your path which transforms zombies into naked humans, and your teddy turns green and grows fangs. Slaughtering everything in your path until the time runs out and things turn back to normal!

At first, I thought there will be a fancy shop system to upgrade your character but surprisingly, the shop system is sort of replaced by an upgrade system where you have to complete objectives to unlock new power-ups. In my opinion, it is kind of disappointing when intentional suicide is the structure of an otherwise survival-based game. Once you clear your three objectives, the best course of action is to kill yourself as soon as possible, since you can't start work on the next set until you die. Overall though Flippin' Dead is still pretty flippin' awesome and worth the play.

This game raises a great question about the zombie apocalypse that is often overlooked. How will bears feel about it? And will they wear sunglasses? And will they find the boxes full of rainbows that causes them to become and invincible and eat all of their enemies? I think I have found a certain logic here. When a furry creature wearing sunglasses pulls a rainbow from a box, he is convinced for a short while that all Zombies are actually naked babies with square heads, and thus, desires to eat them until the rainbow hallucination wears off. I don't know why I didn't think of it before, it makes perfect sense now...

Flippin' Dead Guide
List of Zombie in Flippin' Dead
Regular zombie - Shuffles towards you, stops, shuffles, stop... Quick to eat.
Regular cyclops - Shoots eye at your from a distance. Eye can be repelled with Frost crate to freeze other zombies. Slightly harder to eat.
Big Zombie - Chases you for a few seconds trying to bite you. Takes more bites to kill.
Demonic zombie - Continuous slow chasing.
Demonic Cyclops - Same as a regular cyclops, but the projectile is slightly faster. Takes longer to eat.
Demonic Big Zombie - Chases you longer and tougher to eat.
Evil Eye - Any contact with this creature damages you. Charges at you in a straight line. Will be invulnerable in rainbow run unless frozen or with unlock-able.

List of Unlockables in Flippin' Dead
Golden Crate - Releases golden zombies that are worth a lot of point once eaten.
Golden Clock - Golden Zombies add time bonus when eaten.
Life Crate - Restore a life.
Frost Crate - Freezes zombies on a blast.
Life Upgrade - You start with one more life.
Mega Points - Point Crates now give you x4 points.
Ghost Crate - Make you become an ethereal and freezing entity.
Golden Combo - Each Golden Zombie eaten in rainbow run is worth more than the pervious.
Protective Crown - Each time you take a hit you become invincible for a while.
Crowbar - Crates are easier to open.
Golden Magnet - When you eat a Golden zombie, humans are attracted to you.
Life Upgrade - You start with more life.
Sharp teeth - Zombies are easier to eat.
Speculum - The evil eye can no longer close itself.

Tips for Flippin' Dead
Remember if you pass close to a zombie, it'll flashes, warning you that the zombie is about to bite. Always, get out of sticky situations! You can also get a 15,000 point bonus if you clear all zombies on the screen in a rainbow run. Each life crate that you collect when you have full life is worth additional of 2,500 points.