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Grand Theft Auto V – Nuclear Waste Collectibles Guide

Looking to get all the achievements or trophies in Grand Theft Auto V? Then you’ll need to grab all the nuclear waste collectibles from oceans surrounding Los Santos. Finding all the barrels earns you the “Waste Management” bronze trophy or 15 point achievement. You can only start hunting for these barrels after you complete “The Merryweather Heist” and purchase the Sonar Collections Dock for $250,000. 

Finding all these collectibles will also get you in-game rewards, including $23,000 for each barrel and a $250,000 bonus after you find them all. Searching for these collectibles is also a great way to uncover the map. Ready to start? Use our guide to get to work!

Grand Theft Auto V – Nuclear Waste Collectibles Guide

Nuclear Waste #1

Find this barrel 83 feet below sea level, to the northwest of the Sonar Collections Dock.

Nuclear Waste #2

Off the coast of Paleto Bay, this barrel is waiting at 96 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #3

This barrel is in an underwater tunnel of the Paleto Bay coast, at 85 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #4

Go to the north coast above Great Coast Highway. The barrel is 122 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #5

Above the Great Coast Highway, find an underwater ravine. It’s down deep, at 443 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #6

At the north of the map, above the Great Coast Highway, find this barrel near the edge of an underwater drop-off at 432 feet deep.

Nuclear Waste #7

Above the Great Coast Highway, find this barrel on a underwater ledge in a ravine at 462 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #8

This barrel is on the same ledge as the above waste. It is further down, at 496 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #9

Find an underwater stone arch underwater in the area above the Great Coast Highway. It’s 97 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #10

In the same area as above, go just outside the stone arch to find the barrel. It is 70 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #11

Go off the east coast at Humane Labs. The barrel is 68 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #12

In the same area as above, by Humane Labs, find a barrel 68 feet deep.

Nuclear Waste #13

From the above barrel, go east. Find this barrel 113 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #14

Go to the Palomino Highlands and dive in off the east coast. The barrel is 55 feet down. Watch out for sharks in the area.

Nuclear Waste #15

Go southeast from the above barrel and look for this barrel at 465 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #16

Go into the coast south of Palomino Highlands. Find this waste on a small ledge that’s 351 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #17

Also south of Palomino Highlands, this barrel is only 153 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #18

This barrel is in the same area, on a rock formation. The formation is near the wing of a sunken airplane. It’s about 144 feet below.

Nuclear Waste #19

Go to the west coast at Del Perro. Find some old wooden pier supports and get the barrel 58 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #20

From the above waste, go north. Find this barrel 109 feet deep.

Nuclear Waste #21

This barrel is also off the coast of Del Perro. Find it at 210 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #22

Go to the coast off of Pacific Bluffs. This barrel is in some algae about 84 feet below.

Nuclear Waste #23

Off the west coast at Pacific Bluffs, find this barrel on an algae-covered rock at 62 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #24

This barrel is off the coast at Chumash.  It is in shallow water, about 30 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #25

Go to the coast west of Tongva Hills and find this barrel 84 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #26

Find the coast west of Fort Zancudo and search for the barrel at 82 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #27

Go to the northwest from the above barrel and find this waste in some weeds, 167 feet deep.

Nuclear Waste #28

From the above barrel, go north. This nuclear waste is in with a bunch of rocks. Find it 181 feet down.

Nuclear Waste #29

Go off the coast to the west of North Chumash. This barrel is in a ravine on a small ledge, 354 feet below sea level.

Nuclear Waste #30

This barrel is in the same area as the above waste, but you have to dive deeper to find it. Go all the way down to 477 feet and grab the waste before you are crushed by the pressure.