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Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark – Entrepreneur Logs Guide

The newest Transformers game, Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark, offers plenty of collectibles and lore to learn more about the game's universe. Some of the game's collectibles unlock trophies or achievements. The entrepreneur audio logs, found in chapter seven and nine, will unlock the Make it Rain 25 point achievement or silver trophy. Need help finding them all? Use our guide and unlock this achievement or trophy for yourself. 

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark

Getting Started

When you find one of the collectibles, the game will automatically save. This way, if you die or need to restart the chapter, you'll still have the collectible recorded. If you are only missing one or two collectibles, you can find them, grab them, and then quit the chapter without losing your progress. There are six entrepreneur audio logs total, five in chapter 7 and one in chapter 9. 

Chapter 7 – Infiltration

Log #1 

After the driving sequence that starts the chapter, don't go towards the doorway yet. Get off the road to the left and move forward until you find a small alcove. The log is to the left of the blocked tunnel entrance at the end of the highway. 

Log #2 

When you go into the room with toxic waterfalls, stick to the right wall and climb up the ramps to reach an upper storage room. To the left of the entrance, there is the log by the boxes.

Log #3

This one can be found off the main path. After you leave the toxic waterfalls, you'll come to a long hallway with enemies. On the left side of the hall, you can find the audio log. 

Log #4 

When you reach the room that has red lasers and generators, head to the barrier on the right wall. Go along the raised platform to find a glowing generator to disable above. Climb up the ramp where the red lasers were and go to the next ramp. Turn around by the railing to grab this log. 

Log #5

In the final area of the chapter, where an ally is trapped, the log is on one of the passages that is above the room. To get it, don’t jump down into the prison area right away. Instead, when you reach the viewing area, go down the right path and look behind a crate to grab the fifth audio log. 

Chapter 9 – Ascension

Log #6

The last log is in chapter 9. In the area where Optimus Prime needs to hack a terminal to open the doors, use the ramps on the back left wall to go up. Follow the hallway, avoiding the doorways and openings, until you find the last audio log.