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Grand Theft Auto V – Sea Races Guide

Grand Theft Auto V has plenty of races available for players to find around Los Santos, and some of them are even out in the great open ocean. Unlock them after you finish "Hood Safari". These races all use the Speedophile Seashark jet ski, so get one of these vehicles with any character and head to the race start. You won’t get any rewards for finishing these races, but you do need to win at least one in order to get the “Multi-Disciplined” trophy or achievement! 

Grand Theft Auto V (PS3, X360) Guide Screenshots

General Tips

Racing the water is obviously quite different from street racing and even off-road racing. Driving a jet ski requires some planning and skill. The waves will be your biggest challenge – you can use them to your advantage if you practice. Hitting a wave head-on can get you some big air, and you can use this to jump over obstacles like rocks and buoys. 

Don’t forget that you can use precision turning in these races. On the Xbox controller, hold RB and on the Playstation controller hold R1 while steering to get a sharper turn. This is very useful  for navigating around jetties for an advantage.

East Coast

This race starts on the east coast of the map, a little bit south of the Palmer-Taylor Power Station. There are 19 checkpoints in this race. If you need a Seashark, you can find one just west of the starting line. There are some people lounging on the beach who just left their jet ski unattended. 

North East Coast

This 30 checkpoint race is found on the north east coast, to the east of El Gordo Lighthouse. There’s not a handy jet ski around, so bring your own. The race is going to go south and make a loop around several landmasses, so use precision steering often.

Raton Canyon

This race is a straight shot to the finish line through the shallow Zancudo River. There’s 21 checkpoints to go through. You’ll need to use precision steering in a lot of narrow areas of the river. Watch out for rocks and rapids in order to take first.

Los Santos

This race actually takes place in the city. You’ll be racing through the flood control canals near Cypress Flats. There are 25 checkpoints total. These canals are pretty narrow so be careful on sharp turns and avoid hitting your opponents or the edges of the canal.