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Sacred 3 – Tips & Tricks Guide

The newest entry in the Sacred series heads in a bit of a different direction. Instead of a more RPG-based approach, Sacred 3 takes a new hack-and-slash direction. This can be a difficult adjustment for fans, but we've got you covered. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to get you started, whether this is your first foray into the Sacred games or you're a veteran of the series. 

Sacred 3


As you play through the game, you'll come across plenty of strong boss enemies. They can seem pretty tough – but don't worry, you can beat them! Each one has a special tactic that you'll need to learn in order to take them down. The most important thing is that you don't rush in blind. Take your time, study them from afar, and watch for their attacks. This way, you can safely dodge out of the way and counter attack. You can even watch for the right moment to use your special attacks.

Choose Your Class

There are currently four starting characters to choose from when starting up the game. You can choose Marak the Safiri Warrior, Vajra the Khukuri Archer, Claire the Seraphim Paladin, and Alithea the Ancarian Lancer. The archer is the best bet for long-range combat. The warrior is the best for pure strength. Consider your own personal play style before choosing. Remember, you can always take some time to experiment with each one before you settle in for a game, so don't feel like you have to decide right away. You want to make sure you're happy with your choice before you get ready to complete the game.


It can be tempting to just button mash. This may be fine against weak groups of basic enemies. However, this tactic won't work against large groups of strong enemies, and it definitely isn't a tactic for bosses! You also won't be able to take out shielded enemies with simple basic attacks. You'll need to know how to use combos in order to take down the big guys. The easiest way to combo is to chain together your smaller attacks into your special attacks. 

Group Up

Sure, you can play Sacred 3 solo. It's doable, and it's fun. No problem. But if you really want to get the most out of your game, group up! The game supports both local two-player co-op and online four-player co-op. Gather some friends and really get things going. This can be especially helpful if you find yourself stuck at a really challenging boss or a huge group of enemies. Just use teamwork to blow past the bad guys!

Secondary Missions

As you go through the main story, secondary missions will open up on the map. While these aren't part of the main story, you should definitely still completely them! They will give you great opportunities to get gold and loot, and you'll get chances to get more abilities for your character. Most of the side missions involve waves of enemies attacking you. You'll need to survive against many enemies. Try to hold out, and save your special attacks until the end, when the enemies get stronger and the waves get more intense. This way, you should be able to hold out and complete the side missions no problem!

Special Skills

No matter what class you are playing as, you'll have two special skills available. These are limited skills that have the ability to do a ton of damage. They are best reserved for situations where you are surrounded by enemies, or when you are in a boss battle. You can choose which special abilities you take with you after each stage, and you can buy new abilities from the shop. 

Choose your skill wisely. Use one that meshes with your own personal play style. Don't pick one just based on what is strongest – use one that you like best! You can always change them as you need to.

Treasure Hunting

Sure, you could just head to the main objective and be done. But Sacred 3 has an open map for a reason. There are treasure chests hidden all over. You can find gold, health orbs, and more goodies all over the place! This stuff is important so you can have stuff to sell for gold to buy skills and better equipment. It never hurts to explore. If you are playing solo, grab it all! If you are in a group, be courteous and leave some for your fellow adventurers. Either way, go treasure hunting!