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🎮 Assault Rifles

Assault Rifles

Here are the locations and methods for obtaining the various assault rifles found in the game.

M-8 Avenger: You’ll get this during the Prologue.

M-15 Vindicator: During the Priority: Mars mission, you’ll find this rifle tucked away in a small security room just off the main hallway as you approach the archive chamber.

M-96 Mattock: Found in the hallway with the red benches while doing the Grissom Academy: Investigation mission.

Phaeston: You’ll find this one in the Tuchanka: Turian Platoon mission. It’s found near the bodies of some dead Turians which you’ll come across after chasing off the Harvester.

M-76 Revenant: Found in a restroom during the Priority: Citadel mission. You’ll come across a Combat Engineer working on a latch. Go ahead and kill him, and then search the area behind him to find the restroom, before continuing on.

Geth Pulse Rifle: Found during the Priority: Perseus Veil mission. It’s sitting on a shelf in plain sight along your main path as you near the control room.

M-99 Saber: You’ll find this during the Priority: Horizon mission.

M-37 Falcon: You’ll find this during the Priority: Cerberus HQ mission.