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Deus Ex – Human Revolution: Hacking Tips

In Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, the hacking mini-game can be somewhat of a challenge. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of hacking.

Check out my other article for a complete guide on how to hack in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

  • Always save your game first. If you use a Stop Worm, or Nuke Virus and still aren’t successful on your hack, just restore your game and try again.
  • Before you start hacking nodes, make sure to take plenty of time to analyze the board and find the path you intend to take.
  • Try to get as far as you can into the hack without being detected, and choose the lowest value nodes first to help with this. If you are detected right away, back out and try again.
  • You never get fully locked out of any security system, so don’t worry about that “attempt” number, because once you are out of attempts, it just kicks you out for 30 seconds and the counter resets.
  • Try your best to capture the cube nodes for the most benefit from hacking, since they can give you bonus XP, credits, Stop Worms, and Nuke Viruses.
  • Defense, defense, defense. Always make sure to defend your nodes, especially the large value nodes, and most importantly the nodes on the path to your blue node.
  • Don’t forget that you can hack and defend multiple nodes at once.
  • Invest in Hacking: Fortify to slow down the system.
  • Invest in Hacking: Stealth to help you get farther into the hack without being detected.
  • Save your Stop Worms and Nuke Viruses for harder hacks, because they get much harder.. trust me