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Assassin’s Creed 3: How to Get Artisans

In Assassin’s Creed 3, artisans can help you get some nice weapons and upgrades in the game.

The down side to artisans though is that you have to do a ton of side quests, most of which you can’t go back to get if you missed. It is worth the effort, but will take a bit of work.

To get artisans, you just need to do side quests called Homestead missions, starting at Sequence 5 after you meet Achilles. These missions look like little houses on your map.

Each sequence has several Homestead missions, and you won’t be able to come back and get them if you miss them, which can also mess up the leveling of your artisans as well, so you always want to make sure that you complete all Homestead missions before you go to the next sequence.

Check out my other article if you want the complete list of the artisan Homestead missions by sequence.

Did you miss out on the pre-order exclusives for Assassin’s Creed 3? No worries, because you can purchase some of the exclusive DLC codes on Ebay