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Batman: Arkham Origins – How to Beat Deathstroke

In Batman: Arkham Origins, Deathstroke is one of the toughest fights you’ll have in the game (if not the most annoying).

Deathstroke has always been one of the best fighters in the DC Universe however, so this really should come as no surprise that he’s difficult.

If you’re having problems beating Deathstroke, then these tips should help you out.

How to Beat Deathstroke

Defense and Patience – You won’t get very far trying to take the offensive to Deathstroke. This is a long fight based on patience, defense, and counters.

Counter Everything – Beating Deathstroke means countering everything you can. Even some of his cinematic moves like grappling a barrel to you can be countered, so keep those thumbs ready.

Use Beatdowns – Your Beatdown opportunities will be the majority of the damage you do throughout the fight, so try not to miss them.

Grapple is Your Friend – Grappling can make this fight much quicker. Wait for Deathstroke to attack, counter his attack, then perform a Quick Graple (LT + Y on 360, L2 + Triangle on PS3) to get three or four more hits in. He will dodge your normal grapple, so don’t waste your time with it.